If Romania and the Romanians have grown into something of interest for you, if you have been keen on taking your command of the language beyond survival, basic level, then you might as well sport striking up a conversation about music and musical instruments in Romanian.
Here is a bunch of words and phrases expressing music instruments:
a cinta=sing
a cinta la un instrument=play an instrument
muzica de jazz=jazz music
muzica clasica=classical music
And here are some meaningful sentences including some of the words above: Fratele meu cinta la acordeon de la virsta de sase ani.
My brother has been playing the accordion ever since he was six.
Imi place jazzul/muzica de jazz din vremea cind eram adolescent.
I like jazz/jazz music ever since I was a teenager.
Unchiul meu cinta la saxofon cind era tinar.
My uncle used to play the saxophone when he was young.
Trompeta este unul dintre instrumentele mele favorite.
Trumpet is one of my favorite instruments.
La virsta de sase ani, am incercat sa invat sa cint la vioara.
When I was six, I tried to take violin lessons.
Cintatul la vioara mi s-a parut foarte greu.
I found playing the violin very difficult.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!