Let’s do the talking

Speaking is the most creative level of the language continuum, so if you want to go deeper into learning Romanian, mastering some of the informal speech patterns is crucial, since being able to strike up a conversation using authentic speech might bring lots of friends around you.

Here ar some of the most habitual words and expressions:

Bine =Allright


Da, desigur!=Yes, of course!

Bineinteles ca nu!=Of course not!

Glumiti! =Youre joking! Formal

Glumesti! =Youre joking! Informal

Hows it going? =Cum sinteti?

Nici vorba! = No way!

And here are several meaningful sentences, including some of the words and expressions above:

Vrei sa vii miine dimineata cu mine la sala de gimnastica?


Would you like to join me to the gymn tomorrow morning?


Ai vrea sa sa ma ajuti in gradina in dupa-amiaza aceasta?

Da, desigur!

Would you like to help me in the garden this afernoon?

Yes, of course!

Te-as ruga sa vii la birou duminica aceasta. Ai vrea sa vii?

Bineinteles ca nu!

I should like you come to the office this coming Sunday. Would you like to come?

Of course not!

Cineva mi-a furat portofelul asa ca am neaparata nevoie de bani. De fapt, as avea nevoie de 600 dolari.


Somebody stole my wallet, so I am dire need of money. Actually, I need 600 dollars!

You’re joking!

Care este adresa ta de email?

What is your email address?

Iata adresa mea de email.

Here is my email address.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!