Expressing likes and dislikes, but also expressing wishes in a foreign language, accurately and fluently, may help you carry on with a conversation in Romanian.
The “what would you do if…” game is frequently used in a foreign language speaking class, so today we’ll be exploring the pattern, encouraging you to feel free and speak in Romanian.
As usual, we begin with a series of useful words and phrases.
Teatru =theatre
Cinci mii= five thousand
Mai devreme=earlier
Vacanta de vara=summer vacation
Zi libera=a day off
A sta= to stay
A sta acasa=to stay at home
Now let use some of the words and expressions in wh-open questions:
Ce ai face daca ai iesi mai devreme de la servici astazi?
What would you do if you finished work earlier today?
As merge la teatru.
I would go to the theatre.
Ce ai face daca ai avea cinci mii euro?
What would you do if you had five thousand Euro?
Mi-as cumpara o masina.
I would buy a car.
Ce ai face daca vacanta ta de vara ar fi mai lunga?
What would you do if your summer vacation were longer?
As merge in Grecia.
I would go to Greece.
Ce ai face daca seful ti-ar acorda o zi libera lunea urmatoare?
What would you do if your boss gave you a day off next Monday?
As vrea sa stau acasa.
I would like to stay at home.
So if your likes include learning Romanian, feel free to express your wishes in that language. Best of luck!