This year summer is very reluctant to set in in Romania and so far it has been unseasonably cold throughout the country. Today we’ll help you strike up a conversation about the weather, which should definitely make sense these days, when traveling to the seaside to enjoy the summer sun is just wishful thinking.
As usual, we begin with a couple of words and phrases:
Schimbator, schimbatoare=changing
Ploi abundente=heavy rainfalls
Pe tot cuprinsul tarii=all over the country
Cer inchis=overcast skies
A se imbunatati= to improve, to get better
Now let us use some of the words and phrases in meaningful sentences.
Vremea este schimbatoare de mai bine de o luna.
The weather has been changing for more than a month now.
Ploi abundente s-au inregistrat pe tot cuprinsul tarii.
Heavy rainfalls have been reported al over the country.
Cerul este inchis, iar in zonele montane s-a inregistrat grindina.
The sky is overcast, and hailstorm has been reported for the mountain regions.
Maximele de astazi se situeaza intre 19 si 27 grade Celsius.
The highs of the day range from 19 to 27 degrees Celsius.
Sa speram ca vremea se va imbunatati in Romania
Let us hope weather will be getting better in Romania.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!