Tag: Covid-19

  • Ma mărli evenimenti a stămânăllei ţi tricu 10-16.07.2022

    Ma mărli evenimenti a stămânăllei ţi tricu 10-16.07.2022

    România — simfună că yipturli ucrainene s’treacă pritu canalulu Bâstroe

    România ş-deadi acordul că pampori sum hlambura ucraineană ncărcate cu yipturi s’poată s’treacă pritu canalele Chilia şi Bâstroe. Apofasea a autorităților române yine tru contextul a eforturilor ţi li faţi văsilia a noastră ti s’agiută Ucraina, cu scupolu ti ñicurarea a consecințelor agresiunillei ali Rusie. Uidisitu cu MAE, acordul a partillei române tră ufilisearea-a a canalului Bâstroe tru scoplu di tranzitari a pamporiloru ncărcati cu yiptu ari ună simasie excepțională, hiinda avută tru vidială importanța ti diversificarea și fluidizarea a călliurloru di transportu ufilisiti tră exporturile ucrainene di yipturi. Unăoară cu acordul a partillei române fu sumliniată, tutunăoară, mențănearea a pozițiillei di principiu a Româniillei mutrinda proiectul ti dizvoltarea tră navigație a canalului Bâstroe, cum și necesitatea ca acesta s’tiñisească pruvidirli a ndreptului internațional aplicabil, inclusiv reglementările tru materie di protecție a fisillei. Tru idyiulu kiro, partea română ş-lu tăni angajamentul tra s’facă ma largu gaereţ niacumtinati, tru numi național și tru cadrul UE, tră s’licşureadză tranzitul și exportul di yipturi ucrainene, inclusiv pritu intermediul a porturilor românești di la Dunăre și Amarea Lae. Construcţia a canalului Bâstroe, cari faţi ligătura anamisa di Dunăre şi Amarea Lae, ahuhri tru 2004. România căftă ali Ucraina s’dănăsească aestu proiect, avânda tu vidială că ună parte ditu el treati nolgica di Dilta a Dunăllei — aflată tru patrimoniul mondial UNESCO – şi calcă ma multi convenţii internaţionale ditu domeniul protecţiei fisillei, hiinda zñiipsiti niscănti cişiti di fauna. Autoritățile internaționale diadiră ndreptate României, ama, cututi timbihili oficiale, canalu fu dişcllisu di Kiev tru 2007. Tru paturli dzăli ditu soni, 16 di pampori tricură pritu aestu uidisitu cu spusa a autorităţilor ucrainene.

    Executivlu ali Românie vulusi proiectul di nomu mutrinda ratificarea protocoalelor di adirare la NATO a Finlandii şi Suediei

    Guvernul di București vulusi și s’niinteadză a Parlamentului un proiect di nou mutrinda ratificarea adirarillei ali Finlandă și Suediei la NATO dimăndă purtătorlu di zboru a Executivului, Dan Cărbunaru. Uidisitu cu aestu, România easti anamisa di protili state care nkisiră aesti dimersuri di adoptare tru plan naţional ali apofasi di adirare la NATO a Finlandii şi Suediei. Aestu dimers confirmă, di ună parte, succesul Organizaţiei Nord-Atlantice ca organizaţie di securitate, dar şi politica “Uşilor dişcllisiˮ, care diadi izini ti anvărtuşearea şi tindiarea a capaciatillei a llei tra s’da a membrilor a llei garanţii di securitate, nai ma vărtoasi garanţii di securitate, diclară Dan Cărbunaru. Ateali dauă v4silii dipsiră tru maiu, căftărli di adirare, pe fondul a polimlui ditu Ucraina. Uidisitu cu experților, adirarea a lor va u facă Alianța ma vărtoasă, di itia că Marea Baltică va s’hibă aproapea acutotalui anvărligată di membrii NATO şi graniţa ali Alianţă cu Rusia va s’hibă ma mari. Aţeali dauă state ş-u ţănu neutralitatea kiro di dzăţ di añi, tru condiţiile tru care irinea europeană nu avea fută fuvirsită după Doilu Polimu Mondial.

    Comisia Europeană şi-a îmbunătăţit estimările privind creşterea economiei româneşti

    Haristusită a unei creaştiri surprinzătoare di 5,2% tru primul trimestru, Comisia Europeană apufusi să-şi facă ma buni estimările mutrinda evoluţia economiei româneşti tru aestu an, di la 2,6% cât anticipa tru meslu marţu până la 3,9%, conform previziunilor economice di veară, publicate gioi. Alliumtrea, Executivul comunitar ş-li mutri tru anghiosu estimările referitoare la evoluţia economiei româneşti tru 2023, di la 3,6% până la 2,9%, tru contextul tru care s-aşteaptă la ună ayăliseari a ritmului di creştere emu la nivel mondial emu la nivelul UE. “Consumul privat şi investiţiile va s’hibă principalele motoare di creştere emu tu aestu an emu tu anlu ţi yini kiro tru cari exporturile nete vor acţiona ca ună frână tră PIB şi va s’ducă la ună ahăndusimi a dificitului comercialˮ, spuni Comisia Europeană. Tru idyiulu kiro, Executivul comunitar ş-u criscu cabaia prognoza di inflaţie tră aestu anu tru cazul României, di la 8,9% până la 11,1%, urmând ca, tru 2023, inflaţia să s’ñicureadză la 7,2%, un diclin cama modist andicra di atelu prognozat tru primaveară. Atumţea, Executivul comunitar miza, tru cazul României, pi ună inflaţie 5,3% tru 2023.

    Crește numirul a cazurilor di Covid tru România

    Numirul cazurilor noi di SARS CoV-2 easte tru creaștire tru România. Tru aestă stămână, s-anregistrară, cafi dzua, ndauă ñilli di cazuri. Itia fu că autorităţile s’turnară la raportarea cafi dzua a infectărilor. Kiro di un mesu, isapea eara prezentată maş unăoară tru stămână. Specialiștilli suntu di păreare că naua subvariantă Omicron, care adusi aesta dalgă di infectări la nivel internaţional şi fu idintificată şi tru România, diminuează, tru mare parte, protecţia oferită emu di vaccin, emu di trecerea pritu lăngoari, ama,ngeneral, pare s’nu provoace forme grave. Ministrul Sănătăţii, Alexandru Rafila, recomandă turnarea la misurli di protecţie sanitară, purtarea a pruspidăllei şi evitarea a locurloru cu călbălăki. Tu atea ţi mutreaşti vaccinarea, el recomandă administrarea serului anti-COVID tru toamnă, când va s’fitrusească ună nauă variantă a aliştei. Ministrul Sănătăţii sumlinie că actualul vaccin numata easti hăirlăticu contra a năiloru lumăki Omicron.

    Raport al CE mutrinda tiñisearea a statului di drept tru România

    Comisia Europeană urminipseaşti ali României, tru un raport dat publicitatillei ñiercuri, s’llia meatri tra s’da apandisi a cilăstăserloru armasi tu ligătură cu investigarea şi urmărirea penală a infracţiunilor tru sistemul judiciar şi să s’asigure că revizuirea legilor ali justiţiei anvărtuşeadză garanţiile mutrinda indipendinţa sistemului, inclusiv pritu reformarea regimului disciplinar al magistraţilor. Executivul Comunitar precizează că secţia di investigare a infracţiunilor din sistemul judiciar a fost disfiinţată, dar rămân unele preocupări legate di urmărirea penală a unor asemenea dilicte. S’recomandă, tutunăoară, ună consultare publică eficientă ninti di adoptarea proiectelor di nom, ună ma mari transparenţă a finanţarillei partidilor politice, cum şi ună ma cu hăiri lucarlu ti normili şi mecanismili di consolidare a indipendinţei editoriale a serviciilor publice di media. La capitolul presă, Comisia Europeană atrage atenţia că nu există suficientă transparenţă tru ceea ce priveşte difuzarea di conţinut plătit di partidile politice, tru afara campaniilor electorale, iar accesul jurnalistilor la informaţii rămâne dificitar. Bruxelles-ul nica spune că persistă şi găilipserli mutrinda funcţionarea şi bugetlu a Consiliului Naţional a Audiovizualului şi faţi timbihi că România nu ari transpusă, nică, directiva mutrinda serviciile media audiovizuale, aşi cum fu al4xită tru 2018.

    Autoru: Leyla Cheamil

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • #newTogether, a documentary produced by the Austrian Cultural Forum

    #newTogether, a documentary produced by the Austrian Cultural Forum

    During the lockdown introduced across Europe over the
    COVID-19 pandemic, the Austrian Cultural Forum in Bucharest invited 60 artists
    from Austria and Romania to reflect on their future in arts and on how their art
    and communities may see themselves transformed during and after the health

    The videos they submitted were posted by the Austrian Cultural
    Forum Bucharest on social networks. The success of the initiative prompted the
    ACF Bucharest team to entrust the distinguished theatre and film director Carmen
    Lidia Vidu with the production of a documentary using the video materials of
    the participating artists. We talked to Andrei Popov, deputy director of the Austrian
    Cultural Forum Bucharest and delegate producer of the documentary #newTogether,
    about the birth of this project that he initiated jointly with the ACF
    Bucharest director Thomas Kloiber:

    Andrei Popov: The project took shape the moment the pandemic was
    sweeping the world. It was then that myself and Thomas Kloiber, the head of the
    ACF Bucharest, asked ourselves about the usefulness our work still had, about
    the role of culture at a time when people have entirely different needs, some
    of them immediate, if we think back at that period. And because we couldn’t
    find a satisfactory answer to this question, which I continued to think about these
    2 years, we tried to find out the opinions of the main beneficiaries of our
    work, that is, the artists themselves. So we asked 30 artists in Austria and 30
    artists in Romania how they lived the respective period, when as you recall we
    were staying at home and had no solutions, nobody knew how to make progress in
    their work or whether progress in that work still meant anything. We asked them
    how they saw their own future, meaning both their personal lives and their
    artistic careers, after the end of the pandemic. This is how this 2-month video
    experiment was born. The artists recorded the videos during the lockdown and
    sent them to us. All these clips were made in that exact period, and they can
    still be viewed on the ACF’s Facebook page. At the end of this experiment, one
    of the participating artists, Mihai Zgondoiu, asked us if we didn’t want to
    make a film using this huge collection of several tens of hours of video

    This is how the documentary #newTogether came to
    be. Chosen to direct it was Carmen Lidia Vidu, an artist awarded by GOPO and
    UNITER, a strong feminist voice, an opinion leader who approaches social,
    political, cultural and civic themes. #newTogether
    is a form of dialogue while in isolation, a firsthand testimony. Our frailty,
    vulnerability, fear became a universal language, which we all spoke in 2020, during
    the Covid-19 pandemic, Carmen Lidia Vidu said about the project.

    Gabriel Bebeșelea, Tudor Giurgiu, Ada Hausvater, Radu
    Iacoban, Dan Lungu, Dan Perjovschi, Istvan Teglas, Alexandru Weinberger, Elena
    Vlădăreanu, Gottlieb Wallisch, Elise Wilk, Franzobel are some of the artists
    you can see in #newTogether. Andrei Popov, deputy head of the ACF Bucharest:

    Andrei Popov: Carmen Lidia Vidu reorganised the material, selected
    from the scores of hours of video the most relevant parts for the story and
    direction we had agreed on with Cristina Baciu, who did the animation, the
    soundtrack and the editing, and did an absolutely amazing job. Carmen Lidia
    Vidu and Cristina Baciu made this film which is more than a documentary or a proof
    of that moment that we all experienced. This 54-minute documentary is on the
    one hand a sort of dictionary of the ideas and states that we all experienced
    at the time, and on the other hand it is a reflection, or better yet, a double
    reflection. It is a mirror for the artists who took part in the project and faced
    the camera, and also a mirror reflecting our societies, whether we think of Romania,
    Austria or any other country. Because essentially we all lived the same
    experience, and one of the core merits of the film is that it highlights this. Moreover,
    what the director Carmen Lidia Vidu set out to do was capture both the verbal
    and the non-verbal, body language, which is why she selected fragments in which
    the artists convey messages by both these means.

    The documentary #newTogether has been already screened
    at the Timişoara National Theatre, at the Classix Festiva in Iași, and between
    March 1 and 15 it was available on the New York Segal Center Film Festival on Theater
    and Performance platform. (A.M.P.)

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 10-16.07.2022

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 10-16.07.2022

    România – de acord ca cerealele ucrainene să
    treacă prin canalul Bâstroe

    România şi-a dat acordul pentru ca nave sub
    pavilion ucrainean încărcate cu cereale să poată tranzita braţul
    Chilia şi canalul Bâstroe. Construirea celui din urmă de către Ucraina este
    motiv de dispută între București și Kiev, deoarece trece prin mijlocul Deltei
    Dunării şi încalcă unele convenţii internaţionale de protecţie a mediului. După
    cum se arată într-un comunicat al Ministerului de Externe, decizia
    autorităţilor române vine în contextul eforturilor de sprijinire a Ucrainei în
    vederea reducerii consecinţelor agresiunii premeditate, ilegale şi
    nejustificate a Federaţiei Ruse. În document se precizează că acest acord are o
    natură excepţională, fiind avută în vedere importanţa diversificării şi
    fluidizării căilor de transport utilizate pentru exporturile ucrainene de cereale.
    Ministerul de Externe atrage, totodată, atenţia că România îşi menţine poziţia
    de principiu privind proiectul dezvoltării pentru navigaţie a Canalului
    Bâstroe, precum şi necesitatea ca acesta să respecte prevederile dreptului
    internaţional aplicabil, inclusiv reglementările legate de protecţia mediului.

    Executivul României a aprobat proiectul de lege
    privind ratificarea protocoalelor de aderare la NATO a Finlandei şi

    de la București a aprobat, miercuri, proiectul de lege privind ratificarea
    protocoalelor de aderare la Alianța Nord-Atlantică a Finlandei şi
    Suediei, a anunţat purtătorul de cuvânt al Executivului, Dan Cărbunaru.
    Potrivit acestuia, România se află printre primele state care au iniţiat aceste
    demersuri de adoptare în plan naţional a deciziei de aderare la NATO
    a Finlandei şi Suediei. Acest demers confirmă, pe de o parte, succesul
    Organizaţiei Nord-Atlantice ca organizaţie de securitate, dar şi politica
    Uşilor deschiseˮ, care a permis consolidarea, întărirea şi extinderea
    capacităţii sale de a furniza membrilor săi garanţii de securitate, cele mai
    puternice garanţii de securitate’, a declarat Dan Cărbunaru. Cele două țări
    au depus, în mai, cererile de aderare, pe fondul războiului din Ucraina.
    Potrivit experților, aderarea lor va face Alianța mai puternică, pentru că
    Marea Baltică va fi aproape în totalitate înconjurată de membrii NATO şi graniţa
    Alianţei cu Rusia va fi mai mare. Cele două state îşi păstraseră neutralitatea
    timp de zeci de ani, în condiţiile în care pacea europeană nu fusese ameninţată
    după cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial.

    Comisia Europeană
    şi-a îmbunătăţit estimările privind creşterea economiei româneşti

    unei creşteri surprinzătoare de 5,2% în primul trimestru, Comisia Europeană
    a decis să-şi îmbunătăţească estimările privind evoluţia economiei româneşti în
    acest an, de la 2,6% cât anticipa în luna martie până la 3,9%, conform
    previziunilor economice de vară, publicate joi. În schimb, Executivul comunitar
    şi-a revizuit în jos estimările referitoare la evoluţia economiei româneşti în
    2023, de la 3,6% până la 2,9%, în contextul în care se aşteaptă la o încetinire
    a ritmului de creştere atât la nivel mondial cât şi la nivelul UE. Consumul privat şi investiţiile urmează să fie
    principalele motoare de creştere atât în acest an cât şi anul următor, în timp ce
    exporturile nete vor acţiona ca o frână asupra PIB şi vor duce la o adâncire a
    deficitului comercialˮ, susţine Comisia Europeană.
    În acelaşi timp, Executivul comunitar şi-a
    majorat semnificativ prognoza de inflaţie pentru acest an în cazul României, de
    la 8,9% până la 11,1%, urmând ca, în 2023, inflaţia să se reducă la 7,2%, un
    declin mai modest faţă de cel prognozat în primavară. Atunci, Executivul
    comunitar miza, în cazul României, pe o inflaţie 5,3% în 2023.

    numărul cazurilor de Covid în România

    Numărul cazurilor noi de
    SARS CoV-2 este în creștere în România. În această săptămână, s-au înregistrat,
    zilnic, cîteva mii de cazuri. Urmarea a fost că autorităţile
    au revenit la raportarea zilnică a infectărilor.
    de o lună, bilanţul fusese prezentat doar o dată pe săptămână. Specialiștii
    sunt de părere că noua subvariantă Omicron, care a generat actualul val de
    infectări la nivel internaţional şi a fost identificată şi în România,
    diminuează, în mare parte, protecţia oferită atât de vaccin, cât şi de trecerea
    prin boală, însă, în general, pare să nu provoace forme grave. Ministrul
    Sănătăţii, Alexandru Rafila, recomandă revenirea la măsurile de protecţie
    sanitară, purtarea măştii şi evitarea spaţiilor aglomerate. În ceea ce privește
    vaccinarea, el recomandă administrarea serului anti-COVID în toamnă, când va
    apărea o nouă variantă a acestuia. Ministrul Sănătăţii a subliniat că actualul
    vaccin nu mai este eficient împotriva noilor tulpini Omicron.

    Raport al
    CE privind respectarea statului de drept în România

    Europeană recomandă României, într-un raport dat publicității miercuri, să ia
    măsuri pentru a răspunde preocupărilor rămase cu privire la investigarea şi
    urmărirea penală a infracţiunilor în sistemul judiciar şi să se asigure că
    revizuirea legilor justiţiei consolidează garanţiile privind independenţa
    sistemului, inclusiv prin reformarea regimului disciplinar al magistraţilor.
    Executivul Comunitar precizează că secţia de investigare a infracţiunilor din
    sistemul judiciar a fost desfiinţată, dar rămân unele preocupări legate de
    urmărirea penală a unor asemenea delicte. Se recomandă, totodată, o consultare
    publică eficientă înainte de adoptarea proiectelor de lege, o mai mare
    transparenţă a finanţării partidelor politice, precum şi o îmbunătăţire a
    normelor şi mecanismelor de consolidare a independenţei editoriale a
    serviciilor publice de media. La capitolul presă, Comisia Europeană atrage
    atenţia că nu există suficientă transparenţă în ceea ce priveşte difuzarea de
    conţinut plătit de partidele politice, în afara campaniilor electorale, iar
    accesul jurnalistilor la informaţii rămâne deficitar. Bruxelles-ul mai spune că
    persistă şi îngrijorările privind funcţionarea şi bugetul Consiliului Naţional
    al Audiovizualului şi atrage atenţia că România nu a transpus, încă, directiva
    privind serviciile media audiovizuale, aşa cum a fost modificată în 2018.

  • July 15, 2022 UPDATE

    July 15, 2022 UPDATE

    Republic of Moldova doesn’t have to be and won’t be alone in its efforts to
    implement the reforms it needs, Romania’s Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said
    on Friday at the end of the second edition of the Ministerial Conference of the
    Support Platform for the Republic of Moldova. According to the head of the
    Romanian diplomacy this platform is ‘a permanent instrument’ and is useful for
    Chisinau’s efforts to join the European Union. Financial assistance pledges of
    up to 600 million euros have been issued during the conference for the support
    of this ex-soviet republic with a Romanian-speaking majority. The event in
    Bucharest brought together delegations from 33 countries, members of the EU,
    G7, the European Free Trade Association, international bodies, financial
    institutions and UN agencies. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has
    announced a financial assistance package for this state of up to 77 million
    euros. ‘It is important to know that we are not alone and that we can count on
    you. Moldova is a small country and the magnitude of the events are beyond its
    capabilities to cope with them’ Moldovan president Maia Sandu said.

    ORDINANCE On Friday, the government in Bucharest
    passed the final amendments to tax legislation. Some changes are set to come
    into effect on August 1, while others on January 1 next year. After
    consultations with social partners, with employers’ associations, trade unions,
    and local elected representatives, the Finance Ministry made several changes to
    the initial bill. They accepted the proposal by hospitality industry employers
    for companies to choose between specific taxes and tax on profits. According to
    the changes, VAT would go up from 5 to 9% for restaurants, hotels, and catering
    firms, while VAT for soft drinks would go up from 9 to 19%. Starting on August
    1, tax incentives in construction and the food industry are granted for
    salaries of up to 10,000 lei, about 2,000 Euro, and not up to 30,000 lei, about
    6,000 Euro, as it is at present. Also next month, excises will go up for
    alcohol and tobacco products. The tax on dividends goes up from 5 to 8 percent.
    At the same time, people with salaries of up to 4,550 lei, about 900 Euro,
    young people below 26, and people providing child care would get deductions.

    COVID Over 4,100 new Covid-19
    infections have been reported in the past 24 hours in Romania. Most of the
    cases are in Bucharest and its surroundings. 1,700 people are being treated in
    hospitals out of whom 101 in ICU. 3 related fatalities have been reported in
    the past 24 hours. 65,805 fatalities have been registered in Romania since the
    beginning of the pandemic.

    FIREFIGHTERS A second contingent of 28
    Romanian firefighters has left for Greece to replace their colleagues who in
    the past two weeks have assisted the local authorities in monitoring and
    extinguishing forest fires in areas north of Athens. Several fire engines, a
    tanker as well as command and control vehicles have been deployed to the
    affected areas. In the past 15 days, firefighters from Romania have
    participated in various missions in the regions of Schimatari and Porto
    Germeno. Last year Romania also helped Greece in its fight against devastating
    forest fires.


  • Info #Covid19: 4.107 de cazuri noi de infectare în ultimele 24 de ore

    Info #Covid19: 4.107 de cazuri noi de infectare în ultimele 24 de ore

    856 dintre cazurile noi din 24 de ore sunt ale unor pacienți reinfectați, testați
    pozitiv la o perioadă mai mare de 90 de zile după prima infectare.

    Distinct de cazurile nou confirmate, în urma retestării pacienților care erau deja pozitivi, 171 persoane au fost
    reconfirmate pozitiv.

    SPITAL: În unitățile sanitare de profil, numărul de persoane internate în secții cu COVID-19 este de 1.693 cu 146 mai
    multe față de ziua anterioară. De asemenea, la ATI sunt internate 101 persoane, cu 2 mai multe față de ziua anterioară.
    Dintre cei 101 pacienți internați la ATI, 73 sunt nevaccinați.

    Din totalul pacienților internați, 259 sunt minori, 258 fiind internați în secții, cu 21 mai mulți față de ziua
    anterioară și 1 la ATI, cu 1 mai mult decât în ziua anterioară.

    DECESE: Până astăzi, 65.805 persoane diagnosticate cu infecție cu SARS-CoV-2 au decedat.

    În intervalul 14.07.2022 (10:00) – 15.07.2022 (10:00) au fost raportate de către INSP 3 decese (bărbați), fără
    decese raportate anterior intervalului de referință.

    Dintre cele 3 decese, 2 au fost înregistrate la categoria de vârstă 70-79 de ani și 1 la categoria de vârstă peste
    80 de ani.

    Toți pacienții care au decedat prezentau comorbidități și erau nevaccinați.

    TESTE: În ultimele 24 de ore au fost efectuate 4.032 teste RT-PCR ( 2.262 în baza definiției de caz și a protocolului
    medical și 1.770 la cerere) și 14.467 teste rapide antigenice. Până la această dată, la nivel național, au fost prelucrate
    13.244.877 teste RT-PCR și 10.468.196 teste rapide antigenice.

    Sursa Ministerul Sănătăţii

  • Info #Covid19: 3.993 de cazuri noi de infectare în ultimele 24 de ore

    Info #Covid19: 3.993 de cazuri noi de infectare în ultimele 24 de ore

    802 dintre cazurile noi din 24 de ore sunt ale unor pacienți reinfectați, testați
    pozitiv la o perioadă mai mare de 90 de zile după prima infectare.

    Distinct de cazurile nou confirmate, în urma retestării pacienților care erau deja pozitivi, 144 persoane au fost
    reconfirmate pozitiv.

    În unitățile sanitare de profil, numărul de persoane internate în secții cu COVID-19 este de 1.547 cu 105 mai
    multe față de ziua anterioară. De asemenea, la ATI sunt internate 99 persoane, cu 12 mai multe față de ziua anterioară.
    Dintre cei 99 pacienți internați la ATI, 74 sunt nevaccinați.

    Din totalul pacienților internați, 237 sunt minori, toți fiind internați în secții, cu 39 mai mulți față de ziua
    anterioară și 0 la ATI, la fel ca în ziua anterioară.

    Până astăzi, 65.802 persoane diagnosticate cu infecție cu SARS-CoV-2 au decedat.

    În intervalul 13.07.2022 (10:00) – 14.07.2022 (10:00) a fost raportat de către INSP 1 deces (femeie), fără
    decese raportate anterior intervalului de referință.

    Decesul a fost înregistrat la categoria de vârstă 70-79 de ani.

    Pacienta prezenta comorbidități și era nevaccinată.

    În ultimele 24 de ore au fost efectuate 4.108 teste RT-PCR ( 2.379 în baza definiției de caz și a protocolului
    medical și 1.729 la cerere) și 14.632 teste rapide antigenice.
    Până la această dată, la nivel național, au fost prelucrate
    13.240.845 teste RT-PCR și 10.453.729 teste rapide antigenice.

    Sursa Ministerul Sănătăţii

  • July 13, 2022 UPDATE

    July 13, 2022 UPDATE

    NATO The
    government of Romania approved Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO accession protocols,
    signed in Brussels on July 5. The accession of the 2 countries, which are firm
    supporters of the values of the Euro-Atlantic community and have substantial capacity
    to strengthen the Alliance, will be a valuable strategic benefit for NATO and
    implicitly for Romania, thanks to the security guarantees that it provides, reads
    a news release. The Chamber of Deputies Speaker Marcel Ciolacu announced a week
    ago that Parliament will complete the ratification process speedily, with a
    special Parliament sitting to be organised to this end. Ciolacu added that the illegal
    and unjustified war started by the Russian Federation against Ukraine has fundamentally
    altered security parameters.

    REPORT The European Commission recommends that Romania take measures
    to address the remaining concerns regarding the investigation and prosecution
    of offences in the judiciary and to make sure that the amendments to the
    justice laws consolidate the guarantees of judicial independence, including by
    means of reforms in the disciplinary rules for magistrates. These are some of
    the conclusions of a report on Romania’s compliance with the rule of law, made
    public on Wednesday. Brussels also calls on Bucharest to regulate lobby
    activities in Parliament and to address the operational challenges faced by the
    National Anti-Corruption Directorate, including in terms of recruiting new
    prosecutors. Another recommendation has to do with efficient public
    consultation before endorsing bills, enhanced transparency with respect to the
    funding of political parties, and the improvement of the norms and mechanisms
    to consolidate the editorial independence of public media. As far as the mass
    media are concerned, the European Commission warns that there is not enough
    transparency with respect to the broadcasting of content paid by political
    parties, with the exception of election campaigns, and journalists’ access to
    information remains difficult.

    COVID-19 Over 3,000 new SARS-CoV-2 infections were reported over
    the past 24 hours in Romania, 267 fewer than in the previous day, the health
    ministry announced on Wednesday. Overall, since the start of the pandemic,
    nearly 3 million coronavirus infections have been reported in Romania.

    REFUGEES According to the Romanian Border Police Inspectorate, 9,808 Ukrainian nationals
    crossed into Romania on Tuesday, a 10% drop compared to the previous day.
    Starting February 10, 2022, some 1.5 million Ukrainian citizens have entered

    WHISTLEBLOWERS The Constitutional Court of Romania Wednesday ruled against a notification
    submitted by USR party in opposition regarding the law on the protection of
    whistleblowers. USR claims the bill passed by the government considerably reduces
    the protection offered to people who report irregularities in public
    institutions and raises major obstacles in securing Recovery and Resilience
    (PNRR) funds. The notification mentions elements that come against the
    Constitution of Romania, including the violation of certain commitments Romania
    pledged to observe upon joining the EU and the lack of clarity and
    predictability of some provisions.

    JUDICIARY A cooperation agreement between the European Public
    Prosecutor’s Office and the General Prosecutor’s Office of the R. of Moldova
    was signed in Chişinăuon
    Wednesday by the heads of the 2 institutions, Laura Codruţa Kövesi and Dumitru Robu.
    The document is designed to facilitate the exchange of information and judicial
    cooperation in criminal matters. Dumitru Robu pointed out that a priority is to
    carry on investigations in corruption cases and financial offences against state
    assets. In turn, Laura Codruţa Kövesi said that the European Public Prosecutor’s
    Office would support the work of Moldova’s General
    Prosecutor’s Office as much as its powers would allow it. (AMP

  • Is Romania bracing up for a new Covid-19 wave?

    Is Romania bracing up for a new Covid-19 wave?

    number of new SARS-CoV-2 infections in Romania has doubled from one week to
    another and so has the number of people admitted to hospitals and the fatalities
    related. Almost 15 thousand new cases were reported last week and experts with
    the National Public Health Institute believe the number of infections will
    maintain its upward trend for another four-five weeks.

    to Romania’s Health Minister Alexandru Rafila, the infection rate has now reached
    12%, prompting authorities to report cases on a daily basis after a month when
    the number of infections was presented only weekly. Experts believe the new subvariant, which
    caused the present wave of infections at international level and has been
    identified in Romania as well, diminishes the protection offered by the vaccine
    and the immunity given by the disease but by and large doesn’t seem to cause
    severe cases. The Health Minister recommends that people go back to the
    prevention measures like face-covering and avoiding crowded places. He also has
    recommendations for those showing Covid symptoms.

    Alexandru Rafila: They can get tested by family physicians or
    may call the ambulance depending on the case. If they test positive, they must
    go into self-isolation at home or go to the doctor or the outpatient centers if
    the symptoms are more visible. Patients with comorbidities and more severe
    symptoms must be admitted to hospitals.

    Although many test
    centers have been closed down at the end of the latest wave of the pandemic,
    Romanians still rely on more than 43 hundred locations where they can get
    tested, including at their family physicians, some chemists, clinics and hospitals.

    the meantime, health authorities in Romania are looking for sponsors for the
    centers specialized in providing Covid-19 tests and treatment so that they may
    offer services also at weekends in an attempt to keep the new wave of
    infections at bay. 169 suchlike centers are being functional all over Romania.
    Although these medical units aren’t very busy at present but as the number of
    infections is expected to rise, they must be ready to test and treat their

    Rafila recommends that anti-Covid vaccination begin in autumn, when a new
    vaccine is expected to become available. In an interview to a private TV
    channel the minister says that the present vaccine is no longer effective
    against the new Omicron strains.

    Alexandru Rafila: We are now facing the second Omicron wave
    and the vaccine aimed at stopping the spreading is limited. We must be honest
    so that we may increase people’s confidence in vaccination. Because if we are
    telling them the truth now we can also tell them the truth every time, even when
    the situation isn’t favourable like it is now or when it becomes favourable
    again as we hope to be in autumn.

    to doctor Rafila, the new vaccine is to arrive in Romania in September.


  • July 13, 2022

    July 13, 2022

    NATO – The Government in Bucharest is
    today expected to adopt and submit to Parliament a draft law on the
    ratification of the NATO accession of Finland and Sweden. The NATO accession
    protocols were signed in Brussels on July 5, and now they must be ratified by
    all Member States. Last week, Chamber of Deputies speaker, Marcel Ciolacu, said
    Parliament will make short work of the ratification process, and that a special
    Parliament session will be called in this respect. Ciolacu went on to say that
    the illegal and unwarranted war launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine
    has fundamentally changed the security context. The status of NATO candidate
    countries allows Finland and Sweden to attend NATO meetings, also providing
    them with access to confidential information. Until the ratification process is
    completed at the level of all NATO member states, the two countries cannot
    benefit from collective defense under Article 5. The ratification process could
    last a year, some experts say.

    WHISTLEBLOWERS – The Constitutional Court of Romania
    today ruled against a notification submitted by USR in opposition regarding the
    law on the protection of whistleblowers. USR claims the law adopted by the
    PSD-PNL-UDMR Cabinet is considerably reducing the protection offered to people
    who signal irregularities in public institutions and raises major obstacles in
    securing Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) funds. The notification invokes elements
    of unconstitutionality, including the violation of certain commitments Romania
    pledged to observe upon joining the EU and the lack of clarity and
    predictability of some provisions.

    COVID – The number of COVID cases is on the
    rise. Over 4,000 new infections were signaled on Tuesday within the space of 24
    hours. Of these, most were reported in Bucharest. Some 1,500 COVID patients are
    currently hospitalized, 90 in intensive care. The authorities also reported 9
    related deaths. We recall the authorities have reverted to daily
    epidemiological updates amidst a resurge in the number of COVID cases.

    REFUGEES – According to the Romanian
    Border Police Inspectorate, 9,808 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on
    Tuesday, a 10% drop compared to the previous day. Starting February 10, 2022,
    some 1.5 million Ukrainian citizens have entered Romania.

    TOUR – US president Joe Biden has started a
    tour of the Middle East. The president is today expected to arrive in Israel,
    where he will stay for two days. On Friday, Joe Biden will meet the president
    of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank. Next he will
    travel to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which will mark the first visit ever paid by an
    American president to this country. Here he will hold talks with Saudi
    officials and attend a summit of Gulf allies. Today, president Biden,
    accompanied by the Israeli Defense Minister, Benny Gantz, will visit an
    exhibition of the country’s air defense network. The USA and Israel are
    expected to sign a Strategic Partnership agreement, including a joint stance
    against Iran’s nuclear program and regional aggression to ensure Iran never
    attains a nuclear weapon.

    FOOTBALL – Romania’s football champions, CFR Cluj,
    are today playing Piunik Yerevan of Armenia at home in the return leg of the
    Champions League first preliminary round. A week ago in Yerevan, CFR had drawn
    0-0 in the first leg. Should it win, CFR Cluj will next play F91 Dudelange of
    Luxembourg in the second preliminary round. The team from Luxembourg knocked
    out the Albanian champions KF Tirana in the first round. The three Romanian
    teams qualified to European Conference League will go up against less
    formidable clubs in the second preliminary round. Therefore, Romanian
    vice-champions, FCSB will take on the winner of the match pitting FC Saburtalo
    of Georgia against Partizani Tirana of Albania. Sepsi OSK will play the winner
    of the match pitting Olimpja Ljubljana of Slovenia against Differdange 03 of
    Luxembourg, whereas finally, Universitatea Craiova will play KF Vllaznia
    Shkoder of Albania, the winner of the Albanian Cup. The return legs are
    scheduled this month. (VP)

  • July 12, 2022 UPDATE

    July 12, 2022 UPDATE

    GAS – Romania will have
    enough natural gas stored to cover domestic demand in the next cold season, Romania’s
    Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă says. On Tuesday, the
    Romanian Prime Minister said a new record has been attained: Romania’s gas storage capacity from domestic production
    reached 70%. Romania is ahead of the European schedule in terms of storing gas,
    having already exceeded the target set for August 1. According to the Romanian official,
    if the current pace is maintained, Romania will meet the objective set at
    European level, namely to store natural gas at least at 80% capacity ahead of
    the set deadline, November 1.

    INFLATION – The year-on-year
    inflation rate reached 15.1% in June, as against 14.5% in May, the National
    Statistics Institute announced on Tuesday. According to the institution,
    non-foodstuff prices went up nearly 18%, food prices rose by roughly 15% and
    the price of services also increased by some 8%. The National Bank of Romania
    adjusted its inflation forecast to 12.5% for the end of this year and to 6.7%
    for the end of 2023.

    REFUGEES – Over the past 24
    hours around 226,800 people have crossed the border in and out of Romania, the
    Romanian Border Police Inspectorate announced. Of these, over 22,000 are
    Ukrainian nationals who came into Romania via various checkpoints. Since the
    start of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, more than 1.5 million Ukrainian citizens
    have crossed the border into Romania.

    COVID-19 – Starting Tuesday,
    COVID-19 updates will be released on a daily basis in Romania rather than
    weekly, after a steep rise in the number of cases, accounting for a doubling of
    new infection numbers every 7 days. On Tuesday the authorities announced over
    4,000 people tested positive in 24 hours, out of over 21,000 tests conducted.
    Nine COVID-related deaths were also reported, all of them in patients suffering
    from prior conditions. The number of hospitalized COVID patients is 1,361, with
    90 patients in intensive care. According to experts, the new Omicron
    sub-variant that causes the current infection wave around the world, and which
    has also been identified in Romania, affects the protection provided both by
    the vaccine and by natural immunization, but it generally seems to cause milder
    forms of the disease. The health minister Alexandru Rafila announced that
    prevention measures remain in place, especially wearing face masks and physical
    distancing. COVID-19 vaccines are still recommended by the authorities,
    particularly to vulnerable categories.

    MOLDOVA – Moldova’s
    president, Maia Sandu, on Tuesday called on the chief of the European Public
    Prosecutor’s office (EPPO), Laura Codruța Kovesi, to help Moldovan prosecutors
    investigate the frauds committed by wanted oligarchs. The two officials
    discussed issues such as the fight against corruption, eliminating abusive
    practices in the management of public funds and properties, as well as
    providing efficient tools to judicial institutions to help them combat graft.
    The Republic of Moldova is committed to joinining the EU, and a functioning
    judiciary and combating corruption remain key prerequisites in this process,
    president Sandu pointed out. The head of the EPPO is paying an official visit
    to Moldova until July 14.

    PARTNERSHIP – Romania has no
    better friend than the US, the US secretary of state Antony Blinken said on
    the celebration of 25 years since the launch of the Strategic Partnership
    between Washington and Bucharest. In turn, former US ambassadors to Bucharest
    state in a letter that the strategic partnership with Romania has proved to be
    one of the best investments in Europe for the US. They also say that Romania
    plays a decisive part in the defense and strengthening of NATO’s eastern flank
    and in consolidating stability and security at the Black Sea.

    HUNGARY – Romania wants to
    build a real strategic partnership with Hungary, Romania’s Foreign minister,
    Bogdan Aurescu, said on Tuesday at the end of his meeting with his Hungarian
    counterpart, Péter Szijjártó. Hungary and Romania are also examining an
    increase in the transport capacity for the cross-border gas interconnector, up
    to 3 billion cubic meters per year. Minister Aurescu also insisted on the need
    to come up with alternative energy resources, with a focus on renewable energy
    and nuclear energy. In turn, Minister Szijjártó recalled the high level of
    two-way trade, which stood at 11 billion EUR last year, as well as the good neighborly
    relations between the two countries. (AMP & VP)

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    COD FISCAL. București s’duc ninti consultările anamisa di autorităț, sindicate și patronate, după ţi reprezentanțălli a mediului di emburlăki, sindicatelor și autorităților locale și spusiră niifharistusearea andicra di alăxerli pi cari guvernul ari naeti s’li facă la Codlu fiscal. Tru cadrul a muabeţloru purtate luni cu premierlu Nicolae Ciucă și ministrul di finanțe Adrian Câciu, aești căftară, ntră altili, amânarea ti anlu ţi yini a misurlor pi care guvernul ari naeti s’li bagă tru lucru di la di 1 agustu. Anamisa di aestea s’arădăpsescu acciza la alcool, taxe, plafonlu ma ñicu ti facilitățile fiscale tru sectorul a construcțiilor și ideea ca lucrătorlli cu fracțiune di normă s’păltească contribuții sociale uidisitu cu tiñia di cafi mesu minimă națională.

    INFLAȚIA. Rata anuală a inflațillei agiumsi la 15,1% tru cirisaru, andicra di 14,5% tru mai, dimăndă adză Institutlu Național di Statistică. Uidisitu cu instituția, păhadzlli la produsele nealimentare criscură cu aproapea 18%, păhadzlli la alimente criscură cu aproapea 15% și păhălu a serviciilor criscu și el cu aproapea 8%. Banca Națională a Româniillei ș-ajustă prognoza di inflație la 12,5% ti bitisita aluştui anu și la 6,7% ti bitisita a anului 2023.

    COVID. Ahurhinda di adză, actualizările COVID-19 va s’hibă lansate cafi dzuă tru România, andicra di cu si făţea siptămânal, după ună creaștiri cabaia mari a numirlui di cazuri, dublânda numirlu di noi infecții la cathi 7 dzăli. Autoritățli dimăndară marță că pisti 4.000 di persoani fură testate pozitiv tru 24 di săhăţ, ditu aţeali cama di 21.000 di teste fapti. Fură raportate și nauă decesi ligate di COVID, tuti la paciență cari avea afecțiuni tu kirolu di ma ninti. Numirlu a paciențălor cu COVID internaț easti di 1.361, cu 90 di paciență tru terapie intensivă. Uidisitu cu experțăll, naua sumvarianta Omicron cari aduţi dalaga di tora cu infecție tru tută lumea, și cari fu aflată și tru România, zniipseaşti protecția oferită emu di vaccin, emu și di imunizarea naturală, ama tru general pare ca aduţi turlii cama apridunati a lăngoarillei. Ministrul a Sănătatillei Alexandru Rafila dimăndă că misurli di prevenire armân tru vigoare, maxusu ti anvălearea a prosuplui și distanțarea fizică. Vaccinurile contra a COVID-19 suntu nica fapti urminie di autorități, maxus ti categoriili vulnerabili.

    PARTENERIAT România nu are niţi un soţ ma bun” andicra di SUA, declară secretarlu di stat ali SUA Antony Blinken, cu furñia că s-umplură 25 di ani di la lansarea a Parteneriatului Strategic anamisa di Washington și București. Tu arada a lor, foștilli ambasadori ali SUA la București declară tru ună carti că parteneriatlu strategic cu România fu ună ditu nai cama buni investiții ditu Europa tră SUA. Elli nica spunu că România agioacă un rol decisiv tru apărarea și anvărtuşearea a flancului estic al NATO și tru anvărtuşearea a stabilitatillei și securitatillei la Amarea Lae.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • July 12, 2022

    July 12, 2022

    FISCAL CODE Consultations continue in Bucharest between the authorities,
    trade unions and employers’ associations, after representatives of the business
    community, trade unions and local authorities voiced discontent with the
    changes the government intends to operate on the Fiscal Code. During the talks held on Monday with PM Nicolae Ciucă and the finance
    minister Adrian Câciu, they requested, among other things, a postponement to
    next year of the measures that the government plans to introduce as of August 1.
    These include the increase in alcohol excise duties, the lower ceiling for tax
    facilities in the constructions sector and the idea that part-time employees
    should pay social contributions corresponding to the national minimum wage.

    INFLATION The year-on-year inflation rate reached 15.1% in June, as
    against 14.5% in May, the National Statistics Institute announced today. According
    to the institution, non-foodstuff prices went up nearly 18%, food prices rose
    by roughly 15% and the price of services also increased by some 8%. The
    National Bank of Romania adjusted its inflation forecast to 12.5% for the end
    of this year and to 6.7% for the end of 2023.

    COVID Starting today, COVID-19 updates will be released on a daily basis
    in Romania rather than weekly, after a steep rise in the number of cases,
    accounting for a doubling of new infection numbers every 7 days. On Tuesday the
    authorities announced over 4,000 people tested positive in 24 hours, out of
    over 21,000 tests conducted. Nine COVID-related deaths were also reported, all
    of them in patients suffering from prior conditions. The number of hospitalised
    COVID patients is 1,361, with 90 patients in intensive care. According to
    experts, the new Omicron sub-variant that causes the current infection wave
    around the world, and which has also been identified in Romania, affects the
    protection provided both by the vaccine and by natural immunisation, but it
    generally seems to cause milder forms of the disease. The health minister
    Alexandru Rafila announced that prevention measures remain in place, especially
    face covering and physical distancing. COVID-19 vaccines are still recommended
    by the authorities, particularly to vulnerable categories.

    PARTNERSHIP Romaniahas no better friend than the US, the US secretary of state
    Antony Blinken said on the celebration of 25 years since the launch of the
    Strategic Partnership between Washington and Bucharest. In turn, former US
    ambassadors to Bucharest state in a letter that the strategic partnership with
    Romania has proved to be one of the best investments in Europe for the US. They
    also say that Romania plays a decisive part in the defence and strengthening of
    NATO’s eastern flank and in consolidating stability and security at the Black

    REFUGEES Over the past 24 hours around 226,800 people have crossed the
    border in and out of Romania, the Romanian Border Police Inspectorate announced.
    Of these, over 22,000 are Ukrainian nationals who came into Romania via various
    checkpoints. Since the start of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, more than 1.5
    million Ukrainian citizens have crossed the border into Romania.

    VISIT The head of the European Public
    Prosecutor’s Office, Laura Codruţa Kovesi,
    is on an official visit to the R. of Moldova until 14 July. The European
    official will have meetings with Moldovan authorities. Moldova’s president Maia
    Sandu, who had a meeting with Laura Codruţa Kovesi in January 2021 in Brussels,
    expressed at that time her willingness to work together with the European
    institution to encourage the country’s reforms in the judiciary. Experts in
    Chişinău note that Codruţa Kovesi’s visit takes place after Moldova was recently
    granted the EU candidate status, and that Brussels would like to make sure that
    Moldova stays on a predictable path. The European Public Prosecutor’s Office
    became operational on 1 June 2021, and is in charge with investigating and
    prosecuting offences against the EU budget. (AMP)

  • Info #Covid19:  4.044 de cazuri noi de infectare în ultimele 24 de ore

    Info #Covid19: 4.044 de cazuri noi de infectare în ultimele 24 de ore

    În ultimele 24 de ore au fost înregistrate 4.044 cazuri noi de persoane infectate cu SARS – CoV – 2 (COVID -
    792 dintre cazurile noi din 24 de ore sunt ale unor pacienți reinfectați, testați pozitiv la o perioadă mai mare de 90 de zile
    după prima infectare.

    Distinct de cazurile nou confirmate, în urma retestării pacienților care erau deja pozitivi, 272 persoane au fost
    reconfirmate pozitiv.

    SPITAL: În unitățile sanitare de profil, numărul de persoane internate în secții cu COVID-19 este de 1.361, cu 49 mai
    puține față de ziua anterioară. De asemenea, la ATI sunt internate 90 persoane, cu 4 mai multe față de ziua anterioară. Dintre
    cei 90 pacienți internați la ATI, 69 sunt nevaccinați.

    Din totalul pacienților internați, 187 sunt minori, toți fiind internați în secții, cu 38 mai puțini față de ziua
    anterioară și 0 la ATI, la fel ca în ziua anterioară.

    DECESE: Până astăzi, 65.797 persoane diagnosticate cu infecție cu SARS-CoV-2 au decedat.

    În intervalul 11.07.2022 (10:00) – 12.07.2022 (10:00) au fost raportate de către INSP 9 decese (7 bărbați și 2
    femei), 1 deces fiind raportat anterior intervalului de referință.

    1 deces a fost înregistrat la categoria de vârstă între 50-59 de ani, 2 la categoria de vârstă între 60-69 de ani,
    1 la categoria de vârstă între 70-79 de ani și 5 decese la categoria de vârstă peste 80 de ani.

    Toate decesele au fost înregistrate la pacienți care prezentau comorbidități.

    Dintre pacienții decedați, 3 erau vaccinați și 6 nevaccinați.

    TESTE: În ultimele 24 de ore au fost efectuate 4.611 teste RT-PCR (2.572 în baza definiției de caz și a protocolului
    medical și 2.039 la cerere) și 16.529 teste rapide antigenice.
    Până la această dată, la nivel național, au fost prelucrate
    13.232.247 teste RT-PCR și 10.425.135 teste rapide antigenice.

    Sursa Ministerul Sănătăţii

  • July 11, 2022 UPDATE

    July 11, 2022 UPDATE

    Romanian president Klaus Iohannis has hailed the anniversary of 25 years since
    the launch of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the United States
    of America describing the document as one of the pillars of Romania’s foreign
    and security policy, according to a press release issued by the Presidential
    Administration in Bucharest. According to Iohannis, a common objective assumed
    by the two countries is Romania’s inclusion in the Visa Waiver programme and
    both sides are making efforts in this respect. In turn, Romania’s Prime
    Minister Nicolae Ciucă said the Strategic Partnership with the USA in all its
    cooperation dimensions has become a priority for Romania. The country will
    continue to consolidate its defense and resilience to be a staunch and reliable
    ally of the USA in the region, a pillar of stability for NATO and EU’s eastern
    flank, Ciucă added. On the other hand, nine former US ambassadors have issued a
    joint statement, describing the Strategic Partnership as one of the best US
    investments in Europe, while including Romania in the Visa Waiver program would
    strongly boost this partnership. The US ambassadors also claim Romania plays a
    key role in defending and strengthening NATO’s eastern flank, as well as in
    consolidating stability and security in the entire Black Sea region.

    WAR IN UKRAINE – The number of
    Ukrainians entering EU member states has reverted to the level prior to the
    Russian invasion, while the resumption of school might prompt additional
    families to make a decision in this respect, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs,
    Ylva Johansson said on Monday. Starting February 24, when Moscow attacked
    Ukraine, over 6 million Ukrainians have entered Europe, FRONTEX reported at the
    end of June. Of these, 3.1 million have already returned to Ukraine.
    Commissioner Johansson went on to say that the Czech Republic is the country
    currently hosting the largest number of Ukrainian refugees per capita, followed
    by Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Latvia. Approximately 1.5 million Ukrainians
    have entered Romania since the start of the war. In Kyiv, Dutch Prime Minister
    Mark Rutte said the war might get protracted, which is why Western countries
    have a duty to support Ukraine by any means possible. Previously, Ukrainian
    authorities announced they are preparing an attack to recapture southern cities
    held by Russian invaders. A decree signed by president Volodymyr Zelensky will
    allow for mobilizing a greater number of people and modern defense technology
    received from Western partners. Defense Minister Oleksy Reznikov says 1 million
    Ukrainians will take part in the counterattack ordered by the president.

    – The Military Department with the Prosecutor General’s Office has opened a
    criminal investigation into crimes against humanity in connection to the
    Russian invasion in Ukraine and the consequences of this military operation on
    Romanian citizens in the neighboring state. The Russian military attack is
    far-reaching and systematic, targeting both military and civilian objectives.
    According to data, the army bombed schools, hospitals, shopping centers,
    affecting the civilian population in Ukraine, Romanian military prosecutors
    say. The consequences of the attack are extremely serious. A large number of
    people died, including children, while many others were wounded. At the same
    time, as a result of the psychological trauma caused by the war, millions of
    civilians have fled Ukraine, currently residing as refugees in other states,
    including Romania.

    – Romania is seeing a rising number of Covid-19
    infections and its Health Minister, Alexandru Rafila, says the country is in
    for a peak of infections at the end of this summer, where the number of daily
    cases might reach 10 thousand. Luckily, the new variants are less aggressive
    and the minister recommends anti-Covid vaccination in autumn when new vaccines
    are to appear. According to Rafila, the new vaccine is to arrive in Romania in
    September and the country is presently relying on 8.5 million doses.
    Authorities have recommended hospitals to get ready for a wave of the pandemic
    and reactivate their action plans.

    MOLDOVA – The head of the
    European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), Laura Codruța Kovesi is paying a
    visit to Chișinău until July 14. Kovesi will meet representatives of the
    administration, including president Maia Sandu. In January, 2021, Maia Sandu
    told Kovesi in Brussels she wanted to cooperate with the EPPO in order to boost
    the reform of the Moldovan judiciary, according to Radio Chișinău. On the other
    hand, a delegation of the Moldovan Interior Ministry is for the first time
    attending the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting held in Prague. In a
    post on Facebook, Moldova’s Interior Minister Ana
    Ravenco said she will be discussing the expansion of EU security to include the
    Republic of Moldova as well. (DB & VP)

  • July 11, 2022

    July 11, 2022

    PARTNERSHIP Romanian president Klaus
    Iohannis has hailed the anniversary of 25 years since the launch of the
    Strategic Partnership between Romania and the United States of America
    describing the document as one of the pillars of Romania’s foreign and security
    policy, says a communiqué issued by the Presidential Administration in
    Bucharest. According to Iohannis a common objective assumed by the two
    countries is Romania’s inclusion in the Visa Waiver programme and both sides
    are making efforts in this respect. In turn, Romania’s Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca
    said the Strategic Partnership with the USA in all its cooperation dimensions
    has become a priority for Romania. The country will continue to consolidate its
    defence and resilience to be a staunch and reliable ally of the USA in the
    region, a pillar of stability for NATO and EU’s eastern flank, Ciuca added.

    DEFICIT According to
    the National Institute for Statistics, Romania’s trade deficit went up to 12.7
    billion euros in the first five months of the year, 40% more than in the
    similar period last year. Exports rose by 23.5% to reach 36.9 billion euros and
    imports by 28.1% to amount to 49.6 billion euros. In May this year, exports
    totaled 7.9 billion euros while imports stood at 10.7 billion with a deficit
    of 2.7 billion.

    WAR Russian forces continued to bomb eastern Ukraine, killing at least 15
    people in an attack, which destroyed a residential building in Chasiv Yar on
    Sunday. Authorities have reported five rocket attacks and massive artillery
    shelling against the populated cities in the regions of Lugansk and Donetsk.
    Russian artillery attacks have also included civilian targets in the region and
    according to British experts, the Russian troops are making small headway. The
    Russian Defence Ministry has accused the Ukrainians of placing civilians and
    weapons in schools and other civilian buildings in several localities in
    Donetsk and Kharkiv. Experts say that Russians are making progress in eastern
    Ukraine as they managed to deploy more troops and resources in the region than the Ukrainians. The
    situation could become balanced through a counterattack by Ukrainian forces
    which are now relying on modern military equipment from the West. The latest military
    aid announced by the USA stays at 400 million dollars worth of four HIMARS rocket
    systems to be added to the 8 Kyiv already uses while the 155 mm cannons with intelligent ammunition have already been

    COVID-19 Romania is seeing a
    rising number of Covid-19 infections and its Health Minister, Alexandru Rafila,
    says the country is in for a peak of infections at the end of this summer,
    where the number of daily cases might reach 10 thousand. Luckily, the new
    variants are less aggressive and the minister recommends anti-Covid vaccination
    in autumn when new vaccines are to appear. According to Rafila, the new vaccine
    is to arrive in Romania in September and the country is presently relying on
    8.5 million doses. Authorities have recommended hospitals to get ready for a
    wave of the pandemic and reactivate their action plans.

    VISIT The European Chief Prosecutor, Laura
    Codruta Kovesi, is to arrive today in Chisinau, capital of the ex-soviet
    Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova. Until July 14, the EU official is to hold
    talks with government officials, including the country’s president Maia Sandu.
    In January Sandu told Kovesi that she wanted to cooperate with the European
    institution in order to give an impetus to the legal reforms in the republic.
    In another development, a delegation of the Moldovan Interior Ministry will
    today participate in the in the EU’s JHA Council underway in Prague. In a
    Facebook post, Minister Ana Revenco said the talks would also focus on the
    enlargement of the EU security space to also include the Republic of Moldova.
