Human characteristics, January 18, 2015

Being able to express human characteristics in Romanian makes your conversation meaningful and more accurate. Today you will learn some basic vocabulary related to human characteristics.

Amuzant =amusing

Atent =careful

Batrin = old

Deprimat =depressed

Dezamagit = disappointed

Haios = funny

Lenes = lazy

Neplacut = nasty

Nervos = nervous

Neplacut = nasty

Rabdator = patient

Trist = sad

Here are several meaningful sentences including some of the words above:

Palaria de paie a lui Mihai este foarte amuzanta.

Mihai’s straw hat is very amusing.

Adela nu a luat examenul de Matematici speciale, si din aceasta cauza este foarte deprimata.

Adina failed in the special Mathematics exam, so she is very depressed.

Cu camasa lui galbena si cu sandalele roz, George este intr-adevar foarte haios.

With his yellow shirt and pink sandals, George is indeed very funny.

Mihaela si Daniel s-au despartit recent, iar Daniel este foarte trist din aceasta cauza.

Mihaela and Daniel have broken up recently, and Daniel is very sad because of that.

Andrei asteapta rezultatul de la examenul de admitere la engleza, si este foate nervos din cauza aceasta.

Andrei is waiting for the results in the English entrance exam, and is very nervous because of that.

Marian nu s-a mai antrenat la sala in ultimele trei luni. A devenit un pic cam lenes si s-a cam ingrasat.

Marian has stopped going to the gym in the last three months. He has become a little bit lazy and put on a bit of weight.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Bye for now!