Tag: Gabriel Oprea

  • January 26, 2016 UPDATE

    January 26, 2016 UPDATE

    MOLDOVA– The new Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Pavel Filip, has said in Bucharest that his country is going through difficult political times, but his government wants to prove it is a European one. The Moldovan official has also said that Romania’s support is extremely valuable to Chisinau and has thanked the Romanian authorities for their help. In turn, the Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has stressed that Romania will support Moldova financially as soon as measures are taken proving that there is will to reform the country. The 150 million Euro reimbursable loan will be disbursed in three instalments. The Republic of Moldova’s political stability is important not only to Chisinau, but also to Romania and the entire region, Dacian Ciolos has also said. Pavel Filip has also been received in audience by Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis. His visit to Romania, the first after the Moldovan government was sworn in last week, is taking place against the background of protests staged by pro-Russia parties and the pro-European Dignity and Truth Platform threatening with large-scale protest meetings unless early elections are announced by Thursday.

    JHA COUNCIL– Romanian justice minister, Raluca Pruna, attended, in Amsterdam, on Monday and Tuesday, an informal meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, alongside her counterparts from all the EU member states. The justice ministers discussed, among others, ways to exchange and share information on criminal records and cross border cyber crime. On the occasion, the Romanian official expressed confidence that the half-yearly rotating presidency of the EU Council, held by the Netherlands, will be extremely energetic in the field of justice and home affairs.

    CORRUPTION- The Speaker of the Romanian Senate, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, has announced that the Permanent Bureau of the upper chamber of the Romanian Parliament on Wednesday will discuss the National Anti-Corruption Directorates request to start prosecution against former Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea. The ordinary session of the legislature starts on February 1. The leader of the National Union for the Progress of Romania, former interior minister Gabriel Oprea, is facing two charges of abuse in office, relating to the use of the official motorcade.

    FINANCE– The European Commission has published a report warning that 11 European countries, including Romania, are faced with high risks concerning the sustainability of public finances, with a debt level standing high even after a 10 year time-frame. According to the same document, though, in the short run Bucharest is not faced with significant risks of fiscal pressure. The European Commission has also announced that Romania’s public debt might increase to over 60% of the GDP in 2026. The other countries mentioned in the report are France, Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia, Finland and Great Britain.

    PROTEST-The main professional forestry associations in Romania on Tuesday organized in Bucharest, in front of the Government building, a protest action aimed at unblocking the activity of this sector. The main claims are related to the state-owned company “Romsilva, about which protesters say it blocked the entire industry after increasing by 300% the wood auction starting price. Therefore, those who need wood choose to buy it from the black market, and not from the state company, and that has tripled illegal cutting and selling of wood. Romania is now one of the countries with the highest prices of wood in Europe, protesters say.

    TERRORISM– Islamic State Jihadists are preparing fresh attacks within the EU, a report issued by the European Police Office, Europol, reads. The document talks about a change in ISIS’s strategy, which is now capable of staging very complex and well coordinated strings of attacks anytime and anywhere in the world, with support from local militants. The report was presented on the official launching in Amsterdam of a new European Counter Terrorism Centre. The centre will mainly focus on the community of 5,000 European citizens who became radicals after taking part in the conflicts in Syria and Iraq, many of whom returned to their countries of origin and are now a major threat to security, Europol, has announced. The Islamic State terrorist organisation is active in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan. Since September 2014, an US-led international coalition has been launching air strikes against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

    TENNIS-The Romanian Horia Tecau and the American Coco Vandeweghe have qualified without actually playing in the quarter finals of the Australian Open’s mixed doubles. The two tennis players were to play against the all-Italian pair Sara Errani/Fabio Fognini, but the latter decided to withdraw from the competition. In the next stage, the Romanian – American pair will play against the Americans Bob Bryan/ Bethanie Mattek – Sands, seeded 2nd at the competition. Horia Tecau and the Dutch Jean Julien Rojer, the Australian Open’s first seeds, failed to qualify for the semi-finals, as they were defeated by the French Adrian Mannarino and Lucas Pouille.

    (Translated by Diana Vijeu and Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • 25.01.2016


    Corruption – La Direction nationale anticorruption a demandé le feu vert du Sénat pour lancer des procédures pénales contre l’ancien ministre de l’Intérieur, Gabriel Oprea, accusé d’abus de fonctions. Celui-ci est soupçonné d’avoir utilisé illégalement, durant son mandat, des ressources humaines et matérielles du ministère. Les procureurs anticorruption ont démarré une enquête en ce sens après qu’un policier qui escortait Oprea eut perdu la vie lors d’un accident de moto. Après plusieurs jours de silence pendant que l’opinion publique a réagi violemment lui demandant de démissionner, Gabriel Oprea a été poussé à se prononcer sur les évènements, surtout sur le but de son déplacement et les raisons lui ayant permis de recourir à un convoi officiel.

    Réunion – Le ministre roumain de l’Intérieur, Petre Tobă, participe, ce lundi, à Amsterdam, à la Réunion informelle des ministres de la Justice et de l’Intérieur, organisée par la présidence hollandaise de l’UE. L’agenda est dominé par deux thèmes d’actualité : la sécurité intérieure de l’UE et la migration. Les ministres de l’Intérieur doivent également débattre de la proposition de la Commission de créer un corps européen de gardes-côtes et gardes-frontières pour reprendre la maîtrise des frontières extérieures de l’Union. La réunion se déroule en présence du commissaire chargé de la Migration et des Affaires Intérieures, Dimitris Avramopoulos, du chef de l’Europol et des représentants de plusieurs agences européennes. Selon des sources européennes, les ministres européens de l’Intérieur pourraient une nouvelle fois discuter de la possibilité d’étendre jusqu’à deux ans les rétablissements de contrôles aux frontières situées à l’intérieur de l’espace de libre circulation de Schengen. Plus d’un million de ressortissants extra communautaires ont pénétré dans l’espace de l’UE cette dernière année, ce qui a généré des disputes entre les Etats membres et aussi des mesures radicales. L’Allemagne, l’Autriche, la Suède et le Danemark ont déjà introduit, ces derniers mois, des contrôles temporaires à l’intérieur de l’espace Schengen.

    Gaz – La Roumanie n’a pas et n’aura pas de problèmes de couvrir la demande en gaz naturel malgré une hausse de la consommation suite au gel des derniers jours, ont affirmé les représentants de l’Agence de réglementation dans le domaine de l’Energie. La consommation moyenne en hiver s’élève à presque 50 millions de mètres cubes par jour. A part le gaz issu de la production intérieure et des importations, la Roumanie dispose aussi de réserves souterraines d’un milliard et demi de mètres cubes de gaz. Il n’y a donc aucun souci quant à l’impossibilité de faire face à la demande, a précisé l’Agence.

    Visite – Le premier ministre de la République de Moldova, Pavel Filip, fera demain une visite à Bucarest à l’invitation de son homologue roumain Dacian Cioloş, a annoncé le gouvernement de Chişinău. Les pourparlers seront dominés par les actions à mettre en place par les deux gouvernements afin d’impulser la mise en œuvre des initiatives et des projets convenus entre Chişinău et Bucarest. Les discussions viseront aussi l’agenda des réformes établies dans l’Accord d’association entre la République de Moldova et l’UE. C’est la première visite officielle du premier ministre Pavel Filip après son investiture et elle survient dans le contexte de la poursuite des protestations contre le nouveau cabinet de Chişinău. Quelque 20.000 manifestants – issus des forces politiques de gauche mais aussi de droite, tant pro européennes que pro russes – ont manifesté, dimanche, à Chişinău, demandant la tenue d’élections anticipées en République de Moldova, où la crise politique s’approfondit depuis plus d’un an.

    Tennis – Les principaux favoris de l’Open d’Australie au double messieurs, le Roumain Horia Tecau et le Néerlandais Jean-Julien Rojer, se sont qualifiés dans les quarts de finale du tournoi de Melbourne, premier Grand Chelem de l’année. Ils ont eu raison de la paire italienne Marco Cecchinato/ Andreas Seppi. L’autre binôme masculin Florin Mergea (Roumanie) – Rohan Bopanna (Inde), tête de série numéro quatre, a perdu face au duo Treat Huey (Philippines)/Max Mirnyi (Bélarus).

    Météo – Jusqu’à mardi, la Roumanie continue d’être placée en vigilance jaune au froid intense, à l’exception de cinq comtés de l’ouest et du nord-ouest. Même si les températures marquent une légère hausse par rapport aux jours précédents, le temps sera plus froid que d’habitude dans la majeure partie du pays, et le grand froid sévira notamment dans le sud et le sud-est. Il neige sur le nord du territoire, tandis que dans le nord-ouest, les précipitations peuvent revêtir la forme de giboulée ou de pluies. Les maximales vont de -8 à 2°.

  • January 25, 2016 UPDATE

    January 25, 2016 UPDATE

    European Union countries have asked the blocs executive to prepare for the extension of temporary border controls in the Schengen area for up to two years, Dutch Migration Minister Klaas Dijkhoff said on Monday. “Currently, the temporary border measures can be aken only for a limited period of six months. But the unprecedented influx of asylum seekers, which compelled member states to take these measures nationally, have not decreased yet,” Dijkhoff, who chaired the EU ministerial meeting in Amsterdam, told a news conference. Romania was represented at the meeting by its Home Affairs Minister Petre Toba.

    The European Counter Terrorism Centre (ECTC) has been opened in Amsterdam within the current organisational structure of Europol – the European Union law enforcement agency. The centre will improve information sharing among national police forces whose performance is under scrutiny after the jihadist attacks in Paris in November. “Our ambition is for the European Counter Terrorism Centre to become a central information hub in the fight against terrorism in the EU, providing analysis for ongoing investigations and contributing to a coordinated reaction in the event of major terrorist attacks,” said Europol’s Director Rob Wainwright. According to Wainwright, alongside counter-terrorism coordination, the centre will also monitor the way in which Islamic State (IS) and other extremist groups are abusing the Internet and social media, in particular for their propaganda and recruitment purposes.

    Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations envoy for Syria has announced that peace talks are scheduled to start on January 29 and might take around 6 months. UN talks on Syria will begin later this week, despite the continuing failure to agree who will represent the rebels fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and a lack of agreement on other key issues, the organisation has announced. Staffan de Mistura also said on Monday that the names of the people invited at the peace talks will be made public on Tuesday.

    The Romanian Foreign Ministry has announced that Ukrainian authorities signalled a swine flu outbreak in the country, a respiratory disease, caused by a strain of the influenza type A virus known as H1N1. Ukrainian officials have introduced a number of urgent measures to prevent the spreading of the virus, such as temporarily closing schools and banning some public gatherings. The Romanian Foreign Ministry strongly recommends Romanian citizens to avoid travelling to Ukraine in the upcoming period. H1N1 is the same strain that causes seasonal outbreaks of flu in humans on a regular basis. Symptoms of swine flu in humans appear to be similar to those produced by standard, seasonal flu – fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and chills.

    The Romanian Anti-Corruption Directorate has requested approval from the Senate for the prosecution of former Minister of the Interior, Gabriel Oprea, for abuse of office. He is suspected of illegally using the resources of the ministry when travelling on ministry business. He is also accused of illegally signing a protocol by which the same illegal benefits were granted to the general prosecutor with the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The Anti-Corruption Directorate started the investigation after a motorcycle police escort to the minister lost his life on duty in his official column. The lack of reaction after the incident and the lack of justification for that assignment sparked public outrage.

    The new PM of the Republic of Moldova, Pavel Filip, is paying a visit to Romania on Tuesday, invited by Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos. The two will be discussing joint projects and the reform agenda that Chisinau has committed to under the Association Agreement with the EU. This is the first official visit of the new Moldovan Prime Minister, while the situation in Chisinau is volatile. Over 20,000 protesters, pro-Russian political forces and representatives of civil society took to the streets on Sunday in Chisinau, condemning endemic corruption.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 09.11.2015 (mise à jour)

    09.11.2015 (mise à jour)

    Bilan – Le bilan des victimes de l’incendie, déclenché le 30 octobre dernier dans une boîte de nuit de Bucarest, s’est encore alourdi lundi; les autorités compétentes ont annoncé un nouveau décès, le nombre des morts ayant monté à 46. Des dizaines de blessés, dont certains en état très grave, sont soignés dans les hôpitaux de la capitale roumaine ; 30 patients ont été transférés dans des établissements hospitaliers à l’étranger. A part les lésions cutanées post-combustion, l’examen toxicologique a mis en évidence le fait que toutes les victimes présentent dans le sang des concentrations toxiques de monoxyde de carbone et d’acide cyanhydrique. 18 des personnes ayant perdu la vie lors de l’incendie avaient dans le sang des concentrations dépassant les valeurs létales. Par ailleurs, le gouvernement roumain a approuvé lundi le financement nécessaire pour le traitement des personnes hospitalisées. Le premier ministre par intérim, Sorin Cimpeanu, a fait savoir que le ministère du travail préparait un programme d’assistance et de soutien à la réinsertion des personnes affectées par la tragédie du 30 octobre.

    Démission- Suite à la démission du vice premier ministre chargé de la Sécurité nationale et ministre des Affaires Intérieures, Gabriel Oprea, le premier ministre par intérim, Sorin Campeanu, a été désigné par le chef de l’Etat à la tête du Ministère des Affaires Intérieures. M. Campeanu a délégué ses attributions de ministre de l’Intérieur au secrétaire d’Etat au sein du Ministère, Ilie Botos. Par ailleurs, la motion avancée par l’opposition libérale et intitulée « Gabriel Oprea doit partir ! Plus d’escorte officielle » a été retirée de l’ordre du jour du Sénat après la démission du leader de l’UNPR. Gabriel Oprea a été au cœur de deux scandales récents : le premier portant sur la mort d’un policier de son escorte officielle et le deuxième au sujet du plagiat pour sa thèse de doctorat.

    Météo- Il fait beau en Roumanie avec des maximales supérieures aux normales saisonnières, notamment dans le sud du pays. Le ciel sera couvert et des pluies éparses feront leur apparition à la montagne. Les minimales iront de 3 à 11 degrés et les maximales de 9 à 18.

  • UPDATE: Bilanțul tragediei din Club Colectiv a ajuns la 47 de morți

    UPDATE: Bilanțul tragediei din Club Colectiv a ajuns la 47 de morți

    UPDATE (ora. 19.45): Un nou deces a fost înregistrat în această seară, la Spitalul de Arși din București. Două victime ale incendiului de la clubul Colectiv au murit în cursul zilei de luni, ridicând bilanțul tragediei la 47 de decese. Alți 15 răniți internați în spitalele bucureștene se află în stare critică.

    În același timp, protestele continuă în Piața Universității din București pentru a șaptea zi consecutiv. Numărul manifestanților este mult mai mic în comparație cu săptămâna trecută. Astfel, circa 400 de persoane au participat la protestul din centrul Capitalei.

    Încă o victimă a incendiului din clubul Colectiv a decedat luni dimineaţă, după ce fusese transferată în Israel. Conform mai multor publicaţii, este vorba de jurnalista Teodora Maftei.

    30 de victime ale incendiului au fost transferate în străinătate, în ultimele trei zile, pentru a primi îngrijiri medicale. Cheltuilelile medicale ale victimelor ce suntr tratate în afara ţării sunt suporatte de statul român, după cum a anunţat Sorin Câmpeanu, premierul interimar. Alţi 35 de pacienţi se află în stare gravă, în spitalele din Bucureşti.

    Tot luni, Gabriel Oprea a demisionat luni din funcţia de ministru de Interne. Demisia fostului ministru şi vicepremier a fost cerută de manifestanţi, încă din prima zi de proteste. De asemenea, doi ofițeri-inspectori ai Inspectoratului pentru Situații de Urgență (ISU) București au fost reținuți de procurorii militari ai DNA. Cei doi angajați ISU sunt acuzați că nu și-au îndeplinit obligațiile legale, deși constataseră că nu există aviz de securitate la incendiu pentru clubul Colectiv.

  • Protests against Romanian Political Class

    Protests against Romanian Political Class

    Tuesday night’s large-scale protest in downtown Bucharest, in which more than 20,000 people demanded the resignation of PM Victor Ponta, of Interior Minister Gabriel Oprea and of Cristian Popescu Piedone, the mayor of Bucharest’s fourth district, viewed as the representatives of a political elite blamed for the death of tens of young people, did not go unanswered.

    Explaining that it would have been a mistake to ignore the discontent of the people, the Prime Minister and his entire cabinet stepped down, followed by a similar decision from the mayor of Bucharest fourth district where the deadly nightclub fire took place. But the thousands of anti-system protesters in Bucharest and other large cities in the country went back to the streets and say they will continue to do so until the entire political class is reformed.

    “What we want is to tell the entire political class that they are corrupt and that we want a change. We want the next government not to make the same mistakes that the cabinets of the past 25 years have repeated so many times. We hope this is a wake-up call and a challenge for all politicians, we want them to pay attention to the voice of the people.”

    “I think this was the last straw, the one that broke the camel’s back. And it is not about guilt alone, about who’s to blame for all these deaths, it’s about responsibility, including political responsibility.”

    Demonstrators shouted against the system (“All parties, the same filth”), against the President, whom they told his only chance is to choose the right person as the next prime minister, and against Patriarch Daniel, whom they criticize for not having showed up on the night of the tragedy to comfort people.

    The rallies spread across the country, and some 35,000 people are estimated to have gathered in Timisoara, Cluj, Brasov, Targu Jiu, Iasi, Alba Iulia, Miercurea-Ciuc, Ploiesti, Braila and Constanta, as well as abroad, in Paris and London.

    Analysts see these demonstrations as a proof of mature and aware civic engagement, particularly among the young. This is not so much a political movement, they say, but rather a spontaneous reaction to the young people who died on Friday night to shake Romanians out of their indifference and inactivity.

  • November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    25,000 protesters marched in downtown Bucharest on Tuesday night, according to estimates by the Romanian Gendarmerie. The march started in University Square, continued in Victory Square, the Interior Ministry, the Constitution Square and Bucharest’s District 4 City Hall. The protest was organized on social networks, in the wake of Friday night’s tragedy at Colectiv Club.

    Chanting slogans like Resignation, resignation, Solidarity and toting signs reading Corruption kills or We are the generation that changes history, the protesters called for the resignations of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea and Cristian Popescu-Piedone, the mayor of Bucharest’s fourth district, where Colectiv Club is located.

    The day was also marked by protests against the government and the political class in general, floral tributes, prayers and religious masses in several big cities across Romania: Braila, Ramnicu Valcea, Sibiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Brasov.

    Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis posted a message on his Facebook page writing that it is a street movement, emerging from people’s wish to see their human condition and dignity respected. I understood that they rightfully call for and expect that someone assumes political responsibility. The next step should be taken by politicians, who can’t ignore such a feeling of revolt. In
    turn, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies,

    Valeriu Zgonea, wrote on Facebook: I understand the people who took to
    the streets tonight. I understand their fury. I think it is high time the whole
    political class understood that half-measures are no longer acceptable. (…) The
    memory of the young people who died in Colectiv club doesn’t need monuments,
    but justice!

    On Friday night, the club Colectiv was devastated by a deadly fire, which killed at least 32 people and injured 140 others. According to prosecutors, the blaze was caused by a pyrotechnical show during a rock concert in the aforementioned overcrowded club. Doctors believe the death toll could go up as many of the participants have inhaled a toxic smoke. The club’s three owners have been accused of manslaughter and placed under pre-trial arrest. The government has endorsed a decision under which the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations can close down clubs, which aren’t observing fire prevention measures.

    Pope Francis has conveyed a message to Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis expressing his profound regret for the tragedy in Bucharest on Friday night. The Pontiff has assured the victims’ families, the authorities and the entire Romanian nation of his spiritual support. Many high-ranking officials and foreign ambassadors have paid homage to the fire victims in recent days. Books of condolence have been opened at Romania’s foreign embassies abroad.

    The heart of Queen Maria of Romania was placed on Tuesday in the Golden Chamber of the Pelisor Castle in the mountain resort of Sinaia. The royal family, representatives of the government, the church and the army participated in the ceremony held at the castle which was built upon her plans, and where her heart beat for the last time, back in 1938. Born in 1875, Maria Alexandra Victoria of Saxa Coburg-Gotha was a princess of Great Britain and Ireland, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Britain. She became Romania’s second queen as wife of king Ferdinand. During their reign, at the end of WWI, the Romanian nation state was founded after the provinces with a majority Romanian-speaking population of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania had joined the Kingdom of Romania. The queen’s presence on the frontline, where she acted as a nurse in military hospitals, as well as her commitment to the Great Union turned her into the most beloved female personality in the history of the Romanians.

    On Wednesday Romania’s capital Bucharest will be playing host to a high level summit of the Central and East European countries. The summit, co-presided by the Romanian and Polish heads of state, Klaus Iohannis and Andrzej Duda, respectively, will be attended by their counterparts from Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Hungary. They will also be joined by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic and NATO Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow. Present in our country as of Tuesday, president Duda has said that Romania is Poland’s strategic partner in the region and that NATO presence in this part of Europe must be increased.

    A traditional folk dance from Transylvania, the so-called Lads’ Dance, has been included in the UNESCO’s immaterial world heritage list. This specific dance, which has kept its continuity in the Romanian folklore, is a harmonious blend of rhythm and movement. Talks about the inclusion of the Lads’ Dance on the UNESCO heritage list commenced two years ago, upon the initiative of Romanian researcher Zamfir Dejeu, member in the National Committee for Salvaging the National Immaterial Cultural Heritage.

    The Democratic Party in the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet country with a Romanian-speaking majority on Tuesday expressed its readiness to forge a coalition including with the pro-Russia communists if this leads to political stability. Democratic Party leaders have announced they are no longer willing to wait until the Liberal-Democrats of former Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet make a decision to join the talks for a new ruling coalition. The Strelet cabinet, made up of Liberal-Democrats, Democrats and Liberals was dismissed last week following a no-confidence vote tabled by the Socialists and the Communists and backed by the Democrats. President Nicolae Timofti has designated the Liberal Deputy Prime Minister Gheorghe Brega for the position of interim Prime Minister.

  • November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    25,000 protesters marched in downtown Bucharest on Tuesday night, according to estimates by the Romanian Gendarmerie. The march started in University Square, continued in Victory Square, the Interior Ministry, the Constitution Square and Bucharest’s District 4 City Hall. The protest was organized on social networks, in the wake of Friday night’s tragedy at Colectiv Club.

    Chanting slogans like Resignation, resignation, Solidarity and toting signs reading Corruption kills or We are the generation that changes history, the protesters called for the resignations of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea and Cristian Popescu-Piedone, the mayor of Bucharest’s fourth district, where Colectiv Club is located.

    The day was also marked by protests against the government and the political class in general, floral tributes, prayers and religious masses in several big cities across Romania: Braila, Ramnicu Valcea, Sibiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Brasov.

    Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis posted a message on his Facebook page writing that it is a street movement, emerging from people’s wish to see their human condition and dignity respected. I understood that they rightfully call for and expect that someone assumes political responsibility. The next step should be taken by politicians, who can’t ignore such a feeling of revolt. In
    turn, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies,

    Valeriu Zgonea, wrote on Facebook: I understand the people who took to
    the streets tonight. I understand their fury. I think it is high time the whole
    political class understood that half-measures are no longer acceptable. (…) The
    memory of the young people who died in Colectiv club doesn’t need monuments,
    but justice!

    On Friday night, the club Colectiv was devastated by a deadly fire, which killed at least 32 people and injured 140 others. According to prosecutors, the blaze was caused by a pyrotechnical show during a rock concert in the aforementioned overcrowded club. Doctors believe the death toll could go up as many of the participants have inhaled a toxic smoke. The club’s three owners have been accused of manslaughter and placed under pre-trial arrest. The government has endorsed a decision under which the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations can close down clubs, which aren’t observing fire prevention measures.

    Pope Francis has conveyed a message to Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis expressing his profound regret for the tragedy in Bucharest on Friday night. The Pontiff has assured the victims’ families, the authorities and the entire Romanian nation of his spiritual support. Many high-ranking officials and foreign ambassadors have paid homage to the fire victims in recent days. Books of condolence have been opened at Romania’s foreign embassies abroad.

    The heart of Queen Maria of Romania was placed on Tuesday in the Golden Chamber of the Pelisor Castle in the mountain resort of Sinaia. The royal family, representatives of the government, the church and the army participated in the ceremony held at the castle which was built upon her plans, and where her heart beat for the last time, back in 1938. Born in 1875, Maria Alexandra Victoria of Saxa Coburg-Gotha was a princess of Great Britain and Ireland, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Britain. She became Romania’s second queen as wife of king Ferdinand. During their reign, at the end of WWI, the Romanian nation state was founded after the provinces with a majority Romanian-speaking population of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania had joined the Kingdom of Romania. The queen’s presence on the frontline, where she acted as a nurse in military hospitals, as well as her commitment to the Great Union turned her into the most beloved female personality in the history of the Romanians.

    On Wednesday Romania’s capital Bucharest will be playing host to a high level summit of the Central and East European countries. The summit, co-presided by the Romanian and Polish heads of state, Klaus Iohannis and Andrzej Duda, respectively, will be attended by their counterparts from Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Hungary. They will also be joined by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic and NATO Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow. Present in our country as of Tuesday, president Duda has said that Romania is Poland’s strategic partner in the region and that NATO presence in this part of Europe must be increased.

    A traditional folk dance from Transylvania, the so-called Lads’ Dance, has been included in the UNESCO’s immaterial world heritage list. This specific dance, which has kept its continuity in the Romanian folklore, is a harmonious blend of rhythm and movement. Talks about the inclusion of the Lads’ Dance on the UNESCO heritage list commenced two years ago, upon the initiative of Romanian researcher Zamfir Dejeu, member in the National Committee for Salvaging the National Immaterial Cultural Heritage.

    The Democratic Party in the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet country with a Romanian-speaking majority on Tuesday expressed its readiness to forge a coalition including with the pro-Russia communists if this leads to political stability. Democratic Party leaders have announced they are no longer willing to wait until the Liberal-Democrats of former Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet make a decision to join the talks for a new ruling coalition. The Strelet cabinet, made up of Liberal-Democrats, Democrats and Liberals was dismissed last week following a no-confidence vote tabled by the Socialists and the Communists and backed by the Democrats. President Nicolae Timofti has designated the Liberal Deputy Prime Minister Gheorghe Brega for the position of interim Prime Minister.

  • November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    Thousands of protesters marched in downtown Bucharest on Tuesday night, their number standing at some 25,000 according to estimates by the Romanian Gendarmerie. The march started in University Square, continued in Victory Square, in front of the Interior Ministry, the Constitution Square and Bucharests District 4 City Hall. The protest was organized on social networks, in the wake of Friday nights tragedy at Colectiv Club.

    Chanting slogans like Resignation, resignation, “Solidarity and toting signs reading Corruption kills or “We are the generation that changes history, the protesters called for the resignations of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea and Cristian Popescu –Piedone, the mayor of Bucharest’s fourth district, where Colectiv Club in located.The day was also marked by protests against the government
    and of the political class in general, floral tributes, prayers and religious
    masses in several big cities across Romania: Braila, Ramnicu
    Vlacea, Sibiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Brasov.

    Romanias President Klaus Iohannis posted a message on his Facebook page writing that “it is a street movement, emerging from peoples wish to see their human condition and dignity respected. I understood that they rightfully call for and expect that someone assumes political responsibility. The next step should be taken by politicians, who cant ignore such a feeling of revolt.

  • November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    Thousands of protesters marched in downtown Bucharest on Tuesday night, their number standing at some 25,000 according to estimates by the Romanian Gendarmerie. The march started in University Square, continued in Victory Square, in front of the Interior Ministry, the Constitution Square and Bucharests District 4 City Hall. The protest was organized on social networks, in the wake of Friday nights tragedy at Colectiv Club.

    Chanting slogans like Resignation, resignation, “Solidarity and toting signs reading Corruption kills or “We are the generation that changes history, the protesters called for the resignations of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea and Cristian Popescu –Piedone, the mayor of Bucharest’s fourth district, where Colectiv Club in located.The day was also marked by protests against the government
    and of the political class in general, floral tributes, prayers and religious
    masses in several big cities across Romania: Braila, Ramnicu
    Vlacea, Sibiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Brasov.

    Romanias President Klaus Iohannis posted a message on his Facebook page writing that “it is a street movement, emerging from peoples wish to see their human condition and dignity respected. I understood that they rightfully call for and expect that someone assumes political responsibility. The next step should be taken by politicians, who cant ignore such a feeling of revolt.

  • Proteste în centrul Capitalei după tragedia din Club Colectiv

    Proteste în centrul Capitalei după tragedia din Club Colectiv

    Aproximativ 25.000 de persoane, conform Jandarmeriei, au protestat împotriva corupţiei marţi seară, în centrul Bucureştiului (Piaţa Universităţii, Piaţa Victoriei, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Piaţa Constituţiiei, Primăria sectorului 4). Protestul a fost organizat pe reţelele sociale, în urma tragediei de la Club Colectiv.

    Protestatarii au cerut demisia primarului sectorului 4, Cristian Popescu-Piedone, dar și pe cele ale premierului Victor Ponta și a vicepremierului Gabriel Oprea.

    S-a scandat Demisia, demisia, Solidaritate, Piedone nu uita, a venit şi ziua ta!. Unii dintre manifestaţi purtau pancarte pe care se putea citi Noi suntem generaţia care schimbă istoria!, Corupţia ucide!. Proteste antiguvernamentale şi împotriva clasei politic eîn general, rugăciuni şi slujbe de pomenire pentru victime s-au desfăşurat în mai mult eoraşe din România: Brăila, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Sibiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj-Napoca, Alba Iulia, Braşov, Constanţa.

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat pe Facebook că “este o mișcare de stradă, care vine din dorința oamenilor de a le fi respectate condiția și demnitatea. Am înțeles că se cere și se așteaptă, pe bună dreptate, ca cineva să-și asume răspunderea politică. Următorul pas trebuie să fie al politicienilor, care nu pot ignora acest sentiment de revoltă”. La rândul său, preşedintele Camerei Deputaţilor, Valeriu Zgonea, a scris pe Facebook: “Îi înțeleg pe oamenii care au ieșit în seara aceasta în stradă. Le înțeleg furia. Cred că a venit momentul ca întreaga clasă politică să înțeleagă că nu mai merge cu jumătăți de măsură. (…) Memoria tinerilor morți in ”Colectiv” nu are nevoie de monumente, ci de dreptate!”

  • Un accidente con implicaciones políticas

    Un accidente con implicaciones políticas

    El ministro rumano del
    Interior, el viceprimer ministro Gabriel Oprea, ha anunciado que no
    presentará su dimisión después de la muerte del policía que estaba en la
    comitiva oficial. El presidente Klaus Iohannis le había aconsejado que
    presentara su dimisión debido a la manera defectuosa en la que se gestionó la
    comunicación en este asunto. Gabriel Oprea ha declarado que no se considera
    culpable. El mandatario ha afirmado que se estaba desplazando con un interés
    estrictamente profesional y ha rechazado las acusaciones según las cuales que empleado
    el equipo de acompañamiento sin base legal. Oprea ha hablado sobre el momento
    en el que se produjo la tragedia. He aquí la declaración de Gabriel Oprea:

    En un determinado
    momento, la comitiva se paró. No supe porqué. No vi el accidente. Sólo vi el
    coche de policía parado delante y a los dos policías bajando y corriendo. Uno
    de ellos hizo señas para que continuáramos el camino y el coche en el que
    estaba se puso en marcha. Sólo después de irnos del lugar del accidente me
    enteré de lo que había pasado.

    Después del trágico accidente, el jefe del
    Estado, la sociedad civil y los líderes políticos pidieron a Oprea
    explicaciones sobre su derecho a tener comitiva oficial. La fiscalía ha
    iniciado una investigación por homicidio. La oposición liberal ha solicitado
    que el próximo lunes, en la Hora del primer ministro, Victor Ponta se
    presente en el Parlamento y aclare en qué situaciones los mandatarios pueden
    tener comitiva oficial. El Partido Nacional Liberal desea que se cree una
    comisión de investigación del accidente. El líder de los diputados del Partido
    Nacional Liberal, Eugen Nicolăescu, opina que los ciudadanos
    tienen que conocer la verdad:

    Creo que, al fin y al cabo, todos los ciudadanos
    del país están interesados en saber de qué se trata en realidad. Presentaremos
    el proyecto de decisión de la Cámara de los Diputados sobre la creación de la
    comisión de investigación, para que se debata en la reunión de la Oficina
    Permanente que tendrá lugar el miércoles por la tarde y se inicien después
    todos los procedimientos normales.

    Asimismo, el Partido Nacional Liberal ha
    presentado en el Senado una moción simple contra el ministro Gabriel
    Oprea. En cambio, el líder del Partido Social Demócrata (el principal partido
    en la coalición gubernamental), Liviu Dragnea, ha afirmado que los
    fiscales tienen toda la información necesaria para decidir cuál es la verdad.
    Sin embargo, ha admitido que el Ministerio del Interior cometió un error de
    comunicación retrasando las explicaciones. He aquí la declaración de Liviu

    Respecto a las posibles dimisiones que se
    deberían presentar o asumir, repito, es un problema estríctamente relacionado
    con aquellos que deberían tomar esta decisión o no. Y respecto a la decisión de
    retirar el apoyo político o no, la respuesta es muy clara: si el primer
    ministro considera que el señor viceprimer ministro Gabriel
    Oprea debe ser destituido, tiene el instrumento constitucional.

    El domingo, casi mil personas
    participaron en una marcha organizada en Bucarest para mostrar su solidaridad
    con la familia del policía y, a su vez, pidieron la dimisión del ministro

  • An accident with political implications

    An accident with political implications

    Romanian Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea announced he would not step down after the death of a policeman in his motorcade. Romanian president Klaus Iohannis advised Oprea to resign for the faulty way in which he handled the situation. Oprea said he wasnt guilty adding that he was using the motorcade for job-related purposes. Oprea spoke about the moment of the tragedy.

    “At a certain point, the motorcade stopped and I didnt know why at first. I didnt see the accident. I only saw the police car in front stopped and the two policemen getting off and running. One of them waved to me and said we could carry on and the car I was in moved on. After we passed the site of the accident I learnt what was actually going on.

    After the tragic accident, president Iohannis, society in Romania and the political leaders have called on Oprea to explain why he was using the motorcade, while the Prosecutors Office has commenced investigation for manslaughter. The Liberal opposition has called on Prime Minister Victor Ponta to explain in his Parliament address next Monday when exactly high-ranking politicians have the right to use a motorcade. The National Liberal Party wants to set up an investigation committee to look into the circumstances of the accident. Liberal leader Eugen Nicolaescu believes that citizens are entitled to know the truth.

    “I believe that in the end all the citizens of this country are interested in learning the truth about the accident. Well be tabling a draft bill to the Chamber of Deputies on setting up an investigation committee so that it will be discussed in the Permanent Bureau on Wednesday afternoon and that the right procedures may be started.

    The National Liberals have tabled a simple motion against minister Gabriel Oprea. Social Democratic leader Liviu Dragnea said that prosecutors have all the information to establish the truth. He admitted though that the delay in the information provided by Interior Ministry was the result of a communication error.

    “As for the resignations, this is a decision that rests with those who have the power to dismiss the people in question. As for whether the political support should be withdrawn, the answer is very clear: if the Prime Minister believes that Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea must be sacked, he has the constitutional instruments to do that.

    Almost one thousand people took to the streets of Bucharest on Sunday in support for the family of the deceased policeman calling on minister Oprea to step down.

  • Un accident cu implicaţii politice

    Un accident cu implicaţii politice

    Ministrul român de Interne, vicepremierul Gabriel Oprea, a anunţat că nu va demisiona în contextul decesului poliţistului din coloana sa oficială, după ce preşedintele Klaus Iohannis l-a sfătuit să-şi dea demisia din cauza modului defectuos în care a fost gestionată comunicarea în această problemă. Gabriel Oprea a declarat că nu se consideră vinovat. El a precizat că deplasarea sa a avut loc în scop strict profesional şi a respins acuzaţiile potrivit cărora ar fi utilizat fără temei legal echipajul de însoţire în trafic.

    Oprea a vorbit despre momentul producerii tragediei: ‘La un moment dat, coloana s-a oprit. Nu am ştiut de ce. Eu nu am văzut accidentul. Am văzut doar maşina de poliţie din faţă oprită şi pe cei doi poliţişti coborând şi alergând. Unul dintre ei mi-a făcut semn să continuăm deplasarea şi maşina în care mă aflam a pornit de pe loc. Abia după ce depăşisem locul accidentului am aflat ce s-a întâmplat’.

    După producerea tragicului accident şeful statului, societatea civilă şi lideri politici i-au cerut explicaţii lui Oprea privind dreptul acestuia de a beneficia de coloana oficială. Parchetul a început urmărirea penală pentru ucidere din culpă. Opoziţia liberală a cerut ca lunea viitoare, la Ora premierului, Victor Ponta să vină în parlament şi să spună în ce situaţii demnitarii beneficiază de coloană oficială. PNL doreşte înfiinţarea unei comisii de anchetă privind accidentul.

    Liderul deputaţilor PNL, Eugen Nicolăescu, este de părere că cetăţenii trebuie să cunoască adevărul: ‘Eu cred că, până la urmă, toţi cetăţenii ţării sunt interesaţi să afle cu adevărat despre ce este vorba. Vom înainta proiectul de hotărâre al Camerei Deputaţilor privind constituirea comisiei de anchetă, astfel încât să fie discutat în şedinţa Biroului Permanent de miercuri după-amiază şi de aici să se declanşeze toate procedurile fireşti’.

    De asemenea, PNL a depus la Senat o moţiune simplă la adresa ministrului Gabriel Oprea. In schimb, liderul PSD (numărul unu în coalţia la putere,)Liviu Dragnea a afirmat că procurorii au la dispoziţie toate informaţiile pentru a stabili adevărul. El a admis, însă, că întârzierea explicaţiilor din partea Ministerului de Interne a fost o greşeală de comunicare. Liviu Dragnea: ‚În ceea ce priveşte eventuale demisii, care ar trebui să fie date sau asumate, repet, este o problemă strict legată de cei care ar trebui sau nu să-i dea această demisie. Iar în ceea ce priveşte retragerea sprijinului politic sau nu, răspunsul este foarte clar: dacă premierul consideră că domnul vicepremier Gabriel Oprea trebuie să fie demis, are instrumentul constituţional’.

    Duminică, aproape o mie de oameni au participat la un marş organizat în Bucureşti, în semn de solidaritate cu familia poliţistului, şi au cerut, la rândul lor, demisia ministrului Oprea.

  • October 27, 2015 UPDATE

    October 27, 2015 UPDATE

    Members of the European Parliament on Tuesday voted through new rules that will scrap mobile roaming charges in the 28 EU countries as of June 15, 2017. Users will instead pay the same rate for calls, texts and data that they pay back home. Before that happens though, roaming charges will be capped at 0.05 euros per minute for outgoing calls, 0.02 euros for texts, and 0.05 euros for each megabyte of data as of April 30, 2016. A cap for incoming calls will be confirmed at a later date. Andrus Ansip, European Commission vice-president in charge of the digital single market, hailed the MEPs decision to scrap roaming charges, calling it an “historic achievement.”

    Romanian president Klaus Iohannis green lighted on Tuesday the prosecutors’ request to start criminal proceedings against three former officials involved in the miners’ riots in June 1990. They are former prime minister Petre Roman, former deputy prime minister Gelu Voican Voiculescu and former defence minister, Victor Atanasie Stanculescu, all of them charged with crimes against humanity. Last Wednesday, prosecutors also indicted the former head of state Ion Iliescu and the former chief of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Virgil Magureanu. Prosecutors hope to bring justice in this case, the most serious event to have ever occurred in Romania after the anti-communist revolution of December 1989.

    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Victor Ponta met on Tuesday at the Cotroceni Palace to discuss ways to handle the wave of refugees in the Western Balkans, Romania’s official stand as to the migrant crisis and the stage of preparations for receiving the migrants. According to a release by the Presidency, the two officials also discussed about strengthening cooperation among the states in the region.

    The main opposition party in Romania, the National Liberal Party, tabled on Tuesday a simple motion with the Senate against the deputy prime minister and interior minister, Gabriel Oprea, one week after the tragic accident that killed a policeman that was part of his official motorcade. The document entitled “Gabriel Oprea dismissed for contempt, arrogance, abuse and disdain in exercising his public function” is signed by 49 Liberal and non-affiliated deputies. They ask for the resignation of the interior minister because of the way in which the Interior Ministry has managed the situation. On Monday the Romanian President called on Gabriel Oprea to resign following the flawed manner in which the ministry communicated on the issue. Oprea said he would not resign.

    Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Tuesday received the Ambassador of the Republic of India to Romania, Riva Ganguly Das, on a presentation visit. The two officials discussed about the Romanian-Indian ties, which have been consolidated over the past few years at a political and diplomatic level as well as at an economic level. Minister Aurescu and Ambassador Riva Ganguly Das also tackled aspects of the excellent bilateral cooperation within the United Nations.

    Romanian Simona Halep, no. 2 in the world, was defeated by Maria Sharapova, seed no. 4, at the WTA Finals in Singapore. The Russian withstood a Halep fightback to win 6-4 6-4 and move top of the Red Group. In her debut game on Sunday, Halep outperformed Italian Flavia Pennetta in two sets 6-0, 6-3, while Sharapova obtained a three-set win against Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland.