If your stay in Romania turns out to be longer than planned, you’re sure to have made a couple of friends in capital city Bucharest, or elsewhere across Romania, since you must have been going places, visiting the country, making the most of your trips to the mountains or your holidays at the seaside.
Romanians still have a reputation for being hospitable and approachable, so some of your friends will by all means enjoy being invited to your place for dinner.
Here is some basic vocabulary you may use when you have guests for dinner:
Aperitiv= starters
Felul intii=main course
A pune masa=lay the table
A minca=eat
A servi=have
Supa de legume=vegetables soup
Smintina= sour cream
Pofta buna=enjoy your meal!/enjoy
And here are some meaningful communicative patterns you may also find useful:
Elena intră în bucătărie. Ea pregateste masa pentru prietenii ei, Dorina si Mihai.
Elena enters the kitchen. She prepares dinner for her friends, Dorina and Mihai.
Sint patru farfurii pe masa.
There are four plates on the table.
Elena pune masa.
Elena lays the table.
Ea pune mincarea in farfurii.
She puts the food on the plates.
Ca aperitiv, servim cascaval cu rosii si ardei.
For starters, we have pressed cheese with tomatoes and peppers.
La felul intii, servim supa de legume cu smintina.
For the main course, we have vegetables soup with sour cream.
Poftă bună!
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!