Temporal expressions in Romanian make a very broad spectrum. Getting such expressions right and mastering them allows you to make your communication more accurate in Romanian. In this lesson you will learn how to correctly use such phrases.
As usual, we begin with a series of basic expressions:
O data la doua zile=once in two days
Cu citava vreme in urma= sometime ago
Ieri =yesterday
Alaltaieri=the day before yesterday
Cu multa vreme in urma= a long time ago
In trecut=in the past
In trecutul indepartat=in the distant past
Now let us use some of these expressions in meaningful, communicative patterns:
O data la doua zile, ies in parc pentru jogging.
Once in two days I go out jogging in the park.
Cu citava vreme in urma, fratele meu mergea la sala de forta, pentru antrenamente zilnice.
Sometime ago, my brother used to go to the gym for his daily training sessions.
Ieri, tot orasul era plin de biciclisti care militau pentru o capital europeana curata.
Yesterday, the whole city was full of cyclists who were cycling for a clean European capital.
Fratele meu doreste sa-si imbunatateasca franceza rapid, asa ca ia lectii particulare zilnic.
My brother wants to improve his French rapidly, so he takes private lessons daily.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!