There are loads of contexts and situations where your survival Romanian proves crucial, if, let’s say,’ you’ve been invited over to a restaurant or a party and you need to mingle, or simply ask for directions. Here are some of the words you need to know.
Let us use some of the words and phrases in meaningful conversational exchanges.
Doreşti cafea?
Do you want some coffee?
Nu, mulţumesc. Aş dori un ceai.
No, thank you. I would like some tea.
Spuneţi-mi, vă rog, unde este toaleta?
Could you tell me, please, where is the toilet?
Toaleta este acolo.
The toilet is over there.
Spuneţi-mi, vă rog, unde este baia?
Could you tell me, please, where is the bathroom?
Baia este acolo.
The bathroom is over there.
Iţi place cafeaua?
Do you like coffee?
Da, foarte mult.
Yes, very much.
Îţi place vinul? Do you like the wine?
Da, îmi place.
Yes, I like it.
Îţi place brînza? Do you like cheese?
Nu, nu-mi place. No, I do not like it.
Pot să servesc nişte friptură?
Can I have some steak?
Da, poftim.
Yes, here it is.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!