Tag: Augustin Lazar

  • Le gouvernement modifie à nouveau les Lois de la Justice

    Le gouvernement modifie à nouveau les Lois de la Justice

    Le gouvernement roumain a adopté lundi un décret durgence qui modifie les Lois de la Justice. Ces modifications, applaudies par daucuns ou contestées avec véhémence par dautres, y compris par le biais des manifestations de rue, avaient déjà fait lobjet de vifs débats au Parlement. Validées par la Cour constitutionnelle, ces modifications assurent un meilleur fonctionnement du système juridique dans lintérêt des citoyens, a déclaré la première ministre Viorica Dăncilă lors dune réunion gouvernementale.

    A son tour, le ministre de tutelle, Tudorel Toader, a affirmé que ladoption du décret durgence avait été nécessaire pour reprendre des recommandations de la Commission de Venise dont il est lui-même membre, ainsi que certaines sollicitations du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature de Bucarest. Le ministre a par ailleurs précisé que les procureurs qui aspirent à une fonction de direction au Parquet général, à la Direction nationale anticorruption ou à la Direction dinvestigation des infractions liées au crime organisé et au terrorisme devaient avoir une ancienneté au travail de 15 ans, au lieu de 8 comme cétait le cas jusquici. En plus, les entretiens avec les candidats seront transmis en direct et conservés dans les archives et pourront être visionnés par toute personne intéressée. Une autre modification concerne le fait que le futur procureur à la Direction nationale anticorruption ou à la Direction dinvestigation des infractions liées au crime organisé et au terrorisme doit avoir une ancienneté de 10 ans.

    Enfin, le départ à la retraite anticipée des magistrats au bout de 20 ans dactivité entrera en vigueur après le 31 décembre 2019. Le ministre Tudorel Toader a expliqué que, selon la Commission de Venise, dans le cas contraire on risquait de se voir confronter à un déficit de personnel. Tudorel Toader: “Pour maintenir léquilibre entre dune part le désir de certains magistrats de partir à la retraite après 20 ans dactivité et de lautre le respect de la décision de la Cour Constitutionnelle et les préoccupations de la Commission de Venise au sujet du déficit en personnel, on a proposé et adopté la variante de repousser à la fin 2019 la solution à ce problème. Entre temps, on va voir comme évolueront les choses dans le système .”

    Le président du Parti national libéral, dopposition, Ludovic Orban, observe, en échange, que le gouvernement de Bucarest na respecté que deux des neuf recommandations de la Commission de Venise et que le pouvoir en place ignore tous les messages au niveau européen. Ludovic Orban: “PNL condamne fermement le gouvernement qui continue de bafouer lindépendance de la Justice, les droits de lhomme et les libertés fondamentales des citoyens, la coopération loyale avec la Commission européenne et avec toutes les autres institutions européennes.”

    Pour sa part, le procureur général Augustin Lazăr affirme que les modifications apportées aux Lois de la Justice ont été faites à la va-vite et affectent les dossiers importants : “Il a fallu recourir à laide du personnel de plusieurs Parquets pour résoudre les dossiers complexes. Or, les délégations de fonctions dans de telles situations cesseront désormais et les équipes qui travaillent actuellement seront supprimées.” Selon Augustin Lazăr, si la Roumanie ne tranche pas les grandes affaires judiciaires, elle risque des sanctions financières importantes suite à des condamnations prononcées par la Cour européenne des droits de lhomme. (Trad. Mariana Tudose)

  • New changes to the justice laws in Romania

    New changes to the justice laws in Romania

    On Monday, the Romanian Government passed an
    emergency ordinance amending the justice laws, which have been the topic of
    fierce debates for some time. Applauded by some and contested by others, the
    amendments have been validated by the Constitutional Court, as the Prime
    Minister Viorica Dancila announced in the latest government meeting, also
    stressing that the changes will ensure a better functioning of the justice
    system, for the benefit of the Romanian citizens. In turn, the Justice Minister
    Tudorel Toader has stated that passing this ordinance was necessary in order to
    incorporate some of the recommendations made by the Venice Commission and some
    of the requests made by the Superior Council of Magistracy. The minister has emphasized
    some of the changes, such as the provision according to which, in order to hold
    a leadership position within the General Prosecutor’s Office, the National
    Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) and the Directorate for Investigating Organized
    Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), prosecutors will need to prove 15 years of
    seniority, instead of 8 as before. Interviews for these positions will be
    recorded, archived and available to all those interested in watching them.
    Also, the prosecutors who want to work with the National Anticorruption
    Directorate or DIICOT will have to have 10 years of seniority. The provision
    regarding the early retirement of magistrates after 20 years of seniority will
    be applied after December 31st, 2019, in order to avoid shortage of
    staff, which is one of the concerns voiced by the Venice Commission. Minister
    Toader explained:

    In order to strike the balance between
    the desire of some of the magistrates to retire immediately after 20 years of
    work, the ruling of the Constitutional Court and the recommendations made by
    the Venice Commission, which believes that this would create staff shortage, we
    have decided to postpone the implementation of this provision up until the end
    of 2019. In the meantime we will see how the system works.

    The president of the opposition National Liberal
    Party Ludovic Orban has stated, however, that out of the nine recommendations
    made by the Venice Commission, the Government has only complied with two and
    that the current ruling coalition ignores all the messages conveyed at European
    level. Ludovic Orban:

    The National Liberal Party firmly blames
    the Government for continuing to mock the independence of the judiciary, the
    citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms and the cooperation with the European
    Commission and other European institutions.

    In turn, Romania’s Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar
    has stated that the changes brought to the justice laws were done hastily, thus
    affecting the solving of important cases:

    Staff from several prosecutor offices
    have been mobilized and posted to solve big and complex cases. In this new
    situation, the staff working on these cases will be dismantled.

    According to Augustin Lazar, unless these so-called
    ‘big cases’ are solved, Romania might have to pay large amounts of money
    following rulings by the European Court of Human Rights.

    (Translated by M. Ignatescu)

  • October 15, 2018

    October 15, 2018

    VISIT– Romanian president Klaus Iohannis continues his four-day formal visit to Rome, the first by a Romanian high official in the past 45 years. Today he holds talks with his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella, on the strategic partnership between the two countries. The two heads of state are attending, later today, the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the commemoration of 2000 years since the death of the Latin poet, Ovid. On Sunday, Klaus Iohannis held talks with representatives of the Orthodox, Greek and Roman-Catholic churches. Also on Sunday he took part in a symbolic event, the projection of Romanias flag on Emperor Trajan’s Column. The Romanian Presidents agenda also includes talks with representatives of the Romanian community in Italy, the largest Romanian community abroad, which numbers 1.5 million people.

    EMERGENCY DECREE — The Romanian Government has today passed an emergency decree for the modification of some justice laws, Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader has announced. He has explained that the decree was needed to correlate the three justice laws modified this year, and also to include some recommendations of the Venice Commission and requests of the Higher Council of Magistracy. Among the modifications are the increase, from 8 to 15 years, of the minimum number of years of work within the legal system in order to be eligible for leading positions within the Prosecutor’s Office with the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Anti-Corruption Directorate and the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism. In reaction to the emergency decree passed today by the Government, Romania’s Prosecutor General, Augustin Lazar, says modifications to the justice laws have been done hastily and are affecting investigations in the big criminal cases.

    TOUR – Romanian PM Viorica Dancila is today meeting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, at the start of a tour that includes Turkey and the Gulf countries. According to the Romanian official, these countries have great potential for developing economic ties with Romania. The ministers that accompany PM Dancila on the tour will present important projects in fields such as infrastructure, health, tourism, and energy, which private investors can also develop through public-private partnerships.

    FINANCIAL SUPPORT – Romanian Agriculture Minister, Petre Daea is today sending to Brussels, the documents that Romania needs in order to apply for financial support from the European Commission to combat the effects of the African swine fever. Romania is expected to receive 40 million euros, an amount which is to be invested in laboratories and the proper medical equipment to detect the disease and rebuild its livestock.

    IMPORTS – Romanias imports of fruit and vegetables stood at 783.1 million Euros in the first half of 2018 whereas the value of exports was almost 10 times smaller, data released by the countrys National Institute for Statistics show. Romanias exports of fruit and vegetables stood at 78.6 million Euros in the first half of the year and the countrys deficit in the international trade with fruit and vegetables amounts to 704.5 million Euros. According to the same report, imports of fruit and vegetables rose by 4.8% between January 1st and June 30th as compared to the same period last year while exports saw a 9.6% increase against the first six months of 2017.

    PROGRAMME – Romanians aged between 16 and 55 can access, under certain conditions, loans guaranteed by the state by up to 80%, including corresponding interest rates and commissions. “Invest in Yourself” is the title of a government programme launched in Romania on the 15th of October. The loan can be used to pay for books, school supplies, training courses and fees for advanced studies, masters, doctoral and MBA programmes. Payments can also cover expenses related to rent and utilities, accommodation in student campuses and some of the costs of building or buying a home and of home improvements.

    (Translated by E. Enache)

  • 03.10.2018 (mise à jour)

    03.10.2018 (mise à jour)

    Rencontre — Des experts de la Commission européenne ont eu, ce mercredi, à Bucarest, une rencontre avec une délégation du ministère public, dirigée par le procureur général de la Roumanie, Augustin Lazăr. La rencontre s’inscrit dans les missions régulières d’information sur le Mécanisme de coopération et de vérification (MCV). Un communiqué du Parquet général précise que les échanges ont porté principalement sur la création de la section d’investigation des infractions de la justice et les modifications opérées dans le Code pénal, le Code de procédure pénale et les lois de la justice. Rappelons que la Commission européenne suit les évolutions dans le domaine de la justice en Roumanie, à travers le MCV, depuis l’adhésion du pays à l’Union européenne en 2007.

    Offshore — La loi offshore, qui établit les règles d’exploitation des gisements de gaz naturels de la mer Noire, a fait l’objet du débat des députés de Bucarest, qui ont décidé de renvoyer le texte aux commissions spécialisées. Adopté au cours de la précédente session parlementaire et renvoyé au parlement pour réexamen par le président Klaus Iohannis, l’acte normatif avait subi des modifications substantielles. Mardi, les commmissions spécialisées avait produit un rapport final assorti d’amendements, dont la plupart avaient été proposés par le groupe parlementaire du Parti social-démocrate (PSD), principale composante de la coalition gouvernementale. Selon un de ces amendements, un investisseur pourrait déduire 30% maximum de l’impôt sur les revenus supplémentaires, alors que les sénateurs avaient adopté le chiffre de 60%. Les élus de l’Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates, partenaire de coalition avec le PSD, ont fait savoir qu’ils allaient demander le renvoi de la loi aux commissions parlementaires.

    Motion — La Chambre des Députés de Roumanie a rejeté la motion simple déposée par le Parti National Libéral (PNL), d’opposition, contre le ministre des finances, Eugen Teodorovici. De l’avis des Libéraux le ministre est coupable pour l’échec de la stratégie fiscale et budgétaire ; ils demandent donc que l’accise supplémentaire sur les carburants soit supprimée, que des projets majeurs d’investissements soient démarrer et que la totalité des impôts sur les revenus soit versée à l’administration locale à compter de l’année prochaine. Rappelons aussi que mardi, le Sénat de Bucarest a rejeté la motion simple contre le ministre des Transports, Lucian Sova, déposée par le PNL et par l’USR, qui lui reprochaient la manière dont il avait géré le secteur routier et ferroviaire de Roumanie.

    Conférence — La Roumanie et l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) organiseront une conférence sur l’entrepreneuriat, dans la ville suisse de Genève, au premier semestre de l’année prochaine, a annoncé le ministère roumain pour le milieu des affaires, le commerce et l’entrepreneuriat, ce mercredi. La décision d’organiser cet événement a été prise lors de l’entretien, à Genève, du titulaire du portefeuille ministériel de Bucarest, Ştefan-Radu Oprea, avec le directeur général de l’OMC, Roberto Carvalho de Azevędo. La conférence sera placée sous l’égide de la présidence roumaine du Conseil de l’Union européenne.

    Météo — Il fera frais en Roumanie et même froid dans le nord et le centre du pays dans les prochaines 24 heures. Jeudi, en milieu de journée, les températures ne dépasseront pas les 22°.

  • Nachrichten 03.10.2018

    Nachrichten 03.10.2018

    Bukarest: Die rumänische Abgeordnetenkammer hat die Vorlage zum Offshore-Gesetz zur Erschließung der Erdgasreserven im Schwarzen Meer an die Fachausschüsse zurückgeschickt. Die erste angerufene Kammer, der Senat, hatte beschlossen, dass die Erdgasunternehmen höchstens 60% der Steuer auf Zusatzeinnahmen absetzen können; die Fachauschüsse in der Unterkammer begrenzten den Anteil auf 30%. Eine frühere Fassung des Gesetzes war von Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis an das Parlament zurückgeschickt worden.

    Straßburg: Die Europäische Kommission verfolgt die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Rumänien mit Besorgnis – das sagte Kommission-Vizepräsident Frans Timmermans zum Auftakt einer Debatte im EP zur Lage in Rumänien. Das Land habe Rückschritte in der Justizreform und der Korruptionsbekämpfung gemacht, meinte er. Dazu gehören die umstrittenen Änderungen am StGB und an den Justizverwaltungsgesetzen und die Entlassung der Chefin der Antikorruptionsbehörde Laura Codruta Kövesi. Timmermans forderte die Behörden auf, die Kooperationsprotokolle der Staatsanwaltschaften mit den Geheimdiensten zu prüfen. Die Europäische Kommision werde die entsprechenden Schlüsse ziehen, wenn die Änderungen an den Vorschriften im Justizbereich trotz aller Einwände angenommen werden. Premierministerin Viorica Dancila warf ein, dass aufgrund der Kooperationsprotokolle Millionen Bürger abgehört wurden. Sie verteidigte die Justizreformen ihrer Regierung. Dancila zufolge habe hingegen der Kooperation- und Verifizierungsmechanismus der EU versagt, weil er der Willkür und den Menschenrechtsverletzung keinen Einhalt geboten habe. Dancila nahm zudem die rumänische Gendarmerie in Schutz – die Ordnungskräfte seien am 10. August bei der Demonstration gegen die Regierung nicht unverhältnismäßig brutal eingeschritten, sondern lediglich genau so, wie es Ordnungskräfte auch in anderen Ländern tun. Dancila verlangte, dass Rumänien als gleichberechtigter Partner in der EU behandelt wird.

    Bukarest: Experten der Europäischen Kommission sind am Mittwoch in Bukarest mit einer Delegation des Innenministeriums zusammengekommen. Die Delegation wurde von dem Generalstaatsanwalt Augustin Lazăr geleitet. Unter den angegangenen Themen zählten die Gründung einer Abteilung für die Untersuchung der Verbrechen in der Justiz, die Abänderungen des Strafgesetzes und der Strafprozessordnung, sowie der Justizgesetze. Die Europäische Kommission monitorisiert durch den Kooperations- und Überprüfungsmechanismus die Entwicklungen der rumänischen Justiz seit dem EU-Beitritt 2007.

    Bukarest: Im Unterhaus ist am Mittwoch ein sogenannter einfacher Antrag gegen Finanzminister Eugen Teodorovici gescheitert. Die Liberalen hatten ihm ein Versagen der Fiskalstrategie vorgeworfen und dem Minister verlangt, auf eine Sondersteuer auf Treibstoff zu verzichten. Außerdem sollten die Einkommensteuern nach Vorstellung der Liberalen ab 2019 vollständig in den Etat der Lokalverwaltungen fließen. Finanzminister Teodorovici erwiderte, dass die Wirtschaft nachhaltig wachse. Ein solcher Antrag gegen Verkehrsminister Lucian Sova war am Dienstag an der Mehrheit im Senat abgeprallt.

    Bukarest: Landwirtschaftsminister Petre Daea hat am Mittwoch in Brüssel bei der Kommission zusätzliche Mittel für die Entschädigung der Landwirte und Betriebe, die von der afrikanischen Schweinepest betroffen worden sind, beantragt. Bisher erfolgten Zahlungen für 5.000 von 6. 000 gestellten Anträgen; die Gesamtleistungen belaufen sich auf rund 54 Mio RON oder 11,5 Mio EUR.

  • 28.08.2018


    Diplomatie – Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, reçoit ce mardi, à Bucarest, les chefs des missions diplomatiques et les consuls généraux à l’occasion de la Réunion annuelle de la diplomatie roumaine dont l’invité spécial est le chef de la diplomatie allemande, Heiko Maas. L’événement se déroule en présence du ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères, Teodor Meleşcanu, du ministre délégué aux Affaires européennes, Victor Negrescu, et des représentants du corps diplomatique accrédité à Bucarest. Cette réunion est une plateforme élargie de débats sur des sujets d’intérêt majeur pour la Roumanie, tels la future présidence roumaine du Conseil de l’UE, au premier semestre de 2019, les relations bilatérales et stratégiques, la coopération régionale, le voisinage oriental et la diplomatie économique. Déroulé sous le thème « La diplomatie – pilier de la Roumanie centenaire », l’événement s’achèvera mercredi.

    Politique – La direction de l’Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates, ALDE, membre de la coalition gouvernementale, se réunit ce mardi pour dresser ses priorités en vue de la prochaine session parlementaire. A l’agenda des discussions figurent aussi les critères d’élection des représentants au Parlement européen et l’analyse de l’activité des organisations locales. Par ailleurs, Liviu Dragnea, président du PSD, principale formation politique de la coalition au pouvoir, a fait savoir que le week-end prochain se tiendrait, dans la station littorale de Neptun, la réunion du Comité exécutif national et celle des groupes parlementaires. Les discussions viseront les priorités législatives et l’activité des ministres du cabinet Dancila. Le Parti national libéral (PNL), d’opposition, se réunira lui aussi pour des discussions au sujet de la future session parlementaire.

    Etats-Unis – Le gouvernement américain se refuse à commenter les opinions des citoyens américains, a fait savoir ce mardi le porte parole de l’Ambassade américaine à Bucarest, Donald Carroll. Dans une déclaration pour Agerpres, ce dernier a mis en évidence les progrès considérables que la Roumanie a faits jusqu’il y a peu dans sa lutte contre la corruption et dans ses efforts de construire un Etat de droit efficace. La réaction de la mission diplomatique survient après que l’ancien procureur fédéral et maire de New York, Rudolph Giuliani, actuellement avocat de Donald Trump, eut envoyé une letttre au président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, et à d’autres responsables de Bucarest pour demander la vérification des protocoles signés entre le Parquet général et les Services roumains de Renseignements. Dans son document, M. Giuliani a appelé Bucarest à mettre un terme aux pressions sur les magistrats. Le Parquet général a informé avoir conclu, en décembre 2016, deux protocoles de coopération avec le SRI, qui ont été en vigueur pendant trois mois seulement. L’un avait un caractère public et fixait les conditions d’accès aux systèmes techniques du Centre national pour l’interception des communications. L’autre avait un caractère secret et visait la coopération au sujet des infractions à la sécurité nationale, celles de terrorisme ainsi que les infractions commises par des cadres militaires des Services roumains de Renseignements. Dans le contexte des discussions au sujet de ces protocoles, le ministre de la Justice, Tudorel Toader, a annoncé démarrer l’évaluation de l’activité managériale du procureur général de la Roumanie, Augustin Lazar.

    Eloges – Dans une proclamation lancée à l’occasion du Centenaire de la Grande Union, le gouverneur de l’Etat américain d’Alabama, Kay Ivey, a fait l’éloge de la Roumanie et des Roumains du pays et des Etats Unis. Le document rappelle que le Partenariat stratégique roumano-américain repose sur des valeurs démocratiques, sur des rapports historiques et sur l’engagement bilatéral des deux pays de servir à la sécurité transatlantique et à la prospérité réciproque. Dans sa proclamation, le gouverneur américain met en lumière le talent, l’énergie et la créativité des générations successives d’Américains d’origine roumaine. L’Alabama est le neuvième Etat américain à rendre hommage au Centenaire de la Grande Union.

    Tennis – Trois joueuses roumaines de tennis présentes à l’US Open, dernier tournoi du Grand Chelem de cette année, entrent ce mardi sur les courts. Il s’agit de Mihaela Buzarnescu qui rencontrera la Tchèque Marketa Vondrousova, de Sorana Cîrstea qui essaiera d’avoir raison de l’Américaine Alison Riske, et de Monica Niculescu qui se battra contre l’Israélienne Julia Glushko. Lundi, trois autres Roumaines ont évolué sur le terrain. Simona Halep, numéro 1 mondiale, a perdu par 0 à 2 face à Kaia Kanepi d’Estonie, tandis qu’Irina Begu et Ana Bogdan ont eu raison, chacune, de leurs adversaires – l’Américaine Jennifer Brady et respectivement la Tchèque Maria Bouzkova. Le seul joueur roumain présent dans la compétition masculine de simple, Marius Copil, jouera aujourd’hui contre le Croate Marin Cilic, n° 7 mondial.

    Météo – Un grand soleil nous accompagne ce mardi, presque partout en Roumanie. Quelques averses feront leur apparition notamment en haute montagne et sur le centre du territoire où le ciel reste plutôt nuageux. Les maximales du jour vont de 24 à 34 degrés. 27 degrés à midi, dans la capitale roumaine.

  • August 27, 2018 UPDATE

    August 27, 2018 UPDATE

    Diplomats’ meeting — Bucharest is hosting, as of Monday, the annual meeting of the Romanian diplomats, under the motto Diplomacy — a pillar of Centennial Romania”. On the occasion, the Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu stated that the Romanian diplomacy should remain a fundamental bond in society. He said that Romania’s modernization was possible thanks to the consensus of the entire political class over the objectives of Romania’s integration into NATO and the EU. Romania has reached its historic objectives and is now benefiting from an unprecedented level of security and prosperity, minister Melescanu added. The special guest of the meeting is the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. Also attending the meeting are, among others, the Romanian Minister delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu and representatives of the foreign diplomatic corps accredited to Bucharest. The main issues under discussion are Romania’s future mandate as president of the EU Council, bilateral and strategic relations, regional cooperation, the Eastern neighborhood, the UN and the economic diplomacy. The diplomats’ meeting will come to an end on Wednesday.

    Prosecutor’s Office — Romania’s Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar on Monday said that the manipulation of the public opinion is frequently used to destabilize the activity of prosecutors. He added that the Public Ministry’s actions were all transparent and took place in the spirit of truth. Augustin Lazar also said that the justice system and the rule of law are currently going though difficult times and made public the correspondence the Public Ministry had with the Justice Ministry and the Superior Council of Magistracy on the issue of the protocols concluded with the Romanian Intelligence Service. He made these statements after on Saturday the justice minister Tudorel Toader announced the start of procedures for the assessment of the prosecutor general’s managerial activity in the context of the protocols concluded with SRI. Previously, the General Prosecutor’s Office had informed that in December 2016 it had concluded two cooperation protocols with SRI that were in force for only 3 months. One of them was made public and set the conditions for access to the technical systems belonging to the National Centre for Interception of Communications, while the other, which was classified, was related to cooperation regarding crimes against national security, terrorism as well as crimes made by the military staff within the Intelligence Service.

    Paris — The French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday announced in Paris that, in the coming months, he would present a project for the consolidation of security in Europe, which can no longer rely on the US alone. He said he wanted to launch a new dialogue, mainly with Russia, on several topics, among which cyber security, chemical weapons, conventional weapons, territorial conflicts and space security. The European security and defense architecture needs to be reconsidered, Macron also said in his speech delivered on the occasion of the annual conference of French ambassadors. (news update by L. Simion)

  • 27.08.2018 (mise à jour)

    27.08.2018 (mise à jour)

    Diplomatie – Bucarest accueille du 27 au 29 août, la Réunion annuelle de la diplomatie roumaine, avec pour thème « La diplomatie – pilier de la Roumanie centenaire ». A l’occasion, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Teodor Melescanu, a déclaré que la diplomatie roumaine devait demeurer un liant fondamental de la société. Il a estimé que la modernisation de la Roumanie avait été possible suite au consensus de l’ensemble de la classe politique à l’égard des visées d’intégrer la Roumanie à l’OTAN et à l’UE. La Roumanie a ateint des objectifs historiques et bénéficie d’un niveau de sécurité et de prospérité sans précédent, a ajouté M Meleşcanu. L’invité spécial de la réunion est le chef de la diplomatie allemande, Heiko Maas. Y participent le ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères, Teodor Meleşcanu, le ministre délégué aux affaires européennes, Victor Negrescu, les chefs de missions diplomatiques et consulaires de Roumanie ainsi que des invités de Roumanie et de l’étranger. Cette réunion est une plateforme élargie de débats sur des sujets d’intérêt majeur pour la Roumanie, tels la future présidence roumaine du Conseil de l’UE, au premier semestre de 2019, les relations bilatérales et stratégiques. Parmi les priorités nationales à l’agenda de la réunion figurent la coopération régionale, le voisinage oriental et la diplomatie économique.

    Justice – Le procureur général de la Roumanie, Augustin Lazăr, a déclaré, lundi, que la manipulation de l’opinion publique est fréquemment utilisée dans la tentative de déstabiliser l’activité des procureurs et du ministère public, alors que ce dernier a depuis toujours agi de manière transparente, dans le respect de la vérité. Le procureur général a encore constaté que la période que traversent actuellement la Justice et l’Etat de droit est une difficile. Dans ce contexte, il a publié la correspondance portée avec le ministère de la Justice et le Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature au sujet des accords conclus avec le Service roumain de Renseignements. Les déclarations surviennent après que samedi, le ministre roumain de la Justice a annoncé démarrer la procédure d’évaluation de l’activité managériale du procureur général dans le contexte des protocoles conclus avec les Services secrets. Les résultats de l’évaluation seront rendus publics dans un délai de 30 jours tout au plus. Le Parquet général a informé avoir conclu, en décembre 2016, deux protocoles de coopération avec le SRI, qui ont été en vigueur pendant trois mois seulement. L’un avait un caractère public et fixait les conditions d’accès aux systèmes techniques du Centre national pour intercepter les communications. L’autre avait un caractère secret et visait la coopération au sujet des infractions à la sécurité nationale, celles de terrorisme ainsi que les infractions commises par des cadres militaires du SRI.

    Peste porcine – Prévu dans un premier temps pour lundi, l’abattage des 140.000 porcs de la plus grande ferme d’élevage de cochons de Roumanie a été reporté sur demande de la direction. Celle-ci a sollicité la mise en place d’une commission censée évaluer l’impacte d’une telle mesure. Un autre foyer de peste porcine a été récemment confirmé dans une autre ferme d’élevage de porcs du même département de Braila, l’abattage de quelque 35000 cochons étant en cours. Un quart des 41 départements de la Roumanie sont touchés par l’épidémie de peste porcine africaine, les autorités ayant confirmé plus de 700 foyers de la maladie dans le sud-est et le nord-ouest du pays, où quelque 120.000 cochons ont été tués jusqu’à présent. La Fédération nationale des producteurs de l’agriculture, de l’industrie alimentaire et des services connexes « Pro Agro » a demandé au gouvernement de lancer la procédure pour que le Conseil suprême de défense examine la situation actuelle, la diffusion du virus de la peste porcine africaine ayant des effets graves sur la production nationale de viande.

    Météo – En Roumanie, le temps est au beau fixe, surtout dans le sud, le sud-est, le sud-ouest et l’est du pays. Le ciel est partiellement couvert sur le centre et le sud du territoire où des orages sont attendus. Les minima chuteront jusqu’à 12 degrés, tandis que les maxima grimperont jusqu’à 34. Les hydrologues ont placé en alerte jaune aux inondations plusieurs rivières d’une dizaine de départements du sud-ouest, sud et centre de la Roumanie.

  • May 8, 2018 UPDATE

    May 8, 2018 UPDATE

    CORRUPTION – Romania is dealing with the situation of offenders turning professional, proof thereof being the huge bribes offered and accepted at the signing of contracts financed from public money, Romania’s Prosecutor General, Augustin Lazar, said on Tuesday. Attending a debate staged by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, focused on corruption in the health system, Augustin Lazar has said that applying the law is the only way to fight this plague. Almost 60% of the Romanians affected by corruption say its effects are the most deeply felt in the public health system, anti-corruption chief prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi has said at the debate. The information presented is included in the European Commission’s latest report on corruption in the EU member states.

    HEALTHCARE — Romanian PM Viorica Dancila, alongside the ministers of health and finance, on Tuesday met with representatives of healthcare trade unions, who said they would go on general strike on Friday if the government does not find means of increasing wages. On Monday, hospitals across the country went on a two-hour warning strike. Protesters are not satisfied with the 30% ceiling to bonuses, and claim that the new wage scheme caused losses of up to 215 Euro to certain categories of health workers. The situation has caused the opposition National Liberal Party to introduce a motion to remove Social Democrat Health Minister Sorin Pintea.

    JUSTICE — Parliament’s special committee for the revision of the justice laws have started debating the amendments to the Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Civil Code, following hearings last week with the Minister of Justice, parliamentary groups and professional associations. Justice Minister Tudorel Toader supports the amendments to the Criminal Code in line with the decisions of the Constitutional Court and European directives, while the right wing opposition believes that the proposed changes would favor politicians under investigation by courts of law. The representatives of professional associations are against the relaxation of the Criminal Code, and argue that these changes will have repercussions for years to come. Last week, President Klaus Iohannis sent once again the proposed amendments to the Constitutional Court, announcing he would file a complaint with the Venice Commission.

    CANNES – The 71st edition of the Cannes Film Festival opens, with 21 movies competing for the Palme dOr prize, which will be given out on May 19. Romania competes with the short film Blue and Red, Equally, by Georgiana Moldoveanu, while Romanian origin director Marta Bergman participates with her French-Belgian production of Seule a mon mariage feature length drama. The Romanian Short Waves program, containing 14 Romanian productions, has been running at Cannes since 2008, continuing this year. In the Short Film Corner category, three more short films will be screened. Famous director Cristian Mungiu chairs the tenth edition of the La Fabrique Cinema program, aimed at supporting filmmakers in emerging countries.

    PROSECUTION — Anti-corruption prosecutors have filed in the Supreme Court a request for a three-year sentence against Senate Speaker Calin Popescu-Tariceanu. In 2016, prosecutors with the National Anti-corruption Directorate started a prosecution against him for perjury and conspiracy in a case regarding land deals. The sentence will be issued on May 22.

    STATISTICS — Almost one in five persons in the European Union is aged 65 or over, the Eurostat has reported. In the EU, the old-age dependency ratio was 29.9% in 2017 which means there were slightly more than three persons of working age for every person aged 65 or over. The old-age dependency ration is traditionally seen as an indication of the level of support available to older persons (those aged 65 or over) by the working age population, (those aged between 15 and 64). According to the Eurostat, in 2017, across the EU Member States, the old-age dependency ratio was highest in Italy, Greece and Finland, followed by Portugal and Germany. At the opposite end of the scale, the lowest ratios were recorded in Luxembourg, Ireland, Slovakia, Cyprus, Poland and also Romania. In these Member States, there were about five persons of working age for every older person.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number one in the world, on Tuesday defeated Belgian Elise Mertens, 6-0, 6-3 in the second round of the Madrid WTA tournament. Halep will next be up against Kristyna Pliskova of the Czech Republic. Also on Tuesday, in the second round of the competition, Romanian Sorana Carstea was WTA’s 36th seed, was defeated by Russian Daria Kasatkina 6-3, 6-1. In the mens singles, Marius Copil, 92nd seeded, was defeated by Jan-Lennard Struff. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • April 2, 2018 UPDATE

    April 2, 2018 UPDATE

    Prosecution — Romania’s Prosecutor General Augustin Lazăr on Monday conveyed to the Romanian President Klaus Iohannis a request for completing the criminal prosecution in the Revolution Case, which investigates the events that led to the collapse of the Communist regime in December 1989. In the Revolution Case, the highest-ranking officials of the leftist power that took power immediately after the fall of Communism, namely Ion Iliescu, a former president, Petre Roman, a former prime minister, and Gelu Voican Voiculescu, a former deputy prime minister, are accused of crimes against humanity. According to prosecutors, the armed incidents that took place after December 22 in many localities across Romania show that they were prepared in advance, according to a well-established plan, aimed at giving the power to the new leaders and legitimizing them. We recall that the European Court of Human Rights condemned Romania for postponing a resolution in the Revolution Case. According to the Court, the importance of this case for the Romanian society should have motivated the authorities to solve the case urgently. According to official statistics in December 1989 over 1,100 people were killed and as many as 3 thousand were wounded.

    EU Funds — The Romanian Minister for European Funds Rovana Plumb announced Monday that Romania attracted almost 47 billion Euros worth of European funds in 10 years of EU membership. According to Minister Plumb in the current funding program Romania intends to have an absorption rate of 100% by 2023. Rovana Plumb added that in April several calls for projects would be made, including projects related to the continuation of support for big companies.

    Tennis — The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep is the leader of the WTA world classification made public on Monday, with more than 1,300 points ahead of the 2nd ranked player Danish Caroline Wozniacki. All in all, Simona Halep has been the leader of the WTA ranking for 21 weeks. The other 5 Romanian tennis players in the Top 100 are Sorana Cîrstea, 34th in the WTA classification, Irina Begu ranked 38th, Mihaela Buzărnescu on 39th position, Monica Niculescu ranked 65th and Ana Bogdan on 90th position. (news updated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • Reacţii la propunerile de modificare a legilor justiţiei

    Reacţii la propunerile de modificare a legilor justiţiei

    Direcţiei Naţionale Anticorupţie au avertizat că unele din propunerile de
    modificare a legilor Justiţiei venite de la ministerul de resort ar afecta
    independenţa şi buna funcţionare a instituţiilor din domeniu şi ar reprezenta o
    formă de presiune asupra activităţii anchetatorilor. 2500 de procurori din
    România au fost consultaţi, preciza procurorul general Augustin Lazăr, iar
    principalele lor nemulţumiri sunt legate de posibilitatea ca actul judiciar să
    fie politizat, iar prerogativele DNA restrânse.

    Augustin Lazăr: O primă
    propunere neagreată a fost cea privind trecerea Inspecţiei Judiciare în
    subordinea Ministerului Justiţiei. De asemenea, în unanimitate, procurorii nu
    au agreat crearea unei aşa-zise direcţii specializate pentru cercetarea

    În legătură cu aceasta din urmă, procurorul general
    bănuieşte că provine din exteriorul sistemului judiciar şi urmăreşte să ia
    Direcţiei anticorupţie din atribuţii. Cercetările se fac nu pe categorii de
    persoane, ci pe ariile infracţionale şi nu există un capitol de infracţiuni
    contra magistraţilor
    , a subliniat Augustin Lazăr.

    Şi procurorii care combat
    crima organizată s-au declarat sceptici în privinţa oportunităţii unora din
    modificările preconizate.

    Atent la reacţiile vădit defavorabile ale
    specialiştilor şi ale opiniei publice, premierul Mihai Tudose a promis că la
    adoptarea documentului va ţine cont atât de avizul CSM, cât şi de poziţia
    protestatarilor din stradă. Iar ministrul justiţiei, Tudorel Toader, a dat
    asigurări că actul normativ va fi finalizat numai în urma unei dezbateri ample
    în spaţiul public.

    Tudorel Toader: Voi trimite proiectul după ce se va
    exprima toată lumea, toată societatea, toate organizaţiile profesionale şi, în
    al doilea rând, după ce se vor exprima puncte de vedere, opinii, critici.

    Între propunerile care au stârnit reacţii aprinse şi proteste de stradă se
    numără, alături de cele criticate de procurori, excluderea preşedintelui
    României din procedura de numire a procurorului general şi a şefilor DNA şi

    Ambasada Statelor Unite s-a declarat, la rândul ei, îngrijorată pentru
    independenţa sistemului judiciar şi a afirmat că este nevoie de procurori independenţi
    care pot urmări activităţile infracţionale, fără imixtiuni politice sau
    limitări ale actului de justiţie.

    Suspectat că are o agendă ascunsă pe care
    figurează subordonarea principalelor instituţii judiciare şi slăbirea DNA,
    guvernul de stânga de la Bucureşti nu reuşeşte să convingă de contrariu. La începutul anului, încercarea cabinetului PSD – ALDE de a modifica, prin
    ordonanţă de urgenta, codurile penale, a scos în stradă sute de mii de români,
    care au acuzat puterea că încearcă să exonereze de răspundere penală pentru
    fapte de corupţie personaje influente din politică şi administraţie. Acum,
    propunerile ministrului Toader nu fac decât să alimenteze suspiciunile cu
    privire la adevăratele intenţii ale PSD în zona justiţiei.

  • Die Woche 27.03.-31.03.2017 im Überblick

    Die Woche 27.03.-31.03.2017 im Überblick

    Der britische Thronfolger Prinz Charles unternahm seinen zweiten offiziellen Rumänien-Besuch

    Seit zwei Jahrzehnten kommt der Thronfolger Großbritanniens, Prinz Charles, nach Rumänien. Inzwischen hat sich der Prinz auch ein paar Immobilien in Siebenbürgen gekauft und besucht diese fast jedes Jahr. Er ist von der Natur und von der Architektur Siebenbürgens fasziniert und unterstützt auch eine Stiftung die alte Häuser, Burgen und Kirchenburgen im südlichen Teil Siebenbürgens, in den alten ehemaligen Sachsendörfern saniert. Am Mittwoch hat der rumänische Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis dem britischen Thronfolger, Prinz Charles, den Nationalorden Stern von Rumänien im Großkreuz-Rang, die höchste Auszeichnung der Republik Rumänien, verliehen. Der britische Thronfolger begrüßte die guten Beziehungen zwischen Rumänien und Großbritannien und erklärte seine tiefe Zuneigung für die Rumänen. Alles was ich in den letzten 20 Jahren, seitdem ich Rumänien besuche, machen wollte, war den Rumänen zu helfen, sich an die Einzigartigkeit ihrer Kultur, an das architektonische Erbe und, vor allem, an ihr Potential in der heutigen Welt.- erklärte Prinz Charles bei seinem Rumänien-Besuch. Der rumänische Staatschef schätzte die Teilnahme des Prinzen Charles an Wohltätigkeitsaktionen und an der Förderung Rumäniens in der Welt:

    Die Implizierung Ihrer Königlichen Hochheit in zahlreichen Sanierungsprojekte in rumänischen Dörfern, sowie Ihre Implizierung in der Förderung der lokalen Erzeugnisse, in Aktionen für Bildung im Bereich traditionelles Handwerk stellt einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Schaffen des Bewusstseins hinsichtlich eines Lebensstils, in dem die Natur, die Tradition und der moderne Mensch in Harmonie leben können, dar. Wir sind Ihrer Hochheit dankbar, weil Sie jedesmal, wenn Sie über Rumänien und die rumänischen Bürger reden, Ihre Bewunderung für das geistige und kulturelle Erbe ausdrücken.

    Prinz Charles ist am Donnerstag mit dem rumänischen Premierminister Sorin Grindeanu zusammengekommen. Themen der Gespräche waren die bilateralen Beziehungen, vor allem im militärischen und politischen Bereich, die Außenpolitik und die Situation der rumänischen Gemeinde in Großbritannien.

    Klaus Iohannis beteiligte sich an der Tagung der Europäischen Volkspartei

    Rumäniens Staatschef Klaus Iohannis hat am Donnerstag beim Kongress der Europäischen Volkspartei (EVP) in der maltesischen Hauptstadt Valletta erklärt, Rumänien sei gegen ein Europa der konzentrischen Intetgrationskreise und gegen ein Europa mit mehreren Geschwindigkeiten, das zu einer Vertiefung der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Unterschiede zwischen den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten führen könnte. Die Europäische Union befinde sich in einer komplizierten Lage, mit komplexen Krisen von höchster Intensität. Die wichtigsten Herausforderungen seien in diesem Moment die Terrorangriffe, die Migration, der Nationalismus, der Populismus, der Brexit und vor allem die Eskalation des Euroskeptizismus, so Klaus Iohannis. Ich habe die Hoffnung, dass dieser Kongress, der in Malta, dem Land, der zur Zeit die turnusmäßige EU-Ratspräsidentschaft innehat, die Kohäsion innerhalb der EU stärken wird“, sagte noch der rumänische Staatspräsident in seiner Rede beim Kongress der Europäischen Volkspartei. Die rumänischen Behörden haben bekanntgegeben, das Ziel Rumäniens bei den Brexit-Verhandlungen sei die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte der rumänischen Bürger, die in Großbritannien arbeiten und studieren. Laut Einschätzungen leben in Großbritannien 250.000 Rumänen.

    Der Generalstaatsanwalt Rumäniens und die Chefstaatsanwältin der Antikorruptionsbehörde werden nicht entlassen

    Der Generalstaatsanwalt Rumäniens Augustin Lazăr und die Chefstaatsanwältin der Antikorruptionsbehörde Laura Codruţa Kovesi sollen nicht aus ihren Ämtern entlassen werden. Ohne Einmischung und ohne Druck von außerhalb des Ministeriums, wollte Tudorel Toader bei seinem Versuch betonen, den Verdacht aus dem Weg zu räumen, dass die Bewertung von der Sozial-Demokratischen Partei politisch bestellt worden sei. Tudorel Toader:

    Was wir als opportun im Zuge der Ansprüche der Rechtsstaatlichkeit betrachten, ist die Einführung einer aufmerksamen Überwachung und einer Verpflichtung der Berichterstattung über die Tätigkeit, die die Staatsanwälte der Antikorruptionsbehörde, der Staatsanwaltschaft zur Bekämpfung des Organisierten Verbrechens und des Terrorismus, sowie der Staatsanwaltschaft des Obersten Gerichtshofes durchführen. Diese Befugnis steht dem Justizminister zu und ich wiederhole, ich werde diese ausüben, ohne die Unabhängigkeit des Staatsanwaltes einen Fall zu lösen, zu beeinträchtigen.“

    Aus der Position eines bekannten Befürworters der Anstrengungen der Staatsanwälte hinsichtlich der Korruptionsbekämpfung, sagt Präsident Klaus Iohannis, dass er mit der Tätigkeit des Generalstaatsanwaltes und der DNA-Staatsanwältin zufrieden ist. Der Staatchef teilt die Meinung des Ministers bezüglich der vermeintlichen Abweichungen der DNA nicht. Dennoch beanstandet er auch nicht dessen Recht die Tätigkeit der Staatsanwaltschaften zu überwachen. Klaus Iohannis dazu:

    Ich erwarte tatsächlich von dem Herrn Minister, die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft, den Generalstaatsanwalt, die DNA-Chefstaatsanwältin, den Chefstaatsanwalt der Staatsanwaltschaft zur Bekämpfung des Organisierten Verbrechens und des Terrorismus zu unterstützen ihre Missionen besser zu erfüllen. Wenn das Justizministerium mit der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft im Rahmen einer treuen Kooperation zusammenarbeitet, dann kann das nur Gutes bedeuten. Somit wird die Lage anders als am Jahresanfang sein, als das Justizministerium und die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft unterschiedliche Meinungen bezüglich der Eilverordnung 13 vertraten.“

    Premierminister Sorin Grindeanu präzisierte in einer Mitteilung, er habe gefordert, ständig über die kontinuierliche Überwachung der Tätigkeit der Staatsanwälte informiert zu werden. Er versicherte, dass die Regierung in der Korruptionsbekämpfung fest engagiert sei.

  • O evaluare îndelung aşteptată

    O evaluare îndelung aşteptată

    Abrogată la presiunea străzii, îndelung
    blamata ordonanţă de urgenţă 13 prin care executivul PSD – ALDE de la Bucureşti
    a încercat să relaxeze legislaţia penală anticorupţie încă produce efecte.
    Curtea Constituţională a decis recent că DNA şi-a arogat competenţe pe care nu
    le are atunci când a început să ancheteze modul în care a fost promovată

    Impulsionat de hotărârea Curţii, fostul ei component, ministrul de
    justiţie, Tudorel Toader, a decis că se impune evaluarea activităţii şefilor
    Parchetului General şi DNA. Fără ingerinţă sau presiune din partea nimănui
    străin de minister, a ţinut să sublinieze Tudorel Toader, în tentativa de a
    elimina suspiciunile că evaluarea ar fi fost comandată politic de PSD.

    După un
    curs de drept constituţional de aproape o oră, o adevărată probă de rezistenţă
    pentru jurnalişti, ministrul a făcut anunţul aşteptat: Evaluând
    toţi factorii de constituţionalitate, de legalitate, de oportunitate am
    apreciat că în acest moment nu este oportună declanşarea mecanismului
    instituţional de revocare a procurorului general, respectiv a procurorului şef
    al DNA.

    Totuşi, decizia Curţii Constituţionale, potrivit căreia
    procurorii nu au atribuţii de a cenzura actele guvernamentale, obligă
    ministerul să ia unele măsuri. Tudorel Toader: Ceea ce considerăm
    oportun, în spiritul exigenţelor statului de drept este necesitatea instituirii
    unei atente monitorizări a unei obligaţii de raportare a activităţii pe care o
    desfăşoară procurorii, de la DNA, DIICOT, Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte,
    autoritate pe care trebuie să o exercite ministrul justiţiei şi, repet, o voi
    exercita, fără ingerinţe în independenţa procurorului de a da soluţii.

    Din poziţia de susţinător declarat al eforturilor pe care procurorii le fac în
    combaterea corupţiei, preşedintele Klaus Iohannis spune că este mulţumit de
    activitatea procurorului general şi a procurorului şef al DNA. Şeful statului
    nu împărtăşeşte opinia ministrului Justiţiei cu privire la presupusele derapaje
    ale DNA, dar nici nu-i contestă acestuia dreptul să monitorizeze activitatea
    parchetelor. Klaus Iohannis: Chiar mă aştept de la domnul ministru să
    sprijine Ministerul public, pe procurorul general, pe procurorul şef DNA, pe
    procurorul şef DIICOT, ca să îşi îndeplinească mai bine misiunile. Dacă lucrează
    împreună în ceea ce am numit cooperare loială, Ministerul Justiţiei cu
    Ministerul public, lucrurile pot merge numai înspre bine, altfel decât la
    începutul anului, când Ministerul Justiţiei şi Ministerul public au avut
    poziţii divergente în privinţa ordonanţei 13

    Premierul Sorin
    Grindeanu a precizat, într-un comunicat, că a cerut să fie informat constant în
    legătură cu rezultatele monitorizării continue a activităţii procurorilor şi a
    dat asigurări că Guvernul este angajat ferm în lupta anticorupţie.

  • March 29, 2017

    March 29, 2017

    AWARD Romanias President Klaus Iohannis is going to receive today Prince Charles of Great Britain, whom he will award the Star of Romania National Order in Rank of Grand Cross. According to the Presidential Administration, the order is awarded in appreciation of the activity carried out by the Prince in Romania and for promoting Romanias image abroad. The agenda of talks includes the bilateral strategic partnership, the situation of the Romanian community in the UK after Brexit and the charity work conducted by Prince Charles in Romania. Although he has visited Romania many times in the past years, this is only his second formal visit. In 2016, Prince Charles set up his own foundation in Romania, whose goal is to protect the national heritage and support this countrys sustainable development. The Prince is passionate about Saxon medieval architecture in central Romania, fortresses, churches and houses built by the German settlers in Transylvania in the Middle Ages.

    INVESTIGATION The Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader is going to announce today the results of the evaluation of the activity carried out by Romanias General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar and of the Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate Laura Codruta Kovesi. Toader started the evaluation after the Constitutional Court said the Directorate had exceeded its responsibilities with regard to the investigation into the way in which the Government made up of members of the Social Democratic Party and of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats promoted the famous emergency decree that would have partially disincriminate abuse of office. Early this week, Tudorel Toader had a talk with Codruta Kovesi, at the end of which the latter said she had no reason to resign.

    BREXIT The official separation of the UK from the European Union starts today, under article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Theresa May signed the notification letter that is to be submitted today to the European Council President Donald Tusk. Great Britains invoking article 50 is going to be analyzed today by the European Commission and by representatives of the political groups in the European Parliament. In another move, on Tuesday, the Scottish MPs urged the head of the Edinburgh government Nicola Sturgeon to call on London to organize another referendum on Scotlands independence. France Presse recalls that, three years ago, the Scottish separatists lost the first referendum on independence. More on this after the news.

    EPPO Romania is one of the 13 EU member countries, alongside France, Germany, Spain and Belgium, which on Tuesday signed an essential document for the setting up of a European Public Prosecutors Office. The document was signed by the Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, who attended in Brussels the Justice and Home Affairs Council. The European Public Prosecutors Office will investigate and prosecute EU-fraud and other crimes affecting the Unions financial interests. The Office will be headed by an independent European Public Prosecutor, and its investigations will in principle be carried out by European Delegated Prosecutors located in each Member State.

    TRADE The Romanian Trade Minister Alexandru Petrescu has had meetings in Jerusalem with the Israeli Minister of the Economy Eli Cohen and other officials, as part of his formal visit to Israel, aimed at boosting bilateral cooperation. The talks highlighted the Israeli partys interest in developing businesses in various sectors of the Romanian economy, such as railways, logistics, sea transportation and even in the works to expand the Port of Constanta, on the Romanian Black Sea Coast. In an interview to our correspondent, minister Alexandru Petrescu said that commercial diplomacy must be rethought, in order to create a perfect synchronization between Romanias export strategies and the way in which its commercial attaches are posted.

    BUSINESS An US business delegation has offered the Romanian Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu a road-map, drawn up by experts in Washington, which includes provisions on the rule of law, transparency and efficiency, which the US business people believe are priorities for the development of business ties between the two countries. On Wednesday, the Prime Minister had a meeting with a delegation headed by Eric Stewart, the president of the American Romanian Business Council, AGERPRESS reports. We have seen progress, and our companies are confident that, when they do business in Romania, everything is going to be fair, legal and transparent, Stewart said. He has also stressed the fact that the road-map was drawn up by experts who are familiar with business and business in Romania in particular.

    SENTENCE The Supreme Court in Bucharest today sentenced the former warden of the Periprava labour camp Ion Ficior to 20 years in prison for crimes against humanity. The sentence is final. Ficior was sent to court in August 2014, as in the 1958-1963 period, when he headed the prison-labour colony in Periprava, imposed and coordinated a repressive, abusive, inhumane and discretionary detention system, which resulted in the death of more than 100 detainees. A similar case is that of Alexandru Visinescu, the former warden of the Ramnicu Sarat penitentiary, who got a final 20 year prison sentence. The ruling was a first for the Romanian justice. Visinescu is the first person to be sentenced for acts committed over 50 years ago.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, ranking 5th in the WTA classification, is today taking on the British Johanna Konta, WTA no.11, in the quarter finals of the Miami tournament, with 6.9 million dollars in prize money. Halep and Konta have met before, in the round of sixteen of the Wuhan tournament in China, in 2015. Back then, Simona Halep was defeated by the British player.

  • România, de la violenţă la justiţie

    România, de la violenţă la justiţie

    Gradul de violenţă în societatea românească a crescut alarmant în ultimul deceniu, relevă datele ultimului bilanţ al Parchetului General. Astfel, numărul românilor trimişi în judecată pentru că şi-au agresat sau omorât membri ai familiei a crescut cu peste 300%. Anul trecut, 34 de copii au fost omorâţi de părinţi şi 22 de părinţi au fost ucişi de copiii lor. În ultimul deceniu, s-a triplat şi numărul inculpaţilor trimişi în judecată pentru corupţie. Procurorul general al României, Augustin Lazăr, a declarat că, în plan operativ, se constată reluarea şi avansarea urmăririi penale în marile cauze.

    De asemenea, se remarcă desfăşurarea unei activităţi judiciare considerabile ca volum, eficacitate şi calitate, în ciuda instabilităţii legislative, cauzată de emiterea deciziilor Curţii Constituţionale, care au impus reajustări permanente ale dreptului penal material şi ale procedurii penale. Augustin Lazăr: “În cursul anului 2016, au fost trimişi în judecată 63.722 inculpaţi persoane fizice, cu 8,2% mai mulţi decât în anul 2015.”

    Procurorul general a precizat că ponderea soluţiilor de renunţare la urmărire penală în numărul total de cauze soluţionate altfel decât prin trimiterea în judecată a scăzut cu aproximativ 5% faţă de anul precedent. În schimb, în perioada 2007-2016, s-a înregistrat o creştere continuă a mediei inculpaţilor (persoane fizice) trimişi în judecată la 100.000 de locuitori, cu excepţia unei scăderi bruşte în 2014. În ceea ce priveşte numărul celor achitaţi definitiv anul trecut, Augustin Lazăr a amintit că acesta scăzut semnificativ faţă de 2015 şi chiar faţă de 2013, înregistrându-se 809 de asemenea cazuri.

    Procurorul general a mai spus că în 2016, Parchetul General a soluţionat peste 300 de cauze privind conflictul de interese, faptă care, în opinia sa, trebuie combătută mai eficient. La bilanţ a fost prezent şi preşedintele Klaus Iohannis, care a afirmat, la rândul său, că ultimele rapoarte MCV au remarcat, în mod constant, progresele obţinute de România în domeniul justiţiei, dar au solicitat şi sustenabilitate. Şeful statului a subliniat că încercările de a reveni la situaţii anterioare, punerea sub semnul întrebării a autorităţii hotărârilor judecătoreşti sau a independenţei magistraţilor nu fac decât să încetinească acest progres şi să afecteze direct România.

    Klaus Iohannis: “O democraţie consolidată şi un stat de drept veritabil nu pot fi imaginate în absenţa unui sistem judiciar independent şi imun la factorii de presiune politică.” Românii vor să trăiască într-o ţară eliberată de corupţie, care pune pe primul plan legea şi nu abuzurile, a punctat Klaus Iohannis, menţionând că aşteaptă finalizarea anchetelor privind Revoluţia din 1989 şi Mineriadele din anii`90.