This installment addresses music lovers and not only as anyone can encounter a situation where they might need to talk and know a couple of things about music and artists.
Let’s first have a look at a few words.
Music – Muzica
Composer – Compozitor
Music lover – Meloman
Concert – Concert
An Aria – O arie
A symphony — O simfonie
Pop Music — Muzica Usoara
Singer songwriter – Cantautor
A hit — Un slagar
Now let’s combine these words into some phrases:
Nu sunt pasionat de muzica populara. Traditional music is not exactly my cup of tea.
Imi place muzica simfonica — I am more into classical music
Acesta este compozitorul meu favorit – This is my favourite composer
In seara asta vom merge la concert — Tonight we’ll go to a concert
Aceasta arie celebra apartine lui Mozart — This famous aria belongs to Mozart.
Acum ascultam o sinfonie pentru violoncel si orchestra — Now we are listening to a symphony for cello and orchestra
Muzica usoara este foarte placuta — Pop music is very pleasant
Acest cantautor are multe slagare in repertoriul sau — This singer songwriter has many hits in his repertoire.
Hoping that we’ve helped you to improve your survival Romanian we’ll take our leave of you now. Until next week, it’s good bye. La revedere!