Making an inference in Romanian using the word daca/if, or simply using daca/if in order to express wishes, which basically corresponds to the well-known if clauses in English will improve your capacity to strike up a conversation in Romanian and elaborate on more complex conversation patterns. In this lesson you will be presented with some most frequently used sentences introduced by if.
As usual, we begin with a series of useful words and expressions:
A se prezenta=turn up /show up
Gasi= find
In alta parte=elsewhere
A avea grija de=to take care of
A se hotari=make up one’s mind
Now let us use some of the words in meaningful, communicative patterns:
Daca as putea sa te ajut, as face-o fara nici cea mai mica ezitare.
If I could help you I would do it without the slightest hesitation.
Daca nu vrea sa se prezinte la interviu, inseamna ca si-a gasit deja un servici in alta parte.
If he doesn’t want to show up for the interview, it means he has already found a job elsewhere.
Daca ai avea mai multa grija de tine, starea ta de sanatate s-ar imbunatati foarte mult.
If you took care more of yourself, your condition will improve very much.
Daca nu ti-a raspuns la mesajul email pina acum, inseamna ca nu s-a hotarit inca daca trebuie sa accepte oferta ta.
If he hasn’t answered your email so far, it means he has not yet made up his mind as to whether he should accept your offer.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!