Romanian Without tears October 12, 2014

Foreign language learning methods have changed dramatically in recent years, with some of the pundits even advocating the idea of completely doing away with grammar rules and focusing on genuine, authentic communication. However, we thought it was about time for you to get to grips with some grammar. Good old grammar, as they say. A satisfactory command of adverbial usage is important in Romanian, if you want to get your message across to your interlocutor.

acum = now

aici = here

acolo = there

ieri = yesterday

alaltăieri = the day before yesterday

astăzi (azi) = today

mâine = tomorrow

poimâine = the day after tomorrow

mereu /întotdeauna = always

niciodată = never

uneori = sometimes

în fiecare zi = every day

în fiecare dimineată = every morning

în fiecare seară = every evening

acum 3 zile (cu 3 zile în urmă) = three days ago

săptămâna aceasta (asta) = this week

anul acesta (ăsta) = this year

săptămâna trecută = last week

anul trecut = last year

săptămâna viitoare / următoare = next week

anul viitor / următor = next year

Now let us use some of the words and phrases in meaningful sentences:

Acum am de scris un email

I have to write an email now.

In fiecare dimineata alerg 30 minute.

Every morning I go jogging for thirty minutes.

Last week I went to the mountains with my brother.

Saptamina trecuta am fost cu fratele meu la munte.

Last week I went to the mountains with my brother.

Poimiine o voi vizita pe matusa mea din Timisoara.

The day after tomorrow I will visit my aunt in Timisoara.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye!