Romanian Grammar

Romanian is unanimously viewed as a difficult language, by foreign speakers. And that, mainly because of its rich inflection paradigms. It’s about time you took a fresh take of Romanian grammar. Good old Grammar, as they say…Prepositions are a special area of study in Romanian morphology, mainly because, in terms of structure and usage, they are very different from the English prepositions and prepositional phrases. Today we deal with some of the prepositions that require the genitive in Romanian.

Here are some useful words and expressions:

Asupra=about, regarding


de la începutul=in the beginning

de la mijlocul=in the middle

de la sfârşitul=in the end

de-a lungul=along

Some of the words and expressions are used in the sentences below:

Discuţia asupra metodelor de analiza a durat aproximativ trei ore.

The discussion regarding the analysis methods lasted for about three hours.

Argumentele pe care decanul le-a adus impotriva ideilor mele nu au fost


The arguments the dean brought against my ideas were not convincing.

Soloul de chitara de la începutul concertului a fost plicticos.

The solo guitar part in the beginning of the concert was boring.

Scena de la mijlocul actului trei m-a impresionat foarte mult.

The scene in the middle of the 3rd act impressed me a lot.

Liedul de la sfârşitul recitalului a fost minunat.

The lieder at the end of the recital was wonderful.

Am mers de-a lungul tarmului.

We walked along the sea shore.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!