Courtship in Romanian

Courtship is universal, but each and every language
has its own way of encoding courtship. In this lesson, you will learn how to
approach someone you care for, in the hopes that you can get closer to that
person, be they a man or a woman.

As usual, we begin with a bunch of usual words and

Cana de ceai=cup of tea


Go for a walk=a face o plimbare

Go out=a iesi in oras

Miercuri seara= Wednesday evening

Would you like( to)=Ai dori/vrea sa?

Saptamina aceasta=this week

Now let us use some of the words
above in meaningful, communicative patterns.

Ai dori sa servesti o cana de ceai?

Would you like to have a cup of tea?

Ai dori sa faci o plimbare in parc duminica?

Would you like to go out for a walk in the park on

Vrei sa iesim impreuna se servim un pahar de vin
miercuri seara?

Do you want to go out for a
glass of wine Wednesday evening?

Ai dori sa servim masa impreuna saptamina aceasta?

Would you like to have lunch together this week?

Poti sa-mi dai numarul tau de telefon, te rog?

Can I have your phone number please?

Thank you ALL for the interest
you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with
us. Good Bye! La revedere!