Communication exchange

Communication exchange in Romanian is not that simple to master, all the more so since Romanian is an inflection-rich language. In this lesson, you will learn how to ask for clarification in a communication exchange.

As usual, we begin with a bunch of useful words and phrases.



Mai tare=louder

Te rog/va rog=please






Vorbitor nativ=native speaker

Let us use some of the words above in meaningful, communicative patterns.

Puteti/poti vorbi putin mai tare, va/te rog?

Could you speak a little bit louder, please?

Incerc sa urmaresc tot ceea ce spuneti/spui.

I am trying to follow everything you say.

Sint englez. Am invatat Limba romana ca un strain.

I am English. I learned Romanian as a foreigner.

Ma uimiti. Vorbiti Romaneste ca un vorbitor nativ.

You’re amazing me. You speak Romanian like a native speaker.

Nu este suficient doar sa poti vorbi romaneste. Trebuie sa poti vorbi corect.

It’s not enough just to be able to speak Romanian. You need to speak correctly.

Puteti/poti repeta ceea ce ati spus?

Could you repeat what you’ve just said?

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!
