Household Items

This week we bring you a basic set of words denominating household items, in case you may wish to be able to find your bearings, if your stay in Romania turned out to be longer than planned.

Here is a series of useful words and expressions:










And here are some meaningful sentence, including some of the words above:

Acum doua saptamini, mi-am cumparat o biblioteca noua.

Two weeks ago I bought a new bookcase.

Scaunul pe care stai este foarte vechi.

The chair you’ re sitting on is very old.

A apartinut bunicii mele.

It belonged to my grandmother.

Ceasul acesta este mostenire de familie.

This clock is a family heritage.

Mi-am cumparat doua costume noi si zece camasi.

I bought two new suits and ten shirts.

Am nevoie de un dulap mai mare.

I need a bigger cupboard.

Nu uita sa stingi lumina cind iesi din casa.

Don’t forget to switch off the light when you leave the house/on your way out.

Mi-am uitat cheia la birou.

I forgot my key at the office.

Am auzit la radio ca miine va ploua.

I heard on the radio it would be raining tomorrow.

Fa-te comod pe canapea.

Make yourself comfortable on the sofa.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!