Landmarks of historical Bucharest

In French, it is
called l’embarras du choix, which means you’re spoilt for choice. Historical
Bucharest is an obvious example of that, since you may find it difficult to choose
a fine location to introduce to our listeners. Our choice today is Parcul
Carol, the Carol Park.

As usual, we
begin with a series of useful words and phrases:

a amenaja=lay
out set up

a inaugura=




peisagist=landscape architect


Now here are
some meaningful sentences including part of the words and phrases above:

Parcul Carol a
fost amenajat intre anii 1900-1096.

The Carol Park
was laid out between the years 1900 and 1906.

Parcul a fost
inaugurat in 1906, pentru a sarbatori domnia de patru decenii a Regelui Carol

The park was inaugurated
in 1906, to celebrate the four-decade reign of King Carol 1st.

Pentru constructia parcului, s-au folosit
planurile arhitectului peisagist francez Eduard Redont.

The plans drawn
out by the French landscape architect Eduard Redont were used for the
construction of the park.

Lucrarile la terasament au inceput la data de 15
iunie 2015.

Embankment works
began on June 15, 1905.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye!