February 1st, 2015

It was still an exploit to find a vacant room in a hotel or a guest house in Romania, in 1990. twenty-five years on, things have changed for the better. You have a lot to choose from, if you feel like going places and visiting the country. Here is some basic vocabulary related to finding accommodation in Romania:

camera libera=available room



patura in plus=extra blanket


mai linistit=quieter


mai ieftin=cheaper

And now, here is a bunch of sentences including some of the words above:

Aveti camere libere?

Do you have any rooms available?

Cit costa o camera pentru o persoana?

How much is a room for one person?

Cit costa o camera pentru doua persoane?

How much s a room for two people?

Aveti asternuturi in camera?

Does the room come with bedsheets?

Esta camera prevazuta cu o patura in plus?

Does the room come with another blanket?

Exista televizor in camera?

Does the room come with a TV set?

Pot sa vad camera mai intii?

May I see the room first?

Aveti ceva mai linistit?

Do you have anything quieter?

Aveti ceva mai mare?

Do you have anything bigger?

Aveti ceva mai ieftin?

Do you have anything cheaper?

Bine. Iau camera

Okay. I’ll take the room.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!