Tag: Igor Dodon

  • Rumänien und Moldau feiern 100 jähriges Jubiläum der Vereinigung

    Rumänien und Moldau feiern 100 jähriges Jubiläum der Vereinigung

    Im Jahre, in dem Rumänien und die Republik Moldau das 100 jährige Jubiläum der Vereinigung feiern, ist die moldauische Gesellschaft in zwei geteilt. Ein Teil ist für die Wiedervereinigung und der andere Teil ist gegen die Wiedervereinigung der Moldaurepublik mit Rumänien. Eine Meinungsumfrage, die in der Moldaurepublik von dem Verband der Soziologen und Demographen durchgeführt wurde, zeigt, dass die Partei der Sozialisten des pro-russischen Präsidenten Igor Dodon von der Hälfte der Wahlberechtigten bevorzugt wird. Die Zahl derjenigen, die den EU-Beitritt wünschen, 36%, wurde von den Anhängern der Euroasiatischen Union überschritten, 41%. Laut besagter Umfrage würden nur vier Parteien ins Parlament eintreten, wenn vorverlegte Wahlen stattfinden würden. Rund die Hälfte der Befragten würde die Partei der Sozialisten wählen. Die proeuropäische Partei Aktion und Solidarität sammle 19% der Stimmen, die regierende Demokratische Partei 11% und die pro-EU Plattform Würde und Wahrheit 9% der Stimmen.

    An der Spitze des Tops des Vertrauens steht der amtierende prorussische Staatschef Igor Dodon mit 50%, gefolgt von der Chefin der Partei Aktion und Solidarität Maia Sandu mit 22%. Die nächsten Plätze belegen weiter der kommunistische Ex-Präsident Wladimir Woronin, der Premierminister Pavel Filip und der Chef der Demokraten Vlad Plahotniuc. Mehr als die Hälfte der Moldauer vertraut keinem Politiker.

    In Chişinău haben öffentliche Beratungen begonnen für eine evetuelle Vorbereitung eines Referendums hinsichtlich der Wiedervereinigung der Moldaurepublik mit Rumänien. Die Teilnehmer haben bis zum 14. April zwei Antwortmöglichkeiten Ja oder Nein. Die Experten des Europäischen Sozialpolitischen Zentrums sind für die Studie zuständig. 100.000 Personen von den über 300 Tausend Wahlberechtigten in Chişinău werden an der Studie beteiligt sein, so der Experte Andrei Dumbrăveanu, Doktor der Soziologie. Dieser fügte hinzu, die Zahl der Unionisten steige immerfort. Andrei Dumbrăveanu dazu:

    Wir haben eine Generation, die die Geschichte kennt, eine Generation, die im Westen studiert hat. Einen großen Einfluss haben auch die Medien, die die Machtstellung Russlands weiter behalten wollen. Deshalb wissen viele noch nicht, in welche Richtung sie gehen sollen.

    500 Personen werden von Haus zu Haus gehen und jeden Einwohner Chişinaus befragen. Es gibt auch die Möglichkeit der elektronischen Abstimmung.

  • Republica Moldova, între unire și zona gri

    Republica Moldova, între unire și zona gri

    În anul marcării unui secol de la Unirea Basarabiei cu Patria Mamă,
    locuitorii Republicii Moldova (ex-sovietică, majoritar românofonă) sunt împărţiţi
    în două tabere pro şi contra unirii cu România. Un sondaj recent arată că în
    Republica Moldova, Partidul Socialiştilor al preşedintelui filo-rus Igor Dodon
    este preferat de aproape o jumătate din electorat, iar numărul celor care îşi
    doresc integrarea în Uniunea Europeană – 36% – a fost depăşit de adepţii unei
    apropieri de Uniunea Euroasiatică -41%.

    În cazul unor alegeri anticipate, în Parlament
    ar intra doar patru formaţiuni politice – se mai arată în sondajul efectuat de
    Asociaţia Sociologilor şi Demografilor. Aproximativ jumătate din respondenţii
    ar vota pentru Partidul Socialiştilor, Partidul Acţiune şi Solidaritate (PAS),
    pro-european, ar acumula 19%, Partidul Democrat, la guvernare, 11% şi Platforma
    Demnitate şi Adevăr, tot pro-UE, 9%. Potrivit sondajului, pe prima poziţie în
    topul încrederii se află actualul preşedinte prorus Igor Dodon cu 50 de
    procente, şeful statului fiind urmat de liderul PAS, Maia Sandu, cu 22%, şi, la
    mare distanţă, de fostul preşedinte comunist Vladimir Voronin, de premierul
    Pavel Filip şi de liderul Partidului Democrat, Vlad Plahotniuc.

    Mai mult de
    jumătate dintre moldoveni nu au încredere în niciun politician. Pe de altă parte, la
    Chişinău au început consultări publice pregătitoare pentru un viitor eventual referendum privind
    unirea Republicii Moldova cu România. Până pe 14 aprilie, participanţii au doua
    opţiuni de răspuns: DA sau NU. Cercetarea este efectuată de experţii Centrului
    Social-Politic European.

    În studiu vor fi incluse 100.000 de persoane din cele
    peste 300 de mii cu drept de vot din Chişinău, afirmă expertul Andrei
    Dumbrăveanu, doctor în sociologie, potrivit căruia numărul unioniştilor, în
    prezent, este în creştere faţă de acum 25-30 de ani: Avem o generaţie care cunoaşte adevărul istoric, şcolită în Occident.
    Totodată, trebuie să constatăm influenţa mare a mijloacelor de informare în
    masă care sunt pentru menţinerea influenţei Rusiei în această zonă şi multă
    lume încă nu ştie pe ce cale să apuce.
    500 de operatori de teren vor merge
    din casă în casă pentru a consulta fiecare locuitor din Chişinau. Totodată, există
    posibilitatea votului electronic.

  • March 20, 2018 UPDATE

    March 20, 2018 UPDATE

    PARLIAMENT — The laws on the judiciary were endorsed by the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday, and are to be submitted to the Senate for a final vote. Previously, a special parliamentary committee passed the bill on the magistrate profession and the one regulating the organisation of the Higher Council of Magistracy. On Monday, the same committee passed the 3rd law in this package, the one concerning the organisation of courts. The bills were brought in line with the decisions of the Constitutional Court, after the Opposition and the High Court of Cassation and Justice challenged the changes adopted by Parliament. These changes include by-passing the President of Romania in the procedure for appointing the chiefs of the Supreme Court, and transferring this role to the Higher Council of Magistracy. The National Liberal Party and Save Romania Union, in Opposition, announced that the new amendments give them reasons to bring the new justice laws before the Constitutional Court again. In fact, Save Romania MPs resorted to an unusual protest in the Chamber of Deputies, where they lined up wearing T-shirts that read “#NoCriminals”. Some of the changes originally operated on the justice laws have generated large-scale protests among civil society and magistrates.

    LA FRANCOPHONIE – On Tuesday, the Romanian Government hailed the celebration of the International Francophonie Day, and Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said that Romania was known as a beacon- state of Francophonie in Central and Eastern Europe. The Romanian Prime Minister stated that the group of francophone countries was among the first international structures that Romania joined after 1989. In 1991, Romania got the status of observer, and in 1993 it became a full member of the International Organisation of La Francophonie. In 2006 it played host to one of the organisation’s summits. Between December 2018 and July 2019, Bucharest and Paris will organise the Romania — France season, a large-scale joint project focusing on contemporary culture and creativity, as well as areas such as education, economy, sports and tourism.

    CRIMEA – The Romanian Foreign Ministry stated on Tuesday that Romania did not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea and of the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, and therefore it did not recognize the organisation of elections on that territory. Romania’s stand is shared by the other members of the EU as well. In a communiqué, Romania reaffirms its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of neighbouring Ukraine, within its legally acknowledged borders. Some 1.5 million voters were called to the polls in Crimea on Sunday to elect the president of Russia, exactly four years since the annexation of the peninsula.

    SECURITY – The activities carried out in 2017 by institutions with security responsibilities in Romania and the main objectives for 2018 were high on the agenda of Tuesday’s meeting of the country’s Supreme Defence Council, headed by President Klaus Iohannis. The members of the council also analysed the activity of the structures responsible for cyber-security and other topics of interest with regard to national security. Seen as the umbrella of strategic ministries and enforcement institutions, the Supreme Defence Council gathered at the meeting top figures such as the Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, the ministers of internal affairs, external affairs, justice, economy and finance, the Director of the Romanian Intelligence Service Eduard Hellvig, the Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Silviu Predoiu and the Chief of the Romanian Army’s General Staff, General Nicolae Ciuca.

    BREXIT — The European affairs ministers of the EU member states, including the Romanian Minister Victor Negrescu, discussed in Brussels on Tuesday the post-Brexit relations between the Union and the UK. On the occasion, the European Commission’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier presented the general principles for the transition period, i.e. March 2019 to December 2020. Previously, Barnier and London’s negotiator David Davis had announced having reached an agreement on these guidelines, which concern, among other things, the rights of the around 4.5 million European citizens living in the UK and the 1.2 million Britons in the EU. At the end of this week the text will be discussed by the EU leaders during a meeting of the European Council.

    PROTESTS — In Bucharest, the SANITAS trade union federation on Tuesday picketed the headquarters of the Ministry for Public Finances. Unionists demanded, among other things, the implementation of pay raises for all healthcare and social assistance personnel as of March 1, the scrapping of the ceiling on bonuses and the offsetting of the income decrease caused by the implementation of a new pay scheme on January 1. Also on Tuesday, representatives of the National Federation of Trade Unions in Industry picketed the Economy Ministry, against the backdrop of discontent with the law regulating the national defence industry. The union president, Ioan Neagu, said that at the beginning of the year the Government was supposed to issue a resolution to regulate the number of employees that this industrial sector may absorb per year.

    MOLDOVA – The pro-Russia socialist president of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon claims that Romania might become Moldova’s number one enemy, if it continues to support unionist movements. The former Moldovan ambassador to Bucharest Iurie Renita has termed the statement hysterical, and by no means reflecting the view of the majority population in Moldova. Dodon has accused Romania before of having tried to interfere with the republic’s internal affairs and has insisted that unionist organisations and manifestations be banned. In the past two months, in more than 120 communes and towns in the Republic of Moldova, mayors and local councils have adopted symbolic declarations of unification with Romania and on Sunday the capital Chisinau will host an event celebrating 100 years since the union of Bessarabia with Romania. A province with a predominantly Romanian-speaking population in the tsarist empire, Bessarabia united with Romania at the end of the first world war, on March 27th, 1918. Following an ultimatum, the Soviet Union re-annexed Bessarabia in 1940, and the Republic of Moldova was created on part of that territory.

    MEETING – On Tuesday, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church Daniel received the Israeli Ambassador to Bucharest Tamar Samash. On the occasion, Daniel stressed the good relations that the Patriarchy has with the Jewish community in Romania. According to a press release, Daniel has stated that in the past years, thanks to pilgrimages to Israel, many Romanian orthodox believers have had the possibility to pray at the holy sites and to learn more about biblical tradition, and about common spiritual values. In turn the Israeli ambassador has stated that all joint projects help strengthen the relations between the two peoples and are proof of the Judeo — Christian heritage that laid the foundation of European culture.

    HANDBALL – On Wednesday, Romania’s national women’s handball team will take on the Russian squad, away from home, in Togliatti, in the third game of the Euro 2018 preliminary group. The return game will take place in Cluj, north-western Romania, on Sunday. With two victories from the previous games, the Romanian players, trained by the Spanish Ambros Martin, are leaders of the group with 4 points, followed by Russia and Austria with 2 points each and Portugal with no points. The teams ranking first and second will qualify for the final tournament, due to take place in France in December.

  • Chişinău: Unionitische Bewegung gewinnt an Zulauf

    Chişinău: Unionitische Bewegung gewinnt an Zulauf

    Lokalverwaltungen von über 120 moldauischen Gemeinden und Städten haben am Wochenende symbolische Erklärungen über die Wiedervereinigung zu Rumänien unterzeichet. Die Erklärungen erfolgen vor dem bevorstehenden Nationalfeiertag der benachbarten Republik Moldau, den 27. März. 1918, am Ende des Ersten Weltkries, erfolgte an diesem Datum die Vereinigung der mehrheitlich von Rumänen bewohnten aber unter zaristischer Herrschaft stehenden Provinz Bessarabien mit Rumänien. 1940 wurde Bessarabien von der Sowjetunion durch Ultimatum an Rumänien annektiert. Ein Teil des Territoriums gehört heute der benachbarten Republik Moldau. Am Samstag fand ein Treffen zwischen dem sozial-demokratischen Bürgermeister des südostrumänischen Buzău Constantin Toma und Vertretern der unionistischen Bewegung in Moldau statt.

    Der Bürgermeister von Buzău sagte dazu: Wir teilen eine gemeinsame und lebendige Geschichte. Ich hoffe, dass wir das Projekt dieser mutigen Menschen in der Republik Moldau auch hier, in Rumänien, umsetzen können und dass wir gemeinsam eine Welle auslösen, die nicht mehr zu stoppen ist.” Der Bürgermeister des Dorfes Sadova, wo der Präsident Igor Dodon geboren wurde, Vladimir Susarenco sagte seinerseits: In meinem Dorf wurden 600 Unterschrifte gesammelt, als ich das feststellte, habe ich gesagt: das Dorf von Dodon zeigt sich für die Vereinigung zu Rumänien. Selbt wenn es um eine symbolische Erklärung geht, gilt sie als die Erklärung des ganzen Dorfes und seiner Menschen. Heute wird die Geschichte von den einfachen Menschen geschrieben, ihre Stimme wird gehört.”

    Am Sontag sind die moldauischen Bürgermeister mit Vertretern der Opposition im rumänischen Parlament zu Gesprächen zusammengekommen. Wenn die Mehrheit der moldauischen Bürger sich für die Vereinigung mit Rumänien äu‎ßert, sollte diese erfolgen, sagte der Vorsitzende der national-liberalen Partei Ludovic Orban: Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass Rumänien für diese Vereinigung bereit ist. Die national-liberale Lokalverwaltung pflegt ständig sehr gute Beziehungen und eine ausgezeichnete Zusammenarbeit mit den Lokalverwaltungen in Republik Moldau, wir haben uns auf gemeinsame Projekte geeinigt, die wir demnächst umsetzen werden.”

    Der Vorsitzende der Union Rettet Rumänien USR, Dan Barna sagte seinerseits, dass die beiden Staaten auch innerhalb der Europäischen Union eine gute Kooperation pflegen können. Diesbezüglich, betonte Barna, unterstütze Rumänien, nach wie vor, die europäischen Bestrebungen seines Nachbarlandes: Wir betrachten diese Annäherung zwischen Rumänien und Republik Moldau im europäischen Kontext, weil wir ehrlich glauben, dass Republik Moldau, genau wie Rumäninen, zur EU gehört. Beide sind demokratische Staaten, die ihren Platz in einer modernen Europäischen Union haben. In den aktuellen Zeiten bleibt die Demokratie ein Grundwert beider Staaten”.

    Die Anhänger der unionistischen Bewegung werden am Sonntag in der moldauischen Hauptstadt Chişinău erwartet. Dort findet eine gro‎ße Volksversammlung zum 100. Jahrestag der Vereinigung Bessarabiens zu Rumänien. Bei der von Bürgerorganisationen aus beiden Staaten organisierten Veranstaltung möchten Anhänger der Vereinigung ihre Überzeugung erneut zum Ausdruck bringen, dass dieser Schritt die einzige Lösung sei, für eine historische Wahrheit zu kämpfen.

  • Iniţiative unioniste în Rep. Moldova

    Iniţiative unioniste în Rep. Moldova

    După 27 de
    ani de independenţă faţă de Moscova, în Republica Moldova democraţia e la limită, sărăcia e tot mai
    răspândită şi doar unirea cu România va oferi o perspectivă clară de dezvoltare
    statului ex-sovietic, majoritar românofon.
    Este declaraţia unuia dintre cei
    peste o sută de aleşi locali din fostul teritoriu românesc, care, în numele
    comunităţilor pe care le reprezintă, inclusiv a celei din care provine
    preşedintele pro-rus Igor Dodon, au semnat o Declaraţie de Unire cu România. La
    invitaţia autorităţilor locale, ei s-au întâlnit, în weekend, la Palatul
    Culturii din Iaşi (estul României), unde au constituit Liga Aleşilor Locali

    Ministrul român de externe, Teodor Meleşcanu, spune, că declaraţiile
    cu privire la unirea României cu Republica Moldova sunt expresia unei dorinţe
    de a fi mai aproape, dar ele nu au o valoare juridică. Eu sunt convins că trebuie să ne unim
    eforturile în procesul de apropiere a Republicii Moldova de UE. În condiţiile
    în care Republica Moldova şi România vor face parte de UE, va exista libera
    circulaţie a oamenilor, a capitalului, a bunurilor. Deci nu cred că trebuie să
    ne gândim la schemele clasice de modificare de frontiere sau de altele, fie
    prin operaţiuni militare sau războaie de orice tip.

    Şeful diplomaţiei
    române a făcut această declaraţie în contextul în care, miercuri, conducerea
    Consiliului Judeţean Prahova şi consilierii judeţeni au semnat
    şi ei un document prin care cer parlamentelor de la Bucureşti şi Chişinău să
    adopte o declaraţie comună privind reîntregirea ţării şi a neamului românesc şi
    un pachet de legi în acest sens.

  • March 7, 2018 UPDATE

    March 7, 2018 UPDATE

    ROMANIA AND THE EU — Romania has made limited progress as regards the implementation of the European Commission’s recommendations over 2017-2018, reads a Commission report made public on Wednesday. Bucharest will have to increase its efforts to fulfil its fiscal and tax-collection obligations, so as to achieve the mid-term budget objectives. Moreover Romania needs to curb black market labour. Another pending recommendation is the adoption of legislation to balance the retirement age for women and men. Romania also needs to improve access to quality education, especially for children in rural areas. In the field of healthcare, Romania will have to continue to combat informal payments and favour outpatient treatment. Over the coming period, Brussels will hold bilateral meetings with each EU Member States and will issue a new set of recommendations in May.

    MEETING — Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday is meeting his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, who is paying an official visit to Bucharest. According to the Presidency, the two officials will discuss ways to boost bilateral cooperation at political, economic and sectorial level. Talks will also focus on Bucharest support for Serbia’s EU accession process, ahead of Romania’s holding the European Council presidency in 2019. Iohannis and Vucic will also tackle the issue of the two countries’ national minorities, topics of mutual interest regarding cooperation in the Western Balkans and the developments in Kosovo.

    PROTESTS — The SANITAS Trade Union Federation has warned the Government that ignoring the demands of healthcare unionists could lead to further protests. Representatives of unions have called on Parliament in a public letter to support the amendments pushed to the law on public sector salaries and to end discrimination against certain professionals in the fields of healthcare and social assistance. Trade unions claim that as of March 1, certain healthcare employees, such as pharmacists, biologists, psychologists and nurses, have stopped receiving some of their benefits. Authorities say that starting March 1 salaries of medical and auxiliary staff have gone up tantamount to the salary cap provided in the salary grid for 2022. In another development, the last shot of immunoglobulin was used in Romania, and the only solution to deal with the shortage was to call for the EU and NATO for help. Health Minister Sorina Pintea has activated the European Civil Protection Mechanism in an attempt to cover the necessary 10,000 shots for the next two months.

    MOLDOVA — Moldovan President Igor Dodon on Wednesday accused Romania of fuelling the unionist movement in Moldova, which may pose risks to the country’s statehood. Dodon threatened to notify the UN and the Council of Europe so as to put an end to this development. According to our correspondents, Dodon expressed concern with the unionist rallies scheduled for late March. The accusations follow as the number of local authorities that have passed symbolic declarations for reunification with Romania has exceeded 100. Recently Dodon accused Romania’s consul in Balti, Mihail Baciu, of corrupting local officials and political bias. The Foreign Ministry in Bucharest says the accusations have an election stake, ahead of the Parliamentary elections scheduled for late 2018 in Moldova.

    SEARCHES — Romanian prosecutors on Wednesday conducted searches in Timis and Arad counties to bring down a wide network of immigrant traffickers. According to a press release of the anti-mafia directorate (DIICOT), a think tank was set up jointly with German authorities so as to dismantle the network. Set up in 2017, the group was ensuring the transit of illegal immigrants from Turkey to Germany via Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Hungary and Austria. The illegal migrants were put up in guesthouses in Timisoara, signed up for political asylum in Romania, and were eventually taken to Hungary.

    COLLEGE — The Romanian Intelligence College, a school unit subordinated to the Romanian Intelligence Service, will be disbanded, sources with the Service have told the media. According to the National Intelligence Academy, for the time being activity at the College has been suspended in the wake of an internal affairs investigation triggered by the October 2017 public declarations of acting Social-Democrat Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, who claimed to have graduated the college with zero attendance. The Academy’s Press Office further states it will withdraw Teodorovici’s degree. A large number of politicians have graduated the college, including former Prime Ministers Sorin Grindeanu and Mihai Tudose.

    VISIT — Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu on Thursday is paying a two-day official visit to Croatia. His agenda includes the opening of Romania’s Honorific Consulate in Split, meetings with local authorities and the Economy Chamber Chairman, Luka Burilovic. On Friday Melescanu will hold talks with the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Marija Pejcinovic Buric, with President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic. Melescanu’s agenda includes a visit to the Romanian Orthodox Church in Zagreb and meetings with members of the Romanian associations in Croatia.

    POLO — The Romanian men’s polo team was drawn in Group D at the European Championships in Barcelona alongside the defending champions Serbia, Russia and Slovakia. The tournament will take place over July 14-28. Romania’s team qualified after grabbing a double-leg win against the Czech Republic in the playoffs, 20-5 on home turf and 17-6 away from home. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Moldau: Rumänischer Außenminister stellt weitere Finanzhilfen in Aussicht

    Moldau: Rumänischer Außenminister stellt weitere Finanzhilfen in Aussicht

    Seit der Unabhängigkeitserklärung der Moldau vor fast 30 Jahren ist Bukarest der stärkste Befürworter der Souveränität und territorialen Integrität der Moldau. Und seit knapp 10 Jahren setzt sich Rumänien für den EU-Beitritt seines Nachbarlandes ein. Da ist es kein Zufall, dass Rumäniens Außenminister Teodor Meleşcanu das jüngste Treffen der EU-Aktionsgruppe für die Moldau leiten durfte. Die Sitzung fand am Montag in Brüssel, am Rande des EU-Rates für Außenangelegenheiten, statt.

    Die Ministergruppe hat einen informellen Charakter und wurde im Januar 2010 auf die Initiative Rumäniens hin und mit der Unterstützung Frankreichs gegründet. Ihr Ziel war es, den europäischen Integrationsprozess Chişinăus zu beobachten und dabei ein Augenmerk auf die Reformanstrengungen und die Aktionsschwerpunkte zu richten. Das vor dem Hintergrund der Umsetzung des Assoziierungsabkommens zwischen der EU und der Moldau.

    Außenminister Meleşcanu plädierte jetzt in Brüssel für eine entschlossene Unterstützung der europäischen Ziele der Moldau seitens der Mitgliedsstaaten und der Institutionen der EU. Denn neben den bereits erzielten Fortschritten in vielen Bereichen seien in der Moldau zusätzliche Bemühungen notwendig, so der Chefdiplomat. Der rumänische Außenminister stellte ferner Finanzhilfen aus Bukarest für die Gewährleistung der makroökonomischen Stabilität in Aussicht – ab April sollten die Gelder in mehreren Teilzahlungen überwiesen werden. Meleşcanu sagte außerdem im Exklusiv-Interview mit Radio Rumänien, dass die Entscheidung auch eine Anerkennung der Reformen sei, die die prowestliche Regierung in Chişinău begünstigt habe.

    Eine der Schlussfolgerungen des Rates habe sich auf die Pressefreiheit in der Moldau bezogen, vor dem Hintergrund der Sorgen um den Einfluss der russischen Sprache in den Medien, so der Außenminister Rumäniens.

    In den Schlussfolgerungen des Rates wird empfohlen, dass die Medienfreiheit gewährleistet wird und gleichzeitig, dass man Lösungen findet, um den Medien mehr Verantwortung zu übertragen und sie auch für die Bedeutung der Verbreitung von Tatsachenberichten und nicht von Fake-News sensibilisiert. Und, allen voran, die Verbesserung der Abwehrmechanismen staatlichen Behörden gegen die Nutzung unterschiedlicher Kanäle für die Verbreitung von Falschnachrichten und eine bestimmte Art von Berichterstattung über die Beziehung zwischen der EU und der Moldau.

    Die Aussage von Außenminister Teodor Meleşcanu spielt auf das neue Mediengesetz der Moldau an. Das sogenannte Antipropaganda-Gesetz schränkt den Betrieb russischsprachiger Fernsehsender ein. Es sei dabei weder die Rede von Zensur oder der Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit, behaupten Experten. Man möchte damit lediglich die gegen den Westen und insbesondere gegen Rumänien gerichtete Propaganda-Welle eindämmen. Die Propaganda-Welle habe die Medienlandschaft in Chişinău überflutet und sei mit Verleumdungskampagnen und Verschwörungsgerüchten gewürzt, hieß es. Beobachter betonen dabei, dass bei dieser Medienkampagne eine auf den Wahlkampf gerichtete und zugleich geopolitische Komponente auf dem Spiel steht. Denn die Kampagne würde angesichts der Parlamentswahlen Ende des laufenden Jahres lediglich der sozialistischen Partei des prorussischen Präsidenten Igor Dodon dienen. Er plädiert offen für ein Abbiegen vom Weg nach Europa und eine Rückkehr auf die Laufbahn Moskaus.

  • European financial support for the Republic of Moldova

    European financial support for the Republic of Moldova

    For almost three decades now, since Chisinau proclaimed its independence from Moscow, Bucharest has been the most fervent supporter of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Also, for more than ten years, Romania has firmly encouraged its neighbor’s European aspirations. Therefore, it’s no surprise that in Brussels on Monday the Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu chaired the meeting of the Group for European Action of the Republic of Moldova, held on the sidelines of the Foreign Affairs Council.

    The Group is an informal ministerial mechanism, established in January 2010, at Romania’s initiative, with support from France. The Group analyzed Chisinau’s European track, with focus on reforms and action priorities against the background of the implementation of the EU — the Republic of Moldova association agreement. Melescanu pleaded for a firm support from the EU member states and institutions for the Republic of Moldova’s European goals. Besides progress made in various fields, the Romanian minister stressed, additional efforts are still needed. Melescanu announced that in April the European Commission would transfer funds to Moldova, aimed at ensuring the latter’s macro-economic stability.

    In an exclusive statement for Radio Romania, the Foreign Minister stated that this aid is a form of validation of the reforms promoted by the pro-Western government in Chisinau. He also added that one of the Council’s conclusions concerned the freedom of the press in Moldova, given that Chisinau authorities are worried about the influence of the Russian language media. Teodor Melescanu:

    The recommendation made was about ensuring the freedom of the media and at the same time finding means to hold the media accountable and raising their awareness as to the importance of promoting real, not fake news. Focus was also laid on the importance of increasing state institutions’ opposition against the fake news used to describe the relationship between the Republic of Moldova and the EU.”

    Teodor Melescanu’s statements referred to the new audio-visual law in the Republic of Moldova, the so-called ‘anti-propaganda law’, which restricts broadcasts by Russian TV channels. According to experts, the law is not a form of censorship or limitation of the freedom of expression, it’s just a means of curbing the anti-western propaganda that has invaded the Chisinau media, in particular against Romanians, often imbued with slander and apocalyptic rumors. Pundits say that the stake of such media campaign is both electoral and geo-political. Because, in the run up for the legislative elections due later this year, it only serves the interests of the pro-Russian president Igor Dodon, who has been openly pleading for giving up the European path and returning to Moscow’s sphere of influence. (Translated by M. Ignatescu)

  • Chişinău lashes out at Moscow’s interference

    Chişinău lashes out at Moscow’s interference

    Less than one year before legislative elections, everything in the Republic of Moldova is revolving around politics and everything has geopolitical reverberations. On the right side of the political spectrum, the opposition Liberal Party as well as the many groups outside Parliament and civic organizations are pleading for reunification with Romania. Also, there is a growing number of local councils that have adopted symbolic declarations related to unification. In the center of the political spectrum, the pro-western coalition government dominated by the Democratic Party counts on European integration and, without sharing the unionist ideal, they are promoting excellent relations with Bucharest and cold relations with Moscow.

    On the left side of the political spectrum, the remaining Communist Party and the Socialists led, de facto, by the head of state, Igor Dodon, are not hiding their intention to bring the Republic of Moldova back among Russia’s satellites. Dominated by the pro-western MPs, the Moldovan Parliament on Thursday passed a declaration through which they condemn the attacks leveled by the Russian Federation against Moldova’s information security, and its abusive interference with the political activity of Moldova. The attacks, launched by means of the TV channels in Moscow and of Moldovan media institutions, are aimed at denigrating the Republic of Moldova, the Moldovan institutions and officials and especially the Moldovan citizens, writes the document passed by the Moldovan MPs.

    Quite predictably, the declaration was voted by the members of the majority coalition and rejected by the pro-Russian Socialists and Communists. According to commentators the declaration is a reply to the document passed last month by the Russian Federation State Duma, which denounces the new audiovisual law in the Republic of Moldova, the so-called ‘anti-propaganda law’, which restricts the broadcasting of Russian TV channels. President Dodon says the declaration of the Moldovan Parliament is the most impulsive anti-Russian message launched at the level of Parliament in the past 25 years.

    A former presidential advisor in Bucharest and the founder of a think-tank specializing in the analysis of the ex-Soviet space, university professor Iulian Chifu has tried to explain the situation:

    “The Russian Federation benefits from the actions of this pro-Russian Socialist president, Igor Dodon, who last year alone traveled to the Russian Federation 8 times, with or without purpose or meaning. What’s obvious is that, at the level of image, he is a very strong promoter of the Russian message.”

    According to professor Chifu, the stands taken in the Moldovan Parliament are strictly defensive. 80% of the public space in Moldova is controlled, in terms of rating, by the Russian mass media.P rofessor Chifu says we should hail the existence of an anti-propaganda law meant to thwart disinformation and prevent manipulation to the benefit of Moscow.

  • Chişinăul condamnă amestecul Moscovei

    Chişinăul condamnă amestecul Moscovei

    Cu mai puţin de un an înaintea alegerilor legislative, în Republica Moldova totul e politică şi totul are reverberaţii geopolitice. La dreapta, Partidul Liberal (parlamentar, în opoziţie), precum şi numeroase formaţiuni extraparlamentare şi organizaţii civice pledează tot mai viguros pentru reunificarea cu România. Creşte, de asemenea, continuu, numărul consiliilor locale din provincie care adoptă declaraţii simbolice de unire. La centru, guvernul de coaliţie, declarat pro-occidental, dominat de Partidul Democrat, mizează pe cartea integrării europene şi, fără a împărtăşi obiectivul unionist, cultivă relaţii excelente cu Bucureştiul şi glaciale cu Moscova.

    La stânga, resturile fostului partid unic comunist şi socialiştii conduşi, de facto, de şeful statului, Igor Dodon, nu-şi ascund intenţia de a readuce republica pe orbita rusească. Dominat, numeric, de adepţii căii occidentale, Parlamentul de la Chişinău a adoptat, joi, o declaraţie prin care condamnă atacurile Federaţiei Ruse la adresa securităţii informaţionale şi amestecul abuziv în activitatea politică din Republica Moldova. Atacurile, lansate prin intermediul televiziunilor de la Moscova şi a unor instituţii media autohtone, vizează denigrarea Republicii Moldova, a unor instituţii şi a unor oficiali, dar mai ales a cetăţenilor ţării – afirmă documentul adoptat de deputaţi.

    Previzibil, acesta a fost votat de membrii coaliţiei majoritare şi respins de socialiştii şi comuniştii filoruşi. Declaraţia e, potrivit comentatorilor, o replică la documentul adoptat, luna trecută, de Duma de Stat a Federaţiei Ruse, care condamnă noua lege a audiovizualului din Republica Moldova, aşa-numita lege antipropagandă, ce restricţionează difuzarea canalelor tv ruseşti. Preşedintele Dodon susţine că declaraţia legislativului de la Chişinău reprezintă cel mai impulsiv mesaj antirusesc lansat la nivel înalt în ultimii 25 de ani.

    Fost consilier prezidenţial la Bucureşti şi fondator al unui think-tank specializat pe analiza spaţiului ex-sovietic, profesorul universitar Iulian Chifu explică, pentru Radio România, că şeful statului rămâne, de fapt, egal cu sine: “Federaţia Rusă beneficiază de aportul acestui preşedinte prorus socialist Igor Dodon, care a făcut numai anul trecut vreo opt vizite în Federaţia Rusă, cu sau fără scop, cu mai multă sau mai puţină noimă. Cert este că există în zona imagologică un purtător de mesaj prorus foarte puternic.”

    Iar luările de poziţie ale Parlamentului de la Chişinău sunt, consideră profesorul Chifu, strict defensive. 80% din spaţiul public din Republica Moldova este controlat, din punctul de vedere al audienţei, de către mass-media rusă. În plin război informaţional, spune el, trebuie salutat faptul că există o lege antipropagandă, menită să stăvilească dezinformarea şi să prevină manipularea în beneficiul Moscovei.

  • February 2, 2018 UPDATE

    February 2, 2018 UPDATE

    CORRUPTION — The Prosecutors’ Office with the High Court of Cassation and Justice in Bucharest on Friday announced it made public the irregularities with which an anti-corruption prosecutor was prosecuting a famous corruption case as early as last September. The reaction comes against the background of concern voiced by civil society and mass media in Romania over the solutions in the so-called Microsoft case. We recall that six former Romanian ministers have been acquitted in a big corruption case as the statute of limitation has expired. In the case of the 7th minister involved with the file, the anti-corruption prosecutors have ruled to close the case. Three of the officials involved in the case, who had occupied portfolios at the Ministries of Education and Finances, were being investigated in the so-called Microsoft case, which caused 70 million dollars in prejudice to the state. The seven officials are accused of having resorted to illegal actions over 2003-2004 to sign a contract with a private company for operating Microsoft licenses in schools.

    BREXIT — Romanian Minister Delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu said the rights of Romanians currently living in the UK will be fully guaranteed post-Brexit, in the wake of the first round of Brexit negotiations. The statement comes as British Prime Minister Theresa May spoke of possibly limiting the rights of EU citizens who will settle in the UK after Brexit. The statement refers to citizens arriving after March 2019, so that these provisions cannot apply to citizens currently residing in the UK.

    DEFENCE — 2018 will be devoted to modernizing the Romanian Naval Forces, Defense Minister Mihai Fifor on Friday said in the military port of Constanta on the Black Sea coast. The Romanian official said Wednesday’s government session will occasion a presentation of a project devoted to the purchase of four multi-purpose corvettes. The contract could be signed by the end of the year and the corvettes will be manufactured at a shipyard in Romania. Two frigates will also be upgraded, while most of Romania’s naval military could be fitted with anti-ship missiles. In turn, Vice-Admiral Alexandru Mirsu said Romania needs a strong and well-equipped naval force, considering Russia’s increased military presence in the Black Sea. The two officials met in Constanta with the crews of British and Turkish naval forces, who are part of NATO’s permanent military force, currently taking part in joint maritime surveillance operations.

    FINANCE — Romania has attracted €2 billion from external markets by issuing Eurobonds with maturities of 12 to 20 years in two installments. The transaction covers part of the minimum financing capital on external markets for this year, at the same time consolidating Romania’s hard currency reserves, the Finance Ministry has announced. The Ministry plans to attract Eurobonds up to €5 billion and issue government bonds worth €11 billion on the internal market. Romania has a positive investment rating with a stable outlook from the world’s top three financial rating agencies, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch.

    HEARING — Romania’s Ambassador to the United States, George Maior, will appear before Parliament’s Romanian Intelligence Service Control Committee on February 27, the Committee chairman Claudiu Manda has said. On Friday Manda met with Maior in Bucharest, saying talks were short. A former Social-Democrat MP, Maior acted as head of the Romanian Intelligence Service over 2006-2015. Maior said he does not refrain from appearing before the Committee and wants to clarify information appeared in the media, without saying exactly what. More and more journalists speculate the intelligence service is allegedly serving political interests.

    MOLDOVA — Moldovan President Igor Dodon on Friday called an official meeting to launch the so-called “Stephen the Great” Year. According to our correspondents in Chisinau, the move is seen as an extension of his pro-Russian policy, an attempt to undermine the Great Union Centennial in Romania. His initiative is in no way connected to any event in the life of Moldovan Ruler Stephen the Great, historian and political expert Octavian Tacu said, adding that Dodon wants to promote Moldovan identity, imposed by his political patrons in Moscow. Dodon is known for his anti-unionism and his plans to ban numerous organizations and parties calling for the reunification of Moldova and Romania.

    DAVIS CUP — On Saturday and Sunday in Piatra Neamt, eastern Romania, the country’s tennis team will be playing the selection of Luxembourg in the first round of group two, of the Davis Cup’s Europe-Africa zone. The Romanian line-up includes Marius Copil who will play in the single contest, Horia Tecau and Florin Mergea in the doubles, Nicolae Frunza and Bogdan Borza in the singles. Romania has been relegated from group one for the first time since 1993 after a five-nil defeat by Israel. Romania has to win three rounds to make a comeback to world group one. Unless they win against Luxembourg, our tennis players are to join a play-off to maintain their position or be demoted. (Translated by D. Bilt & V. Palcu)

  • Jurnal românesc – 01.02.2018

    Jurnal românesc – 01.02.2018

    Preşedintele Republicii Moldova, Igor Dodon, a cerut convocarea
    urgentă a Consiliului Suprem de Securitate, după ce câteva localităţi au votat
    declaraţii simbolice de unire cu România. În opinia preşedintelui pro-rus,
    Consiliul Suprem de Securitate de la Chişinău trebuie să ia atitudine cu
    privire la acţiuni care, în opinia lui, sunt îndreptate împotriva suveranităţii
    independenţei şi integrităţii teritoriale a Republicii Moldova. Săptămâna
    trecută, în contextul marcării a 159 de ani de la Unirea Principatelor Române,
    şapte localităţi din Republica Moldova au votat declaraţii de unire cu România.
    Potrivit semnatarilor declaraţiilor, cetăţenii şi-au exprimat bucuria de a
    sărbători împreună Centenarul Marii Uniri şi adeziunea la valorile naţionale şi
    democratice ale spaţiului cultural românesc.

    Guvernul a amânat,
    miercuri, termenul limită de depunere a declaraţiei fiscale 600, până la 15
    aprilie. Premierul Viorica Dăncilă a afirmat că, între timp, se caută o soluţie
    de simplificare a plăţii taxelor datorate de cei care obţin venituri în afara
    salariilor şi din activităţi independente. Datele oficiale arată că, până în
    prezent, au fost depuse peste 10% din numărul total de declaraţii 600. Declaraţia 600 este un formular prin care aproximativ
    210.000 de români care au venituri extrasalariale sunt obligaţi să spună
    Fiscului ce venituri au obţinut în 2017 sau cred că vor obţine anul acesta în
    afara salariilor.

    Cu o rată a şomajului de
    numai 4,6%, România s-a aflat pe locul patru în Uniunea Europeană în funcţie de
    nivelul scăzut al şomajului, după Cehia (2,3%), Germania şi Malta (3,6%) şi
    Olanda şi Polonia (cu câte 4,45%). Rata şomajului calculată conform
    standardelor Biroului Internaţional al Muncii a ajuns la 4,6% în luna decembrie
    a anului trecut, la cel mai scăzut nivel din 2004 încoace, arată datele
    Institutului Naţional de Statistică. Potrivit Institutului, numărul
    şomerilor a fost, la sfârşitul anului trecut, de 435.000 de persoane, în
    scădere atât faţă de luna precedentă, cât şi faţă de aceeaşi lună a anului

    Ambasada României în Republica Moldova anunță că, pentru a veni în
    sprijinul cetățenilor, începând de luni, 5 februarie, toate serviciile
    consulare la Secția Consulară a Ambasadei României la Chișinău se prestează
    numai pe bază de programare prealabilă. Programările se obțin
    prin Ghișeul Consular Online la adresa www.econsulat.ro.
    Pentru depunerea dosarelor de viză rămâne valabilă programarea prin intermediul
    portalului www.eviza.ro. Această măsură vine în completarea procesului de
    reformă și vine în sprijinul îmbunătățirii sistemului de programări. Programările pentru toate serviciile consulare sunt gratuite.

    Noul ministru al românilor de pretutindeni, Natalia Intotero, a
    anunţat că vor fi continuate programele prevăzute în strategia existentă în
    ceea ce priveşte diaspora. Este vorba, printre altele, de programele Nicolae Iorga – în domeniul educaţiei, Andrei Şaguna – în domeniul spiritualităţii şi tradiţiilor, Mihai Eminescu – în domeniul mass-media, Dimitrie Gusti – în domeniul societăţii civile. De
    asemenea, amenajarea Casei Memoriale Aron Pumnul din Cernăuţi şi organizarea, în incinta acesteia, a unui muzeu în memoria lui Mihai Eminescu şi Aron Pumnul
    vor constitui o prioritate.

  • Nachrichten 04.01.2018

    Nachrichten 04.01.2018

    Bukarest: Rumäniens Staatschef Klaus Iohannis nimmt am Freitag, in Bukarest, an der Plenumssitzung des Obersten Rates der Richter und Staatsanwälte teil. Dabei sollen der Vorsitzende und der Vizevorsitzende des besagten Rates gewählt werden. Außerdem wird der Bericht der Anstalt für das Jahr 2017 vorgetragen. Die Sitzung findet statt vor dem Hintergrund, dass die jüngsten Änderungen der Justizgesetze sowohl im Parlament von den Oppositionsparteien als auch auf der Straße von der Zivilgesellschaft und einem Teil der Richter und Staatsanwälte angefochten wurden. Die drei Rechtsnormen betreffend das Statut der Richter und Staatsanwälte, die Rechtsverfassung und die Funktion des Obersten Rates der Richter und Staatsanwälte wurden unmittelbar nach ihrer Verabschiedung durch die Legistlative beim Verfassungsgericht von der Nationalliberalen Partei und von dem Obersten Justiz- und Kassationshof angefochten. Die Gegner der besagten Änderungen weisen darauf hin, dass die drei Gesetze gegen das Grundgesetz verstoßen und für Verwirrung sorgen. Die kontroversesten Änderungen beziehen sich auf die monetäre Haftung der Richter und Staatsanwälte, auf die Gründung einer Sonderabteilung zur Ermittlung der Straftaten in der Justiz im Rahmen der Generalsstaatsanwaltschaft und die Satzung der Gerichtsinspektion.

    Chişinău: Der Präsident des Parlaments der Republik Moldau, der prowestliche Andrian Candu, unterzeichnet die Dekrete der Amtseinführung sechs neuer Minister, vor dem Hintergrund der zeitweiligen Suspendierung des Staatschefs Igor Dodon. Das Verfassungsgericht erklärte den prorussischen Dodon als vorübergehend unfähig seine Aufgaben auszüben, nachdem dieser zwei mal eine Regierungsumbildung blockiert hat. Die besagte Regierungsumbildung sollte laut Behörden die Umsetzung bestimmter Reformen beschleunigen. Igor Dodon hatte die Dekrete zum Rücktritt von sechs Mitgliedern des Kabinetts von Premierminister Filip unterzeichnet, jedoch nicht die Amtseinführung neuer Minister genehmigt. Die Korrespondenten von Radio Rumänien Chişinău erinnern, dass die Lösung der Suspendierung von Präsident Dodon auch im Oktober, bei der Ernennung des Verteidigungsministers Eugen Sturza angewandt wurde.

    SPORT: Die rumänischen Tennisspielerinnen Simona Halep und Irina Begu werden am Freitag in einem der zwei Einzelhalbfinalen des WTA-Turniers im chinesischen Shenzhen gegeneinander antreten. Besagtes Turnier ist mit Gesamtpreisen von 600.000 Dollar ausgestattet. Simona Halep, Weltranglistenerste, gewann am Donnerstag 6-2, 6-2 gegen die Weißrussin Arina Sabalenka, Irina Begu, vierte Favoritin besiegte 7-5, 7-5 die Ungarin Timea Babos. In dem anderen Halbfinale in Shenzhen wird die Russin Maria Scharapowa gegen Katerina Siniakova aus Tschechien antreten. Im Doppel sind Simona Halep und Irina Begu Partnerinnen und werden auch am Freitag im Halbfinale gegen Ana Blinkova (Russland) / Nicola Geuer (Deutschland) antreten.

  • January 3, 2018 UPDATE

    January 3, 2018 UPDATE

    Prosecution — Anti-corruption prosecutors on Wednesday placed former Chamber of Deputies Speaker, Valeriu Zgonea, under judicial control, in a case in which he is prosecuted for influence peddling. According to prosecutors, between July 2012 and April 2013, while Zgonea was Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and vice-president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), another defendant, Dumitru Dobrica, promised him, and Zgonea accepted, undue benefits in exchange for using his influence upon some public servants, in order to appoint one of Dobrica’s relatives in an important public position. Investigators say that Zgonea received undue benefits of around 15 thousand euros. Also, Felicia Pop, office manager of the Minister for the Relation with Parliament, Viorel Ilie, was indicted by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate for using directly or indirectly information that is not intended for public disclosure, or for allowing unauthorized access to such information, in a case regarding the organisation of a contest to hire civil servants on contractual positions.

    Resignation – The Romanian Minister of Waters and Forests, the Social Democrat Doina Pana, resigned on Wednesday, for medical reasons. Doina Pana will preserve, however, her position as Parliament member. She is Vice-President of the Parliament’s Committee for Environment and Ecological Balance and a member of the Romanian Parliament’s Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. Doina Pana became a minister in June 2017, a position she also held in 2014.

    Budget — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday promulgated the state budget and the social security budget laws for 2018. However, he pointed to the laws’ vulnerabilities and to the challenges posed by the current fiscal and budget framework, given that Romania needs a credible and balanced budget that should consistently observe the fundamental objectives of macroeconomic stability, predictability and fiscal and budgetary sustainability. The 2018 budget is based on a 5.5% economic growth rate, an average annual inflation rate of 3.1%, an average currency exchange rate of 4.55 lei for one Euro and an average net monthly salary of 565 Euros. The budget deficit is estimated at 2.97% of the GDP, in keeping with the under 3% target. Also on Wednesday, Klaus Iohannis promulgated the Law on the revision of the Government’s emergency decree regarding the organisation and functioning of the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE).

    Chisinau — In the Republic of Moldova, the speaker of Parliament, with pro-western views, Adrian Candu, will take over the interim presidency from the pro-Russian president Igor Dodon, to sign the decree for appointing 7 new ministers. The announcement was made by the Parliament’s press office, after the Constitutional Court decided that the pro-Russian president Igor Dodon could be suspended again, following his repeated refusal to promulgate the government reshuffles. Radio Romania’s correspondents to Chisinau say this measure was already applied last October in the case of the appointment of the defense minister, Eugen Sturza. Prime Minister Pavel Filip announced the change of seven of the thirteen members of the government with the avowed purpose of boosting reforms. Among the nominees are also two former prime ministers, Iurie Leancă, proposed as deputy prime minister for European integration and Chiril Gaburici, who is to take over the Economy portfolio.

    Tennis — World no. 1, Simona Halep, on Wednesday defeated the Chinese Ying-Ying Duan (91 WTA), 3-6, 6-1, 6-2 and made it to the quarterfinals of the WTA tournament held in Shenzen, China, with almost 630 thousand dollars up for grabs. Thus Simona Halep keeps the 1st place in the WTA ranking. Another Romanian, Irina Begu (no. 43 WTA) also qualified to the quarterfinals after defeating Russian Ekaterina Alexandrova (96 WTA), 4-6, 6-1, 6-2. Also on Wednesday, Romania’s 3rd representative in the tournament, Ana Bogdan (105 WTA) lost to the Czech player Kristyna Pliskova, 4-6, 6-7, in an eighth finals match. In the doubles, the pair made up of Irina Begu and Simona Halep on Tuesday qualified to the semifinals after a dramatic match against another Romanian pair made up of Mihaela Buzarnescu and Irina Bara. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 02.01.2018


    Protestations – Une nouvelle manifestation de protestation contre le gouvernement a eu lieu le soir du 1er janvier 2018 à Bucarest. Les protestataires accusent le pouvoir de vouloir subordonner la Justice en modifiant la législation. Mercredi dernier, les débats à ce sujet entre le premier ministre Mihai Tudose et les représentants des organisations civiques n’ont abouti sur aucun résultat. Les activistes civiques avaient demandé au chef du gouvernement de saisir la Commission de Venise au sujet des lois de la Justice et des modifications des Codes pénaux, ainsi que de reporter, par décret d’urgence, leur entrée en vigueur, et aussi de destituer le ministre de la Justice, Tudorel Toader. Les Ambassades de Bucarest de la Belgique, du Danemark, de la Finlande, de la France, de l’Allemagne, des Pays-Bas et de la Suède ont envoyé une lettre commune demandant à toutes les parties impliquées dans le processus de réforme de la Justice d’éviter toute action qui pourrait affaiblir l’indépendance du système judiciaire et de la lutte contre la corruption. En réplique, le ministère des Affaires Etrangères de Bucarest a précisé que le renforcement de l’Etat de droit et de la lutte contre la corruption figuraient parmi les priorités du gouvernement roumain.

    Chisinau – La Cour Constitutionnelle de la République de Moldova débat ce mardi de la suspension temporaire de ses fonctions du président Igor Dodon. Celui-ci a refusé pour la deuxième fois la nomination de 7 nouveaux ministres proposés par le gouvernement. Dans ces conditions, un groupe de députés a demandé à la Cour Constitutionnelle de Chisinau de constater si oui ou on Iogor Dodon a enfreint la loi fondamentale du pays et s’il était oui ou on possible de le suspendre temporairement de ses fonctions. Selon Radio Chisinau, si M Dodon est suspendu de sa fonction de chef d’Etat, le président intérimaire pourrait signer les décrets de nominations des nouveaux ministres. A noter que la même solution avait été utilisée en octobre dernier pour la nomination d’un nouveau ministre de la Défense.

    Patrimoine – 2018 est l’année européenne du Patrimoine Culturel, selon une décision du Parlement européen et du Conseil Européen. Les manifestations se dérouleront sous le slogan « Notre patrimoine, à la confluence entre le passé et l’avenir ». Ce sera une excellente opportunité de connaître et de comprendre le rôle du patrimoine culturel de l’Europe ainsi que de promouvoir le sentiment d’appartenance à un espace commun. Le budget alloué au programme se monte à 8 millions d’euros destinés à organiser événements, campagnes d’information, d’éducation et de sensibilisation, censés déterminer les citoyens européens à s’impliquer dans des initiatives portant sur la protection du patrimoine culturel. Avec 453 sites inscrits, l’Europe réunit près de la moitié des monuments figurant sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.

    Tennis – Au tournoi WTA de Shenzen, en Chine, le duo formé des joueuses roumaines Simona Halep et Irinia Begu s’est qualifié ce mardi dans en demi-finale. Les Roumaines ont eu un match dramatique contre deux compatriotes – Irina Bara et Mihaela Buzărnescu. Lors du jeu décisif, Simona Halep et Irinia Begu ont réussi à s’imposer sur le score de 13 à 11. Mardi encore, à l’épreuve de simple, la Roumaine Ana Bogdan (nr 105 WTA) s’est qualifiée dans les 8e de finale après avoir vaincu l’Italienne Camila Giorgi (nr 79 WTA). Sa prochaine adversaire sera Kristyna Pliskova de République tchèque. Deux autres Roumaines évolueront en demi-finale à l’épreuve de simple : Simona Halep, numéro 1 mondiale et principale favorite de la compétition, qui affrontera la Chinoise Ying-Ying Duan, et Irina Begu tête de série nr 4, qui aura pour adversaire la Russe Ecaterina Alexandrova.

    Handball – La sélection nationale de handball masculin de Roumanie a démarré les entraînements pour le Trophées Carpati (Carpathes) qui débutera le 5 janvier et auquel participent aussi le Portugal, la Tunisie et le Bahrein. Sous la direction de l’entraineur espagnol Xavi Pascual, la Roumanie se prépare aussi pour le premier tour des qualifications au Championnat du monde de 2019. Celles-ci se dérouleront du 11 au 13 janvier à Bolzano, en Italie. Les Roumains auront pour adversaires l’Ukraine et les Iles Féroé. Seuls les gagnants des 6 groupes préliminaires joueront en juin prochain dans le play-off du tournoi final accueilli par l’Allemagne et les Pays-Bas. Samedi dernier, la Roumanie s’est classée 3e au tournoi Yellow Cup de Winterthur, en Suisse, après avoir vaincu la Serbie.

    Météo – Le temps est plutôt morose ce mardi en Roumanie. Les précipitations sont mixtes sur l’ensemble du territoire. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de 3 à 13 degrés. 6 degrés et un ciel couvert à midi à Bucarest.