Tag: Orban

  • The School Year Resumes in Romania Online

    The School Year Resumes in Romania Online

    Easter holidays, schools in Romania resumed their activity online in
    order for students to to continue their classes from homes during the
    coronavirus pandemics, whose outbreak led to the temporary closing of
    schools and other education facilities on March 11th.

    Minister Nelu Tataru has told a private TV channel that schools could
    be open in late May or early June. We must be very careful with the
    children, Tataru went on to say adding that some protocols were being
    considered for the children’s comeback to schools.

    turn, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has given assurances that the
    authorities never took into consideration the idea of freezing the
    school year, adding that the government’s objective was to ensure
    all the conditions needed for the pupils and students to complete
    their studies and take their national exams in the context allowed by
    the epidemiological situation.

    according to the announcement made by the Education Ministry early
    this month, the structure of the school year has not been modified so
    far and is supposed to end on June 12th.
    State secretary with the Education Ministry, Luminiţa Barcari, has
    called on teachers in a message broadcast by the public radio station
    to carry on their efforts and keep children connected to schools and
    school activities.

    must stay at home, be patient and try to work online as much as
    possible. Of course we must space out these activities and not
    exhaust the children, we must take into account their age. Some are
    complaining they are working too much while others say they there is
    too little to study. So we must find the right balance in everything.
    Irrespective of the time courses are resumed, this school year will
    certainly be completed. We have working alternatives for all national

    Education Ministry has published the curricula, from which the
    objects of the second semester have been eliminated for those taking
    the baccalaureate or the national evaluation exams. The measure has
    been taken in agreement with representatives of the students, parents
    and teachers and those from the National College of Rectors.

    state secretary with the Education Ministry, Luminita Barcari has
    announced the institution has made available five training tests
    weekly for any object of study in order to help students improve
    their studies during the time when courses were suspended.

    in accordance with the new curricula, these tests have been posted on
    the website of the Education Ministry. Luminita Barcari has also
    mentioned the ‘Tele-school’ programme done in cooperation with
    the public TV channel so that students from the last years may
    benefit from support offered by volunteer teachers to get ready for
    the exams they are supposed to take at the end of this school year. (Translated by: Daniel Bilt)

  • April 19, 2020 UPDATE

    April 19, 2020 UPDATE

    EASTER Orthodox believers, who are a majority in Romania, and
    Greek-Catholics are these days celebrating Easter or the Resurrection of Jesus
    Christ our Lord. The Christianity’s greatest event has this year been
    celebrated in empty churches as believers were prevented from attending
    religious services in order to observe social distancing rules imposed by the
    Covid pandemic. All the believers watched live transmissions on various media
    channels instead. The Holy light was brought on Saturday from Jerusalem after a
    special religious service, which was not attended by thousands of pilgrims like
    it used to in the past years. In his message to believers on this occasion,
    Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, says the resurrection of
    Christ is for us a source of spiritual power to fight the disease, the fear of
    death and suffering.

    MESSAGES The US ambassador to Romania, Adrian
    Zuckerman on Sunday conveyed a message on his behalf and on president Trump’s
    to the Romanians wishing them Happy Easter. In his Easter address to the
    Romanians, Prince Charles, heir of the British crown, expressed his wish to get
    back to Romania as soon as the pandemic is over and to meet members of the
    Romanian community in Britain. Prince Charles has also evoked the indispensable
    role many Romanians are playing in the British national health service, in its
    care homes and in other key roles as we address this unprecedented crisis. We owe them an immense debt of gratitude and I can hardly say
    how much their remarkable efforts are appreciated by us all, Prince Charles
    went on to say. In his Easter address yesterday, Romanian President Klaus
    Iohannis underlined the Resurrection of Christ is a celebration of hope in a
    season of rebirth. The head of the Romanian state urged the Romanians to
    express their love for the others by respecting the social distancing rules.
    Similar messages have been conveyed by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and the
    Senate interim president, Social-Democrat, Robert Cazanciuc and also by other
    Romanian politicians.

    TOLL The death toll of the pandemic in Romania has exceeded 440,
    while 87 hundred infections have been confirmed. 19 hundred people have been
    cured and left hospitals. Over 1000 medical workers have tested positive for
    the virus, most of them in Suceava, northern Romania and in Bucharest. Health
    Minister Nelu Tataru said that Romania is on an upward trend in terms of the
    number of infections but with a ‘slower progression’. 60 Romanian nationals
    infected with the virus died abroad. 730 Romanians have been infected abroad,
    most of them in Italy and Spain.

    PANDEMIC The official number of COVID infections
    worldwide has exceeded 2.3 million, while the death toll stands at 160
    thousand, most of them, over 100 thousand, in Europe. The USA has so far
    reported 39 thousand fatalities and over 730 thousand infections confirmed. The
    US authorities are starting to gradually resume economic activities against the
    background of demonstrations for ending the quarantine, our correspondent in
    Washington has announced. The most affected European countries are Italy and
    Spain. Russia has reported a record number of infections, 6,000 in the past 24
    hours, the total number exceeding 42 thousand.

    QUAKE An earthquake of 3.4 Richter was felt today in the seismic region
    of Vrancea in south-eastern Romania, the National Institute for Earth Physics
    has today announced. 22 such small earthquakes have been reported in the area
    since the beginning of the month. On March 4th, 1977 a 7.2
    earthquake, the most powerful to have hit Romania, killed 1570 people mostly in
    capital Bucharest causing 2 billion euros in material damage.

    (translated by bill)

  • April 17, 2020 UPDATE

    April 17, 2020 UPDATE

    MESSAGE In his Easter address on
    Friday, president Klaus Iohannis told the Romanians that the number of
    fatalities worldwide is on the rise and Romania hasn’t reached the pandemic’s
    peak yet. All restrictions are still in place and any rule violation represents
    a major risk, Iohannis added, urging the Romanians to stay at home and do not pay
    visits to friends or relatives these days in order to minimize the risk of
    contamination. The president has called on the authorities to remain vigilant
    in the coming period. Over 36 thousand policemen, gendarme troops,
    firefighters, border police, local police and army troops will be on duty
    during the Orthodox Easter to enforce the measures imposed through the military
    ordinances being also ready to intervene in any situations that might threaten citizens’

    PROGRAMME A state-sponsored programme on supporting small and medium-sized
    businesses to benefit interest-free and commission-free loans has today come
    into effect in Romania. The sum allotted for this programme is 3.1 billion
    euros for working capital and investment. Finance Minister Florin Citu said
    this programme is addressing all small and medium-sized businesses in Romania,
    not only those, which have been affected by the pandemic crisis. The programme
    is aimed at kick-starting the Romanian economy and 600 thousand jobs will be
    supported in the programme’s first stage. Companies willing to benefit from the
    programme can register on the platform imminvest.ro.

    TOLL Covid-19 has so far killed 400 and infected
    8000 people in Romania. Roughly 1000 medical workers have been infected most of
    them in Suceava, north-eastern Romania and in Bucharest. Romania’s Prime
    Minister Ludovic Orban says that the pandemic’s peak is estimated in early May.
    He has again called on citizens not to leave their homes unless absolutely
    necessary. We recall that 1500 people have been successfully treated and allowed
    to leave hospitals.

    ORDINANCE Authorities in Bucharest have issued another military ordinance,
    number 9. Among other things, the ordinance extends the ban on flights to and
    from 10 countries: The UK, Northern Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey,
    Iran, Italy, France and Germany. Under the same law, sailors are exempted from
    being kept in isolation unless they present Covid symptoms as well as truck
    drivers and plane crews. Under the same ordinance, the export of wheat and
    other derived products has been banned in order for the state reserves to be

    PANDEMIC Since its outbreak in China, the Coronavirus pandemic has killed nearly
    150 thousand people the world over out of 2.2 million infected. The United
    States has reported most of the fatalities 35,688 followed by Italy 21,647,
    Spain 18,579, France with 17,167 and Britain 12,868. The crisis’ social and
    economic impact has fueled concern among experts who believe the pandemic will
    bring the end of economy as we know it. OPEC has anticipated for 2020 a sharp
    drop in the crude demand worldwide due to the international economic blockage
    caused by the pandemic. Some pundits believe that Italy, Spain, Greece and
    Portugal are in for deep economic recessions. According to European Commission
    Chief, Ursula von der Leyen, Europe needs a new Marshall plan for public and
    private investment and the creation of new jobs.

    (translated by bill)

  • April 15, 2020

    April 15, 2020

    MEASURES The Romanian government is presently debating a draft emergency
    ordinance aimed at extending the right to technical unemployment compensations
    to other categories of workers, which weren’t comprised in the initial project.
    So, lawyers, art impresarios and people with income coming from many activities
    may opt from only one activity, which is the most advantageous. The Executive
    is today also analyzing a memorandum over supporting major research projects in
    the field of medical care. Prime Minister Orban has announced that he will
    table an emergency ordinance, which stipulates through budget adjustment, more
    money for the country’s healthcare system, for the labour Ministry and social
    protection. The ceiling for state-granted credits to small and medium-sized
    enterprises is to be lifted in order to ensure the necessary working or
    investment capital. Local authorities will be allotted more money from the
    income tax; cities 2% while counties 1%.

    TALKS Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis is today having talks with Prime Minister
    Ludovic Orban and members of the Bucharest government over the measures to be
    imposed after the state of emergency was extended for another month. Before the
    meeting the Romanian president said he would call for a revision of a previous
    agreement between the Interior Ministry and the Romanian Orthodox Church, under
    which police are offering assistance to priests and believers during Easter. A
    series of restrictions have been eased to allow for religious services but people
    will have to comply with social distancing rules. The president had called on
    the Romanians to stay at home, because otherwise the number of fatalities will
    increase after Easter. Another 5 people have been killed by the Covid virus in
    Romania bringing the death toll to 362. The total number of people infected has
    exceeded 7.200 out of which 1.217 have been cured and
    released from hospitals. 245 patients are in the intensive care units at
    present. 709 Romanians are infected by the coronavirus abroad, 420 of them in
    Italy. 52 Romanian nationals from the diaspora have been killed by the virus
    since the outbreak.

    The level of concern over the present medical situation tends to intensify both
    in countries with little restrictions, such as Poland or the Netherlands, and
    in countries with severe restrictions such as Italy, Spain or France – a poll
    published today by the Kantar company shows. According to the study, two rather
    optimistic countries like Britain and the United States are seeing an increased
    people’s concern only two weeks after the previous poll was published. The
    concern of Germans over the present medical situation remains moderate as before.
    Romania has 5% more people concerned from the previous report but the level of
    80% is very high though. Most of people’s concern in this country is caused by
    financial uncertainties. The poll was conducted on more than 45 thousand people
    from 50 countries of which 18 hundred from Romania.

    TRANSPORT Road carriers in Romania have called on the Romanian presidency and
    the government in Bucharest to intervene through diplomatic channels for the
    authorities in Germany, Austria and Hungary and other EU members to allow them
    access to these countries. In a communiqué published today, representatives of
    the National Road Transporters in Romania say that several EU members have
    imposed restrictions to professional Romanian drivers, which run against the
    principle of the free circulation of road transporters. According to the
    organization, several Romanian transport companies said their drivers had not
    been allowed to leave the country or travel to countries like Germany or
    Austria and operate on various routes in these countries under the contracts
    concluded with Romanian companies although the drivers produced all the
    necessary documents.

    PANDEMIC The number of infections with the new coronavirus at global level is
    reaching 2 million and 125 thousand people have been killed. The USA has
    reported in the past 24 hours over 22 hundred fatalities, which raises the
    death toll to nearly 26 thousand. The most affected countries in Europe remain
    Italy, Spain, France and the UK. The president of the European Commission
    Ursula von de Leyen today presents recommendations for the EU countries to
    gradually lift restrictions although the decision on what restrictions should
    be lifted depends on each country. In another development, US president Donald
    Trump halted the US funding to the WHO for severely mismanaging the pandemic.

    (translated by bill)

  • April 13, 2020

    April 13, 2020

    COVID 333 new infections with the new cornoavirus have been registered in
    Romania since the latest estimate bringing the toll to 6633. 914 of those
    infected have been cured and released from hospitals. 213 patients are in the
    intensive care units while other 318 people died. 47 Romanian nationals have
    been killed by the virus abroad. Authorities are expected the pandemic to reach
    its peak in the following period. In another development the country’s health
    minister Nelu Tataru decided jointly with Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca that army
    medical personnel take over the management of the county hospital in Focsani
    southern Romania, after 15 medical workers in this unit had been infected with
    the new coronavirus.

    DRILL Romanian servicemen and their US counterparts are participating in a
    joint drill at the training center in Babadag, south-eastern Romania, sources
    with the National Defence Ministry in Bucharest have announced. The exercise
    will simulate an air attack against a ground objective as well as an operation
    of recovering a downed aircraft. According to the Defence Ministry, all the
    measures imposed in order to limit the coronavirus outbreak have been strictly
    observed during the exercise.

    PAY CUTS The Romanian government is expected to decide this week,
    which categories of state employees will be affected by technical unemployment
    measures the government intends to impose during the state of emergency.
    According to a scenario mentioned by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, some state
    employees will be paid only 75% of their salaries. The government is also
    expected to be reassessing the first budget adjustment this year. The
    Ministries of Health and Labour will be the first to benefit from more funds due
    to the Coronavirus pandemic. More money will be channeled towards medical
    leaves and the purchase of the necessary medical equipment.

    EASTER Orthodox Christians, who are a majority in Romania, and
    Greek-Catholics are in the Holy Week during which they mark the last days in
    the life of their Lord Jesus Christ. Due to quarantine measures, believers will
    be watching religious services broadcast live while staying at home. Catholics
    and protestants yesterday spent Easter with empty churches and religious
    services broadcast by various TV or online channels. Visits to relatives and
    friends were banned. In his traditional Easter message from the Vatican, Pope
    Francis said there is no time now for indiference, divisions and negligence.

    PANDEMIC According to the latest toll,
    over 1.85 million people have been infected with the new coronavirus worldwide.
    Nearly 115 thousand of them died while 430 thousand have been cured. The USA
    ranks first with 550 thousand people infected and 22 thousand deaths. The most
    affected is the state of New York, which registered 37 hundred new cases on
    Sunday night reaching a total of 188 thousand. In Europe, some of the countries
    most affected by the pandemic, like Spain and Italy are renouncing some
    quarantine measures after the number of infections started to decrease. The
    governments in Rome and Madrid are taking measures to gradually revitalize
    their economies. Spain decided to resume activities in some manufacturing
    industries and in construction while the Italian authorities will allow the
    resumption of some businesses. Several strict measures will still be in place
    with some companies to limit the number of infections, while the authorities
    are going to provide millions of masks to the workers

    (translated by

  • April 10, 2020 UPDATE

    April 10, 2020 UPDATE

    TOLL 265 new cases of infection with
    the new coronavirus have been registered in Romania of late raising the total
    number to 5467, the Group of Strategic Communication announced on Friday. The
    virus has so far killed 270 people whereas 729 have been declared healed and
    were allowed to leave hospitals. Health minister Nelu Tataru told a private TV
    channel that at this moment the number of those infected could be around 10-12
    thousand, but this number can change in the following two weeks, which are
    considered ‘difficult’. 42 Romanians have been killed by the virus abroad. 684
    Romanian nationals have been confirmed infected with the new virus abroad.

    DECREE A new
    military decree has been issued in Romania, where a state of emergency is in
    place, banning the export of a number of products such as wheat, barley, oats,
    corn, wheat flour, sunflower oil, sugar and bakery products. The decree also
    allows produce markets to stay open for the duration of the state of emergency,
    given the upcoming Catholic Easter this weekend and the Orthodox Easter next
    weekend. In the run-up to the Easter holidays, shops are also allowed to extend
    their opening hours. Interior minister Marcel Vela, who presented the new
    decree, used the opportunity to again call on the population to respect social
    distancing guidelines and on the Romanians living abroad not to travel to
    Romania for the Easter holidays.

    Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban told a public TV station that between
    80,000 and 90,000 Romanian nationals may travel abroad for work in the coming
    period. He explained these are employment contracts agreed between Romanian
    citizens and foreign companies, such as from Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria and
    the Netherlands, especially in the farming sector. Orban criticised, however,
    the manager of the Cluj Napoca airport, in the north-west of the country, who
    did not inform the authorities about the departure of 2,000 seasonal workers to
    Germany on Thursday, which led to chaos on the airport and infringement of
    coronavirus restrictions. Flights due to leave on Friday from Iasi, in the east
    of the country, and supposed to take 400 Romanian workers to Germany, were
    cancelled. The measure was taken in keeping with a military decree banning
    assemblies in public spaces. The airport management had previously asked the
    security forces to help enforce social distancing rules to prevent a situation
    like that in Cluj.

    finance ministers have agreed on an emergency rescue package for the member
    states worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Over 500 billion euros are made
    available to help workers, businesses and governments. The agreement was
    reached after talks in Brussels, which press agencies say were made difficult
    by the divisions between the northern nations, especially the Dutch, and the
    countries in the south of Europe, which were worst hit by the outbreak and
    whose economies are more fragile. Italy and Spain have called for access to
    funds that they can spend as they see fit, while the Dutch insisted on strict
    conditions. A compromise was reached in the end, with the emergency package
    also making available a consolidated credit line of 240 billion euros, with
    countries being able to borrow up to 2% of their GDPs.

    INFLATION The annual inflation rate in Romania stayed at 3% in March, while the
    prices of food products grew by 5.11%, that of services by 3.8% and that of
    non-food products by 1.39%, according to a report by the National Institute for
    Statistics. The National Bank forecasts an inflation rate of 3% for the whole

  • April 9, 2020

    April 9, 2020

    TOLL The number of Romanians killed by the new coronavirus has today reached
    229 – the Strategic Communication Group has announced. The number of those
    infected stands at nearly 5 thousand. Two Romanians who came from Italy in
    March, have again tested positive for the virus ten days after being released
    from hospitals. 651 Romanians have been infected abroad, 400 of them in Italy.
    37 Romanian nationals have died abroad since the outbreak.

    CONTRACTION The government in Bucharest
    is expecting an economic contraction between 1 and 3% after the crisis
    triggered by the pandemic, but a real percentage will be calculated only after
    April 15th, the country’s Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has told a
    private TV channel. The Romanian official has explained that 30% of the economy
    has already been affected while budget revenues significantly diminished adding
    that another factor to influence the situation is the way in which the other EU
    economies are going to react, as many businesses in Romania are depending on
    those in the EU.

    COVID The number of coronavirus infections has reached 1.5 million worldwide
    and 88 thousand people have already been killed by the virus. 330 thousand have
    been cured by the disease though. In the USA, the country, where the pandemic
    had a rapid evolution, 430 thousand people have been infected and 15 thousand
    died so far. Europe remains the most affected continent with 770 thousand
    infections and 61 thousand dead, most of them in Spain, Italy, France and
    Germany. The European Commission yesterday proposed a ban on unessential trips
    to the EU until May 15th extending the present restrictions.
    According to the Commission, the measures taken to fight the disease must be applied
    for more than 30 days to be effective. At the same time the European Commission
    president Ursula von de Leyen has called on the EU members to eliminate
    interdiction over the export of medicines to avoid shortages in the bloc. The
    European center for disease prevention and control has cautioned there are
    still no signs that Europe has reached the peak of the pandemic.

    REFUNDS Airline companies must reimburse customers for the flights
    cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union transport commissioner
    Adina Valean told Reuters news agency on Wednesday. The commissioner has rejected
    calls from carriers to relax EU rules in the field, adding that wider support
    from the European institutions is needed in order to implement such a
    relaxation. Airlines also seek government support, saying that refunding
    hundreds of thousands of tickets will drain them of money. Romanian Transport
    Minister Lucian Bode yesterday announced that Bucharest is having talks with
    the European Commission for a financial support of 130 billion Euros for
    Romanian air transport companies Tarom and Blue Air
    currently affected by the pandemic.

    (translated by bill)

  • March 29, 2020 UPDATE 2

    March 29, 2020 UPDATE 2

    UPDATE 2

    1815 cases of Covid-19 infection were reported on Sunday in Romania where 43 people have died. 206 patients have been cured but 12 Romanian nationals have lost their lives abroad, most of them in Italy.


    PANDEMIC According to doctor Alexandru Rafila, chair of the Romanian Society of Microbiology, on Monday Romania may exceed 2 thousand COVID-19 infections, which could prompt the authorities to declare a four-degree alert. The Romanian doctor said that patients should receive proper care outside hospitals so that these facilities may not become overcrowded. According to Rafila 80% of those identified have an easy or mild form of the disease and only 20% are in severe or critical condition. 1760 cases of infection were reported on Sunday in Romania where 42 people have died. 169 patients have been cured but 12 Romanian nationals have lost their lives abroad, most of them in Italy. Health Minister Nelu Tataru said that 200 thousand Romanians returned home and another 200 thousand are expected before Easter. The pandemic is expected to reach its peak in mid-April when the number of infections could reach 10 thousand.

    FLIGHTS Between March 30th and April 30th, Romanias national air company TAROM is suspending its flights to Istanbul to comply with the restrictions imposed by the authorities. The aforementioned flights could be rescheduled without additional taxes. TAROM has this week decided to suspend its flights to Germany and France as well as its domestic ones as part of the measures imposed to contain the pandemic. The measure does not apply to the transport of goods, mail, humanitarian or medical aid or equipment. The European Commission in February approved a loan of 36.5 million Euros for TAROM, which is currently facing a shortage of liquidity caused by the rising maintenance costs of its aging fleet.

    DRAFT The European Commission is proposing a new multiannual draft budget to cope with the economic consequences of the COVID pandemic, the head of the European Executive, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced according to AFP reports. The European official has added that the draft will include a start plan aimed at guaranteeing cohesion inside the Union through solidarity and responsibility. In a video-conference on Thursday the 27 EU leaders failed to agree upon a firm economic response to this unprecedented crisis currently affecting the region.

    COVID Over 30 thousand people have been killed by the coronavirus around the globe as the total number of infections has today exceeded 660 thousand. Over 10 thousand people died in Italy, while the USA reported 2000 deaths. Britain has reported 1000 deaths while Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called on the Brits to stay at home pledging tougher measures to contain the pandemic. China has reported 45 new cases mostly citizens coming from abroad. Air companies have been asked to significantly reduce the number of international flights and restrictions have been imposed to citizens willing to enter the country.

    EQUIPMENT A plane of the Romanian Air Force has brought medical equipment from South Korea as part of the Romanian authorities efforts to fight the COVID pandemic. The shipment also includes 100 thousand hazmat suits. In 2008, Romania, as a founding member, signed a memorandum of understanding for the creation of the Multinational Strategic Transport Unit together with other NATO countries like Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovenia the USA and Hungary as well as two countries from the Partnership for Peace, Finland and Sweden. Also on Saturday, Romanias president Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Ludovic Orban paid a visit to a big military camp hospital mounted close to Bucharest. The unit had been previously used in treating infectious diseases such as Ebola and participated in a series of NATO exercises such as Saber Guardian 19 and Vigorous Warrior 19, the biggest medical exercise NATO has so far staged in Romania.

    (translated by bill)

  • March 25, 2020

    March 25, 2020

    POLICE Romanian president Klaus Iohannis has today conveyed a message on
    the occasion of Romanian Police Day calling on the policemen to be role models
    of conduct and responsibility to apply the law with firmness and respect for human
    dignity. In his message, Iohannis describes the Romanian police as an
    institution with an essential role in maintaining public order guaranteeing the
    safety of all the Romanian citizens. The Romanian president says quote even if
    the enemy is an invisible one, the fight is as real as it can be and there is a
    fight that we must win.

    DRILL 82 sailors from Romania’s Navy are in the
    Mediterranean to ensure the command of NATO anti-mine group SNMCMG-2, Standing
    NATO Mines Countermeasures Group. Romanian warship Vice-Admiral Constantin
    Balescu has so far travelled over 55 hundred miles since its departure from the
    Romanian port of Constanta. The Romanian sailors are participating in enforcing
    collective security measures on the southern flank of the North Atlantic
    Alliance to prove Romania’s solidarity with its NATO partners. The Romanian war
    vessel has so far conducted a series of maneuvers part of this mission together
    with their counterparts from Germany, Turkey, Italy and Canada.

    MEASURES Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis is today having talks with the
    country’s Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, Interior Minister Marcel Vela, Finance
    Minister Florin Citu, the country’s Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca, the
    Minister of Economy Virgil Popescu and the Minister of Labour and Social
    Protection Violeta Alexandru on the measures taken in order to contain the
    COVID-19 pandemic. Circulation around the city has been restricted and people
    over 65 years are allowed to leave their homes only between 11 and 13 hours.
    All those returning from abroad will be placed in home isolation or quarantined.

    COVID-19 The pandemic continues to spread around the
    world. Spain, Europe’s second affected country, on Tuesday requested help from
    NATO for test kits and protection masks. Spain has registered a new record
    death toll of 514 in the past 24 hours. The total death toll in this country comes
    close to 3000 and the number of confirmed cases has exceeded 42 thousand. In
    Italy, the number of deaths exceeded 68 hundred. Lombardy, in the north,
    remains Italy’s most affected region. France has also reported 11 hundred
    deaths while Germany 159. The virus has killed 780 people in the United States
    and 19 hundred in Iran.

    (translated by bill)

  • March 23, 2020

    March 23, 2020

    TOLL Another Romanian has been killed
    by the new coronavirus raising the death toll in this country to four. 433
    persons have been declared infected with the virus in Romania. Out of them 64
    have been cured and left hospitals. The patients’ average age is 41. 8 Romanians
    have been killed by the disease abroad, 7 in Italy and one in France. As of
    Sunday night the Romanian authorities have banned circulation, asking people to
    remain indoors between 22 and 6 hours in order to limit the outbreak.
    Circulation will be allowed only for people traveling to their jobs and for
    shopping. Authorities are recommending that people strictly limit trips during daytime.

    TESTS China is carrying out its first
    medical tests over a vaccine against the new coronavirus against the background
    of international efforts to find a way of containing the outbreak. At present
    there is no vaccine or approved treatment against COVID 19, which has so far
    infected over 341 thousand people in nearly 200 countries and territories and
    killed 14,500 all over the world, most of them in Italy. Experimental medical
    studies will be carried out on 32 hundred patients in several European
    countries, the Health Ministry in France has announced. The situation is
    worsening in the USA, where over 10 thousand fresh cases have been registered
    of late placing the country on the third position of the most affected
    countries after China and Italy. South Korea has declared the smallest number
    of infections after the peak was reached in this country four weeks ago.

    MINISTER Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban is today taking a second
    test for the new coronavirus. If the test is negative, the Prime Minister will
    be out of the quarantine period of 14 days and resume activity at the
    government. Orban took his first test on March 13th after having
    come into contact with senator Vergil Chitac during a National Liberal Party’s
    session on March 9. Although the Prime Minister’s first test was negative, but
    he was placed in quarantine and worked from home.

    GAMES A decision to postpone the Olympic Games in Tokyo could become
    inevitable in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, which prevents the staging
    of the event in safe conditions, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has today
    admitted. The Japanese official has reiterated that his country remains
    committed to staging the aforementioned competition in the best conditions.
    Last week UEFA decided to postpone for a year the European Championship of 2020
    due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bucharest would stage four games in the
    competition, three in the groups and one in the round of 16. Romania still
    stands chances to qualify by means of the Nations League play-off due to take
    place in June. Romania will be playing Iceland in an away game and if
    qualified, it would play the winner of the match pitching Hungary against

    (translated by bill)

  • 13.03.2020 (mise à jour)

    13.03.2020 (mise à jour)

    Coronavirus en Roumanie – Le nombre des cas d’infections confirmées au coronavirus est à la hausse. Selon les autorités, près de 2300 personnes sont en quarantaine et quelque 14 mille sont en isolement à domicile alors que le nombre des personnes infectées a dépassé les 80. Depuis l’apparition du virus en Roumanie, 6 personnes testées positives ont été déclarées guéries. Les écoles et les maternelles restent fermées jusqu’au 22 mars, tandis que les universités ont suspendu les cours jusqu’à la fin du mois. La distribution à l’étranger des médicaments et du matériel sanitaire utilisés pour combattre le coronavirus a été arrêtée pour six mois. Les événements culturels et de divertissement avec plus de 100 personnes et qui se déroulent dans des espaces fermés ont eux aussi été suspendus jusqu’au 31 mars. L’armée enverra du personnel militaire médical pour renforcer les procédures de tri épidémiologique dans les points de passage frontaliers du sud, de l’ouest et du nord-ouest de la Roumanie. Les passagers roumains en provenance d’Italie, de Chine, d’Iran, de Corée du Sud, d’Allemagne, de France et d’Espagne sont placés en quarantaine ou en isolement à domicile. Le trafic aérien a diminué considérablement sur l’aéroport Otopeni de Bucarest, on estime avoir 20% moins de vols et 30% moins de passagers. Le chef de l’Etat rejette de son côté que certaines villes puissent être placées en quarantaine et demande aux citoyens de s’informer uniquement de sources officielles afin d’éviter la propagation des rumeurs et des fake news. Il assure que les autorités en charge de la gestion de cette crise ont pris à temps les mesures nécessaires afin de limiter les effets négatifs, mais attire l’attention sur le fait que les mesures mises en place doivent être respectées à la lettre par tous les Roumains.

    Coronavirus dans le monde – L’Europe est le nouvel épicentre de la pandémie COVID 19 a déclaré vendredi, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé qui a annoncé que le seuil des 5000 décès a déjà été dépassé. Vendredi également, la Commission européenne a déclaré que le nouveau coronavirus était une urgence majeure de santé publique pour les citoyens, les sociétés et les économies des Etats membres et un choc économique majeur pour l’UE. La Commission utilisera tous les instruments dont elle dispose pour atténuer les conséquences de la pandémie. Alors qu’en Chine, le nombre des infections et des décès est à la baisse, en Europe et aux Etats Unis elles sont à la hausse. En Italie, pays le plus touché au monde après la Chine et le pays européen le plus touché par la pandémie de Covid 19 , le nombre des cas a dépassé le seuil des 15 mille avec 2500 nouveaux cas en un seul jour. Le nombre des décès est de plus d’un millier et tout le pays est désormais en quarantaine. La République de Moldova suspendra tous les vols vers des destinations européennes à partir de ce dimanche pour une période de 2 semaines a annoncé le premier ministre Ion Chicu . Les Etats-Unis interdisent à partir d’aujourd’hui l’entrée dans le pays de toute personne ayant voyagé ces 14 derniers jours dans l’espace Schengen. Une mesure qui s’appliquera pour les prochaines 30 jours. L’UE a condamné les mesures, affirmant qu’elles avaient été prises d’une manière unilatérale et sans consultations.

    Politique – Les sénateurs et députés roumains voteront ce samedi l’investissement du gouvernement dirigé par le chef de file libéral Ludovic Orban, ont décidé les bureaux permanents réunis des deux chambres du législatif. Les procédure sont tout à fait spéciales vu les mesures de protection contre l’infection au nouveau coronavirus. Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis a désigné à nouveau le leader du parti national libéral Ludovic Orban au fauteuil de premier ministre, affirmant que tous les partis et les formations parlementaires lui avaient promis de s’implique pour investir rapidement un nouveau gouvernement. Le chef de l’Etat qui a organisé des consultations avec les partis politiques par téléconférence a précisé avoir reçu une seule proposition de premier ministre désigné, en la personne de Ludovic Orban. La décision de lancer de nouvelles consultations a été prise après que ce lundi, le libéral Florin Cîtu, l’actuel ministre des finances par intérim, eut décidé de renoncer au mandat de premier ministre désigné. La décision de M Cîtu est survenue juste avant le début de la réunion du Parlement consacrée au vote d’investiture du gouvernement. Rappelons le, le gouvernement Ludovic Orban a été destitué par motion de censure le mois dernier. Le président Klaus Iohannis a désigné le même Orban à former un nouvel exécutif, mais celui-ci a dû déposer son mandat suite à une décision de la Cour Constitutionnelle.

    Météo – Temps très doux en Roumanie, notamment sur le sud, mais à partir de samedi dans la soirée et jusqu’à dimanche matin, les températures devront chuter à travers le pays. Sur l’est, le sud-est et le sud, des précipitations sont attendues. Elles débuteront par des pluies et se poursuivront par de la giboulée et par des chutes de neige. La vitesse du vent sera assez élevée pour arriver jusqu’à 70 km à l’heure. Les températures iront de 0 à 10 degrés durant la nuit et ne dépasseront pas les 17 degrés le jour.

  • The date of local elections in Romania, uncertain

    The date of local elections in Romania, uncertain

    All major decisions in Romania are subordinated to the top priority of preventing the coronavirus from spreading. This is the conclusion of the meeting between the acting Prime Minister, the Liberal Ludovic Orban and the parliamentary parties, on setting the date for the local elections. The Social Democrats have not attended the meeting saying that the Liberals seem to have other priorities than the obvious ones.

    Most political leaders who have taken part in the consultations have agreed to June 28, the date proposed by the Liberals, as the date for the local elections. However, it all depends on how the coronavirus epidemic evolves. According to Ludovic Orban, the increase in temperatures was considered when setting the date for the election campaign, so that, depending on the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic, the impact on the campaign should be small. Also, by June 28, the exam sessions in schools and high-schools would have ended, allowing for the buildings to host polling stations.

    The head of the Save Romania Union, Dan Barna, has explained that his party supports the idea of holding local elections at the end of June, and, if the coronavirus epidemic grows, he agrees to the postponement of the elections until fall. Victor Ponta, leader of the Pro Romania party, has said local elections should not be held if the number of infections increases and becomes uncontrollable and has insisted on the fact that the country needs a stable government, able to take all necessary measures to fight the epidemic. Eugen Tomac, head of the Peoples Movement Party, has shared Pontas opinion. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania would have preferred the elections to be held on June 14, but he also agrees with the date proposed by the Liberals, according to party leader, Kelemen Hunor.

    The representative of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, Varujan Vosganian, has said in his turn that, alongside measures aimed at protecting citizens health, the government should also consider measures aimed at protecting the economy, against the background of serious turbulences on the financial markets triggered by the coronavirus outbreak. Romanias government might be endorsed on Thursday in Parliament, when the new cabinet proposed by the Liberal Florin Citu is voted on. (translation by E. Enache)

  • March 10, 2020 UPDATE

    March 10, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 Romania has reported over 100 people in institutional quarantine
    and under medical investigation for possible infection with COVID-19, the Group
    of Strategic Communication has announced. Over 11,500 people are in home
    isolation and currently under medical monitoring. 28 cases of infection with
    the new virus have been confirmed at national level while 5 people have been
    declared cured and released from hospitals. All the patients under treatment
    are generally in good condition, while the elderly and those suffering from
    chronic conditions are being carefully monitored. On Monday, the National
    Committee for Special Emergency Situations has decided to suspend courses in under-graduate
    schools over March 11th and 22nd in order to prevent the
    spreading of the disease. Road and rail transports between Romania and Italy have
    been suspended until March 31st 2020. Air companies have to announce
    their travelers from Italy, China, Iran and South Korea that they are going to
    be quarantined in Romania.

    EPIDEMIC The entire population of Italy, nearly 60 million people, were
    put under lockdown because of the COVID-19 epidemic, after the government
    decided to extend the restrictions introduced in northern Italy across the
    country. According to the Radio Romania correspondent, the order signed last
    night by PM Conte urges companies to allow employees to take annual leaves, so
    as to reduce travelling even for professional purposes. The decision comes
    after the number of coronavirus cases in Italy has reached over 10,000, with
    over 630 deaths. The new action plan, dubbed by PM Conte I’m staying home, took
    effect on Tuesday and is to stay in force until April 3. Travelling
    across the Peninsula has been restricted, except for emergencies, healthcare or
    business purposes. All schools and universities will be closed until April 3,
    public gatherings are forbidden, the football championship is suspended, and
    bars and restaurants will only be open until 6PM.

    GDP The Gross Domestic Product went up 0.1% in the Euro zone
    and 0.2% in the EU in the 4th quarter of 2019 compared to the previous
    quarter, according to data released on Tuesday by Eurostat, AFP reports. Among
    Member States, the strongest growth was reported in Ireland (1.8%), Malta
    (1.7%) and Romania (1.5%). In year-on-year terms, in Q4 2019 compared to the
    corresponding period of 2018, the GDP rose by 1% in the euro zone and 1.2% in
    the EU. The member countries with the highest growth rates were Ireland (6.3%),
    Hungary (4.6%), Malta (4.3%) and Romania (4.2%). For Romania, figures made
    public previously by the National Statistics Institute indicate that in 2019
    the GDP rose by 4.1% since 2018.

    TALKS Romania’s acting PM Ludovic Orban on Tuesday held talks with
    parliamentary parties and groups, on the roadmap for early elections. The vote
    could be held in June, but coronavirus concerns have prompted proposals to
    postpone it to this autumn, when parliamentary elections are also due. The only
    party that announced it would not take part in the talks is the Social Democratic
    Party, which claimed the political agenda of the National Liberal Party is
    completely at odds with the current priorities of the Romanian citizens.
    Meanwhile, on Thursday Parliament will be holding the investiture vote for the
    Cabinet headed by the PM designate Florin Citu.

    (translated by bill)

  • March 7, 2020 UPDATE

    March 7, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 On Saturday
    night Bucharest reported its first infection with coronavirus, a 49 year old
    Romanian national who came back from Italy in February. Romania has so far confirmed
    12 infections with COVID-19, the Group of Strategic Communication in Bucharest
    has announced. Three of the people infected have been declared cured and have
    left hospitals but the others are still being treated in medical centers across
    Romania. 16 people have been quarantined and other 13 thousand are isolated at
    home. Almost 6 thousand infections with the new coronavirus have been reported
    in Europe, most of the cases in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the United
    Kingdom. China, the country where the virus was first discovered in December, has
    reported 28 new cases but no infection has been discovered in the Hubei
    province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, for the second day in a row.
    The World Health Organization has reiterated its appeal that all countries should
    make containing the coronavirus outbreak their top priority. The virus has so
    far made it to 97 countries infecting over 100 thousand and killing 35 hundred
    mostly in China.

    RUGBY Romania’s national rugby side on Saturday was outperformed by Russia
    25-32 in an away game counting towards the fourth leg of Rugby Europe
    Championship, the continent’s second major competition after the Six Nations
    Championship. This has been Romania’s third defeat after the away matches
    against Georgia and Portugal. Our players only managed a 24-7 home win against
    Spain and will further take on Belgium also at home on March 14th.

    TENNIS According
    to the WTA webpage, the world’s no. 2 tennis player Simona Halep of Romania has
    withdrawn from the Indian Wells tennis tournament due to begin in California
    next week to recover from injuries. In 2015 Halep won her first Premier
    Mandatory title in Indian Wells after a finals win against Jelena Jankovic of
    Serbia. Last year’s finalist Angelique Kerber of Germany has also announced her
    intention not to participate for the same reason. This year’s edition of the
    prestigious sporting event will bring together 73 of the world’s best 80

    MIGRATION Turkey is repatriating
    the Syrian migrants at the border with Greece after a ceasefire for the Syrian
    province of Idlib was signed by the Turkish and Russian presidents, Recep
    Erdogan and Vladimir Putin respectively. Authorities in Ankara have already
    informed the migrants that the EU border has been closed down and that buses
    have been made available to take them to Istanbul and from there back to Syria.
    However the Greek border forces remain on high alert after Turkish Interior
    Minister Suleyman Soylu on Friday announced Ankara’s intention to deploy 1,000
    policemen along the Evros River at the border with Greece in order to prevent
    Athens from rejecting the migrants attempting to cross it. Romania’s interim
    Interior Minister Marcel Vela has informed the Greek authorities that Romania
    will increase the number of border police and their equipment in Greece. So,
    besides the 21 border police already stationed in Greece, Romania decided to
    add 8 more for the ground monitoring as well as a patrol ship with 24 crew
    members and two experts as part of the operational assistance plan for Greece,
    carried out under the aegis of the European Asylum Support Office.

    GOVERNMENT The Romanian Parliament will next week set a date for
    the investiture vote for the cabinet led by Prime Minister Designate Florin
    Catu. A joint session could be scheduled next Friday at the latest. 16 proposed
    ministers have been interviewed this week and nine of them got endorsement. The
    Catu cabinet has to muster 233 votes for Parliament support. We recall the
    first Liberal government, led by Ludovic Orban (leader of the National Liberal
    Party) has been sacked through a no-confidence vote. Orban’s second appointment
    was contested at the Constitutional Court by his Social Democratic opponents
    and the court, which took into consideration the declared intentions of the
    Liberals and the president to trigger snap elections and not to get a
    Parliament majority for the investiture vote, eventually ruled against Orban’s second

    (translated by bill)

  • March 7, 2020

    March 7, 2020

    COVID-19 Romania has
    so far confirmed 9 infections with COVID-19, the Group of Strategic
    Communication in Bucharest has announced. Three of the people infected have
    been declared cured and have left hospitals but the other 6 people are still being
    treated in medical centers in Timisoara, western Romania, Cluj Napoca, in the
    north-west, Iasi, in the east, and Craiova, in southern Romania. 16 people have
    been quarantined and other 13 thousand are isolated at home. Almost 6 thousand
    infections with the new coronavirus have been reported in Europe, most of the
    cases in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. China, the
    country where the virus was first discovered in December, has reported 28 new
    cases but no infection has been discovered in the Hubei province, the epicenter
    of the coronavirus outbreak, for the second day in a row. WHO has reiterated its
    appeal that all the countries should make containment of the coronavirus outbreak their top
    priority. The virus has so far made it to 97 countries infecting over 100
    thousand people.

    GOVERNMENT The Romanian Parliament will next week set a date for
    the investiture vote for the cabinet led by Prime Minister Designate Florin
    Catu. A joint session could be scheduled next Friday at the latest. 16 proposed
    ministers have been interviewed this week and nine of them got endorsement. The
    Catu cabinet has to muster 233 votes for Parliament support. We recall the
    first Liberal government, led by Ludovic Orban (leader of the National Liberal
    Party) has been sacked through a no-confidence vote. Orban’s second appointment
    was contested at the Constitutional Court by his Social Democratic opponents
    and the court, which took into consideration the declared intentions of the
    Liberals and the president to trigger snap elections and not to get a
    Parliament majority for the investiture vote, eventually ruled against Orban’s second

    MIGRATION Turkey is repatriating
    the Syrian migrants at the border with Greece after a ceasefire for the Syrian
    province of Idlib was signed by the Turkish and Russian presidents, Recep
    Erdogan and Vladimir Putin respectively. Authorities in Ankara have already
    informed the migrants that the EU border has been closed down and that buses
    have been made available to take them to Istanbul and from there back to Syria.
    However the Greek border forces remain on high alert after Turkish Interior
    Minister Suleyman Soylu on Friday announced Ankara’s intention to deploy 1,000
    policemen along the Evros River at the border with Greece in order to prevent
    Athens from rejecting the migrants attempting to cross it. Romania’s interim
    Interior Minister Marcel Vela has informed the Greek authorities that Romania
    will increase the number of border police and their equipment in Greece. So,
    besides the 21 border police already stationed in Greece, Romania decided to
    add 8 more for the ground monitoring as well as a patrol ship with 24 crew
    members and two experts as part of the operational assistance plan for Greece,
    carried out under the aegis of the European Asylum Support Office.

    TENNIS According
    to the WTA webpage, the world’s no. 2 tennis player Simona Halep of Romania has
    withdrawn from the Indian Wells tennis tournament due to begin in California
    next week to recover from injuries. In 2015 Halep won her first Premier
    Mandatory title in Indian Wells after a finals win against Jelena Jankovic of
    Serbia. Last year’s finalist Angelique Kerber of Germany has also announced her
    intention not to participate for the same reason. This year’s edition of the
    prestigious sporting event will bring together 73 of the world’s best 80

    (translated by bill)