The macrocosm

Today we invite you to discover or rediscover an interesting field of activity, namely astronomy. I don’t know about you but I’ve always been fascinated by stars, planets nebulas…you know, the macrocosm. While I was a kid I was very fond of a TV series about our universe hosted by American astronomer Carl Sagan.

Now I invite you to have a look at some words and expressions;

Planet Earth — Planeta Pamant

Star — Stea

Asteroid — Asteroid

The Moon — Luna

The Sun — Soarele

Telescope — Telescop

Astronomy — Astronomie

Meteorite — Meteorit

Star cluster — Roi de stele

Galaxy — Galaxie

Nebula – Nebuloasa

Now let’s put these words into phrases.

Our solar system comprises nine planets. Sistemul nostru solar are noua planete.

There are billions of stars in the universe — Sunt miliarde de stele in univers.

The Helix Nebula is one of the best-known nebulas in the universe. – Nebuloasa Helix este una dintre cele mai cunoscute in univers.

The asteroid belt is between the orbits of planet Mars and Jupiter. – Centura de asteroizi se afla intre orbitele planetelor Marte si Jupiter.

There is no life on Mars. — Nu exista viata pe Marte.