Tag: Nicolae Timofti

  • February 16, 2016, UPDATE

    February 16, 2016, UPDATE

    As of Tuesday the President of the Republic of Moldova Nicolae Timofti is on an official visit to Bucharest. On Wednesday he is to have talks with his counterpart Klaus Iohannis, with PM Dacian Cioloş, with the Senate Speaker Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, as well as other Romanian officials. The topics to be discussed in Bucharest include bilateral relations, the European accession efforts of the Republic of Moldova, and the economic, political and social cooperation between the two countries. Timoftis visit comes after on Friday the Moldovan PM, Pavel Filip, announced that Romania would provide aid to Moldova in the context of the economic and social crisis that this country is struggling with. The aid will consist in food products intended for underprivileged people and heavy fuel to increase Moldovas reserves in case its natural gas supply is discontinued.

    The Romanian PM Dacian Cioloş presented the priorities of his term in office to the head of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, during a visit to Brussels on Tuesday. On this occasion, PM Ciolos said Romania must be a more active EU member state and become more deeply involved in the issues on the EU agenda. In turn, in the joint press conference after the meeting, the EP President said that talks had approached, among others, the refugee crisis and the situation in the Republic of Moldova. On Monday, the first day of his visit to Brussels, the head of the Romanian government had a meeting with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.

    The head of the National Centre for Infectious Disease, Dr. Adriana Pistol, said on Tuesday that Bucharest requested international assistance for the hospitalised children from Arges County in the south. The cases involve severe digestive infection followed by complications in children aged up to two years, but the source is yet unknown. Three children died since the beginning of the month, and ten are treated in Bucharest. The Prime Ministers Control Corps announced it would initiate its own investigation in the case. Meanwhile, the Health Minister, Patriciu Achimaş-Cadariu, will present a report on this case to the Committee on healthcare and family in the Chamber of Deputies.

    The Government of Romania will present on Wednesday, in a public debate, a programme designed to fight poverty. The plan, entitled “Integrated Package on Poverty Reduction, consists in around 50 measures, primarily addressing children. These measures include the funding of ultrasound tests for pregnant women, of vaccines, the set-up of day-care facilities for pre-school children and the granting of facilities to reduce school dropout rates. According to the Government, some 1.7 million children in Romania are threatened by poverty, especially in rural communities.

    The former UN Secretary General, Butros Butros Ghali, has died at the age of 93. He had been admitted to a hospital in Cairo, last week. The Egyptian Butros Butros Ghali was the first African to hold the post of secretary general of the United Nations, and served between 1992 and 1996.

  • Jurnal românesc – 11.02.2016

    Jurnal românesc – 11.02.2016

    Alegerile locale din România vor avea loc pe 5 iunie, iar campania
    electorală se va desfăşura între 6 mai şi 4 iunie – a decis Guvernul, în
    şedinţa sa de miercuri.Fondurile alocate de la buget pentru organizarea scrutinului local
    vor fi de 350 de milioane de lei, mai mari decât în urmă cu patru ani. Alegerile locale din vară vor fi urmate, în toamnă, de
    cele legislative.

    Autorităţile române intenţionează să solicite
    Băncii Europene de Investiţii să se implice în dezvoltarea unor proiecte în
    parteneriat public-privat. Subiectul a fost discutat la Bucureşti de şeful
    Băncii, Werner Hoyer, cu preşedintele României, Klaus Iohannis, şi cu premierul
    Dacian Cioloş. Anul trecut, împrumuturile acordate de BEI României au însumat
    228 milioane de euro. În acelaşi timp,
    se află în stadiu avansat de pregătire două împrumuturi pentru cofinanţarea
    fondurilor europene, în valoare de 1,3 miliarde euro.
    În ultimii 25 de ani, România a beneficiat de la BEI de investiţii pe termen
    lung în valoare de peste 10 miliarde de euro, cruciale pentru crearea de locuri
    de muncă, întărirea creşterii economiei şi îmbunătăţirea vieţii cetăţenilor.

    Ministerul de Externe de la Bucuresti a anunţat că printre
    persoanele rănite în accidentul feroviar de marţi, din sudul Germaniei, se află
    şi o româncă. Starea sa este gravă, dar stabilă. Preşedintele Klaus
    Iohannis a transmis condoleanţe premierului landului Bavaria pentru victimele
    accidentului care a avut loc lângă oraşul Bad Aibling. Cel puţin zece oameni au
    murit şi peste 80 au fost răniţi în urma coliziunii frontale între două trenuri
    de navetişti. Potrivit presei
    germane, accidentul ar fi avut loc din cauza unei erori umane.

    Preşedintele Republicii Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, va face, pe
    16-17 februarie, o vizită oficială la Bucureşti – a anunţat, miercuri,
    Preşedinţia de la Chişinău. El va avea întrevederi cu omologul sau, Klaus
    Iohannis, cu premierul Dacian Cioloş, cu preşedintele Senatului, Călin
    Popescu-Tăriceanu, precum şi cu alte oficialităţi române. În cadrul discuţiilor
    vor fi abordate subiecte privind relaţiile bilaterale, agenda europeană a
    Republicii Moldova, precum şi colaborarea în plan economic, politic şi social
    dintre cele două state. De asemenea, preşedintele Timofti urmează să înmâneze,
    cu ocazia acestei vizite, distincţiile conferite anterior preşedintelui
    Iohannis, secretarului de stat Raed Arafat, şef al Departamentului pentru Situaţii
    de Urgenţă din ministerul de Interne, şi popularului actor Florin Piersic, care
    a împlinit, recent, 80 de ani.

    Fostul comandant al Penitenciarului Râmnicu
    Sărat Alexandru Vişinescu a fost
    întemniţat la închisoarea Rahova, după ce fusese condamnat definitiv, de
    Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie, la 20 de ani de detenţie pentru săvârşirea
    de infracţiuni contra umanităţii.
    Conform procurorilor, în perioada 1956-1963, când s-a aflat la conducerea
    penitenciarului, deţinuţi politici – opozanţi ai regimului comunist – au fost
    supuşi unor condiţii de natură să ducă la distrugerea lor fizică. Decesul deţinuţilor survenea, astfel, în urma unui proces
    lent, prin care aceştia erau torturaţi fizic şi psihic. Până în prezent, au fost identificaţi 138 de
    deţinuţi care au trecut prin penitenciarul condus de Alexandru Vişinescu, între
    care liderii naţional-ţărănişti Ion Mihalache, Corneliu Coposu şi Ion
    Diaconescu.Potrivit istoricilor, peste 600 de mii de români au fost
    întemnitati din motive politice în timpul dictaturii comuniste dintre 1947 si

  • 10.02.2016 (mise à jour)

    10.02.2016 (mise à jour)

    Gouvernement – En Roumanie, les élections municipales auront lieu le 5 juin prochain, alors que la campagne électorale se déroulera du 6 mai au 4 juin. C’est ce qu’a décidé mercredi le gouvernement de Bucarest. Les fonds alloués du budget de l’Etat pour l’organisation du scrutin se chiffrent à 350 millions de lei, (soit 75 millions d’euros), une somme plus élevée que celle d’il y a 4 ans. Toujours mercredi, l’Exécutif de Bucarest a approuvé une stratégie à long terme visant à lutter contre la pauvreté. Selon le premier ministre Dacian Ciolos, de très nombreux Roumains vivent en-dessous du seuil de la pauvreté, parmi eux on retrouve 1,7 millions d’enfants. Le chef du gouvernement propose donc des mesures censées compenser les fonds provenant du budget de l’Etat par des fonds communautaires. L’argent sera utilisé pour assurer fournitures scolaires, vêtements, vitamines et vaccins pour les enfants d’âge préscolaire, pour garantir une identité pour tous les enfants, ainsi que pour prévenir l’abandon scolaire. S’y ajouteront des programmes d’assistance sociale et d’intégration professionnelle.

    Corruption – La Direction Nationale Anticorruption a demandé l’interpellation et la mise en détention provisoire des députés Madalin Voicu (du Parti Social Démocrate) et Nicolae Paun (représentant de la minorité rom au sein du Parlement de Bucarest). Les deux sont accusés d’avoir obtenu et utilisé de manière inadéquate des fonds européens destinés à différents projets pour la communauté rom de Roumanie. Les faits commis entre 2010 et 2015 auraient causé un préjudice de plusieurs millions d’euros. Le social démocrate Madalin Voicu est accusé de trafic d’influence, faux en écriture et blanchiment d’argent. Pour sa part, Nicolae Paun est soupçonné de faux en écriture, détournement de fonds, mais aussi d’avoir changé de manière illégale l’utilisation des fonds européens et d’avoir effectué des opération financières incompatibles avec ses fonctions. Selon des sources judiciaires, le président de l’Agence nationale d’administration fiscale (le Fisc roumain) et le vice président de l’institution font l’objet d’une enquête pénale dans le même dossier. Dans ce contexte, la ministre roumaine des Finances publiques, Anca Dragu, a demandé la démission des deux chefs du Fisc. Selon la ministre, le Fisc est une des institutions les plus importantes de Roumanie, et sa direction ne doit faire l’objet d’aucune suspicion.

    Défense – Renforcer la sécurité sur le fanc est de l’OTAN – c’est le sujet qui a dominé mercredi les pourparlers entre le ministre roumain de la défense Mihnea Motoc et le commandant des forces alliés en Europe, le général Philip Breedlove. L’occasion également pour le ministre roumain de présenter les objectifs de Bucarest dans le domaine de la sécurité et de rassurer son interlocuteur que la Roumanie est décidée et capable de remplir les engagements assumés en tant que membre de l’OTAN et de contribuer à atteindre les objectif et les missions de l’Alliance. A l’agenda des débats entre les deux responsables ont également figuré des sujets liés aux priorités des alliés en vue du sommet de Varsovie. Cette rencontre a eu lieu en marge de la réunion des ministres de la Défense des Etats membres de l’OTAN.

    Condamnation – L’ex commandant de la prison de Râmnicu Sarat (dans le sud-est de la Roumanie), Alexandru Visinescu, a été emprisonné mercredi, quelques heures après avoir été définitivement condamné par la Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice à 20 ans de prison ferme pour des crimes contre l’Humanité. Selon les procureurs entre 1956 et 1963, lorsqu’il a dirigé ce pénitencier, nombre de détenus politiques, opposants du régime communiste ont été soumis à des conditions de vie et à des traitements de nature à les détruire physiquement. Selon les procureurs, le décès de détenus intervenait ainsi suite à un processus lent, mais efficace, de torture physique et psychique. 138 détenus incarcérés dans la prison dirigée par Alexandru Visinescu ont été identifiés jusqu’ici. Il est le premier commandant d’une prison communiste à être traduit en justice. Selon les historiens, plus de 600.000 Roumains ont été jetés en prison pour des raisons politiques pendant la dictature communiste entre 1947 et 1989.

    Accident – Le ministère des Affaires Etrangères de Bucarest a annoncé mercredi qu’une Roumaine compte parmi les personnes blessées dans l’accident ferroviaire qui s’est produit mardi en Allemagne. Son état est grave mais stable. Le président Klaus Iohannis a transmis ses condoléances au premier ministre du land de Bavière pour les victimes de cet accident produit près de la ville de Bad Aibling. Au moins dix personnes sont décédées et plus de 80 autres ont été blessées suite à la collision frontale de deux trains régionaux. Selon la presse allemande, une erreur humaine serait à l’origine de l’accident.

    Moldova – Le président de la République de Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, effectuera les 16 et 17 février une visite officielle en Roumanie. Il aura des pourparlers avec son homologue Klaus Iohannsi ; avec le premier ministre DC et avec le président du Sénat de Bucarest, Calin Popescu Tariceanu. A l’agenda – les relations bilatérales, l’agenda européen de Chisinau et la coopération économique, politique et sociale entre les deux pays.

    Météo – La météo se détériore peu à peu en Roumanie. On attend du vent fort sur la plupart du territoire, de la neige en montagne et des précipitations mixtes sur la moitié ouest du pays. Les températures maximales iront de 2 à 13 degrés.

  • January 15, 2016 UPDATE

    January 15, 2016 UPDATE

    Nicolae Timofti, president of the Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet country with a Romanian-speaking majority on Friday designated the new candidate of the Parliament majority, Pavel Filip for the position of Prime Minister, Radio Chisinau reports. Pavel Filip is to be starting negotiations with Parliament parties on Monday. The president said that he accepted the majority’s new candidate after the situation changed on Thursday night when many signatories of the majority’s statement endorsing a candidate had announced they would cease their support if the Democratic Party insisted on the candidacy of controversial businessman Vlad Plahotniuc. On Friday, the declared Parliament majority of 55 MPs out of the Legislature’s 101 presented president Timofti with the candidacy of incumbent IT&C Minister Pavel Filip for the position of Prime Minister. Earlier in the day, Ion Paduraru, designated on Thursday by president Timofti, had announced his withdrawal. Unless a new government gets the swearing in vote by January 29th, the Republic of Moldova will be seeing early election.

    Romanian president Klaus Iohannis has sent the law on changing the status of local political leaders to Parliament for reassessing. The president said that in its present form the law could affect the fight against corruption and the effectiveness of legislation in terms of integrity. Under the present law, mayors, local and county councilors as well as county council chairmen can lose their mandates only after they have been given prison sentences. The president believes that it’s the condemnation itself that should make a dignitary loses his or her integrity and not the punishment given by the court. The law was rejected by the Chamber of Deputies but endorsed by the Senate as a decision-making body.

    A host of literary events, exhibitions and music shows have been held in Bucharest and other big cities across Romania and abroad, to mark National Culture Day. The Romanian Academy hosted a solemn session, and the Romanian Athenaeum played venue for a traditional music concert given by folk singer Grigore Lese and friends. Homage paying events have been held in Chisinau, the capital city of the Republic of Moldova, a country with a predominantly Romanian speaking population, where National Culture Day is also celebrated today, as well as in the Cernauti region in Ukraine, which is home to over 200,000 ethnic Romanians.

    Romania’s economy registered a 3.7% growth rate in the first nine months of 2015, as compared to the same period of 2014, data released by the National Institute for Statistics show. Also, in real terms, the GDP registered in the third quarter of 2015 was 1.4% higher than in the second quarter of the same year. The National Forecast Commission has revised upward, to 3.6%, the estimated increase in the GDP in 2015 and maintained to 4.1% the estimated economic growth rate in 2016, according to the autumn version of the Long-Term Forecast, made public in November.

  • January 15, 2016

    January 15, 2016

    NATIONAL CULTURE DAY – A host of literary events, exhibitions and music shows are being held today in Bucharest and other big cities across Romania and abroad, to mark National Culture Day. The Romanian Academy hosted a solemn session, and the Romanian Athenaeum will venue a traditional music concert given by folk singer Grigore Lese and friends. Homage paying events will also be held in Chishinau, the capital city of the Republic of Moldova, a country with a predominantly Romanian speaking population, where National Culture Day is also celebrated today, as well as in the Cernauti/Chernivtsi region in Ukraine, which is home to over 200,000 ethnic Romanians.

    MOLDOVA– The President of the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet state with a predominantly Romanian speaking population, Nicolae Timofti, has said he doesnt favour the idea of holding snap elections, but avoiding this depends only on MPs. He has made this declaration shortly after designating the head of the Presidential Administration, Ion Paduraru, as candidate for the position of Prime Minister. The deadline for a new cabinet to get endorsement is January 29, when its three months since the sacking of the cabinet led by Liberal Democrat Valeriu Strelet, following a censure motion. Otherwise, the countrys president will have to dissolve Parliament and call for snap elections. The President of neighbouring Romania, Klaus Iohannis, has deemed as very complicated the political situation in the Republic of Moldova and has said he counts on the maturity of the political class in Moldova to solve the crisis, instate a strong government and continue the countrys EU rapprochment.

    ECONOMY– Romanias economy registered a 3.7% growth rate in the first nine months of 2015, as compared to the same period of 2014, data released by the National Institute for Statistics show. Also, in real terms, the GDP registered in the third quarter of 2015 was 1.4% higher than in the second quarter of the same year. The National Forecast Commission has revised upward, to 3.6%, the estimated increase in the GDP in 2015 and maintained to 4.1% the estimated economic growth rate in 2016, according to the autumn version of the Long-Term Forecast, made public in November.

    CYBER ATTACKS– Cyber attacks against Romania have been launched over the past year from Russia and China, the Romanian Intelligence Service has today announced. According to the agency, national security structures of the Foreign, Interior and Defence Ministries, respectively, and 11 banks have been the favourite targets of cyber attacks. The intelligence has been collected by the Cyberint National Centre, a unit of the Romanian Intelligence Service with responsibilities in protecting Internet, communication and infrastructure systems of strategic importance.

    WATER POLO– Romanias national water polo team is today meeting Germany, in a decisive group stage match, to qualify for the next phase of the European Championships, hosted by Serbia. Romania needs at least a draw match to advance to the next stage of the competition. In the first two group matches, Romania won to Georgia, 12-6, and lost to Italy, 11–5. If the team manages to rank among the first 10 best performing teams, it also qualifies for the pre-Olympic tournament.

    TENNIS– Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, WTAs no.2, has today failed to qualify for the finals of the Sydney tournament, with some 700,000 dollars in prize money up for grabs. Halep was defeated, in three sets, by Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova. In the mens double, the pair Florin Mergea/Rohan Bopanna (Romanian/India) has qualified for the finals, after defeating, in two sets, the pair Thomaz Bellucci (Brazil)/Leonardo Mayer (Argentina). Mergea and Bopanna will face in the finals the pair Jamie Murray (Great Britain)/ Bruno Soares (Brasil). In another move, Romania will have five representatives – Simona Halep, Irina Begu, Monica Niculescu, Alexandra Dulgheru and Andreea Mitu at the first Grand Slam tournament of the year, which starts in Melbourne next week.

    (Translated and edited by Diana Vijeu)

  • Nachrichten 14.01.2016

    Nachrichten 14.01.2016

    VILNIUS: Außenminister Lazăr Comănescu ist am Donnerstag zum informellen Treffen für Außenpolitik und Sicherheit, dem sogenannten Snow Meeting, in die litauische Hauptstadt gereist. Bei dem Treffen kommen hochrangige Entscheidungsträger für Außenpolitik und Sicherheit aus den NATO-und EU-Mitgliedstaaten sowie Vertreter der akademischen Welt zusammen. Zwei wichtige Themen, die in Vilnius zur Sprache kommen sollen, sind die Sicherheitslage in der östlichen und südlichen Nachbarschaft der NATO und die Reaktion der NATO auf aktuelle Entwicklungen. Zudem bereitet das Treffen den NATO-Gipfel in Warschau im Juli 2016 vor und untersucht den Stand der Umsetzung der beim NATO-Gipfel in Großbritanien im September 2014 getroffenen Beschlüsse. Am Rande des Treffens kam Außenminister Comănescu mit seinem litauischen Kollegen Linas Linkevicius zu bilateralen Gesprächen zusammen.

    CHIŞINĂU: Die parlamentarische Mehrheit in der Moldau fordert Präsident Nicolae Timofti erneut auf, den Kandidaten der demokratischen Partei Vlad Plahotniuc zum Ministerpräsidenten zu ernennen. In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung verleiht die parlamentarische Mehrheit ihrer Meinung Ausdruck, dass die vom Staatschef am Mittwoch erwähnten Gründe für die Ablehnung der Kandidatur von Plahotniuc nicht auf Beweisen und Fakten beruhten. Timofti berief sich bei der Ablehnung auf eine Entscheidung des Verfassunsgerichts. Dort heißt es, dass die Vergabe von Spitzenämtern an Personen, bei denen der Verdacht auf unlautere Handlungen besteht, als rechtsstaatswidrig gilt. Der Präsident forderte die Demokratische Partei auf, einen neuen Vorschlag zu unterbreiten. Sollte eine neue Regierung bis zum 29. Januar vom Parlament nicht bestätigt werden, muss Staatspräsident Timofti das Parlament auflösen und Neuwahlen ausrufen.

    BUKAREST: Rumäniens Staatssekretär im Außenministerium, Radu Podgorean, hat am Donnerstag den neuen Botschafter der Moldau in Bukarest, Mihai Gribincea, empfangen. Laut einer Mitteilung des Außenministeriums habe Podgorean bei dem Gespräch auf die Notwendigkeit einer möglichst schnellen Regierungsbildung in Chisinau vor dem aktuellen Hintergrund in der östlichen Nachbarschaft hingewiesen. Ein neues Kabinett würde für die Stabilität des Landes und die entschlossene Umsetzung der Reformen garantieren. Das sei für eine Wiederbelebung der europäischen Integration der Moldau notwendig, so Podgorean. Eine derartige Entwicklung würde ferner die Kooperations- und Betreuungsprojekte mit Rumänien voranbringen, sagte der rumänische Staatssekretär noch.

    SPORT: Beim WTA-Turnier in Sydney ist die Halbfinalbegegnung zwischen der Weltranglistenzweiten Simona Halep und der Nummer 25. Swetlana Kusnezowa wegen anhaltenden Regens auf Freitag verschoben worden. Zum Zeitpunkt des Abbruchs führte Halep mit 5:4. Indes haben im Doppelturnier der Herren Florin Mergea und der Inder Rohan Bopanna das Halbfinale erreicht. Sie bezwangen die Australier Sam Groth /John Peers mit 6:2 und 6:4 und treffen als nächstes auf den Brasilianer Thomas Bellucci und den Argentinier Leonardo Mayer.

  • Jurnal românesc – 14.01.2016

    Jurnal românesc – 14.01.2016

    Ministerul de Externe a anunţat că, până acum, 16 copii din şapte
    familii de români au fost preluaţi de autorităţile norvegiene. Din aceste
    cazuri, cinci s-au soluţionat cu repatrierea a opt minori şi revenirea a doi
    copii în familia unor cetăţeni români rezidenţi în Norvegia. Anunţul survine
    după ce, miercuri, ambasadorul român la Oslo, Viorel Davidoiu, a avut discuţii
    la ministerul norvegian de Externe, unde a subliniat că preluarea in custodia autorităţilor
    din Norvegia a celor cinci copii din familie mixtă Ruth şi Marius Bodnariu este
    un caz social cu foarte mare impact emoţional şi mediatic şi a propus o
    cooperare politică în gestionarea acestuia. Tot miercuri, ambasada Norvegiei la
    Bucureşti a afirmat că un ordin de plasament este emis numai atunci când
    copilul a fost supus unei neglijenţe grave, maltratarii sau abuzului. O
    delegaţie comună a Camerei Deputaţilor şi Senatului de la Bucureşti va face,
    săptămâna viitoare, o vizită oficială la Oslo pentru a discuta cu
    reprezentanţii Parlamentului Norvegiei despre legislaţia referitoare la
    protecţia copilului, pornind de la cazul familiei Bodnariu.

    România va exercita si în 2016 preşedinţia Comitetului de
    Securitate al Organizaţiei pentru Securitate şi Cooperare în Europa (OSCE).
    Ministerul de Externe a informat că, la invitaţia Germaniei, care exercită
    preşedinţia în exerciţiu a OSCE, Bucureştiul va gestiona, în intervalul 1
    ianuarie – 31 decembrie 2016, această funcţie prin reprezentantul său permanent
    pe lângă organizaţiile internaţionale de la Viena, ambasadorul Cristian
    Istrate, asistat de o echipă alcătuită din diplomaţi români. În exercitarea
    mandatului, România va continua să urmărească promovarea unor abordări
    pragmatice, integrate, multidimensionale ale OSCE în combaterea ameninţărilor
    transnaţionale, cu accent pe combaterea terorismului şi extremismului violent,
    consolidarea securităţii cibernetice, combaterea criminalităţii transnaţionale
    organizate şi gestionarea provocărilor de securitate asociate fenomenului
    migraţiei ilegale.

    România a reuşit să folosească integral, în 2015, fondurile
    europene alocate prin Fondul de Dezvoltare Regională şi Fondul de Coeziune – a
    declarat, miercuri, comisarul european pentru Politica Regională, Corina Creţu.
    La întâlnirea de la Bruxelles cu ministrul fondurilor europene, Aura Răducu,
    d-na Creţu s-a declarat mulţumită că Bucureştiul a reuşit să evite, anul
    trecut, dezangajarea sumei de un miliard de euro, pe care a avut-o la
    dispoziţie prin cel doua fonduri. Potrivit corespondentei Radio România la
    Bruxelles, oficialul european a solicitat autorităţilor să acorde atenţiei
    începerii la timp a implementării noii perioade de programare, 2014-2020.

    Preşedintele Republicii Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, a semnat
    un decret privind decorarea preşedintelui României, Klaus Iohannis, cu Ordinul
    Republicii, cea mai înaltă distincţie statului vecin. Potrivit preşedinţiei de
    la Chişinău, distincţia i-a fost acordată lui Iohannis ‘în semn de profundă
    gratitudine pentru contribuţia sa deosebită la dezvoltarea şi consolidarea
    relaţiilor de prietenie şi colaborare dintre România şi Republica Moldova,
    precum şi pentru susţinerea constantă a eforturilor de integrare europeană ale
    Republicii Moldova.’ Anterior, Timofti l-a decorat, cu ‘Ordinul Ştefan cel
    Mare’, şi pe fostul preşedinte al României, Traian Băsescu, pentru ceea ce a
    numit contribuţia sa deosebită la promovarea stabilităţii, securităţii şi
    democraţiei în regiune şi pentru sprijinul constant acordat Republicii Moldova
    în procesul de formare a cadrelor din domeniile apărării, securităţii şi
    ordinii publice.

  • January 13, 2016 UPDATE

    January 13, 2016 UPDATE

    ECONOMY– World Bank representatives are optimistic about Romanias economic performance but they warn however that some potential risks must not be neglected. A delegation of the World Bank, led by the Regional Vice-President for Europe and Central Asia, Cyril Muller, was received in Bucharest on Wednesday by Romanias President Klaus Iohannis. During the talks, the economic experts reiterated the WBs interest in further supporting economic and institutional reforms meant to boost Romanias development in the long run. These reforms are mainly destined for the sector of state enterprises and are also aimed at improving corporatist governance as well as at developing and modernising key sectors, such as transports. The meeting was held just days after the technocratic cabinet in Bucharest and the World Bank signed a new memorandum under which the World Bank grants technical assistance to Romanian public institutions until 2023. Thanks to a first memorandum, some 20 public institutions benefited from over 30 million Euro worth of funding, between 2012 and 2015.

    CHILD WELFARE – The Romanian Ambassador to Oslo has held talks at the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, where he has underlined the Norwegian authorities taking into custody five children of a mixed Romanian-Norwegian family, with residence in Norway, is a social case with a huge emotional and media impact. He made the proposal to the Norwegian side to start political cooperation with the relevant Romanian authorities in order to manage the case, the spokesperson for the Romanian Foreign Ministry, Raluca Lunculescu, announced on Wednesday. She added that law observance and the familys sensibility had been taken into consideration before starting any form of public communication on the case. Earlier, the Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest explained that an order of foster care placement is issued only when the child has been severely neglected, maltreated or abused. Rallies of support for Ruth and Marius Bodnariu have been staged in several cities across Romania and abroad. We recall that the five children of the family, aged between 4 months and 10 years, have been taken into custody by the Norwegian state, for reportedly having been disciplined by their parents. Their father, Marius Bodnariu, of Romanian descent, denounces the move, deeming it an abuse but he admitted to having applied small physical corrections on children. A joint delegation of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies and Senate will pay an official visit to Oslo next week for talks with representatives of the Norwegian Parliament on child protection laws, starting from the Bodnariu case. In turn, President Klaus Iohannis expressed his support for the efforts made by the Romanian Government to assure “the observance of human rights for the Romanian citizens, wherever they may be.

    DIPLOMACY– Romanian Foreign Minister, Lazar Comanescu, on Thursday and Friday will attend the informal meeting on foreign policy and security related issues, Snow Meeting, at the invitation of his counterpart, Linas Linkevicius. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the event will bring together decision-makers and experts in foreign policy and security from NATO and EU member states, high ranking officials of the two organisations and academics. Security developments in NATOs eastern and southern neighbourhood, as well as the alliances response to such developments are the focal points of Snow Meeting 2016. Other issues high on the agenda of the meeting are the prospects of the NATO Summit due in Warsaw in July and the stage of implementation of the decisions made at the previous summit held in Great Britain in September 2014.

    STRASBOURG – An employer has the right to monitor the employees online communications during work time, according to a ruling issued by the European Court of Human Rights, following a complaint made by a Romanian engineer who got fired in 2007 for having spent time chatting on the computer during work time. He brought the issue to the European court, saying that by having his private conversations intercepted, his right to privacy was violated. In turn, the employer justified the decision to lay out the engineer for not using the electronic mail for professional purposes, but to communicate with his brother and girl-friend, against the backdrop of internal rules and regulations which forbid employees to use the companys resources for personal use. The man who was made redundant initially brought the issue to a Romanian court, which issued an unfavourable ruling, so he took the case to the European court, to no avail. In the ruling it issued, the European Court of Human Rights says an employer does not commit an abuse when checking on its employees to see whether or not they accomplish their professional tasks during work hours. Also, the European Court of Human Rights considers that the first Romanian court kept a correct balance between the employers interests and the observance of private correspondence confidentiality, because only transcripts of the conversations attesting to the fact that the employee used the companys computer for his personal interest during work time, have been used in court, and the identity of other people involved in the conversations has not been disclosed.

    MOLDOVA– The President of the Republic of Moldova (a former Soviet state with a predominantly Romanian speaking population), Nicolae Timofti, on Wednesday announced he had rejected the proposal made by the Democratic Party for the position of Prime Minister, namely the controversial businessman Vlad Plahotniuc. Timofti called on the parliamentary majority to come up with a new candidacy and underlined that his rejection of Plahotniuc is based on Constitutional provisions and on rulings issued by the Constitutional Court, which stipulate that the nomination of people suspected of integrity-related issues for leading positions runs counter to the principles of the rule of law. A member of the Democratic Party and backed by a heterogeneous majority, ranging from pro-European Liberals to ex-communists, who are traditionally of pro-Russian orientation, Plahotniuc is described by his opponents as an oligarch who has repeatedly been accused of involvement in illegal activities which mar the image of the Republic of Moldova. If a new government does not get endorsement until January 29, the President will have to dissolve Parliament and call for snap elections.

    SPORTSRomanian tennis player Simona Halep, WTAs no.2, on Thursday will meet Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova (WTAs no.25) in the semi-finals of the Sydney tournament, with 687,000 dollars prize money up for grabs. Halep has an overall 3-2 lead on the Russian player in the direct matches.

    (Translated and edited by Diana Vijeu)

  • Nachrichten 05.01.2016

    Nachrichten 05.01.2016

    CHISINAU: Der moldauische Präsident Nicolae Timofti hat am Dienstag die Beratungen mit den Parlamentsparteien für die Ernennung eines neuen Premierministers wieder aufgenommen. Der ursprünglich designierte Premier Ion Sturza war am Montag bei der Abstimmung im Parlament am Quorum gescheitert. Mehr als die Hälfte der Abgeordneten waren der Sitzung ferngeblieben. Der Parlamentsvorsitzende Andrian Candu sagte im Anschluss, dass der Versuch laut dem Verfassungsgerichtshof als gescheitert gelte und der Staatschef Timofti infolgedessen einen neuen Kandidaten für das Premierminister-Amt vorschlagen müsse. Sollte auch der zweite Versuch einer Regierungsbildung scheitern, muss Timofti das Parlament auflösen und Neuwahlen ankündigen. Das ehemalige Kabinett des Liberaldemokraten Valeriu Streleţ war Ende Oktober durch Misstrauensantrag gestürzt worden. Gegen das Streleţ-Kabinett stimmten auch Abgeordnete der Regierungsparteien.

    BUKAREST: Die Unabhängigkeit der Medien und die damit zusammenhängenden Garantien sind von wesentlicher Bedeutung für eine Demokratie, insbesondere in einem EU-Land. Das erklärte der Leiter der rumänischen Delegation bei der parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates, der Liberale Ionut Stroe, in einem Interview mit dem öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk Radio România. Das äußerst umstrittene Mediengesetz der neuen rechtskonservativen Regierung in Warschau, das vom polnischen Parlament ohne öffentliche Debatte verabschiedet wurde, bezeichnete Stroe als besorgniserregend. Laut dem Gesetz sollen unter anderem die Mandate der bisherigen Aufsichtsräte und Vorstandsmitglieder des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens und Rundfunks verfallen. Über die Spitzenposten in den öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien soll der Finanzminister entscheiden. Am Montag hatten vier internationale Journalistenverbände im Europarat eine Beschwerde gegen das neue polnische Mediengesetz eingereicht. Die Unterzeichner der Beschwerde kritisieren die Neuregelungen als Bedrogung für die Pressefreiheit und fordern die rechtskonservative polnische Regierungspartei dazu auf, auf das Gesetz zu verzichten, das von Präsident Andrzej Duda, ebenfalls Mitglied der Partei, noch nicht promulgiert wurde.

    SPORT: Die Tennisprofis Irina Begu und Monica Niculescu spielen am Mittwoch im Achtelfinale des WTA-Turniers im chinesischen Shenzhen. Die dritte Favoritin des Turniers, Irina Begu, trifft auf die Deutsche Anna Lena Friedsam, während Niculescu es mit der Ungarin Timea Babos zu tun bekommt. Insgesamt ist das Turnier mit einer halben Million US-Dollar Preisgeld dotiert. Rumäniens bekannteste Spielerin, die Weltranglistenzweite Simona Halep, hat indes ihre Teilnahme am Turnier im australischen Brisbane wegen einer Beinverletzung kurzzeitig abgesagt. Sie sollte dort in Runde zwei gegen die Weißrussin Wiktorija Asaranka antreten. Das australische Turnier ist mit Preisen im Wert von 900.000 Dollar dotiert. Halep erklärte, sie wolle kommende Woche am Turnier in Sydney teilnehmen.

  • November 27, 2015 UPDATE

    November 27, 2015 UPDATE

    The President of Romania Klaus Iohannis Friday received the Chief of the US National Guard Bureau, General Frank Grass. According to the Presidency, the two discussed means to carry on bilateral security and defence cooperation by promoting and broadening the current projects. The agenda of talks also included recent developments in Afghanistan and the Western Balkans, as well as the strategic importance of good relations between Romania and the USA in the current security context in south-eastern Europe.

    Sergei Naryshkin, the speaker of the State Duma, the lower house of Russias Parliament, said in Bucharest on Friday that the choice of hosting elements of the missile shield in Deveselu belongs to Romania and Russia respects this decision. Naryshkin travelled to Bucharest for the handover of the chairmanship of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. Representatives of Ukraine at the meeting protested in the hall of the Senate of Romania, as Naryshkin was giving his address. The Romanian foreign ministry said the Senate in Bucharest was able to invite Naryshkin, who is on a EU travel ban list, because Romania is obliged under international law to respect a multilateral agreement allowing entry to persons who enjoy certain privileges and immunities. The Romanian ministry also said it notified its European Union partners about this case.

    France paid tribute on Friday to the 130 victims of the November 13 attacks, in a ceremony presided over by the head of state, François Hollande. In an address given on this occasion, the French President promised to crush the “army of fanatics behind the attacks. François Hollande ended his diplomatic tour aimed at establishing a broad coalition against the IS group, which claimed the attacks. After talks with the British PM, David Cameron, the US President Barack Obama, and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hollande travelled to Moscow to meet with the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin. Russia joining the anti-terror organisation is a difficult issue, given the different approaches to the topic. Moscow wants an international coalition under the UN aegis, whereas the US claims a coalition already exists, which Russia is free to join. Putin and Hollande have agreed that the two countries may nonetheless exchange intelligence and coordinate actions so as to increase the efficiency of the anti-terror operations.

    Russia has decided to suspend the visa-free arrangement with Turkey as of 2016, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced. He added that Moscow was concerned with the rise of terrorist threats in Turkey. Turkeys Foreign Ministry has called the Russian Ambassador to Ankara, for talks over a number of incidents involving Turkish companies in Russia, which were subject to “attacks disguised as protests, AFP reports. Tensions deepened between Moscow and Ankara after on Tuesday the Turkish Air Forces downed a Russian warplane. Ankara says the aircraft violated its air space, whereas Moscow says the plane was hit in Syrian air space.

    The President of the Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, Friday had meetings with three of the five parties in the Moldovan Parliament, with a view to reaching an agreement on the nomination of a new prime minister. Timofti talked to the leaders of the pro-European parties, the Liberal Democrats, the Democrats and the Liberals. The Cabinet headed by the Liberal Democrat Valeriu Strelet was dismissed a month ago under a no-confidence motion tabled by the Socialists and Communists in opposition and backed by the Democrats, which led to the dismantling of the pro-European alliance. On Wednesday the head of the Foreign Policy Committee in the European Parliament, Elmar Brok, called for the re-creation of the three-party alliance and a new government focusing on in-depth reform. The Constitutional Court announced that unless a new government is validated by the end of January 2016, Moldovas Parliament may be dissolved.

    (translation by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • El callejón sin salida de la  política en la República de Moldavia

    El callejón sin salida de la política en la República de Moldavia

    Las fuerzas del orden de la República de Moldavia han anunciado que han descubierto un grupo paramilitar que preparaba ataques contra las instituciones estatales y escenarios insureccionales similares a los de Ucrania. Los policías han realizado redadas y han detenido a varias personas del norte de la República así como de Chisinau. El líder del grupo criminal y otros de sus miembros, algunos originarios del este rusófono y rusófil de Ucrania, son personas con antecedentes penales. Podría tratarse de un escenario preparado por la Federación Rusa para desestabilizar la situación de la República de Moldavia, según ha apreciado el analista político Oazu Nantoi. Los incidentes violentos serían un argumento suplementario para la oposición pro-Moscú que no se cansa en anunciar la quiebra del Gobierno y pedir la dimisión de todos los responsables proocidentales.

    El presidente Nicolae Timofti ha programado para este viernes nuevas consultas con los partidos parlamentarios para designar a un nuevo candidato al cargo de primer ministro, pero todo el mundo parece escéptico en cuanto a las futuras aspiraciones europeas de la República. Integrantes, junto con los liberaldemócratas y liberales, de la antigua coalición gubernamental, los demócratas ya están negociando desde hace algún tiempo con los socialistas y comunistas de la oposición. El líder de los comunistas, el exjefe del Estado, Vladimir Voronin, aboga por una coalición gubernamental de izquierda integrada por el Partido Comunista, el Partido Socialista y el Partido Demócrata que contaría con una mayoría confortable: 64 de los 101 escaños de diputados. Sin embargo, el jefe de los socialistas, Igor Dodon, pide elecciones anticipadas. Se celebrarán elecciones anticipadas si no se valida un nuevo gabinete antes de finales del próximo mes de enero.

    Los asuntos corrientes son debatidos por un Gobierno interino después de que el ex primer ministro liberaldemócrata Valeriu Strelet fuera destituido el pasado 29 de octubre mediante una moción de censura iniciada por los socialistas y comunistas y votada también por los parlamentarios del Partido Demócrata. Para los socios occidentales de la República de Moldavia, la crisis política de este Estado es casi inevitable, aunque el año pasado firmara acuerdos de asociación y libre cambio con Bruselas y anunciara que espera integrarse en la Unión Europea en 2020.

    “Siéntanse a la mesa de negociaciones sin ningún tipo de condiciones” — ha pedido el presidente de la Comisión de Política Exterior del Parlamento Europeo, Elmar Brok, a los líderes de los partidos prooccidentales. La situación política es decepcionante y los partidos en el Gobierno no han demostrado profesionalidad y valentía perdiendo, de este modo, la confianza de la población, según han acusado otros miembros del legislativo comunitario.

    El europarlamentario rumano, Cristian Preda, piensa que hay tres causas que han generado y agudizado la crisis política de la República de Moldavia: la influencia de Rusia en la opinión pública, el poder incontrolable de los oligarcas que se apoderaron de los partidos políticos, y la corrupción que ha fragilizado las instituciones del Estado de derecho.

  • The Republic of Moldova in a Political Deadlock

    The Republic of Moldova in a Political Deadlock

    Moldovan police have announced theyve discovered a paramilitary group that was planning attacks on state institutions and insurrectional scenarios similar to those in neighboring Ukraine. Searches and arrests have been conducted in the north of the republic, but also in the capital Chisinau. The head of the criminal group and its members, some of them born in the pro-Russian eastern part of Ukraine, are people with a criminal record. It could be a scenario masterminded by the Russian Federation, aimed at destabilizing the Republic of Moldova, the Moldovan political analyst Oazu Nantoi has said. Violent incidents would be additional arguments for the pro-Moscow opposition, which keeps announcing the failure of the current governing formula and calls for the ousting of all pro-Western officials.

    President Nicolae Timofti has called parliamentary parties to consultations on Friday, with a view to designating a new candidate for the office of Prime Minister, but nobody seems optimistic about the republics European aspirations. Part of the former governing coalition, alongside the Liberals and the Liberal-Democrats, the Democrats have for some time now been negotiating with the Socialists and Communists in the opposition. The leader of the latter, the former president of Moldova Vladimir Voronin, pleads for a left-wing governing coalition, comprising the Communist Party, the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party. The Socialist chief, Igor Dodon, however, calls for early elections, which he is convinced his party would win without any problems.

    Early elections will be held unless a new cabinet is appointed by the end of the year. The current matters are being managed by an interim government, following the ousting on October 29th of the former Liberal-Democrat Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet, under a no-confidence motion filed by Socialists and Communists and endorsed by the Democratic MPs. To Moldovas Western partners, the current political deadlock is almost unreal, given that last year the Republic of Moldova signed Association and Free-Trade agreements with Brussels and announced its potential accession to the EU in 2020.

    ‘Sit at the negotiations table without imposing any conditions, Elmar Brok, the Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, urged the leaders of the parties that have declared themselves ‘pro-Western. The political situation is disappointing and the governing parties have shown nothing but lack of professionalism and cowardice, wasting peoples trust, other members of the European Parliament have said. Romanian MEP Cristian Preda, a specialist in political sciences, believes that there are three main reasons why the political crisis in the Republic of Moldova has become so acute: Russias influence on the public opinion, the oligarchs uncontrollable power and corruption, which has rendered state institutions extremely vulnerable.

    (Translation by M. Ignatescu)

  • Moldaurepublik: Sozialisten und Kommunisten bereiten Misstrauensantrag vor

    Moldaurepublik: Sozialisten und Kommunisten bereiten Misstrauensantrag vor

    Die sozialistischen Abgeordneten haben am Dienstag den Entwurf eines Misstrauensantrags gegen die Regierung, gebildet aus den Liberaldemokraten, Demokraten und den Liberalen, unterzeichnet. An der Spitze der moldauischen Regierung steht nun der Chef der Liberaldemokraten, Valeriu Streleţ. Der Chef der Sozialisten, Igor Dodon, hat bekanntgegeben, er werde nicht aufgeben, bis die Exekutive ihren Rücktritt meldet und vorgeschobene Wahlen festgelegt werden:

    Wir haben den Rücktritt einiger Leiter von staatlichen Institutionen gefordert. Wir haben den Rücktritt des Streleţ-Kabinetts gefordert und werden das weiterhin tun. Wir verlangen den Rücktritt des Staatspräsidenten und dass der Staatspräsident durch Direktwahl gewählt wird. Eine weitere Forderung bezweckt vorverlegte Parlamentswahlen, die im kommenden Frühjahr stattfinden sollen.“

    Die Kommunisten, geleitet vom ehemaligen Staatschef Vladimir Voronin, haben bekanntgegeben, sie werden die Initiative der Sozialisten unterstützen. Zweck sei die Ersetzung des Streleţ-Kabinetts durch eine technokratische Regierung. Der moldauische Premierminister meint, der Misstrauensantrag sei ein Versuch zur Destabilisierung der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Lage:

    Sie versuchen, die Republik Moldau von ihrem strategischen Recht, dem Recht zur europäischen Integration abzulenken. Es gibt ein Komplott gegen die Republik Moldau. Die Würfel sind gefallen. Der finale Akt soll sich im Parlament abspielen. Es geht um die geheime Abstimmung für den Rücktritt der proeuropäischen Regierung.“

    Staatspräsident Nicolae Timofti räumte ein, dass die Proteste von der Unzufriedenheit der Menschen getrieben werden — jedoch bestehe das Risiko, dass die Proteste von revanchistischen, neosowjetischen Kräften instrumentalisiert werden, die eine Abkehr der Moldau vom Kurs nach Europa bewirken wollen. Damit der Misstrauensantrag nicht scheitert, sind 51 von den 101 Stimmen notwendig. Die Wahlstimmen der Sozialisten und Kommunisten reichen also nicht aus, Beobachter räumen dem Misstrauensantrag dennoch eine Chance ein, denn über Loyalität und Treue in der Politik könne überhaupt nicht die Rede sein.

    Die Ursache der neuen politischen Krise war die Festnahme des ehemaligen Premiers und Chefs der Liberaldemokraten Vlad Filat. Die Vorwürfe der Antikorruptionsermittler gegen Filat lauten auf Bestechlichkeit, Vorteilsannahme und Mitwirkung an einem Bankenbetrug mit einem Schaden in Höhe von 250 Millionen Dollar. Politikbeobachter meinen, die politische Krise in Chişinău sei schier unlösbar. Man habe die sprichwörtliche Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera: zwischen einer prowestlichen Regierung, die das Land geplündert hat, und einer Opposition, die die Moldaurepublik wieder auf Moskau-Kurs bringen will.

  • Nachrichten 19.09.2015

    Nachrichten 19.09.2015

    BUKAREST: Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu hat am Samstag seinen niederländischen Amtskollegen Bert Koenders zu Beratungen in Bukarest empfangen. Die beiden sprachen über Themen mit Bezug zur östlichen Nachbarschaft der EU, einschließlich der Lage in der Ukraine, der Beitrittsperspektive der Moldau, des Westbalkans sowie der Flüchtlingsströme. Bei dem Treffen ging es ferner um Prioritäten des niederländischen EU-Ratsvorsitzes im ersten Halbjahr 2016. Aurescu und Koenders schenkten ferner der Sicherheitskomponente und der Terrorismusbekämpfung besondere Aufmerksamkeit, dies auch vor dem Hintergrund der Vorbereitungen zum kommenden NATO-Gipfel in Warschau 2016.

    CHISINAU: Der moldauische Präsident Nicolae Timofti hat sich mit mehreren Forderungen der Bürgerplattform Würde und Wahrheit einverstanden erklärt. Er werde versuchen, diese Forderungen im Rahmen seiner verfassungsgemäßen Zuständigkeiten umzusetzen. Die Anführer der Anti-Regierungs-Demonstrationen mit Tausenden Teilnehmern im Stadtzentrum von Chisinau hatten ursprünglich den Rücktritt der gesamten Landesführung einschließlich den des Präsidenten gefordert. Im Frühjahr sollten nach ihren Forderungen Neuwahlen stattfinden. Indes ruderten die Protestteilnehmer zurück und forderten nicht mehr den Rücktritt des Staatschefs. Die als prowestlich geltende Regierungskoalition war nach dem unerklärlichen Verschwinden von einer Milliarde US-Dollar aus dem Bankensystem des Landes ins Wanken geraten. Hunderte Demonstranten errichteten rund hundert Zelte im Zentrum der Hauptstadt Chisinau und erklärten, sie wollten dort bleiben, bis ihre Forderungen erfüllt seien.

  • Proteste şi revendicări la Chişinău

    Proteste şi revendicări la Chişinău

    Chişinăului a devenit epicentrul unei rupturi dramatice între cetăţeni şi
    politicieni. Duminică, o manifestaţie gigantică, organizată de asociaţii civice
    şi la care au participat zeci de mii de oameni, a acuzat virulent corupţia
    Puterii. Iar luni, lângă sediul Guvernului a apărut un orăşel de corturi, ai
    cărui locatari, câteva sute, spun că nu vor pleca până când Executivul nu

    Protestatarii mai cer plecarea
    preşedintelui Nicolae Timofti şi a procurorului general, organizarea de
    alegeri parlamentare anticipate până în martie anul viitor, precum şi revenirea
    la sufragiul universal pentru alegerea şefului statului, pe care acum îl
    desemnează deputaţii. Explozia de indignare s-a produs după ce clasa politică,
    pe care comentatorii nu ezită s-o diagnosticheze drept autistă, n-a reacţionat
    la niciunul dintre semnalele străzii sau ale partenerilor externi.

    În vară,
    Fondul Monetar Internaţional şi Banca Mondială au stopat finanţarea unor
    proiecte din Republica Moldova. Şi au anunţat că relaţia cu aceasta va rămâne
    îngheţată până când autorităţile vor întreprinde acţiuni decisive pentru
    soluţionarea problemelor din bănci, de unde, în condiţii tenebroase, au
    dispărut nu mai puţin de un miliard de dolari, echivalentul a circa 15 procente
    din PIB. ”Ar fi ilogic şi iresponsabil ca Banca Mondială să transfere în
    bugetul Moldovei banii acţionarilor săi prin uşa din faţă, în timp ce există
    riscuri ca sume şi mai mari de bani publici să fie pierdute prin uşa din dos,
    din cauza fraudelor şi corupţiei din sectorul bancar”
    – declara, atunci,
    directorul Băncii pentru Republica Moldova, Alex Kremer.

    Şi Uniunea Europeană a
    avertizat că ar putea tăia, la rându-i, banii pentru reforma justiţiei, din
    cauza neonorării angajamentelor pe care şi le-au asumat autorităţile. Acestea
    au blocat pachetul de legi privind reorganizarea Comisiei Naţionale de
    Integritate, menit să-i asigure independenţa, prin excluderea controlului

    ”Sunt foarte dezamăgit – mărturisea şeful Delegaţiei UE la Chişinău,
    Pirkka Tapiola. Decepţia cetăţenilor e pe măsură. Mai ales că, declarat
    pro-europeană, coaliţia guvernamentală tripartită de la Chişinău, deja grav
    decredibilizată, ameninţă să compromită şi valorile occidentale de la care se
    revendică şi protestatarii.

    Pe de altă parte, însă, departe de a fi o mişcare
    unitară, protestul însuşi e pândit de riscul unei deturnări cu urmări
    imprevizibile. Printre manifestanţi se numără nu doar adepţi ai integrării
    europene sau susţinători ai reunificării Republicii Moldova cu România vecină,
    ci şi militanţi de extrema stânga, promotori ai reapropierii de Moscova.
    Aceştia din urmă au încercat, de altfel, duminică seara, să ia cu asalt sediul
    Procuraturii Generale, obligând poliţia să intervină în forţă.

    Radio România la Chişinău semnalează şi anunţul că la protest vor să se ralieze
    şi socialiştii şi populiştii pro-ruşi din opoziţie, ceea ce ar amplifica,
    deopotrivă, tensiunile şi confuzia.