Getting a Taxi

The hubbub of Romania’s capital city Bucharest is often spiced up by the thrill of getting a taxi, if you want to make it in time to a rather remote destination .Today you’ll be presented with the simplest way of getting a taxi in Bucharest.

As usual, we begin with some relevant words and phrases









Now let us use some of the words in meaningful sentences.

Bună ziua. As dori să comand un taxi la Universitate, Facultatea de Matematica.

Hello. I would like to order a taxi to the University, the Faculty of Mathematics.

Nu avem nici o masină disponibilă pentru această zonă.

I’m afraid we dont have any car available for this area.

Cum este posibil? Nici o masină pentru zona Universitătii?

How is it possible? No car available for the University area?

Pentru moment nu, ne pare rău. Numai dacă asteptati 10 minute.

No, for the time being, we are so sorry. Only if you wait for ten minutes.

Nu am timp. La revedere.

I dont have time. Good bye.

O secundă, să verific. Avem o masină disponibilă în 8 minute. Unde vreti să


Just a second, I want to check that. We have an available car in 8 minutes.

Where would you like to go?

La Piata Presei Libere.

To the Free Press Square

Numărul taxiului este 349.

The number of the taxi is 349.

Multumesc. Cât costă?

Thank you. How much does it cost?

20 de lei.

Twenty lei.

Vă multumesc.

Thank you.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!