Romania’s roads

For quite a few years now, the printed as well as the social media in Romania have been the whistleblowers as regards the country’s poor road infrastructure. Today you will learn some of the road-related words.

As usual, we begin with a bunch of new words and phrases:






drum national=national road

drum judetean=county road


trecere de pietoni=pedestrian crossing

semafor=traffic light

a conduce=drive

a merge pe jos=walk


sens unic=one-way

Now let us use some of the words and phrases in meaningful, communicative patterns:

The totality of roads is called infrastructure.

Totalitatea drumurilor se numeste infrastructura.

I have to find this street.

Trebuie sa gasesc strada aceasta.

I parked my car on an alley.

Mi-am parcat masina pe o alee.

They are building a new motorway.

Se construieste o noua autostrada.

National roads are wider than county roads.

Drumurile nationale sunt mai late decat drumurile judetene.

Motorways have no sidewalks.

Autostrazile nu au trotuare.

The intersection is equipped with traffic lights.

Intersectia este dotata cu semafoare.

Walking is cheaper than driving.

Mersul pe jos este mai ieftin decat condusul.

This is a one-way street.

Aceasta este o strada cu sens unic.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!