For those of you who want to take your command of Romanian further than the simple survival level, and want to study Romanian literature, we prepared some literary terms that might help you approach the study of modern and, why not, contemporary Romanian literature.
Here is a set of useful words and phrases:
Curent literar=literary trend
Gen literar=literary genre
Punct culminant=Climax
Punct de vedere=point of view
Voce auctoriala=authorial voice
Now let us use some of the words in meaningful sentences:
In Romania, avangarda literara include multi pictori si scriitori de autentica talie europeana.
In Romania, the literary avant-garde includes many painters and writers of a truly European standing.
Curentele literare ne ajuta sa intelegem mai bine o serie de romane, piese de teatru sau poezii.
Literary trends help us better understand novel, plays or poems.
Punctul culminant al unui roman este diferit de punctul culminant al unei piese de teatru sau de punctul culminant al unei povestiri.
The climax of a novel is different from the climax of a play, or from the climax of a short story.
Un gen literar are o serie de trasaturi specifice, ce se studiaza in cadrul cursului de teorie literara.
A literary genre has a series of specific characteristics, which are being studied as part of a course in Literary Theory.
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