Author: Ana-Maria Popescu

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “Super clear and very easy to understand

    David Merrick, Breslau, Ontario, Canada

    “For the future I will try to be an assiduous listener of your broadcasting station. I am retired and I start to cultivate my hobby of listening to foreign radios. I hope to receive as soon as possible your QSL. Kindest regards

    Faliero Mogno, Nodale, Italy

    “I really enjoyed listening to Radio Romania International

    Mattias Wedin, Sweden

    “A very good, clear signal, good quality audio. Its a nice change to listen to another radio station, I have found over time that Radio Romania gives a good selection of news and other radio related programmes.

    Mike Lee, Wolverhampton, England

    “Listened for the first time. I liked the music.

    Shota Nakahara, Japan

    “Just wanted to say thank you for all your great programs about Romania. Been a loyal listener for many years.

    Peter Hansen, USA

    “I think you are one of the best shortwave radio stations and your programmes are always interesting. I especially enjoy the cultural information and music. (…) It would be interesting to have a feature on the viewpoint of Romanians living in other European countries for example UK and what they think about life there. As always another great programme and especially liked the music choice. I will investigate more about the composer you played, thats for sure. 73s from Andrew

    Andrew Pitt, Berlin, Germany

    “In the news programme, I thank you again for a very good coverage of news on several important topics like the refugee crisis, EU issues, NATO & security related issues of the region, and recently the terror attacks in Brussels. Thanks also for giving a non-biased news presentation which is so rare these days. The recent continued terror threat to Europe is very worrying. I wish safety to Romanian people. Here in India, we also have a constant and serious terror threat especially from the cross border (also border infiltration issues), so we well understand what the situation may be like. Sometime I hear filler music being played during the broadcast. Sometime it is quite lengthy. I wonder if you can inject some good Romanian music in this gap instead of ordinary fillers. Thanks for all the great programmes.

    Soumya Bhattacharjee, West Bengal, India

    “I have enjoyed RRIs broadcasts for several years. You keep me informed on many aspects related to the EU and Romania. This is very useful to me.

    Hideaki Ishida, Japan

    “Hope you put in more music in the hour transmissions as they are pretty good. Richard Cook, UK

    “Greetings and peace. Im very pleased to send you my reception report and I thank you for all the radio programs you offer. Im following them with great interest and I wish you more and more success.

    Dahmani Rachid, Algeria

    “I enjoyed the topics farming land of high natural value and Carpathian wolves.

    Kanu Kumar Paul, Australia

    “I found the football player story quite interesting. I am a football fan. In 1994, I took my then ten year old son to the World Cup quarterfinal match in New York where Bulgaria upset Germany. Just recently, I visited my son who is now working in Abu Dhabi and he took me to a World Cup qualifying match between Palestine and UAE. These are memories for a lifetime. Thank you for your broadcasts, it is always a pleasure to start my day with your programmes.

    Dean Bonanno, Connecticut, USA

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “Super clear and very easy to understand

    David Merrick, Breslau, Ontario, Canada

    “For the future I will try to be an assiduous listener of your broadcasting station. I am retired and I start to cultivate my hobby of listening to foreign radios. I hope to receive as soon as possible your QSL. Kindest regards

    Faliero Mogno, Nodale, Italy

    “I really enjoyed listening to Radio Romania International

    Mattias Wedin, Sweden

    “A very good, clear signal, good quality audio. Its a nice change to listen to another radio station, I have found over time that Radio Romania gives a good selection of news and other radio related programmes.

    Mike Lee, Wolverhampton, England

    “Listened for the first time. I liked the music.

    Shota Nakahara, Japan

    “Just wanted to say thank you for all your great programs about Romania. Been a loyal listener for many years.

    Peter Hansen, USA

    “I think you are one of the best shortwave radio stations and your programmes are always interesting. I especially enjoy the cultural information and music. (…) It would be interesting to have a feature on the viewpoint of Romanians living in other European countries for example UK and what they think about life there. As always another great programme and especially liked the music choice. I will investigate more about the composer you played, thats for sure. 73s from Andrew

    Andrew Pitt, Berlin, Germany

    “In the news programme, I thank you again for a very good coverage of news on several important topics like the refugee crisis, EU issues, NATO & security related issues of the region, and recently the terror attacks in Brussels. Thanks also for giving a non-biased news presentation which is so rare these days. The recent continued terror threat to Europe is very worrying. I wish safety to Romanian people. Here in India, we also have a constant and serious terror threat especially from the cross border (also border infiltration issues), so we well understand what the situation may be like. Sometime I hear filler music being played during the broadcast. Sometime it is quite lengthy. I wonder if you can inject some good Romanian music in this gap instead of ordinary fillers. Thanks for all the great programmes.

    Soumya Bhattacharjee, West Bengal, India

    “I have enjoyed RRIs broadcasts for several years. You keep me informed on many aspects related to the EU and Romania. This is very useful to me.

    Hideaki Ishida, Japan

    “Hope you put in more music in the hour transmissions as they are pretty good. Richard Cook, UK

    “Greetings and peace. Im very pleased to send you my reception report and I thank you for all the radio programs you offer. Im following them with great interest and I wish you more and more success.

    Dahmani Rachid, Algeria

    “I enjoyed the topics farming land of high natural value and Carpathian wolves.

    Kanu Kumar Paul, Australia

    “I found the football player story quite interesting. I am a football fan. In 1994, I took my then ten year old son to the World Cup quarterfinal match in New York where Bulgaria upset Germany. Just recently, I visited my son who is now working in Abu Dhabi and he took me to a World Cup qualifying match between Palestine and UAE. These are memories for a lifetime. Thank you for your broadcasts, it is always a pleasure to start my day with your programmes.

    Dean Bonanno, Connecticut, USA

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “I started listening to RRI since December 2015, when I got a friend from Romania. I regularly tune my radio to RRI and enjoy the programs. The program provides very interesting news which I cannot hear in US and traditional Romanian music which is very enjoyable. Your programs are full of Romania tastes. I love your programs.

    (Masahiro Tsuyoshi, Brookfield, Wisconsin)

    “Thank you for the wonderful programming. Im back to shortwave after many years off and was happy to find your station. Nice music and news about the World Cup.

    (Aaron Rybski, Sugar Grove, Illinois, USA)

    “Dear friends at RRI, happy new year! I have recently moved from my home in Crystal River to the city of Gainesville, Florida. This was due to a permanent job offer, which began late last November. Since moving, I have had to reconfigure my radios and antenna. As always, RRI has an excellent signal into Eastern North America. I especially enjoy Sunday Studio. It is interesting to hear about your local current events and fairs. The music presented during the broadcast was very enjoyable. I will do my best to resume sending you regular reception reports. As always, I appreciate receiving your QSL card. Best wishes to you all!

    (Tim Marecki, Gainesville, Florida, USA)

    “As a regular listener and monthly reporter I continue to enjoy the information and entertainment value of your shortwave broadcasts. If correct, I ask you to please verify this report with a QSL card.

    (Andrew Sirianni, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada)

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “I started listening to RRI since December 2015, when I got a friend from Romania. I regularly tune my radio to RRI and enjoy the programs. The program provides very interesting news which I cannot hear in US and traditional Romanian music which is very enjoyable. Your programs are full of Romania tastes. I love your programs.

    (Masahiro Tsuyoshi, Brookfield, Wisconsin)

    “Thank you for the wonderful programming. Im back to shortwave after many years off and was happy to find your station. Nice music and news about the World Cup.

    (Aaron Rybski, Sugar Grove, Illinois, USA)

    “Dear friends at RRI, happy new year! I have recently moved from my home in Crystal River to the city of Gainesville, Florida. This was due to a permanent job offer, which began late last November. Since moving, I have had to reconfigure my radios and antenna. As always, RRI has an excellent signal into Eastern North America. I especially enjoy Sunday Studio. It is interesting to hear about your local current events and fairs. The music presented during the broadcast was very enjoyable. I will do my best to resume sending you regular reception reports. As always, I appreciate receiving your QSL card. Best wishes to you all!

    (Tim Marecki, Gainesville, Florida, USA)

    “As a regular listener and monthly reporter I continue to enjoy the information and entertainment value of your shortwave broadcasts. If correct, I ask you to please verify this report with a QSL card.

    (Andrew Sirianni, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada)

  • New regulations for asylum seekers

    New regulations for asylum seekers

    On January 19, 2016, the Government of Romania passed new secondary legislation on the National Asylum Law.

    The new rules regulate the increase of the amount granted by Romania to asylum applicants having no means of supporting themselves, as well as the cases in which asylum applicants may be involved in community services in the reception centres where they are accommodated.

    The applicants in specialized reception centres for a 10-month period may now get an amount covering, according to the Romanian Institute for Quality of Life Research, basic expenses with food, clothing and accommodation.

    However, in case the asylum seekers are found to have the means to cover their living expenses, the General Immigration Inspectorate may order the suspension or reimbursement of aid.

    The text of the Government Resolution can be accessed at:

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Elijah Henyel, Scotland: “I wish to express my greetings and good wishes from the highlands of Scotland. I have been listening to your broadcasts since the end of April 2014 – except for a couple of months when I moved from my house – and thoroughly enjoy the change your shows provide from the local stations. (I found last years show on Romanian traditions particularly interesting.) Keep up the good work!

    Christer Brunström, Halmstad, Sweden: “It was interesting to hear about World Children’s Day (which I had completely forgotten). We had Mother’s Day yesterday. May 29-31 I took part in this year’s DX-Parliament, a get-together of members of the Swedish DX-Federation. This year’s edition took Place in Falkenberg just North of Halmstad. We had the AGM of the Federation but also talks on shortwave radio from the USA, Pirate radio, a visit to Radio Wake Up, Falkenberg’s local radio station. It all ended on Sunday with a visit to the historic Grimeton Radio Station, a UNESCO heritage site.

    James Obrien, Cardiff, GB: “Hello Radio Romania, Your transmission I received this morning to western Europe for half an hour on 9.700 Khz. Newsreel was listened to intently for the latest update of news and information, as was the feature that followed, regarding the Romanian health system and how it is in a modern day Romania. On business club you touched on a switch over from the Romanian Lei to the Euro, a plan that seems to may possibly be going ahead come the 1st of January of 2019, this would I am sure be a huge step forward for many Romanians but also not so for others maybe who may wish to hold on to the current currency of the country. I know that here in the UK we ourselves appear to be split on the same subject when the topic has come up of adopting to the EU currency or keeping hold of the British. I also heard on this broadcast a pleasant song on hit of the day entitled I love you and Cultural Event. Please do keep up your hard work in supplying us, your listeners, with what you do best, and I shall be looking forward to report in to you again soon. Best regards.

    Alan Gale, UK: “Hello, friends at RRI, As always, I enjoy hearing all of your broadcasts, and listen every day, and enjoy hearing about life in Romania. Amongst the many features covered this month, one that caught my attention was the piece about the Pegas bicycles, which I hadn’t heard of before, looking at some of them on the internet they look quite impressive. It’s good to hear that they are back in production again, and I hope the manufacturers sell lots of them, and we even see some in the UK one day. It’s the 1st of June here today, but it feels more like the 1st of March, and I wonder if summer will ever arrive here. I hope that Romania is much warmer and drier. My best regards to you all till next time, I always enjoy listening to RRI, and thank you for all your work on making the programmes interesting to us.

    Peter Boek, Germany: “Dear friends, I still try to listen to your station from time to time, beside my job which sucks a lot of my power and energy. Is my view correct, that after President Klaus Iohannis came to his office, the political atmosphere did change? Before he took over the presidency of Romania we could hear more about rivalry between the political parties. Or is it the silence before a big storm is heading to your country? I hope President Klaus Iohannis will lead your country to a better future. Kind regards.

    Henry Zapata, CT, USA: “Dear RRI, Im including my May report for the Listeners Club. Reception has been very good most nights at 0000 UTC and even pretty good at 0300 UTC. I continue to listen often and as Ive probably said in the past: thank you for being one of the few stations that still broadcasts on shortwave from Europe. Best wishes to the English Section at RRI.

    John Fisher, MA, USA: “As always, I enjoy your broadcasts. It is fun to listen to the listeners letters. You never know if one will be read by a person who lives in your town. Yes, it has happened before… years ago, and we are friends now. I wish to thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    John Cooper, PA, USA: “I really enjoy listening to RRI as I always do. The economic news was good and shows that Romania is growing nicely and meeting its economic targets. This is important for stability. The news announcers speak English very well. One problem I do have is in understanding their names as they usually say their names very fast. This is probably due to my not being able to pronounce Romanian. Other than that the whole program comes through very well and it is interesting to me. Your station has always been one of my favourites, and will continue to be. My only wish is that the program was longer than 30 minutes as it seemed to go by very fast with all the great information that was given out. Once again thanks.

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Elijah Henyel, Scotland: “I wish to express my greetings and good wishes from the highlands of Scotland. I have been listening to your broadcasts since the end of April 2014 – except for a couple of months when I moved from my house – and thoroughly enjoy the change your shows provide from the local stations. (I found last years show on Romanian traditions particularly interesting.) Keep up the good work!

    Christer Brunström, Halmstad, Sweden: “It was interesting to hear about World Children’s Day (which I had completely forgotten). We had Mother’s Day yesterday. May 29-31 I took part in this year’s DX-Parliament, a get-together of members of the Swedish DX-Federation. This year’s edition took Place in Falkenberg just North of Halmstad. We had the AGM of the Federation but also talks on shortwave radio from the USA, Pirate radio, a visit to Radio Wake Up, Falkenberg’s local radio station. It all ended on Sunday with a visit to the historic Grimeton Radio Station, a UNESCO heritage site.

    James Obrien, Cardiff, GB: “Hello Radio Romania, Your transmission I received this morning to western Europe for half an hour on 9.700 Khz. Newsreel was listened to intently for the latest update of news and information, as was the feature that followed, regarding the Romanian health system and how it is in a modern day Romania. On business club you touched on a switch over from the Romanian Lei to the Euro, a plan that seems to may possibly be going ahead come the 1st of January of 2019, this would I am sure be a huge step forward for many Romanians but also not so for others maybe who may wish to hold on to the current currency of the country. I know that here in the UK we ourselves appear to be split on the same subject when the topic has come up of adopting to the EU currency or keeping hold of the British. I also heard on this broadcast a pleasant song on hit of the day entitled I love you and Cultural Event. Please do keep up your hard work in supplying us, your listeners, with what you do best, and I shall be looking forward to report in to you again soon. Best regards.

    Alan Gale, UK: “Hello, friends at RRI, As always, I enjoy hearing all of your broadcasts, and listen every day, and enjoy hearing about life in Romania. Amongst the many features covered this month, one that caught my attention was the piece about the Pegas bicycles, which I hadn’t heard of before, looking at some of them on the internet they look quite impressive. It’s good to hear that they are back in production again, and I hope the manufacturers sell lots of them, and we even see some in the UK one day. It’s the 1st of June here today, but it feels more like the 1st of March, and I wonder if summer will ever arrive here. I hope that Romania is much warmer and drier. My best regards to you all till next time, I always enjoy listening to RRI, and thank you for all your work on making the programmes interesting to us.

    Peter Boek, Germany: “Dear friends, I still try to listen to your station from time to time, beside my job which sucks a lot of my power and energy. Is my view correct, that after President Klaus Iohannis came to his office, the political atmosphere did change? Before he took over the presidency of Romania we could hear more about rivalry between the political parties. Or is it the silence before a big storm is heading to your country? I hope President Klaus Iohannis will lead your country to a better future. Kind regards.

    Henry Zapata, CT, USA: “Dear RRI, Im including my May report for the Listeners Club. Reception has been very good most nights at 0000 UTC and even pretty good at 0300 UTC. I continue to listen often and as Ive probably said in the past: thank you for being one of the few stations that still broadcasts on shortwave from Europe. Best wishes to the English Section at RRI.

    John Fisher, MA, USA: “As always, I enjoy your broadcasts. It is fun to listen to the listeners letters. You never know if one will be read by a person who lives in your town. Yes, it has happened before… years ago, and we are friends now. I wish to thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    John Cooper, PA, USA: “I really enjoy listening to RRI as I always do. The economic news was good and shows that Romania is growing nicely and meeting its economic targets. This is important for stability. The news announcers speak English very well. One problem I do have is in understanding their names as they usually say their names very fast. This is probably due to my not being able to pronounce Romanian. Other than that the whole program comes through very well and it is interesting to me. Your station has always been one of my favourites, and will continue to be. My only wish is that the program was longer than 30 minutes as it seemed to go by very fast with all the great information that was given out. Once again thanks.

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Rajdeep Das, Kolkata, India: “RRI programs are always my favourites, and whenever I can manage time (especially during weekend mornings) I tune in. The sheer variety of your programs, with lots of information on News, Culture and Life in Romania enriches me. Please carry on the good work.”

    John C. Cooper, USA: “Keep up the great work you do transmitting SW to the US. And other places. I listen daily and really enjoy the programs. I am especially interested in Romanian culture, history and current events with an emphasis on Romania’s feelings towards the recent Russian aggression and NATO participation.”

    Robert Krolikowski, USA: “Despite the deficiencies in reception, I was able to make out portions of the contents of your broadcast. There was that interesting feature about the role that the Danube River had played in developing the Romanian economy. It was mentioned, too, that this particular river also has had an impact upon those neighbouring nations located near Romania. Another feature had to do with a certain prominent and wealthy family who had influenced life in Romania. It is an example of wealthy people who sometimes have a way of becoming popular and thereby using their status to influence the public in a beneficial way. I look forward to tune in to your spring-summer broadcasts to North America.”

    John Fisher, USA: “I am sending a reception report to you towards membership in the RRI Listeners Club. I also wish to thank you for the beautiful QSL cards which you recently sent me. They are really nice! I always enjoy your broadcasts, as they are a great source of news on both Romania, and what takes place from a European perspective. I hope you will continue to broadcast on short wave. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please accept my best wishes.”

    Hans Verner Lollike, Denmark: “Dear friends at RRI! Thank you for the beautiful QSL card I received today. Your Black Sea contest is of course full of wonderful memories. Just to mention one: one day the weather was really bad. Strong wind, black clouds on the black sea. I did take my raincoat and warm clothes and walk along the beach all the way to Mangalia. In sunshine the beach would be full of tourists, but it was almost empty. It was an impressive panorama.”

    Atsuhisa Kageyama, Japan: “This report is the first about the new schedule. Your reception condition was quite good here in Osaka, so I wanted to inform you as soon as possible. I will be very happy if this report is useful for your station. During this reception, I was able to hear many Romanian stories. There were history shows, a feature on energy projects and news. I also heard some popular songs in Romania, which sound very nice to me. I usually listen to your English language programme every Saturday and Sunday morning.”

    Dmitry Zhavoronkov, Russia: “I listen to your radio constantly. I usually listen to short wave and via the internet. Your program, I think it is very interesting and informative. I especially like your information programs, from which I learn about the events taking place in Romania.”

    Lars Bergstrom, Sweden: “Hello, radio friends! At this very moment I’m sitting by my shortwave receiver tuning in to your broadcast. I have been listening to Radio Romania from time to time since 1970. I tend to listen more often nowadays, as Radio Romania has nice programmes and is one of the few European stations left on the shortwave band. Please keep up your service! It’s a real joy to be able to tune in to your broadcasts. The Sunday programme mix is very enjoyable, so I mostly listen to that programme.”

    Dominik Biech, Poland: “Dear friends at RRI, first of all, I would like to thank you very much for answering my last question. It’s been a while since I have written my last letter. I had very little time for radio listening in the recent months, but I have been tuning in to your broadcasts at least once a week. I especially enjoyed the music programmes, mainly those dedicated to jazz.”

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Rajdeep Das, Kolkata, India: “RRI programs are always my favourites, and whenever I can manage time (especially during weekend mornings) I tune in. The sheer variety of your programs, with lots of information on News, Culture and Life in Romania enriches me. Please carry on the good work.”

    John C. Cooper, USA: “Keep up the great work you do transmitting SW to the US. And other places. I listen daily and really enjoy the programs. I am especially interested in Romanian culture, history and current events with an emphasis on Romania’s feelings towards the recent Russian aggression and NATO participation.”

    Robert Krolikowski, USA: “Despite the deficiencies in reception, I was able to make out portions of the contents of your broadcast. There was that interesting feature about the role that the Danube River had played in developing the Romanian economy. It was mentioned, too, that this particular river also has had an impact upon those neighbouring nations located near Romania. Another feature had to do with a certain prominent and wealthy family who had influenced life in Romania. It is an example of wealthy people who sometimes have a way of becoming popular and thereby using their status to influence the public in a beneficial way. I look forward to tune in to your spring-summer broadcasts to North America.”

    John Fisher, USA: “I am sending a reception report to you towards membership in the RRI Listeners Club. I also wish to thank you for the beautiful QSL cards which you recently sent me. They are really nice! I always enjoy your broadcasts, as they are a great source of news on both Romania, and what takes place from a European perspective. I hope you will continue to broadcast on short wave. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please accept my best wishes.”

    Hans Verner Lollike, Denmark: “Dear friends at RRI! Thank you for the beautiful QSL card I received today. Your Black Sea contest is of course full of wonderful memories. Just to mention one: one day the weather was really bad. Strong wind, black clouds on the black sea. I did take my raincoat and warm clothes and walk along the beach all the way to Mangalia. In sunshine the beach would be full of tourists, but it was almost empty. It was an impressive panorama.”

    Atsuhisa Kageyama, Japan: “This report is the first about the new schedule. Your reception condition was quite good here in Osaka, so I wanted to inform you as soon as possible. I will be very happy if this report is useful for your station. During this reception, I was able to hear many Romanian stories. There were history shows, a feature on energy projects and news. I also heard some popular songs in Romania, which sound very nice to me. I usually listen to your English language programme every Saturday and Sunday morning.”

    Dmitry Zhavoronkov, Russia: “I listen to your radio constantly. I usually listen to short wave and via the internet. Your program, I think it is very interesting and informative. I especially like your information programs, from which I learn about the events taking place in Romania.”

    Lars Bergstrom, Sweden: “Hello, radio friends! At this very moment I’m sitting by my shortwave receiver tuning in to your broadcast. I have been listening to Radio Romania from time to time since 1970. I tend to listen more often nowadays, as Radio Romania has nice programmes and is one of the few European stations left on the shortwave band. Please keep up your service! It’s a real joy to be able to tune in to your broadcasts. The Sunday programme mix is very enjoyable, so I mostly listen to that programme.”

    Dominik Biech, Poland: “Dear friends at RRI, first of all, I would like to thank you very much for answering my last question. It’s been a while since I have written my last letter. I had very little time for radio listening in the recent months, but I have been tuning in to your broadcasts at least once a week. I especially enjoyed the music programmes, mainly those dedicated to jazz.”