Tag: Pfizer-BioNTech

  • UE începe campania de vaccinare

    UE începe campania de vaccinare

    Statele membre ale Uniunii Europene ar putea începe vaccinarea împotriva COVID-19 după Crăciun. Președinta Comisiei Europene a transmis joi, printr-un mesaj în rețeaua Twitter, că data de 27 decembrie va marca începerea campaniei de vaccinare în UE: Este momentul Europei. Pe 27, 28 și 29 decembrie vaccinarea va începe în toată UE. Ne protejăm cetățenii împreună. Suntem mai puternici împreună”, a scris Ursula von der Leyer.

    Vaccinul Pfizer-BioNTech ar primi aviz până miercuri

    Anterior, șefa Executivului european a mai transmis un mesaj în care sublinia că este nevoie ca 70% din populația Europei să fie vaccinată pentru ca pandemia să înceteze: “Este un obiectiv uriaș. Să începem vaccinarea cât de repede posibil, ca 27, în aceeași zi. Am rămas uniți în această pandemie, vom ieși din ea împreună și uniți.”

    Și ministrul sănătății din Germania a transmis că țara sa va începe la aceeași dată vaccinarea: În Germania vom începe, dacă aprobarea va veni conform planificării, pe 27 decembrie. Celelalte țări din UE vor să poată începe și vor să înceapă din 27 decembrie”, a declarat ministrul Jens Spahn.

    Potrivit Agenției Europene a Medicamentului, comercializarea vaccinului împotriva COVID-19, dezvoltat de companiile germană BioNTech şi americană Pfizer, ar trebui să primească aviz pozitiv, fie negativ cel mai târziu la 29 decembrie. Însă, conform unor oficiali de la Bruxelles, blocul comunitar ar putea aproba vaccinul Pfizer-BioNTech mai devreme, pe 23 decembrie.

    Alte 100 de milioane de doze, comandate de statele UE

    Totodată, Uniunea Europeană a decis să achiziționeze o cantitate suplimentară de 100 de milioane de doze din vaccinul împotriva coronavirusului dezvoltat de Pfizer-BioNTech, după ce în luna iulie a refuzat o ofertă pentru un acord mult mai mare, relatează agenția Reuters, citată de Agerpres.

    UE a acceptat să plătească 15,50 euro pentru fiecare doză de vaccin ceea ce înseamnă preţ total de până la 3,1 miliarde euro pentru 200 de milioane de doze, preţ care ar urma să crească la 4,65 miliarde euro dacă sunt cumpărate alte 100 milioane de doze de vaccin.

    Decizia de a achiziționa o altă tranșă a vaccinului Pfizer-BioNTech vine după ce alte vaccinuri comandate de UE au întâmpinat întârzieri cu prilejul testelor clinice, ceea ce a obligat blocul comunitar şi alte state bogate să se bazeze pentru moment pe vaccinurile oferite de un număr mai mic de producători decât estimau iniţial.

    Vrem să fi siguri că vom obţine mai multe doze pentru că cererea este mare“, a declarat un purtător de cuvânt al Comisiei Europene, joi, pentru Reuters.

    Vaccinul împotriva noului coronavirus, dezvoltat de Pfizer şi BioNTech, este primul care a fost aprobat de agenţiile occidentale de reglementare din domeniul medicamentelor, și a fost deja introdus pentru vaccinarea populație în Marea Britanie şi SUA .

  • December 17, 2020

    December 17, 2020

    Covid-19 RO. The
    President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is holding today a working meeting on the
    management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Attending the meeting are the interim
    Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă, the Minister of Health Nelu Tătaru, the Head of
    the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, and the coordinator of
    the national vaccination campaign against COVID-19, Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță. The
    list of the approximately 900 fixed vaccination centers, plus mobile caravans,
    in which the immunization against the SARS-CoV-2 virus will be made, is to be
    finalized today, and the distribution of the freezers necessary for storing the
    doses will start across the country. The first symbolic tranche of 10,000 doses
    of vaccine will arrive in Romania between Christmas and New Year and will be used
    in the infectious disease departments, Health Minister Nelu Tataru has stated,
    adding that the immunization of the
    general population will begin in the spring. In the first three months of the
    vaccination campaign, priority will be given to medical staff,
    institutionalized persons and those in the risk groups, but also those who
    ensure the functioning of society. Another 600,000 doses will arrive in Romania
    in January, and the third tranche will be of almost one million doses. Almost
    6,000 new cases of COVID-19 were reported on Wednesday in Romania. The total number
    of infections has exceeded 570,000, and the number of those who have died has exceeded
    13,860. In intensive care the number of patients remains high: 1,267.

    EU Budget. The
    European Parliament has approved the EU’s multiannual budget, valid from 1
    January for the next seven years and the recovery plan following the crisis triggered
    by the COVID-19 pandemic. The vote in the EU legislature was made possible
    after last week’s agreement in Brussels, when European leaders managed to
    persuade Hungary and Poland not to block this massive € 1.8 trillion funding
    plan. Romania will receive 46.3 billion Euros. Adding to this amount will be
    another 30.5 from the pandemic recovery plan.

    Pandemic. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has
    confirmed that laws introduced to relax Christmas-related health regulations
    remain unchanged, despite a sharp rise in SARS-CoV-2 infections. Restrictions
    across the UK will be relaxed between the 23rd and 27th of December, so that
    three families can get together in a so-called Christmas bubble,
    both indoors and outdoors. The Netherlands has closed non-essential shops, gyms
    and barbershops for five weeks, and home visits are restricted to two people
    from outside the home. Germany has entered a tough lockdown, until January
    10th, closing schools and non-essential businesses, but during Christmas there
    will be a slight relaxation of restrictions, and a home will be able to
    accommodate up to four close family members. On the other hand, France is
    opening up certain areas, which means the French can move freely to meet their
    families at Christmas. Pressured to speed up the process of evaluating vaccines
    against COVID-19, the European Medicines Agency will take a decision on 21
    December on the authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, eight days
    earlier than planned. The first COVID-19 vaccine will be authorized for use in
    the EU within a week and will be distributed on the same day, the President of
    the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen has announced. The
    Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is already being administered in the United States, the
    United Kingdom and Canada.

    Negotiations. In Romania,
    negotiations between the National Liberal Party, the Save Romania Union – PLUS
    Alliance and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians on the formation of a
    new, center-right, governing coalition could be resumed today, as the three
    parties could not reach an agreement in the past two days. The National Liberal
    Party has two proposals for prime minister: the current finance minister Florin
    Citu, and the former head of the Executive, the party president Ludovic Orban.
    According to the Liberals, this decision might render negotiations more
    flexible, but the Save Romania Union – PLUS Alliance has already rejected the
    idea of Orban reentering the race for prime-minister. On the other hand, the
    Social Democratic Party wants professor Alexandru Rafila to head the new
    government. President Klaus Iohannis has urged the parties to reach a
    compromise and said he would appoint any person backed by a center-right

    Decision. The interim government in Bucharest, led by the
    Minister of Defense, Nicolae Ciucă, wants to approve, in today’s meeting, a
    draft decision on the reorganization of the National Institute for Research and
    Development in Informatics. Thus, the Institute will be able to open, develop
    and put into practice the latest technologies and discoveries in the field of
    informatics and cyber security. The agenda also includes a draft decision on
    the establishment, organization and operation of the Museum of the Horrors of
    Communism in Romania. At the same time, two other projects will be approved
    regarding the payment of contributions to the Organization for Economic
    Cooperation and Development.The executive will also analyze a memorandum
    regarding the negotiation of the financing contract between Romania and the
    European Investment Bank, worth 250 million Euros, for the support of the Iaşi
    Regional Emergency Hospital (northeast).

    Commemoration. It’s
    a day of mourning today in Timişoara (western Romania), where, on December 17,
    1989, the dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu ordered the use of lethal ammunition
    against people who challenged, in the street, the communist regime he led. The
    protests in Timisoara, where almost 100 people died and about 350 were injured,
    were the spark that led, a few days later, to the fall of the dictator,
    following the bloodiest Revolution in Southeast Europe. In memory of the heroes
    of Timisoara, religious services, wreaths, a pilgrimage to the monuments
    erected in the city in the hottest places of the Revolution, an exhibition and
    a special meeting of the Local Council were also scheduled for this year’s

    Attack. The Foreign
    Ministry in Bucharest strongly condemns any act of violence and any form of
    xenophobia, racism and discrimination, after two Romanians were assaulted in
    France. Romanian diplomacy reiterates the importance of continuing the efforts
    made at the level of the European Union to combat xenophobia, discrimination of
    any kind and hate speech. Three people, including two Romanians, were attacked
    with a knife on December 12 in Antony, France. One of the injured Romanians was
    discharged, and the other continues to receive medical care in hospital. French
    authorities are investigating the attacker for the crime of attempted murder,
    committed on racial, ethnic or religious grounds. (M. Ignatescu)