Tag: military

  • New restrictions and requests

    New restrictions and requests

    Around 4 months since the new coronavirus was first reported in Chinas Wuhan city, the toll is growing ever more disquieting at global level, and Europe and the USA are now the regions with the largest number of cases, and implicitly, the regions where the virus has killed the most.

    In Romania, experts expect the pandemic to peak at some point in mid-April. Bucharest has announced measures to contain the spreading of the virus, but the number of cases is growing by the day. Ţăndărei, in the south-east of the country, is the second town in Romania after Suceava to go under full lockdown. The decision was made under a military order, after the town was confirmed as a hotbed of infection in Ialomiţa County. It was precisely the local authorities that requested the lockdown, after hundreds of locals returned from abroad and defied all isolation requirements, in spite of the hundreds of fines ordered by the police. Police and military roadblocks are placed at all entryways to the town, and freight transport and emergencies are the only ones permitted to and from Ţăndărei, the interior minister, Marcel Vela, explained:

    Marcel Vela: “We will only permit access to and from the town for freight transport purposes, for bringing in supplies to the locals, for some economic activities and for certain sectors such as public order, national security, healthcare and, obviously, public utilities. The verification and control activities are conducted by joint Interior Ministry and Defence Ministry staff.

    The town of Suceava in the north-east, and 8 adjacent villages, were also fully locked down early last week, as the number of coronavirus cases had reached alarming levels. Moreover, military staff took over the management of the Suceava County Hospital. On Saturday, a hospital in the same county was closed down, and another one was partly closed.

    Meanwhile, the interior minister Marcel Vela urges the Romanians living abroad not to come home for Easter and to protect their families in Romania by staying in their host countries.

    Marcel Vela: “I call on all fellow Romanians in the diaspora to understand that this is for the better, even for themselves, because a long journey, where you have contact with other people in other countries, in petrol stations for instance, poses a risk of infection. And in this undesirable scenario, they come home and give the virus precisely to the people they love.

    In fact, PM Ludovic Orban warns that those who choose to come to Romania after all will have to be quarantined for 14 days in special facilities, given that the number of “red-zone countries, with more than 10,000 COVID-19 cases, has grown significantly. Starting on Sunday night, all passenger flights to and from another 9 countries are suspended for 14 days. These countries include Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, the US, Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, Turkey and Iran.

    Flights to and from Spain, Italy, France and Germany had already been suspended. Charter flights are however permitted, to take Romanian seasonal workers to other countries. International road passenger transport is also suspended, but authorities introduced facilities for drivers in international freight transport.

    And because many citizens still fail to understand the seriousness of the situation and to comply with the restrictions introduced recently, the authorities introduced tougher penalties for offences committed these days. The Government amended the relevant legislation, to the effect that offences committed under the state of emergency are punished more quickly and receive harsher penalties.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • The Week in Review 30-03-05.04.2020

    The Week in Review 30-03-05.04.2020

    Romania affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

    As of Monday, when the threshold of 2,000 cases of contamination was exceeded, Romania has entered stage 4 of the strategy meant to fight the coronavirus crisis. The number of contaminations and deaths continues to grow and the authorities believe that the pandemic in Romania will peak somewhere at the end of April. Many deplore the fact that there are not sufficient tests for the population.

    According to the Strategic Communication Group in Bucharest, almost 28,500 tests had been processed countrywide by April 2. Also, the Romanian hospitals don’t seem to be properly equipped to be able to face a surge in the number of patients. And the situation in Suceava (northeast) is proof thereof! On Monday evening it was announced that about one third of the total number of contaminations and deaths reported across Romania was registered in Suceava alone. Moreover, of all the medical staff infected across Romania, almost two thirds, that is around 200, are from the Suceava county hospital.

    Consequently, the central authorities decided early this week to quarantine the entire city alongside 8 surrounding communes. Subsequently, a military doctor was placed at the helm of the Suceava hospital given that the former interim manager resigned due to stress, the lack of personnel, medical equipment and products.

    The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has called on the medical staff to return to work: “The medical staff needs to be urgently tested so that they can return to work as soon as they have recovered. They need one more testing device that will be made available to them as soon as possible. They now have medicines, protection equipment, and procedures are also in place. I am addressing especially the physicians and medical staff from the Suceava hospital: please, go back to work, take care of the sick, and observe the procedures! We are counting on you!”

    He also called on the government to identify funds to be channeled as bonuses to the salary of the medical staff that will work with patients infected with COVID-19. In Romania, the coronavirus pandemic has made several doctors and nurses to resign for fear they might get infected. Also some of the medical staff resigned to protest against the lack of protection equipment.

    Operation ‘Equipping hospitals’ in full swing

    The Romanian authorities have taken new measures to help those who are on the front line of the fight against the new coronavirus. According to the head of the Department for Emergency Situations Raed Arafat, the specialized medical staff, the auxiliary sanitary staff and other categories of sanitary staff are not allowed to refuse temporary assignment to a certain medical unit during the state of emergency, they are obliged to go wherever they are asked to, even in public hospitals with staff shortage from other counties of Romania. Raed Arafat also announced that hospitals are not allowed to refuse hospitalization of patients on the grounds that they are or are not confirmed with coronavirus infection. Consequently, the medical staff is obliged to wear protection equipment at all times.

    In another development, a C-17 Globemaster III NATO aircraft has brought to Bucharest from South Korea a second tranche of 100 thousand hazmat suits. A C-27J Spartan aircraft of the Romanian Air Forces has brought from Turkey 100 thousand face masks of the FFP2 and FFP3 types. Also the Romanian Army has set up near Bucharest a ROL 2-type field hospital which is now operational. In the city port of Constanta (southeast) works are under way to build a modular isolation and treatment hospital, which will operate as an extension of the Infectious Diseases Section of the Military Hospital from Constanta. Also, Romania saw the start of the production of face masks, with some 15 million masks expected to be produced monthly.

    New decisions on entering Romania

    Based on military decree no. 5, Romania has extended the suspension of flights to and from Spain and Italy, the European countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Also, the list of ‘red zones’ for which quarantine is required was updated on Thursday, to include 12 countries: Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Iran, Great Britain, the Netherlands, the US and Turkey. Thus the Romanian citizens coming from these countries will be quarantined in specialized institutions for 14 days. The people coming from abroad will also have to self isolate for 14 days. The decision took effect on April 3, at midnight, Romania’s time. At the same time, 20 times higher fines were enforced for those people who violate the state of emergency. Fines for individuals reach up to 4 thousand Euros while for companies up to almost 15 thousand Euros.

    Alarming figures from the Labor Ministry

    Data provided by the Labor Ministry on April 2 shows that the number of Romanians left without a job stands at almost 174 thousand as their contracts were terminated. More than 860 thousand people are in technical unemployment. And the figures are alarmingly growing. Most of the people who lost their jobs were working in such fields as retail and wholesale trade, car and motorcycle repair, hotels, restaurants and constructions. Consequently the Romanian Government and Parliament are trying to work out solutions to support the population as well as the economic sectors affected by the crisis. (translation by L. Simion)

  • Increased fines for breach of restrictions

    Increased fines for breach of restrictions

    The Romanian citizens who do not observe the restrictions imposed through military decrees, in the context of the state of emergency required by the new coronavirus outbreak, will pay higher fines starting on Thursday. Individuals will pay fines ranging from around 410 Euros to around 4,100 Euros, while for legal entities, the fines start at almost 2,000 Euros up to some 14,500 Euros.

    According to the Strategic Communication Group, the people who commute can continue to go to work on condition that they have all the documents required by law on them: a staff ID card, a certificate issued by the employer or a self declaration, which clearly mentions the persons domicile address and the address of the work place. Shopping is recommended at the shops and supermarkets near ones home and people must carry with them their ID and a self declaration. The military decree does not provide for a distance limit in relation to travelling with the purpose of taking care of ones parents, which means that people can travel to provide their older relatives from other parts of the country with food and medicines.

    The decree also allows people to walk their dogs daily, while for daily physical activity or various sports, the authorities recommend the areas around ones house and not the parks, playgrounds or sports grounds. At the same time, the authorities recommend people to pay their utility bills and monthly loan installments online.

    In the last 24 hours, the police have identified thousands of Romanians who have not observed the traffic restrictions imposed under the military decrees and have given fines that exceed 2 million Euros. Among the people in breach of the restrictions there are individuals who did not observe the self-isolation period or who have left the quarantine place. So far, the police have started criminal proceedings in hundreds of cases, for people thwarting the authorities effort to combat diseases. The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said Wednesday that everybody should respect the legislation on fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

    Klaus Iohannis: “Since the start of the pandemic, the police have given more than 78 thousand fines, and Im telling you, the law is very clear in this regard: the law is meant to protect people and medical staff. Those who do not observe the law will pay fines. Dear Romanians, I repeat what I have always told you: observe the norms of behavior, keep the social distance, dont shake hands, dont hug other people, observe the norms imposed by the authorities.

    In Romania, a state of emergency caused by the new coronavirus was declared on March 16, and, ever since, the authorities have issued 6 military decrees which impose traffic restrictions for the population. The latest decree, issued on Monday evening, quarantines the city of Suceava (in the northeast) and 8 surrounding communes, given that a quarter of the cases of COVID-19 infection in Romania are from that area. (translation by L. Simion)

  • Romanian troops in theatres of operations

    Romanian troops in theatres of operations

    The daily allowances paid to the Romanian military, gendarmes and police taking part in international missions in theatres of operations or in peacekeeping missions will be updated to reach the same rates as those received by troops from Romanias partner states.

    A government resolution in this respect has been initiated by the interior minister Marcel Vela and defence minister Nicolae Ciuca, and endorsed in Mondays Government meeting. The decision was made following talks with the Romanian troops, during a visit to Afghanistan in December.

    According to a news release issued by the Interior Ministry, decision-makers have also considered the fact that as of recently the security context in the theatres of operations where Romanian troops are active has changed significantly, and the risks that they are subject to have grown more severe.

    Under the new resolution, the per diem rates for military personnel taking part in missions and operations abroad Romania will be based on the risk level in the region where the missions or operations take place, up to a ceiling of 140 euros a day for officers, 130 euros per day for master sergeants and 120 euros per day for privates.

    Where the foreign partners or allied structures that coordinate the missions do not cover the payments for the Romanian troops, the expenses will be covered by the Romanian government.

    In last years meeting, the Supreme Defence Council approved the deployment of a total 2,100 Romanian Army troops and civilians to foreign missions in 2020. The figure accounts for a 200-people increase compared to the previous year. Over 800 of these will continue to serve in Afghanistan. Another 500 troops will be on stand-by in Romania, and may be deployed on short notice.

    In turn, the Interior Ministry approved the participation of nearly 800 staff in international missions.

    Romania became a NATO member in March 2004, in the Alliances biggest eastward enlargement round in history. But Romanian troops had already been present in Afghanistan before the accession, and since 2003 nearly 30 Romanian military have been killed there. Others lost their lives in separate international missions.

    Since 2017 Romania has been earmarking 2% of its GDP to defence, as stipulated in a National Political Agreement that allowed for an increase in budgetary allocations. The move was aimed at enabling a large-scale military upgrade process which involved the national defence industry, in order to safeguard essential security interests.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Romania and the Gulf crisis

    Romania and the Gulf crisis

    Awaited with great anticipation, Wednesday nights speech by US president Donald Trump dispelled, to some extent, the worlds worst fears. A military conflict in the Middle East seems to no longer be imminent, and instead the door is open to negotiations for a new deal with Iran, whose nuclear ambitions are hardly a secret. Donald Trumps statement came at a time when the tensions following the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad by an US drone strike had reached a peak.

    On Wednesday, president Trump promised additional economic sanctions against Iran, and pointed out that he will request NATO to get more involved in the region. He also called on the worlds major powers, including Russia and China, to walk out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran and to work towards a new agreement. The White House leader concluded his address with the message “The US is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it.

    The attacks against American military bases in Iraq that preceded this address however alarmed the international community, including Romania, which decided to temporarily relocate the 14 troops it had deployed in Iraq. In Bucharest, top-level officials called for a calm, diplomatic approach. Here is the foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu:

    Bogdan Aurescu: “Romania reiterates its firm call for de-escalation. What we can tell you is that the Romanian troops that are part of the coalition against DAESH have not been affected, which is good news. Also, given that a number of strikes targeted the region of Erbil, where around 180 Romanian nationals live, the Consulate General of Romania in Erbil confirmed that the Romanian citizens there were not affected by these developments.

    Roxana Diaconescu has been living there for almost a year. She is 35, studying for a Ph.D. in political sciences and working for an NGO that runs humanitarian projects. This is what she told Radio Romania:

    Roxana Diaconescu: “I cant say we have been affected by the Iranian attack, although I live rather close to the military base, which is located within the airport. I havent heard missiles fired. I hadnt realised what was going on until morning, when I saw the news. It was a normal work day, I went to work, I sent my kid to school. Everybody is now worried about what will happen next, whether the US is going to retaliate or not. For the time being no NGOs are sending their expats out of Iraq.

    It is important to ease the fears of the public, to some extent, the Romanian defence minister Nicolae Ciuca said in his turn. He added the situation in the Middle East remains closely monitored, so that relevant institutions may take appropriate measures if necessary.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Decisions of the Supreme Defence Council

    Decisions of the Supreme Defence Council

    The Supreme Defence Council convened on Wednesday for its first meeting attended by the members of the new Cabinet headed by PM Ludovic Orban. The members approved the appointment of Lieutenant Gen. Daniel Petrescu as Chief of the Defence Staff, replacing Gen. Nicolae Ciuca, who stepped down after being appointed defence minister. “He is a well-known, respected, eminent army man, President Iohannis said about the new Chief of Staff. He also emphasised that Daniel Petrescus professional background includes tactical, operational and strategic positions in the Romanian Land Forces, under NATO command, and participation in missions in the theatres of operations in Angola, Albania, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The Supreme Defence Council also decided on Wednesday to strengthen Romanias participation in missions abroad in 2020. The number of Defence Ministry employees will be increased by over 200, to exceed 2,100 civilian and military staff, of whom over 800 will continue to take part in the NATO mission in Afghanistan. Another over 790 troops and police officers from the Interior Ministry will also be deployed in international missions.

    Klaus Iohannis: “This impressive number from both the Defence and the Interior Ministry proves that Romania takes very seriously its mission to provide security, to export security to regions where this is a goal still to be attained. We take part in many missions, and our military are highly appreciated everywhere they go.

    The head of state also emphasised that the Supreme Defence Council members discussed public procurement for the Army:

    Klaus Iohannis: “We discussed the purchase of 6 more F16 aircraft. The Government presented the Defence Council with a draft law that has been approved, but I remind you that purchases in excess of 100 million euros also require the endorsement of Parliament.

    The Council also analysed and approved a bill concerning adjustments in the state budget with respect to the institutions in the national defence and security field for 2019. In addition, Romanias objectives for the NATO leaders meeting due on December 3 and 4 in London have been approved. In this meeting, the head of state Klaus Iohannis will insist on the importance of the Black Sea region for the eastern flank, and will reassure the Allies that Romania will continue to earmark 2% of its GDP to the defence sector. The meeting in London takes place in the context of NATOs 70th anniversary, and is aimed at reconfirming the unity of the Allies and the strength of the trans-Atlantic relation.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 30, 2019 UPDATE

    October 30, 2019 UPDATE

    GOVERNMENT In Bucharest, the hearings of the candidates for minister posts in the Liberal PM designate Ludovic Orbans new cabinet have concluded. On Wednesday, the specialised parliamentary committees interviewed the candidates for minister of labour, justice, youth and sports, education and research, economy, energy and the business environment, development, administration, and public works, and foreign affairs. All candidates, except for the ones nominated for labour minister and minister for public works, development and administration, were greenlighted by MPs. On Tuesday, all candidates except for the one nominated for finance minister were also approved by the relevant parliamentary committees. However, the parliamentary committees only have consultative powers, and the decisive vote is scheduled for Monday, November 4. In order to replace the Social Democrat Viorica Dancilas Cabinet, dismissed on October 10 following a no-confidence vote in Parliament, Ludovic Orbans team needs at least 233 votes. To this end, the PM designate and president of the National Liberal Party, Ludovic Orban, has signed political agreements with Save Romania Union, the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians, the Peoples Movement Party, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats and MPs representing ethnic minorities. PRO Romania, a splinter from the Social Democratic Party, said they would decide on whether to vote on the new cabinet after the hearings, whereas the Social Democratic Party announced they would not take part in the vote.

    MISSION ‘Regele Ferdinand’ Frigate of the Romanian Navy, together with a Puma Naval helicopter and a Navy Special Operations unit are taking part until November 7th in a new NATO mission in the Mediterranean. The goal of Operation ‘Sea Guardian 19’ is to discourage illegal activities in the southern flank of NATO and the EU, by means of sea and air traffic monitoring. During the mission, the Romanian frigate will have stopovers in Haifa, Israel, and Limassol, Cyprus. The first stop was in the port of Aksaz, in the south of Turkey, followed by another one in Alexandria, Egypt, where a first meeting was held aboard, with members of the Romanian community in Egypt.

    MILITARY A military delegation from Bulgaria, headed by Gen. Major Mihail Dimitrov Popov, chief of staff of the Bulgarian Land Forces, is on an official visit to Romania between October 29 and 31. The host of the event is the chief of the Romanian Land Forces, gen. major Dorin Blaiu. The visit is intended on the one hand to assess the cooperation between the Romanian and Bulgarian land forces, and on the other hand to identify new fields and opportunities for future training. The agenda of the Bulgarian delegation also includes visits to the Romanian military units in Bucharest, Cincu and Sibiu (centre).

    ANTI-CORRUPTION The interim chief of the National Anti-Corruption Agency, Călin Nistor, has reported that over the past 4 years anti-corruption prosecutors sent to court over 900 individuals suspected of crimes against the financial interests of the European Union, in cases having caused combined losses of over 100 million euros. The chief prosecutor also said the acquittal rate in cases involving EU fund frauds is rather low, and added that Romanian courts have already sentenced more than 450 defendants and forced them to pay compensations of around 30 million euros.

    TENNIS In the Purple Group of the WTA Finals in Shenzhen (China), the Romanian Simona Halep (5 WTA) Wednesday lost 7-5, 6-3, to the Ukrainian Elina Svitolina, who moved up into the semi-finals. Simona Halep played the final of the tournament at her first participation in 2014, when she lost to the American Serena Williams (9 WTA). Also on Wednesday, the Romanian-born Canadian Bianca Andreescu (4 WTA) forfeited the match against Karolina Pliskova (2 WTA), after the Czech player had won the first set, 6-3. Andreescu stands no chances to qualify into the semis, even if she was fit to play the last group match on Friday, against the Ukrainian Elina Svitolina.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 26, 2019 UPDATE

    October 26, 2019 UPDATE

    MILITARY Nearly 1,400 Romanian and foreign troops with 220 vehicles are taking part in the multinational exercise Scorpions Legacy 2019, held between October 25 and November 8 in Cincu, Braşov County, in central Romania, the press office of the Multinational Brigade South-East announced. The goal of the exercise is to train the staff of the multinational brigade headquartered in Craiova and of the affiliated units in Bulgaria, Italy and Portugal, though computer-assisted command drills, field training practice and shooting practice. The Headquarters Multinational Brigade Southeast ensures high-level capability to command forces deployed in the south-east of the Allied territory, with an important contribution to NATOs collective defence.

    MOTORWAY The Romanian Transport Ministry has submitted a funding application to the European Commission, concerning a 122 km-long motorway connecting Sibiu in central Romania to Pitesti in the south. According to the ministry, the first stage, for which funding is requested, consists in the construction of 53 km of motorway. The project amounts to a total 1.3 billion euros, 85% of which will come from the EU budget in non-reimbursable funds, and the balance from the Romanian government. The deadline for completion is December 2023.

    REPATRIATION Three Romanian citizens, 2 of them underage, were repatriated from Libya, via Tunisia and Turkey, the Foreign Ministry announced. The measure is part of the constant assistance and consular protection efforts made by the Romanian Foreign Ministry, via diplomatic offices in countries with major security risks. The Ministrys homepage continues to run a maximum-alert travel warning for Libya, reading “Major threat – leave country or area immediately!.

    MIGRANTS Border police from the Nădlac checkpoint, western Romania, found 20 citizens from Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and India hiding in a truck while attempting to cross the border illegally. The police say they were trying to reach Western Europe. Investigations are now conducted against the truck driver, suspected of human trafficking and against the foreign citizens for attempted illegal border crossing.

    BREXIT The ambassadors of the 27 EU member states have deferred a decision regarding the Brexit postponement period to next week. Recently, they have agreed in principle on a new postponement of Britains exit from the Union, scheduled for October 31, and are now to reach a consensus on a new deadline. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, recommended a 3-month extension, to January 31. The European Parliament also agrees with this date, which would allow Britain to clarify its position and the EP to properly fulfil its duties.

    TENNIS The Romanian Simona Halep, number 5 in the world, landed in the Purple Group of the WTA Finals in Shenzhen (China), held between October 27 and November 3. On Monday she will play against the Romanian-born Canadian Simona Andreescu, no 4 WTA. Halep, winner of this years Wimbledon trophy, takes part in the tournament of the worlds elite 8 for the 6th time in her career. The Purple Group also includes Karolina Pliskova (Czech Republic) and Elina Svitolina (Ukraine), according to Fridays draw release. This edition has record-high prizes—14 million USD, twice as much as last year.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 26, 2019

    October 26, 2019

    MILITARY Nearly 1,400 Romanian and foreign troops with 220 vehicles are taking part in the multinational exercise Scorpions Legacy 2019, held between October 25 and November 8 in Cincu, Braşov County, in central Romania, the press office of the Multinational Brigade South-East announced. The goal of the exercise is to train the staff of the multinational brigade headquartered in Craiova and of the affiliated units in Bulgaria, Italy and Portugal, though computer-assisted command drills, field training practice and shooting practice. The Headquarters Multinational Brigade Southeast ensures high-level capability to command forces deployed in the south-east of the Allied territory.

    DST Romania switches to winter time tonight, with clocks set one hour back, from 4:00 AM to 3:00 AM. Sunday will be the longest day of the year. The switch does not affect railway traffic timetables. The European Commission suggested that Europe should give up seasonal DST switches in Europa, and member states will decide whether they want to keep the summer time or winter time permanently as of 2021.

    MIGRANTS Border police from the Nădlac checkpoint, western Romania, found 20 citizens from Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and India hiding in a truck while attempting to cross the border illegally. The police say they were trying to reach Western Europe. Investigations are now conducted against the truck driver, suspected of human trafficking and against the foreign citizens for attempted illegal border crossing.

    BREXIT The ambassadors of the 27 EU member states have deferred a decision regarding the Brexit postponement period to next week. Recently, they have agreed in principle on a new postponement of Britains exit from the Union, scheduled for October 31, and are now to reach a consensus on a new deadline. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, recommended a 3-month extension, to January 31. The European Parliament also agrees with this date, which would allow Britain to clarify its position and the EP to properly fulfil its duties.

    TECHNOLOGY Sixteen Romanian ITC companies took part in the worlds largest mobile communications exhibition – Mobile World Congress 2019, held in Los Angeles. According to the Romanian Ministry for the Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship, the Romanian participants presented their products in a national pavilion of around 150 sq.m. The Los Angeles fair is the third specialised event, after the ones in Barcelona and Shanghai, which brings together technology providers and producers, influencers and innovators in the ITC industry.

    TENNIS The Romanian Simona Halep, number 5 in the world, landed in the Purple Group of the WTA Finals in Shenzhen (China), held between October 27 and November 3. On Monday she will play against the Romanian-born Canadian Bianca Andreescu, no 4 WTA. Halep, winner of this years Wimbledon trophy, takes part in the tournament of the worlds elite 8 for the 6th time in her career. The Purple Group also includes Karolina Pliskova (Czech Republic) and Elina Svitolina (Ukraine), according to Fridays draw release. This edition has record-high prizes—14 million USD, twice as much as last year.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 25, 2019 UPDATE

    October 25, 2019 UPDATE

    ARMY DAY President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that the regional and global security environment is continually changing, and Romania needs a strong and well trained army, able to further contribute to promoting security and stability in the region, to the fulfilment of its NATO commitments and to implementing the Common Defence and Security Policy in Europe. The statement was occasioned by the Romanian Army Day, celebrated with special events at military units and memorial sites across the country. Military ceremonies and cultural and educational activities were also organised in the theatres of operations abroad where Romanian troops are deployed. Flowers were also laid at memorial sites celebrating Romanian soldiers in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova and Hungary. On the 25th of October 1944, the Romanian Army freed northern Transylvania from Horthy occupation and continued to fight on the territories of Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Austria alongside the Allied troops, contributing to the great victory of May 9th 1945 that marked the end of WWII in Europe.

    NATO Defence ministers from NATO member countries discussed in Brussels on Thursday and Friday about Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan, the training mission in Iraq, and Operation KFOR. According to a news release issued by the Romanian Defence Ministry, participants analysed the implementation of the NATO initiative to enhance the Allied forces interoperability, response and generation capacities. They also exchanged opinions on the fair sharing of responsibilities within the organisation. Representing Romania, the state secretary for defence policy Doru Frunzulică talked about the need for a stronger NATO presence in Romania, to counter the threats and volatile security situation at the Black Sea.

    BREXIT The ambassadors of the 27 EU member states had not made a decision on Friday as regards the postponed date of Britains exit from the Union. According to Radio Romanias correspondent, attending the meeting of EU ambassadors was also the blocs chief negotiator for Brexit, Michel Barnier, who described the talks as excellent. The diplomats agreed that a deferral is called for, but are still trying to reach a consensus on its exact duration. The UK has officially requested a postponement to the end of January. A new meeting of the EU ambassadors will take place early next week.

    TENNIS The Romanian Simona Halep was drawn in the Purple Group of the WTA Finals in Shenzhen (China), scheduled to take place between October 27 and November 3. She plays in the same group with the Romanian-born Canadian Bianca Andreescu, the Czech Karolina Pliskova and the Ukrainian Elina Svitolina, according to Fridays draw release. The Red Group includes world no. 1 Ashleigh Barty, of Australia, Japans Naomi Osaka, the Czeck Petra Kvitova and the Swiss Belinda Bencic. Halep, no 5 in the world and winner of this years Wimbledon trophy, takes part in the tournament of the worlds elite eight for the sixth time in her career. This years edition offers record-high prizes, 14 million US dollars, twice as much as last year.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • The Centennial of the 1919 Romanian Army Campaign

    The Centennial of the 1919 Romanian Army Campaign

    World War I, after 4 years of bloody conflict and tragedy, did not come to an end suddenly. It left every individual, ethnic and political group, and every nation feeling profound trauma. The winners faced the aftermath of the war, trying to find solutions to even out the social and economic situation, while the defeated had to face the humiliating situation they were put in. The war continued in 1919, but this time it was not between the warring blocs, but were area battles and skirmishes in Central and Eastern Europe. The break-up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire came with violence that only subsided in the summer of 1920, along with the signing of the Treaty of Trianon. After the Bolshevik regime led by Bela Kun took power in Hungary in 1919, based on the model applied by Lenin in the Soviet Union, that country became the main source of instability and the main obstacle in the way of peace. The main targets for the Hungarian communists were Romanians and Czechoslovakians.

    Historian Serban Pavelescu provided us with a sketch of what was facing Romanians in 1919:

    “We can say that the aftermath of the armistice of 11 November 1918 is a veritable war after the war. Basically, the Romanian state was put in the situation of using its military to defend the Romanians in the historical provinces, which had declared in March, November, and December 1918 their wish to join Romania. The country was surrounded by hostile forces, opposed to the union of the territories, and to the existence of the Romanian state. To the east it had Soviet Russia and Soviet forces in Ukraine, to the north and northeast it was facing territorial claims from Ukraine, from all sides of the political spectrum, nationalist or Bolshevik. To the west it had Hungary, first represented by the regime that followed the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with which Romanians had negotiated the separation of Transylvania from Hungary based on a referendum. In the southwest, Romania faced Serbia, which had its own territorial claims, based on promises made by the Allies during the war. In the south, Romania faced resistance from Bulgaria, which was reluctant to vacate Dobrogea and meet the provisions of the armistice.

    The war between Romania and Hungary started by the Hungarian red army had two stages. The first was that of April- May 1919, when the Hungarians attacked Romanian troops in Transylvania, then the second around the half of May 1919, when the Hungarians attacked a second time, after being pushed back. Serban Pavelescu pointed us to another war, however, in the diplomatic field:

    “We are practically talking about two wars. One was at the peace conference, another on the battlefield. It was a very strange war, where military operations were carried out between two or three rounds of negotiations, in between armistices imposed by the great powers. For instance, military operations ceased on May 1, 1919, as per the wish of the great powers. This allowed Bela Kun’s troops to reorganize and launch a devastating attack on May 20, 1919, not against Romanians, but against the Czechoslovakians. The attack against the Romanians fails, it was quickly repulsed. In less than two weeks, Hungarian troops occupied all of Slovakia. As for the front on the river Tisza, after two or three days of holding defense, the Romanians went on the counteroffensive, and once they got over the river, the Hungarian troops were routed and the Romanians occupied Budapest.

    The second stage of the Romanian-Hungarian war ended in August 1919. The Hungarian capital was occupied, and the Soviet republic was dismantled.

    “The occupation of Budapest was a problem, because, even though Romania had been attacked, and it was pushing against an enemy that had attacked it twice, it was asked to cease the assault. There was enormous pressure, and it was only by the initiative of Romanian commanders with authority in the field that Budapest, Hungary’s most sensitive political and military point, was occupied and the Soviet republic dissolved. At that time, it could be said that the population of Budapest received the Romanian troops with gratitude. In addition, Romania had additional objectives. On the one side, they had to crush the enemy and make it impossible for them to attack. On the other, it was gaining a better position at the peace conference. The Romanian troops left Hungary only after the Treaty of Trianon of June 1920. Considering the tribulations that the Romanian delegation at the peace conference faced, I believe it was a wise move.

    100 years ago, Romania took military action in Central Europe in order to secure its state stability, in line with the will of the people that had voted to unite it. The Romanian military intervention against Bolshevik Hungary ultimately brought along with it much needed peace.

  • September 14, 2019

    September 14, 2019

    EU The Romanian Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici believes it is absolutely necessary for any major initiative of the new European Commission to take into account the interests of all member countries, and not only of the stronger, more influential members. According to a news release issued by the ministry, Eugen Teodorovici took part on Friday in a meeting of the Eurogroup in inclusive format and in an informal meeting of the EU ministers for economic and financial affairs (ECOFIN), organised by the Finnish presidency of the Council of the EU. The Eurogroup talks focused on the budget for convergence and competitiveness. The agenda of the ECOFIN meeting, which continues today, includes topics like hybrid threats and the resilience of financial market infrastructure, enhanced action on climate change and rebooting the capital markets union. In Helsinki, Minister Teodorovici also had a meeting with the vice-president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Pierre Heilbronn, with regard to the Banks projects in Romania and its future strategy, as well as to the national strategy to develop the Romanian capital market.

    FESTIVAL In Bucharest, the Romanian Athenaeum is hosting today, on the 15th day of the George Enescu International Festival, a concert by the Liege Royal Philharmonic, conducted by Tiberiu Soare. The soloists include the Italian soprano Anna Caterina Antonacci, in Poulencs opera for soprano and orchestra “The Human Voice. Also today, the Oslo Philharmonic will give a second concert at the Palace Hall, under the baton of Vasily Petrenko. They will perform the symphonic poem Don Juan by Richard Strauss and George Enescus Sinfonia Concertate for cello and orchestra, opus 8. More than 20 choirs are also performing in several venues in Bucharest, as part of a related project entitled The city sings. The George Enescu International Festival takes place until September 22 and brings together over 2,500 of the worlds most valuable musicians from 50 countries, in 84 concerts and recitals. Bucharest and other cities in Romania and 5 other countries—Germany, France, Italy, Canada and the Rep. of Moldova—are hosting performances as part of the Festival. Radio Romania has been a co-producer ever since the first edition of the Festival, in 1958.

    ELECTION The Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania has drawn up and posted for public debate a draft law endorsing the Guidelines for financing the campaigns for the 2019 presidential elections. Meanwhile, the Romanians who live abroad only have today and tomorrow left to announce how they intend to vote in this election. Extended under a government emergency order this week, the deadline is September 15. Also, beginning Thursday and until October 19, Romanian diplomatic missions may request to the Foreign Ministry the set-up of polling stations abroad. The first round of Romanias presidential election is scheduled on November 10, with the runoff due on November 24.

    VISIT The Minister for the Romanian diaspora, Natalia Intotero, is in Italy until September 18, to discuss with representatives of the Romanian communities in that country about the options for voting in the forthcoming presidential election. Meetings are held in Turin, Milan, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Cagliari, Catania, Cosenza, Bari, Naples and Rome. Other topics approached also include human trafficking and the problems facing the Romanian nationals in various economic sectors in Italy, which is the host of the largest Romanian community abroad (around 1.2 million people).

    MILITARY Nearly 300 troops from Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, the USA and Ukraine have taken part this week in a new training module as part of the multinational exercise Black Sea Rotational Force 19 (BSRF), held in the town of Babadag, in the south-east of Romania. The module included tactical shooting drills, first aid simulations as well as practice involving command and control procedures. BSRF is an annual exercise conducted by the US Marine Corps Forces Europe in the Balkan, Black Sea and Caucasus region. The exercise is aimed at enhancing the inter-operability of the armed forces, by means of joint training for peacekeeping and counter-insurgence operations.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Mihaela Buzărnescu was defeated by Japans Nao Hibino, 4-6, 6-0, 0-3, on Saturday in the semi-finals of the WTA tournament in Hiroshima (Japan). This has been the best performance this year for Buzărnescu (125 WTA), and the first time she won 3 consecutive matches.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • August 17, 2019

    August 17, 2019

    VISIT The head of the Romanian state, Klaus Iohannis, will be on an official visit to Washington D.C. on August 19 and 20, at the invitation of the US president, Donald J. Trump. The 2 leaders will have a meeting on August 20, to discuss ways to strengthen and further develop the strong and dynamic strategic partnership between Romania and the US, in all its components. The Romanian president will emphasise on this occasion that his country will remain a reliable ally and strategic partner of the USA, one of the priorities of Romanias foreign policy being to consolidate the trans-Atlantic relation and Euro-Atlantic security. Klaus Iohannis said he also intended to talk to Donald J. Trump about the American troops in Romania and about the countrys capacity to host more US troops. The issue of US visa requirements for Romanian citizens will also be approached. Meanwhile, according to the White House, the US president looks forward to celebrating the 30th year since the fall of communism and the 15th year of Romanias NATO membership with president Iohannis. Klaus Iohannis and Donald Trump previously met at the White House in 2017, when they discussed the prospects for deepening and broadening the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US.

    UNIVERSITY The 17th edition of the Izvoru Mureşului Summer University comes to a close today in Harghita County, central Romania. This years theme was “Romania and the Romanians abroad, one year since the Great Union Centennial. The topics approached include means to preserve the identity of Romanian communities in Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova in the context of regional geopolitical developments and the Romanian national interest, the policies of parliamentary parties and public institutions with respect to the Romanians abroad and the Romanians in multi-ethnic communities in the country. Attending the works were students from Romania and from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria and the diaspora, academics from the main universities in Romania and abroad, civil society and mass media representatives.

    VOTE Nearly 9,000 Romanians living abroad had registered to vote by mail on the www.votstrainatate.ro portal 20 days since its release. According to the Permananet Electoral Authority, this is more than the total number of registrations for mail voting for the 2016 parliamentary elections. The website www.votstrainatate.ro has been created to ensure better records on the Romanians living abroad and to help keep them better informed on the voting process ahead of this Novembers presidential election. The Ministry for the Romanians Abroad also launched an information campaign in this respect and announced that over 5.5 million Romanians have left the country. In the recent elections for the EP, tens of thousands of Romanians queued for hours in polling stations abroad, and many of them eventually failed to cast their ballots.

    PIPELINE The BRUA pipeline, designed to carry natural gas from the Caspian and the Black Sea to Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, will only be completed in December 2020, one year behind schedule, according to the financial report for the first half of this year made public by the Romanian company Transgaz. The reasons for the delay include problems in the bidding process, the need to amend the legislative framework, the discovery of archaeological sites, adverse weather conditions for extensive periods of time as well as delays in the negotiations with some of the land owners or users, the company explains. Last month, the Romanian Economy Ministry announced having finalised almost half of the pipeline, and around 80-90% of the 3 compressor stations. Stage I of the BRUA project requires total investments of nearly 500 million euro, of which the EU has offered a 179-million grant. The Government of Romania holds about 60% of the stock of Transgaz, with the remaining shares traded in the stock market.

    MILITARY The National Defence Ministry will organise at the Mihail Kogălniceanu 57 Air Base, in the south east, a ceremony to mark the dispatch of the ‘Carpathian Pumas’ unit on a mission in Mali. The Romanian troops will take part in the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali. The around 120 members of the Romanian unit, accompanied by 4 IAR-330 Puma L-RM helicopters, will be in charge of medical evacuation, transportation of troops and materials, passenger transport, air patrol and monitoring activities beginning mid-October. At present Romania has 1,033 troops involved in missions abroad.

    SONGS All Romanians are invited to vote for one month to choose the 6 songs representing Romania in the first EU Songbook. So far 65,000 people in 26 countries have voted for their favourites, says the organiser of the event, the European Union Songbook organisation, on its website. The EU Songbook is a non-profit organisation without political or financial connections with Brussels. The first edition of the Songbook will be published on Europe Day, May 9, 2020.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • July 26, 2019 UPDATE

    July 26, 2019 UPDATE

    EUROPEAN COMMISSION Romania targets a European commissioner post in the field of transports, energy or environment, PM Viorica Dăncilă said on Friday. Bucharest will make 2 nominations, a man and a woman, in line with the equal opportunity principle promoted by the EU. The Prime Minister added that she had discussed the matter with President Klaus Iohannis as well. On July 16, the European Parliament elected the former German defence minister Ursula von der Leyen as president of the Commission, replacing Jean-Claude Juncker. The 28 Member States must next nominate their candidates for the commissioner posts. The hearings will be held by the specialised committees in Parliament between September 30 and October 8. Parliament will then take a vote on the commissioners, most likely between October 21 and 24.

    SANCTIONS The Romanian Foreign Ministry Friday responded to recent accusations from neighbouring Serbia, which claimed that Bucharest seized a shipment of military vehicles coming from Russia on the Danube. According to the Romanian authorities, Bucharest only implemented the sanctions ordered by the European Union against Russia. Moreover, under the Romanian law, transit permits for the transport of military products can only be issued to a Romanian carrier. This is in keeping with the decision of the Council of the EU on restrictions against Russia following its destabilising intervention in Ukraine, the Romanian diplomacy also says.

    BORDER The number of Romanian and foreign citizens registered at the Vama Veche checkpoint in the south-east of Romania has hit an all-time record, with over 730,000 people crossing the border there in the first half of the year, the Coast Guard reports. Compared to the first half of 2018, the number of people transiting the Vama Veche checkpoint is almost 40% higher. Border police officers say there is an increase at present in the number of foreign and Romanian tourists crossing the Romanian-Bulgarian border, and in order to reduce waiting time the Coast Guard has increased the personnel and is making full use of the infrastructure. In Constanta County there are 5 road border crossing points to Bulgaria, with a total of 9 inbound and 10 outbound lanes.

    MEDAL President Klaus Iohannis Friday signed a decree awarding the National Order of the Star of Romania to tennis player Simona Halep. According to the Presidency, the head of state awarded this medal in “recognition and appreciation for winning the Wimbledon tennis tournament, for the exceptional athletic performances achieved throughout her career, for her position among the best players in the world and also for the talent, devotion, professionalism and dedication in the service of affirming Romanian sports at world level and of making tennis popular among Romanian youth. The award ceremony will take place on Tuesday. No 4 WTA, Simona Halep (27) was the leader of womens world tennis standings twice, between 2017 and 2019. She held this position for 64 weeks, being the 10th longest holder of the world tennis circuit leadership in history.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 24 July, 2019

    24 July, 2019

    Appointments. Romanian president Klaus
    Iohannis on Wednesday signed the appointment of Nicolae Moga as interior
    minister and of Ramona Manescu as foreign minister, the president’s office has
    announced. Moga was a senator for Constanta and occupied the position of
    vice-president of the Senate in the Permanent Bureau. Manescu joined the
    Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, in the ruling coalition, in 2017. Earlier,
    she held the position of transport minister. An MEP since 2007, she was also a
    coordinator in the Regional Development Commission and a substitute member of
    the Employment and Social Affairs Commission. Also on Wednesday, the president
    took note of the resignation of Carmen Dan as interior minister and signed the
    decree for the revocation
    of Teodor Melescanu as foreign minister. In another decree, Mihai Fifor was
    appointed deputy prime minister in charge of the implementation of Romania’s
    strategic partnerships. The new ministers have been sworn in.

    Elections. The leadership of the
    Alliance of Liberals and Democrats have met today to establish their strategy
    for the upcoming presidential elections in November. They will appoint their
    own candidate, namely their leader and Senate speaker, Calin Popescu Tariceanu.
    They also tried to convince their ruling partner, the Social Democratic Party,
    to support Tariceanu, but the Social Democrats chose their own candidate, prime
    minister Viorica Dancila. Unhappy with the situation, some of the leaders of
    the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats have threatened to leave the government

    Peace keeping. Bucharest will support the United
    Nations in assisting the government of the Republic of Mali to continue the
    application of the peace agreement and will deploy a Romanian detachment of
    four helicopters. The latter was evaluated by a committee from the UN peace
    keeping operations department. According to the Romanian chief of staff,
    general Nicolae Ciuca, the mission under the UN mandate will begin in October
    and will last one year. The four helicopters will be used for medical
    evacuation and the transport of people and materials. 120 military will also be
    taking part, including chief of staff personnel, pilots, on-board crew and
    maintenance crew.

    Moldova. The
    European Commission has resumed payment of financial assistance to the Republic
    of Moldova, an ex-Soviet state with a majority Romanian-speaking population,
    which had been granted more than 14 million euros. The payments were previously
    suspended for two years following the deterioration of the rule of law
    situation in Moldova. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Brussels,
    the European Union believes that thanks to the decisions taken recently, the
    republic’s new pro-European government led by Maia Sandu is meeting the requirements
    for the resumption of financial assistance.

    Exercise. The 10th
    Eurasian Partnership MCM Dive multinational exercise is under way in Constanta
    and other maritime areas along the Romanian Black Sea coast. Until Thursday,
    tens of military divers from Romania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia and the US
    are taking part in explosive device search and identification drills,
    conducting open, semi-closed and surface-supplied diving missions and target
    searches using underwater drones. This is the only annual multinational
    exercise organised in the west part of the Black Sea and designed to improve
    the training of military divers from NATO members and the signatories of the
    Partnership for Peace.

    Football. The Romanian football
    champions CFR Cluj are tonight facing the Israeli side Maccabi Tel Aviv at home in the
    first leg of the second Champions League preliminary round. On Thursday in the
    first leg of the second Europa League round, the Romanian Cup holders, Viitorul Constanta, will be facing
    the Belgian side KAA Ghent, vice-champions FCSB are taking on the Armenian side Alashkert FC, while CSU Craiova are facing the Hungarian side Honved Budapest. The return matches are
    scheduled for next week. If they qualify, CFR will meet the winner of the match
    between the Scottish side Celtic Glasgow and the Estonian champions Nomme
    Kalju. Viitorul will meet either AEK Larnaca from Cyprus or Levski Sofia from Bulgaria,
    FCSB either Mlada Boleslav from the Czech Republic or Ordabasy Shymkent from Kazakhstan,
    while Craiova meet AEK Athens from Greece.