Tag: Madrid

  • June 30, 2022

    June 30, 2022

    The National Meteorology Agency issued a code-red alert for extreme heat for
    Thursday and Friday in 6 counties in the west and north-west of the country.
    According to weather experts, highs of 38-39 degrees Celsius will be reported
    in these counties, an absolute record for this time of the year. The rest of
    the country is mostly under orange-code alerts, for temperatures of up to 36-38
    degrees Celsius, and code-yellow alerts, for highs of 33 to 36 degrees Celsius.
    On the other hand, 18 counties in the east and centre of the country are today
    under a code-yellow alert for atmospheric instability.

    NATO NATO leaders are focusing today, the second day of the
    summit in Madrid, on the challenges and threats in the southern neighbourhood,
    including the food crisis deepened by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The
    participants will discuss the progress in the fight against terrorism, means to
    ensure food security, and Allied support options for the organisation’s
    southern partners. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Madrid,
    president Klaus Iohannis will highlight Romania’s contribution in providing
    humanitarian aid to Ukraine and in reducing risks related to food security. He
    will also underline Romania’s support for vulnerable partners, particularly the
    neighbouring R. of Moldova and Georgia. On Wednesday, the first day of the
    summit, NATO adopted a new strategic concept, which defines Russia as the most
    significant and direct threat to Allied security and stability.

    EXAMS After the appeals stage, the share of 8th-graders
    who passed the national evaluation this year is 82.4%, the Education Minister Sorin Cîmpeanu announced. The number of children who
    got straight As has also increased to 237. Minister Cîmpeanu said last week that the
    number of pass grades among students sitting the national evaluation exam
    reached an absolute record this year compared to the last 10 years, namely 82.3%,
    which means 122,166 children had passed the exam prior to appeals. Last year
    the figure was 5.5% smaller. The grades obtained in the national evaluation are
    the main criterion for high school admission.

    UKRAINE On Thursday the Russian Army announced pulling out of the Serpent
    Island, a strategic location in the Black Sea controlled by Moscow ever since
    the beginning of its invasion in Ukraine. Russia’s defence ministry described
    this as a proof of good will, which should facilitiate Ukraine’s grains exports.
    This decision will not enable Kyiv to take advantage of the imminent food
    crisis by claiming that it is unable to export grains because of Russia’s
    complete control over the north-western part of the Black Sea, the Russian
    defence ministry added, and said mine sweeping is expected on the Black Sea
    coast, including ports. In turn,
    Kyiv had announced that Russian troops had been forced out of
    the remains of their unit on Serpent Island, following a successful Ukrainian

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Irina Begu (43 WTA) moved
    up into the 3rd round of the Wimbledon tournament, after defeating Italy’s
    Elisabetta Cocciaretto, 6-4, 6-4. Next, Begu is to take on Jelena Ostapenko of
    Latvia (17 WTA), seed no. 12. Another Romanian player, Sorana Cîrstea, lost the
    second round to Tatjana Maria of Germany. Four other Romanians are scheduled to
    play in the second round today: Simona Halep against Kirsten Flipkens (Belgium),
    Mihaela Buzarnescu against Coco Gauff (USA), Irina Bara against Paula Badosa
    (Spain) and Ana Bogdan against Petra Kvitova (Czech Republic).

  • Le nouveau concept stratégique de l’OTAN

    Le nouveau concept stratégique de l’OTAN

    Le sommet de l’OTAN de Madrid est l’une des réunions alliées les plus importantes de ces dernières années en termes de résultats pour la Roumanie, a déclaré le président Klaus Iohannis après la première journée de débats dans la capitale espagnole. Il a noté que le thème central des discussions qui ont eu lieu et des décisions prises était l’invasion militaire de l’Ukraine, frontalière de la Roumanie, par l’armée russe. Quant au nouveau concept stratégique de l’OTAN, adopté lors du sommet, il reflète de manière appropriée la situation sécuritaire actuelle. Ainsi, la Russie nest plus considérée comme un partenaire, mais est qualifiée de menace la plus importante et la plus directe pour la sécurité et la stabilité des alliés. Pour la première fois, la Chine communiste est accusée d’utiliser un large éventail d’activités politiques, économiques et militaires pour projeter sa puissance dans le monde entier. Les ambitions déclarées et les politiques coercitives de la Chine posent des défis à nos intérêts, à notre sécurité et à nos valeurs — constatent les États membres de l’OTAN. Ils accusent également le partenariat stratégique entre Pékin et Moscou, qui va à l’encontre de l’ordre international.

    L’Alliance a également confirmé un renforcement de sa présence militaire sur le flanc est, y compris en Roumanie. Sa force de réaction passe de 40 000 à plus de 300 000 militaires hautement entraînés. « C’est la réorganisation la plus importante de notre défense collective depuis la Guerre froide », a souligné le secrétaire général Jens Stoltenberg. À son tour, le président américain Joe Biden a déclaré que « nous y sommes » et « nous prouvons que l’OTAN est plus nécessaire que jamais ». Il a annoncé un renforcement de la présence militaire américaine dans toute lEurope. L’Alliance a également promis de soutenir l’Ukraine, aussi longtemps que cela s’avèrerait nécessaire, pour résister à l’armée russe d’invasion. Le secrétaire général Stoltenberg a affirmé que le soutien à Kiev était “une obligation morale et politique”.

    Dans une déclaration commune, les Etats membres de lOTAN, qui ont déjà fourni des milliards de dollars darmes à lUkraine, ont annoncé qu’ils s’étaient mis d’accord sur un nouveau plan d’aide, qui implique de « livrer du matériel militaire non létal » et de renforcer la défense ukrainienne contre les cyberattaques. « La cruauté épouvantable de la Russie cause d’immenses souffrances humaines et des déplacements massifs » de population, affirment les signataires, et Moscou porte « l’entière responsabilité pour cette catastrophe humanitaire ». Le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères, Dmytro Kuleba, a salué ce qu’il a qualifié de « position forte » et « lucide » des alliés vis-à-vis de la Russie.

    En revanche, le président russe Vladimir Poutine, qui se trouve en Asie centrale ex-soviétique, dans son premier voyage à létranger depuis linvasion de l’Ukraine, a dénoncé les soi-disant « ambitions impériales » de l’OTAN, qui chercherait à affirmer son « hégémonie » à travers le conflit ukrainien. Poutine prétend également que la Russie na pas de problème avec ladmission imminente à lAlliance de la Suède et de la Finlande, qui, après des décennies de neutralité, ont décidé d’intégrer l’organisation suite à l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie.

    (Trad. : Ligia)

  • 29/06/2022 (mise à jour)

    29/06/2022 (mise à jour)

    OTAN — Les leaders de l’OTAN ont lancé officiellement, mercredi, au sommet à Madrid, le processus d’adhésion de la Finlande et de la Suède, rendu possible par la levée par la Turquie de son droit de veto mardi soir. Présent à la réunion, le président de la Roumanie, Klaus Iohannis, a précisé que le soutien à l’Ukraine avait été consolidé, par l’adoption d’un paquet de mesures d’assistance. Il a également annoncé qu’un nouveau concept stratégique de l’Alliance avait été adopté, qui assure les directions majeures d’action pour au moins les 10 prochaines années, et la mer Noire y est déclarée zone d’intérêt stratégique. Dans le contexte des évolutions sécuritaires dramatiques d’Ukraine, la posture alliée de dissuasion et de défense a été renforcée sur le flanc est, une démarche absolument nécessaire exigée avec insistance par la Roumanie, a ajouté le chef de l’Etat. D’autre part, il a expliqué qu’à Madrid, il avait été décidé d’intensifier le soutien pour les partenaires, notamment pour ceux du voisinage oriental, République de Moldova et Géorgie comprises, et qui sont les pays les plus exposés aux évolutions en matière de sécurité. La Roumanie a atteint tous les objectifs qu’elle s’était proposé au sommet de l’OTAN de Madrid, a conclu Klaus Iohannis.

    Biden — Les Etats-Unis consolident leurs forces en Europe en réponse aux nouvelles menaces qui se sont fait jour avec l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie, apprend-on par Reuters. Le président Joe Biden a annoncé un accroissement de la présence militaire et des capacités américaines en Espagne, en Pologne, en Roumanie, dans les pays baltes, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne et en Italie. Le leader de la Maison Blanche a confirmé ce mercredi, au sommet de l’OTAN de Madrid, que le nombre des destroyers américains basés en Espagne passerait de quatre à présent à six. Deux escadrons supplémentaires d’avions F-35 de dernière génération seront envoyés en Grande Bretagne, et un quartier général du Corps d’armée 5 sera réinstallé en Pologne. 5 000 militaires viendront s’ajouter aux effectifs américains de Roumanie. Une présence américaine accrue aura un rôle bénéfique pour la Roumanie, mais aussi pour la sécurité de toute la région, a déclaré le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis.

    Gaz — La Roumanie peut devenir indépendante du point de vue énergétique, un fournisseur de sécurité énergétique dans la région et un couloir de transport pour le gaz et l’énergie verte depuis la mer Caspienne, a déclaré le ministre roumain de l’Energie, Virgil Popescu. Il participait, aux côtés du premier ministre, Nicolae Ciuca, à la cérémonie marquant le début de l’exploitation du gaz dans le périmètre roumain de Midia en mer Noire, le 15 juin dernier. Là, l’extraction du gaz a été estimée à 1 milliard de mètres cubes par an.

    Aide — La Commission européenne a approuvé un schéma d’aide financière pour la Roumanie de 60,7 millions d’euros à l’intention des entreprises activant dans le domaine du transport routier de marchandises et de passagers. L’argent sera disponible pour toute compagnie qui détient une licence communautaire valable et qui a été touchée par la crise actuelle, engendrée par l’invasion russe en Ukraine. L’aide financière ne dépassera pas les 400 000 euros par entreprise et sera accordée jusqu’au 31 décembre 2022.

    Sénat — Les fonctions de président du Sénat sont vacantes après que les sénateurs aient pris acte de la démission de Florin Cîţu. Par 81 voix pour et 12 abstentions, ces fonctions ont été déclarées vacantes. L’intérim sera assuré par la sénatrice Alina Gorghiu. L’ancien premier ministre Florin Cîţu a déposé son mandat après que le groupe de sénateurs du PNL l’eût informé qu’il ne bénéficiait plus de son appui politique pour occuper ces fonctions.

    Visite — Le premier ministre Nicolae Ciucă a reçu, à Bucarest, le secrétaire général de la Ligue arabe, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, en visite en Roumanie. Cette rencontre a été une bonne occasion de souligner la position constante de la Roumanie dans ses relations avec les pays arabes, et l’approche équilibrée du processus de paix au Proche orient, indique un communiqué du gouvernement. A l’agenda — l’impact de l’agression militaire russe en Ukraine ; les efforts pour soutenir les réfugiés et le rôle assumé par la Roumanie, aux côtés des pays partenaires, a été présenté. Le premier ministre roumain a passé en revue la situation de sécurité de la région et a fait état de sa préoccupation sur les perspectives de paix. Il a souligné que les analystes évoquent la perspective d’une guerre prolongée en Ukraine. Ahmed Aboul Gheit a mis en exergue les efforts de la Ligue arabe pour la médiation d’une formule de paix et a remercié la Roumanie pour ses efforts d’approvisionner les pays arabes en céréales.

    Banques — Le gouvernement de Bucarest a adopté ce mercredi le décret d’urgence qui permettra à la population et aux compagnies affectées par la flambée des prix de reporter les mensualités dues aux banques. Les sociétés en question devront déposer une demande à la banque et prouver que leur chiffre d’affaires a baissé ces trois derniers mois d’au moins 25 %. Quant aux personnes physiques, elles devront prouver que leurs dépenses mensuelles ont augmenté d’au moins 25 %. Les mensualités pourront être reportées pour une période maximum de 9 mois. Il sera possible d’ajourner seulement les crédits qui n’ont pas eu d’arriérés de paiement ces 6 derniers mois. Aux termes de l’acte règlementaire, le taux d’intérêt sera capitalisé sur le solde du crédit en question à la fin de la période d’ajournement.

    Covid — En Roumanie, le nombre des cas de Covid est à la hausse. Près de 4 000 nouvelles infections ont été rapportées la semaine dernière, soit 1 400 de plus par rapport à la semaine précédente. Le nombre des patients en soins intensifs augmente lui aussi, il y en avait 58 la semaine dernière sur un total de 638 personnes qui ont été hospitalisées. 13 décès ont également été rapportés, dont 10 chez des patients non vaccinés.

    Pollution — Bucarest est une des 5 capitales les plus polluées de l’UE, constate un rapport réalisé par un groupe intergouvernemental d’experts du climat. Les 4 autres sont Varsovie, Zagreb, Athènes et Sofia. La situation est causée par plusieurs aspects, dont notamment le trafic routier. En Roumanie il y a de nombreux vieux véhicules, avec une période moyenne d’utilisation de 17 ans, alors qu’au niveau européen cette moyenne est de 12 ans. S’y ajoute un faible taux de zones vertes, Bucarest offrant 7 m² de zone verte publique par habitant, à comparer avec la moyenne européenne de 18 m². Autres facteurs à prendre en compte : les systèmes de chauffage, avec des chaudières à gaz dont sont dotés de nombreux foyers.

  • 29.06.2022


    Banques – Le
    gouvernement de Bucarest se penche ce mercredi sur le projet du décret
    d’urgence qui permettra à la population et aux compagnies affectées par la
    flambée de l’inflation de reporter les mensualités dues aux banques. Les
    sociétés en question devront déposer une demande à la banque et prouver que
    leur chiffre d’affaires a baissé ces trois derniers mois d’au moins 25 %, alors
    que les personnes physiques devront prouver que leurs dépenses mensuelles ont
    augmenté d’au moins 25 %. Les mensualités pourront être reportées pour une
    période maximum de 9 mois. Il sera possible d’ajourner seulement les crédits
    qui n’ont pas eu de retards ces 6 derniers mois. Aux termes de l’acte normatif,
    le taux d’intérêt du crédit en question sera capitalisé à la fin de la période

    Gaz – La
    Roumanie peut devenir indépendante d’un point de vue énergétique, un
    fournisseur de sécurité énergétique dans la région et un couloir de transport
    pour le gaz et l’énergie verte depuis la mer Caspienne, a déclaré le ministre
    roumain de l’Energie, Virgil Popescu. Il participait mardi, aux côtés du
    premier ministre, Nicolae Ciuca, à la cérémonie marquant le début de
    l’exploitation du gaz naturel dans le périmètre roumain de Midia en mer Noire,
    le 15 juin dernier. Ici, l’extraction du gaz a été estimée à 1 milliard de mètres
    cubes par an.

    Aide – La
    Commission européenne a approuvé un schéma d’aide financière pour la Roumanie
    de 60,7 millions d’euros à l’intention des entreprises activant dans le domaine
    du transport routier de marchandises et de passagers. L’argent sera disponible
    pour toute compagnie qui détient une licence communautaire valable et qui a été
    touchée par la crise actuelle, engendrée par l’invasion russe en Ukraine.
    L’aide financière ne dépassera pas les 400 000 euros par entreprise et sera
    accordée jusqu’au 31 décembre 2022.

    Covid – En
    Roumanie le nombre des cas de coronavirus est à la hausse. Près de 4 000
    nouvelles infections ont été rapportées la semaine dernière, soit 1400 de plus
    par rapport à la semaine précédente. Le nombre des patients en soins intensifs
    augmente lui aussi, il y en avait 58 la semaine dernière sur un total de 638
    personnes qui ont été hospitalisées. 13 décès ont également été rapportés, dont
    10 chez des patients non vaccinés.

    OTAN – Réunis
    dans le cadre d’un sommet à Madrid, les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement des
    Etats membres de l’OTAN doivent approuver la croissance de la Force de réaction
    rapide de l’Alliance à plus de 300 000 militaires, par rapport aux 40 000
    militaires qu’elle dénombre en ce moment. Ils approuveront également le
    renforcement des brigades des groupements tactiques de l’Alliance sur le flanc
    oriental. Selon l’envoyée sur place de Radio Roumanie, le président ukrainien Volodymyr
    Zelensky aura une intervention par visioconférence en début de la première
    session du sommet. La seconde session sera consacrée aux défis mondiaux, avec
    la participation des pays partenaires et des présidents du Conseil Européen et
    de la Commission Européenne. La Roumanie y est représentée par son président,
    Klaus Iohannis. Celui-ci profitera de l’occasion pour saluer le nouveau concept
    stratégique de l’OTAN, en partant de la reconnaissance de la Fédération de
    Russie en tant que principale menace à l’adresse de l’Alliance. Qui plus est la
    région de mer Noire sera mentionnée en première comme ayant une importance
    stratégique pour la sécurité euro-atlantique. A Madrid encore, le chef de
    l’Etat roumain doit réitérer l’appui ferme de Bucarest pour la politique des
    portes ouvertes de l’OTAN, y compris en ce qui concerne l’adhésion de la
    Finlande et de la Suède.

    Pollution -
    Bucarest est une des 5 capitales les plus polluées de l’UE, constate un rapport
    réalisé par un groupe intergouvernemental d’experts du climat. Les 4 autres
    sont Varsovie, Zagreb, Athènes et Sofia. La situation est causée par plusieurs
    aspects, dont notamment le trafic routier. En Roumanie il y a de nombreuses
    voitures anciennes, avec une période moyenne d’utilisation de 17 ans, alors
    qu’au niveau européen cette moyenne est de 12 ans. S’y ajoute un taux réduit de
    zones vertes, Bucarest offrant 7 m de zone verte publique par tête d’habitant,
    à comparer avec la moyenne européenne de 18m. Autres facteurs à prendre en
    compte : les systèmes de chauffage, dont les chaudières à gaz dont sont
    dotés de nombreux foyers.

    Météo – Les
    météorologues annoncent 3 jours de canicule en Roumanie. Une alerte orange
    entrera en vigueur cet après-midi dans l’ouest, le nord-ouest et le centre du
    pays, où l’on attend des maxima de 37-38 degrés. Une alerte jaune concerne
    l’ensemble du pays vu que les maxima iront partout de 33 à 37 degrés.

  • June 27, 2022 UPDATE

    June 27, 2022 UPDATE

    G 7 — The G7 leaders meeting on Monday in Germany reiterated their indestructible support for Ukraine, promising in particular military and financial support for “as long as necessary,” AFP reports. Germany, the US, France, Canada, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom have urged Russia to allow cereal exports from Ukraine, which it invaded on February 24, to avoid exacerbating the global food crisis. The G7 countries have called on Moscow to “unconditionally end attacks on agricultural and transport infrastructure and allow the free passage of agricultural goods from the Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea.” They also expressed “deep concern” over Russias announcement that it could transfer nuclear-fired missiles to Belarus. The heads of state and government held a video conference on Monday morning with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski, who called on them to “do their best” to end the war, which is devastating their country, before the end of the year.

    Reactors – President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca welcomed the announcement made on Sunday by US President Joe Biden at the G7 summit in Germany, according to which the United States will invest 14 million dollars in the preliminary stage of engineering and design studies for the development of small modular reactors in Romania. Ensuring energy security is a common goal of the Romanian-American Strategic Partnership, Klaus Iohannis wrote on social media, while Nicolae Ciuca said in a statement, among other things, that the development of the nuclear program will boost economic growth.

    Partnership – Romanias two-chamber parliament will convene on Tuesday in a joint meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the conclusion of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US. The Romanian authorities have underlined that this collaboration has been an essential landmark for the countrys foreign policy over the years, as well as a tool for supporting domestic efforts for Romanias economic, military and administrative reforms. In a Facebook post, Romanias Ambassador to Washington, Andrei Muraru, says that he was received at the White House by president Joe Biden, to whom he conveyed the message of president Iohannis and the Romanian states will to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries. The Romanian official stated that “without President Bidens courage and determination, NATO may not have been as strong and united as it is today”. The White House leader thanked Romania for the invaluable help it has provided to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

    Baccalaureate – The Romanian Education Minister, Sorin Câmpeanu, said Monday that this years Baccalaureate exams produced the best results in the last 10 years, and this was due to the simplification of the subjects. The pass rate of the Baccalaureate exam was over 73%. 162 students got a final 10, 32 of whom are from Bucharest. The highest pass rate was registered in Cluj county (northwest), Campeanu also said. The results can be seen on the bacalaureat.edu.ro platform and on the schools notice boards. The identity of the students will not be disclosed, their names being replaced by the individual codes received at the first test. More than 126,000 high school graduates sat for the Baccalaureate exam this year, the lowest number since the 1989 anti-communist revolution.

    Champion – The Romanian government approved on Monday a decision under which the swimmer David Popovici will be awarded 200 thousand Euros for the exceptional results obtained at the World Swimming Championships in Budapest. The double world champion was received by Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca at Victoria Palace. The PM congratulated him for his extraordinary victory which brought him gold in the 200 and 100 meters freestyle event. Another Romanian, Robert Glinţă came 5th in the 50-meter backstroke final and 8th in the 100-meter backstroke event.

    Summit — The Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, participates, as of Tuesday until Thursday, in the NATO summit hosted by Madrid. According to the Presidential Administration, the war in Ukraine and the security crisis in the Black Sea region are the main topics on the agenda. The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is to deliver a video speech in the first part of the meeting in the Spanish capital. During the summit, the Romanian president will welcome the fact that the current security situation was reflected in the Alliance’s new strategic concept, starting from the recognition of Russia as the main threat to NATO, and the fact that the strategic importance of the Black Sea region for Euro-Atlantic security was mentioned for the first time. Klaus Iohannis will emphasize Romanias significant contribution to supporting Ukraine at humanitarian level, as well as the most vulnerable partners, especially those in the eastern neighborhood, mainly the Republic of Moldova (an ex-Soviet country with a majority Romanian-speaking population) and Georgia. Klaus Iohannis will reiterate Romanias firm support for NATOs “open door” policy, including the accession of Finland and Sweden to the North Atlantic Alliance.

    Meeting – The Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Monday met in Bucharest with his Serbian counterpart, Nikola Selakovic, on the occasion of the latter’s visit to Romania, at the invitation of the Romanian FM. According to Bogdan Aurescu, the two discussed the importance of Serbias European path, which, from Romanias point of view, must be completed as soon as possible by Serbia joining the European Union as a full member. The talks also focused on the importance of the European Unions partners, including Serbia, aligning to the Unions common foreign and security policy, given the complicated regional context. In his turn, the Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said that Serbia was grateful to Romania for the support granted for its European path. (LS)

  • Spania – grevă a însoțitorilor de zbor ai companiei Ryanair

    Spania – grevă a însoțitorilor de zbor ai companiei Ryanair

    Mai multe organizații sindicale din Spania au anunțat o grevă a însoțitorilor de zbor ai companiei aeriene RYANAIR în zilele de 24, 25, 26, 30 iunie, precum și în perioada 1 – 2 iulie 2022, pe toate intervalele orare, la cele 10 baze situate în Madrid, Malaga, Barcelona, Alicante, Sevilla, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia, Girona, Santiago de Compostela și Ibiza. În acest context, pot exista blocaje majore ale curselor aeriene operate de compania vizată, informează Ministerul Afacerilor Externe de la București (MAE).

    MAE recomandă cetăţenilor români interesaţi să se informeze din timp cu privire la situația zborurilor contractate, consultând pagina web și/sau contactând direct operatorul de zbor.

    Asistență consulară poate fi solicitată la numerele de telefon ale Secției Consulare ale Ambasadei Românei la Madrid la +34 91.734.4004, apelul fiind redirecționat către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetățenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) și preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de permanență.

    În cazul unei situații urgente, românii au la dispoziție și următoarele linii telefonice de urgență, în funcție de regiune:

    • Secția consulară din cadrul Ambasadei României la Madrid: +34 669.362.202

    • Consulatul General Barcelona: +34 661.547.853

    • Consulatul General Sevilla: +34 648.212.169

    • Consulatul General Bilbao: +34 608.956.278;

    • Consulatul Castellon de la Plana: +34 677.842.467

    • Consulatul Ciudad Real: +34 609.513.790

    • Consulatul Zaragoza: +34 663.814.474

    • Consulatul Almeria: +34 682.733.408.

    MAE recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet http://madrid.mae.ro, www.mae.ro și reamintește faptul că cetățenii români care călătoresc în străinătate au la dispoziție aplicația Călătorește în siguranță (http://www.mae.ro/app_cs), care oferă informații și sfaturi de călătorie.

  • NATO: Stärkung der Ostflanke ist eine Priorität

    NATO: Stärkung der Ostflanke ist eine Priorität

    Die Stärkung der Ostflanke der NATO ist für deren Mitglieder eine Priorität durch den Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine. Anlässlich des informellen Treffens der Au‎ßenminister der Mitgliedstaaten des Atlantisches Bündnisses in Berlin betonte der rumänische Au‎ßenminister, Bogdan Aurescu, die Bedeutung des Prozesses zur langfristigen Stärkung der Abschreckungs- und Verteidigungsposition der NATO an der Ostflanke, insbesondere im Schwarzen Meer, auf ausgewogene und einheitliche Weise.

    Aurescu bezeichnete den von den Staats- und Regierungschefs der Alliierten auf dem Gipfel am 24. März gefassten Beschluss zur Aufstellung von vier neuen Gefechtsverbänden, einen davon in Rumänien, als einen “sehr nützlichen ersten Schritt” in diese Richtung und dankte den beteiligten Alliierten. Im Mittelpunkt der Gespräche in Berlin standen die Politik der offenen Tür der NATO, der Krieg in der Ukraine und seine Auswirkungen auf die euroatlantische Sicherheit.

    Bogdan Aurescu erklärte, Rumänien stehe für einen raschen NATO-Beitritt Finnlands und Schwedens. Er wies darauf hin, dass die Mitgliedschaft dieser beiden Länder das Bündnis als Ganzes stärken und ihm mehr Gewicht verleihen würde. Rumänien befürwortet die Politik der offenen Tür, die dem Bündnis insgesamt viele Vorteile bringt. Wir wissen aus unserer eigenen Erfahrung mit der Mitgliedschaft hervorragend, wie wichtig sie für die Reformen in Rumänien gewesen ist“, sagte der Leiter der Diplomatie in Bukarest. Gleichzeitig wies Minister Aurescu darauf hin, dass “der Beitritt dieser beiden Länder nach Ansicht Bukarests das Bündnis als Ganzes stärken wird, und wir glauben, dass die Abschreckung durch den Beitritt Schwedens und Finnlands zum Bündnis wirksamer und die Verteidigung insgesamt gestärkt sein wird”.

    Ein weiteres Thema auf dem Treffen in Berlin war die Vorbereitung der Beschlüsse des Madrider Gipfels vom 28. bis 30. Juni. Der rumänischen Au‎ßenminister betonte, dass der Gipfel in Madrid mit seinen zu erwartenden Beschlüssen einen grundlegenden Meilenstein in der Entwicklung des Bündnisses darstellen werde. Bogdan Aurescu erklärte, dass das künftige strategische Konzept, das Ende Juni von den Staats- und Regierungschefs der NATO angenommen werden soll, mindestens für das nächste Jahrzehnt, die wichtigsten Aktionspunkte und das Profil des Bündnisses festlegen werden. Er betonte in diesem Zusammenhang, wie wichtig es ist, dass “dieses strategische Dokument realistisch und angemessen auf den neuen Sicherheitskontext eingeht, mit dem die Organisation konfrontiert ist, indem es die wichtigsten Bedrohungen und Herausforderungen aufzeigt und eine wirksame und ausgewogene Reaktion darauf gewährleistet. Gleichzeitig betonte Aurescu, dass das neue strategische Konzept die Tatsache widerspiegeln müsse, dass Russland die grö‎ßte Bedrohung für das Bündnis bleiben werde.

  • Strengthening NATO’s eastern flank, a priority

    Strengthening NATO’s eastern flank, a priority

    Consolidating the eastern
    flank of NATO is, in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a priority
    for the members of the organisation. At an informal meeting of the NATO foreign
    ministers in Berlin, the Romanian diplomacy chief Bogdan Aurescu emphasised the
    importance of the long-term consolidation of NATO’s deterrence and defence posture
    on the eastern flank, particularly at the Black Sea, in a balanced and unified

    Minister Aurescu said the decision
    made by the Allied leaders at their Summit on 24 March, concerning the set-up
    of 4 new battle groups, one of them in Romania, is an especially useful first
    step in this respect, and thanked the Allied states involved. The talks in
    Berlin concerned NATO’s open door policy, the war in Ukraine and its impact on
    Euro-Atlantic security. Bogdan Aurescu said Romania was in favour of a quick
    accession of Finland and Sweden to the organisation, and pointed out that the 2
    countries’ membership will consolidate the Alliance as a whole, making it

    On the one hand, Romania
    is a firm supporter of the open-door policy, which has many benefits for the entire
    Alliance, and we know, from our own experience, how important it was for
    reforming Romania,ˮ the foreign minister said. At the same time, he added, Bucharest
    feels that the accession of these 2 states will consolidate the Alliance on the
    whole and we believe that, with Finland and Sweden members of the Alliance, the
    deterrence posture will be more efficient and defence more consolidated.ˮ

    Another topic approached
    at the Berlin meeting was the preparation of the decisions to be made at the
    Madrid Summit at the end of June, and during the working session the Romanian
    official pointed out that with these decisions, the Madrid Summit is likely to
    be a fundamental milestone in the history of the Alliance.

    Bogdan Aurescu highlighted that the new strategic concept to be endorsed by NATO
    leaders at the end of June, will define the Alliance’s profile and major lines
    of action for the next decade at least. He also emphasised the importance of this
    strategic document taking into account, in a realistic and adequate manner, the
    new security context facing the organisation, by highlighting the main threats
    and challenges and ensuring an efficient and proportionate response capacity. Minister
    Aurescu also said the new strategic concept should reflect the fact that Russia
    remains the main challenge for the Alliance. (A.M.P.)

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    WTA 1000 women’s tennis tournament in Madrid, is the first major clay
    tournament of the summer season. This year’s competition boasts 6,575,560 euros
    in prize money and the winner will walk away with over one million euros and
    1,000 WTA points. The tournament has reached the round of 16 now and we already
    know a couple of players qualified for the quarters. Among them there is also
    Romanian Simona Halep who managed an excellent show in Madrid.

    remarkable performance she obtained in Madrid is all the more so valuable as
    Simona came after a recovery recess, from the injury she suffered at Indian
    Wells in March. For the excellent show she has so far put up in Madrid, Radio
    Romania International has designated Simona Halep the Athlete of the Week.

    Madrid, Simona played her first game against Shuai Zhang of China, whom she
    defeated in two sets 6-2, 6-3. Then she was up against two-seeded Paula Bados
    of Spain whom she defeated 6-3, 6-1. In the eight finals, Halep played 14th-seeded
    Cori Gauff of the USA in a balanced game, which the Romanian eventually won
    6-4, 6-4. In the quarter finals, Simona will be up on Wednesday against Ons
    Jabeur of Tunisia, who is also the odds-on favourite.

    Halep was born on September 27, 1991, in Constanţa, south-eastern Romania. She
    made her debut in major tennis competitions in 2006, when she played her first
    matches in ITF tournaments. In 2010 she entered the world’s top 100 and in
    August 2014 she made it for the first time to the second position in the
    world’s ranking, the highest position ever occupied by a Romanian athlete.

    years later, in October 2017, she topped the ranking, a position she left in
    January 2008. She made a comeback in the same year a month later and remained a
    world leader until the beginning of 2019, after the Australian Open. Halep
    topped the WTA ranking for 64 weeks and her prize closet includes two Grand
    Slam titles, in Roland Garros in 2018 and in Wimbledon a year later.

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    WTA 1000 women’s tennis tournament in Madrid, is the first major clay
    tournament of the summer season. This year’s competition boasts 6,575,560 euros
    in prize money and the winner will walk away with over one million euros and
    1,000 WTA points. The tournament has reached the round of 16 now and we already
    know a couple of players qualified for the quarters. Among them there is also
    Romanian Simona Halep who managed an excellent show in Madrid.

    remarkable performance she obtained in Madrid is all the more so valuable as
    Simona came after a recovery recess, from the injury she suffered at Indian
    Wells in March. For the excellent show she has so far put up in Madrid, Radio
    Romania International has designated Simona Halep the Athlete of the Week.

    Madrid, Simona played her first game against Shuai Zhang of China, whom she
    defeated in two sets 6-2, 6-3. Then she was up against two-seeded Paula Bados
    of Spain whom she defeated 6-3, 6-1. In the eight finals, Halep played 14th-seeded
    Cori Gauff of the USA in a balanced game, which the Romanian eventually won
    6-4, 6-4. In the quarter finals, Simona will be up on Wednesday against Ons
    Jabeur of Tunisia, who is also the odds-on favourite.

    Halep was born on September 27, 1991, in Constanţa, south-eastern Romania. She
    made her debut in major tennis competitions in 2006, when she played her first
    matches in ITF tournaments. In 2010 she entered the world’s top 100 and in
    August 2014 she made it for the first time to the second position in the
    world’s ranking, the highest position ever occupied by a Romanian athlete.

    years later, in October 2017, she topped the ranking, a position she left in
    January 2008. She made a comeback in the same year a month later and remained a
    world leader until the beginning of 2019, after the Australian Open. Halep
    topped the WTA ranking for 64 weeks and her prize closet includes two Grand
    Slam titles, in Roland Garros in 2018 and in Wimbledon a year later.

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romania’s national rugby side have qualified for the World
    Cup 2023 in France. The oaks’ way towards the prestigious rugby competition has
    been smoothed out by the elimination of Spain, which used an illegible player
    in two matches within the Rugby Europe Championship 2021-2022. Initially,
    following the results in the aforementioned European competition, Romania had
    to join the play-offs. But now Portugal and the side ranking after Romania will
    go into the play-offs. In France, Romania will be part of Group B together with
    defending champions South Africa, Ireland, Scotland and the first side ranking
    in the Asia/Pacific zone.

    Romanian tennis player Simona Halep secured a 6-2, 6-3 win
    against Shuai Zhang, of China on Thursday in the first round of the WTA 1000 tournament
    hosted by Madrid, which has more than 6 million euros in prize money. Also in
    the first round, Sorana Cîrstea of Romania has conceded defeat to Spanish
    player Nuria Parrizas Diaz, 6-4, 6-2, while Irina Begu lost to Belinda Bencic
    of Switzerland, 6-4, 6-1.

    Bulgarian capital Sofia is this weekend hosting The European
    Judo Championships an event which brings together over 360 athletes of 40
    countries. Romania is being represented by 9 judokas, six in men’s and 3 in
    women’s competitions. Athletes from Romania walked away with no medal from last
    year’s edition of the aforementioned competition, the last medal was won by Andrea
    Chiţu, in Prague in 2020, in the 52-kilogram category.

    The Romanian women’s handball side CSM Bucharest will be
    playing Danish side Team Esbjerg in a home match counting towards the Champions
    League quarter finals. The Romanian side also relies on left-back Eduarda
    Amorim of Brazil who has also played for Russian side Rostov-Don, which has
    been excluded from the Champions League due to the war in Ukraine.

    And now football. This weekend will be seeing the matches of
    the seventh leg of Romania’s first football league. On Friday Sepsi Sfantu
    Gheorghe will be playing Gaz Metan Medias and Chindia Targoviste is up against
    Rapid Bucharest. On Saturday, Dinamo Bucharest plays Academica Clinceni in a
    home game while in Craiova, western Romania, local side FCU 1948 takes on UTA
    Arad. On Monday, CS Mioveni, on their own turf will be playing FC Botosani. Gaz
    Metan with minus 37 points and Academica with minus five are presently at the
    bottom of the table and cannot avoid demotion any more.

    Dinamo Bucharest with 16 points will go into the playoffs in
    an attempt to remain in the first football league.

    In the other matches on Saturday, Universitatea Craiova on
    their own turf will be playing FC Voluntari while on Sunday, Farul Constanta
    travels to Cluj to take on local side CFR. FCSB takes on FC Arges on the
    National Arena stadium in Bucharest on Monday. CFR tops the table with 48
    points followed by FCSB with 46 and Universitatea Craiova with 42.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romania’s national rugby side have qualified for the World
    Cup 2023 in France. The oaks’ way towards the prestigious rugby competition has
    been smoothed out by the elimination of Spain, which used an illegible player
    in two matches within the Rugby Europe Championship 2021-2022. Initially,
    following the results in the aforementioned European competition, Romania had
    to join the play-offs. But now Portugal and the side ranking after Romania will
    go into the play-offs. In France, Romania will be part of Group B together with
    defending champions South Africa, Ireland, Scotland and the first side ranking
    in the Asia/Pacific zone.

    Romanian tennis player Simona Halep secured a 6-2, 6-3 win
    against Shuai Zhang, of China on Thursday in the first round of the WTA 1000 tournament
    hosted by Madrid, which has more than 6 million euros in prize money. Also in
    the first round, Sorana Cîrstea of Romania has conceded defeat to Spanish
    player Nuria Parrizas Diaz, 6-4, 6-2, while Irina Begu lost to Belinda Bencic
    of Switzerland, 6-4, 6-1.

    Bulgarian capital Sofia is this weekend hosting The European
    Judo Championships an event which brings together over 360 athletes of 40
    countries. Romania is being represented by 9 judokas, six in men’s and 3 in
    women’s competitions. Athletes from Romania walked away with no medal from last
    year’s edition of the aforementioned competition, the last medal was won by Andrea
    Chiţu, in Prague in 2020, in the 52-kilogram category.

    The Romanian women’s handball side CSM Bucharest will be
    playing Danish side Team Esbjerg in a home match counting towards the Champions
    League quarter finals. The Romanian side also relies on left-back Eduarda
    Amorim of Brazil who has also played for Russian side Rostov-Don, which has
    been excluded from the Champions League due to the war in Ukraine.

    And now football. This weekend will be seeing the matches of
    the seventh leg of Romania’s first football league. On Friday Sepsi Sfantu
    Gheorghe will be playing Gaz Metan Medias and Chindia Targoviste is up against
    Rapid Bucharest. On Saturday, Dinamo Bucharest plays Academica Clinceni in a
    home game while in Craiova, western Romania, local side FCU 1948 takes on UTA
    Arad. On Monday, CS Mioveni, on their own turf will be playing FC Botosani. Gaz
    Metan with minus 37 points and Academica with minus five are presently at the
    bottom of the table and cannot avoid demotion any more.

    Dinamo Bucharest with 16 points will go into the playoffs in
    an attempt to remain in the first football league.

    In the other matches on Saturday, Universitatea Craiova on
    their own turf will be playing FC Voluntari while on Sunday, Farul Constanta
    travels to Cluj to take on local side CFR. FCSB takes on FC Arges on the
    National Arena stadium in Bucharest on Monday. CFR tops the table with 48
    points followed by FCSB with 46 and Universitatea Craiova with 42.


  • April 28, 2022

    April 28, 2022

    REFUGEES The number of Ukrainian nationals who crossed the border into Romania
    went up 30% on Wednesday compared to the previous day, reads a news release
    issued by the Romanian Border Police. As many as 8,635 Ukrainian citizens
    entered Romania in 24 hours, coming from Ukraine or the R. of Moldova. Since
    the start of the crisis over 2 months ago, over 800,000 Ukrainians have come
    into Romania. Meanwhile, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) announced in a
    conference in Geneva that over 8 million Ukrainian may leave their country.
    According to the UNHCR spokesperson Shabia Mantoo, the Agency and its partners
    intend to raise USD 1.85 billion to support an estimated 8.3 million refugees
    in Hungary, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, as well as
    in other countries in the region, including Belarus, Bulgaria and the Czech

    TROOPS The Romanian defence ministry announced
    that the Romanian Army currently has no troops deployed in the Rep. of Moldova
    to take part in drills or other joint training programmes. The statement comes
    after a Russian-language publication released fake news according to which
    Romania plans to attack Transnistria with NATO support, and then to
    annex the Rep. of Moldova, and claimed that Romanian troops have already been
    deployed to the neighbouring country. Disinformation on Russian channels
    follows a number of attacks by unknown perpetrators, which took place in the
    past few days in Transnistria, a pro-Russian breakaway region in the east
    of the Rep. of Moldova.

    NATURAL GAS The European Union
    told Russia it would not give in to blackmail, after Moscow discontinued
    natural gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria, which had refused to pay for
    natural gas in rubles. The European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen
    said the Union had other options to make up for the suspended deliveries, and
    warned member states not to breach the sanctions imposed by the EU after
    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We have to guarantee alternative supplies and the
    best possible storage levels across the EU, Von der Leyen explained. EU member
    states have implemented emergency plans for such a scenario and we have worked
    together in coordination and solidarity, the EU official added.

    ARMY Military ceremonies, concerts and competitions take place in Bucharest
    today to mark the Romanian Land Forces Day. Events are announced throughout the
    day, including ceremonies, cultural, scientific and educational events, sports
    competitions and military drills, book fairs, concerts and documentary
    screenings. In Arad (west), a military equipment exhibition opens today on this
    occasion, and on Saturday the city will host military and religious ceremonies.

    COVID-19 Nearly 1,150 new SARS-CoV-2 infection cases were reported in Romania on
    Thursday. The authorities have also reported 15 Covid-related deaths. Of the over
    1,200 patients in hospitals, 193 are in intensive care, and most of them are
    unvaccinated. Meanwhile, as interest in vaccination dropped significantly,
    immunisation centres are closing these days across the country. Those who want
    to get the vaccine will be able to do so only in family physician offices as of

    TENNIS The Romanians Simona Halep, Sorana Cîrstea and Irina Begu take part in
    the first round of the WTA 1000 tournament in Madrid, which starts today.
    Sorana Cîrstea takes on Nuria Parrizas Diaz of Spain (52 WTA). Simona Halep
    plays against Shuai Zhang of China (40 WTA), and Irina Begu faces Belinda
    Bencic (13 WTA) of Switzerland. WTA Madrid Open takes place between April 28
    and May 7. Simona Halep won the 2016 and 2017 competitions. (AMP)

  • April 27, 2022 UPDATE

    April 27, 2022 UPDATE

    UKRAINE Romania condemns in the strongest terms Russia’s blatant violation
    of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and of its obligations
    under international law, the PM of Romania Nicolae Ciucă said after Tuesday’s
    meeting in Kyiv with his Ukrainian counterpart Denys Shmyhal. Mr. Ciucă announced
    on Wednesday that Romania is considering opening new checkpoints on the Ukrainian
    border. He emphasised the importance of the opening of the Isaccea-Orlivka
    checkpoint in the south-east in 2020, and of deregulating freight transport for
    Ukrainian operators on April 5. The number of Ukrainian nationals to enter
    Romania was 50% higher on Tuesday than on the previous day, the Border Police
    announced on Wednesday.

    legal committees in the Senate and Chamber of Deputies Wednesday passed a
    favourable opinion on all candidacies for judge posts with the Constitutional
    Court of Romania. Parliament is due to vote on the candidacies next week. This
    June, the terms in office of 3 judges come to an end: Valer Dorneanu, nominated
    by the Chamber of Deputies, Mona Pivniceru, nominated by the Senate, and Daniel
    Morar, nominated by the Presidency. The Constitutional Court comprises 9 judges
    appointed for non-renewable 9-year terms in office, with one-third of the
    members replaced every 3 years.

    finance minister Adrian Câciu stated at the Government Hour debates that the
    measures included in the Support for Romania package pave the way for
    preserving the country’s economic growth trend. Invited to the talks by USR
    party in opposition, Mr. Câciu emphasized that in order to have a high economic
    growth rate this year, Romania must primarily encourage the agriculture and
    constructions sectors. Adrian Câciu also mentioned that Romania, which relies on imports in many sectors, needs to
    increase its domestic output and invest in processing.

    NATURAL GAS Russia’s decision to discontinue natural gas supplies to Poland and
    Bulgaria is an aggressive and unacceptable move, seen by the EU as a form of
    blackmail, said the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen. We
    will make sure that Gazprom’s decision has the smallest possible impact on
    European consumers, she told a press conference on Wednesday. The
    European Commission chief advised European energy providers not to give in to
    Russia’s request to have natural gas supplies paid for in rubles, and
    emphasised that this would most likely be a violation of the EU sanctions
    against Russia. After they refused to pay for natural gas in the Russian
    currency, Poland and Bulgaria are the first EU member states targeted by a
    suspension of Russian gas supplies. In this context, Greece announced it would
    assist Bulgaria, while Poland announced current gas supplies cover the
    country’s domestic demand.

    Romania has fulfilled all the goals set out in the National Recovery and
    Resilience Plan approved by the European Commission, the economy minister
    Florin Spătaru said in Bucharest. He emphasised that certain benchmarks related
    to the reforms undertaken as part of the plan will have to be revised in the
    forthcoming period, and along with the investment element they will contribute
    to a major progress of the Romanian economy, which has the potential of growing
    up to four-fold by 2030, provided that the principles in the Recovery Plan are
    observed and funding is used wisely. According to the economy minister, the
    opportunities offered by the Recovery Plan are not only the money, but also the
    economic and administrative reform principles, which will lead to reshaping
    Romania’s economy in line with the principles of digitisation and green economy.

    TENNIS Three Romanian athletes play in the WTA Madrid tournament’s main
    draw. Romania’s Irina Begu (62 WTA) Wednesday qualified into the tournament
    after defeating Kamila Rakhimova (96 WTA) of Russia, 6-1, 6-0. In the first
    round, Simona Halep will play against Shuai Zhang of China, and Sorana Cîrstea
    against Nuria Parrizas Diaz of Spain. WTA Madrid Open takes place between April
    28 and May 7. Simona Halep won the 2016 and 2017 tournaments. (AMP)

  • Jurnal românesc – 15.03.2022

    Jurnal românesc – 15.03.2022

    Familiei, Tineretului şi Egalității de Șanse, Gabriela Firea, a anunţat
    înfiinţarea unei direcţii în cadrul instituţiei, care se va ocupa de susținerea
    copiilor care provin din familii plecate la muncă în străinătate. În
    primul rând, trebuie să știm de ei și vom sprijini primăriile și consiliile
    județene să-i numărăm pe toți. Avem
    nevoie și de ajutorul instituțiilor care sunt în legătură directă cu românii de
    peste granițe, a declarat Firea. Ea a precizat că această direcţie a fost
    gândită împreună cu Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni, entitate
    despre care a spus că de 30 de ani este în contact cu românii din diaspora și
    elaborează politici publice destinate acestora. Firea a spus că, pentru
    început, minorii rămași în țară vor fi incluşi în proiectul taberelor ARC pe
    care DRP le organizează anual şi prin care 3.000 de copii ai românilor din
    străinătate merg la mare sau la munte, în România. Ea a arătat că rămâne o
    prioritate modificarea legii privind protecția și drepturile copilului, în
    sensul desemnării unei persoane responsabile de creșterea unui copil ai cărui
    părinți sunt plecați la muncă în străinătate. Peste 12.000 de copii din România
    au ambii părinți plecaţi la muncă peste hotare și au rămas în grija rudelor,
    potrivit statisticilor organizaţiei Salvaţi Copiii.

    pentru Românii de Pretutindeni a lansat programul Sprijinirea
    comunităţilor româneşti din Ucraina, prin care intenţionează să
    faciliteze achiziţia şi donarea de bunuri şi materiale diverse de strictă
    necesitate. Instituţia arată că a pornit acest demers după ce a analizat
    nevoile comunităţii româneşti din ţara vecină în contextul deteriorării grave a
    situaţiei de securitate din această zonă. DRP transmite că granturile, o nouă
    formă de finanţare nerambursabilă pusă la dispoziţie de către statul român, pot
    fi accesate de către asociaţii, fundaţii, unităţi de cult şi organizaţii
    neguvernamentale ale românilor din Ucraina. Condiţiile de acordare, utilizare
    şi decontare a sprijinului financiar sub formă de grant pot fi consultate pe
    site-ul DRP la secţiunea Finanţări, categoria Granturi. Pentru informaţii
    suplimentare, clarificări și îndrumări în vederea accesării fondurilor
    nerambursabile cei interesaţi au la dispoziţie adresa de mail proiecte@dprp.gov.ro.

    Ministerul de
    Externe transmite că Platforma pentru Apărarea Sectorului de Transport Rutier
    de Mărfuri din Spania a anunţat o grevă la nivel naţional, pe termen nedefinit,
    ceea ce poate provoca blocaje în reţeaua spaniolă de transport rutier. În acest
    context, cetăţenii români care se află în Spania pot solicita asistenţă la
    numărul de telefon al Secţiei Consulare a Ambasadei Românei la Madrid +34 917
    344 004. Totodată, românii care se confruntă cu o situaţie de urgenţă au la
    dispoziţie liniile telefonice speciale ale misiunii diplomatice +34 669 362
    202, ale Consulatului General la Barcelona +34 661 547 853, Consulatului
    General la Sevilla +34 648 212 169, Consulatului General la Bilbao +34 608 956
    278, Consulatului la Castellon de la Plana +34 677 842 467, Consulatului la
    Ciudad Real +34 609 513 790, Consulatului la Zaragoza +34 663 814 474 şi
    Consulatului la Almeria +34 682 733 408. Nu în ultimul rând, Bucureştiul
    recomandă folosirea aplicaţiei Călătoreşte în siguranţă, care oferă
    informaţii şi sfaturi de călătorie actualizate.

    Regizorii Alina
    Grigore, Radu Muntean, Mihai Sofronea și actorul Dan Bordeianu sunt invitați
    speciali la cea de-a 26-a ediție a Festivalului Internațional de Film de la
    Sofia, care se desfăşoară până la 31 martie. Filmul Căutătorul de
    vânt, în regia lui Mihai Sofronea, cu Dan Bordeianu în rolul principal,
    va fi prezentat în Competiția Internațională a Festivalului, în vreme ce
    Crai Nou, regizat de Alina Grigore, Întregalde de Radu
    Muntean și Babardeală cu bucluc sau porno balamuc de Radu Jude,
    participă în Competiția Balcanică. Proiecţia peliculei Căutătorul de
    vânt va avea loc, în premieră, pe 18 martie la Cinematograful Odeon şi va
    fi precedată de o conferință de presă la care vor fi prezenți regizorul Mihai
    Sofronea, actorul Dan Bordeianu și președintele Institutului Cultural Român,
    Liviu Jicman. Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Sofia a fost
    înfiinţat în 1997. Manifestarea este inclusă în calendarul Federaţiei
    Internaţionale a Criticilor de Film și a fost plasată de revista Variety în top
    50 al celor mai importante festivaluri de film din lume.