Tag: EU

  • The Romanian Prime Minister visits Chisinau

    The Romanian Prime Minister visits Chisinau

    Founded on Romania’s eastern territories
    annexed by the Stalinist Soviet Union after an ultimatum in 1940, the Republic
    of Moldova proclaimed its independence from Moscow on August 27th
    1991 after the abortive neo-Bolshevik coup against the reforming political
    leader Mikhail Gorbachev. On that very day, Romania became the first country to
    recognize the new independent republic. Since then, Bucharest has been the most
    enthusiastic and staunchest supporter of the Republic of Moldova’s
    independence, territorial integrity and EU aspirations.

    On Thursday, Romanian president Klaus
    Iohannis announced in Brussels that the neighboring republic would receive
    additional support form the European Union. He also proposed that the
    pro-Russian entities in the Republic of Moldova be subjected to European sanctions.

    Also during his visit to Chisinau on
    Thursday, Romania’s Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca reiterated Romania’s
    unflinching support for the Republic of Moldova. The Republic of Moldova has bravely
    embarked on a European journey, and Romania who understands very well the
    stages of this journey, has expressed its full readiness to support its
    endeavor – the head of the government in Bucharest says.

    During the meeting he had
    with Maia Sandu, the pro-West President of the republic, Ciuca says that
    Romania is making efforts inside the EU to maintain the governmental, economic
    and social stability of the Republic of Moldova.

    In turn, Sandu voiced
    gratitude for all the support the Republic of Moldova receives from Romania.

    We have overcome all the
    winter difficulties and this is also thanks to you. We have to carry on the
    country’s stability and provide safety to our citizens. In another development
    we are trying to increase the resilience of our economy so that we can raise
    the living standards in the Republic of Moldova and you have supported us in
    all these dimensions, Maia Sandu says.

    According to President
    Sandu, the Republic of Moldova has a busy agenda in the process of European
    integration. This week will see the European Council’s proceedings and we know
    that Romania is there fighting for the interests of the Republic of Moldova,
    including for the following steps in the process of its European integration,
    Sandu says.

    Prime Minister Ciuca’s
    visit comes after the one paid to Bucharest by his Moldovan counterpart Dorin
    Recean on March 1st. At that time Ciuca hailed what he called the
    excellent level of the bilateral relations and the remarkable dynamics of the
    dialogue between Bucharest and Chisinau. According to the Prime Minister,
    Romania has strengthened its statute as the first trade partner of the Republic
    of Moldova. The bilateral trade, he recalled, went up to 1.2 billion dollars to
    reach 3.6 billion dollars in 2022.


  • EU: gemeinsame Waffenbeschaffung und Munitionslieferung an Ukraine

    EU: gemeinsame Waffenbeschaffung und Munitionslieferung an Ukraine

    Die Europäische Union hat am Montag die Bereitstellung von 2 Milliarden Euro für den Kauf und die Lieferung von Artilleriemunition an die Ukraine genehmigt, wie aus Brüssel verlautete. Es handelt sich um einen dreistufigen Aktionsplan zur Versorgung der ukrainischen Streitkräfte mit mindestens einer Million 155-mm-Haubitzen in den nächsten 12 Monaten und zur Auffüllung der strategischen Bestände der EU-Mitgliedstaaten, von denen einige kurz vor der Erschöpfung stehen. Der ukrainische Chefdiplomat Dmitro Kuleba, der per Videokonferenz an dem Treffen mit seinen EU-Kollegen teilnahm, begrü‎ßte die Vereinbarung: So viel Artilleriemunition für die Ukraine wie nur möglich und möglichst schnell. Diese Vereinbarung wird die Fähigkeiten der Ukraine auf dem Schlachtfeld stärken“, betonte Kuleba in einem Tweet.

    Der Plan, der von den Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU auf ihrem Gipfeltreffen am 23. und 24. März noch genehmigt werden soll, ist die Antwort auf einen dringenden Appell des ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj von Anfang des Monats. Der Etat in Höhe von 1 Mrd. EUR soll dazu verwendet werden, den Mitgliedsländern die Kosten für Munition zu erstatten, die sie aus ihren Beständen zu Preisen von 1.000 bis 1.300 EUR pro Geschütz nach Kiew geliefert haben werden. Derzeit liegt der Preis für eine Haubitze bei 4.000 €, Tendenz steigend. Eine weitere Mrd. € soll für den Kauf von Munition für die Ukraine bereitgestellt werden. Die Verträge will man September unterzeichnen, um die Vorlaufzeit für Beschaffung und Lieferung auf 6–8 Monate zu verkürzen. Die dritte Komponente des Plans zielt darauf ab, die Produktionskapazitäten von 12 EU-Waffenherstellern zu erhöhen, um die Bestände der EU-Länder aufzufüllen und die ukrainischen Streitkräfte weiterhin zu beliefern“.

    Die 2 Milliarden Euro werden über die Europäische Friedensfazilität bereitgestellt, einen zwischenstaatlichen Fonds, der von den Mitgliedstaaten au‎ßerhalb des EU-Haushalts eingerichtet wurde und seit Beginn des Konflikts für Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine genutzt wird. 17 der 27 EU-Länder, darunter auch Rumänien, sowie Norwegen werden sich zunächst an dem Programm beteiligen. Es ist eine historische Entscheidung“, sagte der hohe EU-Vertreter für Au‎ßen- und Sicherheitspolitik Josep Borrell, der hinter der Initiative steht. Der von der Europäischen Verteidigungsagentur ausgearbeitete Rahmen ist flexibel und ermöglicht es uns, unsere nationalen Militärbestände aufzufüllen und der Ukraine zu helfen“, betonte der Brüsseler Beamte.

    Ebenfalls am Montag kündigten die USA eine neue Tranche von 350 Millionen Dollar Militärhilfe für die Ukraine an, darunter auch Munition für die zuvor gelieferten HIMARS-Raketenwerfer: Russland allein könnte den Krieg heute noch beenden. Solange dies nicht der Fall ist, werden wir der Ukraine so lange wie nötig beistehen“, sagte in diesem Zusammenhang US-Au‎ßenminister Antony Blinken.

  • March 21, 2023

    March 21, 2023

    TALKS Russian
    president Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping are currently having
    talks in Moscow. Economic cooperation is high on the agenda on the second day
    of the Chinese President’s three-day visit to Moscow. Yesterday, the two
    leaders tackled the war in Ukraine and the two sides are expected to sign two
    major agreements on expanding the strategic bilateral cooperation and
    partnership. According to sources in Moscow, the talks’ agenda also includes technical-military
    cooperation between the two sides, amid the West’s fears that Beijing could
    supply weapons to Russia for the war the latter is presently waging on Ukraine.
    According to experts, the Chinese president’s visit is important for president
    Putin who can now prove that Russia isn’t internationally isolated. China
    hasn’t condemned the war in Ukraine but has been engaged in peace talks and at
    the beginning of his visit president Jinping has underlined China’s neutral

    CUT Last year Romania
    managed to slightly curb the number of road accidents by 200 as compared to
    2021. Fatalities from road accidents were also reduced by 145 and the number of
    wounded by 100. In 2022 Romania reported 47 hundred accidents and 1,630
    fatalities. 37 hundred people were also severely injured. According to the
    Romanian Police General Inspectorate, these have been the lowest figures in the
    past decade. Road traffic police are these days conducting a series of
    preventive activities on the high-risk sections of the country’s road network.

    DAY Numerous events have been announced in
    Romania on the World Poetry Day marked on March 21. The National Museum of
    Literature in Bucharest has scheduled a series of public lectures, exhibitions
    and shows in libraries and education units as well as several outdoor events
    focusing on poetry. At the Ipotesti Memorial in north-eastern Romania, The Mihai
    Eminescu National Study Center is staging the traditional poetry marathon
    involving the participation of almost 20 authors. The National Museum of
    Literature in Iasi, eastern Romania is also staging a poetry marathon.

    PLAN Romania is one of the 17 EU members to have endorsed the EU
    joint weapon-purchase plan, which will enable the EU nations to jointly
    purchase weapons amid growing appeals from Ukraine for more military support.
    According to EU officials the initiative will allow the EU to replenish arms
    that have already been provided to Ukraine. The plan has been drawn up by the
    European Defence Agency in an attempt to connect the weapon demands of the EU
    members and Ukraine and the European arms industry. The programme has two lines
    of procurement, one for the 155 mm howitzer shells for a period of two years
    and for other types of ammunition for a period of seven years. The plan’s third
    component is focusing on raising the production capabilities of some weapon
    producers in the EU.


  • EU approves joint ammunition procurement plan

    EU approves joint ammunition procurement plan

    On Monday the European Union
    approved a EUR 2 bln plan to procure and supply ammunition to Ukraine, sources
    in Brussels announced. The 3-stage plan is designed to supply Ukrainian forces
    with at least one million 155-millimeter artillery shells in the coming 12
    months, and to replenish member states’ stockpiles, some of which are depleting

    Ukraine’s foreign minister Dmytro
    Kuleba, who attended the meeting of his EU counterparts via conference call, has
    welcomed the support. More artillery ammunition for Ukraine as fast as
    possible. This will bolster Ukraine’s capabilities on the battlefield, Kuleba said
    in a Twitter post.

    The plan, which is to be signed off
    by EU leaders at the summit on March 23-24, answers an urgent request made by
    Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy early
    this month.

    EUR 1 bln will be used to reimburse
    EU members that immediately supply Ukraine with ammunition from their own
    existing stockpiles, at EUR 1,000-1,300 per shell. The current price for such
    ammunition is EUR 4,000 and growing. Another EUR 1 bln will be used to place
    joint ammunition orders for Ukraine.

    The contracts are due in September,
    and the goal is to shorten the deadline for purchase and delivery to 6-8 months.

    A third stage of the plan concerns
    increasing production capacities with 12 EU weapons producers, to restock member
    states and to carry on supplying the Ukrainian forces. The EUR 2 bln will be
    earmarked under the European Peace Facility, an inter-government fund created
    by the member states outside of the EU budget and used since the start of the
    war to supply weapons to Ukraine.

    Seventeen of the 27 member states,
    plus Norway, will take part in the programme in a first stage, and Romania is
    one of them. It is a historic decision, said the EU diplomacy chief Josep
    Borrell, who came up with the initiative. The framework, outlined by the European
    Defence Agency, is flexible and allows us to replenish national military
    stockpiles and to help Ukraine, he emphasised.

    Also on Monday, the US announced
    authorising a further USD 350 million in military aid to Ukraine, which
    includes ammunition for U.S.-provided HIMARS and howitzers. Russia alone could
    end its war today. Until Russia does, we will stand united with Ukraine for as
    long as it takes, the US secretary of state Antony Blinken said on Monday. (AMP)

  • March 20, 2023 UPDATE

    March 20, 2023 UPDATE

    VISIT – On an official visit to the United Arab
    Emirates, Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis Monday had a meeting in Abu Dhabi
    with his counterpart, Sheik Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahyan. There are a lot of bilateral,
    regional and global areas where we can cooperate quite well. There are huge
    opportunities and I believe we both want to capitalize on them,’ the Romanian
    official said during the meeting. President Iohannis suggested the two
    countries may cooperate with a view to promoting environment education and skills
    for the green transition. He also presented the goals of the Three Seas
    Initiative that Romania will host this September in Bucharest, and the
    opportunities it provides to private investments and investment funds,
    encouraging the involvement of UAE investors. In turn, his counterpart pleaded
    for the development of relations with Romania and for Bucharest’s active
    presence at the COP28, a meeting scheduled to take place this year in the UAE. On
    this occasion, the two countries’ relevant ministers and officials signed
    bilateral documents in the fields of energy, cyber-security and education. On
    Sunday president Klaus Iohannis visited Masdar City, a model of sustainable urban
    development focusing on energy efficiency and environment protection.

    DIPLOMACY The Romanian foreign
    minister Bogdan Aurescu Monday took part in the meeting of EU foreign ministers
    (Foreign Affairs Council) and in a joint meeting of EU foreign and defence
    ministers. According to the Romanian foreign ministry, the EU officials primarily
    discussed Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the implementation of the EU
    Action Plan on the geopolitical consequences of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.
    On this occasion, Bogdan Aurescu highlighted the multifaceted consequences of
    the security crisis generated by Moscow, with an impact beyond Ukraine, and
    warned against destabilizing Russian actions against the pro-European
    authorities in the Rep. Moldova. Mr. Aurescu voiced Romania’s support for
    carrying on the Union’s support efforts for Ukraine, including the provision of
    ammunition, and the need to further isolate Russia internationally and to
    maintain pressure on Kremlin. The Romanian official also announced that this
    April Romania and Ukraine will organise jointly a first high-level conference
    on Black Sea security, under the Crimea International Platform. Also in
    Brussels on Monday, at the international donor conference for Turkey and Syria,
    in the aftermath of the February earthquakes, Minister Aurescu announced a new
    financial assistance package totaling EUR 1.3 mln.

    MOLDOVA The Romanian PM Nicolae Ciucă will travel
    to the neighbouring Republic of Moldova this week, for a meeting with his
    counterpart Dorin Recean. On this occasion, PM Ciucă will reiterate Romania’s
    support for that country’s reforms, for consolidating its economy, resilience
    and security and for its EU accession efforts. Meanwhile, in Chisinau, the
    Supreme Security Council announced a number of decisions after Monday’s meeting
    convened by president Maia Sandu in the context of the exceptional situation
    in the judiciary. One of these decisions is to step up the creation of the
    Higher Council of Magistrates, which is to become operational within 30 days. After
    the meeting, Moldova’s president stated that some members of the system oppose the
    cleaning of the judiciary and seek to continue using it to their own benefit. We
    need a judicial system free from corruption, able to uphold justice and rebuild
    people’s trust, Maia Sandu concluded. (AMP)

  • March 17, 2023 UPDATE

    March 17, 2023 UPDATE

    ECCC The European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) will be
    inaugurated on May 9th, on Europe Day, in Bucharest, at the Polytechnic
    University, rector Mihnea Costoiu told Radio Romania. He also said this is the
    first European agency headquartered in Romania’s capital. The ECCC has a
    4.5-billion euro budget for investment. Bucharest could thus become a hotspot
    for global cybersecurity leaders, given that the EU lays great emphasis on
    digital economy and protecting companies and citizens in the online
    environment. The ECCC aims to increase Europe’s cybersecurity capacities and
    competitiveness, working together with a Network of National Coordination
    Centres (NCCs) to build a strong cybersecurity community.

    NATO Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has eventually agreed
    with Finland’s NATO accession, but not with Sweden’s as well. We have decided
    to initiate the ratification of Finland’s accession process to NATO in our
    parliament, he said after a meeting in Ankara on Friday with his Finnish
    counterpart, Sauli Niinisto. As far as Sweden is concerned, the Turkish
    official said talks would be carried on. Hungary, the only other country yet to
    approve Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO accession, announced it would back Finland
    at the vote on March 27. Turkey’s veto so far to the 2 countries joining the
    Alliance revolved around what Ankara called the harbouring of terrorists,
    i.e. militants from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), on their territories.

    WARRANT The International Criminal Court Friday issued a warrant for
    the arrest of Russia’s president Vladimir Putin in relation to war crimes
    committed in Ukraine since the start of the invasion in that country, France
    Presse reports. Putin is allegedly responsible for the war crime of
    unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of
    population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation,
    the ICC said, and emphasised that there are reasonable grounds to believe that
    Mr Putin bears individual criminal responsibility for the aforementioned crimes.
    A similar arrest warrant was issued against Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, Commissioner
    for Children’s Rights in Russia. For over a year, the ICC has been
    investigating possible war crimes or crimes against humanity committed during the
    Russian invasion of Ukraine, with Moscow repeatedly denying allegations of its
    forces committing atrocities in Ukraine.

    FILM The nominations for the Gopo Awards, a yearly event dedicated
    to Romanian cinema, have been made public. The film Metronome, directed by
    Alexandru Belc, got most nominations, alongside Immaculate and Men of
    Deeds, with 10 nominations each. The awards ceremony will be held on April 25
    in Bucharest. (AMP)

  • Geschlechtergerechtigkeit: trotz geringem Lohngefälle keine vollwertige Gleichstellung

    Geschlechtergerechtigkeit: trotz geringem Lohngefälle keine vollwertige Gleichstellung

    Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter bedeutet die Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Bezug auf ihre Rechte, ihre Behandlung in der Gesellschaft, ihre Verantwortung, ihre Möglichkeiten und ihre wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Leistungen. Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter ist gegeben, wenn Männer und Frauen in allen Bereichen der Gesellschaft die gleichen Rechte, Pflichten und Möglichkeiten haben und wenn die unterschiedlichen Interessen, Bedürfnisse und Prioritäten von Männern und Frauen gleichwertig berücksichtigt werden.

    Brüssel definiert die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter als einen seiner Grundwerte, ein Grundrecht, eine wesentliche Komponente des Wirtschaftswachstums und ein Grundprinzip der europäischen Säule sozialer Rechte. Doch trotz aller Fortschritte bestehen immer noch Ungleichheiten zwischen Frauen und Männern auf den Arbeitsmärkten, bei der Beschäftigung, in der Lebensqualität und am Arbeitsplatz — auch mehr als zwanzig Jahre nach Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts.

    Laut einer gemeinsamen Erklärung von mehr als 20 Botschaften in Bukarest und der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Rumänien ist es für die Verwirklichung der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter unerlässlich, die volle, gleichberechtigte, wirksame und sinnvolle Teilhabe von Frauen in allen Bereichen des privaten und öffentlichen Lebens zu gewährleisten, einschlie‎ßlich der politischen Vertretung und der Führung in Entscheidungsprozessen. Die Unterzeichner betonen auch, dass Frauen und Mädchen das Recht auf ein Leben frei von Gewalt und Diskriminierung haben. Die Fortschritte bei der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter sind trotz sichtbarer Zeichen des Wandels in der EU nach wie vor gering und ungleichmä‎ßig. In der Europäischen Kommission arbeiten wir daran, ein Europa zu schaffen, in dem Mädchen und Frauen sich gleichberechtigt mit den Männern entfalten und ungehindert eine Führungsrolle übernehmen können“, sagte die für Gleichstellung zuständige Kommissarin Helena Dalli aus Malta, die in Bukarest über die wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Unabhängigkeit von Frauen und über Instrumente zur Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie sprach.

    In Rumänien kümmern sich 46 % der Frauen im Vergleich zu nur 25 % der Männer um Kinder, ältere oder behinderte Menschen in der Familie. Auch in der Politik sind die Geschlechter nicht ausgewogen vertreten — Frauen sind in den nationalen Parlamenten und Regierungen, auch in Rumänien, nicht ausreichend vertreten, und das ist nicht gut für die Demokratie, sagt die EU-Kommissarin. Ein weiterer diskriminierender Aspekt ist die unterschiedliche Entlohnung — Frauen werden im Durchschnitt immer noch schlechter bezahlt als Männer.

    Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter war auch das Thema, das Professor Andreea Paul bei Radio Rumänien ansprach — sie ist Hochschullehrerin an der Bukarester Wirtschaftsuniversität. Frauen wollen gleiche Rechte, Frauen wollen als Individuen im politischen und sozialen Leben, im Bildungs- und Wirtschaftssystem wettbewerbsfähig sein, und ich glaube, dass Rumänien eine viel stärkere Nation sein würde, wenn wir Frauen und Männern in Entscheidungspositionen gleiche Rechte einräumen“ — sagt Andreea Paul. Sie sprach von Chancengleichheit, Gleichbehandlung, gleicher Verantwortung, und gleicher finanzieller Entlohnung.

    Was die sogenannte Gender-Pay-Gap anbelangt, so steht Rumänien in der EU an der positiven Spitze mit einem der geringsten Lohngefälle, und das ist eine gute Nachricht. Im EU-Durchschnitt sind die Dinge ein wenig komplizierter. Das liegt daran, dass wir in Rumänien schon länger ein Bildungssystem haben, das traditionell eine höhere Bildung und die Aneignung hoher Qualifikationen bei Mädchen und Frauen begünstigt hat. Das ist also die positive Nachricht. Was wir jedoch nicht so gut schaffen, ist, diese angesammelte Kompetenz im Hochschul- und Postgraduierten-Bildungssystem in öffentliche Führungspositionen einflie‎ßen zu lassen. Bei privaten Lebensentscheidungen sieht es um die Gleichstellung wieder viel besser aus, aber nicht so gut steht es um die Vorstände der gro‎ßen Unternehmen. Kürzlich hat die Regierung beschlossen, eine Geschlechterquote von mindestens 30 % für die Vorstände börsennotierter Unternehmen vorzuschlagen. Mit anderen Worten — es sollten nicht weniger als 30 % Frauen oder Männer in diesen Vorständen vertreten sein. Aber an der Basis, in der realen Wirtschaft, sind wir noch weit von diesem Prozentsatz entfernt.“

    Rumänien liege zwei Jahrzehnte hinter den westeuropäischen Ländern zurück, wenn es um die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter geht, sagt noch die Universitätsprofessorin Andreea Paul — heute spreche man über Repräsentationsquoten von 30 %, diese Dinge seien jedoch in den entwickelteren Ländern der Welt vor 20–30 Jahren beschlossen worden. Doch gebe es auch gute Gründe, optimistisch in die Zukunft zu blicken:

    Es ist ein Mentalitätsgefälle, das wir überwinden müssen. Und sicherlich machen es diese exponentiellen Veränderungen in unserer Zeit, das digitale Umfeld, die deutlichere Stimme der Frauen, einfacher, die Entwicklungen zu beschleunigen, und wir müssen nicht weitere 30 Jahre warten, um die Rückstände aufzuholen. Aber wir sollten uns auch ein bisschen mehr mit der Thematik auseinandersetzen und die Perspektiven besser verstehen und selbstbewusster über die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter sprechen. Und wir sollten den Feministinnen, die sich dafür stark machen, Respekt zollen. Wir müssen wir all den Feministinnen der Vergangenheit dankbar sein, die uns, den Frauen von heute, beispielsweise das Wahlrecht ermöglicht haben. In weniger als einem Jahrhundert haben wir erreicht, dass Frauen Zugang zu jeder Art von Arbeit haben, Zugang zu höherer Bildung bis hin zum Doktorstudium, das Recht erkämpft, öffentliche Ämter zu bekleiden, den gleichen Lohn für gleiche Arbeit zu beanspruchen. All das und vieles mehr ist in der Tat dem Aktivismus der Feministinnen zu verdanken, die in den letzten Jahrzehnten so oft diffamiert wurden.“

  • Measures for the green transition

    Measures for the green transition

    The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, asked the community institutions to urgently adopt two measures, so that Europe should remain a leader in the clean technologies industry. These are closely related to the European Green Deal, through which the member states aim to achieve, by 2050 at the latest, the so-called climate neutrality, whereby the quantities of greenhouse gas emissions on European territory will no longer increase. Through the first measure considered, the head of the EC wants that, by 2030, 40% of the clean technology be produced in the European Union.

    Through the second measure, the aim is to facilitate the access of European companies to the materials necessary for the green transition, which implies the diversification of the supply chain, given that the Union is currently dependent on China. According to Ursula von der Leyen, the minerals that make phones, electric vehicles, batteries, chips, wind turbines, solar panels functional, i.e. all the new technology, come in overwhelming amounts from China. However, Canada, for example, could become a partner of the European Union in this sense.

    Then, the European officials want to extract as many rare materials as possible from the European Union, to increase the processing capacity of these materials and to increase recycling. Statistics show that global investments in clean technologies exceeded 1,000 billion dollars last year, 30% more than in 2021, and by 2030 these investments will triple, hence the need for the European Union to attract many more. Meanwhile, steps are being taken in Romania in the process of transition to a green society. Thus, according to an emergency ordinance adopted by the Government, real estate developers will be obliged, for example, to install electric car charging sockets in the new apartment buildings.

    The owners of old buildings will have the same obligation if they do major renovations. It is one of the conditions required by the European Commission for Romania to receive the second payment request from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan worth 3.2 billion Euros. The Romanian government also adopted a law that establishes a financial aid scheme for SMEs and large companies to help them build waste recycling facilities. According to the PM Nicolae Ciucă, the aid amounts to approximately 26 million Euros.

    Last but not least, the Government decided to take out of operation, from June of this year, the coal-based units in the south of the country, from the Turceni and Rovinari thermal power plants, and to preserve them for 3 years. If needed, these units will be made operational again. The largest thermal power plant in Romania operates in Turceni, which, together with the plants in Rovinari and Craiova, account for about a third of Romania’s electricity production. (LS)

  • Atomenergie:  Rumänien baut AKW in Cernavodă weiter aus

    Atomenergie: Rumänien baut AKW in Cernavodă weiter aus

    Die Abgeordnetenkammer in Bukarest hat die Unterzeichnung einer Unterstützungsvereinbarung zwischen dem rumänischen Staat und dem Unternehmen Nuclearelectrica für das Projekt der Blöcke 3 und 4 des Kernkraftwerks Cernavodă abgesegnet. Nuclearelectrica spielt auf nationaler Ebene eine wichtige Rolle und trägt zu mehr als 18 % der gesamten Energieerzeugung und 33 % der gesamten CO2-freien Energieerzeugung in Rumänien bei. Zum Einsatz kommt die kanadische Technologie namens CANDU 6, die auf Natururan als Brennstoff und schwerem Wasser als Moderator und Kühlmittel basiert.

    Zweck der von der rumänischen Abgeordnetenkammer angenommenen Vereinbarung ist es, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Parteien zu regeln, indem die Zusagen und Verpflichtungen des rumänischen Staates festgelegt werden, um die erforderlichen Ma‎ßnahmen für die Finanzierung des Projekts, die Umsetzung und die Verabschiedung von Unterstützungsma‎ßnahmen, einschlie‎ßlich legislativer Schritte, sicherzustellen. Nach den auf der Website von Nuclearelectrica veröffentlichten Daten ist das Projekt CANDU 3 und 4 des Kernkraftwerks Cernavodă im Entwurf der rumänischen Energiestrategie 2019–2030 enthalten, die auch die Perspektive für 2050 erwähnt. Der Ausbau des AKW ist auch im Nationalen Integrierten Energie- und Klimaplan als eine Säule der Energieunabhängigkeit Rumäniens und der Erreichung der Dekarbonisierungsziele vorgesehen, die Rumänien als Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union umzusetzen hat.

    Energieminister Virgil Popescu hat die Verabschiedung des Abkommens begrü‎ßt. Er sagte, dass Block 3 Ende 2030 und Block 4 im Jahr 2031 in Betrieb gehen werden. Durch die Umsetzung des entsprechenden Gesetzes werde die Energieunabhängigkeit und -sicherheit Rumäniens gewährleistet, betonte Popescu. Mit der Umsetzung des Projekts wird der Anteil der Kernenergie an der gesamten nationalen Energieerzeugung 36 % und der Anteil der Kernenergie an der gesamten CO2-freien Energieerzeugung 66 % betragen, gleichzeitig mit der Entwicklung der heimischen Vertriebswege und anderer begleitender Industrien. Effiziente, sichere und saubere Kernenergie wird Rumänien zu einem Beispiel auf regionaler und globaler Ebene machen, und zwar durch verschiedene unterstützende Partnerschaften in Verbindung mit gro‎ßen Investitionsprojekten“, sagte auch Cosmin Ghiță, der Generaldirektor von Nuclearelectrica.

    Der rumänische Staat und das Unternehmen Nuclearelectrica beabsichtigen, dieses Projekt im Einklang mit der neuen Strategie in einem euro-atlantischen Konsortium auf der Grundlage des im Oktober 2020 in Washington paraphierten Abkommens zwischen der Regierung Rumäniens und der Regierung der USA durchzuführen. Das Abkommen regelt die Zusammenarbeit im Zusammenhang mit Kernkraftprojekten in Cernavodă und im Bereich der zivilen Kernenergienutzung. Dabei sind die USA daran interessiert, rumänische Energieprojekte, einschlie‎ßlich der Kernenergie, mit 7 Milliarden Dollar zu finanzieren.

  • Romania and the Schengen area

    Romania and the Schengen area

    Romania maintains its goal to join the Schengen area this year, the Romanian Interior Minister, Lucian Bode, announced in Brussels. Even if the subject of Romania’s entry into the free travel area was not on the agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council – JAH, the Romanian official reiterated that Bucharest might have a chance of integration in 2023. For this, however, the subject should be included on Spains list of priorities, a country that will hold the rotating presidency of the European Union in the second part of this year. According to the Romanian official, the European interior ministers reiterated their support, but Austria, which was opposed to Romanias accession also in December, maintains its reservations.

    Lucian Bode: I want to welcome the statements of several interior ministers, who reiterated their support for the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area. The Spanish Interior Minister specifically requested that this objective be reached by the member states this year. He confirmed to me that on March 30 he will be in Bucharest on a working visit, and, on the occasion, we will certainly be able to discuss the goals of the Spanish presidency and the goal that we want to be a priority for the Spanish presidency, namely Romania’s accession to the Schengen area.

    According to minister Lucian Bode, the expansion of the Schengen area, beyond the advantages brought to Romania, will raise the level of security at the EU borders. Moreover, he says, the new figures presented by the European Commission during the meeting show that migration along the Western Balkan corridor has decreased by almost half compared to last year. The Romanian interior minister believes that this is an additional argument for the fact that security at the border of Europe has been strengthened. However, some Romanian MEPs say that Romania would not have any chances of entering the free travel area this year.

    Eugen Tomac, the MEP who sued the European Council at the European Court of Justice, accuses the Council of violating the European legislation and of political discrimination. He says that although the three states met the technical criteria, the Council made the political decision to reject Romania and Bulgaria, while Croatia was accepted, at the December Council in Brussels. Eugen Tomac also initiated a petition entitled Romania deserves to be in Schengen and invites Romanians to sign it.

    Eugen Tomac: “We want our voice, our message related to this topic to be very clear and correctly understood by the European decision-makers. It is a legitimate move; the Council made an act of injustice that must be repaired at the Court of Justice of the European Union.

    It should also be mentioned that Spain will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU in a difficult period. (LS)

  • Romania and the Schengen area

    Romania and the Schengen area

    Romania maintains its goal to join the Schengen area this year, the Romanian Interior Minister, Lucian Bode, announced in Brussels. Even if the subject of Romania’s entry into the free travel area was not on the agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council – JAH, the Romanian official reiterated that Bucharest might have a chance of integration in 2023. For this, however, the subject should be included on Spains list of priorities, a country that will hold the rotating presidency of the European Union in the second part of this year. According to the Romanian official, the European interior ministers reiterated their support, but Austria, which was opposed to Romanias accession also in December, maintains its reservations.

    Lucian Bode: I want to welcome the statements of several interior ministers, who reiterated their support for the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area. The Spanish Interior Minister specifically requested that this objective be reached by the member states this year. He confirmed to me that on March 30 he will be in Bucharest on a working visit, and, on the occasion, we will certainly be able to discuss the goals of the Spanish presidency and the goal that we want to be a priority for the Spanish presidency, namely Romania’s accession to the Schengen area.

    According to minister Lucian Bode, the expansion of the Schengen area, beyond the advantages brought to Romania, will raise the level of security at the EU borders. Moreover, he says, the new figures presented by the European Commission during the meeting show that migration along the Western Balkan corridor has decreased by almost half compared to last year. The Romanian interior minister believes that this is an additional argument for the fact that security at the border of Europe has been strengthened. However, some Romanian MEPs say that Romania would not have any chances of entering the free travel area this year.

    Eugen Tomac, the MEP who sued the European Council at the European Court of Justice, accuses the Council of violating the European legislation and of political discrimination. He says that although the three states met the technical criteria, the Council made the political decision to reject Romania and Bulgaria, while Croatia was accepted, at the December Council in Brussels. Eugen Tomac also initiated a petition entitled Romania deserves to be in Schengen and invites Romanians to sign it.

    Eugen Tomac: “We want our voice, our message related to this topic to be very clear and correctly understood by the European decision-makers. It is a legitimate move; the Council made an act of injustice that must be repaired at the Court of Justice of the European Union.

    It should also be mentioned that Spain will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU in a difficult period. (LS)

  • Besuch des Regierungschefs der Republik Moldau in Bukarest

    Besuch des Regierungschefs der Republik Moldau in Bukarest

    Der rumänische Ministerpräsident Nicolae Ciucă hat am Mittwoch in Bukarest seinem Amtskollegen aus der benachbarten Republik Moldau, dem prowestlichen Dorin Recean, Unterstützung für Reformen, die Stärkung der Wirtschaft, der Widerstandsfähigkeit und der staatlichen Sicherheit sowie für die Fortsetzung des europäischen Weges zugesichert. Ciucă zeigte sich erfreut über das ausgezeichnete Niveau der bilateralen Beziehungen und die bemerkenswerte Dynamik des Dialogs zwischen Bukarest und Chişinău. Der Premierminister sagte, Rumänien habe seinen Status als wichtigster Handelspartner der Republik Moldau gefestigt. Er erinnerte daran, dass der bilaterale Handel im Jahr 2022 um 1,2 Milliarden Dollar zugenommen und damit 3,6 Milliarden Dollar erreicht hat. Vor dem Hintergrund des brutalen Angriffskriegs Russlands gegen die Ukraine, so der rumänische Premierminister, gibt es immer mehr Versuche, die Republik Moldau zu destabilisieren, Spannungen künstlich zu erzeugen und feindselige Narrative zu verbreiten, die auf Falschinformationen basieren. Ich habe meinem Amtskollegen die uneingeschränkte Unterstützung Rumäniens für die Achtung der Souveränität und territorialen Integrität der Republik Moldau innerhalb ihrer international anerkannten Grenzen zugesagt“, sagte Premierminister Ciucă. Die Bukarester Behörden werden die Regierung in Chisinau uneingeschränkt bei der Realisierung ihres Ziels unterstützen, die Republik Moldau in die Europäische Union zu integrieren. Dies teilte Präsident Klaus Iohannis dem moldauischen Regierungschef mit. Recean kam auch mit dem Vorsitzenden der Abgeordnetenkammer, Marcel Ciolacu, zusammen, der ihm die Unterstützung Rumäniens für einen Teil des Gasverbrauchs der Bürger seiner Republik durch den mit Aserbaidschan vereinbarten Importvertrag zusicherte. Auch die Kustodin der Krone, Prinzessin Margareta, empfing den Premierminister des Nachbarstaates in Bukarest. Sie bekräftigte die Unterstützung des rumänischen Königshauses für die Republik Moldau.

    Die erste Auslandsreise von Dorin Recean, der seit Mitte letzten Monats Premierminister der Republik Moldau ist, fand in Rumänien statt. Ich werde meinen ersten Besuch in Bukarest abstatten. Ich werde hier in der Republik Moldau mit den Arbeitsmechanismen beginnen, und unmittelbar danach werde ich nach Bukarest reisen. (…) Wir sind privilegiert, wir haben diese guten Beziehungen zu Rumänien, das uns bei der Überwindung der Energiekrise und auf unserem europäischen Weg enorm geholfen hat. Es hat sich in den europäischen Institutionen für uns eingesetzt, damit wir auf unserem europäischen Weg vorankommen“, sagte Premierminister Recean. Im Regierungsprogramm ist au‎ßerdem zu lesen, dass die Beziehungen zu Rumänien besondere Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, da sie strategisch“ und privilegiert“ seien.

  • The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova visits Bucharest

    The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova visits Bucharest

    The Romanian Prime Minister, Nicolae Ciucă, promised, on Wednesday, in Bucharest, to his counterpart from the neighboring Republic of Moldova (an ex-Soviet state , with a majority Romanian-speaking population), the pro-Western Dorin Recean, Bucharests support for the implementation of reforms, the consolidation of the economy, of the resilience and security of the state, as well as support for the continuation of the European path. PM Ciucă welcomed what he called the excellent level of bilateral relations and the remarkable dynamics of the dialogue between Bucharest and Chișinău.

    According to the prime minister, Romania has consolidated its status as the first commercial partner of the Republic of Moldova. Bilateral trade, he recalled, increased by 1.2 billion dollars in 2022, which means that it reached about 3.6 billion. Against the background of Russias brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, the Romanian Prime Minister went on to say, we are witnessing more and more attempts to destabilize the Republic of Moldova, artificially creating tensions, hostile narratives built around the propagation of false information.

    “I assured my counterpart of Romanias unwavering support for respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders” — the Prime Minister Ciucă added. The Romanian authorities will unreservedly support the leadership in Chișinău to achieve the goal of integrating the Republic of Moldova into the European Union, President Klaus Iohannis in his turn told the Moldovan Prime Minister Recean.

    The Moldovan official also had a meeting with the Speaker of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, who assured him of Romanias support for part of the gas consumption of the Moldovan citizens, through the import contract agreed with Azerbaijan. And the Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Princess Margareta, received the Moldovan Prime Minister and reiterated the support given by the Royal Family of Romania to the Republic of Moldova.

    Dorin Recean made his first visit abroad to Romania after being sworn in as prime minister in mid-February. “I will go to Bucharest on my first visit. We have to start the working mechanisms here, in the Republic of Moldova, and immediately after that I will go to Bucharest. (…) We are privileged to have this good relationship with Romania, which helped us enormously in overcoming the energy crisis, in our European aspirations. Romania advocated for us in the European institutions, in such a way that we can now advance on the European path” – said Prime Minister Recean.

    The government program presented before the vote of investiture in Parliament, actually mentions that special attention is paid to the relations with Romania, which will be “strategic” and “privileged” relations. (LS)

  • February 21, 2023 UPDATE

    February 21, 2023 UPDATE

    president Joe Biden Tuesday praised the Ukrainians’ resilience in the face of
    the Russian invasion launched nearly a year ago. Speaking at a rally in Warsaw,
    he emphasized that the US support for Ukraine remained unwavering and that the
    free world condemned Russia’s aggression. Biden added that he also wanted the
    people of the Republic of Moldova to be truly free, and called on participants
    to applaud Moldova’s president Maia Sandu, attending the assembly. Previously,
    in Moscow, president Vladimir Putin announced Russia would suspend its
    participation in the New START treaty with the US on the reduction of strategic
    nuclear weapons. The statement was made at the end of his state-of-the-nation address,
    ahead of the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24th February,
    and after the US president Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Kyiv. On Wednesday,
    Biden is due to meet the leaders of Bucharest Nine, a group of NATO countries
    from central and eastern Europe formed after Russia’s annexation of Crimea at
    the proposal of the presidents of Romania and Poland, Klaus Iohannis and Andrej
    Duda, respectively. The NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, said that
    with Russia’s decision on the latest START Treaty full arms control
    architecture has been dismantled. Speaking at a press conference in Brussels
    with the participation of Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s minister of foreign affairs,
    and Josep Borrell, the EU high representative for foreign affairs, Stoltenberg added
    that Moscow was the aggressor in Ukraine, after Vladimir Putin had claimed that
    the West was trying to destroy Russia.

    PENSIONS In Bucharest, USR and the Force of the Right parties in opposition
    Tuesday tabled a simple motion against the labour minister Marius Budăi, whom
    they accuse of incompetence and carelessness. They argue that Budăi is
    protecting special pensions (which are not based on contributions to pension
    funds) thus jeopardising the EU funding Romania should receive under the
    National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Meanwhile, the Senate has once again
    postponed the bill reforming special pensions, for 2 weeks, until relevant ministries
    have submitted estimates of its impact on the budget and stated whether the
    bill complies with Resilience Plan benchmarks. The World Bank is also expected
    to state its view on the matter.

    TURKEY Rescuers
    in Turkey are carrying out new searches for people trapped under the rubble as
    a new quake hit the south-east of the country on Monday night, in the same
    region as the devastating earthquakes that took place two weeks ago. According
    to official reports, six persons were killed and 200 wounded in the latest
    tremor. Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is running for a new term
    in May if elections are held on schedule, says his country would start building
    tens of thousands of new homes next month, a move estimated to cost at least 25
    billion dollars. Erdogan’s rapid reconstruction plans worry architects and
    engineers, who are concerned that the lack of urban planning and careful
    assessment of building safety may lead to a new disaster.

    books about Constantin Brâncuşi were launched in Timişoara, which this year is
    holding the title of European Capital of Culture. The books, which recently
    appeared in France, are written by Doina Lemny, art historian and researcher at
    the National Museum of Modern Art and the Pompidou Centre in Paris. The launch
    previews an extensive exhibition dedicated to the great Romanian sculptor next
    autumn at Timişoara’s Museum of Art. According to the city’s mayor Dominic
    Fritz, around 60,000 people attended the over 130 different events held in
    Timişoara this weekend during the official opening of the European Capital of
    Culture programme. The city will be playing host to around 1,000 different
    cultural events all year long. (AMP, CM)

  • February 8, 2023 UPDATE

    February 8, 2023 UPDATE

    EARTHQUAKE The massive earthquakes that hit Turkey and Syria on Monday killed around
    12,000 people, according to the latest reports. Two-thirds of the total
    casualties are reported in Turkey. Tens of thousands of people were injured. In
    spite of the freezing cold, rescuers are struggling to find survivors. President Tayyip Erdogan declared
    disaster areas in the 10 provinces affected by the quakes, and introduced a
    3-month state of emergency. Seventy countries have so far provided support in
    the search and rescue operations. Romania joined the international aid efforts
    and sent nearly 120 search and
    rescue specialists, doctors and nurses, as well as search and rescue dogs.
    Many Romanian nationals have contacted the Embassy in Ankara to report the situation there, but few of them
    requested to be repatriated. Turkey is located in one of the world’s
    main seismic areas. In 1999, an
    earthquake occurring in Düzce, in the north of the country, killed over 17,000 people. As regards Syria, Romania is going to provide mostly humanitarian aid,
    following that country’s request to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

    PATRIOT Romania has received a second Patriot system, out of the total
    four, that were contracted for the first stage of the country’s Air Force
    equipping programme. According to the defence minister Angel Tilvar, the four
    systems represent the first stage in achieving state-of-the-art ground-based
    air defence capability, which can be fully integrated into the NATO system.
    Patriot systems were first delivered to Romania in 2020, and 2023 is the year
    when the first stage of the equipping programme is to be fully completed,
    according to the Defence Ministry. The Patriot system is one of the most
    advanced air protection systems of the US military arsenal. It is a mobile
    system that usually includes a powerful radar, a control station, a power
    generator, launch stations and support vehicles.

    EU The European Council on Thursday will hold a summit in Brussels to
    discuss the war in Ukraine, the EU economy and migration. A video-conference
    chaired by the European Council President, Charles Michel, was held on Tuesday
    and was also attended by Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, who said talks
    focused on the support granted to Ukraine, consolidating the competitiveness of
    the EU economy and implementing concrete measures of combating illegal
    migration. Although Schengen enlargement is not officially on the agenda,
    President Iohannis might approach it informally in the plenary or during
    bilateral meetings with his counterparts.

    MOTION The Chamber of
    Deputies Wednesday dismissed the simple motion tabled by the opposition against
    the interior minister Lucian Bode. The document signatories accuse Bode of plagiarism
    and blame him for Romania’s failure to join the Schengen area. In Monday’s
    debates on the motion, Lucian Bode argued that the opposition’s claims were
    untrue and prompted by the forthcoming elections.This is the
    second failed motion against minister Bode, after the one in October.

    PROTESTS Members of the Sanitas Trade Union Federation Wednesday held
    protest rallies in Bucharest, for the 3rd consecutive day, picketing
    political party offices. Several hundred unionists from around the country
    protested against the Salaries Law and the under-financing of healthcare
    institutions and social assistance in Romania. The list of demands includes a
    minimum 15% pay raise. The unionists warned that unless the authorities meet
    their demands, further protests may be planned. (E.E., A.M.P.)