If there’s any language area where Romanian and English are most different from one another, that is the use of the prepositions or of the adverbs turned prepositions.
Today we continue our series focusing on linking devices in Romanian, from the simple to the more complex ones.
As usual, we start with several useful words and phrases:
de la = from
pina la= to
deasupra= over
din cauza= because of
in spatele= behind
Now let us use some of the words in meaningful communicative patterns:
Am facut o calatorie cu trenul de la Bucuresti la Timisoara. A fost o calatorie obositoare.
I travelled by train from Bucuresti to Timisoara. It was an exhausting journey.
Trei mii de oameni s-au strins in Piata Universitatii din Bucuresti, pentru a scanda lozinci impotriva guvernului.
Three thousand people gathered in University Square in Bucharest, to shout slogans against the government.
Din cauza preturilor ridicate, foarte putini tineri isi pot permite o casa in Romania de astazi.
Because of the high prices, very few young people can afford a house of their own in today’s Romania.
In spatele casei tatal meu a creat o gradina foarte frumoasa.
Behind the house, my father created a very beautiful garden.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!