Author: Daniel Bilț

  • The macrocosm

    The macrocosm

    Today we invite you to discover or rediscover an interesting field of activity, namely astronomy. I don’t know about you but I’ve always been fascinated by stars, planets nebulas…you know, the macrocosm. While I was a kid I was very fond of a TV series about our universe hosted by American astronomer Carl Sagan.

    Now I invite you to have a look at some words and expressions;

    Planet Earth — Planeta Pamant

    Star — Stea

    Asteroid — Asteroid

    The Moon — Luna

    The Sun — Soarele

    Telescope — Telescop

    Astronomy — Astronomie

    Meteorite — Meteorit

    Star cluster — Roi de stele

    Galaxy — Galaxie

    Nebula – Nebuloasa

    Now let’s put these words into phrases.

    Our solar system comprises nine planets. Sistemul nostru solar are noua planete.

    There are billions of stars in the universe — Sunt miliarde de stele in univers.

    The Helix Nebula is one of the best-known nebulas in the universe. – Nebuloasa Helix este una dintre cele mai cunoscute in univers.

    The asteroid belt is between the orbits of planet Mars and Jupiter. – Centura de asteroizi se afla intre orbitele planetelor Marte si Jupiter.

    There is no life on Mars. — Nu exista viata pe Marte.

  • Listening to music

    Listening to music

    This installment addresses music lovers and not only as anyone can encounter a situation where they might need to talk and know a couple of things about music and artists.

    Let’s first have a look at a few words.

    Music – Muzica

    Composer – Compozitor

    Music lover – Meloman

    Concert – Concert

    An Aria – O arie

    A symphony — O simfonie

    Pop Music — Muzica Usoara

    Singer songwriter – Cantautor

    A hit — Un slagar

    Now let’s combine these words into some phrases:

    Nu sunt pasionat de muzica populara. Traditional music is not exactly my cup of tea.

    Imi place muzica simfonica — I am more into classical music

    Acesta este compozitorul meu favorit – This is my favourite composer

    In seara asta vom merge la concert — Tonight we’ll go to a concert

    Aceasta arie celebra apartine lui Mozart — This famous aria belongs to Mozart.

    Acum ascultam o sinfonie pentru violoncel si orchestra — Now we are listening to a symphony for cello and orchestra

    Muzica usoara este foarte placuta — Pop music is very pleasant

    Acest cantautor are multe slagare in repertoriul sau — This singer songwriter has many hits in his repertoire.

    Hoping that we’ve helped you to improve your survival Romanian we’ll take our leave of you now. Until next week, it’s good bye. La revedere!