Tag: Astra Giurgiu

  • Fotbalul românesc în 2017

    Fotbalul românesc în 2017

    Pentru fotbalul românesc, anul care tocmai
    s-a încheiat nu a fost unul dintre cei mai buni, mai ales la nivelul echipei
    naţionale. Cât priveşte echipele de club, din nou, doar o echipă a reuşit să încheie
    anul rămânând în competiţiile europene, şi anume FCSB, fostă Steaua Bucureşti.
    Să parcurgem însă anul pas cu pas.

    Echipa reprezentativă a României a intrat
    în anul 2017 pe locul 4 în grupa E a calificărilor pentru Cupa Mondială care
    urmează a fi găzduită, în vară, de Rusia. Primul joc oficial al anului a avut
    loc la Bucureşti. Pe 26 martie, tricolorii au întâlnit Danemarca, la Cluj, şi
    aveau mare nevoie de o victorie pentru a reintra în cărţile calificării.
    Partida s‑a încheiat la egalitate, 0 la 0, iar România a rămas pe locul 4, la
    egalitate de puncte cu Armenia.

    Speranţele tricolorilor s-au îndreptat apoi
    către jocul din luna iunie, cu Polonia. La Varşovia, vedeta poloneză Robert
    Lewandowski şi-a confirmat însă statutul şi valoarea, înscriind de trei ori în
    poarta echipei României. Polonia a fost superioară la toate capitolele, a jucat
    pragmatic, atent, ştiind să profite de greşelile apărării române. Pentru
    tricolori a marcat Bogdan Stancu, iar Naţionala a rămas pe locul 4. Şansele de
    calificare deveneau microscopice.

    După jocurile din septembrie, România a
    pierdut orice speranţă de a ajunge la Cupa Mondială. După ce a trecut, la
    Bucureşti, de Armenia, cu 1-0, selecţionata condusă de germanul Cristoph Daum a
    pierdut, în deplasare, la Muntenegru, tot cu 1-0, iar următoarele jocuri din
    grupă au mai contat doar pentru palmares.

    La mijlocul lunii septembrie, Cosmin Contra
    a fost numit antrenor al echipei României. În luna octombrie, tricolorii au învins
    Kazahstanul, la Ploieşti, cu 3 la 1, apoi au remizat cu Danemarca, la
    Copenhaga, scor: 1 la 1. Reprezentativa română a încheiat preliminariile Cupei
    Mondiale pe locul 4 în grupa E, una dintre cele mai slabe clasări ale
    tricolorilor din toate timpurile. Polonia a mers direct la Mondiale, iar
    Danemarca, în jocurile de baraj. Pe locul 3 s-a situat Muntenegru, pe locul 5 -
    Armenia, iar pe 6, Kazahstanul.

    Dintre echipele de club, doar Astra a prins
    debutul de an în competiţiile europene. Gruparea din Giurgiu a evoluat, în
    februarie, în 16-imile de finală ale Ligii Europa, dar a fost eliminată de
    echipa belgiană Genk, după 2-2 acasă şi 0 la 1 în deplasare.

    În campionatul intern, performera sezonului
    2016 – 2017 a fost echipa Viitorul Constanţa. Formaţia patronată şi antrenată
    de Gheorghe Hagi a reuşit să câştige în premieră campionatul Ligii Întâi, după ce a terminat
    faza play-off la egalitate de puncte cu FCSB. Departajarea s-a făcut în urma
    rezultatelor directe din play-off, favorabile constănţenilor. Cupa României a
    fost câştigată de FC Voluntari, care a trecut în finală de Astra, cu 6 la 4,
    după prelungiri şi executarea loviturilor de departajare de la 11 metri. La
    capătul primelor 90 de minute, scorul era egal, 1 la 1. Formaţia din Voluntari
    s‑a impus şi în Supercupă, în iulie, după ce a trecut cu 1-0 de Viitorul.

    Astfel, în competiţiile europene
    intercluburi, România a fost reprezentată de cinci echipe. Viitorul şi FCSB au
    mers în preliminariile Ligii Campionilor, iar Astra Giurgiu, Dinamo Bucureşti
    şi CS Universitatea Craiova, în calificările pentru Liga Europa.

    FCSB şi Viitorul au intrat direct în turul
    trei preliminar al Ligii Campionilor. Bucureştenii au întâlnit echipa cehă
    Viktoria Plzen, de care au trecut, după 2-2 acasă şi 4-1 în deplasare. În
    play-off însă, elevii antrenorului Nicolae Dică s-au intâlnit cu Sporting
    Lisabona. În Portugalia, scorul a fost egal, 0-0. La Bucureşti însă, lusitanii
    s-au impus categoric, cu 5 la 1, iar FCSB a mers către grupele Europa League.

    Echipa Viitorul Constanţa a fost eliminată
    din Liga Campionilor încă de la debut. În turul trei preliminar, formaţia lui
    Hagi a jucat cu APOEL Nicosia. La Ovidiu, românii s‑au impus cu 1-0. În Cipru,
    dupa primele 90 de minute, scorul era 1-0 pentru APOEL. În prelungiri însă,
    gazdele au marcat de încă trei ori şi au trecut mai departe, iar Viitorul a ajuns în play-off-ul Ligii Europa. Acolo,
    s-a oprit în faţa austriecilor de la Red Bull Salzburg, după 1 la 3 acasă şi 0
    la 4 în deplasare.

    Astra Giurgiu a intrat în Liga Europa pe
    uşa turului doi preliminar. A trecut de Zira, din Azerbaidjan, după 3-1 pe
    teren propriu şi 0-0 în deplasare. În turul trei preliminar însă, echipa română
    a fost oprită de ucrainenii de la Oleksandria, dupa 0-0 la Giurgiu şi 0 la 1 în
    deplasare. În aceeaşi fază s-au oprit şi celelalte două echipe române: Dinamo şi
    Craiova. Bucureştenii au fost depăşiţi de Athletic Bilbao, după 1-1 acasă şi
    0-3 în deplasare, iar Craiova a fost eliminată de AC Milan, după 0-1 în Bănie
    şi 0 la 2 pe San Siro.

    În faza grupelor Ligii Europa, FCSB a
    început în forţă, cu 3 victorii: 3-0, acasă, cu Plzen, apoi 2-1, în deplasare,
    cu elveţienii de la Lugano şi 2-1, în Israel, cu Hapoel Beer-Sheva. A urmat un
    egal, pe teren propriu, cu Hapoel, care le-a asigurat românilor calificarea în
    primăvara europeană. Din păcate, FCSB a cedat în ultimele două partide, cu 0-2
    la Plzen şi cu 1-2, acasă, cu Lugano, pierzând primul loc în grupa G. Intrând
    la tragerea la sorţi fără a fi favorită, vicecampioana României a primit ca
    adversar, în 16‑imile Ligii Europa, echipa italiană Lazio, pe care o va
    întâlni, într-o dublă manşă, în februarie.

  • Debakel für rumänische Fußballklubs in Europa

    Debakel für rumänische Fußballklubs in Europa

    In der Champions League kam nur der FCSB weiter – der Klub war früher bekannt als Steaua Bukarest, musste aber aus juristischen Gründen umgetauft werden. Den Bukarester gelang es, sich für die Play-off-Runde der CL zu qualifizieren, nachdem es vor einer Woche auf eigenem Platz gegen Viktoria Plzen gerade mal für ein 2-2 reichte. Die Tschechen waren klare Favoriten, doch der FCSB setzte sich in Pilsen überraschenderweise mit 4 zu 1 durch und steht jetzt wie gesagt im Play-off. Das Team unter Trainer Nicolae Dică, früher selbst ein Star bei Steaua, schaffte ein gutes Spiel und steht nun vor dem letzten Test für die CL, der reichsten Klubmeisterschaft in Europa. Auf der Bukarester Seite fiel besonders intensiv ins Gewicht, dass sie erfahrene Spieler vom finanziell nicht ganz so starken früheren Landesmeister Astra Giurgiu wie den einheimischen Denis Alibec oder die Portugiesen Filipe Teixeira und Junior Morais kaufen konnten. Trainer Nicolae Dică gratulierte den Spielern und sagte, dass sie Charakter gezeigt haben. Es war gerade diese Spielerfahrung, die dem amtierenden Landesmeister Viitorul Constanţa fehlte. Die Fu‎ßballer vom Schwarzen Meer wähnten sich wohl in Sicherheit, nachdem sie im Hinspiel vor eigenem Publikum 1-0 gegen APOEL Nicosia aus Zypern gewannen. In der Rückrunde verlor das Team von Ex-Weltstar Gheorghe Hagi jedoch 0 zu 4. APOEL, wo viele altgediente Veteranen spielen, erwies sich als zu harte Nuss für die noch sehr jungen Spieler von Viitorul. Doch der Klub aus Constanţa bleibt im Rennen für eine Qualifizierung in der Europa League.

    Au‎ßer Viitorul ist keine einzige rumänische Mannschaft mehr dabei in der Europa League. Drei von ihnen gingen nach der letzten RUnde packen. Dinamo Bukarest unterlag 0 – 3 in Bilbao gegen Athletic, das Hinspiel endete 1-1. Universitatea Craiova verlor 0-2 auf dem Stadio San Siro gegen den AC Mailand, nachdem die Italiener sich auch im Hinspiel 1-0 durchsetzten. Und Astra Giurgiu unterlag 0-1 gegen den ukrainischen FK Oleksandria, nach einem 0-0 in Giurgiu vor einer Woche. Das Aus für Astra war quasi eine Überraschung, doch der Klub hatte mehr als die Hälfte der Spieler veräu‎ßert, mit dem er in der letzten Saison in den europäischen Pokalmeisterschaften mitgemischt hatte. Dinamo und Universitatea Craiova sind von ihrem Formhoch von vor 30 Jahren meilenweit entfernt und können starken Clubs nicht mehr das Wasser reichen, ihr Scheitern war sozusagen vorprogrammiert.

  • 21 July, 2017

    21 July, 2017

    MOLDOVA – The
    Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip has thanked Romania for the constant
    support this country has provided to the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet
    state with a predominantly Romanian-speaking population. He made the statement
    after meeting in Chisinau his Romanian counterpart Mihai Tudose, with whom he
    discussed means of boosting bilateral cooperation. The agenda of the Romanian
    PM’s visit does not include a meeting with the pro-Russia socialist president
    Igor Dodon. The visit to Chisinau is Tudose’s second official visit as prime
    minister after his investiture in mid June. Last week he paid a visit to
    Brussels, where he told EU officials that Romania bears a huge responsibility
    with regard to safeguarding Moldova’s pro-European path.

    – In a communiqué issued on Friday, the Romanian Defense Ministry has announced
    that Saber Guardian 17, the largest military exercise ever held in Romania has
    reached its end. Saber Guardian 17 unfolded simultaneously on Romanian, Bulgarian
    and Hungarian soil, following a fictional scenario involving the participation
    of 25,000 military and some 3,000 pieces of equipment, including 90
    fire-fighters and carriers. According to the scenario, they carried out
    operations to free part of a territory occupied by a hostile force. Previously,
    the Foreign Ministry too had hailed Romania’s hosting this exercise led by the
    US Army Europe, saying the exercise was firm evidence of solidarity and
    confirmation of the strength of the trans-Atlantic alliance and of the
    strategic partnership between Romania and the US, which started 20 years ago.

    – The Romanian Government has changed the procedure of granting
    non-reimbursable funding for activities carried out by Romanians outside the
    country’s borders. According to the Government, besides improving and rendering
    the funding system more flexible, funds will also be available for projects
    that are aimed at maintaining the ties between Romanians in the Diaspora and
    the mother land and at promoting their interests. The Minister Delegate for
    Romanians Abroad Andreea Pastarnac has stated that the bill changes provisions
    that have been in place for 11 years, and which now meet the expectations of
    the Romanian communities abroad . She has also announced the
    launch of an information campaign, for the Romanians who want to work, study
    and live abroad, called Informed at home, safe in the world!. The campaign
    will start next month and is aimed at bringing to the attention of all
    stakeholders their rights, but also the risks they are faced with, when taking
    the decision to work abroad.

    Romanian Foreign Ministry has announced that there have been no Romanian
    citizens requesting assistance in the aftermath of the earthquake that shattered
    the south-west of Turkey on Friday morning. The Romanian Embassy in Athens and
    the General Consulate in Izmir have called on the local authorities to provide
    them with information regarding the consequences of the earthquakes and
    potential Romanian victims. The quake, measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale was
    felt especially in the city of Bodrum and in the neighboring Greek islands in
    the Aegean sea and claimed at least two lives.

    FOOTBALL – The
    Romanian football squad Astra Giurgiu has qualified for Europa League’s third
    preliminary round, after ending 0-0 the match against the Azerbaijani team Zira
    FK, the decisive leg of the second round. In the first leg, on home turf, in
    southern Romania, Astra had won 3-1. Next week, Astra Giurgiu will take on the
    Ukrainian team FK Oleksandria. Also in the third preliminary round of Europa
    League, CS Universitatea Craiova will play against the famous AC Milan, and
    Dinamo Bucharest will take on Athletic Bilbao. In the Champions League, the new
    holder of the national title, FC Viitorul Constanta, will play against APOEL
    Nicosia, and vice-champion FCSB (former Steaua Bucharest) will meet the Czechs
    from FC Viktoria Plzen.

  • Sport Club RRI – Avancronica prezenţei româneşti în Cupele Europene la fotbal

    Sport Club RRI – Avancronica prezenţei româneşti în Cupele Europene la fotbal

    În turul doi preliminar al Ligii
    Europa, joi este programată manşa secundă. Astra Giurgiu, reprezentanta
    României în această fază a competiţiei, merge în Azerbaidjan. Elevii
    antrenorului Eduard Iordănescu întâlnesc, la Baku, formaţia Zira FK. În tur, la
    Giurgiu, Astra s-a impus cu 3 la 1. Pentru echipa română au înscris Alexandru
    Ioniţă, Alexandru Dandea şi francezul Anthony Le Tallec.

    Astra a ajuns în preliminariile
    Ligii Europa din postura de finalistă a Cupei României. FC Voluntari,
    câştigătoarea Cupei, nu a solicitat la timp licenţa pentru cupele europene,
    astfel că a rămas pe dinafară. Dacă trece de Zira, Astra se va confrunta, în
    turul trei preliminar al Ligii Europa, cu formaţia ucraineană Oleksandria.

    Celelalte două echipe româneşti
    din turul trei preliminar al Ligii Europa sunt Dinamo Bucureşti, ocupanta
    locului 3 în ediţia trecută a Ligii Întâi, şi CSU Craiova, care a terminat pe
    locul 5. Formaţia de pe 4, CFR Cluj, nu a avut licenţă de participare în Cupele
    Europene din cauza situaţiei financiare a clubului.

    În Liga Europa, Dinamo va juca
    împotriva echipei Athletic Bilbao, care a terminat sezonul trecut al primei
    ligi spaniole pe locul 7. CSU Craiova se va confrunta cu AC Milan, grupare care
    a încheiat pe locul 6 în Serie A.

    Formaţiile care reprezintă
    România în turul trei preliminar al Ligii Campionilor par a avea adversari mai
    abordabili. Campioana en titre, Viitorul Constanţa, întâlneşte învingătoarea
    din confruntarea care opune formaţia cipriotă APOEL Nicosia şi echipa
    luxemburgheză Dudelange. Este de remarcat faptul că, în 2012, APOEL Nicosia a
    reuşit să ajungă până în sferturile de finală ale Ligii Campionilor.

    Vicecampioana României, FCSB,
    fostă Steaua Bucureşti, va juca împotriva echipei Viktoria Plzen, echipă care a
    terminat campionatul Cehiei pe locul secund.

  • July 14, 2017

    July 14, 2017

    SABER GUARDIAN — The Romanian Foreign Ministry has hailed the 2017 Saber Guardian multinational military exercise, held on Romania’s territory by the United States Ground and Service Forces Europe. According to a Ministry press release, the exercise brings together over 20 NATO and partner states, with a significant number of troops and technical equipment, being the largest and most comprehensive military drill hosted by Romania in recent years. Saber Guardian is a key military exercise, contributing to consolidating defense and deterrence capabilities on NATO’s eastern flank and to developing interoperability between participant countries. The exercise is also a sign of solidarity, highlighting the robust trans-Atlantic relation and the bilateral strategic partnership between Romania and the United States, signed 20 years ago.

    JULY 14 — The National Day of France is today marked at the French Embassy in Bucharest. The theme at this year’s cocktail party is sports, with famous Romanian and French athletes among the guests of honor. Attending the event will be Prime Minister Mihai Tudose. Last week former Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu met in Paris with his counterpart, Edouard Philippe. It was the first official meeting for Philippe after taking over as Prime Minister in May. Romania currently has a strategic bilateral partnership with France, signed in 2008.

    ROMANIAN-FRENCH RELATIONS — Romania plays a key role in Central and Eastern Europe, promoting fundamental European values, French Ambassador to Bucharest Michele Ramis said. In an interview to RFI, Ramis said she wants to strengthen bilateral economic relations, which are good right now against the backdrop of economic growth in Romania. On the other hand, France will support Romania in preparing its term at the helm of the European Council in the first semester of 2019, Michele Ramis said.

    WORLD EXHIBITION — Romania’s pavilion at the World Exhibition hosted by Astana, Kazakhstan, has a daily average number of 1,500 visitors, Mihail Dediu, the head of the Romanian delegation told Radio Romania. The theme this year is the energy of tomorrow. Romania’s pavilion is devoted to the high-power laser in Magurele, southern Romania, the largest research project in Romania in the last 50 years. Romania thus wants to promote Romania’s potential for innovation in the field of research, Mihail Dediu said.

    CLIMATE CHANGE — Climate change will prompt a swift temperature spike, intensifying extreme meteorological phenomena and heavy downpours, causing crop failures and coral loss in the Asia-Pacific area, climatologists have warned. These developments are the result of the failure to observe the Paris Accord on Climate Change. Signed in 2015 and enacted in November 2016, the agreement provides for keeping a global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius as compared to pre-industrial levels. To reach this target, swifter and harsher measures are needed, climate experts argue. If the world’s population keeps emitting greenhouse gases fueling global warming, the average global temperature will rise by at least 4 degrees by the end of the century, and even by 6 degrees Celsius in some regions.

    WIMBLEDON — The pair made up of Monica Niculescu of Romania and Hao-Ching Chan of Taiwan is today playing Markota Ninomiya of Japan and Renata Voracova of the Czech Republic in the women’s doubles semi-finals at Wimbledon. Niculescu and Chan previously knocked out Catherine Bellis of the United States and Marketa Vondrousova of the Czech Republic. This is Niculescu’s best performance in a Grand Slam doubles competition, after reaching the Roland Garros quarterfinals in 2010 and the Australian Open quarterfinals in 2012. The best-rated player from Romania right now, Simona Halep, WTA no. 2, was knocked out in the quarterfinals after losing to Johanna Konta of Great Britain.

    FOOTBALL — Romanian football club Astra Giurgiu defeated 3-1 Zira FK of Azerbaijan in the first leg of the Europa League second preliminary round. The return leg will be played on July 20 in Baku. The other teams representing Romania in Europa League are Dinamo Bucharest and CSU Craiova. Playing in the Champions League preliminaries will be Viitorul Constanta and FCSB. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • February 17, 2017

    February 17, 2017

    ISIS Romanian defence minister Gabriel Les has reiterated Romania’s support for the international community’s actions aimed at stabilizing the situation in Syria and Iraq for fighting terrorism worldwide. The Romanian minister has attended in Brussels the meeting of defence ministers from the countries contributing to the Global Coalition against Daesh. Minister Les announced Bucharest’s contribution in 2017 with 50 instructors who can help with the training of the Iraqi security forces. Defence ministers have assessed the future challenges of the security situation well as measures for stabilizing the region after the dismantling of ISIS, chiefly in terms of humanitarian aid and reconstruction.

    LOAN The Romanian government has approved the second installment of 50 million euros of the reimbursable loan to the neighboring Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet Romanian-speaking country. The agreement on the 150 million euro loan between Romania and the Republic of Moldova was signed in Chisinau in October 2015. Bucharest conditioned the loan on several reforms that Chisinau was supposed to implement. The first installment of 60 million euros was granted in August 2016 after the Republic of Moldova had reported progress in signing a financing programme with the IMF. The government in Chisinau and the IMF have signed a cooperation agreement through which the Republic of Moldova got a credit line of 176 million dollars.

    FILM ‘Ana mon amour’ a film directed by Romanian Calin Peter Netzer is vying for the Golden Bear prize of the Berlin Film Festival. We recall that another production signed by Netzer, ‘Child’s Pose’ reaped the Golden Bear award in 2013. Romanian actor Tudor Istodor is also running in the ‘shooting stars’ section of the Berlinale this year with his role in ‘The Fixer’ while Romanian directors Ilinca Calugareanu, Ioana Mischie, actor Alexandru Potocean, producer Andra Popescu, operator Carmen Tofeni, film distributor Matei Truta and script-writer Monica Stan are vying for a prize in the ‘Berlinale Talents’ section. Bogdan George Apetri’s film project ‘The Deer’, produced by Oana Iancu has been selected to participate in the Coproduction Market.

    STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Mac Thornberry, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee in US Congress, has described the US-Romanian Strategic Partnership as very important. During a meeting with Romania’s ambassador in Washington, George Cristian Maior, the US official has voiced his appreciation for Romania’s decision to earmark higher funds to its defence sector adding the move is relevant for a fair task distribution inside NATO. The meeting between the two officials took place almost concurrently with the Brussels meeting of the NATO defence ministers who decided to beef up allied presence in the Black Sea.

    ANTI-GRAFT Romania’s Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu is continuing talks in Brussels with EU high officials in order to assure Romania’s partners in the European institutions that the fight against corruption is a key objective of the Bucharest government. The visit comes against the situation created by the move to amend the country’s penal codes through an emergency ordinance. Grindeanu is having talks with the president of the European Council Donald Tusk, the president of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker and vice-president Jirki Katainen, in charge of jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness. On Thursday at the end of the talks with the commission’s first vice-president, Frans Timmermans, Prime Minister Grindeanu said the government he was leading would continue to fight corruption and that amendments to penal legislation would be brought only by Parliament. Timmermans hailed the repealing of the controversial ordinance and recommended that the government in Bucharest be more transparent. Grindeanu said that the next week at the latest he would nominate a new Justice Minister, who could be a person with no political affiliation.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s football champion team Astra Giurgiu on Thursday night on home turf drew level, 2-all, in the fixture against Belgian contenders Genk. The game counted towards the first leg of Europa League’s round of last 32. Genk had a 1-nil and 2-1 lead throughout the game, yet Astra came from behind and they stand real chances to go through to the next stage of the competition after the second leg scheduled in Belgium next week, according to punditry. As an absolute first, Astra has made headway in Europa League, as part of a group that also included AS Roma, Czech team Viktoria Plzen and Austria Vienna. We recall Astra is the last Romanian team that remained in the race for the European Cups’ ongoing edition.

  • Weekend sportiv – 17.02.2017

    Weekend sportiv – 17.02.2017

    Campioana României la
    fotbal, Astra Giurgiu, a încheiat la egalitate, 2 la 2, jocul disputat cu
    formaţia belgiană Genk în 16-imile Ligii Europa. Oaspeţii au condus de două
    ori, cu 1-0 şi 2-1, prin golurile marcate de Timoty
    Castagne, în minutul 25, şi Leandro Trossard, în
    minutul 83. Pentru Astra au înscris Constantin Budescu, în minutul 43, şi japonezul Takayuki Seto, în minutul 90.
    Partida retur va avea loc joia viitoare, la Genk.

    În weekend au loc jocurile etapei a 24-a a
    campionatului primei ligi române de fotbal, antepenultima a sezonului regulat.
    Vineri, un singur joc: CFR Cluj cu ASA Târgu Mureş. Sâmbătă, FC Voluntari
    joacă, pe teren propriu, cu Gaz Metan Mediaş, iar CSU Craiova se confruntă, la
    Drobeta Turnu Severin, cu Steaua Bucureşti. Duminică, tot la Severin, formaţia
    Pandurii Târgu Jiu întâlneşte Concordia Chiajna, iar la Giurgiu, Astra primeşte
    vizita liderului, Viitorul Constanţa. Luni, ultimele două partide ale etapei:
    Poli Timişoara cu Poli Iaşi şi Dinamo Bucureşti cu FC Botoşani. În clasament
    continuă să conducă Viitorul Constanţa, cu 48 de puncte. Urmează Steaua, cu 42,
    şi Craiova, cu 40.

    Sâmbătă, la Iaşi, echipa de
    rugby a României va întâlni Spania, în cea de-a doua partidă a ediţiei 2017 -
    2018 a competiţiei Rugby Europe Championship. În
    primul joc, săptămâna trecută, România a pierdut cu 38 la 41 în deplasare, în
    faţa Germaniei, rezultat care a reprezentat una dintre cele mai mari surprize
    ale competiţiei, de la înfiinţarea acesteia. Pentru confruntarea cu ibericii,
    antrenorul galez al Naţionalei României, Lynn Howells, a convocat şapte noi
    jucători. În debutul în actuala ediţie a competiţiei europene, Spania a învins,
    la Madrid, echipa Rusiei cu 16 la 6.

    Tenismanul român Horia Tecău
    şi olandezul Jean-Julien Rojer vor evolua, sâmbătă, în semifinalele probei de
    dublu din cadrul turneului ATP de la Rotterdam, dotat cu premii totale de
    1.724.930 euro. Joi, ei au trecut, în sferturi, cu 6-4, 6-4, de spaniolii
    Feliciano şi Marc Lopez, perechea numărul
    doi pe lista capilor de serie.

    În final, vă amintim
    că puteţi găsi rubrica noastră sportivă şi pe Internet, mai exact pe site-ul
    web www.rri.ro, precum şi în reţeaua Facebook, pe profilul Radio România

  • February 16, 2017

    February 16, 2017

    VISIT – Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is today meeting European Commission chief-negotiator for Brexit, Michel Barnier, who is on a visit to Bucharest. The meeting is scheduled ahead of Romanias taking over the EU presidency in 2019, a year when Brexit negotiations are due to enter their final phase. President Iohannis has repeatedly said that Brexit negotiations should observe the rights of Romanians living in the UK. Michel Barnier visited Romania on October 5, 2016, when he met with Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos.

    EMERGENCY DECREE – The Chamber of Deputies is today debating the emergency decree rescinding the controversial decree by means of which the Government tried to amend criminal legislation. According to the chairman of the Chambers judicial committee, which is the decision-making body is this matter, approving the former would make null the latter. The decree, which among other things partially decriminalized abuse of office, was at the centre of mass street protests in Bucharest and other large cities, started on January 31. Protesters called for the withdrawal of the decree and called for the resignation of the Government. Anti-presidential protests were also staged against Klaus Iohannis. Protesters accuse the president for failing to act as a mediator in the current crisis.

    ACTIVITY REPORT – The total value of assets seized or frozen last year by the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism stood at 930 million euros. According to the institutions activity report for 2016, total crime-related damages, as shown by cases solved last year, stood at 135 million euros, as compared to 173 million euros in 2015. Anti-mafia prosecutors solved over 13,000 cases last year, up by 12.5% as against 2015, with almost 4,000 people being prosecuted. Another 13,000 cases are still pending.

    INFRINGEMENT – The European Commission has sent a letter of formal notice to Romania on retail trade of agricultural and food products. Large retailers from Romania are required to purchase at least 51% of food and agricultural products from local producers. The Commission raised concerns on the basis of the principle of free movement of goods. The joint Senate committees on European affairs and agriculture decided to set up a task force to harmonize Romanian legislation with EU regulations.

    NATO – NATO Defence Ministers are today discussing cyber security at the end of their two-day formal meeting in Brussels. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said cyber-attacks on NATO networks went up by 60% over 2015-2016 and there are reports from some Member States indicating that Russia might be behind some of these attacks. On Monday NATO Defence Ministers agreed to set up a new regional centre to respond to threats from the south. The centre will be integrated into the NATO Command Centre in Napoli, Italy, and will function as a response force to threats from the Middle East and Northern Africa. Attending the meeting, Romanian Defence Minister Gabriel Les said that Romania has observed its commitment to allotting 2% of its GDP to defence this year. On the sidelines of the meeting, the Defence Ministers of Romania, the Czech Republic and Germany signed agreements to consolidate cooperation.

    TRAVEL FAIR – Over 250 travel agents from 14 countries on Thursday and Friday are taking part in Romanias Travel Fair. Agencies from Romania and Austria, Bulgaria, Egypt, Croatia, the Russian Federation, Greece, Israel, Moldova, Palestine, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Turkey and Hungary will be presenting visitors with customised offers, based on individual budgets and preferences, travel packages for Easter, the summer holidays as well as circuits. Travel agents have offers at 40-50% discounts, available only during the fair, transport offers for one euro only, air travel costs included and other benefits.

    FOOTBALLRomanias football champions Astra Giurgiu is today playing KRC Genk of Belgium in the first leg of the Europa League round of 16. Qualified to this phase for the first time, Astra previously played in a group with AS Rome of Italy, Viktoria Plezen of the Czech Republic and Austria Vienna. Astra is the only Romanian team left in the competition. The return leg will be played away from home next Thursday. (Tranlsated by V. Palcu)

  • Fotbalul românesc în 2016

    Fotbalul românesc în 2016

    Sfârşitul anului 2016 a
    găsit România pe locul 39 în clasamentul mondial dat publicităţii de Federaţia
    Internaţională de Fotbal. Este cea mai slabă clasare de final de an din 2011
    încoace, deşi, în 2016, România a fost prezentă, din nou, la un campionat
    european. Cu ce rezultate, vom afla în cele ce urmează.

    Din punct de vedere
    competiţional inter-cluburi, echipa anului a fost Astra Giurgiu. În premieră,
    formaţia antrenată de Marius Şumudică a câştigat campionatul Ligii Întâi. A
    fost prima ediţie cu play-off şi play-out. La capătul sezonului, Astra a avut
    cu 5 puncte mai mult decât a doua clasată, Steaua Bucureşti. Steliştii s-au
    mulţumit cu câştigarea Cupei Ligii, după 2 la 1 în finala cu Concordia Chiajna.
    Cupa României a revenit echipei CFR Cluj, care a trecut, în finală, de Dinamo
    Bucureşti cu 7 la 6. A fost 2 la 2 la finalul timpului regulamentar de joc, la
    fel şi după prelungiri, iar la loviturile de departajare, CFR a marcat de 5
    ori, iar Dinamo, doar de 4.

    În Cupele Europene, prima
    echipa intrată în competiţie a fost CSMS Iaşi, în turul secund preliminar al
    Ligii Europa. Gruparea din Moldova a fost însă depăşită de Hajduk Split, după 2
    la 2 acasă şi 1 la 2 în deplasare.

    Cel mai departe a ajuns Astra
    Giurgiu. A început în turul al treilea al Ligii Campionilor, de unde a fost
    eliminată de FC Copenhaga, dupa 1 la 1, acasă, şi 0 la 3 în Danemarca. În Liga
    Europa, a trecut, în play-off, de West Ham United, din Anglia, după 1 la 1 la
    Giurgiu şi 1 la 0, în deplasare, pe Stadionul Olimpic din Londra. A mers mai
    departe şi a încheiat grupa E pe locul 2, după AS Roma, dar depăşind Viktoria
    Plzeň şi Austria Viena. În 16-imile de finală ale Ligii Europa, Astra va
    întâlni, în februarie, echipa belgiană Genk.

    În preliminariile Ligii
    Campionilor, Steaua a mers mai departe decât Astra, dar s-a oprit mai brusc. A
    trecut, în cel de-al treilea tur preliminar, de Sparta Praga, după 1 la 1 în
    deplasare şi 2 la 0 acasă. In play-off
    s-a întâlnit însă cu Manchester City, de care a fost depăşită cu scorul total
    de 6 la 0. La Bucureşti a fost 5 la 0 pentru echipa lui Pep Guardiola, iar în
    Anglia, 1-0. Steliştii au ajuns în grupele Ligii Europa, unde însă rezultatele
    au fost slabe. Formaţia lui Laurenţiu Reghecampf a terminat grupa L pe locul 4,
    după Osmanlispor, Villareal şi FC Zürich.

    Viitorul Constanţa n-a jucat
    decât o dublă la prima apariţie în Europa. În turul trei preliminar al Europa
    League, echipa lui Hagi a fost depăşită de formaţia belgiană Gent, după 0 la 5
    în deplasare şi 0 la 0 acasă. Tot în turul 3 preliminar al Ligii Europa s-a
    oprit şi formaţia Pandurii Târgu Jiu. A fost eliminată de Maccabi Tel Aviv,
    după 1 la 3 la Drobeta Turnu Severin şi 1 la 2 în Israel.

    În plan intern, prima parte
    a sezonului 2016 – 2017 s-a încheiat cu un lider-surpriză al Ligii Intâi -
    Viitorul Constanţa.

    Trecem la Naţională. 2016
    n-a fost un an grozav pentru prima reprezentativă a României. La Campionatul
    European de fotbal din Franţa. România a făcut parte din grupa A şi a pierdut jocurile
    cu Franţa, scor 1 la 2, şi Albania, scor
    0 la 1. Jocul cu Elveţia s-a încheiat egal, 1 la 1, iar tricolorii au încheiat
    grupa A pe ultimul loc.

    Pentru preliminariile Cupei
    Mondiale din 2016, România a apelat la un nou antrenor: germanul Cristoph Daum.
    Rezultatele, însă, nu au fost pe măsura aşteptărilor. În septembrie, la Cluj,
    tricolorii au încheiat la egalitate, 1 la 1, cu reprezentativa statului
    Muntenegru. În octombrie, au învins Armenia, în deplasare, cu 5 la 0. A urmat
    jocul din deplasare, cu Kazahstanul, încheiat la egalitate, 0 la 0. În
    noiembrie, România a pierdut cu 0 la 3 jocul disputat la Bucureşti, împotriva
    Poloniei. În consecinţă, tricolorii au încheiat anul pe locul 4 în Grupa E, în
    urma Poloniei, Muntenegrului şi Danemarcei.

  • December 9, 2016 UPDATE

    December 9, 2016 UPDATE

    MAASTRICHT — December 9th marked the anniversary of 25 years since the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, which set the basis for the European Union. The moment was marked on Friday in the Dutch city of Maastricht by a special conference, attended by the presidents of the European Commission and the European Parliament Jean Claude Juncker and Martin Schultz respectively, as well as by the former president of the European Council Herman van Rompuy. In a speech delivered on this occasion, the European Commission President, Jean Claude Junker, said: “We cannot explain the European Union, the European project, simply by going back to history. That is important, but if we want to convince younger people that the European Union is a must today and in the years to come, we have to explain European history in a perspective. Those who do think that time has come to deconstruct, to put Europe in pieces, to subdivide us in national divisions, are totally wrong. We will not exist as single nations without the European Union,” Junker said. On December 9, 1991, the heads of state and government of the 12 countries that made up the then community bloc, among whom the French Francois Mitterrand and the German Helmuth Kohl, agreed with turning the European Economic Community into the European Union. The agreement was signed in 1992 and came into force one year later.

    ROMANIAN ELECTIONS — Romanians will go to the polls on Sunday, to elect their parliament members. Over 6,500 people are running for the 466 seats in the Romanian Parliament, 136 senators and 330 deputies. Authorities say that all measures have been taken for the smooth running of the elections. Thus, a computerised monitoring system will automatically signal any multiple voting attempt. The vote counting will be recorded on camera. Romanians in the Diaspora can cast their vote at one of the polling stations abroad. Also, the postal voting has been introduced as of this year. The Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, on Friday urged Romanians to go to the polls on Sunday to vote in the parliamentary elections. He said that absenteeism was never a solution.

    TERRORISM – The Bucharest Court of Appeal on Friday ruled that Luigi Boicea from Craiova, southern Romania, be taken into custody for 30 days. The young man is accused of Islamist propaganda and for having learned how to commit terrorist attacks. Boicea, aged 18, has visited Islamic State websites, has taken online courses held by jihadists in order to learn how to make bombs and posted videos with people being executed. Prosecutors say that the young man has been trying to contact ISIS leaders to get their support in committing terrorist attacks.

    OSCE — The Romanian Foreign Minister, Lazăr Comănescu, who on Thursday and Friday attended in Hamburg, Germany, the 23rd OSCE ministerial meeting, expressed Bucharest’s firm support for the role assumed by the the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in the context of the Ukrainian crisis and of the efforts to solve prolonged conflicts. On Friday, the OSCE member countries agreed on the need for all parties involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine to fulfil their pledge in order to put an end to violence.

    IMPEACHMENT – The South Korean President, Park Geun-Hye, was dismissed by her Government. The dismissal motion was initiated on Thursday by the South Korean MP’s and received the approval of 234 lawmakers from a total of 300 members of the National Assembly. The motion suspends Park Geun-Hye’s authority as the president of South Korea. In the motion, Park is accused of violating the Constitution and a number of other offenses ranging from failure to protect people, to corruption and abuse of power. The document was submitted to vote in the National Assembly on Friday morning.

    FOOTBALL — Romania’s football champions, Astra Giurgiu, ended in a goalless draw the match held on Thursday evening on home ground against the Italian eleven AS Rome, in their last match of the Europa League groups and have thus qualified for the first time to the round of 32 of the Europa League finals. With 8 points accumulated Astra ended on 2nd place in the group after the Italians. In the same competition, Romania’s vice-champions Steaua Bucharest was defeated 1-2 in an away match against the Spanish team Villareal. With only 6 points the Steaua Bucharest footballers ended on last place of the group and had to leave the competition.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Actualidad deportiva 29 de noviembre de 2016

    Actualidad deportiva 29 de noviembre de 2016


    El acontecimiento deportivo más importante de la semana ha sido la vuelta de los dos equipos rumanos que participan en la Liga Europa de fútbol 2016-2017. Este jueves se ha disputado la quinta jornada de Europa League, que ha aportado victoriaas importantes a nuestros representantes. Así, el Steaua de Bucarest superó en casa por 2 a 1, al Osmanlispor, de Turquía y el Astra Giurgiu venció fuera de casa, también por 2 a 1, al equipo Austria Viena. La clasificación para las rondas eliminatorias de la Liga Europa se decidirá en una última jornada apasionante en la que todos los equipos en disputa tienen opciones de éxito.

    En el estadio Arena Nacional de Bucarest, el Steaua tuvo un comienzo débil en el enfrentamiento con el Osmanlispor. El equipo turco abrió el marcador al 30 minuto, con el tanto del senegalés Badou Ndiaye, seguido por otras ocasiones de gol. En la segunda mitad del partido, el conjunto rumano se recuperó, dominando el juego de manera clara, y anotó dos veces, con el gol del serbio Marko Momcilovic, en el minuto 69, y luego con Gabriel Tamaş, en el 86. En otro partido disputado en el grupo L, en Suiza, el FC Zúrich y el Villareal empataron a 1. Antes de la última ronda, en el primer puesto del grupo se mantiene el Osmanlispor, con 7 puntos. Siguen el Zúrich, el Villareal y el Steaua, todos con igualdad de puntos: 6 . El próximo 8 de diciembre, el Steaua de Bucarest irá a España y el Osmanlispor chocará en Ankara, con el FC Zúrich.

    El campeón vigente de Rumanía, el Astra Giurgiu, se ha convertido en el primer favorito para la clasificación para dieciseisavos de la Liga Europa, gracias a su victoria registrada en Viena. Los austriacos marcaron en el minuto 57, pero los campeones de Rumanía anotaron con Daniel Florea, en el 79, y Constantin Budescu, en el minuto 88. En el otro enfrentamiento del grupo E, el Roma venció 4-1, en cancha propia al Viktoria Plzen. En la clasificación lidera el Roma, con 11 puntos, seguida por el Astra rumano, que tiene 7, el Austria Viena, 5, y el Viktoria Plzen, con 3. En la última jornada, el Astra Giurgiu jugará en el Arena Naţională de Bucarest con el Roma, y el Austria Viena irá a Plzen.

    En Bélgica, el jugador rumano Nicolae Stanciu marcó su primer gol en este país y el cuarto con el Anderlecht en el partido ganado por el conjunto de Bruselas por 7-0 ante el equipo Mouscron. El delantero del Deportivo La Coruña, el rumano Florin Andone marcó un gol en el partido en el que el conjunto coruñés perdió fuera de casa, 3-4 con el Málaga. Otro delantero rumano, Claudiu Keseru, anotó para su equipo el campeón de Bulgaria, Ludogoret Razgrad, en el partido que ganaron fuera de casa, por 3-1, al Botev Plovdiv. El rumano Keşeru lidera la clasificación de máximos goleadores en la liga búlgara con 11 goles.


    Este sábado, la selección rumana de rugby derrotó al equipo representativo de Uruguay, por un marcador de 36-10, (22-3 antes del descanso), en su último partido de verificación de 2016. Así finalizó el tercer partido disputado en noviembre, después de los enfrentamientos con las selecciones de EE.UU. y Canadá. El equipo tricolor anotó con el penal ejecutado por Florin Vlaicu, junto con 3 ensayos transformados. Stephen Shennan marcó otros 2 ensayos, Johan van Heerden uno y Florin Surugiu también uno. En la selección de Uruguay destacaron Felipe Berchesi, debido a un penal y una transformación y Guillermo Lijtenstein, que por su parte marcó un ensayo..

    Debido a este resultado, la selección del Roble finaliza la temporada en el 16º puesto (de 103 países ) en la clasificación mundial, tras haber ganado los 3 partidos disputados este otoño.

    Los robles han acumulado 69,36 puntos y han subido un escalón frente a la posición en la que se situaban el año pasado. .

    Por detrás de Rumanía, se sitúan países como: EEUU, (64,66 ), Canadá (63,95 ), Rusia (63,25), Namibia (62,78), Uruguay (60,66) o España. (60,17) . Nueva Zelanda lidera la lista (94,78 p), como campeona mundial vigente que terminará primera por séptimo ano consecutivo, seguida de Inglaterra y Australia .

    Balonmano femenino

    En Cluj-Napoca, este domingo se disputó la final del Trofeo Los Cárpatos de balonmano femenino. La selección de Rumanía A perdió a manos de Hungría por 29-24. El partido marcó la retirada de la selección de la jugadora inter Aurelia Brădeanu de 37 años. Para Rumanía, Eliza Buceschi marcó el mayor número de goles, 5, mientras que Hungría contó con la máxima goleadora Kinga Klivinyi, que firmó 10 goles.

    El seleccionador español del equipo nacional de balonmano femenino de Rumanía, Martín Ambros, ha reconocido la superioridad de la selección de Hungría frente a Rumanía en la final del Trofeo Carpati.

    Martín Ambros ha anunciado ya la componencia de la selección rumana para el Campeonato Europeo de Suecia, que se celebrará entre el 4 y el 18 de diciembre y donde Rumanía jugará en el Grupo D, con Noruega (el día 5 ), Rusia (el 7.12 ) y Croacia (9 .12). Hasta aquí los deportes.

  • Nachrichten 25.11.2016

    Nachrichten 25.11.2016

    In Bukarest wird der Kontrolldienst des Ministerpräsidenten Kontrollen bei der Nationalen Krankenkasse durchführen. Geprüft wird das IT-System für die Krankenversicherungskarten. Die Kontrolle erfolgt nachdem mehrmals Störungen im System gemeldet worden waren. Das nationale System für Krankenversicherungskarten hat über 180 Millionen Euro gekostet und ist am 1. Mai letzten Jahres eingeführt worden. Hausärzte und Apotheker sind laut Gesetz verpflichtet, die Karten zu benutzen. Sie bemängelten allerdings mehrmals, dass das System nicht angemessen funktioniere und sie ihre Tätigkeit nicht unter normalen Bedingungen ausüben könnten.

    Am 25. November wird jährlich der Internationale Tag zur Beseitigung der Gewalt gegen Frauen abgehalten. Aus diesem Anlass hat die UNO am Freitag Regierungen, internationale Behörden und Nichtregierungsorganisationen aufgefordert, Programme abzuwickeln, die das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit gegenüber dem Problem steigern könnten. Laut Statistik fallen ein Drittel der Frauen in Rumänien der häuslichen Gewalt zum Opfer. Rumänische Nichtregierungsorganisationen sagen, dass viele der Opfer nicht wissen, wie sie sich verteidigen können. Zudem gebe es in manchen Landkreisen in Rumänien keine zuständige Fachbehörde.

    SPORT: Der rumänische Fußballmeister Astra Giurgiu hat sich am Donnerstag in der Gruppenphase der Europa League bei Austria Wien mit 2:1 durchgesetzt. Damit steigen die Chancen der Südrumänen auf den Einzug in die Zwischenrunde des Wettbewerbs erheblich. Astra hat nach fünf Spieltagen 7 Punkte gesammelt und belegt den 2. Platz der Gruppe E, hinter Tabellenführer AS Rom und vor Austria Wien und Viktoria Pilsen. Ebenfalls am Donnerstag bezwang der rumänische Vizemeister Steaua Bukarest im Heimspiel die türkische Mannschaft Osmanlispor mit 2:1. Auch Steaua Bukarest bewahrt Chancen, in die Zwischenrunde einzuziehen. Im letzten Gruppenspiel wird Steaua gegen die Spanier von Villareal spielen. Osmanlispor nimmt mit 7 Punkten den 1. Platz der Gruppe ein, gefolgt von Villareal, dem FC Zürich und Steaua Bukarest, alle drei mit 6 Zählern.

  • 25.11.2016


    Célébration – A Bucarest a lieu ce vendredi une double célébration de la Constitution du pays. La festivité organisée dans la Grande Salle du Patriarcat a marqué les 150 ans écoulés depuis l’adoption de la Constitution de 1866 et le 25e anniversaire de celle de 1991. Au fil du temps, l’Etat roumain a été régi par plusieurs lois fondamentales, qui ont, à leur tour, subi maintes modifications. Le texte de 1866 stipulait pour la première fois le caractère indivisible de l’Etat, nommé officiellement la Roumanie à compter de cette date. La loi fondamentale élaborée en 1923 est considérée comme la première Constitution démocratique du pays, tandis que celle de 1948, liée à l’avènement du communisme, ouvrait la voie au régime totalitaire. C’est la Constitution de 1991 qui créa les conditions d’un retour à l’ordre démocratique. La Roumanie allait compter parmi les premiers pays de l’ex camp socialiste à adopter la nouvelle loi fondamentale par référendum. Elle a également été le premier Etat d’Europe à inscrire dans sa Constitution le droit des organisations des minorités nationales d’être représentées au Parlement.

    Violence – La journée internationale pour l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des femmes est célébrée chaque année le 25 novembre. L’ONU a invité les gouvernements, les organisations internationales et les ONGs à initier des activités censées sensibiliser l’opinion publique à ces problèmes. Une femme sur trois est victime de la violence domestique, révèlent les statistiques de Roumanie. Selon les ONGs qui militent contre ce phénomène, beaucoup de victimes ne savent pas comment se défendre et dans certains comtés de Roumanie il n’y a pas de centres d’aide aux femmes victimes de violence conjugale.

    Santé – Le Corps de contrôle du premier ministre roumain va procéder à des vérifications à la Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie portant sur le fonctionnement du système des cartes de santé électroniques obligatoires. Ce contrôle survient suite aux dysfonctionnements constatés à maintes reprises. La mise en place du système national des cartes de santé électroniques, devenu opérationnel le 1er mai 2015, a coûté plus de 180 millions d’euros. Les médecins traitants et les pharmaciens ont réclamé le fait que les blocages répétés empiètent sur le bon déroulement de leur activité.

    Grève – La grève des pilotes de la compagnie Lufthansa, la 14e depuis 2014 , est entrée dans son troisième jour vendredi, avec encore plus de 800 vols annulés, et le mouvement est appelé à se poursuivre samedi, note FP. Depuis mercredi plus de 2 mille vols ont été annulés, y compris des vols aller-retour Allemagne – Roumanie, affectant quelque 300 mille passagers. Cinq vols depuis Munich et Francfort à destination de Bucarest et quatre autre en sens inverse ont été annulés en raison de l’action des pilotes de Lufthansa. Ces derniers réclament des majorations salariales de 3,7%, mais la direction de la compagnie a offert seulement 2,5%.

    Football – Le club de foot champion de Roumanie, Astra Giurgiu, a vaincu jeudi le club Austria Vienne, sur le score de 2 buts à 1, lors du match en déplacement comptant pour la cinquième étape de la phase des poules de la Ligue Europa. Astra Giurgiu a de grandes chances de se qualifier pour les seizièmes de finale. Avec 7 points accumulés, elle se situe en deuxième position dans son groupe E, après AS Rome, déjà qualifiée, mais devant Austria Vienne et les Tchèques de Plzen. Toujours jeudi, dans la même compétition, le vice – champion de Roumanie, Steaua Bucarest, a remporté le match à domicile, score 2 à 1, contre les Turcs d’Osmanlispor. Au dernier match du groupe, les Roumains devraient rencontrer l’équipe espagnole Villarreal. Osmanlispor, qui a engrangé 7 points, est premier de son groupe, suivi par Villarreal, FC Zurich et Steaua, avec 6 points chacun. Les deux premières équipe de chaque groupe se qualifient pour la phase suivante de la compétition.

    Météo – Ciel temporairement couvert et températures maximales comprises entre 4 et 14 degrés. 4 degrés à midi dans la capitale, Bucarest.

  • November 25, 2016

    November 25, 2016

    CONSTITUTION – Romanias Constitution is twice celebrated today, as November 25th marks 150 years since the adoption of the 1866 Constitution and 25 years since the adoption of the 1991 Constitution. The Romanian Constitution has been revised several times thoughout its history. The first Constituion, adopted in 1866, stipulated for the first time the indivisible character of the Romanian state, which was officially called Romania. Following was the Constitution passed in 1923, seen as the country’s first democratic Constitution, and the one adopted in 1948, when the communist regime took power and instated a totalitarian regime. The 1991 Constitution marked the country’s return to democracy. Romania is the first European country to have stipulated, in its Constitution, the right of national minorities to be represented in Parliament.

    STRIKE – Lufthansa pilots have cancelled thousands of flights in extended strike action. The airline has already grounded nearly 1,800 flights since the strike began on Wednesday. It had originally been planned as a 24-hour walkout but has been extended three times. Travel plans for more than 300,000 passengers have been disrupted. The strike has also affected flights to and from Bucharest.This is the pilots’ 14th walkout in under three years. The union wants a 3.7 percent pay rise over five years from 2012. Lufthansa has offered 2.5 percent over a six-year period until 2019.

    WARNING – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Turkey could open its border for refugees to stream into Europe as EU lawmakers vote for a temporary halt to membership talks. MEPs voted in favor of halting long-term membership talks with Ankara at a plenary session in Strasbourg on Thursday amid concerns about the brutal crackdown on political dissidents since the failed coup in July. More than 110,000 people, including soldiers, academics, judges, journalists and Kurdish leaders, have been detained or dismissed over their alleged backing of the July 15 coup attempt. We remind you that in March, Turkey made a landmark deal to stop illegal migration to Europe via its shores.

    UNITED NATIONS – The United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, observed on November 25 every year since 2000, is an occasion for governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to raise public awareness of violence against women. In Romania, three in ten women are victims of physical, verbal or psychological violence after the age of 15, according to a study published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights based on data collected in 2014. 14 counties in Romania have no support services or shelters for women faced with domestic violence and in small communities in particular, women don’t know what they can do when subject to aggression.

    HEALTH – In Bucharest, the Prime Minister’s Control Team will make checks at the National Health Insurance House to find out what causes the flaws in the health cards’ system. The move has been triggered by repeated malfunctions in the system this year. The national health card system cost over 180 million euros and has been operational since last May. General practitioners and pharmacists, who are allowed to operate only based on health cards, have argued that the system gets blocked very often, causing huge problems and delays.

    FOOTBALL – Thursday’s Europa League matches brought wins for the two Romanian teams playing in this competition. On home turf, Steaua defeated the Turkish side Osmanlispor 2-1, while Astra Giurgiu secured an away win against Austria Vienna, also 2-1, now having a good chance to advance to the Europa League round of last 32. On the National Arena stadium in Bucharest, Steaua had a bad start against Osmanlispor. However, in the second half of the game, Steaua played a lot better and clearly dominated the game. In the other Group L fixture, FC Zurich drew at home against the Spanish side Villareal 1-all. Ahead of the last round, Osmanlispor are top the group table with 7 points, followed by FC Zurich, Villareal and Steaua, each with 6 points. On December 8 Steaua will travel to Spain for a game against Villareal, while Osmanlipsor take on FC Zurich in Ankara.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Actualidad deportiva 24 de noviembre de 2016

    Actualidad deportiva 24 de noviembre de 2016


    Hoy, jueves, el equipo rumano de fútbol Steaua de Bucarest se enfrenta en el estadio Arena Nacional de la capital, al equipo turco Osmanlispor, en un partido de la quinta jornada del Grupo L de la Liga Europa . En este momento, el conjunto de Ankara lidera el grupo con 7 puntos, y el Steaua se sitúa en el último puesto con solo 3 puntos. En la ida, los turcos se impusieron por 2 a 0. Con el Osmanlispor también juega el exjugador del Steaua, el rumano Raul Rusescu. En su último partido en la Liga Europa, disputado contra el equipo español Villareal, Rusescu anotó dos goles y fue elegido el hombre del partido.

    También esta noche, el Austria Viena recibe la visita del Astra Giurgiu rumano en el Ernst-Happel-Stadion, en el Grupo E de la Europa League.

    En la clasificación del Grupo E, en la primera posición se sitúa el AS Roma, con 8 puntos, seguida por Austria Viena, 5 p, el Astra Giurgiu, 4 puntos y el FC Viktoria Plzen, 3 puntos. En el partido de ida el Austria Viena superó al Astra por 3-2 en Bucarest.


    La selección de rugby de Rumanía derrotó, la noche de este sábado, a la selección de Canadá por 21-16, (18-6 antes del descanso), en un partido de verificación que tuvo lugar en el estadio Nacional ”Arco del Triunfo” de Bucarest. Para Rumanía, anotaron Florin Vlaicu, que transformó un ensayo y dos penales , y Ionuţ Dumitru, el autor de un ensayo. .

    Ha sido el quinto éxito consecutivo para el XV del Roble ante la selección de Canadá. El próximo sábado, en el último partido de preparación de este año, Rumanía chocará con Uruguay, también en el estadio “Arcul de Triumf”.

    Cabe destacar que Rumanía, Georgia y EE.UU. han sido recibidas oficialmente en el Consejo World Rugby, el foro mundial supremo del deporte con el balón oval, en el marco de una ceremonia que tuvo lugar este mes en Londres.

    Balonmano femenino

    El equipo campeón de Europa en balonmano femenino, el CSM Bucuresti venció al equipo danés FC Midtjylland por un marcador de 26-20, en cancha propia, en su último partido disputado en el Grupo C de la Liga de los Campeones.. Para el CSM la máxima goleadora fue la sueca Isabelle Gullden, con 5 goles, mientras que en el conjunto de Dinamarca destacaron Stine Joergensen y Louise Burgaard, con 6 puntos cada una. La clasificación final del grupo indica en el primer puesto al Gyori Audi ETO con 10 puntos, seguido del CSM Bucarest, 6 p, FC Midtjylland, 6 p., y Rostov Don, 2 puntos.

    El Dunărea Brăila, representante de Rumanía en la Copa EHF de balonmano femenino, se quedó eliminado por el equipo noruego Byasen Trondheim. Las noruegas ganaron por 34-23 el partido de vuelta de la tercera ronda preliminar . Las rumanas se habían impuesto en la ida con una diferencia mínima de 1 punto, 25-24.


    La tenista rumana Irina Maria Bara participa en el torneo de Valencia dotado con 25.000 dólares en premios, donde este martes avanzó a octavos al derrotar a la jugadora holandesa Bibiane Schoofs, 7-5 y 6-2.


    Rumanía obtuvo una medalla de oro y dos de bronce en la Copa Mundial de judo para los veteranos celebrada en Fort Lauderdale (Florida, EE.UU).

    Así, Lena Sterea ganó el oro en la cat. 57 kg y Adrian Petre, (cat. 81 kg) y Ovidiu Moraru, (cat. 100 kg) , las medallas de bronce .

    La competición contó con 999 judokas veteranos de 63 países.


    La selección masculina de baloncesto de Rumanía formará parte del grupo de Cluj-Napoca junto con el campeón vigente España, Hungría, Croacia, Rep. Checa y Montenegro, en el Campeonato Europeo del próximo año, Eurobasket 2017, según el sorteo llevado a cabo este martes en Estambul.

    La Copa europea tendrá lugar en Turquía, Rumanía (Sala Polivalenta de Cluj-Napoca), Israel y Finlandia.

    España, vigente campeona europea, será el principal rival de la selección tricolor, contando con 3 títulos europeos (2009, 2011, 2015), 6 medallas de plata y 3 de bronce, ha señalado la página web de la Federación Rumana de Baloncesto..

    Los mejores resultados de Rumanía hasta la fecha son 2 quintos lugares en 1957 y 1967).La última participación de la selección en el torneo final europeo data de 1987.

    El Steaua CSM Eximbank perdió ante el equipo israelí Bnei Herzliya por 92-83 ,este martes en casa en la Sala Polivalentă Ioan Kunst-Ghermănescu, en su último partido disputado en el Grupo F de la competición masculina de baloncesto FIBA Europe Cup.

    El equipo rumano CSM CSU Oradea venció al equipo finlandés Kataja Basket por 80-74 , este martes en Joensuu, en el Grupo B de la Liga de los Campeones de baloncesto masculino.

    El equipo entrenado por Cristian Achim jugará su próximo partido el 30 de noviembre, en casa, con el Umana Reyer Venezia.

    Aqui terminan los deportes de hoy.