New restrictions looming in Romania

The Romanian authorities will impose new restrictions as of Monday, November 9, in an attempt to limit the spread of the new coronavirus pandemic, given the alarming surge in the number of new cases in Romania, just like in other European states. Therefore, the protective mask will be compulsory across Romania for everyone over the age of 5, in all open or enclosed public spaces. Public institutions as well as state-owned and private companies have to organize their activity in the teleworking or work-from-home system with a view to avoiding crowding in the means of transport.

Where possible, the working schedule will be adapted so as to maintain a distance of at least 2 hours between employees. Also, in all localities, teaching activities that involve the physical presence of pre-school and school pupils in the classroom will move online. People will be forbidden to leave their houses between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. except for those who go to work or have medical emergencies, who take care of children or assist old people or people with disabilities, or who need to organize funerals in their family. Also banned are the meetings usually held for various holidays or anniversaries and the parties in open and enclosed areas.

Activity of markets or fairs in enclosed spaces is also suspended. Still operating will be the open-air public agrifood markets, with the obligation to observe the norms of health protection. Traders are allowed to operate between 5 a.m. and 9 p.m. except for pharmacies, gas stations and catering companies.

The PM Ludovic Orban has called on the authorities to strictly apply the announced measures: “I’m calling on all ministers and institution leaders to act firmly and commit to implementing these measures, because it is critical for institutions to get mobilized and set an example.”

The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has in turn explained to the population why these measures have been taken: “We are certainly willing to control the spread of the pandemic while trying to give doctors the chance to treat serious cases in hospitals. We also want economic activities to continue, that is why we are taking measures for the people to be protected and for the economy to function. We also want the Romanian citizens to carry on with their normal lives, but we are not currently experiencing normal conditions, we are in the middle of a pandemic and need to be very aware of that.”

The opposition Social Democratic Party has called for the application of the European model in education, that is safe and open schools. (tr. L. Simion)