What Do We Travel By?

Despite the economic crisis which is still ongoing in Romania, the country is recovering and is even making progress in various respects. These days, you can reach every spot you may feel like visiting across the country using a wide range of transport means.

Here are some words and useful phrases.

Cu masina= by car

Cu autobuzul= by bus

Cu troleibuzul= by trolley bus.

Cu trenul=by train.

Cu avionul=by plane

Cu vaporul=by ship

Pe jos= on foot






Let us now use some of the words in sentences.

De ce iti pace sa mergi cu masina?

Why do you like traveling by car?

Pentru ca este mai comod.

Because it is more comfortable

Cind mergem cu avionul, ajungem repede, dar nu vedem nimic..

When we travel by plane, we reach our destination quickly, but we don’t’ get round to seeing anything.

Orasele si satele,muntii si apele, apar o clipa si dispar.

Cities and the villages, mountains and waters appear for an instant and then disappear.

Daca, insa, mergem cu masina, putm sa vedem ce vrem.

But if we travel by car we can see whatever we want to see.

Putem opri si cobori unde ne place.

We can stop and get off wherever we like.

Putem sa stam in natura, sau sa facem cumparaturi intr-un oras.

We can stay in the middle of nature, or we can do our shopping in a city.

Cind mergem pe jos, vedem mute, dar ajungem incet.

When we go on foot, we see a lot of things, but we reached our destination slowly.