Tag: David Popovici

  • Romanian David Popovici, the fastest swimmer in history

    Romanian David Popovici, the fastest swimmer in history

    On July 9, 1922, in Alameda, California, Johnny Weissmuller swam one hundred meters in less than a minute, setting a new world record. Born near Timişoara, in Freidorf, he was to become famous both thanks to his Olympic victories and especially to the main role in the movie Tarzan, the Ape Man. After 100 years, another athlete born in Romania broke the world record in the 100-meter freestyle event, practically becoming, the fastest swimmer in history, given the official results approved so far.

    At the European Championships in Rome, on Saturday, David Popovici finished the 100- meter race in 46 seconds and 86 hundredths. He thus broke a 13-year-old record, held by the Brazilian Cesar Cielo Filho, who, also in Rome, but at the World Championships, in 2009, recorded 46 seconds and 91 hundredths, at a time when specially designed suits to increase speed were still allowed. As expected, the international press wrote appreciatively about Davids record. “The 17-year-old phenomenon erased Cesar Cielo’s record in the European final, Marca wrote and Gazzetta dello Sport called David Baby Fenomeno.

    On Monday, the Romanian swimmer was very close to repeating his performance in the European 200-meter final. David Popovici, the current world champion in the 200m event, won the final in Rome as well, as a great champion, with a time of one minute, 47 seconds and 97 hundredths, a new world and European record in the juniors competition, as well as in the Rome competition. He was less than one second, more precisely 97 hundredths, away from the record broken by the German Paul Biedermann, also from Rome in 2009. At the same time, the recorded time was only one hundredth of a second longer than the one with which Michael Phelps, David’s idol, won the Olympic title in Beijing in 2008.

    After Davids victory in the 200 meters and the award ceremony, Radio Romanias reporter asked David how he felt being so close to the American’s performance: “I felt ultra-satisfied, of course, but not at all disappointed that I didn’t manage to obtain his time. But it’s okay; I have all the time in the world. Phelps, when he obtained this time, one hundredth of a second better than me, he also broke the world record. This final tired me more, being the second event in the schedule. It’s not like it was absolutely the hardest race of my life. It was definitely the best race in the 200-m event. But this is how it is in sports. If everyone was able to cope with such a level of effort, then there would be many more athletes at this level.

    In Rome, David Popovici will also compete in the 400-meter freestyle event. The heats of the race are scheduled for Wednesday, August 17. (LS)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    For a long period of time, the Romanian sport has not seen days as rich in performances as the last weekend. The gold medals won by the swimmer David Popovici and his new world record at the continental championships in Italy somewhat overshadowed the results of the Romanian athletes who won medals in Munich, at the European Multisport Championships.

    Most medals were won by the Romanian rowers, who returned home with five gold and three bronze medals, this being the best result in the history of Romanian rowing in the European competition. Gold medals were won by Ioana Vrînceanu and Denisa Tîlvescu in the womens pair and by Marius Cozmiuc and Sergiu Bejan in the mens pair. In the double scull event, the Olympic champions Ancuța Bodnar and Simona Radiș reconfirmed their supremacy. In the single scull event, the light category, Ionela Cozmiuc won gold. The last gold medals were brought by the women’s coxed eight crew, including Magdalena Rusu, Iuliana Buhuş, Ancuța Bodnar, Denisa Tîlvescu, Mădălina Bereş, Amalia Bereş, Ioana Vrînceanu, Simona Radiş, and coxswain Adrian Munteanu. Bronze medals were obtained in the women’s four, men’s four and men’s quadruple sculls.

    At the European Women’s Gymnastics Championships, the juniors stood out with two gold, two silver and two bronze medals. Sabrina Voinea won the gold in the vault event, and Amalia Puflea in the floor event. Silver medals were won in the all around team and individual competitions, through Amalia Ghigoartă. Amalia Puflea won bronze in the beam final, and Sabrina Voinea also got bronze in the floor event. In the seniors competition, the best result was the 4th place taken by Ana Bărbosu, in the floor event. This week the men gymnasts will enter the competition.

    At the European Table Tennis Championships Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szőcs won silver medals. The Romanian pair was very close to winning the gold, but lost the mixed doubles final to Emmanuel Lebesson/Jianan Yuan from France.

    Now news from football. From Friday to Monday, matches of the fifth stage of the Romanian football Super League were played. On Friday, FCU Craiova defeated FC Argeş, away from home, 2-0. On Saturday, in Arad, UTA defeated Universitatea Cluj 2-1, and in Ploieşti, Petrolul won the traditional derby with Rapid Bucharest 1-0. On Sunday, Universitatea Craiova won 1-0 at home the match against CS Mioveni, FC Botoşani defeated CFR Cluj 1-0 away from home, and FCSB defeated Chindia Târgovişte 3-2 in Bucharest. The two games played on Monday, namely FC Voluntari with Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe and Farul Constanţa with FC Hermannstadt, ended in a draw: 0 all. FC Botoşani leads the standings, with 11 points, being followed by four teams with 9 points each: Hermannstadt, Farul, CFR and Rapid. (LS)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    For a long period of time, the Romanian sport has not seen days as rich in performances as the last weekend. The gold medals won by the swimmer David Popovici and his new world record at the continental championships in Italy somewhat overshadowed the results of the Romanian athletes who won medals in Munich, at the European Multisport Championships.

    Most medals were won by the Romanian rowers, who returned home with five gold and three bronze medals, this being the best result in the history of Romanian rowing in the European competition. Gold medals were won by Ioana Vrînceanu and Denisa Tîlvescu in the womens pair and by Marius Cozmiuc and Sergiu Bejan in the mens pair. In the double scull event, the Olympic champions Ancuța Bodnar and Simona Radiș reconfirmed their supremacy. In the single scull event, the light category, Ionela Cozmiuc won gold. The last gold medals were brought by the women’s coxed eight crew, including Magdalena Rusu, Iuliana Buhuş, Ancuța Bodnar, Denisa Tîlvescu, Mădălina Bereş, Amalia Bereş, Ioana Vrînceanu, Simona Radiş, and coxswain Adrian Munteanu. Bronze medals were obtained in the women’s four, men’s four and men’s quadruple sculls.

    At the European Women’s Gymnastics Championships, the juniors stood out with two gold, two silver and two bronze medals. Sabrina Voinea won the gold in the vault event, and Amalia Puflea in the floor event. Silver medals were won in the all around team and individual competitions, through Amalia Ghigoartă. Amalia Puflea won bronze in the beam final, and Sabrina Voinea also got bronze in the floor event. In the seniors competition, the best result was the 4th place taken by Ana Bărbosu, in the floor event. This week the men gymnasts will enter the competition.

    At the European Table Tennis Championships Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szőcs won silver medals. The Romanian pair was very close to winning the gold, but lost the mixed doubles final to Emmanuel Lebesson/Jianan Yuan from France.

    Now news from football. From Friday to Monday, matches of the fifth stage of the Romanian football Super League were played. On Friday, FCU Craiova defeated FC Argeş, away from home, 2-0. On Saturday, in Arad, UTA defeated Universitatea Cluj 2-1, and in Ploieşti, Petrolul won the traditional derby with Rapid Bucharest 1-0. On Sunday, Universitatea Craiova won 1-0 at home the match against CS Mioveni, FC Botoşani defeated CFR Cluj 1-0 away from home, and FCSB defeated Chindia Târgovişte 3-2 in Bucharest. The two games played on Monday, namely FC Voluntari with Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe and Farul Constanţa with FC Hermannstadt, ended in a draw: 0 all. FC Botoşani leads the standings, with 11 points, being followed by four teams with 9 points each: Hermannstadt, Farul, CFR and Rapid. (LS)

  • Românul David Popovici, cel mai rapid înotător din istorie

    Românul David Popovici, cel mai rapid înotător din istorie

    În ziua de 9 iulie 1922, la Alameda, în California, Johnny Weissmuller înota suta de metri sub un minut, înregistrând un nou record mondial. Născut lângă Timişoara, la Freidorf, el urma să devină celebru atât prin victoriile sale olimpice, cât mai ales prin rolul principal din filmul “Tarzan, omul maimuţă. După 100 de ani, un alt sportiv născut pe pământ românesc a bătut recordul mondial la suta de metri liber, devenind, practic, în lumina performanţelor omologate oficial, cel mai rapid înotător din istorie.

    La Europenele de la Roma, sâmbătă, David Popovici a terminat cursa de 100 de metri în 46 de secunde şi 86 de sutimi. El a bătut astfel un record vechi de 13 ani, deţinut de brazilianul Cesar Cielo Filho, care, tot la Roma, dar la Mondiale, în 2009, înregistra 46 de secunde şi 91 de sutimi, pe vremea când costumele speciale destinate măririi vitezei erau încă permise. Cum era de aşteptat, presa internaţională s-a întrecut în aprecieri. “Fenomenul de 17 ani a şters recordul lui Cesar Cielo în finala de la Europene, scria Marca, iar, în aceeaşi notă, Gazzetta dello Sport îl numea pe David “Baby Fenomeno.

    Luni, românul a fost foarte aproape să repete performanţa în finala europeană de la 200 de metri. Popovici, campionul mondial en titre al distanţei, s-a impus în stil de mare campion, cu timpul de un minut, 47 de secunde şi 97 de sutimi, nou record mondial şi european de juniori, precum şi al competiţiei. A fost la mai puţin de o secundă, mai exact la 97 de sutimi, de recordul deţinut, tot de la Roma, din 2009, de germanul Paul Biedermann. Totodată, timpul înregistrat a fost cu doar o sutime de secundă mai mare decât cu care Michael Phelps, idolul lui David, câştiga titlul olimpic la Beijing, în 2008. După victoria de la 200 de metri şi festivitatea de premiere, reporterul Radio România a vrut să afle cum s-a simţit David fiind atât de aproape de performanţa americanului.

    “Bineînţeles, ultrasatisfăcut, dar, oricum, în niciun caz dezamăgit de faptul că nu am atins timpul lui. Dar nu-i nimic, am tot timpul din lume. Phelps, când a facut timpul ăsta, cu o sutime mai bun decât mine, a bătut şi recordul mondial. M-a obosit mai tare această finală, fiind şi cea de-a doua probă din program. Nu e ca şi cum a fost absolut cea mai grea cursă din viaţa mea. A fost cu siguranţă cea mai bună de 200. Dar face parte din sport. Dacă toată lumea ar fi în stare să îndure un asemenea nivel de efort, ar fi mult mai mulţi sportivi la acest nivel.

    La Roma, David Popovici va mai concura la 400 de metri liber. Seriile întrecerii sunt programate miercuri, 17 august.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Sportul românesc nu a mai cunoscut de mult timp zile atât de bogate în performanţe precum sfârşitul săptămânii trecute. Medaliile de aur ale înotătorului David Popovici şi noul său record mondial de la întrecerile continentale din Italia au umbrit însă, întrucâtva, rezultatele sportivilor români medaliaţi la München, la Campionatele Europene Multisport.

    Cei mai titraţi au fost canotorii, care s-au întors în România cu cinci medalii de aur şi trei de bronz, cel mai bun rezultat din istoria canotajului românesc la întrecerea continentală. Medalii de aur au fost câştigate la doi rame feminin, de Ioana Vrînceanu şi Denisa Tîlvescu, şi masculin, de Marius Cozmiuc şi Sergiu Bejan. La dublu vâsle, campioanele olimpice Ancuţa Bodnar şi Simona Radiş şi-au reconfirmat supremaţia. La simplu vâsle, categorie uşoară, s-a impus Ionela Cozmiuc. Ultimele medalii de aur au fost aduse de echipajul de 8+1 feminin, compus din Magdalena Rusu, Iuliana Buhuş, Ancuţa Bodnar, Denisa Tîlvescu, Mădălina Bereş, Amalia Bereş, Ioana Vrînceanu, Simona Radiş, cu Adrian Munteanu la cârmă. Medalii de bronz au fost obţinute la patru rame feminin, patru rame masculin şi patru vâsle masculin.

    La Europenele de gimnastică feminină au strălucit junioarele, cu două medalii de aur, două de argint şi două de bronz. Sabrina Voinea a luat aurul la sărituri, iar Amalia Puflea – la sol. S-au câştigat medalii de argint în concursul pe echipe şi la individual compus, prin Amalia Ghigoarţă. Co bronz au fost medaliate Amalia Puflea, în finala de la bârnă, şi Sabrina Voinea, la sol. La senioare, cel mai bun rezultat a fost locul 4 ocupat de Ana Bărbosu, la sol. Săptămâna aceasta intră în concurs băieţii.

    Medalii de argint au venit de la Europenele de tenis de masă, aduse de Ovidiu Ionescu şi Bernadette Szőcs. Perechea română a fost foarte aproape de aur, dar a pierdut finala de la dublu mixt în faţa cuplului Emmanuel Lebesson / Jianan Yuan, din Franţa.

    Să mai notăm că, de vineri până luni, au avut loc jocurile etapei a cincea a Superligii române de fotbal. Vineri, FCU Craiova a învins FC Argeş, în deplasare, cu 2‑0. Sâmbătă, la Arad, UTA a trecut de Universitatea Cluj cu 2-1, iar la Ploieşti, Petrolul a câştigat cu 1-0 derby-ul de tradiţie cu Rapid Bucureşti. Duminică, Universitatea Craiova s-a impus, acasă, cu 1-0, în partida cu CS Mioveni, FC Botoşani a trecut cu 1‑0, în deplasare, de CFR Cluj, iar FCSB a depăşit, la Bucureşti, Chindia Târgovişte cu 3-2. Cele două partide jucate luni, şi anume FC Voluntari cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe şi Farul Constanţa cu FC Hermannstadt, s-au încheiat cu acelaşi scor: 0 la 0. În clasament conduce FC Botoşani, cu 11 puncte. Urmează patru formaţii cu câte 9 puncte: Hermannstadt, Farul, CFR şi Rapid.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Sportul românesc nu a mai cunoscut de mult timp zile atât de bogate în performanţe precum sfârşitul săptămânii trecute. Medaliile de aur ale înotătorului David Popovici şi noul său record mondial de la întrecerile continentale din Italia au umbrit însă, întrucâtva, rezultatele sportivilor români medaliaţi la München, la Campionatele Europene Multisport.

    Cei mai titraţi au fost canotorii, care s-au întors în România cu cinci medalii de aur şi trei de bronz, cel mai bun rezultat din istoria canotajului românesc la întrecerea continentală. Medalii de aur au fost câştigate la doi rame feminin, de Ioana Vrînceanu şi Denisa Tîlvescu, şi masculin, de Marius Cozmiuc şi Sergiu Bejan. La dublu vâsle, campioanele olimpice Ancuţa Bodnar şi Simona Radiş şi-au reconfirmat supremaţia. La simplu vâsle, categorie uşoară, s-a impus Ionela Cozmiuc. Ultimele medalii de aur au fost aduse de echipajul de 8+1 feminin, compus din Magdalena Rusu, Iuliana Buhuş, Ancuţa Bodnar, Denisa Tîlvescu, Mădălina Bereş, Amalia Bereş, Ioana Vrînceanu, Simona Radiş, cu Adrian Munteanu la cârmă. Medalii de bronz au fost obţinute la patru rame feminin, patru rame masculin şi patru vâsle masculin.

    La Europenele de gimnastică feminină au strălucit junioarele, cu două medalii de aur, două de argint şi două de bronz. Sabrina Voinea a luat aurul la sărituri, iar Amalia Puflea – la sol. S-au câştigat medalii de argint în concursul pe echipe şi la individual compus, prin Amalia Ghigoarţă. Co bronz au fost medaliate Amalia Puflea, în finala de la bârnă, şi Sabrina Voinea, la sol. La senioare, cel mai bun rezultat a fost locul 4 ocupat de Ana Bărbosu, la sol. Săptămâna aceasta intră în concurs băieţii.

    Medalii de argint au venit de la Europenele de tenis de masă, aduse de Ovidiu Ionescu şi Bernadette Szőcs. Perechea română a fost foarte aproape de aur, dar a pierdut finala de la dublu mixt în faţa cuplului Emmanuel Lebesson / Jianan Yuan, din Franţa.

    Să mai notăm că, de vineri până luni, au avut loc jocurile etapei a cincea a Superligii române de fotbal. Vineri, FCU Craiova a învins FC Argeş, în deplasare, cu 2‑0. Sâmbătă, la Arad, UTA a trecut de Universitatea Cluj cu 2-1, iar la Ploieşti, Petrolul a câştigat cu 1-0 derby-ul de tradiţie cu Rapid Bucureşti. Duminică, Universitatea Craiova s-a impus, acasă, cu 1-0, în partida cu CS Mioveni, FC Botoşani a trecut cu 1‑0, în deplasare, de CFR Cluj, iar FCSB a depăşit, la Bucureşti, Chindia Târgovişte cu 3-2. Cele două partide jucate luni, şi anume FC Voluntari cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe şi Farul Constanţa cu FC Hermannstadt, s-au încheiat cu acelaşi scor: 0 la 0. În clasament conduce FC Botoşani, cu 11 puncte. Urmează patru formaţii cu câte 9 puncte: Hermannstadt, Farul, CFR şi Rapid.

  • Le Roumain David Popovici, le nageur le plus rapide de l’histoire de la natation

    Le Roumain David Popovici, le nageur le plus rapide de l’histoire de la natation

    Il y a tout
    juste un siècle, le nageur Johnny Weissmuller parcourait le 100 mètres nage
    libre en moins d’une minute, un nouveau record du monde. Cela s’est passé le 9 juillet
    1922, dans une piscine d’Alameda, en Californie. Né dans la commune de Freidorf,
    pas loin de la ville de Timişoara, Johnny Weissmuller allait devenir célèbre
    grâce à ses victoires olympiques, certes, mais surtout grâce à son rôle principal
    dans le très populaire film « Tarzan, l’homme singe ». Cent ans plus
    tard, un autre sportif né en terre roumaine vient de battre le record du monde
    du 100 mètres nage libre, devenant pratiquement, à la lumière des
    résultats officiels, le nageur le plus rapide de l’histoire de la natation

    Samedi dernier, à Rome, aux Championnats d’Europe, David Popovici s’est
    adjugé l’épreuve reine en 46 secondes 86, battant ainsi le record vieux de
    treize ans, 46 secondes 91, enregistré par le Brésilien Cesar Cielo Filho dans
    la même piscine du Foro Italico, aux Championnats du monde de 2009. C’était à l’époque
    où les combinaisons spéciales en polyuréthane n’étaient pas encore bannies. L’exploit
    du jeune prodige roumain fait évidemment la Une de la presse sportive
    internationale. « Le phénomène âgé de 17 ans a balayé le record de Cesar
    Cielo dans la finale européenne »
    , écrivait le journal espagnol Marca, tandis
    que la Gazzetta dello Sport italienne parlait de David le « Baby Fenomeno ».

    Lundi, le
    nageur roumain a failli répéter l’exploit dans la finale européenne du 200
    mètres nage libre. David Popovici, actuel champion du monde de l’épreuve, s’est
    imposé sans appel dans la piscine romaine, au bout d’1 minute 47 secondes 97, un
    résultat qui représente un nouveau record du monde et de l’Europe chez les
    juniors. Le chronomètre s’est arrêté à moins d’une seconde du record enregistré par l’Allemand Paul Biedermann (1
    minute 42 seconde), également à Rome, en 2009. Le résultat du jeune roumain est
    aussi inférieur d’un centième de seconde à celui réussi par l’Américain Michael
    Phelps, l’idole de David, et qui lui avait valu l’or aux JO de Beijing, en

    Après la victoire sur le 200 mètres nage libre et la cérémonie de remise
    des médailles, David Popovici déclarait au micro de Radio Roumanie : « Je suis, bien évidemment, super
    content, sans être déçu de ne pas avoir réussi le chronomètre de Michael Phelps.
    Ça va, c’est bon, j’ai
    tout mon temps de le faire. Phelps avait aussi battu le record monde. Je suis
    très fatigué après cette finale, c’était la deuxième épreuve de la compétition.
    Mais ce n’était pas non plus la plus difficile de ma vie. En revanche, c’était mon
    meilleur 200 mètres. C’est ça le sport. Si tout le monde pouvait résister à un
    tel effort, il y aurait davantage de sportifs de ce niveau-là. »

    À Rome, David
    Popovici se lancera également sur le 400 mètres nage libre, une première pour
    lui. Les séries de qualification auront lieu le mercredi 17 août. (Trad. Ileana

  • August 15, 2022 UPDATE

    August 15, 2022 UPDATE

    Celebrations. Christian believers celebrated on Monday the
    Assumption of Mary, one of the biggest feasts of the year. Some 2.3 million
    Romanians celebrated their name day. August 15th is also the Navy
    Day, as Virgin Mary is the protector of sailors. Events to mark this day were
    staged in Romania’s Danube and Black Sea ports. The festivities in Contanta were
    attended by Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis, who stressed the importance of
    sailors’ work, which entails lots of sacrifices
    but also satisfaction. PM Nicolae Ciuca too conveyed a message, stating
    that he would support programs aimed at modernizing the Romanian army. In turn,
    the defense minister Vasile Dincu voiced conviction that starting next year,
    the Romanian Naval Forces would be better equipped and prepared. He pointed out that the war in Ukraine had shown how
    important the ability to protect its territorial waters and exclusive economic
    zone was for Romania.

    Firefighters. Romanian firefighters continue their mission
    south of Bordeaux, France, operating in harsh conditions: high temperatures,
    low humidity and strong winds. Their mission is to keep the fire from spreading
    to the residential area and to put out hidden outbreaks. A total of 77
    firefighters are supporting the French
    authorities in their fight against wildfires, caused by extreme heat and severe

    Baccalaureate. Almost 35,000
    candidates have registered to sit in the autumn session of the Romanian
    baccalaureate, which starts on Tuesday. Approximately
    22 thousand candidates are class of 2022, the rest being from the previous classes. The
    final results will be announced on September 3. In the summer session, held in
    the second part of June, the baccalaureate pass rate was over 75% – the best in
    the last 10 years.

    Rasnov. Two special screenings and 12
    international documentaries, from 11 countries, are part of the program of the 14th edition of the Film and History
    Festival underway in Rasnov, central Romania. The selection of documentaries
    includes films from Chile, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Romania, France,
    Australia, USA, Belgium, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. According to the
    organizers, the theme of the festival this year is focused around the idea of
    ​​borders, a concept that aims to bring answers to multiple questions and
    challenges related to individual and creative freedoms that today’s society

    Swimming. The Romanian swimmer David Popovici won
    on Monday evening the gold medal in the 200 m freestyle final of the European
    Aquatics Championship in Rome. He is the defending world champion in this
    event. On Saturday, he won the 100 meter freestyle final and set a world
    record, becoming the youngest athlete with such a record in the history of
    world swimming.

    Sports. Romania’s rowing
    team, made up of 35 athletes, returned home on Monday with five gold and three
    bronze medals won at the European Championships in Munich. According to the
    general secretary of the Romanian Rowing Federation, Sandu Pop, the performance
    of the Romanian delegation is the greatest in the history of Romanian rowing in
    the continental competition. In another development, Romanian tennis player
    Simona Halep (15 WTA) won the WTA 1,000 tournament in Toronto (Canada), with
    over 2.5 million dollars in prize money. She defeated, on Sunday, in the final,
    the Brazilian Beatriz Haddad Maia (24 WTA), 6-3, 2-6, 6-3. Simona thus won the
    Canadian Open for the third time, after the finals she won in Montreal in 2016
    and 2018. For the former world leader, this is the 24th title of her career.
    After the victory in Toronto, Simona Halep climbed nine places up the rankings
    and is now sixth in the WTA classification. (MI)

  • David Popovici – medalie de aur în finala probei de 200 m liber

    David Popovici – medalie de aur în finala probei de 200 m liber


    Înotătorul român David Popovici, a cucerit, luni seară, medalia de aur în finala probei de 200 m liber din cadrul Campionatului European de nataţie de la Roma. Sportivul român, campionul mondial en-titre la această probă, s-a impus cu timpul de 1 min 42 sec 97/100, stabilind, astfel, un nou record mondial şi european de juniori, precum şi al competiţiei.

    Sportivul român va lua startul şi în proba de 400 m liber, seriile fiind programate pe 17 august.

    Medalia de argint i-a revenit elveţianului Antonio Djakovic (în 1 min 45 sec 60/100), pe locul trei clasându-se austriacul Felix Auboeck (în 1 min 45 sec 89/100).


    David Popovici a cucerit medalia de aur în proba de 100 m liber, sâmbătă, la Campionatele Europene de nataţie de la Roma, cu un nou record mondial, 46 sec 86/100.

    Timpul înotătorului român reprezintă un nou record mondial de seniori. David este cel mai rapid înotător de pe planetă în proba de 100 m. Vechiul record mondial i-a aparținut brazilianului Cesar Cielo Filho (46,91 s) și data din 30 iulie 2009.

    Este prima medalie de aur la un Campionat European de seniori, în bazin olimpic, pentru David, și a zecea pentru România, de-a lungul istoriei.

    Popovici deţine astfel la 100 m liber, recordul mondial de seniori şi juniori, recordul european de seniori şi juniori, precum şi recordul competiţiei. El este al doilea român care cucereşte un titlu european într-o probă masculină, după Robert Glinţă, care a luat aurul în 2021, la Budapesta, la 100 m spate.

    David Popovici va mai concura la Roma şi în probele de 200 m liber, 400 m liber şi ştafetă 4×100 m liber.

    România este reprezentată la Europene de o delegaţie de 11 sportivi, în frunte cu dublul campion mondial, David Popovici. Sportivii români vor participa în probele de înot, sărituri în apă şi sărituri de la mare înălţime.

  • August 15, 2022

    August 15, 2022

    Celebrations. Christian believers are celebrating today the
    Assumption of Mary, one of the biggest feasts of the year. Some 2.3 million
    Romanians are celebrating their name day today. August 15th is also
    the Navy Day, as Virgin Mary is the protector of sailors. Events to mark this
    day are underway in Romania’s Danube and Black Sea ports. The festivities in
    Contanta have been attended by Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis, who stressed
    the importance of sailors’ work, which entails lots of sacrifices but also satisfaction. PM Nicolae Ciuca too
    has conveyed a message, stating that he will support programs aimed at
    modernizing the Romanian army. In turn, the defense minister Vasile Dincu has
    voiced conviction that starting next year, the Romanian Naval Forces will be
    better equipped and prepared. On Navy Day, visitors to the port of Constanta
    can watch exhibitions and a virtual sea battle.

    Firefighters. Romanian firefighters continue their mission
    in the Chapelle Saint Blaise area, south of Bordeaux, France. 36 firefighters
    and several pieces of equipment have been deployed in the region, where they
    have to work in harsh conditions: high temperatures, low humidity and strong
    winds. Their mission is to keep the fire from spreading to the residential area
    and to put out hidden outbreaks. A total of 77 firefighters are supporting the French authorities in their fight against wildfires,
    caused by extreme heat and severe drought.

    Olympiad. Young Romanians
    obtained new outstanding results in Informatics. The Romanian team won four
    medals, the second place in Europe and the 8th place in the world, out of 90
    countries, at the International Olympiad in Informatics held in Indonesia.
    Alexandru Luchianov won the gold medal, Luca Perju Verzotti and Alexandru Raul
    Todoran each took the silver and Andrei Robert Ion, the bronze medal. The
    Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, who announced on Facebook the success of
    the Romanian high school students, said that now Romania is in second place in
    a ranking of the international informatics Olympiads of all time. He thanked
    all those who over the years have made such a performance possible, students,
    teachers and parents.

    Rasnov. Two special screenings and 12
    international documentaries, from 11 countries, are part of the program of the 14th edition of the Râşnov Film and
    History Festival (central Romania). The selection of documentaries includes
    films from Chile, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Romania, France, Australia, USA,
    Belgium, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. According to the organizers, the theme
    of the festival this year is focused around the idea of ​​borders, a concept
    that aims to bring answers to multiple questions and challenges related to
    individual and creative freedoms that today’s society faces.

    Tennis. Romanian tennis
    player Simona Halep (15 WTA) won the WTA 1,000 tournament in Toronto (Canada),
    with over 2.5 million dollars in prize money. She defeated, on Sunday, in the
    final, the Brazilian Beatriz Haddad Maia (24 WTA), 6-3, 2-6, 6-3. Simona thus
    won the Canadian Open for the third time, after the finals she won in Montreal
    in 2016 and 2018. For the former world leader, this is the 24th title of her career.
    After the victory in Toronto, Simona Halep climbed nine places up the rankings
    and is now sixth in the WTA classification.

    World record. The Romanian swimmer David
    Popovici has qualified for today’s 200 m freestyle final at the European
    Aquatics Championship in Rome. On Saturday, he set a new 100 meter freestyle
    world record . The 17-year-old athlete is also the defending world champion in
    the 200 m freestyle. Romania is represented in Rome by a delegation of 11
    athletes. (MI)

  • August 14, 2022 UPDATE

    August 14, 2022 UPDATE

    Navy Day. On Sunday, the
    Romanian Naval Forces marked a day of gratitude in memory of the seafaring
    heroes who lost their lives in the service of the country. On August 15, the
    Naval Forces celebrate Navy Day with events staged in Romania’s river and Black
    Sea ports. President Klaus Iohannis will participate in the festivities in
    Constanţa (port on the Black Sea), and will give a speech at the official
    ceremony. He will also visit the training ship Mircea, recently
    returned from an international training march. In Port Tomis, the activities
    organized on Navy Day include exhibitions of military equipment, and ship
    enthusiasts can virtually witness a naval battle in a specially arranged space.

    Firefighting. 36 Romanian
    firefighters, using special vehicles and a large-capacity tanker, continue
    extinguishing the wildfires near the city of Bordeaux, in the southwest of
    France. According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the
    firefighters are working in extreme conditions: high temperatures, low humidity
    and strong winds. Their mission is to limit the spread of the fire to the homes
    in the area and to extinguish hidden outbreaks. Romania supports the French
    authorities in the fight against wildfires with a team made up of 77
    firefighters and several specific pieces of equipment. France, like other European
    countries, is facing successive heat waves and an unprecedented drought.

    Rushdie. Writer Salman Rushdie, who was stabbed on
    Friday, during a literary event in the state of New York, remains in the
    hospital, but no longer requires artificial ventilation. Writers around the
    world expressed their joy that Rushdie could finally speak, and President Joe
    Biden joined international voices in condemning the attack, and hailing Sir
    Rushdie for promoting universal ideas. Authorities have not made public the reason
    given by the man who stabbed the writer. The attacker, aged 24, was born in
    California to immigrant parents from southern Lebanon. One of his social media
    accounts shows that he is a sympathizer of extremist Shiite groups and the
    Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, but it is not clear if he has any ties to
    them. In the Muslim community, Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses
    sparked numerous controversies, due to what many Muslims considered to be
    blasphemy. The novel was banned in India, was burned at some demonstrations in
    the United Kingdom, and triggered violent riots in Pakistan. In February 1989
    the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a kind of decree, a
    fatwa, calling on all good Muslims to kill Rushdie or help assassinate him and
    his editors.

    Anonimul. The film 107
    Mothers (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine), directed by Peter Kerekes, won
    the Anonimul 2022 trophy. The film tells the true story of mothers in a women’s
    prison in Odessa (Ukraine). The feature film won, at the Venice Film Festival
    2021, the prize of the Orizzonti section for the best screenplay and was
    included in the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera competition of the San Sebastian Film
    Festival. Fragmentări (Fragmentations) by Miruna Minculescu was
    designated the best Romanian short reel, and the award for the best foreign
    short film went to Fantasma Neon (Brazil), by Leonardo Martinelli.
    Aurică, a dog’s life, directed by Mihai Dragolea, is the short film
    to which the Anonimul Foundation awarded the Ovidiu Bose Paştină Award. 12
    films participated in the Romanian short film competition, and 10 in the
    international short film competition. The 19th edition of the Anonimul
    International Independent Film Festival took place between August 8 and 14, in
    Sfântu Gheorghe (Danube Delta).

    Rasnov. Two special
    screenings and 12 international documentaries, from 11 countries, will be
    presented at the 14th edition of the Râşnov Film and History Festival (central
    Romania), which takes place from August 14 to September 4. The selection of
    documentaries includes films from Chile, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Romania,
    France, Australia, USA, Belgium, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. According
    to the organizers, theme of the festival this year is focused around the idea
    of ​​borders, a concept that aims to bring answers to multiple questions and
    challenges related to individual and creative freedoms that today’s society

    World record. The Romanian
    swimmer David Popovici on Saturday set a new 100 meter freestyle world record
    at the European Aquatics Championships in Rome. The 17-year-old athlete,
    already a double world champion, broke by half a tenth of a second the previous
    record, set 13 years ago, by the Brazilian Cesar Cielo, finishing the race
    after 46 seconds and 86 hundredths, and winning the gold medal. David Popovici
    says his goal now is to get under 45 in the 100m freestyle. On Sunday, David
    Popovici qualified for the semifinals of the 200 m freestyle event.

    Rowing. On Sunday,Romania won gold in the women’s 8+1 event
    at the European Rowing Championships in Munich. Also on Sunday, Romanian
    athlete Ionela Cozmiuc won the gold medal in the lightweight single sculls. So
    Romania ended the championships with an excellent record: five gold and three
    bronze medals. At last year’s European Rowing Championships, in Varese (Italy),
    Romanian rowers won six medals, two gold and four silver. (MI)

  • August 14, 2022

    August 14, 2022

    Navy Day. Today, the
    Romanian Naval Forces are marking a day of gratitude in memory of the seafaring
    heroes who lost their lives in the service of the country. On August 15, the
    Naval Forces will celebrate Navy Day with events staged in Romania’s river and
    Black Sea ports. President Klaus Iohannis will also participate in the
    festivities in Constanţa (port on the Black Sea), and will give a speech at the
    official ceremony. He will also visit the training ship Mircea,
    recently returned from an international training march. In Port Tomis, the
    activities organized on Navy Day include exhibitions of military equipment, and
    ship enthusiasts can virtually witness a naval battle in a specially arranged

    Firefighting. 36 Romanian
    firefighters, using special extinguishing vehicles and a large-capacity tanker,
    continue extinguishing the wildfires near the city of Bordeaux, in the
    southwest of France. According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency
    Situations, the firefighters are working in extreme conditions: high
    temperatures, low humidity and strong winds. Their mission is to limit the
    spread of the fire to the homes in the area and to extinguish hidden outbreaks.
    Romania supports the French authorities in the fight against wildfires with a
    team made up of 77 firefighters and several specific pieces of equipment. France,
    like other European countries, is facing successive heat waves and an
    unprecedented drought.

    Rushdie. Writer Salman Rushdie, who was stabbed on
    Friday, during a literary event in the state of New York, remains in the
    hospital, but no longer requires artificial ventilation. Writers around the
    world expressed their joy that Rushdie could finally speak, and President Joe
    Biden joined international voices in condemning the attack, and hailing Sir
    Salman for promoting universal ideas. Authorities have not made public the
    reason given by the man who stabbed the writer. The attacker, aged 24, was born
    in California to immigrant parents from southern Lebanon. One of his social
    media accounts shows that he is a sympathizer of extremist Shiite groups and the
    Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, but it is not clear if he has any ties to
    them. In the Muslim community, Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses
    sparked numerous controversies, due to what many Muslims considered to be
    blasphemy. The novel was banned in India, was burned at some demonstrations in
    the United Kingdom, and triggered violent riots in Pakistan. In February 1989
    the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a kind of decree, a
    fatwa, calling on all good Muslims to kill Rushdie or help assassinate him and
    his editors.

    Anonimul. The film 107
    Mothers (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine), directed by Peter Kerekes, won
    the Anonimul 2022 trophy. The film tells the true story of mothers in a women’s
    prison in Odessa (Ukraine). The feature film won, at the Venice Film Festival
    2021, the prize of the Orizzonti section for the best screenplay and was
    included in the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera competition of the San Sebastian Film
    Festival. Fragmentări (Fragmentations) by Miruna Minculescu was
    designated the best Romanian short reel, and the award for the best foreign
    short film went to Fantasma Neon (Brazil), by Leonardo Martinelli.
    Aurică, a dog’s life, directed by Mihai Dragolea, is the short film
    to which the Anonimul Foundation awarded the Ovidiu Bose Paştină Award. 12
    films participated in the Romanian short film competition, and 10 in the
    international short film competition. The 19th edition of the Anonimul International
    Independent Film Festival took place between August 8 and 14, in Sfântu
    Gheorghe (Danube Delta).

    Rasnov. Two special
    screenings and 12 international documentaries, from 11 countries, will be
    presented at the 14th edition of the Râşnov Film and History Festival (central
    Romania), which takes place from August 14 to September 4. The selection of
    documentaries includes films from Chile, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Romania,
    France, Australia, USA, Belgium, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. According
    to the organizers, theme of the festival this year is focused around the idea
    of ​​borders, a concept that aims to bring answers to multiple questions and
    challenges related to individual and creative freedoms that today’s society

    World record. The Romanian
    swimmer David Popovici on Saturday set a new 100 meter freestyle world record at
    the European Aquatics Championships in Rome. The 17-year-old athlete, already a
    double world champion, broke by half a tenth of a second the previous record,
    set 13 years ago, by the Brazilian Cesar Cielo, finishing the race after 46
    seconds and 86 hundredths, and winning the gold medal. David Popovici says his
    goal now is to get under 45 in the 100m freestyle. Today, David Popovici has qualified
    for the semifinals of the 200 m freestyle event.

    Rowing. Romanian athlete
    Ionela Cozmiuc won the gold medal in the lightweight single sculls event at the
    European Rowing Championships in Munich. It is the seventh medal won by the
    Romanian delegation in Munich, which got four gold and three bronze medals. At
    last year’s European Rowing Championships, in Varese (Italy), Romanian rowers
    won six medals, two gold and four silver.

    Tennis. The Romanian
    tennis player Simona Halep is playing today with Beatriz Haddad Maia the final of the WTA 1,000
    tournament in Toronto, with 2,527,250 dollars in prize money, after the
    Brazilian defeated Karolina Pliskova (Czech Republic), 6-4, 7-6 in Saturday’s
    second semifinal. Simona Halep defeated the American Jessica Pegula, 2-6, 6-3
    6-4 and qualified for the final. Following this success, the former world
    leader, seed number 15, will return to the world top 10, according to the WTA website.
    For Simona Halep it is the fourth final at the Canadian Open, of which she won
    two. (MI)

  • August 13, 2022

    August 13, 2022

    Celebration. More than 200
    thousand tourists are expected, these days, on the Romanian coast at the Black
    Sea, to spend the mini-vacation occasioned by the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, on
    August 15, when the Romanian Navy Day will also be marked. The army
    ports of Constanta and Mangalia have opened their doors today, so locals and
    tourists can visit military ships, technical and armament exhibitions or stands
    presenting the educational offers of military educational institutions. On
    Monday, everyone’s attention will focus on the events organized to celebrate the
    navy. Thousands of people are expected to attend the parade of ships on the
    sea, in Constanţa, and a naval exercise in Mangalia, but also the seamanship
    competitions and games in the tourist ports of the two towns. In the evening, there will be music concerts
    and the spectacular torchlight retreat of the sailors, as well as fireworks.
    Until then, this weekend, the Romanians who chose to spend their mini-vacation
    at the seaside can benefit from a wide range of entertaining events, from theater and music evenings, opera and ballet
    performances to a pop-rock festival and a jazz festival organized outdoors .
    Throughout this period, 25,000 employees of the Ministry of the Interior -
    policemen, gendarmes or firefighters – are mobilized at national level to
    secure order and public safety.

    Firefighters. The Romanian
    firefighters stationed in France yesterday carried out their first mission in
    that country, where they intervened to limit the spread of a fire in
    residential buildings and acted to liquidate hidden outbreaks on an area of
    ​​more than two square kilometers. The operations were carried out by 19 of the
    77 Romanian military firefighters deployed in the southwest of the Hexagon. We
    recall that the support mission that Romania offers to the French authorities
    in the fight against wildfires takes place based on the request for
    international assistance formulated by the French Government through the
    European Civil Protection Mechanism.

    Rushdie. British writer
    Salman Rushdie was connected to a ventilator after he was stabbed yesterday in
    New York state by a man who was arrested. The 75-year-old writer’s agent told
    The New York Times that Salman Rushdie will probably lose an eye, the nerves in
    his arm were severed and he was stabbed in the liver. Salman Rushdie has
    written about 15 novels, stories for young people, short stories and essays.
    However, he became famous most likely due to his novel ‘The Satanic Verses’,
    from 1988. The book, considered blasphemy by many Muslims, triggered widespread
    protests, and the former supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,
    called for the assassination of the writer and his editors. For decades, Salman
    Rushdie was forced to live in hiding and under police protection.

    Competitions. Romania has
    today won the gold medals in the women’s
    and the men’s double sculls events at the European Rowing Championships in
    Munich. Also today, the Romanian swimmer David Popovici, a world champion in
    100 and 200 m freestyle, is competing today in the 100 m freestyle final of the
    European Aquatics Championships in Rome. Last night he qualified with a time of
    46 sec / 98 hundredths, setting a new European record. The world best is held
    by the Brazilian Cesar Cielo Filho (46 sec / 91 hundredths), recorded in 2009. At
    the championships in Rome, Romania is represented by 11 athletes, competing in
    the swimming, diving and high diving events.

    Tennis. The Romanian
    tennis player Simona Halep qualified, yesterday, in the semifinals of the WTA
    1,000 tournament in Toronto, with over 2.5 million dollars in prize money. Halep (30 years old, 15 WTA) defeated the
    American player Cori Gauff 6-4, 7-6. In the penultimate act of the competition,
    she will also meet an American – Jessica Pegula. The two will face each other
    for the first time in the professional circuit. Simona Halep won the Canadian
    Open twice, which is played alternately in Montreal and Toronto, each time
    winning when the competition took place in Montreal (2016, 2018). She lost the
    2015 final in Toronto. (MI)

  • August 12, 2022 UPDATE

    August 12, 2022 UPDATE

    Drought. Almost 340,000 hectares of agricultural land in 33 Romanian counties are affected by drought, according to the latest data compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture. More than 182,000 hectares cultivated with wheat and triticale (a hybrid of wheat and rye) and almost 27,000 hectares of barley, spelt and oats have been destroyed by drought. Over 30,000 hectares of rape and almost 60,000 hectares of corn are in the same situation.

    Fires. Romania has sent dozens of firefighters and specific equipment to France to help put out the wildfires affecting the southwestern Gironde region. 77 Romanian firefighters and 17 pieces of equipment are on mission at the request of the French Government, through the European Civil Protection Mechanism. The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has thanked Romania and the other countries that are helping to extinguish the fires in his country, describing the gesture as a demonstration of European solidarity

    Budget. The budget adjustment bill published on the website of the Romanian Finance Ministry provides for revenues higher by almost 4.3 billion Euros but also for an increased budget deficit, by almost 538 million Euros The Ministries of Labor, Health, Energy, Agriculture and Transport will receive most of the money. The Interior Ministry, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Special Telecommunications Service will have their budgets significantly reduced. The additional amounts allocated to the Labor Ministry are intended to cover welfare and compensation for energy bills to families with low incomes. The positive budget adjustment made by the Finance Ministry covers interest rate payments, secures the Government reserve fund available and state aid for some companies. As to the Energy Ministry, the extra money is intended for personnel expenses and the support scheme for compensating electricity and natural gas prices.

    Housing. Romania ranks second among the European countries with the cheapest housing, after Bosnia and Herzegovina – according to a recent study carried out by the Deloitte Company. The ranking was made based on the average cost per square meter. In Romania it is 1,266 euros, calculated at the prices in the main cities. The most expensive homes are in Cluj-Napoca (north-west), followed by Bucharest and Brasov (centre). The study also shows that, at European level, the highest house prices are in Great Britain, with an average of over 4,900 euros per square meter, followed by Austria, France and Germany

    Production. Romania had the strongest drop in industrial production in the European Union in June. The evolution comes in contrast to the general situation on the continent, where industrial production registered an increase beyond expectations, both in the euro area and at the level of the entire Union. The data for the month of June were published on Friday by the EUROSTAT Office. The countries with the strongest industrial production growth rate were Ireland (6.7%) and Malta. At the opposite pole, the states with the strongest decline, from one month to the next, are Romania, where this indicator decreased by 3.9 percent, and Belgium.

    ROBOR. The Romanian Interbank Offered Rate, known as ROBOR, based on which the cost of loans with variable interest is calculated, has returned to a value below the threshold of 8% per year. The National Bank of Romania has announced that the index dropped to 7.98% on Friday, from 8.02% per year as reported the day before. At the beginning of 2022, the 3-month ROBOR index was 3.02% per year.

    Covid. More than 5,700 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections have been registered in Romania in the past 24 hours, 750 less than the previous day, the Romanian Health Ministry announced on Friday. Most new cases have been reported in Bucharest, Cluj and Timis. 3,800 Covid patients are hospitalized, of whom 300 in intensive care. 20 related deaths were also reported in 24 hours.

    Football. Three Romanian football teams qualified, on Thursday, at home, for the play-offs of the Europa Conference League and have chances to reach the groups stage. FCSB defeated the Slovak team FC DAC 1904 Dunajska Streda 1-0 in the second leg of the third preliminary round, after winning the first match 1-0. In the next stage, FCSB will meet Viking Stavanger (Norway). CFR Cluj defeated the Belarusian team Shahtior Soligorsk 1-0, after their first match ended in a draw, 0-0. The Romanian champions will play in the play-offs against NK Maribor from Slovenia. Universitatea Craiova defeated the Ukrainian team Zaria Lugansk 3-0, after winning 1-0 in the first match. In the next stage, U Craiova will face Hapoel Beer-Sheva FC from Israel. The fourth Romanian team from the Europa Conference League, Sepsi OSK Sfântu Gheorghe, was eliminated by the Swedish team Djurgaardens IF.

    Swimming. Romanian swimmer David Popovici has qualified for the final of the 100 m freestyle at the European Aquatics Championships in Rome, with a time of 46 sec / 98 hundredths, a new European record, established in the semi-finals on Friday evening. Popovici (17 years old), the defending world champion in the 100 and 200 m freestyle, had achieved a record of the European Championships with 47 sec / 20 hundredths. The final of the 100m freestyle race will take place on Saturday. The world record of the event is held by the Brazilian Cesar Cielo Filho (46 sec / 91 hundredths), from 2009. Romania is represented in Rome by a delegation of 11 athletes. (MI)

  • Info Sport

    Info Sport

    În aceste zile se desfăşoară mai multe campionate europene, la diferite discipline, iar sportivii români se află printre protagonişti. La Roma au loc campionatele continentale de nataţie. Principalul favorit la medalii, din delegaţia României, este înotătorul David Popovici, campion mondial en titre la 100 şi 200 de metri liber. El va lua startul în patru probe. Două dintre acestea sunt întrecerile la care s-a impus la Mondialele din iunie, de la Budapesta. Se adaugă proba individuală de 400 de metri liber şi cea de ştafetă 4×100 de metri liber.

    La München, în Germania, se desfăşoară, până pe 21 august, Campionatele Europene Multisport. Sunt programate întreceri continentale de atletism, volei pe plajă, kaiac-canoe, ciclism, canotaj, gimnastică artistică, escaladă, tenis de masă şi triatlon. Printre disciplinele la care România are şanse mari la medalii se află, în principal, cele nautice: canotaj şi kaiac-canoe. La canotaj, printre tricolori se află campioanele olimpice la dublu vâsle Ancuţa Bodnar şi Simona Radiş, în acelaşi timp campioane europene en titre. Favorit pleacă şi echipajul feminin de 8+1, de asemenea învingător la ultima ediţie a Europenelor, desfăşurată la Varese, în Italia. Alte trei echipaje vin după medalii de argint la campionatele continentale de anul trecut, şi anume cele de patru rame masculin, de 8+1 masculin şi de doi rame feminin. La simplu vâsle, categorie uşoară, unde Gianina Beleagă este vicecampioană europeană en titre, România va fi reprezentată de Ionela Cozmiuc, iar Beleagă va face parte din echipajele de patru rame şi de 8+1.

    La kaiac-canoe, şanse mari la aurul continental are Cătălin Chirilă, în probele de canoe simplu, pe distanţele de 500 şi 1000 de metri. El a câştigat, cu doar o săptămână în urmă, la Halifax, în Canada, titlul mondial la 1000 de metri, probă olimpică, şi medalia de argint la 500 de metri. El are deja în palmares o medalie continentală de aur, câştigată în 2019, la Jocurile Europene de la Minsk, alături de Victor Mihalachi, la canoe dublu, pe distanţa de 1000 de metri, şi o medalie de bronz, cu acelaşi coechipier, la Europenele de anul trecut, de la Poznan, tot la 1000 de metri.

    La Europenele de gimnastică, România va participa cu o delegaţie cuprinzând 20 de sportive şi sportivi, atât juniori, cât şi seniori. Primele intră în competiţie fetele, până duminică, apoi, saptămâna viitoare, concurează băieţii. În 2020, la Europenele de la Mersin, din Turcia, România a obţinut, la senioare, argintul pe echipe la feminin, precum şi alte patru medalii la aparate, prin Larisa Iordache – aur la sol şi bârnă şi argint la sărituri, precum şi prin Silviana Sfiringu – argint la bârnă. La junioare, România a luat aurul în toate probele, pe echipe şi aparate. Ana Maria Bărbosu a câştigat cinci titluri, la individual compus şi pe aparate, Maria Ceplinschi a obţinut medalii de argint la individual compus şi sol, iar Andreea Preda a luat bronz la bârnă. La masculin, România a obţinut la Mersin doar o medalie, aur prin Gabriel Burtănete, la sărituri, în concursul de juniori.