Tag: Euro 2016

  • June 21, 2016

    June 21, 2016

    The German President, Joachim Gauck, stated that Europe is at present facing a confidence crisis and congratulated Romania for not having a populist party eager to capitalize on that sentiment. On a visit to Romania, the German President delivered a speech this morning at the invitation of the “New Europe” College and of the German Embassy in Bucharest. Also on Tuesday President Gauck and his Romanian counterpart Klaus Iohannis will meet in the central Romanian city of Sibiu with the representatives of the Germans’ Democratic Forum and will visit the fortified church in Cisnădie. The German President praised the Romanian model of inter-ethnic living together and thanked the Romanian authorities for the way they manage the cultural and identity issues of the German minority in Romania. On Monday President Gauck said that Germany was closely following the anti-corruption reforms and fight in Romania, pointing to the activity of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, which he labeled as one of the main pillars of the reform process in Romania.

    The Romanian PM Dacian Cioloş on Tuesday called on the local authorities to assess the damage caused by the recent floods in Romania and to make forecasts for the upcoming months so as to avoid similar situations. According to a recent toll, two people are reported dead and one missing and several hundreds have been evacuated. Hundreds of houses have been flooded or destroyed by hailstorms and tens of localities have been left without electricity. While the north and west of the country were hit by violent storms and floods, the center, south and east of Romania will be affected by a wave of heat.

    The Belgian police has arrested a suspect after a bomb alert in a shopping center paralyzed traffic in downtown Brussels this morning. The man, who was not carrying any explosives, called the police and threatened to blow himself up. The incident takes place several days after the arrest of 12 suspects who allegedly prepared attacks similar with those of March, when more than 30 people were killed in a metro station and on the Zaventem international airport. The PM Charles Michel, who convened an emergency meeting of the National Security Council, said the situation was under control for the time being.

    Two new opinion surveys made public on Monday show that 53% of Britons would like to remain in the EU, 5% more than in the previous surveys. According to Reuters, the number of the Brexit supporters decreased after the assassination of the Labor MP Jo Cox by an alleged nationalist militant. However a 3rd survey shows that the Brexit supporters are 2% more than the anti-Brexit camp. The EC president, Donald Tusk, has called on the British voters urging them to vote for remaining in the EU at the June 23 referendum. In turn, the British foreign secretary Philip Hammond warned that the decision to leave the EU will be irreversible and that it was in the interest of Great Britain to stay in the EU.

    Romania’s national Fed Cup team will play against Belgium in the first round of World Group II. The matches are scheduled for February 11, 12, 2017 in Romania. The 5 Romanian players are all in the world’s top 100: Simona Halep 5 WTA), Irina Begu (27 WTA), Monica Niculescu (47 WTA), Sorana Cirstea (86 WTA) and Patricia Tig (100 WTA). In the doubles Romania could count on Andreea Mitu (77 in the doubles classification) and Raluca Olaru (57). Romania dropped to World Group II after being defeated by Germany 1-4 in April.

    Romania has the most modest football team from the 1970s to this day, the Gazeta Sporturilor daily writes after Romania on Sunday was ousted from the European Football Championship in France. Losing nil-1 to Albania, Romania was bottom of the table in Group A, with only 1 point in three games. In the opening match Romania lost 1-2 to France and drew in the second group fixture 1-all against Switzerland. Both goals for Romania were scored by Bogdan Stancu from penalty kicks. Voices in the football press are calling for the resignation of head coach Anghel Iordanescu, whom they see as primarily responsible for the team’s failure to qualify to the round of 16.

    (news translated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • 20.06.2016


    Intempéries — Les intempéries font des victimes en Roumanie. Au centre du pays, une tempête violente a arraché un arbre qui s’est effondré sur une voiture, tuant un des passagers, une petite fille de seulement deux ans. Dans l’ouest du pays aussi, un homme a été tué par la foudre et un autre a été blessé. Les orages ont également endommagé les toits de centaines d’habitations et d’édifices publics et renversé des poteaux électriques. Une dizaine de milliers d’usagers ont été privés d’électricité.

    Douze départements du nord, du centre, de l’ouest et du sud-ouest sont en vigilance jaune contre les pluies diluviennes, jusqu’à mardi matin. L’instabilité atmosphérique sera importante, il pleuvra à verse et les tendances orageuses seront au rendez-vous avec des phénomènes électriques, de la grêle et du vent fort. En revanche, dans le sud, dans l’est et à certains endroits du centre de la Roumanie, l’inconfort thermique sera important avec un rapport humidité-chaleur élevé. Les maximales de l’air vont de 29 à 35 degrés, avec 27 degrés à midi, à Bucarest.

    Allemagne — Le président allemand, Joachim Gauck, est arrivé à Bucarest pour une visite d’Etat de trois jours en Roumanie. Une visite qui sera dominée par les rapports politiques et économiques bilatéraux, mais aussi par l’agenda du prochain sommet de l’OTAN, de Varsovie, ou encore par la réforme de l’UE et les développements intervenus au sein de la communauté. Autant de sujets à développer lors des pourparlers avec le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, le premier ministre, Dacian Cioloş, et les présidents des deux chambres du Parlement roumain.

    Mardi, les deux chefs d’Etat se rendront à Sibiu, au centre de la Roumanie, fondé par des colons saxons au XIVe siècle. C’est là que vit une importante communauté de souche allemande, dont est issu le président Iohannis lui-même. Rappelons-le, Klaus Iohannis a été maire de Sibiu pendant 14 ans, sa succession à la tête de cette ville étant assurée toujours par une représentante de la communauté allemande, Astrid Fodor, confirmée à ce poste par les récentes élections municipales. Mercredi, les présidents roumain et allemand participeront à une rencontre avec des hommes d’affaires d’Allemagne et de Roumanie. Avec eux, ils débattront des manières de développer les relations économiques et de multiplier les investissements, alors que l’Allemagne est, à ce jour, le troisième investisseur étranger en Roumanie.

    Education — Le nouveau Statut de l’élève roumain, élaboré par le ministère roumain de l’Education, fait désormais l’objet d’un débat public. Le document comporte les droits et les obligations des jeunes qui apprennent dans les établissements d’enseignement publics, privés et confessionnels du pays. Aux termes de ce texte, les élèves bénéficient de plusieurs catégories de droits — à l’éducation, à la récompense, à l’association et à la libre expression. Dans le même temps, le Statut précise les devoirs des jeunes envers le système d’éducation, les interdictions et les sanctions applicables aux élèves qui enfreignent les règles stipulées par le statut ou la législation en vigueur. C’est le 4 juillet que doit se clôturer le débat public autour de ce texte, élaboré en coopération avec des représentants des élèves roumains.

    Décès — Le général Victor Atanasie Stanculescu, ex-ministre roumain de la Défense entre 1990 et 1991 et un des personnages-clé de la Révolution roumaine de 1989, est décédé dimanche à l’âge de 88 ans. En décembre 1989, alors qu’il était premier-adjoint du ministre de la Défense du régime communiste, il a été dépêché à Timisoara avec l’ordre de réprimer les manifestations de rue qui se déroulaient depuis le 16 décembre. Quelques jours plus tard, après la fuite des époux Nicolae et Elena Ceausescu, Victor Atanasie Stanculescu a été le premier représentant de l’armée ayant ordonné aux troupes de se retirer dans les casernes et de ne plus faire usage de leur armement face à la population. Pour son rôle dans la répression du soulèvement populaire, l’homme a été condamné en 2008 à 15 ans de prison ferme. Il n’en a pourtant effectué que 5, étant mis en liberté conditionnelle pour des raisons médicales.

    Euro 2016 — La sélection nationale de foot de la Roumanie a raté sa qualification dans les huitièmes de finale du Championnat européen de football, accueilli par la France, après avoir été dépassée, dimanche soir, à Lyon, 1-0, par l’Albanie. Avec un seul point, la Roumanie a terminé dernière du groupe A. Lors des deux premiers matchs, la Roumanie a été vaincue par le pays hôte, 2-1, dans le match d’ouverture de l’Euro 2016, et a fait match égal contre la Suisse, 1 but partout. Dimanche soir, la France et la Suisse ont terminé à égalité, 0 partout. Les deux, avec 7 et respectivement 5 points, se sont assuré la présence dans l’étape suivante de la compétition, alors que l’Albanie, avec 3 points, ne conserve que des chances théoriques, selon les résultats des autres groupes. Au précédent Euro à laquelle elle a participé, en 2008, la Roumanie avait été éliminée à la phase des poules aussi.

  • Romania fu eliminata la EURO 2016

    Romania fu eliminata la EURO 2016

    România chiru dumanică dicseară, cu scorlu di 0 – 1, mecilu cu Arbinisia, disputat Lyon, și fu eliminată di la EURO 2016. Golu a arbineslor fu marcat di Armando Sadiku tru minuta 45.

    România aminta masi un punctu tru competiția europeană dit Hexagon, după ti fu azvimta di Franța cu 1 – 2, feati un scor isa, 1 – 1, cu Eleveția și chiru, 0 – 1, mecilu cu Arbinisia.

    Tru alantu meci a grupalei Franța și Elveția bitisira isa, 0 – 0, dauli parei hiindalui calificati tru optimili a antritearilei. Arbinisia lipseasti s-așteapta rezultatili a meciurlor dit alanti grupi ali EURO 2016, tra sa stiba desi s-califică di pi loclu 3 tru optimi.

  • June 19, 2016 UPDATE

    June 19, 2016 UPDATE

    FOOTBALL — Romania failed to qualify into the eighth-finals of the European Championship in France, after it lost on Sunday night in Lyon against Albania, 0-1, in its last match in Group A of the European football championship in France. With just one point, Romania finished last in Group A. Also on Sunday night, France and Switzerland drew, nil-all. The two secured their qualification into the next stages of the championship. This is the first time in the European championship when 24 teams take part, and qualifying in the next rounds are not only the first two teams in each group, but also four teams ranking third in their respective groups.

    VISIT — The President of Germany, Joachim Gauck, with be on an official three-day visit to Romania as of Monday. In Bucharest, he will have a meeting with President Klaus Iohannis and PM Dacian Cioloş and will give an address at the National Library. On Tuesday, the two presidents will travel to Sibiu, in central Romania, a city founded by Saxon colonists in the 14th Century. Sibiu is also the home town of President Klaus Iohannis, a German ethnic himself, who was the mayor there for 14 years. On Wednesday the Romanian and German heads of state will attend a meeting with Romanian and German business people.

    LA BLOUSE ROUMAINE — The Mayor of the US capital city, Washington, Ms Muriel Bowser, proclaimed June 24th as the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse in Washington, in response to an initiative of the Romanian Embassy in the USA. The Romanian blouse has been acknowledged as an international symbol of Romanian culture and a source of inspiration for major designers. Initiated and coordinated by the online community called “La Blouse Roumaine,” the International Day of the Romanian Blouse is aimed at promoting a Romanian tradition and at creating a country brand recognised around the world. The Romanian blouse is a white shirt, part of the traditional folk costume of Romanian women, and is richly embroidered with folk motifs.

    NAMASTE FESTIVAL — The Romanian Peasant Museum in Bucharest hosted, between June 17 and 19, the NAMASTE INDIA Festival, celebrating Indian culture in Romania. the Festival included a variety of events, from introductory language courses to henna painting workshops, and from yoga classes to documentary film screenings. On Sunday, the closing day, a sari parade was followed by traditional music and dance performances.

    PENTECOST – Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Christians in Romania and across the world continue to celebrate the three-day feast of the Pentecost, marking 50 days from Easter and the foundation of the Christian Church. This feast day refers to the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ, who could thus spread the gospels in languages they could not speak before. On the same day, with St. Peter’s fervent proclamation, some 3,000 people converted to Christianity, making up the first Christian community in Jerusalem, the core of the future Christian Church.

    HOLIDAYS — More than 22,000 Interior Ministry employees are to ensure public order in Romania during the Pentecost holiday which ends on Monday night. Some 40,000 tourists are already in Romanian seaside resorts, where most accommodation facilities are fully booked. A growing number of hotels have added spa and treatment facilities to their offers. Other Romanians took advantage of the three-day holiday to go to mountain resorts.

    RUGBY — Romania’s national rugby team defeated Argentina B, 20-8, in Bucharest on Saturday night, in the final match of the last stage of the World Rugby Nations Cup. In the previous games, the Romanians had outplayed Namibia, 20-8, and Uruguay, 40-0. Romania thus won the trophy of this competition for the fourth time. Ten of the 11 editions of World Rugby Nations Cup have been held in Romania so far.

    FESTIVAL — The International Theatre Festival in Sibiu, central Romania came to a close on Sunday. The event, one of the landmarks of European performing arts, has brought together this year over 2,800 artists from 70 countries. The last performances included Moliere’s The Miser, staged by a French company, Love. The trilogy of my family, by the Belgian director Luk Perceval, who received a star on the Sibiu walk of fame on Saturday, and the famous Faustus, directed by Silviu Purcărete, staged by the Sibiu National Theatre. Another play performed on Sunday was the Demon-Hag, a Japanese Noh play.

  • June 19, 2016

    June 19, 2016

    WEATHER — The heavy rainfalls and thunderstorms caused problems last night in eastern and southern Romania. Houses were flooded, trees fell on the roads blocking traffic, and hailstorms destroyed crops and homes. Tens of people have been evacuated. After the extreme heat of the past few days, a code-yellow warning against heavy rains and hailstorms was issued for the west, south-west and centre of the country. Code-orange flood alerts are also in place for rivers in 11 counties, most of them in eastern Romania.

    VISIT — The President of Germany, Joachim Gauck, with be on an official three-day visit to Romania as of Monday. In Bucharest, he will have a meeting with President Klaus Iohannis and PM Dacian Cioloş and will give an address at the National Library. On Tuesday, the two presidents will travel to Sibiu, in central Romania, a city founded by Saxon colonists in the 14th Century. Sibiu is also the home town of President Klaus Iohannis, a German ethnic himself, who was the mayor there for 14 years. On Wednesday the Romanian and German heads of state will attend a meeting with Romanian and German business people.

    HOLIDAYS — More than 22,000 Interior Ministry employees are to ensure public order in Romania during the Pentecost holiday which ends on Monday night. Some 40,000 tourists are already in Romanian seaside resorts, where most accommodation facilities are fully booked. A growing number of hotels have added spa and treatment facilities to their offers. Other Romanians took advantage of the three-day holiday to go to mountain resorts.

    DIASPORA — The Minister Delegate for relations with the Romanian diaspora, Dan Stoenescu, had a meeting yesterday with members of the Romanian community in the Netherlands. According to the Foreign Ministry, the Romanian official encouraged the involvement of Romanian associations, jointly with the Dutch and Romanian authorities, in awareness raising campaigns focusing on the rights and obligations of the Romanian citizens residing in the Netherlands. Stoenescu also emphasised the importance of the Romanian-Dutch cooperation in organising joint events to promote inter-cultural dialogue. Minister Dan Stoenescu had previously had a meeting with members of the Romanian community in Brussels.

    LA BLOUSE ROUMAINE — The Mayor of the US capital city, Washington, Ms Muriel Bowser, proclaimed June 24th as the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse in Washington, in response to an initiative of the Romanian Embassy in the USA. The Romanian blouse has been acknowledged as an international symbol of Romanian culture and a source of inspiration for major designers. Initiated and coordinated by the online community called “La Blouse Roumaine,” the International Day of the Romanian Blouse is aimed at promoting a Romanian tradition and at creating a country brand recognised around the world. The Romanian blouse is a white shirt, part of the traditional folk costume of Romanian women, and is richly embroidered with folk motifs.

    PENTECOST – Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Christians in Romania and across the world continue to celebrate the three-day feast of the Pentecost, marking 50 days from Easter and the foundation of the Christian Church. This feast day refers to the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ, who could thus spread the gospels in languages they could not speak before. On the same day, with St. Peter’s fervent proclamation, some 3,000 people converted to Christianity, making up the first Christian community in Jerusalem, the core of the future Christian Church.

    NAMASTE INDIA — The Romanian Peasant Museum in Bucharest hosted, between June 17 and 19, the NAMASTE INDIA Festival, celebrating Indian culture in Romania. the Festival included a variety of events, from introductory language courses to henna painting workshops, and from yoga classes to documentary film screenings. On Sunday, the closing day, a sari parade was followed by traditional music and dance performances.

    FOOTBALL — Romania plays tonight in Lyon against Albania, in its last match in Group A of the European football championship in France, concurrently with the match between the host country’s team and Switzerland. The two matches will decide the teams that qualify into the eighth-finals of the competition. With 6 points in 2 games, France is the group leader and has already secured its qualification. Switzerland has 4 points, Romania 1, and Albania none. This is the first time in the European championship when 24 teams take part, and qualifying in the next rounds are not only the first two teams in each group, but also four teams ranking third in their respective groups.

    RUGBY — Romania’s national rugby team defeated Argentina B, 20-8, in Bucharest on Saturday night, in the final match of the last stage of the World Rugby Nations Cup. In the previous games, the Romanians had outplayed Namibia, 20-8, and Uruguay, 40-0. Romania thus won the trophy of this competition for the fourth time. Ten of the 11 editions of World Rugby Nations Cup have been held in Romania so far.

    (translated by: Ana Maria Popescu)

  • 18.06.2016


    Allemagne – Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis accueillera lundi son homologue allemand, Joachim Gauck, qui fera une visite d’Etat à en Roumanie. Les deux chefs d’Etat se pencheront notamment sur les manières à diversifier la coopération économique bilatérale, vu que l’Allemagne est le premier partenaire commercial de la Roumanie et le troisième investisseur étranger dans le pays. Mardi, Joachim Gauck se rendra aussi à Sibiu, au centre de la Roumanie, où vit une importante communauté de souche allemande, dont est issu le président Iohannis, lui-même. Rappelons-le, Klaus Iohannis a été maire de Sibiu de 2000 à 2014, la ville étant actuellement dirigée par Astrid Fodor, représentante du Forum démocratique des Allemands de Roumanie.

    Stratégie – La stratégie nationale anticorruption pour les années à venir est en débat public sur le site du ministère roumain de la Justice. Selon ses initiateurs, l’objectif principal de la stratégie est de promouvoir l’intégrité, fondée sur la transparence des décisions et une gouvernance ouverte. A l’horizon 2020, l’accent devrait être mis aussi sur la mise en place de mesures préventives dans les secteurs exposés à la corruption. Le lancement de cette nouvelle stratégie nationale anticorruption survient sur la toile de fond d’une campagne anticorruption qui, rien que l’année dernière, a débouché sur l’investigation et puis la poursuite en justice d’un premier ministre en exercice, puis démissionnaire, (le social – démocrate Victor Ponta), ainsi que sur l’arrestation d’un juge de la Cour Constitutionnelle, Toni Greblà, et du maire indépendant de Bucarest, Sorin Oprescu. De même, la DNA a demandé l’aval pour interpeller et placer en détention provisoire un ministre des finances, Darius Vâlcov, lorsqu’il exerçait encore ses fonctions, a retenu 4 des 6 maires d’arrondissements de Bucarest, a poursuivi en justice 20 actuel ou anciens membres du Parlement, 14 maires de chefs-lieux de département, 9 président de conseils départementaux et un préfet.

    Diaspora – La première édition du Festival folklorique des Roumains d’Ukraine s’ouvre dimanche à Ismaïl, ville sur le Danube à la frontière roumano-ukrainienne. A l’affiche – les ensembles folkloriques représentatifs de toutes les régions d’Ukraine ayant une population roumaine importante, ainsi que des interprètes de musique traditionnelle de République de Moldova voisine. L’Ukraine compte près d’un million d’habitants d’ethnie roumaine, la plupart concentrés dans les territoires roumains de l’est annexés par l’ancienne URSS en 1940 suite à un ultimatum et repris par l’Ukraine indépendante en 1990, en tant qu’Etat successeur.

    Football – La sélection nationale de foot de Roumanie est arrivée ce samedi à Lyon où elle rencontrera dimanche soir la sélection nationale albanaise dans son dernier match du groupe A. En même temps, la France jouera contre la Suisse. Ce sont des matchs décisifs pour la qualification dans les 8e de finale de l’Euro 2016. Avec 6 points accumulés lors des deux premières rencontres, la France est leader du groupe A, et donc déjà qualifiée pour l’étape suivante, elle suivie par la Suisse avec 4 points. La Roumanie n’a accumulé qu’un seul point jusqu’ici, alors que l’Albanie n’a aucun point. Avec une victoire devant l’Albanie, la sélection nationale de la Roumanie compterait 4 points et pourrait quasiment s’assurer la qualification dans les huitièmes de finale.

    Rugby – La sélection nationale de rugby de Roumanie joue aujourd’hui à Bucarest contre l’équipe nationale réserve d’Argentine, dans un match final de la World Rugby Nations Cup, la Coupe des nations de rugby. Dans les matchs antérieurs, la Roumanie avait vaincu la Namibie, score 20 à 8, et l’Uruguay, score 40 à 0. C’est pour la 10e fois que la Roumanie organise la Coupe des nations de rugby, un événement important du domaine.

    Météo – Grande instabilité atmosphérique, ce samedi, dans le sud-ouest, le centre et le nord-est de la Roumanie. Des pluies à verse, des orages avec des phénomènes électriques, du vent fort et des chutes de grêle sont attendues. Les quantités d’eau dépasseront les 15-20 litres au mètre carré, voire les 30 à 40 litres, par endroits. Des phénomènes similaires sont attendues dans le sud du pays aussi, sur la toile de fond d’un temps caniculaire avec un inconfort thermique important. Les températures maximales iront aujourd’hui de 22 à 37 degrés. 33 degrés à midi à Bucarest.

  • Romanian national  football team has won its first point at EURO 2016

    Romanian national football team has won its first point at EURO 2016

    Again Romania mainly relied on a defensive game. If we think of the game against France, manager Anghel Iordanescu operated several changes in his lineup, yet he maintained the team’s defensive orientation. In the first half, Romanian defenders were so good at closing offensive lanes towards their goalie Ciprian Tatarusanu.

    The Romanians managed to up audacious counter-attacking bouts creating very good scoring opportunities. On 18 minute, Alex Chipciu managed to penetrate the Swiss’ box, Stephan Lichtsteiner grabbed him by the T-shirt and the referee granted a penalty kick to the Romanians. Bogdan Stancu turned the spot-kick into a goal and with two goals on his record sheet he has become EURO 2016’s top scorer so far, jointly with French footballer Dmitry Payet.

    After the goal, the Romanians had several other opportunities to score. Yet on 57 minutes it was the Swiss who did that, through Admir Mehmedi. After that, the game gradually moved to the Romanians half of the pitch. Anghel Iordanescu’s trainees gave in, physically, and the Swiss took full control of the last part of the game. However, the 1-all draw result is a fair one.

    In the second fixture of the same group, France outclassed Albania 2-nil, with both goals being scored in extra time.

    If they want to keep their hopes alive to go past the group stage, the Romanians are in dire need of a win against Albania, in this coming Sunday’s game in Lyon. Albanian national squad’s defensive party will be difficult to penetrate since they almost perfectly closed in on their Swiss and French opponents’ offensive bouts in the recently-played fixtures.

    However, the team coached by Italian Giovanni de Biasi is likely to put up a more open game against Romania, since a win would maintain Albania in the race for the group’s 3rd position. Under the circumstances, Romanian strikers could have much wider maneuver areas on the pitch. But let’s just see how Anghel Iordanescu will think out the fixture against Albania.

  • 16.06.2016


    Justice – Mircea Basescu, le frère de l’ex président roumain Traian Basescu a été condamné aujourd’hui à quatre ans de prison ferme pour trafic d’influence, dans un dossier de corruption ouvert il y a deux ans. Selon la Direction nationale anti-corruption, entre février 2011 et février 2012, Mircea Basescu aurait reçu 250 mille euros de la part d’un dénonciateur en échange de la promesse d’intervenir auprès de plusieurs magistrats chargés de l’instruction d’un dossier visant un chef de clan mafieux. Le but de l’intervention c’était d’obtenir une décision favorable de la Cour : soit une peine raccourcie, soit la mise en liberté.

    Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis doit visiter aujourd’hui plusieurs
    localités de la région de Pleven, Grivitsa et Pordim pour rendre hommage aux
    héros roumains et russes tombés sur le champ d’honneur de la guerre de 1877 de
    libération de la Bulgarie de la domination ottomane. Mercredi, le président
    Iohannis a rencontré son homologue Rosen Plevneliev, pour des pourparlers
    ciblés sur la consolidation de la coopération économique, politique et militaire.
    Les deux chefs de l’Etat se sont prononcés en faveur de la consolidation de la
    défense dans la région de la Mer Noire, vu les changements que subit le milieu
    sécuritaire. Parmi les autres repères de la dernière journée de visite
    officielle en Bulgarie du chef de l’Etat roumain, mentionnons la rencontre à
    Sofia avec les enseignants et les élèves du lycée de langue roumaine
    « Miahi Eminescu » et la réunion avec les spécialistes qui
    travaillent au gazoduc Giurgiu – Roussé qui sera inauguré à la fin de l’année
    en cours.

    Canada – En visite au Canada, le premier ministre roumain, Dacian Ciolos a évoqué mercredi lors d’une réunion avec son homologue canadien Justin Trudeau, la problématique des visas pour les citoyens roumains. Le chef du cabinet de Bucarest souhaite que ce sujet soit analysé du point de vue politique par le gouvernement d’Ottawa, vu que ces dernières années, il a été traité surtout du point de vue technique dans le cadre de différents formats de négociation. M Ciolos a également présenté une lettre conjointe signée aussi par le premier ministre bulgare Boyko Borissov qui souligne le besoin d’une réciprocité dans la question des visas accordés aux citoyens roumains et bulgares, conformément à la déclaration du dernier sommet UE – Canada, de 2014. La Roumanie et la Bulgarie sont les deux derniers pays de l’UE, pour les ressortissants desquels le Canada maintient des visas obligatoires. Bucarest à libéralisé en 2002 le régime des visas pour les citoyens canadiens, conformément aux normes européennes. Les deux premier-ministres ont également parlé des très bonnes relations bilatérales et du rôle que jouent les 200 mille canadiens d’origine roumaine, parfaitement intégrés dans la culture du pays, fait savoir le gouvernement de Bucarest.

    Chisinau – Le ministre roumain des AE, Lazar Comanescu et le secrétaire d’Etat aux Affaires européenne du Ministère français des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international, Harlem Désir entament aujourd’hui une visite de deux jours en République de Moldova. Les deux responsables rencontreront le chef de la diplomatie moldave, Andrei Galbur, pour analyser l’évolution du dialogue politique entre la République de Moldova et l’UE, la mise en œuvre de l’agenda des réformes structurelles aux termes de l’accord d’association à l’UE ainsi que d’autres sujets de la coopération bilatérale. Selon la diplomatie de Bucarest, le ministre roumain et le secrétaire d’Etat français seront reçus par le président de la République de Moldova, Adrian Candu, par le premier ministre Pavel Filip, avant des entretiens avec les représentants de la société civile et des partis politiques.

    Théâtre – Des spectacles événement sont prévus aujourd’hui, septième jour du Festival International de théâtre de Sibiu, dans le centre de la Roumanie, un des plus importants festivals mondiaux consacrés aux arts du spectacle. La compagnie américaine The Actors Gang présente « Le Songe d’une nuit d’été » par William Shakespeare, mis en scène par Tim Robbins. Le célèbre acteur américain, récompensé d’un Oscar est présent à Sibiu où il doit recevoir samedi une étoile sur l’Allée des Célébrités. Egalement au programme d’aujourd’hui : le spectacle « Métamorphoses », d’après Ovide, mis en scène par Silviu Purcarete au Théâtre national Radu Stanca de Sibiu. Spectacles dans des salles de théâtre, mais aussi dans les rues et les places médiévales, concerts dans des églises, expositions, ateliers de théâtre, projections de films et lancements de livres, complètent l’image de la 23e édition de ce festival qui a réuni à Sibiu 2500 artistes de 70 pays.

    Exercice – Le chef de l’Etat Major de l’Armée roumaine, le général Nicolae Ciuca participe aujourd’hui à l’exercice multinational Anakonda 16, déroulé dans le nord-ouest de la Pologne. L’armée roumaine participe avec un détachement formé de plus de 250 militaires et avec environ 40 moyens techniques. Déroulé jusqu’au 17 juin Anakonda 16 est un exercice multinational qui implique plus de 25 mille militaires de 19 pays membres de l’OTAN – Albanie, Bulgarie, Canada, République Tchèque, Croatie, Estonie, Allemagne, Lettonie, Lituanie, Royaume Uni, Pays Bas, Roumanie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Espagne, Etats-Unis, Turquie et Hongrie et quatre pays partenaires : Géorgie, Finlande, Ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine et Suède. C’est le plus ample exercice militaire déroulé en Pologne ces 25 dernières années.

    Paris – La sélection nationale de foot de Roumanie a terminé à égalité, 1 partout, son deuxième match de l’Euro 2016 de foot en France contre la Suisse. Dans le même groupe A, la France a battu l’Albanie sur le score de 2 but à 0. Dans les matchs précédents de la phase des poules, la Roumanie s’est inclinée face à la France sur le score de 1 à 2, alors que les Suisses ont battu l’Albanie sur 1 but à 0. Avec 6 points la France domine le groupe et elle est déjà qualifiée dans les huitièmes de finale. Elle est suivie par la Suisse avec 4 points et par la Roumanie, avec un seul point et par l’Albanie qui n’a aucun point. Pour qu’elle puisse se qualifier aux huitièmes, la Roumanie doit absolument battre l’Albanie dimanche. C’est le premier tournoi final de l’Euro de foot à 24 équipes. Hormis les premières deux équipes de chaque poule, quatre sélections nationales placées en troisième position se qualifieront également dans les huitièmes de finale.

  • 15.06.2016 (mise à jour)

    15.06.2016 (mise à jour)

    Coopération — L’intérêt de la Roumanie d’adhérer à l’espace Schengen reste inchangé et Bucarest poursuivra les démarches de renforcement des parties des frontières extérieures de l’UE qui lui reviennent, a affirmé mercredi le président roumain Klaus Iohannis à l’issue d’une entrevue, à Sofia, avec son homologue bulgare, Rosen Plevneliev. A son tour, celui-ci a appelé tous les Etats communautaires à mieux coopérer afin que le projet de l’espace sans passeports ne subisse pas d’altérations. Les deux hommes ont, par ailleurs, évoqué l’amélioration de la coopération économique et commerciale bilatérale, le partenariat de la Bulgarie et de la Roumanie au sein de l’UE et l’OTAN ou encore la situation en Europe du Sud-Est, sur la toile de fond des risques sécuritaires et de la pression migratoire. A noter que la Roumanie est le 3e partenaire commercial européen de la Bulgarie.

    OTAN — Le président bulgare, Rosen Plevneliev, a annoncé que son pays participera avec des militaires à la constitution de la prochaine brigade multinationale de l’OTAN, qui sera stationnée en Roumanie. Dans le même temps, le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a précisé qu’au prochain sommet de l’OTAN, à Varsovie, Bucarest et Sofia demanderont aux pays alliés de créer une flotte permanente de l’organisation en mer Noire. Par cette initiative, « nous ne souhaitons ni revenir à la guerre froide ni laisser penser que nous nous préparons à attaquer quiconque. Nous souhaitons juste assurer notre défense et montrer que nous sommes présents dans la région », a indiqué le président roumain.

    Abus de fonction — La Cour constitutionnelle roumaine a partiellement donné raison, mercredi, aux contestataires d’un article du Code Pénal réglementant l’abus de fonction, qui arguaient du caractère non-constitutionnel et ambigu du texte. La définition de l’abus de fonction change désormais. Il ne s’agit plus d’un « agissement défectueux » d’un fonctionnaire public, mais d’un « agissement violant la loi », a statué la Cour constitutionnelle. Celle-ci a par ailleurs rejeté toutes les autres requêtes visant le caractère non-constitutionnel de textes de loi qui servent de fondement à l’activité du Parquet anti-corruption. Parmi les signataires de ces saisines comptent d’anciens ministres et une ancienne cheffe du parquet anti-mafia qui figurent sur la liste des personnes accusées d’abus de fonction. La procureure en chef de la Direction nationale anticorruption, Laura Codruta Kovesi, avait attiré l’attention sur le fait que si l’abus de fonction n’était plus incriminé il serait impossible de récupérer les préjudices causés en commentant cette infraction. L’année dernière, ces préjudices se sont montés à 620 millions d’euros. A présent, plus de 40% des dossiers de corruption portent sur des abus de fonction.

    Foot — L’équipe nationale de Roumanie a fait match nul mercredi, à Paris, avec la sélection suisse, 1-1, dans le cadre de la poule A de l’Euro 2016 de foot. C’est la deuxième partie pour les Roumains après s’être inclinés devant la France, 2 buts à 1, vendredi dernier, lors du match d’inauguration de la compétition. Samedi la Suisse, elle, s’est imposée face à l’Albanie. Les derniers matchs du groupe sont prévus dimanche, lorsque la Roumanie jouera contre l’Albanie et la France contre la Suisse.

  • June 15, 2016 UPDATE

    June 15, 2016 UPDATE

    EURO 2016 – Romania met Switzerland on Wednesday evening in Paris in their second Group A match at EURO 2016. The match ended in a draw, each side scoring once. In the same group, France play Albania in Marseille. In their opening match last Friday, Romania lost to host country France 1-2, while Switzerland defeated Albania 1-nil on Saturday. On Tuesday in the first Group F matches, Hungary defeated Austria 2-nil, while Portugal drew against Iceland 1-all.

    RULING – Romania’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday narrowed the definition of abuse of public office, saying it should apply to cases where public servants actually broke the law rather than where they caused harm by not doing their jobs properly. The abuse of public office, however, will remain a criminal offence, which eases concerns over the fate of a crackdown on high-level graft. The Court had resumed, on Wednesday, debates on a Criminal Code article about abuse of office, following a complaint that its text is ambiguous and unconstitutional. The complaint was signed by former ministers and a former head of the anti-mafia body who have been indicted for abuse of office. The chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate Laura Codruta Kovesi warned that a possible decriminalisation in this case would make it impossible to recover the losses caused as a result of abuse of office, which last year amounted to 620 million euros. 40% of the cases under investigation at the moment refer to abuse of office. In response, the National Union of Judges sent Kovesi a public letter urging her to put an end to what it described as pressures on the Constitutional Court before this is due to make public its ruling.

    RadiRo – The RadiRo Festival, organised by Radio Romania, the only international music event exclusively dedicated to radio ensembles in Europe, will take place in Bucharest from September 24th to October 1st, 2016. As many as eight concerts in eight days of festival, five European radio orchestras, sixteen conductors and soloists who hold the headline of the international music scene – this is how the name card of the RadiRo Festival looks like in 2016, featuring a spectacular mix of the classical, modern and contemporary repertoire. The honorary director of the festival will be Kristjan Järvi, principal conductor of the MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra.

    NATO – Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, on Wednesday demanded that Russia should withdraw its forces and military hardware from Ukraine, and halt its support for pro-Moscow separatists battling Kiev. Stoltenberg made these statements on Wednesday, the last day of a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Brussels. NATO’s Secretary General also announced that the heads of state and government of the NATO countries would show their firm support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by inviting Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko at the Alliance’s summit in Warsaw next month. Moscow has constantly denied any direct involvement on the side of the rebels in the conflict that has made over nine thousand victims in the past two years.

    VISIT – Bulgaria’s President, Rosen Plevneliev, announced on Wednesday in Sofia, after a meeting with his Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis, that his country would contribute military to NATO’s future multinational brigade in Romania. In his turn, Klaus Iohannis said that at the NATO summit in Warsaw due on July 8 and 9, Romania and Bulgaria would ask the allies to set up a permanent NATO fleet at the Black Sea. The agenda of the meeting in Sofia also includes ways to develop economic and trade cooperation, Romanias partnership with Bulgaria within NATO and the European Union, collaboration in south-eastern Europe and the security situation in the region. Romanias president and his Bulgarian counterpart will also attend the opening of the Romanian-Bulgarian Business Forum. Romanias president Klaus Iohannis pays an official visit to Bulgaria on Wednesday and Thursday for talks with his Bulgarian counterpart Rosen Plevneliev and prime minister Boyko Borissov.

    IMF – The International Monetary Fund warns that Romania may see its economy grow by even 4% a year, but only if it stimulates investments, steps up the absorption of European funds and solves the problems facing state companies. A former head of the IMF mission to Romania, Jeffrey Franks said, however, that he would prefer to see Romania grow by 3.5% every year for ten years rather than see it grow by 4.5% for five years and then witness an economic crisis.

    VISAS – The issue of visas for Romanian citizens travelling to Canada is the main subject of a trip to this country by Romanias prime minister Dacian Ciolos on the 14th and 15th of June. He is due to meet his counterpart Justin Trudeau in Ottawa and the General Governor of Canada David Johnston, as well as members of the Romanian community. This is the first Romanian-Canadian meeting at prime minister level in the last 10 years. The nationals of Romania and Bulgaria are the only ones in the European Union still needing visas to travel to Canada.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 15 June, 2016

    15 June, 2016

    Romania’s president
    Klaus Iohannis pays an official visit to Bulgaria today and tomorrow for talks
    with his Bulgarian counterpart Rosen Plevneliev and prime minister Boyko
    Borissov. They will discuss ways to develop economic and trade cooperation,
    Romania’s partnership with Bulgaria within NATO and the European Union,
    collaboration in south-eastern Europe and the security situation in the region.
    Romania’s president and his Bulgarian counterpart will also attend the opening
    of the Romanian-Bulgarian Business Forum. Romania is Bulgaria’s third largest
    trade partner in Europe. President Iohannis will visit the building site of the
    Giurgiu-Ruse gas pipeline, an important project for the energy security of the
    two states and the region. He will also meet representatives of the Romanian
    ethnic community in Bulgaria and visit the Mihai Eminescu High School in Sofia,
    which provides teaching in Romanian.

    The issue
    of visas for Romanian citizens travelling to Canada is the main subject of a
    trip to this country by Romania’s prime minister Dacian Ciolos on the 14th
    and 15th of June. He is due to meet his counterpart Justin Trudeau
    in Ottawa and the General Governor of Canada David Johnston, as well as
    members of the Romanian community. This is the first Romanian-Canadian meeting
    at prime minister level in the last 10 years. The nationals of Romania and
    Bulgaria are the only ones in the European Union still needing visas to travel
    to Canada.

    The International Monetary Fund warns that Romania may
    see its economy grow by even 4% a year, but only if it stimulates investments,
    steps up the absorption of European funds and solves the problems facing state
    companies. A former head of the IMF mission to Romania, Jeffrey Franks said,
    however, that he would prefer to see Romania grow by 3.5% every year for ten
    years rather than see it grow by 4.5% for five years and then witness an
    economic crisis.

    The Constitutional Court of Romania today resumes debates
    on a Criminal Code article about abuse of office, following a complaint that
    its text is ambiguous and unconstitutional. The complaint was signed by former
    ministers and a former head of the anti-mafia body who have been indicted for
    abuse of office. The chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption
    Directorate Laura Codruta Kovesi warned that a possible decriminalisation in
    this case would make it impossible to recover the losses caused as a result of
    abuse of office, which last year amounted to 620 million euros. 40% of the
    cases under investigation at the moment refer to abuse of office. In response,
    the National Union of Judges sent Kovesi a public letter urging her to put an
    end to what it described as pressures on the Constitutional Court before this
    is due to make public its ruling.

    Romania meet
    Switzerland today in Paris in their second Group A match at EURO 2016. In the
    same group, France play Albania in Marseille. In their opening match last
    Friday, Romania lost to host country France 1-2, while Switzerland defeated
    Albania 1-nil on Saturday. On Tuesday in the first Group F matches, Hungary
    defeated Austria 2-nil, while Portugal drew against Iceland 1-all.

    Romania’s rugby side defeated Uruguay 40-nil in Bucharest
    on Tuesday in a World Rugby Nations Cup game. The game, which started on Monday
    night, was stopped after 28 minutes because of a thunderstorm, while Romania
    was leading 18-nil. In their first game last week, Romania defeated Namibia
    20-8. On Saturday, they will play Argentina for the trophy. This is the tenth
    time Romania plays host to the World Rugby Nations Cup, an important event in
    the rugby calendar. (Translated by: C. Mateescu)

    renowned European radio orchestras to attend RadiRo Festival 2016!

    concerts in 8 days of festival, 5 European radio orchestras, 16 conductors and
    soloists who hold the headline of the international musical scene: this is how
    the name card of the RadiRo Festival looks like in 2016, featuring a
    spectacular mix of the classical, modern and contemporary repertoire. The
    honorary director of the festival will be Kristjan Järvi, principal conductor
    of the MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra.

    by Radio Romania, the RadiRo Festival, which is the only international musical
    event exclusively dedicated to radio ensembles in Europe, will take place in
    Bucharest from September 24th to October 1st, 2016.

    festival will showcase European radio ensembles who have made the history of
    the special dialogue between radio and classical music in the last half of a
    century: the Norwegian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the MDR Radio Symphony
    Orchestra, the ORF Radio – Symphonie Orchester Wien, the BBC Concert
    Orchestra and, the host of the event, the Romanian Radio National Orchestra.

    By means of their
    unique magical way of performing, which has won the wide acclaim from both
    critics and the audience, famous scores will take new life in the hands of
    violinists Gidon Kremer and Alexandru Tomescu, pianists Stefano Bollani, Vadym
    Kholodenko and Denis Kozhukhin, cellist Răzvan Suma, together with Tine Thing
    Helseth – trumpet and other soloists instrumentalists of the guest orchestras.
    Innovative approaches will come one after another under the baton of renowned
    conductors like Miguel Harth – Bedoya, Cristian Măcelaru, Cornelius Meister,
    Leo Hussain, Barry Wordsworth and Kristjan Järvi.

    Subscriptions to RadiRo
    2016 will go on sale starting from June 15th 2016 and will be
    available on www.eventim.ro.

  • Debut Euro 2016 cu incidente şi spectacol fotbalistic

    Debut Euro 2016 cu incidente şi spectacol fotbalistic

    Nici presa internaţională de specialitate, nici zecile de milioane de suporteri de pe continent nu-şi aduc aminte un turneu final cu un debut atât de tensionat ca acest Euro 2016. Haosul creat la Marsilia de huliganii ruşi şi englezi, aportul pegrei locale în incidentele de la Nisa, ciocnirile de la Lille dintre suporterii germani şi cei ucraineni semnalează, după numai trei zile, fisuri majore în dispozitivul de ordine.

    Când nu ai reacţie în faţa unor bestii de stradă, cum neutralizezi atunci terorismul adevărat?” — se întreabă, retoric, cotidianul bucureştean Gazeta Sporturilor, care adaugă că e clar că pe stadioanele de la Euro 2016 poţi intra aproape cu orice, în afară poate de un tanc, de vreme ce ruşii au pătruns cu, cel mai probabil, un pistol de semnalizare?” Organismul administrativ şi de control al fotbalului continental, UEFA a deschis o anchetă privind violenţele produse la finalul meciului de fotbal dintre Anglia şi Rusia şi a avertizat că dacă suporterii acestora recidivează, cele două echipe ar putea fi descalificate.

    În paralel, cu cinism, afirmă unii, sau cu un remarcabil pragmatism, potrivit altora, sindicatele franceze încearcă să smulgă concesii maxime din partea unui guvern deja cu spatele la zid. Pentru a forţa anularea noii legislaţii din domeniul muncii, care facilitează concedierea salariaţilor, piloţii companiei aeriene naţionale Air France au declanşat, sâmbătă, o grevă ce afectează suplimentar desfăşurarea campionatului. Protestul piloţilor e o nouă escaladare a tensiunilor sociale din ţară.

    Gunoaiele nu vor fi ridicate în Paris până miercuri, serviciile feroviare abia şi-au reluat cursele după o grevă de nouă zile, iar la sfârşitul lunii mai benzinăriile au rămas fără combustibil, în urma protestelor de la rafinării. Neafectat, deocamdată, de tensiunile din afara gazonului, fotbalul de la Euro 2016 e unul spectaculos.

    Naţionala României a avut, în premieră, ocazia să joace în partida de deschidere, în compania echipei gazde, de care a fost învinsă, vineri seară, cu 1-2. Încurajati din tribune de 20 de mii de compatrioţi exuberanţi, dar de o civilitate exemplară, românii au început curajos şi, în minutul 3, au fost la un pas de deschiderea scorului. Apoi au rezistat aproape o oră asalturilor Franţei, cotată drept favorita la titlul continental.

    Giroud a deschis scorul in minutul 57, Stancu a egalat pentru România, din penalty, după opt minute, iar Payet a înscris golul victoriei franceze în minutul 89, când toată România începuse să creadă că remiza e posibilă. Copiii ghinionului” i-a numit pe fotbaliştii români după meciul cu Franţa unul dintre cei mai repectaţi editorialişti sportivi de la Bucureşti.

    În cealaltă partidă din Grupa A, sâmbătă, Elveţia a învins Albania cu 1-0. Următoarea etapă a partidelor din grupă are loc miercuri, după programul Franţa-Albania şi România-Elveţia, şi toţi suporterii români spun că e momentul ca echipa să câştige.

  • A la Une de la presse roumaine 13.06.2016

    A la Une de la presse roumaine 13.06.2016

    part les matchs de l’Euro 2016, le début du BAC et l’incident tragique à
    Orlando aux Etats-Unis, les journaux n’abondent pas en sujets en ce début de
    semaine. Côté politique « le PSD voudrait destituer le gouvernement, mais
    il a un dilemme» et une interview avec que Clotilde Armand, une Française à
    nationalité roumaine depuis une année, candidate à la mairie du premier
    arrondissement de la capitale. Côté économie, la presse se penche sur « le
    plus grand problème de la Roumanie à l’heure actuelle » et les futurs
    investissements chinois en terre roumaine. Enfin, la presse passe en revue la
    date du 13 juin dans l’histoire de la Roumanie.

  • June 13, 2016

    June 13, 2016

    Italian President, Sergio Mattarella, is paying a two-day official visit to Bucharest, upon an invitation extended by his Romanian counterpart Klaus Iohannis. The two officials will discuss about consolidating bilateral ties at political, economic and cultural level, but also about migration and security at the EU’s external borders. Sergio Mattarella will attend on Tuesday in Bucharest an economic forum on Italian investment in Romania. Romania’s is Italy’s second most important economic partner with trade worth 13 billion euros. According to Italian Ambassador to Bucharest, Diego Brasioli, Italy is one of the EU countries supporting Romania’s joining the Schengen area. Over 1,200,000 Romanians are currently living in Italy, while the number of Italians in Romania stands at around 20,000.

    World leaders, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis included, voiced solidarity with the United States after the deadliest mass shooting in the history of this country, which left 50 people dead and 53 injured. “We know enough to say this was an act of terror and act of hate,” President Obama said in an address to the nation from the White House. Authorities identified the attacker as Omar Mateen, an American citizen of Aafghan origin aged 29. The IS sympathizer, was killed by SWAT officers. He had been interviewed by the FBI in 2013 and 2014 but was not found to be a threat, the FBI said.

    The Romanian foreign minister Lazar Comanescu is today attending a ministerial meeting to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the signing of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty. The document was negotiated between 1993 and 1996 and adopted in September 1996. The signatory parties undertake not to test nuclear weapons and take every necessary measure to prevent and ban such actions on their territory. Romania signed the treaty in 1996 and ratified it in 1999. In Vienna, minister Comanescu also chairs the opening of the ministerial segment of the Preparatory Committee of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation and give a talk on the global efforts to implement the treaty as an essential component of the international security architecture.

    In Romania, direct foreign investment went up by 112 million euros in April as against the same month of 2015, accounting for 887 million euros in the first four months of the year. The announcement has been made today by the National Bank of Romania. According to the same source, direct foreign investment exceeded 3 billion euros last year, by 25% more than in 2014.

    The International Theatre Festival, one of the biggest events in the world devoted to performing arts, continues in the Romanian city of Sibiu. The 23rd edition of the festival, that has brought together over 2800 artists from 70 countries, ends on June 19th. The theme of this year’s edition of the festival is Building Trust. Many of the performances to be presented celebrate the work of William Shakespeare, marking 400 years since his death.

    The Romanian Naval Forces and the US Navy are carrying out drills in the Black Sea as of today, to exercise standard procedures and enhance interoperability between the fleets of the two states. Romania participates with the Queen Marie Frigate, a corvette, two dredgers, two rocket vessels, a Puma Naval helicopter and divers from the Special Operations unit. Two MiG21 Lancer planes belonging to the Romanian Air Forces will also be used in combat simulations. The US participates with its USS Porter destroyer, which will be exercising standard communications procedures with the Romanian Navy. The vessel first arrived in the Constanta port in 2006, and this is its third trip to Romania.

    Croatia defeated Turkey 1-nil in their Euro 2016 Group D opener on Sunday. Also in Group D, defending European champions Spain meet the Czech Republic today. In Group E, Belgium face Italy, while Ireland take on Sweden, also today. We recall that Romania lost their opening Group A match against France 1-2, while Switzerland defeated Albania 1-nil, also in Group A. On Wednesday, Romania face Switzerland.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 12.06.2016 (mise à jour)

    12.06.2016 (mise à jour)

    Nucléaire — Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Lazar Comanescu, participe lundi, à Vienne, à la réunion ministérielle qui marque le 20e anniversaire du Traité sur l’interdiction complète des essais nucléaires, apprend-on par un communiqué du ministère roumain des Affaires étrangères. Adopté en 1996, ce document a été négocié par les différentes parties pendant trois ans, à compter de 1993. En vertu de ce Traité, les États parties sengagent à ne pas effectuer dexplosion expérimentale darme nucléaire et de sabstenir de provoquer ou dencourager lexécution — ou de participer de quelque manière que ce soit à lexécution — de toute explosion expérimentale darme nucléaire ou de toute autre essai nucléaire. C’est en 1996 que la Roumanie a signé ce traité, qu’elle a ratifié par la suite en 1999.

    A Vienne, le ministre Lazar Comanescu ouvrira les travaux de la Commission préparatrice de l’Organisation du Traité sur l’interdiction complète des essais nucléaires et fera le point sur les efforts pour l’adoption à l’échelle globale de ce document, élément essentiel pour l’actuelle architecture sécuritaire internationale.

    Foot — A l’Euro 2016 de foot, à Paris, les Roumains se préparent pour la rencontre de mercredi avec la sélection nationale suisse, dans le cadre de la poule A. Ils tenteront de récupérer l’écart qui les sépare des Français, qui dominent le groupe et devant lesquels ils s’étaient inclinés vendredi, lors du match d’ouverture de la compétition, terminé sur le score de 2 buts à 1 pour les Bleus. Entre temps, dans la même poule, la Suisse a eu raison de l’Albanie, 1 but à 0, le classement provisoire de ce groupe ayant la France sur la première place, suivie par la Suisse, la Roumanie et l’Albanie.

    Météo — Temps très instable en Roumanie notamment sur les régions occidentales, méridionales et centrales. Des tendances fortement orageuses devraient s’y manifester avec des pluies à verse, phénomènes électriques et des rafales de vent. La grêle devrait également faire son apparition, tandis que les quantités d’eau devraient s’encadrer entre 15 à 20 litres par mètre carré et se monter jusqu’à même 40 litres au mètre carré, à certains endroits. Les maximales pour les 24 prochaines heures devraient aller de 16 à 26 degrés.