Tag: Israel

  • Premierul Marcel Ciolacu se află, astăzi, în Israel

    Premierul Marcel Ciolacu se află, astăzi, în Israel


    România rămâne un stat consecvent în cadrul relaţiilor sale din Orientul Mijlociu şi îşi menţine atitudinea de promotor al păcii, va fi alături, necondiţionat, în momentele dificile, de aliaţii săi, a transmis marţi prim-ministrul Marcel Ciolacu, la finalul întrevederii avute cu omologul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu.

    România rămâne un stat consecvent în cadrul relaţiilor sale din Orientul Mijlociu. (…) Suntem extrem de îngrijoraţi de spirala crescândă a violenţelor cu consecinţe teribile asupra populaţiei civile, atât israeliene, cât şi palestiniene. Vreau să îi asigur pe românii din ţara noastră că ne menţinem atitudinea de promotori ai păcii, dar vom fi alături, necondiţionat, în momentele dificile, de aliaţii şi prietenii noştri, a precizat Marcel Ciolacu.

    Vizita primului ministru român în Israel reprezintă exprimarea solidarităţii cu poporul israelian, în urma atacurilor teroriste declanşate de Hamas.
    Am decis să vin astăzi în Israel deoarece, în astfel de momente dificile, precum cele trăite în prezent de poporul israelian, partenerii şi prietenii trebuie să îşi demonstreze solidaritatea. Societatea românească, comunitatea de israelieni din România şi cea de români din Israel deplâng alături de dumneavoastră, domnul prim-ministru, victimele nevinovate, femei, copii, tineri în floarea vârstei, în urma atacurilor teroriste declanşate de Hamas. Transmit compasiunea noastră pentru toate aceste pierderi de vieţi omeneşti şi pentru numeroşii răniţi, printre care, în mod tragic, s-au regăsit şi cetăţeni de origine română, a afirmat Ciolacu.

    România condamnă cu fermitate cele întâmplate în Israel în ultimele zile, nivelul atrocităţilor comise de Hamas, o grupare teroristă care ţine ostatică populaţia palestiniană pentru a satisface interesele sale extremiste. În acest context, Parlamentul României a fost primul for legislativ din rândul statelor democratice care a adoptat în şedinţă comună o declaraţie de solidaritate cu statul israelian. Alături de comunitatea internaţională, România solicită eliberarea imediată a tuturor ostaticilor şi persoanelor răpite şi abţinerea de la orice alt act de agresiune, în special împotriva ţintelor civile , a declarat Ciolacu.

    Şeful Executivului de la Bucureşti a arătat că în discuţiile purtate cu premierul israelian a transmis acestuia că, în faţa atacurilor Hamas, Israelul are dreptul să se apere, în deplin respect cu dreptul umanitar şi a făcut un apel pentru facilitarea coridoarelor umanitare din Gaza.Sunt convins că întreaga comunitate internaţională se va implica pentru deschiderea coridoarelor umanitare şi pentru a oferi asistenţă necesară refugiaţilor, a declarat Ciolacu.

    Premierul român a transmis mulţumiri omologului său israelian pentru implicarea autorităţilor israeliene şi pentru sprijinul acordat repatrierii în siguranţă a peste 2.200 de cetăţeni români din Israel şi a reiterat necesitatea şi urgenţa unei păci durabile în Orientul Mijlociu.

    Şi îmi doresc un efort comun pentru evacuarea în siguranţă a cetăţenilor români din Fâşia Gaza, pentru ca astfel de momente să nu se mai întâmple, a mai afirmat Ciolacu.

    La rândul său, Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a transmis omologului său român, Marcel Ciolacu, mulţumiri pentru solidaritatea arătată de România Israelului în faţa atacurilor Hamas. Lumea civilizată trebuie să fie unită în spatele Israelului şi să lupte pentru eradicarea Hamas, a spus Netanyahu. Şi a dat asigurări că autorităţile israeliene vor face tot ce le stă în putinţă pentru ajuta la evacuarea românilor din Fâşia Gaza, în măsura în care acest lucru este posibil.

    Nimeni nu poate face pace cu Dash, nimeni nu poate face pace cu Al Qaeda şi nimeni nu poate face pace cu naziştii. Ei trebuie să fie învinşi, atunci vom avea pacea, a afirmat Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Din delegaţia României în Israel mai fac parte ministrul Apărării Naționale, Angel Tîlvăr, ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Luminița Odobescu, deputatul Silviu Vexler, președinte al Federației Comunităților Evreiești din România, și ambasadorul României în Israel, Radu Ioanid.

  • October 16, 2023 UPDATE

    October 16, 2023 UPDATE

    Pensions – In Bucharest, the draft law on special pensions, granted to magistrates and other public system employees, was adopted on Monday by the Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making body in this case. The document had previously been approved by the Senate plenum, as the first chamber notified, with the changes requested by the Constitutional Court – CCR. Compared to the form that passed the Senate, no substantive amendments were introduced. Thus, the taxation thresholds of up to 20% for the non-contributory part were kept, as well as the annual increase, by four months, of the retirement age up to 60 years. The law provides, among other things, that magistrates will have a pension of 80% of the average gross monthly allowances and increments collected in the last four years of activity. The plenum of the Chamber of Deputies adopted only proposals related to the legislative technique and rejected all the amendments proposed by the opposition Save Romania Union – USR and the Alliance for the Union of Romanians – AUR. The USR leader, Cătălin Drula, said that this law actually maintains special pensions, and the Liberal Party deputy, Florin Roman, stated that the adoption of the oppositions amendments would have made the law unconstitutional. The Social Democratic Party – PSD claims that the law respects both the decisions of the CCR and the requests of the European Commission, while AUR considers the new form unacceptable, and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania – UDMR condemns the non-compliance with the contribution principle.

    Meeting – The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, called an extraordinary online meeting of all heads of state or government in the European Union for Tuesday, in the context of the Middle East situation. In a statement published on Monday, Charles Michel once again condemned the actions of Hamas, which he considers terrorist, and demands the immediate release of the hostages. The head of the European Council said that Israel has the right to defend itself, within the limits of international law and respecting humanitarian principles. He believes that this conflict can create tensions including on the European continent and can amplify extremism in the European Union. The extraordinary council meeting, he added, will address the issue from the point of view of ensuring assistance to the affected civilians, the impact of civilian migration to the states in the area and avoiding the escalation of the conflict by involving all regional actors. Charles Michel believes that the solution is peace based on the existence of two states: Israel and Palestine.

    Repatriation — The Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu stated that the Romanian authorities are in contact with almost every Romanian citizen in the Gaza Strip. He says that, at present, there are no reasons for concern about their lives, but everyone hopes that they will arrive in Romania as soon as possible. About 350 Romanians with dual citizenship are supposed to be in the Palestinian enclave, controlled by the terrorist organization Hamas and bombed intensively by the Israeli army.

    Israel – The Israeli army asked Palestinian civilians in the northern Gaza Strip again, on Monday, to move to the south of the territory. It is estimated that one million people have already left their homes in the northern area controlled by the terrorist movement Hamas. The situation of these people is very difficult, humanitarian agencies point out, and they are asking for the sending of strictly necessary aid to the Gaza Strip The Israeli army announced that the number of people abducted by Hamas and taken to the Gaza Strip is 199. The bombing continued on both sides. On the northern border of Israel, following the frequent fire exchanges with the Hezbollah organization, a measure was taken to evacuate 28 Israeli towns in the immediate vicinity of the border with Lebanon and a 2 km wide strip was established which was declared a closed military area.

    Football – The Romanian national football team became the leader of the EURO 2024 Qualifying Group I after defeating Andorra, 4-0, on Sunday evening, in Bucharest. The Romanian footballers achieved their clearest victory of this qualifying campaign. In another match from Group I, Switzerland drew the match with Belarus 3-3 at home. We remind you that Israels matches have been postponed. Romania is to play its last games in the group in November, with Israel, away from home, and with Switzerland on home ground. Kosovo is also part of Group I. (LS)

  • Nachrichten 16.10.2023

    Nachrichten 16.10.2023

    Tausende Menschen warten am Grenzübergang Rafah, um aus dem Gazastreifen nach Ägypten zu kommen. Die Verwaltung in Kairo könnte den Kontrollpunkt für einige Stunden wieder öffnen, weil dort eine Waffenruhe herrscht. Israel und die Hamas haben jedoch eine Waffenstillstandsvereinbarung im südlichen Gazastreifen dementiert, die die Evakuierung von Ausländern und die Einreise von humanitärer Hilfe ermöglicht. Der Raketenbeschuss aus dem Gazastreifen auf Israel hat heute Morgen wieder begonnen. Nach wiederholten Schüssen mit der Hisbollah wurde an der Nordgrenze Israels eine Räumung von 28 israelischen Siedlungen, die sich nahe der Grenze zum Libanon befinden, angeordnet und ein 2 km langer Abschnitt als militärisches Sperrgebiet deklariert. Die israelische Armee schätzt die Zahl, der von der Hamas entführten und in den Gazastreifen gebrachten Personen auf 199. Die israelischen Truppen halten sich weiterhin in der Nähe des Gazastreifens auf, um die Boden-, Luft- und Seeoffensive in der palästinensischen Enklave zu beginnen. Der US-Außenminister Antony Blinken ist heute erneut in Tel Aviv eingetroffen. Es besteht sogar die Möglichkeit, dass US-Präsident Joe Biden in den kommenden Tagen in Israel eintrifft.

    Der Präsident des Europäischen Rates, Charles Michel, hat für Dienstag eine außerordentliche Sitzung aller EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs zu der Lage im Nahen Osten einberufen. In einer heute veröffentlichten Erklärung verurteilte Charles Michel erneut das Vorgehen der Hamas als terroristisch und forderte die Freilassung der Geiseln. Er erklärte, dass Israel das Recht habe, sich innerhalb der Grenzen des Völkerrechts und unter Beachtung der humanitären Grundsätze zu verteidigen. Dieser Konflikt könnte auch zu Spannungen auf dem europäischen Kontinent führen und den Extremismus in der Europäischen Union verstärken. Der Rat werde sich mit der Frage nach der Hilfe für die betroffene Zivilbevölkerung, der Auswirkungen der zivilen Migration in der Region und der Vermeidung einer weiteren Eskalation des Konflikts durch die Einbeziehung aller regionalen Akteure befassen. Er meint, dass die Lösung in einem Frieden auf der Grundlage von zwei Staaten: Israel und Palästina liegt.

    Die Abgeordnetenkammer, das Entscheidungsgremium in diesem Fall, hat heute in Bukarest über die Sonderrenten für Richter und andere Kategorien von aus dem Staatshaushalt finanzierten Personen beratet und abgestimmt. Nach einer erneuten Prüfung durch das Plenum des Senats, der als erste Kammer konsultiert wurde, wurde das Dokument mit den vom Verfassungsgericht geforderten Änderungen angenommen. Der Gesetzentwurf sieht vor, dass Richter ein Ruhegehalt in Höhe von 80 % der durchschnittlichen Bruttomonatsbezüge und Zulagen erhalten, die sie in den letzten vier Dienstjahren erhalten haben. Zudem wird das Ruhestandsalter jedes Jahr um vier Monate bis zum Alter von 60 Jahren erhöht. Die USR ist der Ansicht, dass die PSD-PNL-Mehrheit in diesem Bereich lediglich kosmetische Änderungen vorgenommen hat. Die Regierungsparteien betonen, dass die Reform der Sonderrenten ein Meilenstein in den Nationalen Aufbau- und Resilienzplan ist und so schnell wie möglich abgeschlossen werden muss.

    In Rumänien ist der Online-Handel von Gütern und Dienstleistungen stetig gewachsen und erwirtschaftet mittlerweile 3,17 Prozent des BIP. Rumänien dominiert den osteuropäischen Markt und erwirtschaftet fast 60 Prozent des Umsatzes in der Region, wobei der Umsatz bis 2023 auf fast 10 Milliarden Euro geschätzt wird. Im Vergleich zu Mittel- und Osteuropa sind Polen und Tschechien die besten Länder. Auf dem Kontinent stehen wir auf Platz 12“, erklärte der Verband der Online-Shops in Rumänien. Die Online-Preise haben sich im Allgemeinen unterhalb der Inflationsrate entwickelt, wie eine Erhebung des Nationalen Instituts für Statistik im Zeitraum 2020-2023 ergab.

    Die rumänische Fußballnationalmannschaft hat am Sonntagabend in Bukarest mit einem 4:0-Sieg gegen Andorra die Vorrundengruppe I der EURO 2024 erreicht. Die rumänische Elf sicherten sich damit den deutlichsten Sieg in dieser Saison. In einem weiteren Spiel der Gruppe I erzielte die Schweiz im Heimspiel gegen Weißrussland ein 3:3-Unentschieden. Die Spiele, die von Israel ausgetragen werden, wurden verschoben. Rumänien wird seine letzten Gruppenspiele im November bestreiten, und zwar auswärts gegen Israel und zu Hause gegen die Schweiz. Zur Gruppe I gehört auch der Kosovo.

    In Mittel-, Süd- und Ostrumänien sind die Temperaturen deutlich gesunken, sodass es im größten Teil des Landes kälter als üblich ist. Die Höchsttemperaturen liegen zwischen 10 und 19 Grad Celsius. Der Himmel ist wechselhaft. In Höhenlagen über 1400 m ist mit gemischten Niederschlägen zu rechnen. Der Wind ist im Osten, Süden, in der Mitte und in den Bergen stärker. In Bukarest herrscht am Vormittag ebenfalls kaltes Wetter. Die Temperaturen liegen zwischen 18 und 18 Grad.

  • Air bridge for Israel

    Air bridge for Israel

    The Romanian public opinion and the political class have never been insensitive to the situation in the Middle East. Israel is home to hundreds of thousands of Romanian-born Jews, or to their descendants. In the Arab world, from Magreb to Levant, including the the Palestinian territories West Bank and Gaza, there are numerous mixed families, most of them made up of Romanian women who married Arabs that came to study in Romania. In the late 1960s, the communist regime in Bucharest was the only regime, behind the former Iron Curtain, which did not suspend diplomatic ties with the state of Israel, although dictator Nicolae Ceausescu invoked, at the same time, what he called the rightful cause of the Palestinian people and had almost fraternal relations with its leader, Yasser Arafat. Driven by the ridiculous ambition of playing a key role internationally, Ceausescu fooled himself that he could mediate peace between Jews and Arabs.

    The new wave of violence between Israel and Gaza horrified Romania and prompted the authorities to react quickly, to ensure the protection of its citizens, who risk being victims in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. PM Marcel Ciolacu said authorities are in touch with almost every Romanian of those around 350 in the Gaza Strip, but that no one has managed to leave the Palestinian enclave due to the military blockade imposed by Israel. Ciolacu has explained that the lives of the Romanians in Gaza, most of them with dual citizenship, are not in danger at the moment but that everybody hopes they will come to Romania as soon as possible.

    As regards the support granted to the Ukrainian refugees in Israel, Ciolacu said Romania brought in 3,000 such citizens, most of them only transiting the country and 48 asking to remain on Romanian territory. The request for this support was made by the European authorities, with no costs incurred for Romania.

    Last week, more than 2,000 Romanian citizens returned from Israel, on 22 flights operated by both the state-owned company Tarom and private companies. Tarom suspended its regular flight to and from Tel Aviv as of Thursday, but it will further operate special flights at the request of the crisis cell with the Romanian Foreign Ministry and will remain in close contact with the authorities in managing the current situation. Tarom is one of the few air companies which did not cancel its flights to Tel Aviv after the terrorist attacks of Hamas on Israel. In fact, between October 7 and 10 when the horrible massacres occurred, it doubled the number of flights between Bucharest and Tel Aviv. (EE)

  • October 16, 2023

    October 16, 2023

    GAZA According to Romania’s Prime Minister, Marcel Ciolacu, the
    authorities in Bucharest are keeping in touch with almost every Romanian in the
    Gaza Strip. He says that for the time being there is no reason for concern
    regarding their lives, but everybody hopes they will reach Romania as soon as
    possible. About 350 Romanians with double citizenship would be in the Hamas-controlled
    Palestinian enclave constantly bombed by the Israeli troops.

    TRUCE Egypt, Israel
    and the United States have agreed to a ceasefire in southern Gaza beginning at
    nine hours local time, a situation coinciding with the re-opening of the Rafah
    border crossing to allow in aid and the evacuation of foreigners, two Egyptian
    security sources, quoted by Reuters, said on Monday. However, Israel denies the
    existence of such a truce, Reuters says, quoting a statement from the office of
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel continues to beef up its troops
    close to Gaza before the envisaged ground onslaught. Over 14 hundred people,
    mainly civilians, have been killed in the latest bloody Hamas attack. In turn,
    Palestinian sources are speaking about roughly 27 hundred people killed in the
    Israeli bombardments on Gaza.

    LAW A draft
    law on the special pensions of the magistrates and other categories of state
    employees is today being subjected to debates and voting in the decision-making
    Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest. The document has been endorsed after the
    latest amendments required by the Constitutional Court. Under the present form
    of the draft, the magistrates’ pensions are to be based 80% on an average of
    their gross monthly indemnities and the bonuses they got in the last four years
    of activity while their retirement age is to increase on a yearly basis until
    the age of 60. The opposition USR believes the PSD-PNL majority has brought
    only superficial amendments to the law whereas the ruling coalition has
    recalled that the special pensions reform is a key element of the National Plan
    of Recovery and Resilience and must be completed as soon as possible.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s
    national eleven has become leader of the qualifying Group One for the EURO 2024
    after a 4-0 home win against Andorra. This has been our footballers’ clearest victory
    so far in the present qualification campaign. In another Group One match,
    Switzerland ended in a 3-all draw their home game against Belarus. We recall
    that Israel’s games have been postponed. Romania has two more games in hand,
    against Israel, which is an away game and a home game against Switzerland. The
    aforementioned group also includes Kosovo.


  • Pod aerian pentru Israel

    Opinia publică românească şi, deopotrivă, clasa politică de la Bucureşti n-au fost niciodată indiferente la situaţia din Orientul Mijlociu.

    În Israel trăiesc sute de mii de evrei originari din România sau descendenţi ai acestora. Unii şi-au păstrat şi cetăţenia română. În lumea arabă, din Magreb în Levant, inclusiv în teritoriile palestiniene Cisordania şi Gaza, sunt numeroase familii mixte, întemeiate, în general, de românce care s-au măritat cu arabi veniţi în ţară la studii.

    La sfârşitul anilor 60, regimul comunist de la Bucureşti a fost singurul din dosul fostei Cortine de Fier care n-a rupt relaţiile diplomatice cu statul Israel, deşi, simultan, dictatorul Nicolae Ceauşescu invoca mereu ceea ce numea cauza dreaptă a poporului palestinian şi întreţinea relaţii aproape fraterne cu liderul istoric al acestuia, Yasser Arafat. Mânat de ambiţii mai degrabă ridicole, de actor-cheie pe scena internaţională, Ceauşescu chiar s-a iluzionat, o vreme, că el e cel care va media pacea între evrei şi arabi.

    Noua explozie de violenţă din Israel şi Fâşia Gaza i-a oripilat pe români şi i-a obligat pe decidenţii politici de la Bucureşti să reacţioneze rapid, pentru a le asigura protecţie propriilor cetăţeni, ce riscă să fie prinşi sub tirurile încrucişate ale părţilor în conflict.

    Premierul Marcel Ciolacu a declarat că autorităţile sunt în legătură cu aproape fiecare dintre cei circa 350 de român aflaţi în Fâşia Gaza, el arătând că absolut nimeni, în acest moment, nu a ieşit din enclava palestiniană, supusă unei blocade tot mai riguroase a armatei israeliene. Premierul a precizat că, în prezent, nu sunt motive de îngrijorare asupra vieţii lor, dar că toată lumea speră că aceştia vor ajunge cât mai repede în România. El a spus că este vorba despre persoane cu dublă cetăţenie.

    În legătură cu ajutorul acordat refugiaţilor ucraineni din Israel, Marcel Ciolacu a precizat că România a adus 3.000 de astfel de cetăţeni, majoritatea aflaţi în tranzit spre alte ţări. Premierul a menţionat că a fost o solicitare a forurilor europene, iar statul român nu a plătit nimic. Şeful executivului a mai spus că doar 48 de persoane au solicitat să rămână pe teritoriul României.

    Săptămâna trecută, peste 2.000 de cetăţeni români au revenit din Israel, iar pentru aducerea lor au fost organizate 22 de curse aeriene, operate atât de compania aeriană de stat, TAROM, cât şi de firme private. De joi, TAROM şi-a suspendat temporar cursa regulată spre şi dinspre Tel Aviv, dar a precizat că va continua să opereze curse speciale, la solicitarea celulei de criză a ministerului de Externe. Compania precizează că rămâne în strânsă legătură cu autorităţile statului pentru gestionarea situaţiei actuale. TAROM este una dintre puţinele companii care nu şi-au anulat cursele spre Tel Aviv după atacurile teroriste ale organizaţiei islamiste Hamas împotriva Israelului. În plus, a decis dublarea curselor pe relaţia Tel Aviv-Bucureşti între 7 şi 10 octombrie, când masacrele erau în toi.

  • Pont aérien vers Israël

    L’opinion publique
    roumaine et la classe politique de Bucarest n’ont jamais été indifférentes face
    à la situation au Moyen Orient. Et pour cause. Des centaines de milliers de
    Juifs originaires de Roumanie et leurs descendants vivent en Israël. Certains
    ont également gardé la nationalité roumaine. Dans le monde arabe, du Marghreb
    au Levant, y compris dans les territoires palestiniens de Cisjordanie et de
    Gaza, il existe de nombreuses familles mixtes, formées en général de Roumaines mariées
    avec des Arabes venus faire leurs études en Roumanie. Pour rappel, à la fin des
    années 60, le régime communiste de Bucarest a été le seul derrière le Rideau
    de Fer qui n’avait pas rompu les relations diplomatiques avec l’Etat d’Israël,
    bien que simultanément, le dictateur Nicolae Ceausescu n’ait cessé d’invoquer ce
    qu’il appelait la juste cause du peuple palestinien et d’entretenir des relations
    très proches avec son leader historique, Yasser Arafat. Mené par des ambitions
    plutôt ridicules d’acteur-clé sur la scène internationale, Ceausescu s’était même
    imaginé un médiateur de la paix entre les Juifs et les Arabes.

    Ces derniers jours, les
    récentes violences éclatées en Israël et dans la Bande de Gaza ont semé la
    panique dans les rangs des Roumains qui s’y trouvent et ont obligé les autorités
    de Bucarest de réagir rapidement afin de protéger leurs citoyens qui risquent
    de se voir coincés sous les tirs croisés des deux parties en conflit. Le
    premier ministre roumain Marcel Ciolacu a déclaré que les autorités étaient en
    contact avec presque tous les 350 Roumains de la Bande de Gaza, des personnes à
    double nationalité pour la plupart, et que jusqu’ici personne n’avait quitté ce
    territoire soumis à un blocus toujours plus rigoureux par l’armée israélienne.
    Pour l’instant leur vie n’est pas en danger, a précisé le premier ministre,
    mais tout le monde espère qu’ils pourront retourner en Roumanie dans les plus
    brefs délais.

    Pour ce qui est de l’aide
    accordée aux réfugiés ukrainiens d’Israël, Marcel Ciolacu a précisé que la Roumanie
    en avait déjà accueilli 3 000 telles personnes, la plupart se trouvant en
    transit vers d’autres pays. L’opération s’est déroulée sur demande des
    institutions européennes, qui en ont aussi assuré le financement intégral. Sur
    ces 3000 Ukrainiens ramenés d’Israël, seulement 48 personnes ont demandé de rester
    en Roumanie. Par ailleurs, plus de 2 000 Roumains sont revenus d’Israël la semaine
    dernière, ayant bénéficié de 22 courses aériennes opérées tant par la compagnie
    nationale TAROM que par des société privées. Entre temps, jeudi dernier, la
    TAROM a suspendu temporairement son vol régulier vers et depuis Tel Aviv,
    précisant que seules le courses spéciales resteraient en place, sur demande de
    la cellule de crise du ministère des AE de Bucarest. La compagnie reste en contact permanent
    avec les autorités dans la gestion de cette situation. D’ailleurs, la TAROM est
    une des peu nombreuses compagnies qui n’ont pas annulé leurs vols vers Tel
    Aviv, suite aux attaques terroristes de l’organisation islamiste Hamas contre
    Israël. Bien au contraire, le nombre des vols entre Bucarest et Tel Aviv a été doublé
    entre le 7 et le 10 octobre dernier, lorsque les combats battaient déjà leur plein.
    (trad. Valentina Beleavski)

  • October 15, 2023 UPDATE

    October 15, 2023 UPDATE

    Israel – The Israeli army is deployed along the Gaza Strip for a ground offensive in the north of the Strip, an army spokesman announced on Sunday. Israel has consistently urged Gaza inhabitants living in the north of the territory to leave south as quickly as possible, accusing Hamas, which opposes the evacuation, of preventing civilians from leaving. Israel says it is targeting Gaza City to destroy the operations center of the Palestinian Islamist movement, labeled as a terrorist organization by the US and the EU. Over 1,400 people were killed in Israel during the attack launched on October 7 by Hamas commandos, show the latest figures provided by the army on Sunday. The Israeli response to the attack killed over 2,400 people in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened, on Sunday, for the first time, the extended emergency cabinet. The meeting, held at the military headquarters in Tel Aviv, began with the ministers holding a moment of silence in memory of the Israelis killed by Hamas on October 7. On the other hand, Israels army blocked the border with Lebanon after pro-Iranian Hezbollah militias, allied with Hamas, attacked an Israeli settlement with rockets, killing one man and wounding three others. On a diplomatic level, the American Secretary of State Antony Blinken returns to Israel on Monday, extending his Middle East tour by one day. On Sunday Antony Blinken had a meeting in Riyadh with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose country has suspended talks regarding a possible normalization of relations with Israel.

    MAE — The Romanian Foreign Ministry — MAE announced that, against the backdrop of the deterioration of the security situation in the State of Israel and the Gaza Strip, the Crisis Cell is continuing its ongoing efforts to evacuate, under safe conditions, the Romanian citizens from the Gaza Strip who requested this. There are approximately 200 Romanian citizens in the Gaza Strip who would like to leave the area and have requested the support of the Romanian authorities. The MAE, through the Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Romanian Representative Office in Ramallah and the Romanian diplomatic missions in the region, maintains coordination with other states and international organizations that undertake similar measures for their own citizens or officials. On Saturday, 58 Romanian citizens returned from Israel with a private flight. All in all, so far, 2,220 Romanians have been repatriated from Israel. On the other hand, the MAE confirmed the death of two other Romanian-Israeli citizens. The death toll thus rises to four.

    Luxembourg – The Romanian Environment Minister, Mircea Fechet, participates on Monday, in Luxembourg, in the meeting of the Environment Council. According to the data published on the website of the European Council, high on the agenda of the meeting are such issues as the purification of urban waste water and the standards regarding CO2 emissions for new heavy vehicles, among others. The Environment Ministers will try to reach an agreement on a proposal to revise the Directive on the treatment of urban wastewater. The proposal asks member states to draw up plans for large cities to manage urban runoff generated by rainfall.

    Trade – The online sale of goods and services has progressed in Romania and has come to represent 3.17% of the countrys Gross Domestic Product. Thus, Romania dominates the market in Eastern Europe, generating almost 60% of the sales in the region. A turnover of almost 10 billion Euros is estimated for this year. Compared to Central and Eastern Europe, only Poland and the Czech Republic surpass Romania, and, at the level of the continent, the country ranks 12th, the Romanian Association of Online Stores informs on the occasion of the National E-Commerce Day. 94% of Romanian buyers prefer to order online from Romanian stores, while 21% also ordered from foreign websites.

    Handball — Romania’s womens national handball team defeated the Greek team, away from home, score 32-20, on Saturday, in Group 1 of the 2024 European Championship preliminaries. The Romanian players have scored the 2nd outright victory in this stage of the championship, after a score of 49-17 with Bosnia-Herzegovina, at home. In another match, Croatia outperformed Bosnia-Herzegovina, in an away match. Romania takes first place, with 4 points, followed by Croatia, 4 points, Greece, 0 points, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 0 points. The national team will play the next match on February 28, at home, against Croatia. (LS)

  • October 15, 2023

    October 15, 2023

    Israel — The Israeli army announced this morning that residents of the northern part of the Gaza Strip can leave for the south until 13:00 hours local time (10:00 GMT) using a specially designated route, DPA reports. Israel has said that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have already moved to southern Gaza. On the other hand, there have been reports that the terrorist group Hamas is preventing Palestinian civilians from leaving. The large-scale Israeli military operation against the north of the Gaza Strip is imminent, press agencies report. The American publication The New York Times reported that the Israeli ground offensive had to be postponed due to unfavorable weather conditions. On October 7, Hamas launched a brutal and large-scale terrorist attack against cities in southern Israel, which triggered a harsh response from the Israeli army, Reuters recalls. The violence has so far resulted in the death of over 1,300 Israelis, most of them civilians, and approximately 2,300 Palestinians. On the other hand, since the beginning of the war, the area of ​​the Israeli-Lebanese border has been the scene of rocket fire between Hezbollah (a Shia organization massively supported by Iran and allied with Hamas) and the Israeli army. Also, there are almost daily attempts to infiltrate some Hamas members into Israel, from Lebanon. On a diplomatic level, the American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is on a regional tour, had a meeting in Riyadh on Sunday with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose country has suspended talks, regarding a possible normalization of relations with Israel.

    MAE — The Romanian Foreign Ministry — MAE announced that, against the backdrop of the deterioration of the security situation in the State of Israel and the Gaza Strip, the Crisis Cell is continuing its ongoing efforts to evacuate, under safe conditions, the Romanian citizens from the Gaza Strip who requested this. There are approximately 200 Romanian citizens in the Gaza Strip who would like to leave the area and have requested the support of the Romanian authorities. The MAE, through the Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Romanian Representative Office in Ramallah and the Romanian diplomatic missions in the region, maintains coordination with other states and international organizations that undertake similar measures for their own citizens or officials. On Saturday, 58 Romanian citizens returned from Israel with a private flight. All in all, so far, 2,220 Romanians have been repatriated from Israel. On the other hand, the MAE confirmed the death of two other Romanian-Israeli citizens. The death toll thus rises to four.

    Handball — Romania’s womens national handball team defeated the Greek team, away from home, score 32-20, on Saturday, in Group 1 of the 2024 European Championship preliminaries. The Romanian players have scored the 2nd outright victory in this stage of the championship, after a score of 49-17 with Bosnia-Herzegovina, at home. In another match, Croatia outperformed Bosnia-Herzegovina, in an away match. Romania takes first place, with 4 points, followed by Croatia, 4 points, Greece, 0 points, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 0 points. The national team will play the next match on February 28, at home, against Croatia.

    Football — Today, the Romanian national football team meets Andorra, in the Euro 2024 Qualifying Group I. The match takes place in Bucharest, and access is only allowed to children under 14, according to a UEFA decision. In the same group, the match Switzerland – Belarus is played. On Thursday, Romania drew 0-0 in Budapest with Belarus and remains on second position in the group, after Switzerland. Israel, whose games were postponed, and Kosovo also belong to the Euro 2024 Qualifying Group I.

    Elections — Poland sees today parliamentary elections, after a campaign of intense disputes, dominated by issues of sovereignty and security, Reuters reports. Participatin in the elections are the right-wing Law and Justice party (PiS), in power since 2015, and a centrist coalition led by the former president of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The Law and Justice Party is trying to get a third mandate, which would be a record in the Polish political environment. Reuters recalls that, since coming to power, this group has repeatedly come into conflict with the EU due to legislative changes that, according to critics, have politicized the judicial system and turned the state media into a propaganda body. The opposition says that the vote could be the last chance to stop what it considers to be Polands departure from the European mainstream and the transition to a semi-authoritarian system. (LS)

  • 220 de ucraineni au fost evacuați din Israel în România

    220 de ucraineni au fost evacuați din Israel în România

    220 de ucraineni evacuați din Israel în România au ajuns aseară la București. O parte dintre aceştia au fost transportați pentru asistență medicală la Spitalul Clinic de Urgență București Floreasca, anunță Departamentul pentru Situații de Urgență (DSU).

    Aproximativ 40-50 de persoane au fost duse în spații de cazare temporară.

    Duminică, 16 octombrie, un alt transport cu cetățenii ucraineni va sosi pe Aeroportul Internațional Avram Iancu din Cluj-Napoca.

    Inspectoratul General al Poliției de Frontieră și Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrări, vor asigura în regim de urgență permisul de intrare pe teritoriul României a cetățenilor evacuați, precum și asigurarea unui regim prioritar la efectuarea procedurilor de trecere a frontierei.

    Organizația Internațională pentru Migrație (OIM) va asigura cazarea temporară si hrană pe perioada cazării și va sprijini cetățenii ucraineni care doresc ulterior să părăsească România și nu au posibilități financiare.

    Acțiunea a avut loc la solicitarea Ambasadei Ucrainei, în contextul exacerbării conflictului din Orientul mijlociu dintre Israel și palestinieni, România acționează într-un spirit de solidaritate internațională, oferind astfel sprijin cetățenilor ucraineni nevoiți să fugă din nou din calea războiului, precizează Departamentul pentru Situații de Urgență.

  • MAE continuă demersurile în vederea evacuării cetățenilor români din Fâșia Gaza

    MAE continuă demersurile în vederea evacuării cetățenilor români din Fâșia Gaza

    Pe fondul deteriorării situației de securitate din Statul Israel și Fâșia Gaza, Celula de Criză continuă demersurile în regim permanent în vederea evacuării, în condiții de siguranță, a cetățenilor români din Fâșia Gaza care s-au notificat pe lângă Oficiul de Reprezentare al României la Ramallah pentru a fi evacuați, precizează Ministerul Afacerilor Externe de la Bucureşti (MAE).

    200 de cetăţeni români vor să părăsească Fâşia Gaza şi au cerut sprijinul
    autorităţilor române

    MAE, prin intermediul Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv, al Oficiului de Reprezentare al României la Ramallah și al misiunilor diplomatice ale României din regiune menține coordonarea cu alte state și organizații internaționale care întreprind demersuri similare pentru proprii cetățeni/funcționari și continuă dialogul cu autoritățile israeliene și cele egiptene în vederea asigurării condițiilor necesare pentru evacuarea acestora, ținând cont de evoluțiile de securitate din teren.

    58 de cetăţeni
    români au fost aduşi, sâmbătă, în ţară, din Israel cu o cursă aeriană operată de o companie privată. Până în prezent, 2.220 de conaţionali au fost repatriaţi din Israel. MAE a confirmat, până acum, moartea a patru cetăţeni

  • October 14, 2023 UPDATE

    October 14, 2023 UPDATE

    Tel-Aviv – At 16:00 hours local time (13:00 GMT), the deadline given by the Israeli Defense Forces to Palestinian civilians in the north of the Gaza Strip to leave the area safely has expired. Israel has repeatedly accused the terrorist group Hamas of using civilians as human shields. The Israeli militarys order for more than a million Palestinians to leave the northern enclave is seen as a sign that it is planning a ground offensive. The Israeli army announced on Saturday that its bombing of the Gaza Strip resulted, among other things, in the death of another Hamas leader. The bloody attack launched on October 7 by the terrorist movement resulted in the death of over 1,300 Israelis, mostly civilians, and 3,200 wounded. Over 100 people, Israelis and foreigners, were taken hostage and taken to the Gaza Strip. For their part, the Palestinians announced that more than 2,200 people were killed and 10,000 wounded in the Israeli bombings of Gaza.

    Repatriation — The Romanian Foreign Ministry – MAE confirmed, on Saturday, the death, in the context of the security situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip, of two more people with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship, residing in Israel. Also, the Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv is in dialogue with the Israeli authorities to verify the information regarding the disappearance of a person with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship. All in all, four Romanians have died in this country since the outbreak of the armed conflict. On the other hand, another 58 Romanian citizens returned to Romania from Israel on Saturday, with a flight operated by a private company, the Foreign Ministry informs. Over 2,200 Romanians returned home after the Hamas attacks on Israel.

    Football – On Sunday, Romania’s national football team meets Andorra, in Group I of the EURO 2024 preliminaries. The match is hosted by Bucharest, and access is only allowed to children under 14, according to a UEFA decision. In the same group, the match Switzerland versus Belarus is played. On Thursday, Romania drew 0-0 in Budapest with Belarus and remains on second place in the group, after Switzerland. Israel, whose games were postponed, and Kosovo are also part of Euro 2024 Qualifying Group I.

    Paris – The Louvre Museum in Paris, the largest museum in the world, closed exceptionally on Saturday at noon for security reasons, in the context in which France raised the threat alert level following the Islamist attack committed on Friday in Arras (northern France), France Press reports. The Louvre Museum received a written message evoking a risk for the museum and for visitors, a spokeswoman for the institution said. France has once again raised the threat alert level which allows the exceptional mobilization of means, after the assassination of a teacher, who was stabbed by a young man in front of a high school from the city of Arras. This act was labeled as “Islamist terrorism” by the French President Emmanuel Macron. The Elysée Palace announced on Saturday the deployment of 7,000 soldiers on the French territory.

    Tourism — Romania will be promoted as a tourist destination for one month, between October 15 and November 15, on the British BBC television station. TV producer Charlie Ottley, known for his documentaries about Romania, such as “Wild Carpathia” and “Flavors of Romania” also collaborated in designing the campaign. The Ministry of Economy and Tourism points out that the purpose of the action is to increase the visibility of Romania as a tourist destination in Europe, with special focus on Great Britain. The ministry also mentions that the BBC is available in almost all countries of the world, the content being accessible in millions of hotel rooms, on planes, cruise ships and mobile devices. (LS)

  • Încă două persoane cu dublă cetăţenie israeliano-română au decedat

    Încă două persoane cu dublă cetăţenie israeliano-română au decedat

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE) a confirmat, sâmbătă, în contextul situaţiei de securitate din Statul Israel şi Fâşia Gaza, decesul a încă două persoane cu dublă cetăţenie israeliano-română, cu domiciliul în Israel.

    În total, patru români au murit în această ţară de la izbucnirea conflictului armat.

    Ambasada României la Tel Aviv este în dialog cu autorităţile israeliene pentru verificarea informaţiilor cu privire la dispariţia unei persoane cu dublă cetăţenie israeliano-română.

    Până la acest moment, Ambasada României la Tel Aviv şi Consulatul General al României la Haifa nu au recepţionat solicitări de sprijin consular privind dispariţia sau decesul altor cetăţeni români în Statul Israel.

    Ambasada României la Tel Aviv şi Consulatul General al României la Haifa menţin în permanenţă contactul cu autorităţile israeliene pentru verificarea informaţiilor cu privire la cetăţenii români, mai anunţă MAE.

    Pe fondul deteriorării situației de securitate din Statul Israel și Fâșia Gaza, Celula de Criză continuă demersurile în regim permanent în vederea evacuării, în condiții de siguranță, a cetățenilor români din Fâșia Gaza care s-au notificat pe lângă Oficiul de Reprezentare al României la Ramallah pentru a fi evacuați, precizează MAE.

    Prin intermediul Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv, al Oficiului de Reprezentare al României la Ramallah și al misiunilor diplomatice ale României din regiune, MAE menține coordonarea cu alte state și organizații internaționale care întreprind demersuri similare pentru proprii cetățeni/funcționari și continuă dialogul cu autoritățile israeliene și cele egiptene în vederea asigurării condițiilor necesare pentru evacuarea acestora, ținând cont de evoluțiile de securitate din teren.

  • 14.10.2023 (mise à jour)

    14.10.2023 (mise à jour)

    Tel-Aviv – Israël a pressé samedi les Palestiniens d’évacuer rapidement le nord de la bande de Gaza laissant présager d’une prochaine offensive terrestre, une semaine après l’attaque sanglante et sans précédent lancée par le mouvement islamiste palestinien Hamas. Le délai accordé aux civils palestiniens du nord de la bande de Gaza de partir vers le sud de celle-ci a expiré à 16 h locales, soit 13 heures TU. Israël a constamment accusé le groupement terroriste Hamas d’utiliser les civils en tant que boucliers humains. Selon l’armé israélienne, ses bombardements contre la bande de Gaza ont tué un autre leader du Hamas. Les attaques terroristes lancées par le Hamas contre Israël, les plus meurtrières de l’histoire de cet Etat ont fait plus de 1 300 morts et plusieurs milliers de blessés. Une centaine de personnes, israéliennes et étrangères, ont été pris en otage et amenées dans la Bande de Gaza. Enfin, les palestiniens annoncent que depuis samedi dernier plus de 2 200 personnes ont été tuées et près de 10 000 blessées au Gaza et en Cisjordanie.

    Le ministères des AE de Bucarest a confirmé samedi le décès dans le contexte
    de la situation sécuritaire d’Israël et de la Bande de Gaza de deux autres
    personnes à double nationalité israélo-roumaine, domiciliés en Israël.
    L’ambassade de Roumanie à Tel Aviv est en dialogue avec les autorités
    israéliennes pour vérifier les informations relatives à la disparition d’une
    personne à double nationalité israélo-roumaine. Au total, quatre personnes à
    nationalité roumaine sont décédées dans ce pays depuis le début de la guerre. 58
    ressortissants roumains sont rentrés samedi d’Israël, à bord d’un vol aérien par
    une compagnie aérienne privée, fait savoir le ministère des Affaires Etrangères
    de Bucarest. L’équipe consulaire mobile de l’Ambassade de Roumanie à Tel Aviv
    et l’Office de représentation de Roumanie à Ramallah est prête à accorder de
    l’assistance consulaire aux ressortissants roumains d’Israël qui souhaitent revenir
    en Roumanie. Le ministère des Affaires Etrangères recommande aux ressortissants
    roumains qui se trouvent toujours sur le territoire de cet Etat de suivre
    strictement les conseils des autorités israéliennes. Plus de 2 200 Roumains ont
    quitté Israël suite aux attaques du Hamas.

    Paris – Le musée du Louvre a Paris, le plus grand du monde, a exceptionnellement fermé samedi à la mi-journée « pour raisons de sécurité », alors que la France est en alerte « urgence attentat » au lendemain d’une attaque islamiste a Arras. Le château de Versailles, a également été évacue samedi après-midi après une alerte a la bombe, a appris l’AFP de sources policières. L’alerte a la bombe est passée par un message anonyme sur le site moncommissariat.fr, a précisé a l’AFP une source proche du dossier.

    L’agence de notation Standard & Poor’s a reconfirmé la notation
    souveraine de la Roumanie à BBB – avec une perspective stable, fait savoir le
    ministère des Finances de Bucarest. La décision repose sur le niveau bas de la
    dette extérieure et gouvernementale et sur les perspectives solides de
    croissance. Selon le ministre de tutelle, Marcel Boloş, cette confirmation aide
    le pays à accéder les marchés des capitaux à des couts plus réduits et
    d’attirer davantage d’investissements étrangers, ce qui contribuera à la
    croissance économique et pour les citoyens cela signifie créer des emplois et
    améliorer la qualité de la vie. Standard & Poor’s estime que l’économie
    roumaine enregistrera cette année une hausse de 2,3%.

    Transports – La Commission européenne a approuvé un schéma d’aide de 24 millions d’euros, demandé par la Roumanie pour soutenir les investissements dans les ports maritimes et intérieurs, dans le contexte de la guerre de la Russie contre l’Ukraine. La mesure, partiellement financée par les fonds de cohésion, soutiendra les opérateurs portuaires privés pour qu’ils puissent améliorer le fonctionnement des couloirs de solidarité Ukraine – Union européenne. Le but de la mesure est de remédier les déficiences liées à la capacité des infrastructures portuaires par l’achat d’équipements pour le transport des marchandises des distances courtes et par le développement des capacités de stockage temporaire. L’aide ne dépassera pas les 2 millions d’euros par bénéficiaire et sera accordée jusqu’au 31 décembre.

    Kosovo – La mission roumaine au Kosovo a été renforcée de 130 militaires, a annoncé le ministère de la Défense de Bucarest. Actuellement, l’opération de l’OTAN KFOR implique quelque 210 militaires roumains. La décision de majorer le dispositif roumain a été adoptée suite à l’autorisation par le Conseil de l’Atlantique Nord de renforcer la présence militaire pour gérer la situation actuelle dans les Balkans de l’Ouest. Sur le terrain, dans le nord du Kosovo, où les tensions s’amplifient depuis plusieurs mois, le principal parti serbe souhaite organiser au plus vite des élections. Depuis près d’une année, aucun serbe ne travaille plus dans des institutions publiques telles la police et la Justice. Tous les serbes ont démissionné en novembre dernier lorsque le gouvernement de Pristina ont annoncé interdire l’utilisation des plaques d’immatriculation serbes au Kosovo. Lorsque les nouveaux maires albanais élus avec une participation de mois de 4% ont commencé à s’installer, les manifs ont rapidement dégénéré en révolte. Une trentaine de militaires du KFOR ont été blessés dans ces heurts.

  • Alţi 58 de cetăţeni români au revenit sâmbătă în ţară din Israel

    Alţi 58 de cetăţeni români au revenit sâmbătă în ţară din Israel

    Alţi 58 de cetăţeni români au revenit, sâmbătă, în ţară din Israel, cu o cursă aeriană operată de o companie privată, informează Ministerul român al Afacerilor Externe (MAE).

    Echipa consulară mobilă din cadrul Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv şi Oficiului de Reprezentare al României la Ramallah rămâne pregătită să acorde asistenţă consulară cetăţenilor români care vor solicita sprijin pentru revenirea în ţară din Statul Israel.

    MAE recomandă insistent cetăţenilor români care încă se află pe teritoriul Statului Israel să urmeze cu stricteţe indicaţiile autorităţilor israeliene.

    Românii aflaţi temporar pe teritoriul acestui stat şi doresc să revină în România, trebuie să se adreseze Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv şi să îşi anunţe prezenţa în regiune, comunicând astfel datele de identificare şi propriile coordonate la adresa de e-mail telaviv@mae.ro şi la numărul de telefon de permanenţă al Ambasadei României la Tel Aviv: +972 54 5643279, precum şi cel al Consulatului General de la Haifa: +972 543 998 038, pentru a putea fi contactaţi.

    Este importantă folosirea acestor canale de către cetăţenii români pentru centralizarea corectă a informaţiilor şi eficientizarea dialogului în vederea acordării asistenţei consulare.

    Românilor care intenționează să călătorească în Israel le este reiterată recomandarea de a-şi reprograma călătoria şi de a urmări rubrica Alerte de călătorie de pe pagina de internet a MAE (https://www.mae.ro/travel-alerts/2938).

    MAE recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet

    http://telaviv.mae.ro, https://consular-protection.ec.europa.eu/travel-advice_en și www.mae.ro

    – rubrica Sfaturi de călătorie și reamintește faptul că cetăţenii români care se deplasează în străinătate au la dispoziţie serviciul de alertă prin SMS, aferent campaniei de informare Un SMS îţi poate salva viaţa!.