Complaining in Romanian

Making friends with a Romanian mature person might entail sharing some intimacy with that person. If you happen to be the parent of a child in her or his early teens, you cannot help complaining a little bit about them, in a conversation with your fellow Romanian. In this lesson, youll be exposed to the language of informal complaints in Romanian.

As usual, we start with several useful words and phrases:



In fata=in front of

In casa=indoors


Timp liber=spare time

A se juca=play

Verisor, verisoara=cousin

Prieten, prietena=friend

Adolescent, adolescenta=teenager


Now let us use some of the words in meaningful communicative patterns:

Baiatul meu de 12 ani isi petrece toate dupa-amiezele in fata computerului.

My 13-year old boy spends all his afternoons in front of the computer.

As fi vrut sa nu fi stat atit de mult in casa.

I wish he didnt spend so much time indoors.

La virsta lui, in timpul liber eu ma jucam cu verisoarele si cu prietenele mele.

When I was his age, in my spare time I used to play with my cousins and friends.

Fata mea este adolescenta. Indata ce vine de la scoala si pina noaptea tirziu, sta pe Facebook.

My daughter is a teenager. As soon as she comes home from school and until late at night, she is on Facebook.

As fi vrut sa ii placa sa citeasca.

I wish she liked reading.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!