Tag: CSM

  • Noi ordonanţe de urgenţă în domeniul justiţiei

    Noi ordonanţe de urgenţă în domeniul justiţiei

    Justiţia este, de la
    finele lui 2016, de la ultimele alegeri parlamentare, câmpul de luptă politică
    al Puterii şi Opoziţiei. În timp ce majoritatea PSD-ALDE declară că doreşte îndreptarea unor erori
    legislative în domeniu şi, deci, o modernizare a actelor normative ce stau la
    baza activităţii din Justiţie, în respectul drepturilor cetăţenilor, Opoziţia
    de dreapta – în principal PNL şi USR -susţin că orice demers este menit, dimpotrivă, să submineze munca
    magistraţilor, în folosul unor interese clientelare.

    Nu mai departe de marţi, actualul
    Guvern de la Bucureşti a luat, prin ordonanţă de urgenţă, măsuri între care cea
    potrivit căreia funcţiile de conducere din Parchete nu vor
    mai putea fi ocupate prin delegare. Potrivit ministrului Tudorel Toader, că
    este vorba de procuror general, adjunct, procuror-şef la DNA, la DIICOT sau şef
    de secţie, aceştia au un mandat fix de trei ani, un nou mandat însemnând o nouă
    procedură în condiţiile legii: interviu, aviz consultativ de la Consiliul
    Superior al Magistraturii, decret de învestire din partea preşedintelui ţării …
    Totodată, cum, în baza noii ordonanţe guvernamentale, posibilii candidaţi
    pentru funcţiile de rang înalt vor putea fi şi din rândul procurorilor foşti
    judecători, avizul va reveni plenului CSM, deci a ambelor Secţii pentru
    procurori, respectiv pentru judecători.
    Cum, la ora actuală, multe funcţii înalte
    din Ministerul Public sunt ocupate prin delegare, cei în această situaţie vor rămâne
    pe post timp de 45 de zile, răstimp în care se va aplica procedura legală de

    Tot marţi, după avizul favorabil din partea plenului CSM, Guvernul român
    a adoptat şi o ordonanţă de urgenţă privind procedura de selecţie a procurorului
    european din partea României în cadrul viitorului Parchet European. Nota bene!
    Aceasta nu se referă la numirea procurorului-şef al acestei entităţi
    comunitare, pentru care există o altă procedură, în curs de derulare. Ministrul
    Tudorel Toader a explicat că va exista şi o a doua categorie de procurori care
    vor fi selectaţi printr-o procedură ulterioară, şi anume procurorii europeni
    delegaţi. Dacă procurorul european îşi va desfăşura mandatul la Luxemburg, cel
    delegat va activa în România, în numele Parchetului European.

    După adoptarea
    ordonanţelor, reacţia Partidului Naţional Liberal nu a întârziat: a anunţat că
    va depune o moţiune simplă, la Camera Deputaţilor, împotriva ministrului
    Toader. USR a vorbit de o zi neagră pentru Justiţia din România şi a făcut apel
    organismele internaţionale să intervină, şi către cetăţeni să nu rămână
    indiferenţi. Aşa că, din peisaj nu au lipsit protestatarii: mai multe persoane
    s-au strâns, marţi seară, în faţa Ministerului Justiţiei, aruncând cu pietre şi
    vopsea. Cât despre preşedintele de dreapta al ţării, Klaus Iohannis, acesta a
    scris pe Facebook că, prin astfel de ordonanţe de urgenţă, PSD acţionează, din
    nou, împotriva Justiţiei şi a statului de drept, dorind să creeze un statut
    special celor care au probleme cu legea. În schimb, premierul de stânga Viorica
    Dăncilă a reiterat că legile nu se dau pentru o persoană, că politicul nu are
    ce căuta Justiţie şi că drepturile cetăţenilor trebuie respectate. Toate, în
    paralel cu lupta anticorupţie.

  • February 10, 2019 UPDATE

    February 10, 2019 UPDATE

    TENNIS The world’s third tennis player, Romanian Simona Halep on Sunday
    clinched a three-set win against Karolina Pliskova of the Czech Republic 6-4,
    5-7, 6-4 while Mihaela Buzarnescu lost
    to Katerina Siniakova 4-6, 2-6. The score is two all but the doubles match
    pitching Irina Begu and Monica Niculescu against Barbora Krejcikova and
    Katerina Siniakova is regarded as decisive. After the matches on Saturday,
    Halep – Siniakova 6-4, 6-0 and Pliskova – Buzarnescu 6-1, 6-4, the score was also
    even, one-all. Lots drawn on Wednesday pitted Romania’s male side against
    Zimbabwe in the first round of the Davis Cup’s second value Group Two, the
    Europe-Africa zone.

    EXTRADITION 14 Romanians have been extradited to the USA for having
    masterminded a scheme to steal money from Americans and launder the funds by means
    of cryptocurrency. The suspects have been apprehended after almost 100 US
    Secret Service agents and policemen did searches in Romania’s capital Bucharest
    and its surroundings. The prejudice has been estimated at 34 million dollars.
    Scores of mobile phones, electronic equipment and various amounts of money have
    been seized during the operation.

    FILM A Romanian film has reaped the
    grand prize of the short-reel festival in Clermont-Ferrand, France. The
    award-winner is Bogdan Muresanu’s 20-minute ‘The Christmas Gift’, whose plot is
    placed on December 20th 1989 shortly after the beginning of the
    Romanian anti-communist revolution. The plot thickens after the parents of a
    little boy have found out that he mailed Santa a letter saying that his
    father’s only wish was to see dictator Nicolae Ceausescu dead.

    AMENDMENTS Romanian MPs have time until Monday to
    submit amendments to the budget draft law endorsed by the ruling PSD-ALDE
    coalition on Friday. The draft was drawn up taking into account a 5.5% economic
    growth, a 2.5% deficit and a GDP of over 200 billion euros. Under the fresh
    budget scheme, 2% of the country’s GDP will be allotted to the country’s
    defence, in accordance with its pledges to the NATO allies. Pension rises of
    15% have also been envisaged as early as September this year. The right-wing
    opposition has lashed out at the delayed draft and some of its provisions,
    which it deemed unrealistic.

    ELECTION NGOs in the ex-soviet Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova, have
    called on the Election Committee to allow the Diaspora to cast their ballot in
    the Parliamentary election on February 24th even if they have
    expired IDs. The aforementioned NGOs have referred to the previous elections,
    when this was possible. In a first for the ex-soviet republic, elections are to
    unfold under the mixed voting system, in which the 50 MPs will be elected on
    party tickets, while the rest 51 in constituencies. Concurrently with the
    election, a referendum is to be carried out on cutting the number of MPs from
    101 down to 61 as well as on the possibility for these MPs to be revoked by the
    citizens. According to the polls the pro-Russia socialists of incumbent president Igor Dodon are among the
    favourites with allegedly 40% of the vote intentions, followed by ACUM, a bloc
    made up of pro-European right-wingers, which has been credited with 25% of the
    votes and the centre-to-left Democratic Party, the main political force in the
    pro-western coalition government.

    HANDBALL Romania’s champions in women’s handball CSM
    Bucharest secured a 30-18 away win against German side Thuringer HC on Sunday
    in the Champions League. The result pushed CSM to the second place in the
    standings after the en titre champions Gyor Audi ETO of Hungary. Next comes
    Viper Kristiansand of Norway, Ferencvaros of Hungary, Krim Ljubljana of
    Slovenia and Thuringer. The first four sides in the group are qualified for the
    competition’s quarter finals. We recall that CSM won the trophy back in 2016 at
    their first participation.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    On Saturday and Sunday the town of
    Ostrava will be hosting the tennis match pitting the team of the Czech Republic
    against the similar side of Romania. The match counts towards FedCup’s World Group.
    WTA 3-rd placed Simona Halep will be facing world no.5 tennis player, Karolina Pliskova,
    in the most interesting confrontation of the FedCup match.

    This year’s Australian Open
    finalist, WTA no 2 Petra Kvitova will not be able to play for the team of the
    Czech Republic, because of her extremely busy schedule.

    Now it’s news from rugby, as in a
    debut game counting towards the 2019 season of the Rugby Europe Championship,
    Romania faces the winner of the last edition of the aforementioned competition,
    Georgia, in a match hosted by the central Transylvanian city of Cluj. According
    to current world ranking, Georgia is 13th-palced, ahead of Six
    Nations tournament team Italy, with is 15th placed. Romania occupies
    the 18th position in the same rankings.

    At the weekend, in a Champions League
    fixture hosted by the German town of Nordhausen, Romanian handball side CSM
    Bucharest take on Thuringer, in the second main group. CSM Bucharest are 3-rd-placed
    in the group, with 8 points, on a par with 2nd team Vipers
    Kristiansand of Denmark, but with a poorer goal average. Hungarian side Gyor is
    at the top of the table, with 11 points on their record sheet. Thuringer are at
    the bottom of the table, with only one point.

    Matches counting towards the last
    round of the group stage in the EHF Cup are to be played at the weekend. In an
    away Group A fixture, Magura Cisnadie face German opponents Bietigheim. Trophy
    holders SCM Craiova play a home Group D match against Spain’s Bera Bera. At
    present, both Romanian teams are at the bottom of the table in their groups.

    From Friday and all through to
    Monday matches will be played, counting towards the 23rd round of
    the Romanian first football league. On Friday, Astra Giurgiu will be up against
    Viitorul Constanta. On Saturday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe receive the visit of
    Dinamo Bucharest while the next day on their home turf, Dunarea Calarasi will
    be playing Concordia Chiajna. Also on Sunday, Poli Iasi play a home game
    against Gaz Metan Medias, while Universitatea Craiova on home turf takes on CFR
    Cluj. On Monday, FC Botosani are pitted against FC Voluntari, while FCSB will
    be up against FC Hermannstadt. CFR Cluj have the lead in the rankings, with 47
    points, followed by FCSB, with 41 points on their record sheet.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    On Saturday and Sunday the town of
    Ostrava will be hosting the tennis match pitting the team of the Czech Republic
    against the similar side of Romania. The match counts towards FedCup’s World Group.
    WTA 3-rd placed Simona Halep will be facing world no.5 tennis player, Karolina Pliskova,
    in the most interesting confrontation of the FedCup match.

    This year’s Australian Open
    finalist, WTA no 2 Petra Kvitova will not be able to play for the team of the
    Czech Republic, because of her extremely busy schedule.

    Now it’s news from rugby, as in a
    debut game counting towards the 2019 season of the Rugby Europe Championship,
    Romania faces the winner of the last edition of the aforementioned competition,
    Georgia, in a match hosted by the central Transylvanian city of Cluj. According
    to current world ranking, Georgia is 13th-palced, ahead of Six
    Nations tournament team Italy, with is 15th placed. Romania occupies
    the 18th position in the same rankings.

    At the weekend, in a Champions League
    fixture hosted by the German town of Nordhausen, Romanian handball side CSM
    Bucharest take on Thuringer, in the second main group. CSM Bucharest are 3-rd-placed
    in the group, with 8 points, on a par with 2nd team Vipers
    Kristiansand of Denmark, but with a poorer goal average. Hungarian side Gyor is
    at the top of the table, with 11 points on their record sheet. Thuringer are at
    the bottom of the table, with only one point.

    Matches counting towards the last
    round of the group stage in the EHF Cup are to be played at the weekend. In an
    away Group A fixture, Magura Cisnadie face German opponents Bietigheim. Trophy
    holders SCM Craiova play a home Group D match against Spain’s Bera Bera. At
    present, both Romanian teams are at the bottom of the table in their groups.

    From Friday and all through to
    Monday matches will be played, counting towards the 23rd round of
    the Romanian first football league. On Friday, Astra Giurgiu will be up against
    Viitorul Constanta. On Saturday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe receive the visit of
    Dinamo Bucharest while the next day on their home turf, Dunarea Calarasi will
    be playing Concordia Chiajna. Also on Sunday, Poli Iasi play a home game
    against Gaz Metan Medias, while Universitatea Craiova on home turf takes on CFR
    Cluj. On Monday, FC Botosani are pitted against FC Voluntari, while FCSB will
    be up against FC Hermannstadt. CFR Cluj have the lead in the rankings, with 47
    points, followed by FCSB, with 41 points on their record sheet.

  • November 19, 2018 UPDATE

    November 19, 2018 UPDATE

    PSD — The national executive committee of the Social Democratic Party, the main party in the ruling coalition in Romania, on Monday voted for the reshuffle of several ministers from the government headed by Viorica Dancila. According to the executive committee, the former minister for the business environment Ilan Laufer will return to the government as deputy prime minister and minister for development. The defense ministry will be taken over by Gabriel Les, after Mihai Fifor decided to resign. The president of the committee for budget, finances and banks in the Chamber of Deputies Marius Budai is to take over the Labor Ministry. He will replace Lia Olguta Vasilescu who is to take over the Transport Ministry. The ministers of the economy, culture, communications and youth and sports will also be changed. Also during the meeting of the executive committee of the PSD the general mayor of Bucharest, Gabriela Firea, submitted her resignation from the positions of vice-president and interim president of the Bucharest branch of the PSD. The executive committee voted for the dismantling of the PSD leadership of the Ilfov county branch, south east, whose president was Gabriela Firea.

    CSM — The prosecutors’ section of the Superior Council of Magistracy on Monday issued a negative opinion on the request for the dismissal of Romania’s prosecutor general, Augustin Lazar, initiated by the justice minister, Tudorel Toader. The opinion of the Superior Council of Magistracy is consultative. Previously, the prosecutor general had filed a complaint with the Justice Ministry against the report on his managerial activity. Augustin Lazar also filed a request with the Alba Court of Appeal for the suspension of the procedure for his dismissal, which will be analyzed on Tuesday. The Romanian President announced he would not make a decision regarding the dismissal of prosecutor Lazar before his complaint is dealt with. Minister Tudorel Toader started the procedure for the dismissal of the prosecutor general on October 24, as he accused him of failing to observe legal obligations. However, Augustin Lazar said that the observance of constitutional principles and values underlay all the decisions he made. Last week, the European Commission made public the report under the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification for Romania and some of its recommendations refer to the immediate suspension of the procedures for the appointment and dismissal of chief prosecutors.

    Visit — The European Commissioner for Justice Vera Jourova is on an official visit to Bucharest on Monday and Tuesday. The EU official will meet Tuesday with president Klaus Iohannis, with justice minister Tudorel Toader as well as with other high officials from Bucharest. She is discussing the justice priorities in the context of Romania’s future presidency of the EU Council and the developments in the Romanian justice system. In the same context, on Wednesday, Bucharest will be hosting the Conference of the Presidents of the European Parliament with the Romanian government. The conference is to be attended by the PM Viorica Dancila, members of the Romanian government, the president of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, the secretary general of the EP, Klaus Welle as well as the leaders of the nine European political groups. According to the PM, the talks will focus on issues related to the future EU budget, Brexit and the security policy developments.

    EC — The European Commission officials on Monday expressed confidence in the professionalism of the future Romanian presidency of the EU Council, and reiterated the appeal of the EC president, Jean-Clade Juncker, for a national political consensus Romania needs to achieve before taking over the presidency of the EU Council. The statement was made by EC spokesperson Margaritis Schinas in a regular press conference. Romania is taking over on January 1, 2019 the rotating presidency of the EU Council from Austria.

    RadiRo — The International Festival of Radio Orchestras, RadiRo, organized by Radio Romania, continues in Bucharest. The festival has reached its 4th edition and it is the only festival of the world devoted to radio orchestras. This year it includes jazz recitals for the first time. All the concerts of the festival are broadcast live by Radio Romania’s channels, recorded and subsequently rebroadcast by the public television. The concerts are also rebroadcast by radiobroadcasters that are members of the European Broadcasting Union.

    Brussels — The ministers for European affairs of the EU member states, gathered in Brussels, on Monday expressed their support for the Brexit agreement. The date for Brexit is set at the end of March 2019. Several ministers underlined that the 585-page agreement cannot be renegotiated. The document, which has come under fierce attack in Great Britain, needs to be ratified by both sides. Monday’s meeting opened the way for a special summit to be hosted by Brussels on Sunday, when the leaders of the remaining 27 EU states will sign the Brexit deal as well as a joint political declaration on the future relations between Britain and Brussels. (news translated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • 25.10.2018


    Armée- Toutes les garnisons roumaines du pays et d’ailleurs célèbrent ce jeudi la journée de l’Armée roumaine. Aujourd’hui, 636 militaires roumains décédés à Stalingrad seront ré inhumés dans le cimetière d’honneur roumain de Rossochka, dans la Fédération de Russie. Construite en 2015, la nécropole abrite les dépouilles mortelles de 1644 soldats roumains tués dans la plus âpre bataille du siècle dernier. La Journée de l’Armée roumaine est un repère important non seulement dans le calendrier des traditions militaires, mais aussi dans celui de toute la nation, a déclaré le ministre de la Défense, Mihai Fifor. Il a ajouté que par le sacrifice de ses soldats, la Roumanie a rejoint à la fin du XIXème siècle la communauté des Etats européens indépendants et par la suite, elle a été capable de créer l’Etat unitaire roumain qui fête cette année ses cent ans d’existence. La Roumanie n’oubliera jamais le sacrifice des militaires tués ou blessés sur les théâtres des opérations ces deux dernières décennies, a encore précisé le ministre de la Défense.

    Procureur – La Section des procureurs du Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature auditionnera le procureur général de la Roumanie, Augustin Lazar, le mardi 13 novembre, avant de se prononcer sur la demande de révocation de celui-ci formulée par le ministre de la Justice, Tudorel Toader. L’avis du Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature est purement consultatif et ce sera au chef de l’Etat, Klaus Iohannis, de trancher. Tudorel Toader accuse le procureur général d’avoir manqué à ses attributions. En revanche, Augustin Lazar se défend et affirme que toutes les décisions adoptées se sont basées sur sur le respect des principes et des valeurs constitutionnels.

    Moscou – Les pays européens qui accueillent sur leur territoire des systèmes américains de défense antimissiles seront ciblés par la Russie en cas de guerre, a martelé le leader russe, Vladimir Poutine. Cette déclaration intervient dans un contexte tendu, après que l’administration de Donald Trump a pris la décision de retirer les Etats-Unis du Traité sur les forces nucléaires à portée intermédiaire. Le leader de la Maison Blanche accuse son homologue russe d’avoir violé ce traité. Vladimir Poutine a pour sa part affirmé à plusieurs reprises que les systèmes balistiques implantés par Washington en Europe, y compris en Roumanie, représentent des violations de l’accord en question.

    Manoeuvres- Quelque 50000 soldats appuyés par des moyens matériels considérables lancent ce jeudi, en Norvège, les plus grandes manœuvres militaires de l’Otan depuis la guerre froide. L’exercice « Trident Juncture 18 », qui se déroule jusqu’au 7 novembre, regroupe des soldats de 31 pays, ainsi que 10.000 véhicules, 65 navires et 250 avions. Cet exercice a pour scénario une intervention des alliés pour stopper et repousser une offensive menée depuis le nord de la Norvège. Le secrétaire général de l’Alliance, le Norvégien Jens Stoltenberg a précisé que le climat sécuritaire en Europe a connu une détérioration sérieuse ces dernières années, et qu’un tel exercice n’est pas une menace, mais la preuve que l’OTAN est prête à défendre tous ses alliés contre de potentiels dangers. La porte-parole de la diplomatie russe, Maria Zakharova, a de son côté dénoncé ce qu’elle appelle «les cliquetis d’armes».

    Salaires – Les salaries devraient connaître une majoration directement proportionnelle avec la productivité, a averti ce jeudi, le gouverneur de la Banque centrale de Roumanie, Mugur Isarescu. C’est dramatique que les revenus soient augmentés par la volonté des politiciens sans aucun rapport avec la force du marché, a-t-il précisé. Et M. Isarescu de rappeler que la Roumanie se confronte à un problème sérieux de migration puisque plus de 3 millions de Roumains sont partis travailler ailleurs. Pour avoir une économie solide, la Roumanie devrait mettre en place des réformes politiques cohérentes, a encore affirmé Mugur Isarescu.

    Handball – La sélection roumaine de handball masculin a perdu mercredi soir, à Santo Tirso, son premier match face au Portugal au sein du 6ème Groupe comptant pour le tour préliminaire du Championnat d’Europe de 2020. Les Tricolores joueront leur prochain match le 28 octobre, contre la France. Au tableau du tournoi final figureront les deux premières équipes des 8 groupes préliminaires et les 4 meilleures sélections arrivées en troisième position. L’Espagne, championne européenne en titre et les équipes des pays hôtes – la Suède, l’Autriche et la Norvège, sont qualifiées d’office pour le tournoi final. Par ailleurs, dans le tennis, le joueur roumain, Marius Copil, a réalisé mercredi soir la meilleure performance de sa carrière après avoir battu 7 à 5 et 7 à 6 le croate Marin Cilic, 6ème du classement mondial, dans les huitièmes de finale du tournoi ATP de Bâle, en Suisse. C’est la première fois que Marius Copil arrive à surclasser un des dix meilleurs joueurs du monde.

    Heure – La Roumanie passera dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à l’heure d’hiver. Une heure de sommeil de plus le dimanche, 28 octobre qui deviendra ainsi le jour le plus long de l’année. L’heure d’hiver n’est en fait qu’une correction d’une anomalie horraire mise artificiellement en place en 1976 afin d’économiser de l’énergie. C’est le choc pétrolier de 1973 qui a conduit à prendre cette mesure. La Compagnie nationale des Chemins de Fer de Roumanie a annoncé que les trains ne changeront pas d’horraire.

    Météo – Les météorologues ont placé la région des Carpates méridionales et orientales en alerte jaune au vent fort et à la neige. En altitude, les rafales peuvent atteindre les 80 km à l’heure. Par ailleurs, les températures risquent de chuter sévèrement dans les régions intra- carpatiques. Le ciel est plutôt couvert, surtout dans la moitié nord du pays et dans les régions collinaires où des pluies sont attendues. Les températures maximales vont de 6 à 15 degrés. 12 degrés à midi, à Bucarest.

  • 04.10.2018 (mise à jour)

    04.10.2018 (mise à jour)

    Promulgation -
    Le président de la Roumanie, Klaus Iohannis, a promulgué
    jeudi la loi du fonctionnement du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature (CSM).
    Il a cependant rappelé qu’il ne soutenait pas les modifications introduites par
    cet acte normatif qui fait partie du paquet des lois de la justice. Le chef de
    l’Etat a affirmé que les modifications apportées au cadre légal actuel du
    domaine de la justice constituaient un recul de la démocratie en Roumanie. Le
    président Iohannis a sollicité le
    réexamen des trois lois qui composent le paquet mentionné, formé de la loi
    concernant le CSM, d’une autre sur l’organisation du système judiciaire,
    promulguée en juillet, et une troisième sur le statut des magistrats. Ces trois
    actes normatifs, proposés et adoptés par la majorité Parti social-démocrate
    (PSD) – Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates (ALDE), au pouvoir, ont été
    critiqués par la société civile et par l’opposition parlementaire de Roumanie,
    ainsi que par les institutions européennes. Cette semaine, lors d’un débat sur
    l’Etat de droit en Roumanie, organisé au Parlement européen, à Strasbourg, le
    premier vice-président de la Commission européenne, Frans Timmermans, a déclaré
    que Bucarest avait reculé dans la réforme du système judiciaire et dans la
    lutte contre la corruption, y compris par les modifications opérées dans les
    lois de la justice.

    Réunion – Bucarest accordera une
    attention particulière à la consolidation des relations transatlantiques durant
    sa présidence du Conseil de l’Union européenne, au premier semestre de l’année
    prochaine, a déclaré jeudi à Bruxelles le ministre roumain de la défense, Mihai
    Fifor. Présent à une réunion avec ses homologues des Etats membres de l’OTAN,
    M. Fifor a aussi attiré l’attention sur l’importance de la lutte contre les
    menaces hybrides et informatiques ainsi que de la mobilité militaire, au sujet
    de laquelle la Roumanie soutient l’adoption de normes communes OTAN – UE.

    TVA – Le gouvernement de Bucarest a
    adopté jeudi une baisse de la TVA, de 9% à 5%,
    appliquée aux services de tourisme, afin d’encourager le développement de ce
    secteur. La TVA passe également à 5% dans le cas des parcs d’attractions et
    d’agrément et des lieux sportifs. Le gouvernement roumain a par ailleurs décidé
    de donner près de 2 milliards d’euros d’aides financières avancées aux
    producteurs agricoles des secteurs végétal et animalier. L’argent provient de
    fonds européens non-remboursables.

    Météo – Il fera beau partout en Roumanie ce vendredi, et les températures de la mi-journée ne dépasseront pas
    les 21°.

  • May 13, 2018 UPDATE

    May 13, 2018 UPDATE

    VISIT Romania’s Prime
    Minister Viorica Dancila on Sunday paid a visit to the Academia di Romania in
    Rome, the oldest Romanian cultural institution abroad, which this year
    celebrates 96 years of existence. Romanians this year mark a century since the
    foundation of the Romanian modern state (1918 – 2018). According to a
    government communiqué released on Sunday, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has also talked on the phone
    with His Grace Siluan, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop to Italy, who is currently
    on a visit to Paris to participate in the Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Western and Southern Europe. The Romanian Prime
    Minister has highlighted aspects related to her visit to the Holy See and the
    excellent bilateral relations at political, cultural and educational levels.
    Viorica Dancila has appreciated the support offered by the Romanian Orthodox
    Church to the communities in the Diaspora, mainly in Italy, and has mentioned
    the importance the church has in the life of the Romanians living abroad. The
    Romanian Prime Minister has also underlined the importance the Romanian
    authorities attach to the observation of the rights of the Romanian communities
    and the role of religious denominations in keeping spiritual and linguistic

    TALKS Ludovic Orban,
    president of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Romania’s main opposition party,
    is expected to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday as part of a
    three-day visit a delegation of Romanian Liberals is paying to Germany. Talks
    have been scheduled with representatives of the federal government on energy
    issues, with representatives of the business environment, MPs from the
    Christian Democratic Union and with representatives of the Romanian community
    in Germany. According to the PNL press office, the visit is the result of the
    very good cooperation the Romanian Liberals have inside the European People’s
    Party with the Christian Democratic Union of Germany and the visit comes in
    response to an invitation from Konrad-Adenauer Foundation.

    HANDBALL Romania’s
    champions in women’s handball CSM Bucharest have become the bronze medalists
    in the Champions League after a 31-30 win in Budapest on Sunday against Russian
    side Rostov Don. CSM lost the semifinals on Saturday to Hungarian side Gyor 26-20.
    This has been CSM’s second bronze medal in a row. We recall that in 2016 CSM
    was the competition’s gold medalist.

    DRILL Resolute Castle 2018 is a multinational
    drill that has kicked off at the shooting range in Cincu, central Romania. The
    six-month exercise has brought together troops from Romania’s Ground Forces and
    the South Carolina National Guard. The US and Romanian troops will get involved
    in infrastructure projects aimed at modernizing the training facilities in the
    Cincu shooting range. Resolute Castle 2018 is an exercise focusing on
    streamlining the training centers in Poland and Romania allowing the US troops
    to quickly mobilize and hold exercises jointly with their multinational
    partners in order to prove their deterrence capability in a complete security

    TENNIS Several Romanian
    players are on the main draw of the tennis tournament in Rome with 3.3 million
    dollars in prize money, a competition that is to kick off on Monday. The
    world’s number one Simona Halep will play directly in the competition’s second
    round against the winner of the game pitching Victoria Azarenka of Belarus
    against Naomi Osaka of Japan. Mihaela Buzarnescu will be playing Chinese Shuai
    Zhang whereas Irina Begu will be up against Shuai Peng also from China. Sorana
    Carstea will play against a challenger coming from the qualifying rounds where
    Monica Niculescu of Romania will be meeting Russian Natalia Vikhlyantseva. In
    the last year’s edition Halep lost the finals to Elina Svitolina of Ukraine. The
    tennis competition in Rome is the last before the Roland Garros Grand Slam
    tournament in Paris.

    (translated by bill)

  • 05.05.2018


    Justice – Le Conseil supérieur de la magistrature, soit l’association professionnelle des magistrats de Roumanie a rendu public un protocole de coopération conclu avec le Service roumain d’informations, soit les renseignements généraux en 2012. Ce document, classé jusqu’ici « secret d’Etat », prévoit entre autres que les informations transmises par les renseignements peuvent être introduites dans les dossiers instruits par le Conseil supérieur de la magistrature uniquement dans des situations exceptionnelles. Le président de l’Union nationale des juges de Roumanie, Dana Gârbovan a souligné que par la conclusion de ce protocole, le Conseil de la magistrature avait abdiqué de son rôle constitutionnel, cédant l’indépendance de la Justice dans les mais du Service roumain de renseignements. Pour ce qui est des protocoles secrets conclus par les institutions de l’Etat, le président roumain Klaus Iohannis a précisé à son tour que leurs signataires devraient les soutenir, les dénoncer ou bien les expliquer. A l’automne 2017, le président de la Commission parlementaire en charge du contrôle du Service roumain d’informations, Claudiu Manda, a déclaré que pas moins de 65 protocoles avaient été conclus entre les renseignements généraux et différentes institutions de l’Etat. Un de ces accords, impliquant le Parquet général a été rendu public il y a un mois.

    Italie – La création de moyens et d’instruments par le biais desquels les Roumains du sud de l’Italie soient soutenus peut conduire à la fin du phénomène de l’exploitation par le travail, a affirmé ce vendredi en Italie, la ministre en charge des Roumains de la Diaspora, Natalia Intotero, qui a rencontre des représentants de régions italiennes méridionales. Les pourparlers ont visé la défense des droits des ressortissants roumains d’Italie, la promotion de leur image ainsi que le déroulement d’une série de campagnes d’informations. Vendredi également, la responsable roumaine a participé à l’inauguration officielle du premier des trois kiosques d’informations appartenant au consulat général de Roumanie à Bari. Selon la responsable roumaine, les kiosques mettent à la disposition des ressortissants roumains des informations consulaires et à la législation dans le domaine du travail. Notons que, selon l’Institut National de la Statistique, la communauté roumaine d’Italie est forte de 1 million 100 mille membres. Sur les 5 millions de ressortissants étranger résidant légalement en Italie, les Roumains comptent pour 23% du total, formant la communauté étrangère la plus large.

    Ecrivains – Le nom de la personne qui détiendra les fonctions de président de l’Union des écrivains de Roumanie jusqu’en 2023 sera rendu public aujourd’hui. Les urnes avec les bulletins de vote des membres de l’association professionnelle des écrivains de Roumanie seront ouvertes dans le cadre d’une réunion spéciale. L’actuel président, le critique littéraire, Nicolae Manolescu, les écrivains Dan Lungu, Stefan Mitroi et Simona Vasilache ainsi que l’essayste Narcis Zarnescu sont en lice pour les fonctions de l’Union des écrivains. Celle-ci compte 2600 membres et 19 filiales en Roumanie et à Chisinau, capitale de la République de Moldova.

    Volley – La capitale roumaine, Bucarest accueille en cette fin de semaine les demi-finales et la finale de la Ligue des champions de volley féminin. Aujourd’hui, dans les demi-finales, le club roumain Volei Alba Blaj dans le centre de la Roumanie rencontre l’équipe turque Galatasaray Istanbul alors que le club champion en titre, également de Turquie, le VakifBank Istanbul affronte les italiennes d’Imoco Volley Conegliano. Dimanche, c’est la finale du tournoi.

    Tennis – La joueuse de tennis roumaine, Mihaela Buzarnescu (37e au classement WTA) rencontrera dans la finale du tournoi WTA de Prague la Tchèque Petra Kvitova 10e mondiale, deuxième favorite du tournoi celle qui a vaincu dans la demi-finale la chinoise Shuai Zhang. Mihaela Buzarnescu a vaincu vendredi Camila Giorgi d’Italie pour jouera sa deuxième finale WTA de sa carrière, après celle à Hobart en Australie, en début d’année.

    Météo – Temps particulièrement beau en Roumanie avec des températures plutôt élevées pour cette période de l’année. Samedi, une certaine instabilité s’installera en Roumanie. Des pluies à verse et des orages sont possibles sur les régions de montagne et sur le nord, l’ouest et le nord-ouest. Les températures frôleront les 30 degrés à midi.

  • 16.03.2018 (mise à jour)

    16.03.2018 (mise à jour)

    Coopération – Le ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères, Teodor Meleșcanu, et le Président de lInstitut français, Pierre Buhler, ont signé, ce vendredi, le procès-verbal du troisième Comité mixte dorganisation de la Saison France-Roumanie. Le document met en exergue lavancée dans la préparation par les deux pays de ce projet commun de diplomatie publique, économique et culturelle. La Saison contribuera à renouveler limage et la perception que les peuples roumain et français ont lun de lautre et à renforcer les liens qui les unissent. Le rattachement des deux pays à lidéal dune Europe de la paix, des idées et de la coopération sera également une des lignes directrices de la Saison. « Ce que je souhaite pour louverture de la Saison France-Roumanie à Paris dans 9 mois, cest que ce ne soit pas seulement louverture dune nouvelle Saison mais également dune nouvelle période de rapprochement des valeurs et des idées que partagent nos deux pays », a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie roumaine Teodor Meleșcanu. «Cette Saison sera ainsi loccasion de mettre en évidence, cette histoire et cette culture européenne que nous avons en partage », a souligné, à son tour, le Président de lInstitut français, Pierre Buhler. La Saison débutera en France au moment du Centenaire de la Roumanie moderne, et se prolongera en 2019 pendant la Présidence roumaine du Conseil de lUnion européenne, en mettant laccent sur la culture et la création contemporaine, mais aussi sur léducation, léconomie, le sport ou encore le tourisme.

    Justice – Le Conseil supérieur de la magistrature de Roumanie a publié, ce vendredi, la motivation de lavis négatif donné à la sollicitation formulée par le ministre de la justice de révocation de ses fonctions de Laura Codruta Kövesi, la procureure en chef de la Direction nationale anti-corruption. Le CSM précise que la demande de révocation ne mentionnait ni les attributions légales enfreintes par Mme Kövesi ni la composante managériale visée. La Section pour les procureurs du CSM considère que la prise de dispositions pénales et processuelles pénales, qui soit différente de linterprétation ultérieure de la Cour constitutionnelle néquivaut pas à un manquement aux attributions de la fonction. Lavis du CSM a un pouvoir consultatif et cest le président de la République Klaus Iohannis qui est appelé, par la loi, à décider de révoquer le chef de la DNA. Le ministre roumain de la justice, Tudorel Toader, a demandé, le mois dernier, la révocation de Laura Codruta Kövesi, sappuyant sur 20 arguments présentés publiquement.

    Découverte — Le Parquet général de Roumanie a informé ce vendredi que 164 monnaies antiques, dont 20 monnaies daces de type Koson, volées sur les sites archéologiques des Monts Orăştiei, avaient été récupérées suites à des perquisitions effectuées en Autriche et en Allemagne. La Section Poursuite pénale et criminalistique du Parquet près la Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice instruit une affaire de blanchiment d’argent et de complicité de vol qualifié, concernant des biens archéologiques du patrimoine culturel national roumain. Il s’agit de trésors formés de bracelets spiralés, pièces de monnaie, boucliers, soustraits des sites archéologiques des Monts Orăştiei et introduits illégalement sur le marché international d’artéfacts. Une ample opération de coopération judiciaire internationale, a été menée en février et mars 2018, par des officiers roumains du Service de protection du patrimoine culturel, en coopération avec les autorités judiciaires autrichiennes et allemandes, avec le soutien d’Eurojust.

    Météo – Le temps entrera dans un processus de refroidissement sévère en Roumanie, qui débutera samedi après-midi dans le nord et le nord-ouest du pays. Dans le sud, le thermomètre grimpera jusquà 20°. Une alerte jaune aux pluies et aux chutes de neige abondantes, ainsi quau froid et au vent fort, entrera en vigueur samedi en milieu de journée, dans louest et le nord-ouest du pays. La chute des températures sera très marquée, les valeurs enregistrées allant se situer à plus de 10-15° en dessous des normales de saison.

  • Raportul DNA pe 2017

    Raportul DNA pe 2017

    anticorupţie au soluţionat, anul trecut, peste 3.800 de dosare, un record de la
    înfiinţarea instituţiei, a informat procurorul şef al DNA, Laura Codruţa Kövesi. Au fost trimişi în judecată aproape 1.000 de inculpaţi, iar pe baza
    rechizitoriilor DNA, instanţele au condamnat definitiv, anul trecut, peste 700.
    Ponderea achitărilor a fost de 12%, din care o pătrime ca efect al deciziei Curţii
    Contituţionale prin care abuzul în serviciu a fost limitat doar la încălcarea

    Şefa DNA a subliniat că 2017 a fost un an dificil pentru că lupta
    anticorupţie a fost puternic contestată
    . Au existat, spunea Kovesi, încercări
    de a modifica legislaţia în sensul dezincriminării unor fapte, al eliminării
    unor instrumente legale investigative sau modificării statutului procrurorului.
    Ea a amintit că instituţia pe care o conduce a criticat în mod transparent şi
    argumentat aceste modificări. Laura Codruţa Kövesi: Noi nu facem legea, noi o aplicăm. Dar avem obligaţia ca, atunci când
    anumite modificări pot influenţa activitatea noastră, să ne exprimăm opinia cu
    privire la riscurile şi vulnerabilităţile care pot exista. Ne opunem slăbirii legislaţiei,
    eliminării instrumentelor care sunt eficiente pentru a dovedi comiterea unor
    fapte grave, cum sunt cele de corupţie; ne opunem schimbării statutului de
    independenţă al magistratului. Pledoaria noastră este pentru o legislaţie
    stabilă, în care procurorii să fie independenţi, independenţa procurorilor este
    o valoare incoruptibilă.

    Prezentarea raportului intervine în contextul complicat al bătăliei
    pentru justiţie, cred observatorii. Ministrul de resort, Tudorel Toader, a
    declanşat, săptămâna trecută, procedura de revocare din funcţie a şefei DNA,
    căreia i-a reproşat încălcarea gravă a atribuţiilor, presiuni asupra Guvernului
    şi a bunei funcţionări a instituţiilor, tergiversarea soluţionării unor cauze sau
    lipsa de reacţie în verificarea unor procurori. Consiliul Superior al
    a dat un aviz negativ asupra cererii de revocare a Laurei Codruţa
    Kövesi. Deşi doar consultativ, acest aviz este congruent cu opinia
    preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis, chemat să decidă asupra revocării.

    miercuri, la prezentarea raportului DNA, preşedintele declara, ritos, că
    cifrele reci, obiective demonstrează încă o dată că
    DNA este o instituţie care funcţionează eficient
    şi care se află deja de ani
    buni în prima linie a luptei anticorupţie. Rezultatele din 2017 infirmă,
    practic, o evaluare – cea a ministrului Toader
    – calificată de Iohannis ca
    subiectivă, tendenţioasă şi partizană. Şeful statului a pus la zid ceea ce
    consideră a fi manifestări virulente şi încercări de decredibilizare a
    Direcţiei Naţionale Anticorupţie şi de subordonare a justiţiei.

    Klaus Iohannis:
    Nişte inculpaţi şi nişte condamnaţi
    penali, după ce au fost prinşi de instituţiile statului încălcând legea, s-au
    unit pentru a discredita pe aceia care i-au cercetat. Toate aceste acţiuni
    concertate în plan mediatic nu au şanse de reuşită. Cei care le-au pus la cale
    sunt cei care au rămas în trecut, care trăiesc cu iluzia că puterea înseamnă
    privilegii şi se exercită prin abuz

    Vizat, poate, de criticile
    preşedintelui, şeful PSD, la coguvernare, Liviu Dragnea, a replicat: Este o declaraţie falsă. Dacă va continua
    aşa, va greşi.

    Pentru cine se mai îndoia, războiul pentru justiţie

  • RRI Sports Club: Handball

    RRI Sports Club: Handball

    In the Champions League, two stages ahead of the end of the main group stage, CSM Bucharest is now second ranked in Group 1. The Romanian champions qualified to the quarterfinals as far back as two weeks ago, tying at home with Rostov Don. Its 24 to 28 defeat on Monday at the hands of Gyor put the Hungarian team on top position in first group. This was CSMs first defeat since October, when it lost away from home to Nykobing of Denmark.

    That worried the fans of the Romanian team, given that the defeat in the game with Hungary comes after the tie against the Russian champions, and that this weekend it will be a month without a victory in Champions League for CSM. On Sunday, they face Danish team Midtjylland, then they go to Russia on March 10 to face Rostov Don. CSM is now tied for points with the Russian team, making that game a major event, considering that the point tally will decide which team the Romanians will be playing against in the quarter finals.

    In the EHF quarterfinals, two Romanian teams are present: Sport Club Municipal Craiova and Handbal Club Zalau. Both are playing at home in the first leg this weekend. Craiova plays against heavy Russian team Lada Togliatti, that won the EHF Cup in 2012 and 2014, and went to the finals in Champions League in 2007.

    The side from Zalau will be playing against a surprisingly successful team, Kastamonu Beledieyesi of Turkey. The latter managed to win Group C, ahead of Danish side Viborg and Norwegian side Byasen. It has a multinational line-up, including, among others, two Russian and three Croat players. The goalie is a Romanian, Anca Mihaela Rombescu, who has been playing for Turkish teams for the last 10 years.

  • RRI Sports Club: Handball

    RRI Sports Club: Handball

    In the Champions League, two stages ahead of the end of the main group stage, CSM Bucharest is now second ranked in Group 1. The Romanian champions qualified to the quarterfinals as far back as two weeks ago, tying at home with Rostov Don. Its 24 to 28 defeat on Monday at the hands of Gyor put the Hungarian team on top position in first group. This was CSMs first defeat since October, when it lost away from home to Nykobing of Denmark.

    That worried the fans of the Romanian team, given that the defeat in the game with Hungary comes after the tie against the Russian champions, and that this weekend it will be a month without a victory in Champions League for CSM. On Sunday, they face Danish team Midtjylland, then they go to Russia on March 10 to face Rostov Don. CSM is now tied for points with the Russian team, making that game a major event, considering that the point tally will decide which team the Romanians will be playing against in the quarter finals.

    In the EHF quarterfinals, two Romanian teams are present: Sport Club Municipal Craiova and Handbal Club Zalau. Both are playing at home in the first leg this weekend. Craiova plays against heavy Russian team Lada Togliatti, that won the EHF Cup in 2012 and 2014, and went to the finals in Champions League in 2007.

    The side from Zalau will be playing against a surprisingly successful team, Kastamonu Beledieyesi of Turkey. The latter managed to win Group C, ahead of Danish side Viborg and Norwegian side Byasen. It has a multinational line-up, including, among others, two Russian and three Croat players. The goalie is a Romanian, Anca Mihaela Rombescu, who has been playing for Turkish teams for the last 10 years.

  • February 27, 2018 UPDATE

    February 27, 2018 UPDATE

    JUSTICE – Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toaders formal request for the dismissal of the head of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi, was rejected on Tuesday by the Higher Council of Magistracy. Chief prosecutor Kovesi has said that all accusations levelled at her by Minister Toader are ungrounded. She has also said that, since taking over the position of chief prosecutor of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate in 2013, the institution has had the best results since its setting up. The Justice Minister accused Kovesi of having seriously violated her duty, delaying resolutions to cases, failure to investigate prosecutors, defying Parliament and contesting decisions of the Constitutional Court. At the Higher Council of Magistracy’s meeting on Tuesday, Laura Codruta Kovesi answered all 20 points included in Minister Toader’s report based on which he had asked for chief prosecutor’s dismissal. After deliberation, the Higher Council of Magistracy decided that chief-prosecutor Kovesi should not be dismissed. The Councils endorsement is consultative in nature, with the final decision lying in the hands of President Klaus Iohannis. The latters first reaction was to say that there were no solid reasons to remove the head anti-corruption prosecutor. General Prosecutor of Romania, Augustin Lazar, is on Kovesis side, joined by a majority of anti-corruption prosecutors. Protests have been held almost daily in Bucharest and major cities against the dismissal.

    VISIT — Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, is paying an official visit to Romania on Thursday. He will have meetings with President Klaus Iohannis, PM Viorica Dancila, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea and the Speaker of the Senate, Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The European official will hold a press conference at the headquarters of the European Commission Representation in Bucharest. In a statement for the portal caleaeuropeana.ro, Timmermans said he was expecting the Bucharest authorities to explain him the proposal to dismiss the chief prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi.

    CHISINAU – Romanian PM Viorica Dancila held talks in Chisinau with her Moldovan counterpart, Pavel Filip, for bolstering bilateral cooperation. They reviewed the stage of economic cooperation, especially in trade and energy. The two prime ministers met representatives of the Siret-Prut-Dnestr Euroregion, as well as representatives of the Association of Romanian Investors in the Republic of Moldova. She also held a meeting with the speaker of the Parliament of Moldova, Adrian Candu. The PM emphasized the constant and firm support that Romania has for Moldova, urging officials there to continue their structural reforms, as stipulated by the association agreement between Chisinau and the EU, signed in 2014. On Monday in Brussels, after the EU Foreign Affairs Council, Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu made similar pledges. He chaired a meeting of the Group for the European Action of the Republic of Moldova, also attended by Moldovan Foreign Minister Tudor Ulyanovsky.

    PROSECUTION — The National Anti-Corruption Directorate called on the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Romania to issue a mandatory jail sentence against former Social Democratic prime minister Victor Ponta. He stands accused of forging documents, conspiracy to commit tax evasion, and money laundering, in his private law practice. Ponta is prosecuted in this case alongside former Social Democratic senator Dan Sova. In the case of the latter, prosecutors have also asked for a mandatory jail sentence for complicity to abuse of power, fiscal evasion and money laundering.

    EC – European commissioner for energy Miguel Arias Canete said Tuesday in Brussels that the European Commission will sue Romania at the European Court of Justice if the Parliament in Bucharest passes the amendments to the Emergency Ordinance 64/2016 on natural gas. One of the amendments stipulates that 70% of the gas produced in Romania will have to be traded only on the spot market of the OPCOM trading market. This comes in the context in which EC has already opened a lawsuit against Romania for blocking gas exports.

    WEATHER — The south and east of the country, including the capital Bucharest, are under yellow and orange alert codes for very low temperatures, blizzard and snow. Temperatures are expected to go even lower in the following few days, reaching values comparable to the historical records for this region. Minimums will range between -22 and -12 degrees Celsius. Road and railroad traffic has been disrupted, with sea ports being closed. The blizzard last night has brought down power lines in dozens of localities. Several national and county roads are off limits, and two national motorways in the southeast of the country have been closed. Schools are out in Bucharest for the entire week, as well as in several southern counties.

    EUROPE — At least ten people have lost their lives in the cold wave that has hit Europe these days. In Central Europe, the UK, Italy and Spain, the authorities have called on people to prepare for this so-called Moscow-Paris phenomenon, caused by cold waves from Siberia. On Monday, schools and tourist venues in Rome were closed when the first snow since 2012 fell there. In the UK, the so-called Beast from the East disrupted road, railroad and air traffic, with heavy snow warnings being issued. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 26.02.2018 (mise à jour)

    26.02.2018 (mise à jour)

    DNA – La cheffe de la Direction Nationale anti corruption, Laura Codruta Kovesi, sera auditionnée mardi par le Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature dans le cadre de la procédure de révocation déclenchée par le ministre de la Justice, Tudorel Toader. La section des procureurs du CSM allait se prononcer au sujet de la demande du ministre Toader, mais ce sera au président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, d’adopter la décision finale. Par ailleurs, depuis jeudi soir, des protestations ont lieu à Bucarest et dans les principales villes de Roumanie contre la décision du ministre de la Justice de révoquer de ses fonctions Laura Codruta Kovesi. Dans un rapport, le ministre Toader a reproché à Mme Kövesi d’avoir fait preuve d’excès d’autorité dans ses relations avec les procureurs de la DNA, de s’être impliquée dans des dossiers instruits par l’institution et de ne pas avoir procédé à des vérifications dans le cas de certains procureurs soupçonnés d’abus. Tudorel Toader a ajouté que la cheffe de la DNA avait défié l’autorité du parlement et avoir contesté des décisions de la Cour Constitutionnelle. Appuyé par la majorité parlementaire PSD – ALDE, le rapport de M Toader a été contesté par l’opposition de Droite.

    Corruption – La Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice de Bucarest a rejeté lundi la demande de la Direction nationale anticorruption (DNA) de relancer les poursuites pénales dans un dossier qui concerne entre autre le vice-premier ministre social-démocrate Paul Stanescu. Selon des sources judiciaires, l’enquête a été démarrée suite à une saisine formulée par la Cour des Comptes et porte sur une affaire de détournement de fonds du Conseil départemental d’Olt (sud), à tête duquel Paul Stanescu s’est trouvé entre 2008 et 2016. L’argent aurait été utilisé pour financer une équipe de football. Pour sa part, le vice premier ministre Stanescu a promis de démissionner s’il était mis en examen dans ce dossier.

    Diplomatie – Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine Teodor Melescanu a participé lundi à Bruxelles à la réunion mensuelle du Conseil Affaires Etrangères de l’UE. Les ministres communautaires des AE se sont penchés notamment sur la situation en République de Moldova, la crise au Venezuela et sur le processus de paix au Moyen Orient. A cette occasion, le ministre roumain a salué les progrès enregistrés par la République de Moldova, tout en réitérant le soutien ferme de la Roumanie accordé aux aspirations européennes de cette ex république soviétique. Par ailleurs, en marge du Conseil, Teodor Melescanu a présidé la réunion du Groupe pour l’Action européenne de la République de Moldova, déroulé en présence du chef de la diplomatie de Chisinau, Tudor Ulianovschi. Mardi, la première ministre roumaine Viorica Dancila se rendra à Chisinau pour discuter avec son homologue moldave, le pro-occidental Pavel Filip, des modalités de renforcer la coopération bilatérale. Mme Dancila souhaite réaffirmer le soutien constant et ferme de Bucarest pour les aspirations européennes de la République de Moldova voisine et encourager Chisinau à poursuivre les réformes structurelles prévues dans l’accord d’association entre celui-ci et l’UE.

    Météo – Bucarest et 27 autres départements de Roumanie notamment du sud et de l’est du pays sont concernés de lundi jusqu’à jeudi par une alerte orange aux températures très basses. Les météorologues annoncent des maxima allant de -8 jusqu’à -12 degrés et des températures minimales qui pourraient atteindre les -22 degrés. Plus de 5000 sapeurs-pompiers et 3000 moyens techniques sont prêts à intervenir pour aider la population. En raison des tempêtes de neige, plusieurs trains enregistrent des retards. Les ports maritimes de Midia, Constanta Nord et Constanta Sud-Agigea sont fermés à cause du vent très fort. A Bucarest est dans plusieurs villes du sud les cours scolaires ont été suspendus. Mardi, le ciel sera couvert et des chutes de neige seront signalées sur la plupart du territoire, notamment sur le sud-est où le vent soufflera à plus de 65 km à l’heure. Les minima chuteront jusqu’à – 18 degrés, tandis que les maxima ne dépasseront pas 2 degrés.

    Grippe – En Roumanie, 57 personnes sont décédées de la grippe saisonnière, selon le plus récent bilan présenté par le Centre national de suivi et de contrôle des maladies transmissibles. Plus de 800 personnes sont actuellement atteintes par la maladie, la plupart d’entre elles se trouvant à Bucarest et dans les départements de Constanţa (sud-est), Olt (sud), Braşov (centre) et Iaşi (nord-est). La ministre de la Santé, Sorina Pintea, a affirmé qu’il n’y avait pas d’épidémie de grippe en Roumanie en ce moment.