Conversation warmers

Spoken language is flexible and dynamic. However, even a native speaker of Romanian cannot master the whole range of expressions and phrases used when you want to approach somebody, make friends or warm up the conversation with somebody you have just met. In this lesson you be presented with some of the most frequently used such phrases.

Here is a bunch of basic expressions:

Bine =Allright


Da, desigur!=Yes, of course!

Bineinteles ca nu!=Of course not!

Glumiti! =Youre joking! Formal

Glumesti! =Youre joking! Informal

Hows it going? =Cum sinteti?

Nici vorba! = No way!

Care este adresa ta de email? = What is you email address?

Iata adresa mea de email = Here is my email address

And here are some meaningful communicative patterns including some of the phrases above:

Ai vrea sa ne vedem mai tirziu la o cafea?

Da, desigur!

Would you like to join me later for a cup of coffee?

Yes, of course!

Din cauza unor probleme, va exista interdictia de a merge in oras dupa ora 10 pm.

Glumiti! Traim intr-un oras europan.

Because of some problems, there will be a curfew, which means we should not be outdoors after 10pm.

You’re joking!We live in a European city.

Cum sinteti ? Nu v-am mai vazut in parc in ultima vreme.

How’s it going? I haven’t seen you in the park lately.

Ati vrea sa aveti grija de catelul nostru cit sintem plecati in vacanta?

Nici vorba!

Would you like to look after our puppy while we’re away on holiday?

No way!

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!