Tag: Nicolae Timofti

  • December 14, 2016 UPDATE

    December 14, 2016 UPDATE

    CONSULTATIONS – Romanias President Klaus Iohannis held a first round of consultations with political parties that entered Parliament after the elections of December 11. The Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats from Romania, currently holding majority, have turned down the invitation. The leaders of the two parties explained there were irregularities in the legal basis of the invitation. Their refusal has been labelled as an “impolite attitude by the president. He met with representatives of the National Liberal Party, Save Romania Union, the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians from Romania, the Peoples Movement Party and the group of national minorities. Iohannis pointed out that if the final results of the elections are made public by the end of the week, he might be able to summon the new Parliament over the course of next week. During the consultations, the Liberals said that from an economic point of view, the Social Democratic Party cant be the solution for the citizens well being. The president of the Save Romania Union, Nicusor Dan said his party will note endorse a government made up around the Social Democratic Party, PSD, and its leader, Liviu Dragnea. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians from Romania has announced it is not looking for ministerial portfolios or high positions, but for partners in Parliament, in order to put into practice its political program, and the President of the Peoples Movement Party, Traian Basescu, told the Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, that his party will be part of any anti-PSD political solution. The Social Democratic Party has won Sundays parliamentary elections by a large margin, with over 46% of the votes, followed by the National Liberal Party with 20%, Save Romania Union, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, the Peoples Movement Party and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians.

    CONSTITUTIONAL COURT – The Constitutional Court of Romania today ruled against the notifications filed by the Government and the National Liberal Party referring to the law amending the ordinance on the salaries of public sector employees, providing for an average 15% increase of salaries of employees in the education and healthcare sectors. In its notification, the Government pointed out that the law breached three articles in the Constitution on the separation of powers in the state, and that no budget expense can be approved without a source of funding. Also today the Court postponed ruling on a notification filed by president Klaus Iohannis on the law eliminating 102 non-fiscal taxes, initiated by Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea. The president says eliminating these taxes could affect the survival of some public institutions and would have too large an impact on the budget.

    ROMANIA AND NATO – Romania will consolidate its defence against Russia boosting its military presence in the Black Sea Region, Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc told Associated Press on Tuesday. The Romanian official said Romania will start earmarking 2% of its GDP to defence starting 2017, a prerequisite NATO has demanded of all its member states. Amidst escalating tensions between Moscow and the West after the illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia, NATO last year set up a NATO Force Integration Unit in Bucharest and activated the NATO Multinational Division South-East. The measures were part of NATOs action plan to increase its operational capabilities, adopted at the NATO Summit of 2014 in Wales.

    TURKEY – The European Union has currently no intention of opening new chapters of negotiation for Turkeys EU accession. The announcement was made on Tuesday by the Slovakian presidency of the European Council, ensuing a ministerial meeting in Brussels, where Romania was represented by State Secretary for European Affairs Cristian Badescu. Despite long talks on the matter, a unanimous decision of the 28 member states could not be reached, due to opposition from Austria. The General Affairs Council addressed the anti-democratic interventions in Turkey after the failed coup of July.

    SYRIA – The last of the rebels strongholds in Aleppo will be overrun within two-three days, after over four years of conflict in Syria, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said today. Also today, the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu accused the Syrian regime and the military of trying to prevent the implementation of the ceasefire allowing civilians and rebels to evacuate eastern Aleppo. The Syrian Observer for Human Rights reports that the Syrian regime has resumed bombing rebels in Aleppo after a several-hour break.

    REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA – The President of the Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, has been awarded the highest distinction offered by the Romanian state for his personal contribution to the development of friendship and cooperation relations between Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The award-grating decree signed by President Klaus Iohannis has been presented by Romanias ambassador to Chishinau, Daniel Ionita. (Translated by V. Palcu and D. Vijeu)

  • Jurnal românesc – 16.11.2016

    Jurnal românesc – 16.11.2016

    Băncii Naţionale, Mugur Isărescu, susţine că România înregistrează creştere economică,
    însă, prin stimularea cererii şi a consumului a creat mai degrabă locuri de
    muncă în alte ţări, având în vedere că cererea a fost satisfăcută preponderent
    prin importuri, care cresc mult mai rapid decât exporturile. In opinia
    lui Isărescu, ar fi fost mai bine dacă cererea ar fi fost stimulată prin
    creşterea producţiei interne. El a precizat că BNR nu este împotriva
    stimulentelor, dar este imperios necesar ca acestea să fie atent alese, să aibă
    un dozaj adecvat şi să fie aplicate la momentul oportun.

    România mai are nevoie de
    13 ani, în ritmul mediu de creştere economică din ultimii 15 ani, pentru a
    ajunge la nivelul de dezvoltare necesar adoptării euro, reiese dintr-un studiu
    privind aderarea ţării la moneda europeană. Potrivit autorilor
    studiului, coordonat de Daniel Dăianu, membru în Consiliul de Administraţie al
    BNR, termenul
    s-ar putea scurta la nouă ani dacă economia românească ar creşte cu 5% pe an în
    mod sustenabil. Aderarea României la zona euro nu reclamă atingerea
    în prealabil a mediei PIB/ paritatea puterii de cumpărare, de cel puţin 75%, la
    data aderării. Autorii atrag atenţia că, în
    cazul în care România adoptă euro cu decalaj mare de dezvoltare, există riscul
    unei inflaţii apreciabil mai ridicate decât în zona euro. Aceasta ar conduce la
    dobânzi reale mai mici decât în restul zonei şi la o tendinţă de apreciere în
    termeni reali a cursului de schimb, cum s-a întâmplat în Spania şi Portugalia.

    Preşedintele Republicii Moldova,
    Nicolae Timofti, i-a conferit, miercuri, premierului Dacian Cioloş
    Ordinul Republicii. Potrivit unui comunicat postat,
    miercuri, pe site-ul Preşedinţiei de la Chişinău, distincţia i-a fost conferită
    ‘în semn de înaltă apreciere a meritelor deosebite în vederea acordării de
    asistenţă Republicii Moldova în diverse domenii social-economice şi pentru
    contribuţia substanţială la procesul de integrare europeană a ţării noastre’. Mandatul lui Nicolae Timofti
    ca preşedinte al Republicii Moldova a expirat în primavara acestui an, el fiind
    prelungit până la momentul depunerii juramântului de către noul şef al
    statului, socialistul Igor Dodon.

    La Sibiu se lansează, joi, un proiect educativ internaţional ‘Folclorul – pe înţelesul copiilor’. Acesta se desfăşoară în
    perioada noiembrie 2016 – mai 2017 şi are drept scop promovarea valorilor
    culturii tradiţionale. Participă peste 350 de copii preşcolari şi şcolari, 36
    de cadre didactice din 15 unităţi şcolare din judeţele Sibiu, Cluj, Bistriţa,
    Bacău dar şi din Stuttgart – Germania. De-a lungul celor şapte luni, copiii,
    cadrele didactice şi părinţii vor fi implicaţi într-o multitudine de
    activităţi, menite să asigure cunoaşterea unor segmente diverse de cultură
    tradiţională. În decembrie copiii vor lua parte la spectacole de colinde,
    şezători, în ianuarie la prezentarea şi decorarea costumului
    popular; în februarie vor învăţa paşi de dans popular. In martie, aceştia vor
    confecţiona cadouri tradiţionale pentru Ziua Mamei, în aprilie vor decora ouă
    de Paşte, iar în mai vor viziona
    spectacole folclorice.

  • September 8, 2016 UPDATE

    September 8, 2016 UPDATE

    THE STATE OF THE ECONOMY– Romanias technocratic Prime Minister, Dacian Ciolos, will go to Parliament to present the economic situation of the country, the government spokesperson, Liviu Iolu announced on Thursday. The spokesman said the Prime Minister is thus answering the request made on Thursday, too, in an open letter, by the president of the leftist Social Democratic Party, Liviu Dragnea. The Social Democrats leader claims, among others, it is high time the cabinet presented its official stand on such measures as establishing a ceiling for child rearing benefits and increasing taxes on incomes from independent activities.

    ANTI-CORRUPTION – Romanias president Klaus Iohannis on Thursday approved a request by the National Anti-corruption Directorate to start prosecuting former interior minister Petre Toba. The latter is suspected of aiding some of his staff accused of embezzlement. As a result of the scandal, Toba resigned and was replaced by Dragos Tudorache. The priorities of the new minister include the good organisation of the parliamentary elections on December 11.

    DIPLOMACY – Romanian foreign minister, Lazar Comanescu, on Thursday met in Bucharest with Turkish deputy prime minister, Veysi Kaynak. On this occasion, Comanescu reiterated Romanias openness towards boosting bilateral ties, particularly trade relations. In another move, the Romanian foreign minister reiterated Romanias interest in maintaining stability in Turkey, a NATO member and a key partner of the EU. Comanescu also gave assurances that Romania would like Turkey to join the EU. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the visit by the Turkish deputy prime minister is proof of the dynamic and fast pace of the political dialogue between the two countries.

    ROMANIAN-UKRAINIAN RELATIONS – Romania is one of the most important supporters of Ukraines independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, said the Ukrainian charge daffaires in Bucharest, Teofil Rendiuk at a reception to celebrate Ukraines National Day. Rendiuk also said Romania may become Ukraines new strategic partner and that the two countries have an excellent dialogue adapted to the current geopolitical and geostrategic situation. Bucharest was a firm critic of Russias annexation of the Crimean peninsula and voiced its support for Ukraines sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within this countrys internationally recognised borders.

    REP. OF MOLDOVA – Nicolae Timofti, the president of the ex-Soviet Republic of Moldova, with a majority Romanian-speaking population, has refused to travel to the meeting of heads of state of the Commonwealth of Independent States to be held next week in the capital of Kyrgyzstan. The Moldovan delegation may thus be headed by Prime Minister Pavel Filip. Moldovas pro-western president Nicolae Timofti, who is nearing the end of his term in office, did not attend the summit last year, either, following a tough exchange with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in 2014 most likely over Moldovas signing the association agreement with the European Union and Russias embargo as a result.

    CHRISTIAN HOLY DAY – Christians across the world, including the majority Orthodox Romania, on Thursday celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, which is known as Little Mary in the traditional calendar. According to Christian tradition, Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born through a miracle. She is believed to be the greatest of all saints and is dedicated four days in the Christian calendar: Nativity, Entry into the Temple, Annunciation and Assumption. Around 2.2 million people are named after Mary in Romania.

    SAILING – An international regatta of large sailboats began on Thursday in the Romanian port of Constanta. 13 sailboats from five different countries will be docked for four days in the passenger harbour, where they can be visited free of charge. Romania is represented in the race by the Mircea training ship and the countrys largest civilian sailboat, Adornate. Romanian navy personnel will take part in various sports competitions and a crew parade on Friday. (Translated by D. Vijeu)

  • Jurnal românesc – 1.09.2016

    Jurnal românesc – 1.09.2016

    Ministerul de Externe va putea propune
    organizarea de secţii de votare în diaspora pe lângă cele aferente misiunilor
    diplomatice, iar românii cu domiciliul sau reşedinţa în străinătate îşi vor
    putea exercita preferinţa electorală la orice secţie organizată în afara
    graniţelor, pe liste suplimentare. Anunţul a fost făcut de ministrul delegat
    pentru relaţia cu românii de pretutindeni, Maria Ligor, după ce Guvernul a
    adoptat, prin ordonanţă de urgenţă, modificări aduse normelor de organizare a
    alegerilor pentru Senat şi Camera Deputaţilor. Potrivit acesteia, secţiile
    suplimentare vor fi integrate în lista finală de secţii de votare pentru
    Diaspora, listă care va fi stabilită de Autoritatea Electorală Permanentă.
    Ordonanţa prevede şi posibilitatea ca cererea de înscriere în Registrul
    Electoral şi copiile după actele doveditoare ale domiciliului sau reşedinţei în
    străinătate să poate fi trimise la ambasade sau consulate şi în format
    electronic, prin e-mail. Având în vedere că alegerile parlamentare au fost
    fixate pentru 11 decembrie, data până la care românii din diaspora se mai pot
    înscrie în Registrul Electoral, aşa cum prevede legea, devine 14 septembrie, a
    mai spus Maria Ligor.

    În România, 2 septembrie este zi
    de doliu naţional în memoria victimelor cutremurului din Italia şi în semn de
    solidaritate cu poporul italian, a decis Executivul de la Bucureşti. Toate
    instituţiile şi autorităţile publice au obligaţia de a coborî drapelul în
    bernă, în timp ce posturile naţionale de radio şi televiziune îşi vor adapta
    programul. 11 români şi-au pierdut viaţa în urma seismului din Italia. Potrivit
    MAE, cinci români sunt internaţi în spitalele din Peninsulă.

    Premierul Dacian Cioloş anunţă, pe pagina
    sa de Facebook, debutul campaniei Dreptul tău de a
    şti, prin care cetăţenii află cum pot să întrebe şi să primească
    răspunsuri de la instituţiile publice. Pe site-ul dialogcivic.gov.ro al
    Ministerului pentru Consultare Publică şi Dialog Civic poate fi văzut un film
    de animaţie care prezintă pe scurt prevederile Legii privind liberul acces la
    informaţiile de interes public. Prin această campanie, ministerul doreşte să
    crească gradul de conştientizare al cetăţenilor privind dreptul fundamental de
    a pune întrebări autorităţilor şi instituţiilor publice şi de a primi
    răspunsuri de la acestea, se mai arată în mesajul postat de premierul Dacian

    Republicii Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, a solicitat Parlamentului de la Chişinău
    modificarea Articolului 13 din Constituţie astfel încât limba de stat să fie
    limba română. Şeful statului a aminitit că, în decembrie 2013, Curtea Constituţională a decis, în baza
    Declaraţiei de Independenţă şi a concluziilor Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii
    Moldova, definitiv şi ireversibil, că denumirea corectă a limbii de stat este
    limba română. El a mai spus că cei care susţin că vorbesc limba
    moldovenească nu fac decât să scindeze şi mai mult societatea.
    Declaratiile au fost făcute într-un discurs susţinut la Academia de
    Ştiinţe din Chişinău, cu ocazia Zilei Naţionale a Limbii Române.

  • August 5, 2016 UPDATE

    August 5, 2016 UPDATE

    SUBSCRIPTION – The Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has announced, at the end of the subscription campaign for the “Centenar” government securities, that the issue has been a success and it has attracted more than 700 million lei from citizens. He has also said that more than 20,000 people participated in the campaign, which could be seen as the start of a process with the help of which Romanians will get familiarized with a set of financial tools. The Romanian Finance Ministry issued government securities for citizens in 2015, for the first time after 10 years, with a nominal value of 1,000 lei. Most investors are from the urban area, with Bucharest on top of the subscription list.

    ECONOMY-The National Bank of Romania has revised downwards this year’s inflation forecast. According to the Central Bank Governor Mugur Isarescu, inflation will remain negative until the end of 2016, although in May the estimated rate was 0.6%. Isarescu has stated that in 2017 inflation will return to the variation range targeted by the National Bank, and in 2018 it will reach the upper end of the range.

    MOURNING — The President of the Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, on Friday signed a decree to declare August 13, 2016 a day of national mourning, “in token of deep regret and grief for the death of Queen Anne of Romania.” The state flags will be flying at half-mast in all towns and cities, as well as at the Moldovan diplomatic and consular missions. The funeral of Queen Anne of Romania is scheduled for August 13, at the Curtea de Arges Monastery, in southern Romania. Princess Anne of Bourbon Parma, known as Queen Anne, 92, the wife of Romania’s last king, Michael I, passed away in Switzerland, after a long suffering.

    TURKEY-The US Secretary of State John Kerry is going to pay a visit to Turkey on August 24th, the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has announced. The American official’s visit will take place approximately one month since the failed military coup in Turkey, which rendered bilateral relations rather tense. Ankara has repeatedly called on Washington to extradite preacher Fethullah Gülen, accused by the Turkish authorities of having masterminded the coup. The US has called on Ankara to provide evidence of Gülen’s involvement. On Thursday, a court in Istanbul issued a warrant for the arrest of the former imam, which is the first step in the process of starting a formal request for his extradition. The US Department of State has stated that the US is analysing the new documents submitted by Turkey. Fethullah Gülen, who’s been living in the American state of Pennsylvania since 1999, has denied any involvement in the failed coup.

    FESTIVAL-The Romanian Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu has held talks in Bucharest with the director of the EUROPALIA International Festival, Baroness Kristine De Mulder, who paid a visit to Romania over August 2nd – 5th. Comanescu has mentioned Romania’s successful covering of the stages needed for it to be the guest of the 2019 edition of the festival, which is the most important such event in Belgium. Launched in Brussels in 1969, Europalia is a international art biennale, which promotes the heritage and cultural diversity of the guest country. In 2017, the honorary guest will be Indonesia. At the previous editions, the guests have been Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, China, Brazil, India and Turkey.

    MUSIC-“Untold”, the biggest music festival in Romania, continues in Cluj Napoca, central Romania. Until August 7th, the audience will have the opportunity to see over 150 international artists and some of the most en vogue DJs in the world. The organisers of the event estimate that the turnout will stand at some 350,000 people in four days of festival.

    FOOTBALL — Romania’s football vice-champion team, Steaua Bucharest, will face the strong England team Manchester City, in the Champions League play-off round, according to Friday’s draw in Nyon, Switzerland. Steaua will play the first match on home turf, and the return match away from home. If it goes past Manchester City, Romania’s vice-champion team will qualify to the Champions League group stage. Otherwise, Steaua will play in the Europa League group stage. Also on Friday, Romania’s champion, Astra Giurgiu, found out what team it will be facing in the Europe league play-offs: the English team West Ham United. Astra failed to qualify to the Champions League play-off round, after sustaining a 3-0 defeat away from home with Copenhagen FC, and ended the first match 1-1, on home turf.

    (Translated by M. Ignatescu and D. Vijeu)

  • El presidente de la República de Moldavia termina su mandato

    El presidente de la República de Moldavia termina su mandato

    El sexagenario Nicolae Timofti, abogado, juez en la época soviética y presidente del Consejo Supremo de la Magistratura después de la proclamación de la independencia de la República de Moldavia en 1991, prestó juramento como presidente el 23 de marzo de 2012. Según los analistas, el balance de su mandato es más bien incierto, y aclaran que tomando en consideración el contexto interno e internacional, el presidente ha respetado sus prerrogativas, ha evitado las crisis políticas, y ha logrado fomentar los intereses de Chişinău en el extranjero. Los equipos ejecutivos prooccidentales que han gobernado el país durante el mandato de Timofti han apostado por la integración europea y consiguieron en 2014 la firma de los acuerdos de asociación y de libre comercio con Bruselas.

    Sin embargo, detrás de la retórica europea, las reformas esenciales se vieron estancadas, mientras que la administración se vio afectada por la corrupción. Mil millones de dólares, lo que representa un 15% del PIB, han desaparecido en circunstancias dudosas del sistema bancario de la república y el escándalo generado ha desacreditado a los partidos de la coalición de gobierno, ha desencadenado protestas masivas de la sociedad civil y ha influido en las intenciones de voto a favor de las formaciones prorrusas. Timofti, elegido por los diputados, representó una solución de compromiso y su poder dependió constantemente de los juegos políticos de los partidos, según opina el analista Iulian Chifu, especialista en el espacio exsoviético y exconsejero presidencial en Bucarest.:

    “Yo creo que fue un presidente centralista que respetó su mandato y desempeñó un papel importante cuando se tomó la decisión sobre la última estructura del gobierno, en vísperas de las elecciones anticipadas que podrían engendrar inestabilidad en la República de Moldavia. Por lo tanto, se implicó directamente. Sin embargo, creo que su posición como presidente no ha sido aprovechada debidamente por los partidos políticos.”

    Desde Chişinău, el analista político Anatol Ţăranu alaba las acciones de Timofti en el la política exterior, sobre todo la defensa de los intereses de la República de Moldavia frente a Moscú y las relaciones excelentes con sus homólogos del país vecino, Rumanía, Traian Băsescu y Klaus Iohannis. Anatol Ţăranu ha declarado lo siguiente para los corresponsales de Radio Rumanía:

    ”Timofti no vaciló en defender a la República de Moldavia y lo hizo ante el presidente Putin. Al mismo tiempo, a través de las medidas de política exterior, el presidente Timofti siempre ha dado prueba del apego de la República de Moldavia a los valores europeos y también a los valores rumanos.”

    Según la Constitución, Nicolae Timofti seguirá ejerciendo sus prerrogativas hasta que el futuro presidente preste juramento. Conforme a la decisión del Parlamento, convalidada por el Tribunal Constitucional, el juevo jefe del Estado será elegido por voto directo de todos los ciudadanos de la República de Moldavia y los comicios electorales se organizarán en 2016.

  • Preşedintele Republicii Moldova – final de mandat

    Preşedintele Republicii Moldova – final de mandat

    Jurist de formaţie, judecător în epoca sovietică şi preşedinte al
    Consiliului Suprem al Magistraturii după proclamarea, în 1991, a independenţei
    Chişinăului faţă de Moscova, sexagenarul Nicolae Timofti a depus jurământul ca
    preşedinte pe 23 martie 2012.

    Bilanţul preşedinţiei sale e, constată analiştii,
    unul mai degrabă amestecat. Ei susţin, că, având în vedere conjunctura internă
    şi internaţională, preşedintele şi-a respectat mandatul şi prerogativele şi a
    evitat să provoce crize politice, reuşind şi să promoveze interesele
    Chişinăului peste hotare. Declarat pro-occidentale, echipele executive care au
    guvernat republica în timpul lui Timofti au jucat cartea integrării europene şi
    au obţinut, în 2014, semnarea acordurilor de asociere şi liber-schimb cu
    Bruxellesul. Pe de altă parte, însă, la adăpostul retoricii europene, reformele
    esenţiale au stagnat, iar administraţia a fost cariată de corupţie. Un miliard
    de dolari, echivalentul a 15 procente din PIB, a dispărut, în circumstanţe
    oneroase, din sistemul bancar al republicii, scandal care a discreditat partidele din coaliţia guvernamentală, a
    provocat protestele masive ale societăţii civile şi a alimentat intenţiile de
    vot pentru formaţiunile pro-ruse.

    Ales de deputaţi, Timofti a fost o soluţie de
    compromis şi puterea sa a depins, în mod constant, de jocurile politice ale
    partidelor – consideră analistul Iulian Chifu, specialist în spaţiul
    ex-sovietic şi fost consilier prezidenţial la Bucureşti. Iulian Chifu Din
    punctul meu de vedere, a fost un preşedinte de centru, un preşedinte care şi-a
    respectat mandatul, care a avut un rol important în momentul deciziei pentru
    ultima formulă de guvern, în pragul unor alegeri anticipate ce ar fi putut
    declanşa instabilitatea în Republica Moldova, deci şi-a asumat un rol direct. În
    egală măsură, cred că poziţia sa de preşedinte a fost subutilizată de către
    partidele politice.

    De la Chişinău, analistul politic Anatol Ţăranu
    remarcă acţiunile lui Timofti în domeniul politicii externe, mai ales apărarea
    intereselor Republicii Moldova în raport cu Moscova şi relaţiile excelente cu
    omologii săi din România vecină, Traian Băsescu şi Klaus Iohannis. Ţăranu le-a
    declarat corespondenţilor Radio România Timofti nu a ezitat să apere
    Republica Moldova şi nu s-a sfiit să facă aceasta în faţa preşedintelui Putin.
    În acelaşi timp, prin măsurile de politică externă, preşedintele Timofti în
    permanenţă a subliniat ataşamentul Republicii Moldova faţă de valorile
    europene, dar şi faţă de valorile româneşti.

    Potrivit Constituţiei,
    Timofti va continua să-şi exercite prerogativele până la depunerea jurământului
    de către viitorul preşedinte. Conform deciziei Parlamentului, validată de
    Curtea Constituţională, noul şef al statului va fi ales prin vot direct al
    tuturor cetăţenilor Republicii Moldova, iar scrutinul ar urma să se desfăşoare
    pe parcursul acestui an.

  • The president of the Republic of Moldova at the end of his term in office

    The president of the Republic of Moldova at the end of his term in office

    A jurist by training, a judge during the Soviet regime and president of the Supreme Council of Magistracy after the Republic of Moldova proclaimed its independence from Russia in 1991, 67-year old Nicolae Timofti was sworn in as president on March 23rd 2012. Pundits say that the record of his presidency is rather a mixed one. They argue that given the domestic and international circumstances, the president abided by his mandate and prerogatives and avoided causing political crises, managing to foster Chisinaus interests abroad.

    The avowed pro-Western governments that ruled the republic during Timoftis term in office advocated the countrys European integration and succeeded in having the association and free trade agreements concluded with Brussels in 2014. However, the essential European reforms stagnated and the administration has been weakened by corruption. One billion dollars, tantamount to 15% of the countrys GDP, mysteriously disappeared from the countrys banking system, the scandal undermining government coalition parties, triggering the large-scale protests of civil society and fuelling voting intentions in favour of the pro-Russian parties. Elected by MPs, Timofti was a compromise solution and his power constantly depended on the parties political games as political analyst Iulian Chifu, an expert in the ex-Soviet area and former presidential advisor in Bucharest believes.

    From my point of view, he was a centrist president, a president who abided by his mandate and had an important role in deciding on the structure of the last Government, at a time when the country was on the verge of early elections, which might have sparked off instability in the Republic of Moldova. So, he assumed a direct role. I also believe that his position as president was underused by the political parties.

    Political analyst in Chisinau, Anatol Taranu, highlights Timoftis foreign policy projects, particularly in defending the Republic of Moldovas interests in relationship with Russia and his excellent ties with his counterparts from neighbouring Romania, Traian Basescu and Klaus Iohannis. Anatol Taranu:

    Timofti did not hesitate to defend the Republic of Moldova and did not refrain from doing that in front of president Putin. Moreover, through the foreign policy measures, president Timofti permanently underscored the Republic of Moldovas commitment to the European values as well as to Romanian values.

    Under the Moldovan Constitution, Timofti will continue to exert his prerogatives until the future president is sworn in. According to Parliaments decision, validated by the Constitutional Court, the new president will be elected by the citizens of the Republic of Moldova through direct vote and the ballot is going to be held this year.

  • The Week in Review 15-20 February

    The Week in Review 15-20 February

    The EU and the UK strike a deal in Brussels An agreement on renegotiating the UKs EU membership was reached, European Council president Donald Tusk announced late on Friday. After two days of talks in Brussels with other EU leaders, British Premier David Cameron said the EU provided the concessions he sought. Romania was represented at the summit by its President, Klaus Iohannis. The meeting also tackled migration and the distribution of refugees among member states. The European Council President Donald Tusk has announced a special meeting with Turkey early this March after having reiterated the importance of joint efforts by the EU and Ankara as to the refugee crisis. The 28 EU heads of state and government have unanimously agreed that a European approach is needed in dealing with the migrant issue. On the sidelines of the meeting, Klaus Iohannis had talks with the Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo, with whom he discussed the Romanian-Polish relation and the security challenges in eastern Europe.

    Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos pays visit to Brussels

    Romania’s joining the Schengen area, migration, energy union and the European workers’ rights in the UK were the main topics on the agenda of the Romanian prime minister Dacian Ciolos during his two-day official visit to Brussels. Ciolos held talks with the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker, who said after the meeting that the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism on Romania’s judicial system could be lifted during his term in office. PM Ciolos also met with the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, to whom he presented the priorities of his Cabinet, such as the smooth running of the local and parliamentary elections and the reform projects. The two officials also tackled the situation in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova. Ciolos insisted on Romania’s joining the Schengen area and said he would travel to the Netherlands in March to discuss the issue with the officials of this country, which had repeatedly used their vote to block the Schengen access of Romania and Bulgaria.

    Moldova’s President met with his Romanian counterpart in Bucharest

    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis reiterated in Bucharest, during talks with his Moldovan counterpart, Nicolae Timofti, Romania’s determination to support Moldova’s European efforts. Iohannis pointed out that more Romanian-Moldovan economic projects are needed in this respect, such as the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline. As for the financial aid requested by Moldova, President Iohannis said that Romania would grant the required amount provided that the Chisinau Government continued its reform programme. In his turn, President Timofti thanked the Romanian authorities for assisting Moldova in getting closer to the EU. Moreover, he voiced hope that Romania would further contribute to the development of Moldova’s energy sector, which would make his country less vulnerable in this respect.

    Anti-corruption prosecutors investigate two other Romanian MPs

    Romanian MPs said no to a request from the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) regarding the preventive arrest the Social Democratic MP Madalin Voicu. On the other hand, the MPs have voted in favour of lifting the immunity of Nicolae Paun, who represents the Roma minority in Parliament and is investigated in the same case. Both MPs are accused of having unlawfully obtained and used European funds. According to prosecutors, over 2010-2015, pretending they would assist thousands of Roma people in finding a job or becoming entrepreneurs, the two deputies conceived a plan through which they misappropriated over 6 million euro worth of EU funds.

    Several children in Arges County diagnosed with haemolytic-uremic syndrome are treated in a Bucharest hospital

    About two weeks after the first cases of infants from Arges County with serious digestive infections were reported, some of them are still being treated in a Bucharest hospital as they have been suffering major complications. The microorganism that has already killed several children has not been identified yet. A group of doctors from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control travelled to Romania to assist in finding the cause of infection. The authorities expanded the epidemiological inquiry in Arges to test the animals in the areas where the children live.

    The Romanian state resumes the process of purchasing Brancusi’s work “The Wisdom of the Earth”

    The Romanian state has recently announced its intention to resume proceedings for the purchase of the sculpture “The Wisdom of the Earth”, one of Constantin Brancusi’s masterpieces. The commemoration of 140 years since one of the greatest fine artists of all time was born was marked in Romania with a number of events held in the Romanian artist’s native village, Hobita, in Targu Jiu, which hosts some of his best known works, and in several other cities. The Romanian Culture Ministry has recently announced that it will resume efforts to put the open-air ensemble in Targu Jiu on UNESCO’s heritage list.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Bucharest-Chishinau, a relation for Europe

    Bucharest-Chishinau, a relation for Europe

    Romania further supports the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet country with a predominantly Romanian speaking population, in the process of reforming the state and on its way to EU accession, Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has told a press conference, given jointly with his Moldovan counterpart, Nicolae Timofti. Klaus Iohannis has underlined that President Timofti’s visit to Bucharest comes at a difficult moment for the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, when the new government is facing many challenges and the country’s president completes his term in office. Iohannis has also said that the Republic of Moldova could count on Bucharest’s support, also at financial level. He has made it clear that, until the disbursement of the first instalment of the 150 million Euro non-reimbursable loan offered by Romania to the Republic of Moldova, Bucharest will grant humanitarian aid to the Moldovan citizens.

    Klaus Iohannis: “The Republic of Moldova has a new government and we are waiting to see it taking the first concrete steps towards reforming the country, in order to start disbursing the first instalment. We don’t know if this process takes one, three or six months, so we have decided to grant humanitarian aid to Moldova, to support the people living there.”

    Iohannis has underlined that some of the requested conditions have already been met and added that his Moldovan counterpart assured him of the Moldovan Parliament’s readiness to support the new Government, in an effort to comply with the other requirements, too. Romania has conditioned the unblocking of the loan promised to Moldova on the urgent adoption of a series of measures meant to reform the judiciary and the banking system, as well as on establishing a roadmap to sign a new agreement with the IMF as soon as possible. In recent times, the Republic of Moldova has been rocked by protests and political instability, after one billion dollars vanished from three banks based in the country, which led to the suspension of international financial aid. Nicolae Timofti says European integration is instrumental to the country’s development and added that it is very important for the Republic of Moldova that capital investments be made by a trustworthy partner like Romania. In his opinion, the constant and valuable support granted by Bucharest to Chishinau in many domains is undeniably important.

    Nicolae Timofti: ”I’d like Romania to further participate, as we have previously established, in the development of our energy market, enabling us to get out of ‘the area of vulnerability’. There are political, geopolitical and economic risks that we have taken into consideration in our talks, and avoiding them would place Moldova in a European area of stability”.

    According to President Timofti, the economic and political crisis the Republic of Moldova has been facing hasn’t impacted its cooperation ties with Romania. On the contrary, difficulties have brought the two neighbouring states closer together.

    (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • Bucureşti – Chişinău, o relaţie pentru Europa

    Bucureşti – Chişinău, o relaţie pentru Europa

    sprijină în continuare Republica Moldova în procesul de reformă a statului şi pe drumul său către
    UE, a afirmat preşedintele Klaus Iohannis într-o
    conferinţă de
    presă comună cu omologul său de la Chişinău, Nicolae Timofti. Seful
    statului român a subliniat că vizita acestuia la Bucureşti vine într-un context
    dificil pentru Rep Moldova vecină: un guvern nou, care se găseşte în faţa
    multor provocări, final de mandat al preşedintelui. Iohannis a mai spus că Republica Moldova
    poate miza pe ajutorul Bucureştiului inclusiv, la nivel financiar. El a
    precizat că până la acordarea primei tranşe din împrumutul rambursabil de 150 de
    milioane de euro oferit de România Bucureştiul va oferi un ajutor umanitar
    cetăţenilor moldoveni.

    Klaus Iohannis: Republica Moldova are
    un nou guvern şi aşteptăm primii paşi foarte concreţi pe calea reformei, după
    care vom putea să purcedem la acordarea primei tranşe. Nu ştim dacă acest
    proces durează o lună sau două sau trei sau şase şi atunci am decis să acordăm
    Moldovei un ajutor umanitar pentru a veni în sprijinul oamenilor de acolo.

    Iohannis a precizat că unele dintre condiţii sunt deja puse în practică şi că
    omologul său moldovean l-a asigurat că Parlamentul de la Chişinău este pregătit
    să sprijine noul Guvern, pentru a le îndeplini pe celelalte. România a
    condiţionat deblocarea împrumutului promis Moldovei de adoptarea rapida a unor
    masuri de reformă în domeniul justiţiei, al sectorului bancar, de stabilirea unei foi de parcurs
    pentru obtinerea cât mai rapidă a unui acord cu FMI.

    ultima perioadă Rep.Moldova a fost măcinată de proteste şi instabilitate
    politică, ca urmare a dispariţiei unui miliard de dolari din trei bănci din
    ţară, ceea ce a dus la suspendarea sprijinului financiar internaţional. Nicolae
    Timofti consideră că pentru ţara sa singura cale de dezvoltare este integrarea
    europeană şi că este foarte important ca în Republica Moldova să fie investit
    capitalul unui partener serios ca România. În opinia sa, sprijinul constant şi
    valoros pe care Bucureştiul îl acordă Chişinăului în multe domenii este de

    Nicolae Timofti: Îmi doresc ca România să
    participe în continuare aşa cum am stabilit şi înainte la dezvoltarea noastră
    energetică, care ne-ar permite să ieşim din zona vulnerabilităţilor.
    Sunt riscuri politice, geopolitice şi economice pe care le-am abordat în
    discuţia noastră, iar evitarea lor ar plasa Republica Moldova într-un spaţiu
    european de stabilitate.

    Potrivit lui Timofti, criza economică şi
    politică prin care trece Republica Moldova nu a afectat relaţiile de cooperare
    cu România ci dimpotrivă, greutăţile au apropiat şi mai mult cele două
    state vecine.

  • Jurnal românesc – 18.02.2016

    Jurnal românesc – 18.02.2016

    Klaus Iohannis l-a primit, miercuri, la Bucureşti, pe omologul său de la
    Chişinău, Nicolae Timofti, prilej pentru a reafirma hotărârea României de a
    sprijini drumul european al Republicii Moldova. Klaus Iohannis a subliniat că,
    pentru aceasta, este nevoie de mult mai multe proiecte economice comune între
    cele două state, dând exemplul gazoductului Iaşi-Ungheni. Referitor la ajutorul
    financiar solicitat de Republica Moldova României, Iohannis a declarat că acesta
    va fi acordat dacă guvernul de la Chişinău va face reforme. La
    rândul său, Timofti a mulţumit autorităţilor române pentru asistenţa acordată
    parcursului european al Chişinăului. El şi-a exprimat speranţa ca România să
    participe în continuare la dezvoltarea energetică a Moldovei, ceea ce ar
    permite acestui stat să iasă din zona vulnerabilităţilor.

    Miercuri a fost lansat în dezbatere publică Pachetul guvernamental pentru
    combaterea sărăciei în România, document care include 47 de măsuri destinate
    tuturor categoriilor de vârstă. Creşterea ratei de ocupare a populaţiei cu vârsta
    între 20-64 de ani de la aproape 66% în 2014, la 70% în 2020, precum şi
    reducerea, până în anul 2020, cu cel puţin 580.000 a numărului de persoane
    aflate în risc de sărăcie şi excluziune socială sunt două dintre obiectivele
    acestui Pachet. Obiectivele lui sunt
    corelate cu cele ale Strategiei Europa 2020. Potrivit Guvernului de la Bucureşti, pentru combaterea sărăciei este nevoie de utilizarea
    eficientă a fondurilor, dar şi de umanitate. Se doreşte constituirea unui
    parteneriat anti-sărăcie care să reunească autorităţi publice şi ONG-uri.

    Românii din ţară alocă
    mai puţin de 1% din cheltuielile gospodăriei pentru investiţii, dar cheltuie 7%
    pe băutură şi ţigări – a declarat Adrian Vasilescu, consultant strategie în
    cadrul Băncii Naţionale a României în cadrul conferinţei ‘Diasporaşi antreprenoriatul – factori decisivi
    pentru economia românească’. În acelaşi timp, dintr-o cercetare sociologică
    reiese că potenţialul de economisire şi investiţii al celor care lucrează în
    străinătate este uriaş – aproximativ 30 de miliarde de euro, bani care nu sunt
    trimişi în ţară.În România
    ajung, anual, circa 7 miliarde de euro. În cercetare s-a pornit de la estimarea
    că peste hotare trăiesc 5 milioane de români, din care 3,5 milioane trimit
    constant bani în ţară.

    Politici pentru Relaţia cu Românii de Pretutindeni lansează campania #DialogLaÎnălţime,
    care va crea posibilitatea unor discuţii directe între cetăţenii români din
    diaspora şi ministrul delegat pentru relaţiile cu românii de pretutindeni, Dan
    Stoenescu, cu prilejul deplasării acestuia cu avionul în ţări din Europa în
    care există comunităţi numeroase de români (Spania, Italia). Dan Stoenescu şi
    românii care se vor deplasa cu aceeaşi cursă aeriană vor avea, astfel, ocazia să
    discute direct despre diverse situaţii sau probleme cu care se confruntă românii
    din diaspora. Cu acest prilej, ministrul delegat îi poate informa despre
    modificările aduse sistemului electoral pentru alegerile parlamentare. Sesiunea de dialog va fi inaugurată vineri, 19
    februarie, în timpul unei curse Bucureşti-Madrid operată de compania TAROM.

    Ministrul delegat pentru relaţiile cu
    românii de pretutindeni, Dan Stoenescu, l-a primit, miercuri, pe Nunţiul Apostolic
    în România şi Republica Moldova, Miguel Maury Buendia. În cadrul întrevederii a
    fost evidenţiată relaţia pozitivă şi fructuoasă a statului român cu Biserica
    Catolică, reflectată şi în dinamica vizitelor şi contactelor bilaterale
    frecvente şi variate. Dan Stoenescu şi-a exprimat aprecierea faţă de
    personalitatea şi contribuţia Papei Francisc în plan internaţional şi pentru
    promovarea dialogului dintre Biserici. Ministrul delegat pentru relaţiile cu
    românii de pretutindeni a transmis, totodată, gratitudine pentru sprijinul
    oferit de Biserica Catolică membrilor comunităţilor româneşti din Europa
    Occidentală, ceea ce a facilitat integrarea acestora în societăţile din ţările
    de reşedinţă. Dan Stoenescu şi Nunţiul Apostolic Miguel Maury Buendia au
    convenit menţinerea unei strânse relaţii de colaborare, orientată spre
    promovarea dialogului ecumenic şi a cooperării în special în domeniile
    educaţiei şi culturii.

  • 17.02.2016 (mise à jour)

    17.02.2016 (mise à jour)

    Santé — Des spécialistes du Centre européen pour la prévention et le contrôle des maladies, de Stockholm, sont attendus jeudi à Bucarest pour étudier les cas des bébés atteints du syndrome hémolitique urémique, une maladie qui touche gravement les reins, a fait savoir le ministre roumain de la Santé, Patriciu Achimaş-Cadariu, lors d’une conférence de presse. Le premier ministre roumain, Dacian Cioloş, a demandé au ministre du domaine de fournir quotidiennement des informations concernant les résultats de l’enquête effectuée sur la situation des enfants hospitalisés à l’hôpital “Marie Curie” de Bucarest. Deux semaines après l’annonce des premiers cas, l’origine de l’infection est encore inconnue, mais les autorités poursuivent les investigations et envisagent de faire prélever de nouveaux échantillons. Trois bébés sont jusqu’ici décédés au centre hospitalier “Marie Curie” des suites de cette maladie. 7 autres enfants sont toujours hospitalisés, dont certains en soins intensifs.

    Visite — Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a réitéré ce mercredi à Bucarest, lors de son entretien avec le président moldave, Nicolae Timofti, la détermination de la Roumanie d’appuyer le parcours européen de la République de Moldova. Dans ce contexte, il a souligné la nécessité que les deux pays mettent en place plusieurs projets économiques communs. Se référant à l’aide financière sollicitée par Chisinau, M.Iohannis a déclaré qu’elle serait accordée si le gouvernement moldave adoptait des réformes, précisant que certaines mesures en ce sens sont déjà en train d’être appliquées. A son tour, le président moldave a remercié les autorités de Bucarest pour l’assistance qu’elles prêtent au parcours européen de son pays. Il a espéré que la Roumanie continuerait de participer au développement énergétique de la République de Moldova, ce qui permettrait à cette dernière de sortir de la zone des vulnérabilités. La visite en Roumanie de Nicolae Timofti est son dernier déplacement important à l’étranger avant la fin de son mandat.

    Médias – Le premier ministre roumain a assuré mercredi les sénateurs que son cabinet allait collaborer pour identifier des solutions à la situation dans laquelle se trouve la Télévision publique, tout en rappelant que cette institution est subordonnée au Parlement. Le directeur par intérim de la chaîne de télévision publique roumaine, Irina Radu, a envoyé au Législatif une lettre dans laquelle elle met en garde contre le fait que la situation financière de l’institution s’est sensiblement aggravée. Elle a également demandé au Parlement de décider si oui ou non la Roumanie a encore besoin de ce service public. Les discussions en marge de la TVR ont lieu dans le contexte où le chef du gouvernement de Bucarest a été invité devant le Sénat pour donner des explications liées à la sollicitation de lAgence nationale dAdministration fiscale que les chaînes de télévision du trust média privé Intact quittent leurs locaux actuels. M. Cioloş a déclaré qu’il n’en avait pas été informé, ni ne devait l’être. Il a précisé que le délai de 5 jours était le seul prévu par la loi et que si lAgence nationale dAdministration fiscale ne l’avait pas respecté, elle aurait risqué d’être accusée de discrimination. Le premier ministre a également déclaré que la liberté d’expression serait fermement défendue. A son tour, le president Klaus Iohannis a affirmé que l’approche des inspecteurs du fisc dans le cas du groupe média Intact était discutable et inappropriée. Il a également précisé que, lors des discussions menées avec les autorités impliquées, ces dernières s’étaient montrées ouvertes pour trouver une solution. Les locaux des chaînes de télévision du groupe média Intact appartiennent à l’homme d’affaires Dan Voiculescu, condamné en 2014 à dix ans de prison ferme pour corruption. La justice avait alors assorti cette peine de la confiscation de plusieurs biens immeubles, dont les locaux des chaînes TV en question, pour récupérer un préjudice de 60 millions d’euros, porté à l’Etat. Un peu plus de 1% du montant a été récupéré jusqu’à présent.

    Corruption — Les députés de Bucarest ont rejeté mercredi la sollicitation de la Direction nationale anti-corruption d’autoriser l’arrestation de l’élu social-démocrate Madalin Voicu. Faute de quorum, les députés ne se sont pas prononcés sur la demande de placement en détention provisoire de Nicolae Paun, représentant de la minorité rom au Parlement. La question devrait être tranchée par vote, mercredi prochain. Madalin Voicu et Nicolae Paun sont accusés de détournement de fonds européens destinés à des programmes de réinsertion pour les communautés rom. Entre 2010 et 2015, les deux élus auraient détourné plus de 6 millions d’euros qui auraient dû servir à aider des milliers de Roms à trouver un emploi ou à devenir entrepreneurs. Par ailleurs, les procureurs anti-corruption ont demandé au Sénat de lever l’immunité parlementaire du sénateur et ancien ministre de l’Intérieur, Gabriel Oprea. Cela afin que des poursuites pénales puissent être démarrées à son encontre dans un deuxième dossier, où il est accusé d’abus de fonctions. Aux côtés de l’ex chef du Service de renseignement et du chef du Service juridique du ministère de l’Intérieur, Oprea aurait décidé d’affecter 100 mille euros supplémentaires à ce département, destinés à des frais opérationnels et approuvé l’acquisition d’une voiture de luxe. Entre août et octobre 2015, l’auto aurait été utilisée exclusivement par Gabriel Oprea.

    Pauvreté — Un débat public a été lancé ce mercredi sur le plan gouvernemental de lutte contre la pauvreté. Le document, qui comporte 47 mesures s’adressant à toutes les tranches d’âge, vise entre autres deux objectifs importants: accroître le taux d’emploi des 20 – 64 ans, de 66% en 2014, à 70% en 2020 et diminuer, d’ici 2020, d’au moins 580.000 le nombre des personnes en risque de pauvreté et d’exclusion sociale. Ces objectifs sont harmonisés avec la Stratégie Europe 2020. Selon le gouvernement de Bucarest, pour lutter contre la pauvreté il faut utiliser de manière efficace les fonds et faire preuve d’humanité. On envisage de mettre sur pied un partenariat anti-pauvreté entre autorités publiques et ONGs.

  • 17.02.2016


    Santé — Le ministre roumain de la santé, Petru Achimas-Cadariu, est appelé aujourd’hui devant la Commission spécialisée de la Chambre des députés pour expliquer la gestion de la situation des enfants hospitalisés à l’Hôpital « Marie Curie » de Bucarest. Des spécialistes impliqués dans le diagnostic et le traitement des bébés malades, ainsi que d’autres responsables du ministère de la santé y sont également invités. Les autorités sanitaires poursuivent leurs enquêtes épidémiologiques, tandis que les hôpitaux sont tenus de communiquer tous les cas suspects. Trois enfants sont décédés au centre hospitalier « Marie Curie » à cause du syndrome hémolytique — urémique. Huit autres bébés sont encore hospitalisés, dont trois en soins intensifs.

    Visite — Le président de la Roumanie Klaus Iohannis aura, aujourd’hui à Bucarest, des pourparlers avec son homologue de la République de Moldova, Nicolae Timofti. Ceci est le dernier déplacement important à l’étranger du leader de Chisinau, dont le mandat prendra fin dans un mois. M. Timofti s’entretiendra aussi avec le premier ministre Dacian Ciolos, et avec le président du Sénat, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu. Au menu des discussions — l’agenda européen de la République de Moldova et la coopération économique, politique et sociale entre Bucarest et Chisinau. La visite de Nicolae Timofti a lieu peu après que le nouveau premier ministre moldave Pavel Filip a demandé, à Bucarest, de l’aide financière pour son pays. La Roumanie y a mis, comme condition, l’adoption rapide de mesures de réforme par Chisinau. Vendredi dernier, M. Filip annonçait une aide humanitaire en denrées alimentaires et mazout accordée par la Roumanie et liée à la crise économique et sociale de la Moldova.

    Chisinau — Une mission du Fonds monétaire international se rendra en République de Moldova du 23 au 29 février, informent les médias de Chisinau. L’objectif en est de s’informer sur les récentes évolutions économiques et d’aborder avec les responsables moldaves les politiques visant la stabilité macroéconomique décidées par le nouveau gouvernement de la République. Le FMI, la Banque mondiale et l’UE ont suspendu les lignes de crédit pour la République de Moldova à cause des engagements non tenus par les autorités de Chisinau. Le FMI a lié le financement à la liquidation des trois banques locales impliquées dans le vol, fin 2014, du milliard de dollars du système bancaire du pays. La Banque nationale de la Moldova leur a accordé un crédit d’urgence pour que les trois échappent à la faillite.

    Corruption — A Bucarest, les députés sont appelés aujourd’hui à décider par vote s’ils donnent le feu vert à la demande formulée par la Direction nationale anti-corruption d’autoriser l’arrestation de l’élu social-démocrate Madalin Voicu et du représentant de la minorité rom au Parlement, Nicolae Paun. Hier, la sollicitation des procureurs a reçu l’avis favorable de la Commission juridique de la Chambre basse. MM Voicu et Paun sont soupçonnés de détournement de fonds européens destinés à des programmes de réinsertion pour les communautés rom. Entre 2010 et 2015, les deux élus auraient détourné plus de 6 millions d’euros qui auraient dû servir à aider des milliers de Roms à trouver un emploi ou à devenir entrepreneurs. Madalin Voicu est accusé de trafic d’influence, faux en déclarations et blanchiment d’argent. A son tour, Nicolae Paun est accusé de faux en déclarations, détournement de fonds et opérations financières incompatibles avec son mandat parlementaire.

    Politique — Dans sa réponse à une question posée par les élus, le premier ministre roumain Dacian Ciolos a expliqué, aujourd’hui au Parlement, qu’il ne devait pas être informé de l’action du Fisc concernant l’évacuation des bâtiments abritant les rédactions des chaînes de télévision du groupe médias privé Intact. M. Ciolos a précisé devant les parlementaires que le délai de cinq jours était prévu par la loi et que si le Fisc ne l’avait pas respecté, il aurait été accusé de discrimination. Dans le même temps, la liberté d’expression sera fermement défendue, a ajouté le chef du gouvernement. Les journalistes du groupe médias Intact se disent choqués par l’action de l’autorité fiscale, qu’ils qualifient de menace directe contre liberté d’expression car elle met en danger les émissions des chaînes TV. En 2014, le patron du groupe, l’homme d’affaires Dan Voiculescu, a été condamné à la prison pour corruption ; la justice a assortie la peine de la confiscation de plusieurs biens immeubles, dont les locaux des chaînes TV en question, pour récupérer un préjudice de 60 millions d’euros, porté à l’Etat. Un peu plus de 1% du montant a été récupéré jusqu’à présent.

    Discours — Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis prononcera, lundi prochain au Parlement, un discours sur des sujets de politique interne, a annoncé aujourd’hui le chef des sénateurs Calin Popescu-Tariceanu. Ce sera le premier message adressé par le chef de l’Etat aux élus, cette année. Depuis sa victoire à l’élection présidentielle de novembre 2014, le président Klaus Iohannis a parlé cinq fois devant les élus nationaux.

    Handball — En handball féminin, l’équipe championne de Roumanie, CSM Bucarest, s’est inclinée devant l’équipe macédonienne Vardar Skopje, sur le score de 30 à 25, dans un match disputé à domicile et comptant pour le 2e Groupe principal de la Ligue des champions. Si elles veulent évoluer dans les quarts de finale de la compétition, les handballeuses bucarestoises doivent s’adjuger la victoire dans le prochain match, en déplacement, contre les Danoises de FC Midtjylland.

    Météo — Le temps doux continue en Roumanie, même si les températures ont un peu baissé depuis hier. Les maximales attendues aujourd’hui se situent entre 6 et 19°, avec 9° à midi dans la capitale Bucarest.

  • February 17, 2016 UPDATE

    February 17, 2016 UPDATE

    HEALTH– Experts from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, based in Stockholm, will arrive in Romania on Thursday, in an effort to cast light on the cases of the children with haemolytic-uremic syndrome, an acute kidney failure, the Romanian health minister, Patriciu Achimas-Cadariu, has told a press conference. Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has called on the line minister to provide information on a daily basis on the results of the investigation in the case of the children hospitalised at the “Marie Curie“ Hospital in Bucharest. Two weeks after the first cases were reported, the authorities fail to identify the source of the infection, but they further conduct epidemiological tests and intend to collect new samples. Three children have died of haemolytic-uremic syndrome at the “Marie Curie Hospital. Seven others are still hospitalised, some of whom in critical condition.

    MEASURES AGAINST POVERTY- The Romanian government on Wednesday launched for public debate a package of measures aimed at cracking down on poverty in Romania. The document includes 47 measures, destined for all age brackets. Increasing the employment rate of people in the 20-64 age bracket from some 66% in 2014, to 70 % in 2020, as well as reducing, until 2020, by at least 580,000 people, the number of those running a risk of poverty and social exclusion are among the objectives of the package. The measures and goals are in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy. According to the Romanian government, the efficient use of funds, as well as humaneness are needed to crack down on poverty. The cabinet intends to strike an anti-poverty partnership between public authorities and NGOs.

    PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS TO PARLIAMENT– Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, on Monday is addressing Parliament on domestic policy issues, the Senate Speaker, Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced on Wednesday. That is going to be the first message conveyed by President Klaus Iohannis this year. The Romanian President has addressed Parliament five times since he won the presidential election of November 2014.

    VISIT – Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, has held talks with the President of the ex-Soviet Republic of Moldova, with a predominantly Romanian-speaking population, Nicolae Timofti, on a visit to Romania. That is the Moldovan presidents last important visit before the expiry of his term in office, in about one month. He will have talks with Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos and the Senate Speaker, Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The talks will focus on the European agenda of the Republic of Moldova and the economic, political and social cooperation between the two states. Timoftis visit takes place after the newly appointed Moldovan Prime Minister, Pavel Filip, has called on Romania to give financial aid to his country. Romania has conditioned the unblocking of the loan promised to Moldova by the speedy adoption of reform measures. On Friday, Filip announced that Romania would give Moldova a humanitarian aid consisting of foodstuffs and fuel oil, against the backdrop of the economic and social crisis his country is confronted with.

    MOLDOVA – Over February 23rd-29th, an IMF expert team will pay a working visit to Chisinau, the media in Chisinau reports. The IMF delegation does not have the mandate to negotiate a financing programme with the Republic of Moldova, but it will focus on the recent economic developments and will discuss the policies promoted by the new government with a view to maintaining macroeconomic stability. The IMF, the World Bank and the EU stopped lending to the Republic of Moldova because of the Moldovan officials failure to abide by their pledges. The IMF said it would resume lending to Moldova if the three banks involved in the theft of one billion dollars from the countrys banking system at the end of 2014 were liquidated. But the banks got an emergency loan from the National Bank of Moldova to elude bankruptcy.

    CORRUPTION – The Romanian deputies on Wednesday rejected the request made by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate for the detention and taking into custody of MP Madalin Voicu, a member of the Social Democratic Party. In exchange, they approved the request for the taking into custody of Nicolae Paun, the representative of the Roma minority in Parliament. Because of a lack of quorum, the deputies didnt however make a decision on Pauns temporary arrest, and therefore the voting is due next Wednesday. Both Paun and Voicu have been accused of unfair use of European funds under projects for Roma communities. According to prosecutors, over 2010-2015, under the pretence of assisting thousands of Roma people in finding a job or becoming entrepreneurs, the two deputies conceived a plan through which they embezzled over 6 million euro worth of funds in their own interest. In another move, the anti-corruption prosecutors have called on the Senate to lift the parliamentary immunity of former interior minister, senator Gabriel Oprea, in order to start prosecution against him, for malfeasance in a second file.

    MEDIA– The Romanian technocratic Prime Minister, Dacian Ciolos, assured the Romanian Senators on Wednesday of the governments cooperation in finding a solution to the financial situation the Romanian Television Company is in, but he recalled that the public television broadcaster is subordinated to Parliament. Recently, the interim President and CEO of the Romanian Television Company, Irina Radu, has sent a letter to the leadership of the Romanian Parliament, drawing attention to the fact that the financial situation of the Romanian Television Company has worsened considerably. She also called on the MPs to make a decision on whether or not Romania still needs such a public service provider. The talks on the Romanian Television Company are held in the context in which the Romanian Prime Minister was invited to the Senate to provide explanations on the request made by the National Fiscal Administration Agency, ANAF, regarding the evacuation of the buildings where the TV channels that are part of the Intact private media trust operate. Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said he had not been informed and should not have been informed about ANAFs action. He made it clear that the five-day deadline was the only one stipulated by law and if it had not been observed, ANAF might have been accused of discrimination. Moreover, Ciolos assured that the freedom of expression would be firmly defended. In turn, President Klaus Iohannis said the ANAF inspectors approach to the issue was debatable and inadequate. He underlined that following the talks he had held with the line authorities, its clear there is openness to solve the case. The buildings housing the Intact television trust belong to businessman Dan Voiculescu, who was sentenced to prison in 2014, on corruption charges. The court also ruled that the buildings he owned be seized to make up for the loss incurred by the state. The total loss stood at 60 million euros. A little over 1% of that loss has so far been recovered.

    Translated and edited by Ana Maria Palcu and Diana Vijeu