Tag: online

  • Află cum să fii în siguranță în mediul online!

    Află cum să fii în siguranță în mediul online!

    Poliţia Capitalei desfăşoară un proiect de prevenire a înşelăciunilor în mediul online, deoarece în cursul anului 2021 a crescut foarte mult numărul sesizarilor privind înşelăciunile în online.

    Astfel Poliţia Capitalei a realizat un set de recomandări cu caracter general, utile tuturor cetăţenilor români:

    – Evităm accesarea de link-uri și furnizarea de informații sensibile, după primirea unor

    mesaje din surse necunoscute.

    – Validăm existența promoțiilor pe canalele oficale ale companiilor care ne prezintă oferte prea bune pentru a fi adevărate.

    – Verificăm cu atenție securitatea și reputația site-ului înainte de a face tranzacții.

    – Ca regulă generală, nimeni nu are nevoie de codul CVV2 (CVC) și de datele de siguranță ale cardului ori contului nostru bancar, inclusiv cele ale aplicației bancare, dacă vrea să ne trimită bani!

    – Folosim, pe cât posibil, instrumente de plată provizorii, unde alocăm un buget limitat, exclusiv pentru cumpărăturile online.

    – Raportăm orice tentativă de fraudă către Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică la alerts@dnsc.ro sau la call center-ul dedicat incidentelor de securitate cibernetică – 1911.

    – Ne antrenăm pentru depistarea și evitarea fraudelor online AICI și AICI.

    – Rețineți că o bancă nu vă va cere validarea unor informații sensibile prin intermediul e-mail-ului!

    – Fiți atenți la notificările referitoare la sume extrase din contul dvs. și nu validați tranzacții pe care nu le recunoașteți.

    – Dacă ați căzut victimă unei astfel de tentative frauduloase este important să anunțați cât mai repede banca despre problemă, pentru a bloca instrumentele de plată compromise și a încerca stoparea eventualelor tranzacții ilicite.

    – Ați fost victima unui furt al datelor de card sau de date bancare? Ce este de făcut? Vezi AICI.

    Pentru a vedea mai multe mesaje preventive pe această temă și alte surse de încredere ce transmit mesaje preventive din același registru, puteți vizita pagina de Facebook Împreună Respectăm Ordinea Publică”

  • Literature for children in Romania in the digital era

    Literature for children in Romania in the digital era

    The Fairy Tale Association has organised this autumn’s
    leading event focusing on children’s and youth literature. Running as LittleLIT
    Days, the event brought together more than 650 children who enjoyed workshops,
    public reading sessions and book launches, staged as part of the aforementioned

    a whole week, more than 25 online events were held, dedicated to pupils. Among
    them, reading workshops offered by Romanian authors of children’s and youth literature,
    staged in schools around Bucharest, Timișoara and Cluj. The activities were
    dedicated to professionals in the field on children’s literature, such as
    authors, illustrators, translators, editors, PR specialists, book sellers. Part
    of the events also targeted the lay public. Together was this year’s theme,
    purposefully thought out as a feasible alternative to the social environment we
    live in, marred by fear, loneliness and isolation.

    Writer Victoria Pătrașcu, one of the founders of the Fairy Tale Association:

    When we thought out this project, that is a year ago, we never imagined things
    would be just the same, that we will still be confined indoors. We would have really
    liked to enjoy all that, together with the children, to be able to join them,
    to take their questions. Things were not the same just as we would have liked
    to, which doesn’t mean we cannot be together even in these difficult conditions,
    so that the LittleLIT story may continue, beautifully. LittleLIT stemmed from a
    collaboration between the Fairy Tale Association and EUNIC. What we had there,
    from the very outset, was an idea in a nutshell, it was a project by means of
    which we thought of taking writers of contemporary Romanian literature for
    children to their readers, so that the latter may have the chance to know those
    who craft the stories. The little ball that we had in the beginning had grown
    into a maiden edition, in 2019, themed LittleLIT Mirrorings, where we had partnerships
    with five foreign cultural institutions. Back then we had five foreign guest writers
    who gave workshops for Romanian writers as we very much want the Romanian
    writers to have examples of good practice, so they may know how to make themselves
    better known, how to become better writers, how to refine their writing. And it
    was also then that we staged meetings with potential readers, we took those writers
    to the meet the children, in schools or in rather underprivileged milieus,
    where children do not have access to culture.

    LittleLIT Days, Together schedule has been thought out to highlight the importance
    of the book and reading for the development of children and in a bid to give
    them the opportunity to get acquainted with books what were written for them,
    and with those who wrote them. Equally, the project seeks to create a space of
    dialogue between children’s literature professionals (writers, editors,
    professors, reading promoters) from Romania and from other European countries. So
    The Fairy Tale Association continues to strengthen the dialogue with schools
    and the teaching staff, offering teachers specific methods for using literature
    as a method for teach the content-based items in the curricula.

    Victoria Patrascu:

    We somehow felt lonely and lost in the great Romanian literature and we
    thought it was unfair for the children’s literature to be viewed as a
    Cinderella of literature. There weren’t back then, and there still aren’t
    either, as we speak, any awards for Romanian children’s literature or if they exist,
    they’re not being awarded. Notwithstanding, there is an increasing number of
    writers of children’s literature, writers whose success has been growing. Some
    of us have got round to participating in international fairs, in the meantime,
    even at the International Children’s Book Fair in Bologna, which is something
    extraordinary, we have become increasingly aware of the importance of children’s
    literature in the world. This literature shapes up readers, it a literature
    that has been developing one year after the next. Although book sales are on
    the wane, children’s literature is on the rise, literature for children brings
    money and that’s what editors should be interested in. Many of them realized, and
    that is precisely why they created special collections, they realized children’s
    literature does have its perks, apart from those we know already: those of bringing
    up the new readers, of developing children’s emotional balance, of helping them
    develop. Now,
    returning to the 2018 moment, when we founded the Fairy Tale Association, things
    fared worse than they fare today, so we thought of turning pro. We had some
    examples as well, many of them from the Nordic countries, telling us that when
    we were together, we were able to do a lot of things. And that’s what happened,
    we were a nucleus made of four writers, Adina Rosetti, Laura Grünberg, Iulia
    Iordan and myself, who started up this Fairly Tale Association. But here we are,
    three years on, we are 20 writers already, we have three caravans who reached dozens
    of communes, as well as hundreds of workshops on the record. Also, we organize
    this event as well, the LittleLIT Days, under the form of a children’s
    literature festival. As of late, we also have a YouTube channel we want to

    There were three keynote online launches of LittleLIT
    Days’ special guests this year. Swedish writer Åsa Lind, Swiss author Dana
    Grigorcea and Romanian writer Lavinia Braniște gathered more than 2, 000 young
    readers. Equally successful were the two big events dedicated to specialists and
    those interested to find out more about contemporary Romanian children’s
    literature – the webinar Incubator themed The domestic book market for
    children: a magical, otherworldly world facing worldly problems and the Masterclass
    given by the special guests.

    (Translation by Eugen Nasta)

  • Cum va s’nveaţă di aoa şi nclo tru anlu şcolaru?

    Cum va s’nveaţă di aoa şi nclo tru anlu şcolaru?

    Ministrul interimar ali Educație, Sorin Cîmpeanu, dimăndă că elevlli ditu România va s’ahurhească cursurli ditu 8 di brumaru, după vacanța di dauă stămâni tru cari easti di itia a catandisillei sanitari. Turlia tru cari va s’dizvărtească oarili, cu prezenţă fizică ică online, va s’hibă apufusitu viniri, deadunu cu responsabilii ditu sănătati, avânda tu videală contextul epidemiologhic. Tutu tu bitisita-a stămânăllei va s’hibă dimăndati și alti lucre mutrinda disvărtearea a lucurlui didacticu, ntră cari ñicurarea a numirlui di teze şi vulusearea-a mediilor cu maş dauă noti la tuti materiili. Sorin Cîmpeanu spusi că va s’hibă aprobat un document tru aestă noimă şi exighisi câti tezi va s’da elevlli ditu cathi ţiclu şcolar:

    “Elevllii di clasa a V-a, a VI-a, a VII-a au teză la matematică şi la limba română. Elevdlli di clasa a VIII-a avea trei teze, armân maş cu dauă. Tră elevlli di liceu, elli au patru teze, ună singură excepţie – liceele tehnologhiţi cari avea maş trei tezi — tuti alanti filieri va s-aibă numirlu di tezi apufusitu di Ministerlu ali Educaţie, ñicuratu di la patru la trei”. Ministurlu interimar nica dimăndă că tezili va s’poată s’hibă dati ahurhinda ditu 6 di andreu, ponderea aluştoru tru media semestrială va s’hibă di 25%, iara susţănerea-a lor va s’facă obligatoriu cu prezenţă fizică.

    Sorin Cîmpeanu: “Tră elevlli cari nu va s’poată s’da tezi cu prezenţă fizică, ditu itii independente di volea-a loru – şi nă minduimu, cadealihea, la cazuri di infectari ică di carantinari – aestu lucru va s’poată să s’facă, ari bază legală, după turnarea diznou la şcoală, acă turnarea va s’facă tru semestrul II”. Sorin Cîmpeanu cundille că tru kirolu ditu soni criscu ritmolu a vaccinarillei anti-COVID-19 tru arada-a elevilor. Uidisitu cu datili ufiţiali, rata di imunizari năstricu 25% ditu totalu aţiloru cu ilikia di 12 di añi ş’cama. Tru aestu kiro, 80.000 di elevi cu ilikia anamisa di 12 și 15 di añi și 223.000 di elevi ditu aţelli cu ilikia di 16 di añi ş-cama feaţiră vaccinul.

    Ministurlu interimar căftă a cathi unlui inspectorat şcolar judeţean, ama şi a unităţlor di nviţămintu, s’ngrăpsească pi site-urli a loru işiş rata di vaccinari a personalui. Sorin Cîmpeanu: “Tuti inspectoratele şcolare judiţene ditu România ngrăpsiră rata di vaccinare la nivelu a cathi unlui inspectorat; sunt multe situaţii tru cari rata di vaccinare easti cama di 90%. Tutunăoară, la nivelu a cathi unăllei sculie va s’hibă ngrăpsitu pi a loru site rata di vaccinare, cu tiñisearea a regulilor GDPR, fără numă, paranumă şi alti dati cu caracter personal, ama easti tu arada că părinţăllii şi elevllii să ştibă, atumţea cându negu la şcoală, cari easti nivelu di vaccinare a personalui ditu aţea şcoală. Feaţimu, tutunăoară, tră puterea-a exemplului, publică rata di vaccinari tru Ministerlu a Educaţiillei, cari easti, pricunoscu, sumu aştiptări, di 66%”. Sorin Cîmpeanu nica dimăndă că dzălili di vacanță băgati tru aestă perioadă ditu furñia a situațiillei epidimiologhiţi va s’hibă recupearate la tru ahurhita a meslui yinaru.

    Autoru: Daniela Budu

    Aermânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Cum va continua anul şcolar?

    Cum va continua anul şcolar?

    interimar al Educației, Sorin Cîmpeanu, a anunțat că elevii din România vor
    relua cursurile din 8 noiembrie, după vacanța de două săptămâni în care se află
    din cauza situației sanitare. Modul în
    care se vor desfășura orele, cu prezenţă fizică sau online, va fi decis vineri,
    împreună cu responsabilii din sănătate, având în vedere contextul epidemiologic.
    Tot la finalul săptămânii vor fi anunțate și alte aspecte privind desfăşurarea
    activităţii didactice, între care reducerea numărului de teze şi încheierea
    mediilor cu doar două note la toate materiile. Sorin Cîmpeanu a declarat că va
    fi aprobat un document în acest sens şi a explicat câte teze vor da elevii din fiecare
    ciclu şcolar:

    Elevii de clasa a V-a, a VI-a, a VII-a au teză la
    matematică şi la limba română. Elevii de clasa a VIII-a aveau trei teze, rămân
    doar cu două. Pentru elevii de liceu, ei au patru teze, o singură excepţie -
    liceele tehnologice care aveau doar trei teze – toate celelate filiere vor avea
    numărul de teze stabilit de Ministerul Educaţiei, redus de la patru la trei
    Ministrul interimar a mai anunțat că tezele
    vor putea fi date începând din 6 decembrie, ponderea acestora în media
    semestrială va fi de 25%, iar susţinerea lor se va face obligatoriu cu prezenţă

    Sorin Cîmpeanu: Pentru elevii care nu vor putea să susţină
    teze cu prezenţă fizică, din motive independente de voinţa lor – şi ne gândim,
    bineînţeles, la cazuri de infectare sau de carantinare – acest lucru se va
    putea face, există bază legală, după revenirea la şcoală, chiar dacă revenirea
    se va face în semestrul II
    . Sorin Cîmpeanu a precizat că în ultima
    perioadă a crescut ritmul vaccinării anti-COVID-19 în rândul elevilor. Potrivit
    datelor oficiale, rata de imunizare a depăşit 25% din totalul celor cu vârsta
    peste 12 ani. În prezent, 80.000 de elevi cu vârsta cuprinsă între 12 și 15 ani
    și 223.000 de elevi dintre cei peste 16 ani au făcut vaccinul.

    interimar a solicitat fiecărui inspectorat şcolar judeţean, dar şi unităţilor
    de învăţământ, să afişeze pe site-urile proprii rata de vaccinare a
    personalului. Sorin Cîmpeanu: Toate inspectoratele şcolare judeţene
    din România au afişat rata de vaccinare la nivelul fiecărui inspectorat; sunt
    multe situaţii în care rata de vaccinare este peste 90%. De asemenea, la
    nivelul fiecărei şcoli va fi afişat pe site-ul propriu rata de vaccinare, cu
    respectarea regulilor GDPR, fără nume, prenume şi alte date cu caracter
    personal, dar este normal ca părinţii şi elevii să ştie, atunci când merg la
    şcoală, care este nivelul de vaccinare al personalului din acea şcoală. Am
    făcut, de asemenea, pentru puterea exemplului, publică rata de vaccinare în
    Ministerul Educaţiei, care este, recunosc, sub aşteptări, de 66%.
    Cîmpeanu a mai anunțat că zilele de vacanță impuse în această perioadă din
    cauza situației epidemiologice vor fi recuperate la începutul lunii ianuarie.

  • Online learning, in the spotlight

    Online learning, in the spotlight

    The Covid-19 pandemic ushered in online education in Romania, as face-to-face learning is suspended in some schools. Unlike in the past, when schools would be closed depending on the infection rate in the respective town or village, currently the decision depends on the number of cases in each particular school.

    The authorities have introduced non-invasive, saliva testing for students, teaching and non-teaching staff in the education sector, in order to monitor epidemiological risks. The outgoing PM Florin Cîţu explained that the students whose parents do not agree with their kids being tested on the 8th day of isolation following a COVID case in their class will continue to learn online.

    Some parents and students want classes to be held online in places with infection rates above 6 per thousand. The Students Council emphasised that within a month since the start of the new school year, over 13,000 students and nearly 4,000 teachers in Romania caught the disease. Without regular testing, with scarce additional protection for students with chronic diseases and with elevated thresholds for suspending face-to-face teaching, many lives would be further jeopardised, students argue.

    Moreover, they say that keeping schools open requires using public transport means and interacting with a large number of people in the community, thus contributing to further spreading the virus. Parents also believe that the danger is now too severe, and blame the incompetence of the authorities.

    Things are no better in universities either. Rectors want the digital COVID certificate, attesting that the holder has been either vaccinated, or recovered from the disease, or has tested negative for SARS-CoV-2, to be mandatory in universities. The National Council of Rectors wants the relevant legislation amended to the effect that access to campuses and universities be conditional on anti-COVID vaccination, except for medical exemptions.

    The interim education minister Sorin Cîmpeanu explained that at present the government is unable to initiate bills, and only Parliament can do this. He added that Council members discussed the option of requesting each parliamentary party to state their position on such a bill. Sorin Cîmpeanu added that the new legislation would apply both for students and for university staff.

    Students on the other hand are not happy with the idea of compulsory vaccination in order to be able to take part in classes. In Romanian universities, the vaccination rate is 50-55%, below the EU average. The only higher education institution in the country with a vaccination rate above 90% is the Târgu Mureș Medical School. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Landmarks in modern Romanian history

    Landmarks in modern Romanian history

    The year 2021 is, among other things, a year of utmost
    importance for the history of Romania. In 2021 we mark 200 years since an
    iconic event occurred in Romania’s past. Historians have been unanimous in
    describing the event as the trigger factor for the process of national rebirth.
    Such a process was possible against the backdrop of a deep-seated social discontent.
    The event is known as the 1821 Revolution. In April 2021,
    Romanian Parliament voted in favor of the year 2021 being officially declared
    the Tudor Vladimirescu Year. By the same token, Ecaterina Teodoroiu and Tudor
    Vladimirescu were granted hero status of the Romanian nation. In one of our previous instalments we focused extensively on the events
    staged in Gorj county, the native region of both Teodoroiu and Tudor
    Vladimirescu. Our host back then was Gorj County
    Council’s spokesperson Oana Palos.
    It is also Oana Palos we have
    approached, so that she may give us details on the whys and the wherefores of
    the 1821 Revolution. First off, Oana Palos emphasized the importance of the
    1821 Revolution.

    Oana Palos:

    In fact, it
    was a revolt known as the Revolution of 1821, which was started right here in
    Gorj, by a bunch of commoners who were known as panduri/pandours (irregular,
    skirmisher troops) and who grouped themselves around Tudor Vladimirescu, a
    chieftain who was also born in Gorj, into a family of freehold peasants. The
    Revolution flared up and galvanized Oltenia, reaching as far as Bucharest, but it was short-lived, it lasted for a couple of months,
    because Tudor Vladimirescu was assassinated, just as it happened to a great
    many other Romanian leaders, at various stages in history. However, for the
    full commitment of those who fought for the Romanian cause, the 1821 Revolution
    earned its place in history and Tudor Vladimirescu gained hero status, being
    associated, according to the traditional mindset, to the status of prince,
    Prince Tudor. Let us perform an exercise in imagination, 1821, 1921, 2021. We
    go across time and space. And here we are, marking 200 years since those
    events. Allow me to invite you to think of the month of June
    1921, when, a century ago, Tudor Vladimirescu’s centennial had also been marked
    through the reinterment, in Targu Jiu, of the remains of Romanian army’s first
    female officer who fought in World War One, we’re speaking about Ecaterina Teodoroiu,
    the young woman who was also born in Gorj, back in the day she took a go-against-the-grain-stance
    and went on to become a symbol of courage and sacrifice.

    Oana Palos also told us that, locally, a yearly
    program has been thought out, dedicated to Tudor Vladimirescu’s bicentennial,
    including cultural and artistic evocative presentations, so each and every
    month, taking into account the circumstances generated by the pandemic,
    exhibitions were mounted as well as stage performances or religious and
    military ceremonies.

    Oana Palos:

    On May 2, but also on June 9,
    the events we staged were held under the aegis of the bicentennial. In Tudor
    Vladimirescu’s birthplace, the commune of Vladimir, in the very house where he
    was born, a wreath-laying ceremony with military honors was held, followed by a
    significant historical and military reenactment of a battle episode in 1821,
    when the apparel was presented, typical for the age, that of the boyars, of the arnauti (the Albanian guards), the pandours. In the same evocative vein, this
    time on June 9, in the center of Targu Jiu municipal city, where The Heroine of
    Jiu is interred, at the Mausoluem that was erected in her honor, a wide-scope
    series of events was held, followed by a traditional manifestation: a
    commemoration round dance was performed, whose significance was twofold: 200
    years since the Tudor Vladimirescu’s Revolution and 100 since the reinterment
    of Eaterina’s bones in Targu Jiu. We should also say that the official
    commemoration divine service was performed by a 100-strong gathering of
    priests, the number of one hundred was purposefully picked, to pay tribute to
    Ecaterina Teodoroiu, the divine service was followed by that ancient, typical
    Gorj custom, the commemoration round dance, usually performed to commemorate
    the departed. The custom has been preserved to this day. Also, as an absolute
    first, a stage performance was presented, titled The Tudor Vladmirescu Case,
    no doubt, a one-of-a kind-performance, primarily because of its concept, we’re
    speaking about a rock opera, a fusion between a ballad, rock and traditional music, which brought before
    the audiences unique episodes of Tudor Vladimirescu’s life way back when the
    battles were waged, led by him, yet the conception is a modern, abstract one.
    We would also like the show to become an element of tourist attraction, it will
    be on in Targu Jiu for the summer.

    Oana Palos once again, this time speaking about other projects they have
    prepared for the Tudor year.

    What else have we prepared for the Tudor Year…Projects,
    that’s for sure, and we want them to have as great an impact as possible. We’re
    speaking about photo-documentary exhibitions, including documents from museum
    archives and the collection that are our property, pertaining to Tudor
    Vladimirescu’s life and activity, launching events for photo and graphic
    albums, street performances, theatre and film festivals. In august, for
    instance, and also as part of the bicentennial, we will mount a street
    exhibition with 50 metal boards being placed in the city center with historical
    images of the Revolution, we will also have images projected on the municipal
    city’s historical buildings, a national historical film and theatre festival
    will also be held, the Vatra/The Hearth festival.

    The organizers are set to facilitate participation in
    the events to all those who so wish, so they assured us we’re only one click
    away from that. We can follow, live online, all the events, if we search Gorj,
    Targu Jiu, Tudor Vladimirescu on our computers.

    (Translation by Eugen Nasta)

  • Școala românească post-pandemie

    Școala românească post-pandemie

    Examenele naţionale se vor susţine la datele planificate cu prezenţa fizică, oricare va fi situaţia – a anunțat ministrul român al educaţiei, Sorin Cîmpeanu. El a precizat, la un post privat de televiziune, că vor fi organizate două sesiuni, atât la Evaluarea Naţională, cât şi la Bacalaureat. Pe 22 iunie începe Evaluarea Naţională. Elevii care nu se vor putea prezenta atunci la examen o vor face după două săptămâni de la această dată. Prima sesiune a Bacalaureautului va începe pe 28 iunie, iar a doua va fi la mijlocul lunii august. Mai mult, Sorin Cîmpeanu s-a declarat optimist în ceea ce priveşte începerea anului şcolar 2021/2022 pe data de 13 septembrie, cu prezență fizică la școală. Până atunci, Ministerul Educaţiei încurajează organizarea taberelor de vară în care să se facă şi ore remediale,pentru recuperarea materiei pierdute.

    Între timp, în România, doar 7% din numărul total de elevi mai participă la cursuri online, după ce la mijlocul săptămânii trecute au revenit fizic la şcoală aproximativ 100.000 de copii din clasele de gimnaziu și de liceu. Acest lucru a fost posibil după ce rata de incidență a cazurilor de Covid-19 din toate județele țării a scăzut sub unu la mie. Potrivit datelor oficiale, 270 de elevi din totalul celor peste 2,7 milioane care au putut merge fizic la şcoală erau confirmaţi săptămâna trecută cu Covid-19. Aceleași date arată că peste 55.000 de elevi de 16, 17 şi 18 ani s-au vaccinat până acum împotriva virusului. Sorin Cîmpeanu a adăugat că unul dintre lucrurile câștigate în această pandemie a fost îmbunătăţirea abilităţilor digitale ale elevilor şi profesorilor și conştientizarea importanţei predării digitale, acolo unde ea se potriveşte.

    Totuși, Sorin Cîmpeanu vorbește despre pierderile majore în ceea ce privește sistemul de învățământ:

    Pe lângă pierderile educaţionale, au fost dificultăţi în planul tulburărilor socio-emoţionale, tulburări, anxietate, sunt elemente prezente după această perioadă de criză în România, precum în orice alte ţări. Este corect, pierderile, deşi sunt foarte mari, nu pot fi recuperate în cele aproape cinci săptămâni de şcoală care au mai rămas. O recuperare trebuie să se încerce, însă sunt convins că nu sunt cadre didactice care îşi pot închipui că vor recupera multe luni în câteva săptămâni. Această recuperare trebuie să fie făcută gradual. În ceea ce privește profesorii, aceștia rămân în continuare cea mai numeroasă categorie socio-profesională vaccinată. Potrivit datelor oficiale, sunt circa 160.000 de angajaţi din învăţământ vaccinați până acum, iar ministrul Educaţiei anunță că se are în vedere organizarea unor caravane de vaccinare, în special în mediul rural, unde rata de imunizare în rândul cadrelor didactice este mai mică decât în mediul urban.

  • May 10, 2021 UPDATE

    May 10, 2021 UPDATE

    COVID-19 The government of Romania decided to extend the state of alert across the country by another 30 days beginning on 13 of May, and scrapped the ban on attending religious events outside citizens residence town or villages, the chief of the Directorate for Emergency Situations Raed Arafat announced. Cinema and theatre halls will reopen at 50% of their capacity in pilot events, allowing only people who have recovered from SARS-CoV-2 or who have tested negative for the virus. Sports events will also be attended by people who have received the vaccine. 620 new infections with the SARS-CoV-2 were reported on Monday in Romania for the past 24 hours out of more than 10,700 tests carried out across the country, says the Strategic Communication Group. Another 68 people have died, bringing the death toll to 29,034. 1,066,731 infections have been confirmed in Romania since the beginning of the pandemic and 1,015,092 patients have recovered. 962 patients are presently in intensive care. The regions with the highest infection rates in the past 14 days have been the capital city Bucharest and Cluj in western Romania. These two regions are the only ones still in the so-called yellow zone in terms of infections. Romania’s vaccine rollout continues with a series of vaccination marathons, including an 8-day campaign in Craiova, in the south. Over 3.6 million people have so far got the booster dose.

    SUMMIT The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis said on Monday that the security situation at the Black Sea was disquieting, which is why NATO must continue to strengthen its deterrence and defence posture, especially in the eastern flank, in a unitary and coherent manner. “This is why we pleaded, including in my discussion with the US president Joe Biden, for enhanced presence of the Allied military forces, US forces included, in Romania and in NATOs eastern flank, Klaus Iohannis said at the end of the Bucharest Format Summit B9, in his joint statement together with his Polish counterpart, Andrzej Duda. Attending online the summit hosted by the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, together with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda, were the US president Joe Biden, the NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg and the other heads of government in the Bucharest Format—Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary.

    VISIT The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis said on Monday that he discussed with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda the strengthening and broadening of the bilateral strategic partnership. The Polish president is on an official visit to Romania. On Tuesday the 2 officials will attend ‘Justice Sword 21’, a military exercise held at the Smârdan Base (eastern Romania), in which Polish troops and equipment deployed to Romania are also taking part.

    PLAN Romanian Prime Minister Florin Citu is this week going to Brussels to present the development projects included in the latest version of the country’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). Upon the latest talks with the European Commission representatives, authorities in Bucharest say that none of the projects included in the plan have been scrapped but the sums allotted have been seriously trimmed. The initial version of the plan had a budget of 42 billion euros, over 12 billion more than it can get from the EU. The RRP presently boasts a 3.7 billion euro budget for education as well as for other projects, such as the A7 motorway section linking the cities of Ploiesti to Buzau in the country’s south-east.

    PANDEMIC About 159 million people have got infected with the novel coronavirus since the onset of the pandemic the world over and more than 3.3 million have died, according to the latest updates on worldometers.info. Europe announces new relaxation measures as infection numbers are dropping. After more than six months of severe restrictions, Italy gives up the quarantine imposed on foreign tourists, while Germany eases restrictions for the people who got both vaccine doses. Some restrictions are also lifted in Spain, although only 12% of its population has been vaccinated. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Monday confirmed relaxed measures in Britain where more than two thirds of the adults have got the first jab. The number of infections in India has dropped below 400 thousand a day and the number of deaths has also started to decrease after two days to around 4 thousand. (tr. A.M. Popescu, bill)

  • Definirea politicii privind educația digitală

    Definirea politicii privind educația digitală

    În ultimul an, importanța digitalului a crescut simțitor
    în viața europenilor. Pandemia a arătat nu numai că este nevoie de o accelerare
    a dezvoltării infrastructurii digitale, ci și de o dobândire de cunoștințe noi
    întrucât domeniul în expansiune și provocările viitorului ne îndreaptă

    Parlamentul European a propus un raport prin care educația
    digitală, în care aplicațiile tehnologiei informaționale au fost mai solicitate
    ca oricând, să fie definită mai bine, politica de educație digitală să fie mai
    cuprinzătoare. Instrumentele, metodele, resursele ca și limitele care vizează
    educația digitală, riscurile care presupun acest act, sunt evaluate și concepute
    ca ele să îmbunătățească formarea cetățenilor europeni. În plus, politica de
    educație digitală îi privește și pe profesori și educatori. Certificatul
    european de competență digitală se referă la dezvoltarea cunoștințelor
    profesorilor. Iar încurajarea universităților europene online, a academiilor
    europene pentru formarea profesorilor și inițiativa europeană pentru robotică
    și inteligență artificială completează un domeniu care se profilează a fi unul
    de mare importanță. Pentru această politică privind educația digitală există și
    o cerere ca 10% din bugetul blocului european și la nivel de state membre să
    fie alocat educației.

    Victor Negrescu, europarlamentar din grupul Alianței
    Socialiștilor și Democraților Europeni, a votat raportul și a detaliat motivele
    pentru care a făcut-o.

    nivelul Parlamentului european, am inițiat un raport al legislativului european
    privind modul în care putem transforma educația, inclusiv sub aspectul acesta
    al digitalizării. Principalul element este să definim ce înțelegem noi prin
    educație digitală și să stabilim, la nivel european, anumite standarde. Acest
    lucru presupune să ne asigurăm că, într-adevăr, toți cursanții, toți copiii, au
    acces la o infrastructura adecvată, că au acces la o platformă educațională
    adaptată procesului de învățare. Că ei au acces la resurse, că profesorii sunt
    stimulați în a adopta noi metode de predare digitală, că la finalul zilei
    profesorii au competențe digitale pentru a preda în formatul acesta online.
    Practic, încercăm să înțelegem ce s-a întâmplat în contextul pandemiei.

    altfel, venim și cu recomandări în așa fel încât educația online să își
    îmbunătățească nivelul și actul educațional prin instrumente digitale să fie
    unul mai bun. Sunt state europene care au reușit această transformare,
    menționez aici Estonia, menționez Finlanda. Cred că este important ca toți
    copiii europeni, și în mod special cei din România, să aibă acces la cele mai
    bune formate de educație digitală, educație care este complementară educației
    tradiționale și care poate veni în sprijinul său dacă este folosită corect și
    standardele de calitate sunt menținute de toată lumea.

  • The latest on vaccination and lockdown

    The latest on vaccination and lockdown

    Citizens willingness to get vaccinated remains at a steady 50% in Romania, according to sociological surveys, the head of the national SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Coordination Committee Valeriu Gheorghiţă announced on Tueday. According to him, at present over 1.2 million people have appointments both for the first dose and for the booster, most of them for the Pfizer vaccine. So far in Romania nearly 2.4 million people have received the vaccine, and over half of them have got both doses.

    Valeriu Gheorghiţă also mentioned that at present over 1,000 vaccination centres are operational, with a total maximum capacity of 115,000 doses per day. Most of them, i.e. over two-thirds, are Pfizer centres, and the remaining give AstraZeneca and Moderna shots.

    The Romanian official also announced that as of the next few days people who wish to get the vaccine without a previous appointment will be able to come directly to the AstraZeneca centres with available spots.

    With the number of patients in intensive care and the number of COVID-19-related deaths on the rise across the country, authorities once again call on people to get the vaccine and to observe protection measures.

    Meanwhile, an order issued by the health ministry introduces new criteria for local lockdowns. Apart from the COVID infection rate, other aspects will also be taken into account, such as the testing level and the ICU and hospital vacancies.

    According to the state secretary with the health ministry Andreea Moldovan, the new criteria are more objective, but the decision to introduce a lockdown “depends on more factors. The new order introduces a system that assigns towns and villages a specific score, based on these factors, with higher scores indicating a more severe situation in terms of the disease.

    The system separates between cities of over 100,000 inhabitants and smaller localities. For the former, the criteria include the combined 14-day infection rate and its trend, the number of tests run over the past 7 days and the proportion of positive tests in the total, the number of cases in outbreaks and the number of hospital beds still available. In smaller localities, the number of tests and the test positivity rate will not be taken into account, but the other criteria stand.

    As a general rule, local lockdown will be lifted when the infection rate drops below 3 per thousand, the document also reads. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Volkszählung 2022 wird überwiegend online durchgeführt

    Volkszählung 2022 wird überwiegend online durchgeführt

    Diese aufwändige, umfangreiche statistische Untersuchung soll diesmal hauptsächlich online laufen. Jede Person kann sich sozusagen selbst zählen. In einem ersten Schritt muss ein Formular zur Voranmeldung ausgefüllt werden, das auf der Internetseite des Instituts für Statistik aufgerufen werden kann. Dazu kann man selbst auf die Seite gehen oder den sogenannten QR-Code auf der Mitteilung scannen, die jeder per Post bekommen soll. Die Voranmeldung ist wichtig, denn dort müssen die Menschen ihre E-Mail-Adresse angeben, wo sie den Link zum tatsächlichen statistischen Fragebogen bekommen. Diesen müssen sie dann im zweiten Schritt ausfüllen — auf Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop oder PC. Eigentlich hätte die Volkszählung 2021 stattfinden sollen, aber sie wurde zusammen mit der Testphase um ein Jahr verschoben — die Pilotphase ist jetzt im Gange, sagt Tudorel Andrei, Präsident des Nationalen Instituts für Statistik:

    Die Probezählung von 2020 wurde aus mehreren Gründen verschoben — erstens die Pandemie, natürlich. Zweitens haben wir eine andere umfangreiche Erfassung im Agrarbereich. Ab dem 1. Mai und bis zum 31. Juli läuft diese auch sehr umfangreiche Befragung. Dazu kommt die Information für die Bürger. Wir haben einen Transparenzausschuss gebildet, an dem alle Akteure de Zivilgesellschaft beteiligt sind und wollen so umfassend wie möglich kommunizieren. Das kann man schlecht kurzfristig organisieren“, erläutert der Statistiker, der auch darauf hinweist, dass eine solche Verschiebung auch in anderen Ländern stattgefunden hat.

    Erfasst werden übliche Daten zu Demographie, beruflichen Tätigkeit, Wohnungen und Haushalten — das alles wird überall in Europa abgefragt. An der Probezählung beteiligen sich rund 50.000 Haushalte am Land und in der Stadt. Zweck der Aktion ist eine Testfahrt des Systems für die Erfassung, Speicherung und Verarbeitung der Daten, um das System für die tatsächliche Volkszählung im ersten Semester von 2022 zu kalibrieren, erläuterte Chefstatistiker Tudorel Andrei im Gespräch mit Radio Rumänien:

    Die Pilotphase ist aus mehreren Gründen wichtig. Erstens einmal ist diese Zählung anders — wir ziehen administrative Quellen für die Erfassung der Daten heran und dann ist auch dieser Onlineansatz neu. Viele Institute arbeiten zum ersten Mal damit. Erst in der letzten Phase haben wir eine traditionelle Zählung, die aber auch in einem elektronischen Format verläuft. Es gibt zwei gro‎ße Vorteile des Onlineverfahrens. Erstens zeigen wir Europa, dass hier im Land die Bürger IT-Systeme im Alltag nutzen, zweitens sparen wir Geld: Je mehr Leute ihre Daten online eingeben, desto weniger Menschen müssen von den Befragern persönlich besucht werden. Denn dort wo sich der Haushalt nicht online anmeldet, muss ein Gespräch mit dem Familienoberhaupt die Daten liefern, die wir dann in unsere Datenbank automatisch eingeben. Es ist ja schlie‎ßlich so, dass auch in Rumänien, wie in den anderen Ländern manche Haushalte isoliert sind und kein Internet haben“, erklärt Tudorel Andrei.

    Die ersten Teilergebnisse werden Ende 2022 vorliegen — sie betreffen die Gesamtbevölkerung auf nationaler Ebene und auf Landkreisebene sowie einige demographische Einzelheiten. Dann beginnt die aufwändigere Phase der Datenverarbeitung, die Auswertung der Erkenntnisse — das abschlie‎ßende Ergebnis wird wie überall in Europa Ende des Jahres 2023 veröffentlicht.

  • The National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest

    The National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest

    The National Contemporary Art Museum in Bucharest has
    never ceased to surprise us. After unconventional exhibition inaugurations,
    some of which were allegedly way too disputed and collections that have been
    renewed every six months or monster installations impressing visitors as soon
    as they step into the museum, as of late caught up indoors because of the pandemic,
    the National Contemporary Art Museum has come up with projects meant to get
    children closer to the museum. That’s how a couple of projects have emerged as
    of late. Among them, Contemporary Art from Plankton to Intergalactic Flight,
    actually made of several workshops meant to help art lovers understand the
    exhibition of the National Contemporary Art Museum Collection. Then there’s
    also Watching History. 1947-2007, as well as projects focusing on where
    contemporary art hails from and what its sources are, in general. A Night at
    the Museum, workshops tailored to suit the needs of the little ones, staged in
    a bid to help them understand, in a friendly formula, the National Contemporary
    Art Museum Collection themed Watching
    History. 1947-2007. Then there’s also Art through Correspondence, a project
    bringing together the children and the elderly, facilitating the correspondence
    between generations.

    There is another project we’re going to be dealing
    with in detail, themed A weekend at the National Museum of Contemporary Art online:
    reading evenings for the little ones. On a weekly basis, the project seeks to
    offer for reading a title from the library of the museum as a means of arousing
    the little ones’ interest in reading, art, as well as in dialogue.

    Astrid Bogdan is a librarian with the National
    Contemporary Art Museum. She told us the story behind the project.

    Late into the previous year, jointly with my
    colleagues, we laid the foundation stone of what we’ve themed Reading evenings
    at the National Museum of Contemporary Art. And what we do, actually, is
    gather, the little ones and the elderly, on Fridays, at 7 pm, to read stories
    from our library, the library of the museum. Taking one step after the next, we
    have tried to corroborate those reading sessions, focusing on the reading
    proper, with little graphic interventions made by book illustrators, as well as
    with musical interventions, so that the textual intervention may have sound and
    color attached to them, why not? We can
    thus have the opportunity to discover some of the titles even while their
    authors are doing the reading. There is no age limit for that, since our
    workshops are inclusive. Also, we want to take the well- established custom
    further, that of the tales told by the fireside, since the program is free of
    charge. And the advantage of working online on a permanent basis is having
    participants at local but also at international level.

    Such a project is a support for book authors, Romanian
    as well as foreign.

    Astrid Bogdan:

    We also dedicate some of the reading evenings to the
    books tackling the topic of the recovery of children diagnosed with autism or
    with other growth problems, children with certain special disabilities. The
    start we had for our project was kind of bumpy, we began in December, back then
    the project was titled Rolling astray on board a tramway and we continued
    with the title ‘Introtale’ which gathered a great many readers around it. All
    this time we have tried to bring the authors closer, so much so that on Fridays
    we have one author reading from their own work.

    We asked Astrid Bogdan if the reading sessions brought
    together many participants.

    Astrid Bogdan:

    There are evenings, and there are evenings. There were
    evenings when we’ve got 30 people taking part, there were evenings with many
    more participants, we even had something to the tune of 70. We have been trying
    to stage the event one week after the next, opening up the evenings to the
    little ones, so we opted for a maximum number of 25 participants, and whenever
    we had more people coming in, we staged another reading evening separately, on
    a different day.

    Having taken part in the sessions, people kept sending
    encouraging messages, which, alongside the growing number of prospective
    participants, gave an impetus to the organizers so that they could take take the project further and
    keep searching for different and new, original titles. The library is open
    Monday to Friday, from 13.30 to 17.30 pm, and on the first Monday of every
    month, also from 13.30 to 17.30 pm. Astrid Bogdan said that, as soon as the National
    Contemporary Art Museum library was discovered, quite a few people turned up,
    who were willing to explore it.

    Astrid Bogdan:

    And I had no choice other than doing the reading for
    them in the library and that’s what prompted me to keep my hopes alive that at
    one point we could stage those reading sessions on the museum’s rooftop, when
    that is officially allowed. Yet we will stay online as well, since there are a
    great many users who opt for being with us from their hometown, and by that I
    ‘m not speaking about cities from across Romania, but also about cities from
    abroad. We believe that any youngster, through reading and art, can have a
    freedom of choice, nay, they can form certain genuine customs and habits, as we
    pledge for stories that are not prescribed.

    And that is an invitation worth taking in the

  • Märkte und Messen: teils virtuell, teils Freiluftveranstaltungen

    Märkte und Messen: teils virtuell, teils Freiluftveranstaltungen

    Die Pandemie verhindert uns, unsere Wohnungen allzu lange zu verlassen. Konzerte, Theateraufführungen, Einkäufe — alles wird in Online-Medien verschoben. Demnach mussten auch die schon traditionellen Märkte und Messen einen Ausweg finden. Alljährliche stattfindende Veranstaltungen wie z.B. die Tourismusmesse zogen ins Online-Umfeld um. Der traditionelle Frühlingsmarkt folgte allerdings nicht diesem Trend. Wie jedes Jahr haben die Kunden auch heuer die Möglichkeit, Märzchen (Frühlingsamuletten) und andere für den Frühlingsanfang typische Erzeugnisse, direkt am Markt zu erwerben. Allerdings unter Berücksichtigung manch zusätzlicher Hygiene- und Abstandsregeln.

    Traian Bădulescu ist Reiseberater. Er erzählte uns mehr über die diesjährige Online-Tourismusmesse:

    Die Tourismusmesse fand heuer zum aller ersten Mal online statt. Es war eine gro‎ße Herausforderung für die Veranstalter, die sich stark angestrengt haben, damit alles passt. Leider beteiligten sich nur wenige Reiseveranstalter daran. Die Plattform hat auf jeden Fall gut funktioniert, sie war durch eine gute Software unterstützt. An der diesjährigen Tourismusmesse beteiligten sich sowohl rumänische wie auch ausländische Reiseveranstalter, Unternehmen, Tourismusvereine und Organisationen. Wir wünschen uns alle, uns endlich direkt zu treffen. Die Pandemie verhinderte leider die tatsächliche Veranstaltung der Tourismusmesse, also mussten wir alles ins Virtuelle versetzen. Die meisten Messen in der Welt wurden dieses Jahr online organisiert, sogar World Travel Market in London. Und auch die Business-Tourismusmesse in Barcelona. Die virtuelle Dimension hat ihre Stärken gezeigt und ich glaube, wir sollten auch künftig einige virtuelle Komponenten bewahren. Also auch dann, wenn die Tourismusmesse wieder mit physischer Anwesenheit stattfinden wird. Rumänien kann und sollte auch online gefördert werden. Es ist schwierig, sämtliche bedeutende Reiseveranstalter nach Rumänien zu bringen. Doch das Online-Umfeld ermöglicht das. Ich würde auch künftig mehrere Business-Treffen online organisieren. Die virtuelle Dimension soll meiner Meinung nach ab jetzt nicht mehr vernachlässigt werden. Auch wenn sie künftig nicht mehr so stark betont werden soll. Ich hoffe, die Tourismusmesse Rumäniens wird bald wieder ihren Platz auf dem Romexpo-Ausstellungsgelände einnehmen. Doch wie gesagt darf Rumänien ab jetzt auf die Online-Komponente nicht mehr verzichten, weil sie das Land dadurch viel sichtbarer im Ausland wird.“

    Auch die beliebteste Buchmesse in Rumänien, Gaudeamus, findet heuer online statt. Die im Monat März stattfindende Buchmesse wird schon zum zweiten Mal in diesem Format veranstaltet. Der Frühlingsmarkt allerdings nicht. Die dem Märzchen gewidmete Veranstaltung findet nach wie vor live statt. Lila Passima, die Leiterin der Abteilung für Museale Ausbildung des Rumänischen Bauernmuseums, erklärte uns, warum eine derartige Tradition nicht gebrochen werden kann. Sie erzählte uns mehr über den sogenannten Märzchenmarkt:

    Ich will Ihnen zwei wesentliche Gründe nennen. Städtische Traditionen sind genauso wichtig wie ländliche Traditionen geworden. Wir veranstalten seit 15 Jahren den Märzchenmarkt. Die Veranstaltung kündigt die Ankunft des Frühlings an. Und sie hat immer im Hof des Bauernmuseum stattgefunden. Es ist ein alter Brauch und weist auf einen neuen Beginn und nach dem alten Kalender auf die Ankunft eines neuen Jahres hin. Wir feiern hierzulande mehrere Feste, die die Ankunft des Frühling preisen: Baba Dochia, Dragobete sind nur einige Beispiel davon. Der von uns veranstaltete Frühlingsmarkt ist ein Kulturakt. Die Märzchen sind ein Symbol für Gesundheit und Glück, sie greifen auf eine lange Tradition zurück. Als die Tradition auf die Städte übertragen wurde, änderte sie sich einigerma‎ßen. In den Städten wurde das Märzchen in ein Souvenir verwandelt.“

    Lila Passima machte uns auf die Werbungen in der Zwischenkriegszeit aufmerksam, die raffinierte Märzchen für elegante Damen“ versprachen. Mit Bezug auf die Gegenwart sagte unsere Gesprächspartnerin Folgendes:

    Wir treten auch dieses Jahr der Pandemie mit viel Humor und Kreativität entgegen. Deshalb forderten wir die Teilnehmer auf, das gleiche reiche Angebot wie jedes Jahr anzubieten. Unsere Gäste werden hier sowohl spielerische Mignon-Märzchen finden, als auch elegante Keramik-Märzchen oder sogar goldbeschichtete Märzchen kaufen können. Durch die eingeführten Restriktionen sahen wir uns gezwungen, die Teilnehmerzahl zu reduzieren. Die Teilnehmer, die mitmachen, wollen aber nicht aufgeben und treten der Pandemie mit viel Humor, Kreativität und künstlerischer Hochwertigkeit entgegen.“

    Der Frühlingsmarkt werde jedes Jahr von sehr vielen Gästen besucht, wei‎ß Lila Passima:

    Jedes Jahr besuchen mehr als 10.000 Kunden den Frühlingsmarkt. Dieses Jahr beteiligt sich an unserer Veranstaltung auch eine Gruppe von Schauspielern, Mitglieder des Vereins Griviţa 53, geleitet von Chris Simion. Sie haben sich eine Kampagne ausgedacht, nämlich »Ein Märzchen fürs Theater«. Es ist eine sehr gute Initiative zur Unterstützung des unabhängigen Theaters, das eine durchaus schwierige Zeit durchmacht. Es ist eine willkommene Initiative, von der wir nur hoffen können, dass sie gut ankommen wird.“

    Obwohl die Teilnahme eingeschränkt wurde, lässt uns der unmittelbar erlebte Frühlingsmarkt hoffen, dass wir irgendwann einmal wieder so leben werden, wie wir es einst taten.

  • Romania’s Tourism Fair

    Romania’s Tourism Fair

    The spring edition of Romania’s Tourism Fair was held
    over February 18 and February 21. It was a special edition, held exclusively
    online, enabling exhibitors to display their holiday offers for the most
    attractive domestic destinations. Also, online visitors of the fair had the
    opportunity to compare accommodation and transport fees straight on the
    platform, which also included gadget offers and holiday accessories.

    Delia Botan is Romexpo marketing manager. She gave
    us details about the success of Romania’s Tourism Fair’s first online edition.

    Delia Botan:

    The Romanians have a tremendous urge to explore the
    world, and that was obvious at the virtual version of Romania’s Tourism Fair.
    Ten thousand people registered for this edition and made roughly 32,000 visits
    on the platform, for the four days of the fair. The exhibitors’ offer was
    extremely generous for the visitors of our platform. All in all, promoted as
    part of this virtual edition were Romania’s most beautiful touristic areas, which
    were represented, as usual, by county councils and municipalities. Practically,
    we could say our visitors had their fair share of the most comprehensive
    digital experience in the field of tourism, being a couple of clicks away from
    purchasing their much-desired holiday, at once enjoying the leisure of their
    own home.

    The Descoperimromania.ro platform was one of the
    exhibitors. The platform presented the most beautiful and the most attractive
    destinations. With details on that, here is project manager Alina Rosoiu who
    also disclosed virtual visitors’ areas of interest.

    Alina Rosoiu:

    Tourists are interested in Romania, in traditions, in
    special accommodation units with a limited number of rooms. This year,
    tourists’ interest in hotel compounds has been on the wane. Extremely sought-after
    are the little guesthouses and agro guesthouses. We have a special interest in the
    Danube Delta, in the Romanian Black Sea coast, in Maramures and, last but not
    the least, in Bukovina. We have very good offers for tourists. For instance,
    Easter Holiday packages start from 200 Euros, for a stay in the Danube Delta, and
    from 150 Euros for a stay in the Danube Gorges. The pandemic, which is still
    ongoing, may scare us, yet we need to know Romania is a safe destination. We do
    our best for our guests’ safety. We’re waiting for you and we comply with all
    the sanitary safety standards in place. We’re in the middle of nature, so there
    is a minimum amount of risk. Accommodation units abide by the sanitary
    protection requirements, so it should be no problem for you to visit Romania.

    One of the most sought-after destinations at the fair
    was Maramures, as expected. Maramures
    County Council’s head of the Public Relations Department, Laura Danci, gave us
    the details on that.

    Laura Danci:

    The stand of Maramures this year was not as lively as
    it was in the previous years, sadly, because of the pandemic. We were present
    only through an online platform, yet we did have a couple of offers and we also
    came up with a new site, Visit Maramures. The offer we have come up with at the
    Tourism Fair was labelled ‘Twelve reasons to visit Maramures’ while on our new
    site, Visit Maramures, we have covered just about everything Maramures had to
    offer to tourists, from gastronomy, traditional craftsmen to cultural tourist
    routes, to landscape. In the previous years we also launched an application for
    mobile devices, Visit Maramures, where we made available all tourism
    information centers, all the guesthouses. Yet we thought that a website will be
    a lot easier to access by everybody. We took part in the fair, and the feedback
    we got was quite good. We had very many visitors, even online. Hundreds of visitors
    asked us what they could visit in Maramures and what a surprise we had, in
    three days alone, the site had 2,047 views.

    Carmen Păun is Head of the Marketing and PR Office
    of Oltenia’s Museum in Craiova, Ms Paun invites us to take a cultural trip to
    southern Romania.

    Carmen Paun:

    It has been a privilege for us, as a cultural
    institution, to receive an invitation from Romania’s Tourism Fair, the virtual
    edition, 2021. Our products have met the demands of our public, whose interest
    in digital consumption is growing: information, education, entertainment. Our
    offer entirely focused on these three components. We started off from the idea
    that the scope of a museum and its cultural products needs to go beyond the
    physical confines. So we created cultural products meant to draw the public
    especially through visual impact and then through the information we offer.

    The Museum of Oltenia is an institution which is more
    than 105 years old, it is a cultural landmark for the area of Oltenia, having a
    regional importance.

    Carmen Paun:

    It manages an impressive heritage, of which 570 items
    have been included in the treasure category. We do our job in four separate
    buildings, right at the heart of Craiova, always awaiting our visitors with our
    12 essential permanent exhibitions of three sections that we have. Also, we
    have three interactive areas and two modern conference rooms. So what we got is
    a huge potential Oltenia’s cultural sector in Craiova offers to the public. As
    of late we have also promoted educational programs. We have digitalized the
    content of our exhibitions extensively.

    Thanks to the local administration, since 2016, Dolj
    County has had a cultural-artistic route, labelled Dolj history and
    traditions, with five major assets: the Bania House, the history and
    archaeology section, and two semi-fortified buildings, cule, in
    Romanian, located in the commune of Brabova. For the refurbishment of the two cule
    alone, more than one million Euros has been invested .

    We have also reached Transylvania and we spoke to
    Sturza Ileana, with the Zlatna Tourism Promotion and Information Center.

    Sturza Ileana:

    Our virtual
    tourism information and promotion stand covered the accommodation units in the
    region, natural tourist assets, the anthropic ones, the region’s specific
    traditions and the tourist routes. For lovers of nature, we have two, maybe
    three-hour routes, but also routes lasting 13 to 14 hours or even a couple of
    days. I should also like to mention the natural assets, the limestone blocks in
    Valea Mica, the Fenes Gorges, the Bulbuci Rock. For those who are into climbing
    and sports climbing, the Fenes Gorges and the Bulbuci Rock are the perfect
    destination. We have received collaboration offers from travel agents, from
    other tourism operators and I think we have made ourselves more visible that
    before. I can infer that from the great number of viewers we had.

    Access was free of charge to the virtual edition of
    Romania’s Tourism Fair. The virtual stands could be accessed from anywhere,
    while special offers were found very quickly, thanks to the intelligent
    filtering system.

  • Unterricht: Schüler kehren in die Schulen zurück

    Unterricht: Schüler kehren in die Schulen zurück

    Seit letztem März, mit Ausnahme von etwas weniger als zwei Monaten, und zwar im September und November, sind die rumänischen Schüler nicht mehr in die Schule gegangen. Wegen Corona wurde landesweit nur Online-Unterricht abgehalten. Vollkommen unvorbereitet auf diese Unterrichtsweise haben sich Schüler, Lehrer und zuletzt Eltern angestrengt, sich dieser neuen Situation anzupassen — mit dem lang gehegten Wunsch, dass diese Situation nicht lange anhält. Sie hält aber schon seit fast einem Jahr an, wider Wissen, dass Online-Unterricht ermüdend, ineffizient und keine langfristige Lösung darstellt. Sozial benachteiligte Schüler waren davon am stärksten betroffen – sie hatten keinen Zugang zur Bildung, weil sie weder Computer noch Internetverbindung hatten.

    Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Behörden nach langen Diskussionen und nach einer genauen Bewertung der epidemiologischen Situation beschlossen, dass die rumänischen Schüler ab Montag, dem 8. Februar, zum Beginn des zweiten Semesters dieses Schuljahres, wieder zur Schule gehen sollen. Am vergangenen Wochenende wurden gro‎ße Aufräumarbeiten durchgeführt, die Schulen passten sich den von den Ministerien für Gesundheit und Bildung erlassenen Vorschriften an. Ein — und Ausgänge in den Schulen wurden neu verlegt und markiert, Thermoscanner überprüft und Klassenräume desinfiziert.

    Die Rückkehr zum Präsenzunterricht, ist nur unter Einhaltung strenger Schutzma‎ßnahmen möglich, wobei Maskenständig getragen werden müssen. Der Präsenzunterricht erfolgt nach drei Szenarien, abhängig von der Häufigkeit der Corona-Fälle in jeder Ortschaft. Wenn die Inzidenz weniger als 1 pro 1.000 Einwohner innerhalb von 14 Tagen beträgt, nehmen alle Vorschulkinder und Schüler am Präsenzunterricht teil. Dieses ist das sogenannte grüne Szenario. Im zweiten Szenario — dem gelben – bei einer Inzidenzrate zwischen 1 und 3 gehen nur Vorschulkinder, Grundschüler und Schüler der Mittel- und Oberstufe in die Schule; die anderen nehmen am Online-Unterricht teil. Im dritten Szenario, dem roten, d.h. wenn die Inzidenz über 3 Fälle pro 1.000 Einwohner liegt, besuchen nur Vorschul- und Grundschulkinder den Schulunterricht. Derzeit befinden sich etwa 2.200 Orte im grünen, 900 im gelben und 150 im roten Szenario.

    Wenn ein Infektionsfall in einer Gruppe von Vorschulkindern oder in einer Grundschulklasse auftritt, wird der Unterricht für diese Gruppe bzw. Klasse für 14 Tage ausgesetzt. Tritt ein Corona-Fall in der Mittel- und Oberschule auf, wird eine epidemiologische Nachverfolgung durchgeführt, es werden Tests empfohlen und das Gesundheitsamt entscheidet, ob der Unterricht ausgesetzt oder ob auf das Auftreten eines zweiten Falles gewartet wird.