Tag: CFR

  • 20.08.2020


    Coronavirus en Roumanie – Quelque 75.000 cas d’infection au coronavirus ont été dépistés jusqu’ici en Roumanie dont 34.200 malades ont été déclarés guéris. Le Groupe de Communication stratégique a également annoncé 1.346 nouveaux cas d’infection en 24 heures et 48 nouveaux décès ce qui porte le bilan mortel de la Covid 19 en Roumanie à 3.154 décès. Actuellement 489 malades sont en soins intensifs. Le premier cas d’infection au coronavirus a été confirmé en Roumanie le 26 février.

    Motion – La motion de censure initiée par le PSD, d’opposition contre le gouvernement libéral dirigé par Ludovic Orban a été présentée aujourd’hui dans le cadre d’une réunion extraordinaire des deux chambres du Parlement roumain. Les sociaux-démocrates critiquent l’exécutif pour la manière dont il a géré la crise générée par la pandémie de Covid 19 pour les dépenses publiques effectuées durant l’état d’urgence et accuse que le niveau de vie de la population s’était carrément écroulé. Le débat devrait se dérouler dans un délai d’au moins trois jours depuis la date de la présentation. Pour ce qui est du vote, les sociaux-démocrates souhaitent que celui-ci se déroule au plus vite, mais la date finale sera décidée par les bureaux permanents des deux chambres du Parlement. Les libéraux critiquent la décision du PSD d’initier une motion de censure durant la session extraordinaire du législatif. Pour sa part, le président Klaus Iohannis critique aussi la démarche social-démocrate de déposer une motion de censure durant les vacances parlementaires au cours d’une session extraordinaire. Ce qui plus est, il affirme que la motion de censure déposée par le PSD est indésirable et affirme que ce parti n’aurait pas vraiment de solution pour la Roumanie.

    Voyages – Le ministère des Affaires Etrangères
    de Bucarest recommande aux ressortissants roumains d’analyser judicieusement
    l’opportunité de tout voyage à l’étranger dans le contexte actuel de la
    pandémie de coronavirus et d’effectuer uniquement des voyages essentiels. Le
    Ministère des Affaires Etrangères rappelle que parmi les mesures adoptées par
    les autorités de Bucarest se retrouve aussi celle de constituer et de mettre à
    jour périodiquement la liste des Etats à risque épidémiologique élevée. Tous
    les voyageurs en provenance de ces pays sont obligés à s’auto-isoler une fois arrivés
    en Roumanie. Ce qui plus est, il faut prendre en compte aussi le fait que les
    vols vers et depuis ces Etats peuvent être annulés à tout moment. Les autorités
    de Bucarest recommandent aux ressortissants roumains à l’étranger de maintenir
    le contact avec les compagnies aériennes et les opérateurs de tourisme en
    fonction des situations particulières dans lesquelles ils se trouvent en vue
    d’identifier des alternatives de retour en Roumanie si la situation l’impose.

    Minsk – Après un sommet extraordinaire tenu mercredi par visioconférence, l’UE a décidé de ne pas reconnaitre le résultat des élections présidentielles en Biélorussie, tenues le 9 août, suite auxquelles, le président sortant Aleksandr Loukachenko a été proclamé vainqueur. Les biélorusses doivent trouver leur propre chemin, a affirmé la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel, dont le pays détient la présidence semestrielle du Conseil de l’Union. La Roumanie a demandé par la voix du président Klaus Iohannis que l’UE adopte des mesures supplémentaires, y compris des sanctions contre ceux qui sont coupables de violences contre les citoyens pacifiques et de fraude électorale. Les protestations ont éclaté au Belarus juste après la fin des élections, remportées selon le résultat officiel par Aleksandr Loukachenko avec pas moins de 80% des voix. Les autorités ont réprimé les protestations et dans les violences qui ont suivi au moins deux personnes ont été tuées, plusieurs centaines ont été blessées et plusieurs milliers arrêtés. La majorité des protestataires arrêtés ont été mis en liberté et ils ont déclaré avoir été torturés durant leur détention. Au pouvoir à Minsk depuis 26 ans, Aleksandr Loukachenko s’était confronté à des protestations par le passé mais, à présent il s’agit de la vague de contestation la plus forte contre la manière autoritaire dans laquelle il dirige le pays.

    Opposant – Aleksei Navalnîi, l’opposant russe le plus connu est hospitalisé, empoisonné semble-t-il et sont état serait grave, fait savoir la BBC, citant des sources médicales. Navalnîi se trouvait à bord d’un avion en route de Sibérie vers Moscou, lorsqu’il a commencé à avoir un malaise, selon sa porte-parole. C’est celle-ci qui affirme que M Navalnîi aurait été empoisonné. Aleksei Navalnîi est un critique véhément de Kremlin. Ses investigations anticorruption visent notamment les proches du pouvoir. Il affirme avoir été empoisonné l’été dernier lorsqu’il fut hospitalisé dans le cadre d’un centre de détention.

    Foot – Les champions de Roumanie au foot, Le CFR Cluj s’est qualifié dans le deuxième tour des préliminaires de la Ligue des Champions après avoir battu Floriana FC de Malte sur le score de 2 buts à 0 mercredi soir. Dans le deuxième tour des préliminaires les Roumains rencontreront les champions de Croatie, Dinamo Zagreb, la semaine prochaine. Les préliminaires de la compétition se déroulent en un seul tour.

    Météo – Temps généralement instable en Roumanie, où des alertes orange et jaune sont désormais en vigueur. Des pluies à verse et des orages sont attendus, avec des phénomènes électriques et des chutes de grêle. L’est, le sud, le sud-est et le centre sont les régions les plus touchées, où les quantités d’eaux dépasseront les 30 à 40 litres par mètre carre pour arriver jusqu’à 50, voire 70 litres par mètre carré. Les maxima, plus bas qu’hier, vont de 22 à 30 degrés. 26 degrés en ce moment à Bucarest.

  • August 19, 2020

    August 19, 2020

    PROTEST Restaurants and beer gardens all over Romania will today close for one
    hour to protest the authorities’ lack of support for the Horeca industry in
    Romania. Restaurant and pub owners are disgruntled with the authorities’
    decision to keep them closed, a measure, which could cause the loss of 400
    thousand jobs in the cold season as this industry has been incurring
    significant losses. Prime Minister Ludovic Orban says that as soon as the
    epidemiological situation has improved in Romania, the government will allow
    restaurants to open. According to the Romanian official, the measure was aimed
    at protecting citizens and not at dealing a heavy blow to the industry, which
    accounts for 5% of the country’s GDP.

    COVID-19 Romania has confirmed over 72 thousand infections since the beginning
    of the pandemic and a Covid-related death toll over 3,074. According to a
    report by the National Public Health Institute, the number of infections and
    fatalities last week slightly decreased as compared to the previous week.
    Almost a third of the new cases have been reported in the counties of Prahova,
    Arges, Bihor and Timis. Bucharest, Suceava in the north-east, and Arges in the
    country’s south have reported the highest number of infections since the
    beginning of the pandemic. Almost 95% of the deceased had at least one comorbidity
    while almost 80% of the victims were over 60 years old.

    leaders, including Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis are today attending a
    high-level video-conference on the latest developments in Belarus. The opposition
    candidate in the latest presidential election in this country, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya,
    who fled to Lithuania, has made an appeal to the European Council not to recognize
    the rigged election in Belarus on august 9th. Yesterday almost 200
    people protested in front of the detention centre in Minsk calling for the
    release of Tikhanovskaya’s husband Sergei Tikhanovsky currently detained for
    offences against public order. A well-known blogger, Sergei Tikhanovsky had
    announced his candidacy for the presidential seat and was campaigning against
    incumbent president Alexandr Lukashenko. Protests were sparked off 10 days ago
    after the Central Election Commission announced that Lukashenko had won 80.1 %
    of the votes in the election. At least two people have been killed and over 67
    hundred wounded in the latest anti-presidential protests in Belarus.

    FOOTBALL There are no odds-on favourites in the match pitching CFR Cluj against
    Floriana FC, Romanian headcoach Dan Petrescu says, adding that each side stands
    equal chances to win and qualify for the competition’s next stage. Romanian
    football side CFR Cluj will tonight be up against Floriana FC of Malta in the
    Champions League’s first preliminary round. The two sides are to play only one round
    and the winner will be facing the Croatian champions Dinamo Zagreb, in the
    competition’s second preliminary round.

    US ELECTION Barack Obama’s
    vice-president Joe Biden has become the Democratic Party nominee to challenge incumbent
    president Donald Trump in the US presidential election on November 3rd.
    Most of the Democrats endorsed the former vice-president to run for the
    presidential seat during the party’s virtual convention in Milwaukee on Monday
    in keeping with the measures against the Covid-19 pandemic. Joe Biden, 77, is
    expected to deliver his acceptance speech on Thursday. In turn, president Trump
    has visited the states of Iowa, Arizona, Minnesota and Wisconsin and has
    renewed his attacks against the one he called ‘Sleepy Joe’ whom he described as
    ‘a helpless puppet of the radical left’.

    (translated by bill)

  • July 10, 2020

    July 10, 2020

    COVID-19 Due to the rising number of Covid infections in
    Romania, some countries like Malta, Finland and Norway are banning the access
    of the Romanians to their territories, whereas others are imposing quarantine
    and isolation at the border. The Netherlands is firmly recommending
    self-isolation in the case of visitors from Romania. As of yesterday Austria is
    asking all the Romanians willing to enter its territory to produce a medical
    certificate in English or German not older than four days proving they test
    negative for SARS-COV-2. In the absence of such a certificate the Romanians
    must self-isolate themselves for 14 days. Britain has made a list with safe
    countries from the point of view of Covid infection, which does not include
    Romania, so citizens from Romania must also self-isolate themselves for two
    weeks. Authorities from Hungary have announced they will re-check the rules
    regarding the access of citizens from neighboring countries registering an
    increase in the number of infections. Authorities in Greece have also voiced
    concern regarding the rising number of infections in the Balkans and the
    government might re-impose public and travel restrictions due to the latest developments.
    According to Radio Romania correspondent in Athens, the measures will also
    include mandatory tests for visitors entering Greece from Bulgaria.

    BILL A bill on quarantine and self-isolation initiated by
    the government in Bucharest is currently being debated upon in the
    decision-making Senate in Bucharest. The document, which includes a large
    number of amendments, was endorsed with a landslide majority by the Chamber of
    Deputies yesterday. It regulates a series of necessary temporary measures in
    the field of public safety in situations of high epidemiological and biological
    hazard with a view to preventing and limiting contagion on the national
    territory. The executive has resorted to the move after the Constitutional
    Court decided that self-isolation, quarantine and hospitalization cannot be
    imposed through a ministry order even in the case of infected persons. Judges
    believe the aforementioned procedures are infringing upon individual rights and
    liberties and imposing some restrictive measures must be done only under a law
    clearly regulating these restrictions. On Friday Romania reported a fresh high
    number of infections 592, which brings the total number up to 31,400. About
    22,800 people have been cured and discharged from hospital whereas 1847 died.
    The number of Romanian infected abroad exceeded 51 hundred with a death toll of

    FOOTBALL FCSB, a football side from Bucharest, in southern Romania,
    and Sepsi OSK, from Sfantu Gheorghe, in central Romania on July 22nd
    will be playing on neutral ground, in Ploiesti, the finals of Romania’s Cup. On
    Thursday night, in the semifinals, Sepsi secured a 3-0 away win against Poli
    Iasi after a 5-1 home win in the first game. In the other semifinal game FCSB
    eliminated Dinamo Bucharest after a 3-0 away win and 1-0 home victory. Last
    month also saw the resumption of the domestic championship interrupted in March
    due to the Covid pandemic. Universitatea Craiova is at the top of the table
    followed by champions CFR Cluj and FCSB. All the football games in Romania are
    taking place without spectators.

    PROTESTS Thousands of anti-government protesters took to the
    streets of Bulgarian capital Sofia on Thursday night in spite of interdiction
    to call for the resignation of centre-to-right Prime Minister Boiko Borisov and
    the general prosecutor. The protest came after a series of searches conducted
    at the presidency headquarters by prosecutors and police, which the protesters believed as masterminded by the ruling power. The protesters say that instead of
    focusing on the oligarchy, the justice is harassing the president. According to
    Radio Romania correspondent in Bulgaria, the neighboring country is practically
    facing a severe crisis in which for the first time a left-right front of the
    political opposition is taking on the government.

    (translated by bill)

  • Reluarea călătoriilor cu trenul

    Reluarea călătoriilor cu trenul

    CFR Călători a început procesul
    etapizat de repunere în circulație a trenurilor pe teritoriul României și-l va
    continua odată cu ieșirea din starea de alertă impusă în contextul pandemiei de
    Covid-19. Excepție fac trenurile-navetă destinate elevilor, care nu-și
    justifică funcția. Reprezentanții CFR le sugerează călătorilor să cumpere
    biletele online și din timp. Începând
    cu 3 iunie, posibilitatea de cumpărare cu anticipație a biletelor se extinde de
    la 10 la 20 de zile și poate fi făcută pe site-ul www.cfrcalatori.ro sau la
    automatele de vânzare din gări. La ghișeu, este recomandată plata cu cardul sau
    cu telefonul.

    CFR Călători le recomandă pasagerilor să nu opteze doar pentru trenurile de
    la orele de vârf. Totodată, din 3 iunie, membrii aceleiași familii şi
    persoanele care locuiesc sau lucrează împreună pot ocupa locuri alăturate, iar
    persoanele care nu circulă în grupuri vor cumpăra locuri distanțate. Masca de
    protecție este obligatorie pe toată durata călătoriei și trebuie să fie purtată
    corect, acoperind gura și nasul.

    CFR Călători e pregătită tehnic să repună în circulație trenurile și în
    trafic internațional, dar punerea în practică a acestei decizii e condiționată
    de obținerea acordului administrațiilor feroviare europene partenere.

    Numerele de telefon ale gărilor CFR sunt disponibile pe site-ul
    www.cfrcălători.ro la secțiunea informații telefonice. Pentru informații în
    timp real despre întârzieri, opriri și minute de staționare, descărcați
    aplicația TRENUL MEU.

    Viteza medie de circulație a trenurilor pe teritoriul României este de 68
    km/h, în comparație cu viteza proiectată a rețelei, de 86 km/h. CFR Călători
    acuză infrastructura învechită și alocarea bugetară sub cererea societății
    pentru lucrările de întreținere și reparații. Potrivit unui raport al Corpului
    de Control al Guvernului, în 2017, infrastructura feroviară de pe teritoriul
    României număra 1.206 de puncte periculoase pe o întindere de 600 de km.
    Punctele periculoase sunt terasamentele instabile, terasamentele situate în
    zone inundabile, terasamentele din zonele expuse alunecărilor de teren sau
    căderilor de stânci, care pot periclita siguranța circulației trenului. Din
    același document reiese că au fost scoase din evidență 79 de puncte
    periculoase, până în august 2019, dar au apărut altele 39.

    Societatea de Transport Feroviar de Călători CFR Călători SA este
    operatorul naţional feroviar de pasageri care efectuează transportul public de
    călători pe calea ferată.

  • Primul tren special cu români care pleacă spre Austria duminică

    Primul tren special cu români care pleacă spre Austria duminică

    Primul tren special destinat transportului lucrătorilor sezonieri români în Austria va pleca duminică, 10 mai, din Timişoara, numărul total de locuri fiind aproximativ 350, informează CFR Călători, potrivit Agerpres.

    În prima parte a acestui program, sunt pregătite două perechi de trenuri cu plecare din Viena la Timişoara, în datele de 9 şi 12 mai (plecare din Viena ora 23:05), respectiv cu plecare de la Timişoara la Viena în datele de 10 şi 13 mai 2020 (plecare din Timişoara ora 21:13).

    Toate trenurile vor fi formate numai din vagoane cuşetă, fiecare garnitură având în compunere câte cinci vagoane cuşetă româneşti şi cinci vagoane cuşetă austriece. Numărul total de locuri într-un tren este de aproximativ 350.

    Circulaţia trenurilor speciale se va derula în conformitate cu condiţiile aprobate de Ministerul Transporturilor Infrastructurii şi Comunicaţiilor şi Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, din România. Pentru desfăşurarea programului în bune condiţii, au fost angrenate conform OMTIC, CFR SA, autorităţile locale, structurile teritoriale ale Poliţiei de Transport Feroviar, ale Direcţiei de Sănătate Publică (DSP), ale Inspectoratului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (ISU), ale Inspectoratului de Jandarmi Judeţean (IJJ) şi Autoritatea Rutieră Română, precizează CFR Călători.

    Compania atrage atenţia că sunt o serie de reguli pentru călătoria cu aceste trenuri. Astfel, OBB şi autorităţile din Austria se ocupă de rezervarea locurilor pentru trenurile special comandate. De asemenea, responsabili de selecţia şi deplasarea pasagerilor cu aceste trenuri sunt agenţiile de recrutare din Austria.

    Transportul pasagerilor se va realiza în conformitate cu prevederile în vigoare referitoare la regulile de distanţare socială, respectiv a regulilor de igienă şi comportament emise de autorităţi pentru protecţia persoanelor şi prevenirea infecţiei cu Covid-19. La plecarea din Timişoara, au acces în aceste trenuri special comandate de OBB doar persoanele declarate admise de DSP. Toţi călătorii au obligativitatea să poarte mască de protecţie la urcarea/coborârea din trenuri şi pe durata călătoriei şi se recomandă utilizarea mănuşilor de unică folosinţă. Pentru operaţiunile de îmbarcare/debarcare a călătorilor vor fi asigurate culoare special amenajate pentru accesul, respectiv părăsirea organizată a incintei staţiei de cale ferată, se arată în comunicat.

    Orele de plecare/sosire a trenurilor în Viena şi Timişoara pot suferi mici modificări în funcţie de procedurile autorităţilor implicate, menţionează CFR Călători.

    Ministrul Transporturilor, Lucian Bode, şi ministrul Afacerilor Europene din Austria, Karoline Edtstadler, au agreat pe 27 aprilie, în cadrul unei întâlniri, realizarea cât de curând posibil a cadrului procedural pentru transportul îngrijitorilor sociali pe un coridor feroviar România-Austria şi retur.

    Decizia a fost luată ţinând cont de importanţa asigurării libertăţii de mişcare a cetăţenilor Uniunii Europene, dar şi a reglementărilor de siguranţă în contextul pandemiei Covid-19.

    Sursa: Agerpres

  • February 27, 2020

    February 27, 2020

    VIRUS On
    Wednesday Romania confirmed its first case of infection with the new
    coronavirus. According to Health Minister Victor Costache, the infected person
    is a man from southern Romania who got in contact with an Italian citizen from
    Rimini. The Romanian, whose condition is good and is not presenting symptoms,
    has been quarantined in a hospital in Bucharest. Quarantine measures have also
    been imposed in the area where the first infected person has been discovered.
    Almost 70 people have been quarantined in special centers in Romania and 48
    hundred others are kept in home isolation. And since 300 thousand Romanians are
    living in northern Italy, the European country with the largest number of
    infections, all the Romanian nationals coming from that area will be kept in
    quarantine or home isolation for 14 days.

    GOVERNMENT Romania’s Prime Minister designate, Florin Cîţu
    has made public his intention to muster Parliament majority so that it may shore
    up the cabinet he is going to propose. Incumbent Prime Minister, Liberal leader
    Ludovic Orban, on Friday announced the party leaders would convene in a session
    to validate the list of ministers and the ruling programme. The main opposition
    PSD has made public its intention to not endorse a cabinet led by Cîţu. Dan
    Barna, leader of USR, the third political force in Romania said his party could
    join an executive led by Cîţu, if its conditions were accepted including that
    of two-round local election. Pro-Romania leader and the country’s former Prime
    Minister, Victor Ponta said he would not vote for a PNL cabinet lacking Parliament
    support, as that could prevent it from ruling the country properly.

    COVID-19 The
    new cornavirus continues to spread all over the world. Denmark and Estonia have
    today announced their first cases. According to the World Health Organisation
    the number of infections reported outside China, the country where the epidemic
    started, has for the first time exceeded those at home. The virus has been
    reported in roughly 50 countries and territories outside mainland China, with
    over 35 hundred infections confirmed and at least 57 deaths, CNN reports. The
    disease has so far killed more than 27 hundred, while the total number of confirmed
    infections stays around 79 thousand. WHO warned countries on Tuesday to be
    prepared for the coronavirus to be literally knocking at the door adding that
    some nations were simply not ready to contain the outbreak.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s football champion CFR
    Cluj tonight takes on Spanish side Seville FC in the return match of Europa
    League’s round of 32. The first game ended one-all in Cluj, western Romania.
    Coached by former international Dan Petrescu, CFR ended second with 12 points
    out of 18 possible in a group which also included Italian side Lazio Rome,
    Celtic Glasgow of Scotland and Rennes of France. Seville, which won the
    competition’s trophy five times, is being coached by the former manager of Real
    Madrid, Julien Lopetegui.

    FILM The feature film ‘Ivana the Terrible’, directed by Ivana Mladenovic, has been selected into the official competition in 3 more prestigious festivals – FEST Belgrade Serbia, CPH:DOX Denmark, and Vilnius International Film Festival, Lithuania. ‘Ivana the Terrible’ is an unconventional story about people and places, about longing and belonging, told with humour and tenderness. Ivana Mladenovic herself plays the lead part, and the cast includes her parents, brother and grandmother. Ivana Mladenovic also wrote the script, together with Adrian Schiop. This second feature directed by actress and script writer Ivana Mladenovic will reach Romanian theatres on March 13. After winning the special prize of the jury in the Cineasti del Presente section of the 2019 Locarno Festival, the film also received the Golden Pram trophy for best feature in the Zagreb Film Festival. Her debut feature, Soldiers. A Ferentari Story, set in a sketchy neighbourhood in Bucharest, has also won many awards.

    ECONOMY According to the European
    Commission, Romania runs the risk of not being able to sustain its budget
    deficit as well as pension and pay rises. The European Commission’s report on Romania,
    which is one of the 27 describing the main economic and social challenges
    facing every member state, shows that Romania is facing a major risk of not
    being able to support the higher public fiscal deficit corroborated with higher
    pension expenses. The report also mentions a decreasing birth-rate, which means
    a significantly reduced labour force and a dropping number of skilled workers, phenomena,
    which could further impact the country’s growth potential. Furthermore,
    training and education policies have proved inefficient and failed to meet
    labour market requirements. The report has also referred to the wage-productivity
    gap, with salaries increasing way faster than productivity. In spite of an
    average growth of 5% in the past three years, income inequality remains high
    and so does the poverty rate, while the gap between developed and less
    developed regions continues to deepen.

    (translated by bill)

  • 24.02.2020 (mise à jour)

    24.02.2020 (mise à jour)

    Cour constitutionnelle — La Cour constitutionnelle de la Roumanie a statué, lundi, qu’il existe un conflit juridique entre le président Klaus Iohannis et le parlement au sujet de la désignation par le chef de l’Etat du leader du PNL, Ludovic Orban, aux fonctions de premier ministre. Maintenant, le président doit faire une autre nomination. La saisine à la Cour constitutionnelle avait été déposée par les présidents des deux Chambres du parlement, les deux du PSD, qui ont réclamé que le président a désigné le premier ministre destitué ce même mois, par motion de censure, à former un nouveau cabinet, ce qui enfreindrait la volonté du Législatif. Ce lundi, Orban est quand même allé devant le parlement pour demander le vote d’investiture pour le nouveau cabinet, conservant la même structure et la même composition que le gouvernement destitué. Le nombre des députés et sénateurs présents a été en dessous du quorum de 233, soit la moitié plus un du nombre des élus, donc la séance a été déclarée close. Le plan du PNL, favori dans les sondages sur les intentions de vote, était de faire rejeter deux gouvernements dans un délai de 60 jours, de manière à pouvoir aboutir à la dissolution du parlement et au déclenchement d’élections législatives anticipées.

    COVID-19 — Toutes les personnes qui arrivent en Roumanie en provenance du Nord de l’Italie, affecté par le coronavirus, entreront en quarantaine pendant 14 jours. La décision s’applique à ceux qui ont voyagé dans les régions de Vénétie et de Lombardie ces deux dernières semaines. Les passagers qui arrivent sur l’aéroport de Bucarest en provenance de Milan, Bergame, Trévise ou Turin entrent en Roumanie par le flux destiné aux vols charter. Le président Klaus Iohannis a assuré qu’il n’existe aucun cas d’infection au coronavirus en Roumanie, mais a mis en garde que nous devons être prêts si les choses prennent une tournure négative. Il a affirmé que les autorités roumaines avaient pris les mesures qui s’imposent pour prévenir la contamination de la population. Le ministre de la Santé, Victor Costache, a déclaré à son tour que 3.500 nouvelles places de quarantaine avaient été mises en place et que la Roumanie se donne pour tâche d’acquérir du matériel destiné aux urgences. Le ministère des Affaires étrangères a annoncé que vu l’apparition de nouveaux cas d’infection au coronavirus en Italie et aussi la nombreuse communauté roumaine vivant dans les régions touchées — environ 300.000 personnes -, un groupe d’urgence a été créé à l’ambassade de Roumanie à Rome. Rappelons que deux Roumains infectés au coronavirus sur le navire de croisière Diamond Princess, stationné dans le port japonais de Yokohama et se trouvant en quarantaine, sont hospitalisés à Tokyo.

    Coronavirus — Le directeur général de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé a demandé, lundi, au monde, de se préparer pour une « éventuelle pandémie » du nouveau coronavirus, considérant très inquiétante l’augmentation brusque des nouveaux cas en Italie, en Corée du Sud et en Iran. Avec 6 morts et plus de 200 cas de maladie confirmés, l’Italie est le pays européen le plus touché par le nouveau virus originaire de Chine. Le gouvernement italien a décrété l’état d’urgence suite au risque sanitaire d’infection, notamment dans les régions de Lombardie et de Vénétie, où 11 villes sont placées en quarantaine. Selon le correspondant de Radio Roumanie à Rome, personne ne travaille, ne va à l’école ou à la faculté et la population peut s’approvisionner uniquement en cas de besoin. L’armée a mis en place un cordon sanitaire. Les autorités de Milan, deuxième ville du pays, ont décidé de fermer les théâtres, les salles de cinéma, les musées, les discothèques, ainsi que le célèbre Dôme de la ville. Les églises assurent seulement les mariages et les enterrements, en présence de la famille et des personnes très proches. Le célèbre carnaval de Venise a pris fin deux jours plus tôt que la date officielle. Le Royaume Uni et l’Allemagne ont aussi annoncé des cas de contamination. La Commission européenne a annoncé une enveloppe de 232 millions d’euros de plus pour lutter contre le début d’épidémie de coronavirus dans le bloc communautaire. La Chine, où l’épidémie de pneumonie virale a éclaté en décembre dernier, comptabilise jusqu’à présent près de 80.000 personnes infectées et 2.600 morts.

    Aide — La Commission européenne a approuvé ce lundi l’intention de la Roumanie d’accorder un prêt temporaire d’environ 36,7 millions d’euros à la compagnie aérienne d’Etat TAROM, informe l’Exécutif communautaire dans un communiqué de presse. Cette mesure assure les services aériens fournis par le transporteur roumain, notamment vers les nombreuses destinations desservies seulement par TAROM, sans distorsions injustifiées de la concurrence sur le marché unique. Par ailleurs, la Commission européenne a constaté, également ce lundi, que le transporteur ferroviaire de fret roumain CFR Marfă avait reçu, de la part de l’Etat roumain, une aide incompatible d’au moins 570 millions d’euros, sous forme d’annulation et de non-encaissement de dettes. La Commission a demandé aux autorités roumaines de récupérer l’aide illégale et les intérêts adjacents.

    Grippe — En Roumanie, le nombre des décès provoqués par la grippe saisonnière est monté à 45. Le dernier en date a été enregistré dans le département de Cluj (nord-ouest). Il s’agit d’un homme de 55 ans, qui présentait d’autres pathologies et qui n’avait pas été vacciné contre la grippe. Selon les experts, le taux de contaminations a connu une légère baisse, mais il reste élevé, avec 6.600 cas confirmés au niveau national.

    Incendie — Un puissant incendie s’est déclaré lundi au parc naturel de Văcăreşti — première aire protégée urbaine de la Roumanie et en même temps le plus grand espace vert de Bucarest. Les flammes de plusieurs foyers ont été intensifiées par le vent, et les possibilités d’intervention des pompiers sont limitées à cet endroit. Il a été recommandé aux riverains de fermer les fenêtres pour que la fumée épaisse n’entre pas dans leurs habitations. L’administration du Parc note que l’incendie a lieu à une époque où les reptiles et les amphibiens hivernent, alors que les oiseaux migrateurs ne sont pas encore arrivés. De ce fait, l’impact de cet événement sur les espèces et les habitats est minimal.

  • February 20, 2020

    February 20, 2020

    ATTACKS Romania’s president Klaus
    Iohannis has firmly condemned the violent attacks against innocent people in
    the German city of Hanau. Iohannis has expressed condolences to those who lost
    relatives and friends adding that Romania stands in solidarity with Germany,
    Iohannis wrote on Twitter on Thursday. Nine people were killed in a shooting in
    Hanau, close to Frankfurt, on Wednesday. The culprit who was found dead in his
    house, allegedly expressed far-right views in a letter of confession.

    VIRUS China has today reported
    the most significant drop in the number of infections with the new coronavirus
    in the Hubei province, the centre of the epidemics. This is the lowest rate in
    the past month although at national level, China has reported 114 new deaths,
    which bring the death toll up to 2,118 and the total number of infections to
    74,500. In another development, two elderly people from the cruise liner
    Diamond Princess, where 600 people have been infected with the new virus, have
    also died, authorities in Japan have announced. The ship was quarantined in the
    port of Yokohama in early February. Those infected, including two Romanian
    nationals are being treated in hospitals in Japan. The other 15 Romanians on
    board, who are healthy, would be repatriated by means of the EU Civil Protection
    Mechanism. The ship was quarantined
    until Wednesday, when disembarking procedures commenced.

    MEETING Romanian president Klaus Iohannis is in Brussels to attend a
    special session of the European Council, which has high on its agenda
    the EU Multiannual Financial Framework for the period between 2021 and 2027.
    Iohannis is expected to express Romania’s readiness for an agreement to be
    reached on the issue. The Romanian president wants proper funds for the
    Cohesion Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy as these are instruments
    meant to reduce development gaps between member states. Iohannis is also
    expected to support the importance of assuring flexible and simplified
    implementation conditions to ease access to the European funds. Statements by
    several European leaders on Wednesday suggest that negotiations over the EU’s
    multiannual budget, the first after Brexit, are going to be tough and

    FAIR The spring edition of Romania’s Travel Fair is underway In
    Bucharest from today until Sunday. The event has brought together over 300
    travel agencies offering holiday packages in Romania and abroad including for the
    upcoming Easter holidays. Operators are pledging significant price cuts, even down
    to 50%. The most sought-after destinations are Turkey, Greece, Spain, Tunisia
    and Egypt but there are also exotic destinations like Bali or Thailand.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s football champions CFR
    Cluj are tonight taking on Spanish side Sevilla FC in a home match counting
    towards the Europa League’s round of 32. The return game has been scheduled for
    next week. Coached by former Romanian international Dan Petrescu, CFR ended on the
    second place in their group with 12 points out of 18, a group which also
    included Italian side Lazio Rome, Celtic Glasgow of Scotland and French side

    (translated by bill)

  • Noul mers al trenurilor 2019-2020, rute externe

    Noul mers al trenurilor 2019-2020, rute externe

    Şi în
    această iarnă Trenul Transilvania va circula pe ruta Cluj Napoca Oradea,
    Budapesta, Viena şi se va menţine legătura
    directă între Budapesta și București (via Craiova, Timișoara, Arad, Curtici) cu
    trenul InterRegio Traianus. Alte trenuri vor reveni pe ruta consacrată: Trenul
    care circula zilnic de la
    București la Viena, va reveni prin
    Sighișoara. Orașul Sibiu este conectat cu Budapesta prin două perechi de
    trenuri directe InterRegio (IR 74/IR 75 și IR 473/IR 472), atât cu parcurs de
    zi, cât și cu parcurs de noapte. Pentru călătoria de la Sibiu la Viena cu
    trenul Dacia este asigurată legătura în Mediaș cu trenul Regio. Trenul
    Harghita (IR 366/ IR 367), care circula de la Brașov la Budapesta
    Keleti, revine pe ruta consacrată Brașov – Deda – Dej – Cluj – Budapesta.

    Călători mai anunţă că pasagerii vor putea călători în afara țării zilnic, cu
    trenuri directe din București Nord către Viena (prețurile pornesc de la 39
    de euro utilizând oferta SMART Tickets) și Budapesta. Din Viena există
    posibilități de călătorie către orice destinație europeană. De asemenea, oferta
    de transport internațional include trenuri zilnice directe către Budapesta și
    din Timişoara, Cluj Napoca şi Brașov. Foarte avantajoase sunt şi ofertele
    pentru călătoriile către Austria, Germania, Polonia, Slovacia şi Cehia, cât şi
    oferta Interrail Pass, care reprezintă un abonament valabil în toată Europa sau
    într-o anumită țară din Europa. In schimbul achiziţionării unei cărţi nominale,
    călătorii pot beneficia timp de un an de
    o reducere de 15%, din tariful integral al biletelor internaţionale
    (transfrontaliere) pe relaţii fixe origine – destinatie (Ex: Bucuresti -Viena).Preţul
    unei cărţi Rail Plus este de 5 euro pentru tineri până la 26 ani şi seniori de
    la 60 ani şi de 15 euro pentru adulţi.

    În 2020 va
    fi introdus în circulaţie un tren nou (143/686 şi 687/144), pe ruta Satu Mare -
    Budapesta – Viena şi retur.Trenurile vor circula zilnic, cu
    plecare de la Satu Mare la ora 09:27. Călătorii vor ajunge la Viena la 17:21.
    Plecarea din capitala Austriei se va face la ora 10:42, iar pasagerii vor
    ajunge la Satu Mare în jurul orei 20:42. Prețul unui bilet începe de la 31 de
    euro, la clasa a II-a, cu oferta City Star sau 46 de euro, fără ofertă. În
    sezonul estival 2020, trenul IR 461/460 va avea în compunere un vagon direct pe
    ruta Bucureşti Nord – Istanbul şi retur.

    Spre Chișinău
    circulă zilnic trenul Prietenia, cu plecare din București la ora 19,15 și
    sosire la destinație a doua zi la 8,45. Cei care călătoresc cu acest trenu internațional pot beneficia de
    bilete de tip low-cost pentru Bucureşti-Chişinău și retur, prin oferta
    tarifară SMART-Prietenia, la un preţ de 19 euro, pentru călătoria la
    vagonul de dormit cu 4 paturi în cabină. Vânzarea prealabilă a biletelor se
    efectuează cu 15 zile înainte de plecarea trenului.

    Informaţii suplimentare
    por fi procurate pe site-ul www.cfrcalatori.ro la secțiunea
    Trafic internațional.

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Volleyball Alba Blaj managed their
    first win in group D of the Champions League after two defeats. The Romanian
    side has outperformed the Hungarians from Vasas Budapesta. Ioana Maria Baciu was
    the best scorer of the Romanian side with 16 points. In the group’s other game,
    Italian side Conegliano obtained a three-nil away win against French team

    Conegliano comes first in the
    ranking with 8 points followed by Nantes with 6, Alba Blaj with 3 and Vasas
    with one point. Vasas will be taking on Nantes on 21st of January
    and Conegliano will be playing Alba Blaj the following day.

    The Romanian men’s volleyball team
    Dinamo Bucharest was eliminated from the CEV Cup by Arkas Izmir of Turkey after
    the latter’s home win 3-1 in the competition’s round of 32.

    Romania’s national football side
    ends the year on the 37th position in the FIFA ranking. Our
    representative started the year on the 25th position. Iceland,
    Romania’s opponent in the first tie match of the Nations League for EURO 2020
    ranks 39th. Romania’s possible opponents are ranking even lower,
    Hungary ranks 52nd and Bulgaria 59th. Belgium tops the
    standings followed by France and Brazil. The next ranking will be published on
    February 20th.

    Thursday saw the matches of the
    last leg of Romania’s first football league. FC Botosani secured a 1-0 home win
    against Dinamo Bucharest, which registered their third consecutive defeat. On
    Friday Astra Giurgiu takes on Academica Clinceni and Gaz Metan Medias plays
    Viitorul Constanta.

    On Saturday, FC Hermannstadt plays
    on their own turf Poli Iasi from eastern Romania while FC Voluntari on their
    own ground plays CFR Cluj. On Sunday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, central Romania,
    local side Sepsi plays Chindia Targoviste while in Bucharest, on the National
    Arena, FCSB will be up against Universitatea Craiova. CFR tops the ranking, a
    point ahead ASTRA.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Volleyball Alba Blaj managed their
    first win in group D of the Champions League after two defeats. The Romanian
    side has outperformed the Hungarians from Vasas Budapesta. Ioana Maria Baciu was
    the best scorer of the Romanian side with 16 points. In the group’s other game,
    Italian side Conegliano obtained a three-nil away win against French team

    Conegliano comes first in the
    ranking with 8 points followed by Nantes with 6, Alba Blaj with 3 and Vasas
    with one point. Vasas will be taking on Nantes on 21st of January
    and Conegliano will be playing Alba Blaj the following day.

    The Romanian men’s volleyball team
    Dinamo Bucharest was eliminated from the CEV Cup by Arkas Izmir of Turkey after
    the latter’s home win 3-1 in the competition’s round of 32.

    Romania’s national football side
    ends the year on the 37th position in the FIFA ranking. Our
    representative started the year on the 25th position. Iceland,
    Romania’s opponent in the first tie match of the Nations League for EURO 2020
    ranks 39th. Romania’s possible opponents are ranking even lower,
    Hungary ranks 52nd and Bulgaria 59th. Belgium tops the
    standings followed by France and Brazil. The next ranking will be published on
    February 20th.

    Thursday saw the matches of the
    last leg of Romania’s first football league. FC Botosani secured a 1-0 home win
    against Dinamo Bucharest, which registered their third consecutive defeat. On
    Friday Astra Giurgiu takes on Academica Clinceni and Gaz Metan Medias plays
    Viitorul Constanta.

    On Saturday, FC Hermannstadt plays
    on their own turf Poli Iasi from eastern Romania while FC Voluntari on their
    own ground plays CFR Cluj. On Sunday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, central Romania,
    local side Sepsi plays Chindia Targoviste while in Bucharest, on the National
    Arena, FCSB will be up against Universitatea Craiova. CFR tops the ranking, a
    point ahead ASTRA.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports Club

    Sports Club

    2019 was not a good year for
    Romanian football sides. With victories only against Malta and the Faeroe
    Islands in group F, the national eleven failed to qualify for Euro 2020. There
    were some remarkable performances though, but in the present edition of our
    sports feature we will be referring to the performances obtained by football


    At the Romanian Football Awards,
    Razvan Lucescu has been designated coach of the year for having won the
    championship and cup of Greece with PAOK Thessaloniki; with Saudi side Al-Hilal
    the Romanian headcoach won the Asian Champions League. From the beginning of
    his career Lucescu proved to be one of the best Romanian technicians.

    At only 37, in 2006, he coached
    Rapid Bucharest to the quarterfinals of the UEFA Cup after beating teams like
    Feyenoord Rotterdam, Shaktar Donetsk, Hertha Berlin and SV Hamburg. Rapid
    failed to qualify for the semifinals after two draws against Steaua Bucharest.
    Between 2009 and 2011 Lucescu coached Romania’s national eleven.

    Another headcoach who reached a
    high performance level is Mirel Radoi. At the age of only 38 Radoi has been
    designated coach of the Romanian national football side due to the results
    obtained by the country’s under twenty-one team at the European championships in
    Italy and San Marino.

    Young Romanian footballers won the
    championship’s C group after a 4-1 against Croatia, 4-2 against England and
    nil-all against France also qualifying for the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Romania
    had not participated in the Olympic Games since 1964, an edition also hosted by
    Japan, when our footballers made it to the quarterfinals.

    The best result of Romania’s
    footballers in 2019 was the qualification of CFR Cluj for the Europa League’s
    round of 32. A Romanian football side had not made it to the spring edition of a
    European Cup for six years. Furthermore, with 12 points out of the six games in
    group E, CFR also set a record for a Romanian side.

    The difference was made by coach
    Dan Petrescu who managed to capitalize on CFR’s potential. Petrescu is presently
    considered the best coach in Romania’s first football league. Petrescu was part
    of British side Chelsea’s line-up for five years and the side he coached Unirea
    Urziceni made it to the Champions League and obtained a 4-1 win against
    Scottish side Glasgow Rangers. Unirea also clinched a 1-0 win against Spanish
    side Seville.

  • Sports Club

    Sports Club

    2019 was not a good year for
    Romanian football sides. With victories only against Malta and the Faeroe
    Islands in group F, the national eleven failed to qualify for Euro 2020. There
    were some remarkable performances though, but in the present edition of our
    sports feature we will be referring to the performances obtained by football


    At the Romanian Football Awards,
    Razvan Lucescu has been designated coach of the year for having won the
    championship and cup of Greece with PAOK Thessaloniki; with Saudi side Al-Hilal
    the Romanian headcoach won the Asian Champions League. From the beginning of
    his career Lucescu proved to be one of the best Romanian technicians.

    At only 37, in 2006, he coached
    Rapid Bucharest to the quarterfinals of the UEFA Cup after beating teams like
    Feyenoord Rotterdam, Shaktar Donetsk, Hertha Berlin and SV Hamburg. Rapid
    failed to qualify for the semifinals after two draws against Steaua Bucharest.
    Between 2009 and 2011 Lucescu coached Romania’s national eleven.

    Another headcoach who reached a
    high performance level is Mirel Radoi. At the age of only 38 Radoi has been
    designated coach of the Romanian national football side due to the results
    obtained by the country’s under twenty-one team at the European championships in
    Italy and San Marino.

    Young Romanian footballers won the
    championship’s C group after a 4-1 against Croatia, 4-2 against England and
    nil-all against France also qualifying for the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Romania
    had not participated in the Olympic Games since 1964, an edition also hosted by
    Japan, when our footballers made it to the quarterfinals.

    The best result of Romania’s
    footballers in 2019 was the qualification of CFR Cluj for the Europa League’s
    round of 32. A Romanian football side had not made it to the spring edition of a
    European Cup for six years. Furthermore, with 12 points out of the six games in
    group E, CFR also set a record for a Romanian side.

    The difference was made by coach
    Dan Petrescu who managed to capitalize on CFR’s potential. Petrescu is presently
    considered the best coach in Romania’s first football league. Petrescu was part
    of British side Chelsea’s line-up for five years and the side he coached Unirea
    Urziceni made it to the Champions League and obtained a 4-1 win against
    Scottish side Glasgow Rangers. Unirea also clinched a 1-0 win against Spanish
    side Seville.

  • CFR Cluj has qualified for the Europa League’s round of 32

    CFR Cluj has qualified for the Europa League’s round of 32

    The Romanian champions qualified for
    the round of 32 of the Europa League after a 2-0 home win against Scottish side
    Celtic Glasgow. Andrei Burca put CFR in the lead on 48 minutes and Croatian
    Damjan Djokovic added a second in the 70th minute of the game
    allowing the Romanians to take revenge for the first match, which went to the
    Scots also 2-0.

    With 12 points out of the 6 games
    played in group E, CFR managed to set a record for a Romanian eleven in the
    groups of a European cup. Celtic tops the group’s ranking with 13 points,
    Italian side Lazio comes third with six and French team Rennes is the last in
    the group with 4 points.

    CFR Cluj has thus obtained the only
    significant performance of the Romanian football in 2019. We recall that
    Romania’s national football side failed to qualify for Euro 2020, being only
    ahead of the representatives of Malta and the Faeroe Islands. This is CFR’s
    second qualification for a European cup after the one in 2012 when they came
    third in their Champions League group.

    Back then the Romanians managed a
    1-0 win against English side Manchester United on Old Trafford. However, in the
    Europa League’s round of 32, CFR lost to Internazionale Milan 2-0 away and 3-0
    at home. Experts believe that the latest CFR performance was possible thanks to
    a valuable and homogeneous line-up and the expertise of headcoach Dan Petrescu,
    one of the best Romanian technicians in Romania’s first football league. This
    combination functioned perfectly in Europe, but wasn’t enough to ensure their
    first position in the Romanian championship, which is now occupied by Astra
    Giurgiu with two points more.

    Since the beginning of this season
    the champions of last year have conceded defeat in four matches so their task
    in the first Romanian football league will not be an easy one. Things are going
    to be even more difficult in Europa League where the Romanians stand chances to
    be pitted against top teams like Internazionale Milan or Ajax Amsterdam.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    During a news
    conference on Thursday Andreea Raducan announced her intention to step down
    from the position of president of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation after
    Romania had blown its chances to qualify for the Olympic Games in Tokyo next
    year. Romania will only be represented by Marian Dragulescu in the vault event
    and Maria Holbura in the individual all round contest. A former Olympic and
    world champion, Raducan occupied the aforementioned position since august 2017.

    Bucharest’s saber fencer Bianca Pascu has been designated the best Romanian
    fencer of 2019. Her best performance this year was a bronze medal at the World Championships
    hosted by Budapest in July. Pascu was the only Romanian to have made it to the
    podium in Budapest.

    Now let’s have a
    look at the latest from football as Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday saw the
    matches of the 19th leg of Romania’s first football league. On
    Tuesday in Medias, central Romania, local side Gaz Metan secured a 1-0 win
    against FC Voluntari while FCSB defeated Poli Iasi 2-1.

    On Wednesday in
    Clinceni, southern Romania, local side Academica managed a one-all draw against
    FC Hermannstadt while in Cluj, local eleven CFR clinched a 1-0 win against
    Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe. In Bucharest, Dinamo thrashed Chindia Targoviste 4-1
    while Universitatea Craiova secured a 3-1 victory against FC Botosani. In
    Ovidiu, southern Romania, local team Astra Giurgiu outperformed FC Viitorul
    1-0. CFR tops the table with 38 points followed by Astra with 37 and Craiova
    with 34.

    The Romanian
    women’s handball side on Friday won their match against Hungary 28-27 and has
    thus qualified for the main groups of the World Championship in Japan. Romania
    still stands chances to qualify for the upcoming Olympics in Tokyo.

    (translated by bill)