Family ties
If you make friends in Romania, and you’re invited to spend time with them, chances are that you’ll meet their families. Here are some basic family-related terms in Romanian.
As usual, we begin with a set of useful words and phrases:
Grandmother= bunica
Tata= father
Cumnat =brother-in-law
Now let us use the words in meaningful sentences:
Sint fericit ca provin dintr-o familie numeroasa.
I am happy I come from a large family.
Tot membrii familiei mele traiesc inca.
All the members of my family are still alive.
Bunica mea si bunicul meu sint casatoriti de 50 ani.
My grandmother and my grandfather have been married for 50 years.
Sora mea si sotul ei traiesc la Londra de 20 ani.
My sister and her husband have lived in London for 20 years.
Cumnatul meu are a slujba bine platita la Londra.
My brother-in-law has a well-paid job in London.
M-au invitat sa petrec Craciunul cu ei anul acesta.
They invited me to spend Christmas with them this year.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!