Category: RRI Encyclopaedia

  • The Romanian avant-garde movement

    The Romanian avant-garde movement

    We owe the birth of the Dada movement at Zurich’s Cabaret Voltaire in 1916 to the Romanian poet Tristan Tzara and the architect and fine artist Marcel Iancu. Professor Cristian Robert Velescu tells us more about the combination between literature and the fine arts, which characterised the avant-garde movement, both in Romania and Western Europe.

    Professor Cristian Robert Velescu: ”An important Romanian avant-garde name in the area of fine arts is that of Victor Brauner, who is closely linked to leading avant-garde magazines in Romania, such as 75 HP, Integral and UNU, which was founded by Sasa Pana and was the only Romanian publication open to surrealism, the founding trend for the European avant-garde movement. The fine arts component of the avant-garde goes hand in hand with its literary component, as artistic synthesis is typical of the avant-garde movement worldwide. I’ll give you the well-known example related to the birth of the 75 HP magazine, which was very open towards dadaism. In the pages of the magazine, its two founders, the painter Victor Brauner and the poet Ilarie Voronca, created a particular phenomenon known as pictopoetry. This is neither painting, nor poetry, but a synthetic phenomenon.”

    Dadaism came to an end in 1922, as its very founder Tristan Tzara bluntly put it at the time. Tthe avant-garde movement, however, continued in the form of surrealism and constructivism. In Romania, the avant-garde movement flourished following the appearance of a great number of magazines, such as Contimporanul, a magazine founded by the poet Ion Vinea and the architect Marcel Iancu, who had returned to Bucharest from the West. In the first issue of this magazine, dated May 1924, Ion Vinea published an inflammatory article in which he urged artists to abandon the outmoded means of expression they had been indulging in until then and try something new. Titled Activist Manifesto for the Youth, Vinea’s text may be viewed as the platform of the Romanian avant-garde. A number of likeminded artists clustered around Marcel Iancu and the Contimporanul magazine. One such artist was one of Constantin Brancusi’s former students, Milita Petrascu, who would go on to become one of Romania’s leading sculptors, as well as an accomplished graphic artist. Here is Professor Cristian Robert Velescu again, speaking about Milita Petrascu’s artistic affiliations”

    Professor Cristian Robert Velescu: “Milita Petrascu is a phenomenon in itself, as she is placed at the crossroads of two leading trends of her time: modernity and the avant-garde movement. Modernity was a wider phenomenon that also had close ties with the artistic tradition, while the avant-garde movement was an iconoclastic trend. Constantin Brancusi, in whose studio Milita Petrascu worked for a while is, in my opinion, a representative of modernity that embraces a classical vein. Milita Petrascu left Brancusi’s studio, remaining on friendly terms with her mentor, and she returned to Bucharest where she joined the avant-garde movement. She became an important representative of the fine arts activity of the Contimporanul magazine and fully complied with the ideological programme laid out by Ion Vinea and Marcel Iancu. After her avant-garde experience, Milita Petrascu became more balanced in her works, which is not to say that she betrayed her creed, but that she found in portrait art an area of expression to which she lent a special dimension. Hers is not a conventional form of art, but a kind of art that feeds on creativity. Traces of her avant-garde endeavour can also be found in her new works created in the inter-war and post-war years. It may, perhaps, be worth noting that Milita Petrascu lived in a house designed by Marcel Iancu, in a very avant-garde environment.

    Born in 1892, Milita Petrascu died in Bucharest in 1976. Marcel Iancu, who was born in 1895 and became settled in Palestine in 1940, died in Israel, in 1984.

  • Miorita Fountain in Bucharest

    Miorita Fountain in Bucharest

    Miorita Fountain is one of the symbols of the city, even though it doesn’t have as long a history as some of the other representative monuments. One such monument is the Minovici Villa, or the Bell Villa, as it is known, built in 1905 right across from the fountain. It was built in 1936 for the exhibition entitled ‘Bucharest Month’, an exhibition placed between what is now the Press House and the present location of the fountain, an area which back then was not incorporated in the city.

    A young architect was contracted to build it, Octav Doicescu, who was to go on to build Zodiac Fountain in Carol Park, and to design Herastrau Park, flanking the main northern avenue in Bucharest, Jianu Roadway, now called Airmen’s Boulevard, which is also close to Miorita Fountain. Doicescu imprinted a modernist look on the area, as architect Cristian Mihu told us:

    Cristian Mihu “Those were the peak years of the modernist style, when good quality modernist architecture started cropping up all over the country, especially in Bucharest. The fountain is part of this style, and Octav Doicescu was one of the foremost Romanian architects after the war. Miorita Fountain is one of his early creations. He had not yet turned 40, and had not designed many buildings before that. Basically, we are dealing with a modernist monumental fountain, which is a rarity in Bucharest. It has two walls made of granite cut from Dobrogea, and water spouts out of them in a basin 50 m by 20 m. On the sides of the walls we have the two rectangular mosaics made by Milita Petrascu, which feature the famous traditional ballad ‘Miorita’ — “The Ewe Lamb”. On the east side of the fountain we have the three shepherds with their flocks, and on the other side, facing Minovici Villa, are the Moldavian shepherd’s betrothal and death. The friezes are in simple black and white mosaic, straight into the stone.”

    Under the mosaics, small streams of water spring out of the mouths of fantastic beasts. The babbling of the water blended with the bell chimes from the nearby villa in a sort of water music enjoyed by passers by in quieter times. Today, when the villa no longer chimes, and traffic is stifling, the music is gone.

    The creator of the mosaic, Milita Petrascu, who was born in Chisinau, the present-day Republic of Moldova, in 1892 and passed away in Bucharest in 1974, is considered to be one of the leading Romanian sculptors, and was also a painter. Her artistic roots are in the avant-garde of the early 20th century, being also linked to Constantin Brancusi, whose student she was in Paris in the 1920s. In designing the Miorita Fountain mosaic, she had some invaluable help, and architect Cristian Mihu told us about it:

    Cristian Mihu: “There was a third person, less known, a ceramist called Gheorghe Mogos-Niculescu, who made the mosaic based on Milita Petrascu’s drawings. She was the graphic designer, helped with the graphic work by Mogos-Niculescu. This work was given to a team of young artists, that gave it its special look, totally different from that which fountains used to have. It was in the spirit of those times to seek something new, in line with the explorations that occurred all over Europe at that time. It was not, however, an avant-garde work of art. Romanian modernism in architecture is characterized by the fact that it did not wish to revolutionize art radically, it was simply a novel movement put in the service of a national ideal, we may say.”

    Restored in 2005, after many years of neglect, Miorita Fountain now stands as an impressive fountain, just as its creators imagined it 78 years ago.

  • The architect Cristofi Cerchez

    The architect Cristofi Cerchez

    Taking shape in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, the neo-Romanian style in architecture gained popularity both among private homeowners and commissioners of public works. A mixture of traditional architecture and the Romanian Renaissance, the new style was promoted primarily by architect Ion Mincu and his students, one of whom was Hristea Cristofi Cerchez, born on July 5th, 1872 in a family with Armenian roots. Many of his works can still be seen in Bucharest and elsewhere in the country. Art historian Oana Marinache gave us a few details on the life of architect Cerchez:

    “His family came to Moldavia, most likely via Poland, and settled in Botosani at the end of the 18th Century. Cristofi’s father, Pavel, worked in agriculture as a manager of landed properties. Looking for a job that would enable him to raise his 18 children, he reached Wallachia and settled in the town of Alexandria. This is where Cristofi attended primary school. He graduated from a secondary school in Bucharest. Culture was important in his family: his father had many friends among the leading painters and writers of the time. This environment benefited the children, some of whom are known to have made a career in music. Cristofi himself wrote songs and was a member of the church choir, but his true calling was architecture and engineering.”

    After graduating from the Bucharest School of Road and Bridge Engineering, Cristofi Cerchez furthered his education in Milan, at the School of Fine Arts, where he went on a scholarship offered by a Romanian philanthropist. At the end of the 19th Century, he returned to Romania to practise architecture here. Here is Oana Marinache again:

    “His first commission was not in Bucharest, but in Campulung Muscel. Between 1899 and 1900, Cristofi Cerchez designed and built a house for the Liberal politician Eugeniu Statescu. In Bucharest, his first work was a house for Dr Minovici. Rumour has it that, due to the friendship between the owner and the architect and their common taste in architecture, Cristofi Cerchez designed it for free. Dr. Minovici wanted this building to be special, because it was not designed for living, but for hosting his folk art collection. The house was built between 1904 and 1906. So in 1906 we have the opening of the first private folk art museum in Romania. A few years later, the Romanian Peasant Museum was opened, in the northern part of the city.”

    As a rule, those who commissioned works to Cristofi Cerchez were low-ranking nobility, rather than well established names in the high society of the time. Dr. Minovici introduced Cerchez to members of Bucharest’s medical profession, and he later designed a wing of the Forensic Medicine Institute and the Polizu Maternity Hospital, as well as a number of drug stores. These and other buildings prove the architect’s preference for the neo-Romanian style, says art historian Oana Marinache:

    “Cristofi was consistent throughout his career. Starting from the model offered by architect Ion Mincu, which influenced him in the first years of his career, Cristofi defined his own style around 1910-1911, and called it ‘the Romanian style’. It is what we call today neo-Romanian or national style. It was inspired by the traditional Wallachian architecture in the Arges and Campulung Muscel area, and by the houses of tradesmen in Ploiesti and the hilly regions along the Carpathians.”

    These were not big mansions, but rather small buildings, often using traditional building materials. They had wooden cellar gates, an element that Cerchez also used in the houses he designed in Bucharest. The windows were decorated with traditional vegetable and animal motifs. Cerchez also used wood pillars with geometrical engravings. He usually resorted to Italian workers, who were coming to Bucharest in large numbers in those days, and the quality of their work was highly appreciated. The architect died in 1955, after more than 45 years of ceaseless work to improve Bucharest’s urban landscape.

  • The Dacian Koson

    The Dacian Koson

    It was named after the Dacian king Koson and it is the only golden coin known to have been minted in ancient Dacia. Koson succeeded king Burebista, who reigned over a large territory between the years 82 and 44 BC. After Burebista’s death, apparently following a conspiracy, his kingdom was divided into 5 smaller ones. One of them was allegedly ruled by Koson, one of those who had actually planned Burebista’s assassination.

    Historical information about the Koson is scarce and contradictory, the very name being a source of controversy. There are documents mentioning the name “Cotiso”, which historians identified with “Koson”. Roman historian Lucius Annaeus Florus, who lived between 74 and 130 wrote “the Dacians cannot be taken away from their mountains. From there, under the rule of king Cotiso, they used to go down and ravage the neighboring lands, whenever the River Danube, frozen in winter, would make access from one shore to another possible. Augustus decided to remove that population, which was very hard to approach. So he sent Lentulus and he set up garrisons and drove them away to the other shore. So the Dacians could not be defeated, only pushed away and scattered.”

    Koson got involved in the civil conflict in Rome, between Brutus and members of the second triumvirate (Octavian, Marcus Antonius, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus), as an ally of the first. He then became an ally of Octavian Augustus against Marcus Antonius, whom Roman historian Suetonius spoke about in one of his writings, quote “Marcus Antonius writes that Octavian first promised his daughter Iulia to his son Antonious, then to Cotiso, king of the Getaes.” Cotiso’s identification with Koson is based on a version of Suetoniu’s writing in which it is written “Koson, king of the Getaes”. Other historians reject the idea of Cotiso and Koson being the same person, and they claim they were actually two kings.

    As for the koson coin, historians and archeologists say that those that were engraved with the Greek letters making the word KOSON, discovered in the Dacian fortresses in the Sebes Mountains, southwestern Romania, were issued during the reign of that king. The first such coin was discovered back in 1543, and since then thousands of coins have been discovered. The classical coin is an imitation of the Roman one, and has on one side a vulture sitting on a royal scepter, holding bay leaves in its claws. On the other side of the coin there are three men wearing togae, one of them a consul, accompanied by two lectors with pole axes on their shoulders.

    The Dacian Koson coins also attracted treasure hunters, not only researchers or aficionados. The area of the Sarmizegetusa Regia site, located in the Southern Carpathians’ western part, has become a place where smugglers, fitted with metal detectors, unearthed precious Koson coins that were later illegally sold in the West. Of late, 26 Koson-type golden Dacian coins have been returned to Romania by Italy, thanks to the joint work carried out by Romanian and Italian authorities. Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu is the director of Romania’s National History Museum. He has made an inventory of archaeological items unearthed from Romanian sites that have been repatriated since 2007.

    Among them, the Koson coins are a very important retrieval: ” This has been the 11th repatriation operation initiated since the winter of 2007, when important assets of Romania’s national cultural heritage have been unearthed as part of an illegal archeological detection operation carried out at the Sarmizegetuss site and its surroundings. These assets were illegally exported from Romania and are now being repatriated. So far, 13 royal Dacian bracelets were repatriated, as well as 1,024 Koson golden coins, 204 Koson silver coins, 32 Lysimachos coins, minted in Tomis and Callatis, 2 royal Dacian iron shields, and with them, lots of other archaeological and numismatic items. Retrieved so far have been items from the USA, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Ireland and Great Britain. We’re now fortunate enough to see that 27 coins have been returned to Romania, which had been put up for sale in Italy”.

    Apart from the 26 Koson coins being returned from Italy, specialists have also announced other 138 Dacian coins of the same type have been scientifically examined. The coins have been discovered by a group of children around Ocolisul Mare village in Hunedoara County.

  • The Cassasovici Family

    The Cassasovici Family

    In the early 19th century, the Romanian Principalities underwent a modernization process, which paved the way for the emergence of new social classes, such as the bourgeoisie. Alongside the traditional boyars’ class in the Principalities, the bourgeoisie made its own contribution to the country’s subsequent progress.

    One of the bourgeois families which, for several generations, would climb the social ladder from the bottom all the way up to the top was the Cassasovici family. The history of this family has recently been outlined in a volume entitled “The Cassasovici Family, 1810-1976. Five generations in Romania.” The volume was brought out by the Vremea Publishers in Bucharest. It is a family saga, written by one of the descendants, Dan Cassasovici, who used the memoirs of his great-grandfather, grandfather and father. Speaking about this volume, here is the historian Mihai Dimitrie Sturdza, a friend of the family.

    Mihai Dimitrie Sturdza: ”Dan Cassasovici provides a very honest account of his early ancestors, who came to Romania as grocers, merchants, owners of big stores that got bigger and bigger. The family includes a participant in the 1877 Independence War, a string of industry creators who got rich and climbed one step further on the social ladder. The Cassasovici family missed the chance to become boyars because, when its members began to rise socially, a new law of the United Romanian Principalities did away with the boyar ranks, which had been the target of those who were making money. The Cassasovici family, however, were too late for that. In time, however, the so-called high-class in Romanian society was created through the merging of several families. All of them were taken by the communist secret police, the Securitate, for investigations or straight to prison, where many of them lost their lives. I met Dan Cassasovici in the 1950s or 1960s, when I also met his grandfather, Corneliu, in the Ghencea selection camp. Cornel Cassasovici was well over 70, and I, at seventeen, was one of the youngest convicts.”

    Communism brutally interrupted the natural and well-deserved rise of the Cassasovici family, which, after five generations in Romania, saw itself deprived of its possessions. Humiliated, harassed by the authorities and thrown in jail, its members never lost their dignity, and more importantly, did not forget their past.

    Dan Cassasovici: ”In 1810 five children crossed the Danube with their mother, Elenca. They were three brothers, Dumitru, Hristache and Ivanciu, and two sisters, Stanca and Penca. Ioan and Dumitru became merchants, and they took their horses as far as nearby Vienna, to put them up for sale. Cassasovici opened a grocery in Alexandria and had nine children. Of those, only one wanted to go to school. He was my great-grandfather, Haralambie, a curios man, who wanted to know more than was going on in his home town. But there was a problem: his brothers did not agree to his parents giving him money to go to school. So he joined the army, and his military career went hand in hand with the medical one. He became a medical doctor and married a girl from Alexandria’s merchant families. They had two children, Clementa, who married into the Noica family and was philosopher Constantin Noica’s mother, and Corneliu. Both went to top schools. Corneliu, my grandfather, studied in Dresden and became an engineer. He dreamed of starting his own company, and he eventually did so. I still wonder when he found time to sleep. Aside from founding a factory, he is considered the founder of Romania’s higher education in textile engineering. He set up the school, trained the teaching staff, wrote the courses. He put in a tremendous amount of work. In turn, he had two children, a daughter Adina Juvara and a son, Mircea, who was my father, and who studied engineering in Dresden as well.“

    Unfortunately, communism did not allow Mircea, Dan Cassasovici’s father, to continue what his ancestors had begun. The history of modern Romania is rich in success stories such as that of the Cassasovici family. Yet these stories remained unknown, because the communist regime wanted to undermine their importance. It is only from now on that such destinies can be discovered.

  • The Dolphinarium in Constanta

    The Dolphinarium in Constanta

    Laid out on the premises of the Natural Sciences Museum Compound in Constanta, on the Romanian Black Sea Coast, the dolphinarium celebrated 42 years of existence, on June the 1st. It is the largest and most important institution of its kind in South-Eastern Europe and it is no longer a surprise why it was opened on International Children’s Day. Along the years, the little ones have had the opportunity to enjoy the dolphins’ games, alongside adults who rediscovered, for a brief while, the beautiful universe of childhood. Angela Curlisca from the Constanta Dolphinarium has further details:

    The idea of setting up this facility belonged to engineer Marcel Stanciu, the former director of the Constanta-based Sea Research Institute. He thought a dolphinarium would give him the possibility to show those beautiful sea mammals, the dolphins, to the public at large. Somehow, he tried to combine the activities specific to a research institution with those of a museum. This has turned out to be an asset for the residents of Constanta, who had the opportunity to visit other exhibitions staged in the museum, apart from watching the dolphins’ show and from admiring these beautiful and intelligent animals. For instance, there were dioramas, very much appreciated by our visitors, who were also invited to look at more classical exhibits such as the skeleton of a whale which was put on show at the Sea Museum. We have recently mounted an exhibition of stupendous mine flowers. The large pool was opened to the public on June the 1st 1972. Back then, it was an open-air pool, but special works are currently being carried out to roof it. It was here that the first dolphin was introduced to the public. It belonged to the smallest species living in the Black Sea. Its name was Harley and had been trained in another pool before it was brought over, to the dolphinarium.”

    Apart from Harley, other species were brought over to the Dolphinarium in Constanta, such as the common dolphins which were much more playful. Also, those who visited the dolphinarium in its first years of existence, undoubtedly remember a group of 5 to 7 small-sized dolphins. Beautifully coloured, they were wagging their tails and holding their heads high, in a bid to say hello to the public, then they were taking incredibly high jumps and were spinning in the air. The first big sized dolphins, like those who are now living in the dolphinarium arrived in Constanta some 25 years ago. The best-known and most beloved dolphin was Mark, who died a few years ago. He was 30 years old, 23 of which he spent in captivity. He, just like other dolphins before him, had been captured in the Black Sea, his natural habitat. Things are now different. Angela Curlisca tells us why:

    We now have two females, which are part of a group that came here from Beijing, China, four years ago. Their names are Nini and Chen-Chen, are 9 years old and were born in captivity. The public is extremely delighted and loves them a lot because they are very playful. Their parents were also born in captivity, but their grandparents were born in the ocean. So, they are the second generation born in captivity. When we started looking for some new friends for Mark, dolphins from the Black Sea, born in captivity, were nowhere to be found. More exactly, the waiting list was too long. Furthermore, under the international laws, it is compulsory to adopt dolphins born in captivity and not in their natural habitat.”

    The dolphins in Constanta are extremely playful, to the delight of visitors, irrespective of age, but they have not been tamed, nor trained to do tricks and don’t appear in shows. Being brought over to the dolphinarium to serve educational purposes alone and hopefully to reproduce themselves, the dolphins are presented to the public during some demonstrative sessions, when the public can see what dolphins do naturally, such as taking jumps. Dolphins are only trained to bring to the public what they find floating in the pool: a ring or a ball. Boasting a 40 year long history, the Dolphinarium in Constanta continues to be visited by tourists, who have either made a family tradition from going to the dolphinarium every summer, or visit it for the first time.

  • Greek Citadels on the Black Sea Coast

    Greek Citadels on the Black Sea Coast

    The area stretching between the Danube Delta and Vama Veche, on what today is Romanian Black Sea Coast was once full of Greek settlements and fortresses. Only a few ruins of the formerly flourishing places can still be seen today. Archaeological research in the area started in 1914, when historian Vasile Parvan began excavations at the former Greek settlement of Istros. Other such settlements were later also investigated. First founded by the Greeks, they were later taken over by the Romans. Many mediaeval settlements were then founded on their sites. Our guest today, archaeologist Sergiu Iosipescu, tells us more:

    “The northernmost fortification is Licostomo, in Chilia Veche, of which no trace has been found despite the fact that research has been carried out for a long time. Its existence is recorded in many historical documents starting with the 10th century, including Byzantine documents and seals belonging to the leaders of the settlement. Licostomo was first a Byzantine castle, later it was Genoese fortress and then was under the control of Wallachia and Moldavia. Mircea the Elder was one of the rulers of that settlement. Between 1465 and 1484, it was controlled by Moldavia during the reign of Stephen the Great. Another Black Sea ancient fortress is Halmyris, which was identified by archaeologists near Murighiol. Traces of it were discovered alongside the tombs of a group of Christian martyrs. The Halmyris site is spectacular, but its restoration is not complete. The name of the place comes from its location close to the route to the large lake Halmyris, today known as the Razim-Sinoe lagoon complex. One of the branches of the Danube passed through that lake on its way to the Black Sea near Istros. Halmyris was probably founded by the Greeks before becoming a Roman settlement and used to connect the Danube and the river’s southern branch flowing into the Black Sea. “

    Close to Murighiol, on the shore of Lake Razim, there lies Enisala, partly restored overlooking a breathtaking landscape seemingly out of this world. Around the medieval castle in Enisala, a small fortified burg had been erected in the late 14th century by a local prince called Dimitrie; the premises later became part of Wallachia under the rule of Mircea the Elder. Here is archeologist Sergiu Iosipescu again.

    “Heading further southward, also on the shore of Lake Razim, one can find the ruins of another beautiful fortress called Arganum on Cape Dolosman. Arganum used to be a Greek settlement just like the ancient seaport of Istros. Further southwards there lie the ruins of other ancient settlements, which unfortunately are now part of the modern cities of Constanta and Mangalia. I am speaking about the ancient Greek settlements of Tomis and Callatis. But they aren’t all the ancient citadels that existed in Dobrogea and we have reasons to believe that between Tomis and Callatis there were two other ancient citadels, Stratonis Portos and Partenopolis. Excavations are underway and we are looking forward to new discoveries.”

    Those two cities could have disappeared into the sea as the Romanian Black Sea coast has undergone a series of geological changes, such as transgression and regression, processes that are still going on nowadays. Here is Sergiu Iosipescu again.

    “Those citadels were in a better shape back in the 14th and 15th centuries; walls were taller as they were part of the defence system of that time. They also provided building material back in the time of the Ottoman Empire, for buildings such as the castle that was built in Vadu, on the shore of Lake Sinoe. Ruins of the castle, resembling the one in Cetatea Alba, can be seen nowadays. Later during the Russian-Turkish wars in the early 19th century, the citadels in Carahalman, Constanta and Mangalia were systematically destroyed. Those citadels were razed to the ground by the Russian army and a large part of their vestiges vanished with the emergence of modern cities.”

    The cities that have survived up to now testify to both Romanian and Ottomancultures back in ancient and medieval times.

  • Princess Nadeja Stirbey

    Princess Nadeja Stirbey

    While not in the spotlight, the life of Romanian grand bourgeoisie women in the first half of the 20th century is no less interesting, quite the contrary. At the heart of family life, they were often the driving engine of an active artistic environment and themselves creators of art. One such example is princess Nadeja Stirbey, whose husband and second removed cousin Barbu Stirbey was a politician and industrialist who served as prime minister, foreign minister, finance minister and interior minister at different times in his career. Barbu Stirbey was also a close advisor to King Ferdinand and Queen Marie. Nadeja was a descendent of two old ruling families, Bibescu and Stirbey. Her birth was the result of a stormy love affair. Her father, George Bibescu was the son of ruler Gheorghe Bibescu who stayed on in Paris after finishing his military studies at the Military School of Saint-Cyr.

    Art historian Oana Marinache tells us more: “George Bibescu caused a scandal when he fell in love with a married woman, Valentine de Caraman-Chimay, who was married at the time to the Count of Bauffremont. Divorce was not an option in the high society of the day, but the two lovers did their best to stay together. The countess already had two daughters but had to leave France and settle somewhere in the Duchy of Saxony, near Dresden, where she could secure a divorce and marry Prince George. Nadeja was born in Loschwitz, near Dresden, on 16th August 1876.”

    In the wake of her divorce, countess Caraman-Chimay had no choice other than renounce the two daughters resulting from her first marriage. Of the second marriage, when she was betrothed to Prince George Bibescu, three children were born: Marcela, who would become the mother of a famous inter-war architect, G.M. Cantacuzino, Nadeja and George Valentin, who was married to princess-writer Marta Bibescu, the founder of the Romanian Automobile and the Romanian aviation Club.

    As for Nadeja, shortly after graduating the boarding school in Germany she got engaged. With details on that, here is art historian Oana Marinache again: ”The engagement, which was pre-arranged by the family, was celebrated in Switzerland. Prince Barbu Stirbey had lost both parents. The Prince was the owner of the famous Stirbey Palace located on Victory Road and of the Buftea estate, where she wanted to live a private life, which kept her far from the high-life of her time. At least during their four daughters’ first years of life, the two kept a rather low profile, devoting themselves to the family and their estate in Buftea. Towards 1905, their friendly ties with the royal family open up brand new perspectives for the whole family. The prince’s political ascension brought them to Bucharest”.

    For the most part of her life, Nadeja would live on the Stirbey estate in Buftea, nearby Bucharest, and it is there that her passions would blossom. The princess could paint, embroider and knit. She also wrote poems and short stories, she kept a diary and was also very keen on photography. For most of her domestic activities, she got help from her four daughters — Maria, Eliza, Nadeja and Ecaterina and saw that they were offered a proper education. Lots of photographs were found in the family archive, which princess Nadeja herself took with a Kodak camera.

    With details on that, here is Oana Marinache again: ”She was one of the most emancipated princesses of her time. We haven’t so far found any dark room or a studio where she developed her films, but there must have been one in Buftea. She was the main author of most of the family photos included in her albums. For that time and for the Romanian lifestyle, her passion for photography was something modern. “

    Princess Nadeja Stirbey died in 1955 in Sinaia, after the communist regime had seized her wealth and her houses. Recently, fragments of her diary also seized by the communists and which can now be found in the National Archives have been published, so that the reading public can have a more accurate image of a world the communists wanted to erase from our history.

  • Jewish Districts in Bucharest

    Jewish Districts in Bucharest

    An undisputed center of regional trade, Bucharest has developed into the city of today mostly thanks the various ethnic groups that settled here. For them, Bucharest was the ideal place to practice their traditional crafts. One such example is the large Jewish community, whose first documented presence in Bucharest was in 1550, nearly a century after the city had been mentioned by documents. At the time, Bucharest was undergoing a period of sustained economic development. In their book “Histories and Images of Jewish Bucharest”, brought out by ‘Noi Media Print’ Publishers, Felicia Waldman and Acna Tudorancea tried to retrace the history of the Jewish community in Bucharest. Felicia Waldman:

    The Jewish community in Bucharest was first mentioned by documents in 1550, so it’s quite an old community. There are earlier mentions of a Jewish presence in the area, but the Jews became a stable community here only in 1550, although the authorities wouldn’t recognize the first Jewish guilds until later. Jewish merchants settled here in 1550, in spite of the fact that they enjoyed no protection from the state. Most Jews came to this region from the Ottoman Empire, even prior to 1550. Most of them were Romaniot Jews who came from the Byzantine Empire. After the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, a lot of Sephardi Jews came to this region, via the Ottoman Empire where they found shelter, for trade with countries in Eastern and Western Europe”.

    As they settled in Bucharest, the Jews brought with them new crafts, which had been hitherto unknown to the locals, and which prove the wide professional diversity within the Jewish community.

    Economy-wise, the Jewish community had its own contribution to the progress of the city, as they intermediated trade between Eastern and Western Europe, which is very important since it put Bucharest on the map. The Jews also brought with them crafts that had been unknown to the locals. In the late 19th century, when the first tin and tile roofs were made in Bucharest, which came to replace the wooden roofs – Jews were the only ones who could build them. They were the only ones who had the courage to go on top of a roof. Moreover, around 1897, many of the churches in Bucharest were painted by Jews for the same reason.”

    In Bucharest, the Jewish community lived mostly in the suburbs, where they also did their work. The Vacaresti and Dudesti neighborhoods, where the poor used to live, as well as the Popescu neighborhood, hosting the community’s most important synagogue, are still famous today. Anca Tudorancea will be redesigning the map of the Jewish communities in the old Bucharest.

    All these trades and crafts were actually adjusted to Bucharest’s social and professional structure. The districts they lived tell a lot about their living standards and their occupation. The commercial elite, for instance, could be found on Victoria Boulevard and its surroundings, while the Old City Center with the Lipscani Street was the place where the trade with textiles flourished. We slowly get close to the outskirts, on the Dudesti Road and the Vacaresti Road, where access was much more difficult and where well-to-do people did not go shopping. “

    Except for the Old City Center, most of Bucharest’s historical neighborhoods no longer look as they used to. Unfortunately, they were significantly changed by the communist regime’s different urban planning.

  • A short history of the narrow gauge railway in Romania

    A short history of the narrow gauge railway in Romania

    Transylvania is home to many such railway tracks, most of which were used to take people to their places of work. Woodcarving and mining as well as the related tools and equipment are today mere tourist attractions. One of the few narrow gauge trains still in circulation today runs through the Vaser Valley in Maramures, northern Romania. Built in the 1930s, these tracks measuring 760 mm and running along 57 km were mainly used to carry logs. In the old times, the people who worked with wood used to build rafts, which they filled with logs and then send them down the mountain rivers.

    Another narrow gauge railway crosses the Apuseni Mountains, the wildest and most beautiful mountains in Romania. The approximately 94 km long railway links the town of Turda to Abrud and was built between 1910 and 1912. It had operated uninterruptedly until 1998, when it was closed due to low traffic and high costs. A speed train covered the 94 km route in approximately 5 hours and 30 minutes, whereas a slow train in 6 hours and 30 minutes.

    Another narrow gauge train was running between the towns of Sibiu and Agnita, covering a 59 km distance, but it was abandoned in 2001. Originally, a 105-km long narrow gauge railway linked the town of Sibiu to Sighisoara, but trains stopped running between Agnita and Sighisoara in 1965.

    These trains were not used exclusively in the wood industry, but also in the mining industry. They took workers and carried ore along the so-called Transylvanian Mining Railway, up to Hunedoara, one of the iron and steel centres boasting a long tradition in Romania. After 12 km and many bridges, viaducts and tunnels, it reached the famous furnace of Govajdia, the first blast furnace in Europe, built between 1806 and 1810. In 2008, the circulation of these trains was also brought to a halt, for economic reasons.

    The story of the narrow gauge railway in Hunedoara is even more saddening than that of others, because it has been cut to pieces and sold as iron bars, although it had a 150-year-old history and an itinerary with huge tourist potential.

    Another narrow gauge railway is the one linking Targu Mures and Praid, 66 km long, a line used mostly by peasants who came to town to peddle their farming products. It was built in 1912, but has not been used since 1997. Fortunately, in 2011, on a stretch of 17 km, between Sovata and Campu Cetatii, the narrow gauge train started circulating as a strictly tourist attraction.

    However, the most spectacular narrow gauge railway in Romania is that in Comandau, Covasna County. A timber mill was built here in 1888, and the narrow gauge line was put in place to bring raw material to the factory. It was 118 km long, with a high incline, designed by Austrian engineer Emil Lux to negotiate very steep terrain.

    The principle was very simple: the carriages were brought up to a platform at the top of the slope, tied by cables and a system of pulleys to another platform at the bottom. While the full carriage descended, its energy moved the platform at the top. Lifting the carriages to the top and unloading them at the bottom was powered by two horses.

    In 1995, after celebrating its centennial, the two-platform system was destroyed by a powerful storm, which uprooted trees. The collapse was facilitated by years of neglect, and the dramatic decline of the wood harvesting operations in the area.

  • Poetess Maria Banus

    Poetess Maria Banus

    April 10 marked 100 years from the birth of poetess Maria Banus, a politically controversial writer, but whose talent is appreciated by the public and critics alike. Born in 1914 into a Jewish family in Bucharest, she made her debut in a major literary magazine run by poet Tudor Arghezi. Her first volume of poetry, the 1937 book ‘Girls’ Country’, revealed her as one of the most original writers of her generation. Unfortunately, when the communist regime was installed after the war, Maria Banus became one of the major voices of proletkultism, the official ideology extolling the achievements of the communist regime.

    After 1965, however, she had a change of mind, and took a major turn in her lyrical register. The change proved beneficial, as in 1989 she was granted the Herder international award. The intense inner creative life of the poet, though controversial, is finally revealed to the reading public with the recent issue of her massive two volume diary ‘My Notes’. Covering 1927 to 1999, her diary is a fresco of the 20th century in Romania, according to writer Adriana Bittel:

    Adriana Bittel: “Her confessional style of writing cuts deep, and does not shirk feelings and thoughts that are usually repressed, therefore the more shocking. The same ruthless treatment is applied to all, even the people she loves the most: her mother, the man she loves passionately, the kind and caring husband, her children and friends. The same sincerity is applied throughout her ideological route, which makes it easily understood, nuanced for whoever is inclined towards nuance, not for viscerally anti-communist people.

    To this day, the name Maria Banus is associated unfairly with Stalinist and proletkultist lyrics. In fact, the books from the ‘50s, tailored for state propaganda, are only one stage in a very valuable writing career that starts in 1937 with ‘Girls’ Country’, continued three decades later with volumes in which she recovers her lyrical vein, nurtured from great modern poetry. By putting together fragments over seven decades, we compound a destiny with other destinies and history itself. It is a complete novel, erotic, political, a novel of marginalization and ethnic persecution, of the meanders of friendship, of disappointment and idealism of relations between parents and children, of suffering out of envy or vanity.

    Also, at the end we find some heart- rending pages about the mental and physical suffering of advanced age, of decay and isolation. There is a biological aging and a social one, and the harder to bear for her is the social aging.

    Literary historian Geo Serban, the writer’s editor, believes that these notes shed a surprising light on the poet that was marginalized by the regime she had trusted at its beginnings:

    Geo Serban: “Her greatest suffering was that she compromised on her talent, and risked losing her streak of originality because of the circumstances. That is why her diary becomes a re-examination of the past, and an explanation as to what happened. She was not an opportunist who embraced a political cause thinking of the material advantages. She risked her life in 1941-42. She was putting up posters at night. She sheltered in her house for several months a high ranking communist party member who had been condemned to death, and was wanted by state security services. By doing that, she put her own life in danger, hers and her family’s. I was surprised by the intellectual tension of these notes. You don’t usually expect a poet to put reading before his own talent. She may have believed in talent or not, but she thought that her talent was dulled by the life she led, but she was extremely thirsty for culture.”

    Maria Banus passed away in 1999, leaving behind two children, and a poetic opus that is worthy of a rereading.

  • The Mraconia Monastery

    The Mraconia Monastery

    In western Romania there is a place where the Danube cuts a beautiful gorge into the mountains as it crosses into the country. The area is called Cazane, which means The Cauldrons, and it is the site of the huge hydroelectric plant called The Iron Gates I. The plant was built in the 1960s, and is right now the biggest hydro power plant on the Danube. Building it has taken a lot of sacrifices: the geography was changed and many communities wiped out.

    The best-known example is Ada Kaleh, an island surrounded by the waters of the river, inhabited by a flourishing Turkish community, which was forcibly evacuated from the now underwater island. Another building which was swallowed by the rising waters was an old monastery called Mracunia. Now a new monastery stands not very far from the original site bearing a variation of this name, Mraconia. It lies 15 km away from the town of Orsova. Father Viorel Vladucu, a spokesman for the Severin and Strehaia Bishopric, told us about the history of the place and the new monastery.

    Father Viorel Vladucu: “Mraconia, or Mraciunea, means ‘secret place’. It has had a troubled history, being plundered by invaders and having to pay tribute to foreign rulers before its final demise when it was covered by the water. It was destroyed during the Russian-Turkish-Austrian war of 1787-1792, rebuilt, and once again razed in 1968. Even though this place of worship has been destroyed several times along the centuries, we now find it once again, and it is beautiful. In 1967, as the Iron Gates hydro plant started being built, the old place was demolished, and its ruins are now covered by the Danube. As the monastery could not be built in the same place, after 1989 the Metropolitan Bishopric of Oltenia took the initiative of restoring it in a new location.”

    The old monastery was first mentioned in historical records in 1452, the year of the fall of Constantinople, when the monks of Mracunia took refuge in Orsova, as mentioned in a chronicle of the time. The church was subordinated to the bishopric of Varset in 1523 by Nicola Garlisteanu, the governor of the border region of Caransebes and Lugoj.

    Father Viorel Vladucu: “The church at that time was dedicated to St. Elijah and chronicler Nicolae Stoica of Hateg wrote in a chronicle dated 1829 that fleeing Turks, after the unsuccessful battle in Varna and after the fall of Constantinople, the monks of Mraconia had taken refuge in Orsova. The monastery decayed in time, but it was still inhabited in 1788 and its interior plaster was still visible around 1800. In 1823 they found among its ruins the stamp seal of the old church with an interesting inscription in Slavonic. Another interesting discovery was made in 1835 when an icon of the Virgin Mary was found, which was later displayed in an exhibition in Vienna by a painter from Munich. The first plans to rebuild the monastery date back to 1931, but the works did not start until 1947.”

    This time, the new monastery only lasted for 20 years. However, in 1995, the Bishopric of Oltenia made the decision to rebuild the monastery close to its original site. Located on a cliff close to the Cazane gorges on the Danube, the church was very difficult to reach in the past. Things have changed in recent years, as father Viorel Vladucu explains.

    Father Viorel Vladucu: “While access to the church was very difficult in the past, now there is a road linking Orsova to Moldova Noua, a picturesque road running along the Danube, so many pilgrims can now visit this place easily. A large number of pilgrims have been coming to the church in recent years, also because the Cazane gorges is one of the most beautiful places in Romania. Besides, Mraconia Monastery today lies on the site of a former observation and guiding post, from where navigation on the Danube used to be monitored. The strait is very narrow allowing for the passing of only one ship at a time.”

    Several tourist sites are close to Mraconia Monastery, such as the statue of Dacian king Decebalus carved in stone, as well as an inscription reading TABULA TRAIANA, which is actually on the Serbian bank of the river, reminding of a time in ancient history when the invading Roman troops crossed the Danube on their way to the former kingdom of Dacia.

  • 100 years of Romanian Olympic spirit

    100 years of Romanian Olympic spirit

    The revival of Antiquity’s Olympic spirit was one of the ambitions of a modern Europe that wanted to build a society in which everyone should have the benefit of equality and fair competition. Antiquity was the age to which Europeans returned time and again, whenever they realised that the world they were living in was heading in the wrong direction, and that everything that had once been good was lost. The spirit of Ancient Greece also dominated the Renaissance. Looking back at the ancient Olympiads helped see man as a universal being, beyond political, economic, social, racial and cultural divides.

    The father of the modern Olympic spirit, actually the founder of the International Olympic Committee is the French historian and educator Pierre de Fredy, baron of Coubertin (1863-1937). His philosophy was an inspiration to all those who committed to bringing the Olympic spirit back to the attention of the modern world based on what is now a very popular and undeniable belief: namely that the most important thing in life is not triumph, but the struggle itself, it’s more important to struggle fairly rather than to win. The fair play spirit that had once animated the Antiquity’s Olympiads was supposed to help people overcome their selfish interests and embrace mankind’s universal, long-lasting values.

    Since central and Eastern European societies were quick to adopt any western trend, the Olympic spirit also came to animate Romanians. But we should be aware that south-eastern Europe had its own Olympic history, its pre-Olympic age, so to say. An outstanding personality of this pre-Olympic age was the Greek landowner and merchant Evanghelie Zappa (1800-1865) who owned property around Bucharest and in the Baragan plain, in the south, which is Romania’s most fertile farming land. An active participant in the Greek national liberation movement, in 1856 Zappa came up with the idea of drafting a memorandum according to which Athens should organise a series of sports competitions in 1857, to be called Olympiads.

    Furthermore, the Greek tycoon, who was also a generous financier, committed himself to paying all expenses for the event. Evanghelie even donated money for the construction of the Athens Zappeion, a building compound including a stadium, amphitheatres for conferences and gymnastics halls. Unfortunately Zappa died in Brosteni, in Romania’s Ialomita County, in the south, before the Zappeion compound was finished. Evanghelie’s cousin, Constantin, later monitored the completion of works on the compound. Evanghelie Zappa also remained in Romania’s history as a contributor to the setting up of the Romanian Academy and as a donor for the reconstruction of Bucharest, which was seriously damaged by the devastating fire of 1847.

    The Olympic spirit turned into an important cultural trend in the newly founded Romanian state after 1877. It was embraced by what was then Romania’s society personalities and elites, as a sign of the country’s speedy Westernisation. On March 27, 1914 the Romanian Olympic Committee was founded, as a natural consequence of the actions supporting sports competitions and fair play. The first chairman of the Committee was Prince Carol, the future King Carol II. He was twice elected to chair the body promoting the Olympic spirit, between 1914 and 1920 and between 1923 and 1930. After becoming King of Romania in 1930, Carol II remained a promoter of the Romanian Olympic spirit until he abdicated in 1940. Among the first members of the Romanian Olympic Committee were Prince George Valentin Bibescu, a promoter of aviation in Romania, medical doctor Ion Costinescu, a minister in the Liberal governments and mayor of Bucharest, medical doctor Carol Davila, the founder of Romania’s medical school, lawyer Ion Camarasescu, a deputy and minister, art historian Alexandru Tzigara Samurcas, and geologist and professor Gheorghe Murgoci.

    The promotion of the Olympic spirit in Romania did bear fruit. In 1924, Romania officially participated for the first time in the 8th edition of the Olympic Games in Paris. It was also in 1924 that an absolute first occurred: the first Olympic medal won by the Romanian rugby team, which was ranked 3rd. Ever since the Romanian sports delegation has taken part in all the editions of the Olympic games, except for the summer Olympics of 1932 and 1948, and the winter Olympics of 1960. Next here is Romania’s medal record before the 2012 London Summer Olympics: 301 medals, 88 of which were gold, 94 silver and 119 bronze, all in the summer editions of the Olympic Games. In the winter Olympic Games Romania won one single medal, bronze in Grenoble, in 1968. The winners of this medal were Ion Panturu and Nicolae Neagoe in the two-man bobsleigh event.

  • The Feminist Alexandrina Cantacuzino

    The Feminist Alexandrina Cantacuzino

    Alexandrina Cantacuzino stands out as one of the best organizers of the feminist movement in Romania, having a strong bearing on the entire feminist movement in the early 20th century. Alexandrina Cantacuzino was born in Ciocanesti village in 1881; she was the daughter of army officer Theodor Pallady and joined the old and aristocratic Cantacuzino family by marrying conservative politician Grigore Cantacuzino. Yet her own political views were not conservative at all as Stefania Mihailescu, a researcher of the history of the feminist movement in Romania explains.

    She furthered her education at the Sorbonne, then she returned to Romania, dedicating herself to charity works and activities that were particularly aimed at the education of the young girls. Back home Alexandrina Cantacuzino found here hundreds of women’s organizations pursuing that goal. A group of educated women, who believed women should have a role other than the traditional one in modern society, got themselves organized, so that the women’s elite could make a more substantial contribution to the education of ordinary people. It was to that end that Alexandrina Cantacuzino jointly with several other women from the Romanian aristocracy initiated “The National Romanian Women’s Orthodox Society.”

    Under Alexandrina Cantacuzino’s presidency, the aforementioned organization undertook a series of activities that, before the First World War, mainly targeted women’s emancipation through as wide an access to education as possible. Researcher Stefania Mihailescu:

    Before World War I, the organization founded 8 high-schools, hundreds of kindergartens, school canteens and libraries for poor girls. During World War I women took over the activities of men who had gone to the front, jointly with the Red Cross implementing healthcare and social assistance projects in which women had not been involved until then.”

    After the war, women wanted to get involved in finding solutions to the country’s cultural, political and social problems. But the legislation granted women no political rights and no social role. Women did not even have the right to vote. At that point, Alexandrina Cantacuzino used her influence again, organizing the feminist movement even better, just as Stefania Mihailescu says.

    In the summer of 1921 Alexandrina Cantacuzino initiated the establishment of the National Council of Romanian Women, with a view to channeling all energies towards changing women’s public status. More than 32 associations joined that council, many associations from Transylvania joining the council through the 1918 Union of Transylvania with Romania. When the new Constitution was voted in 1923, the existing paragraphs stipulating women’s lower status were not eliminated Then Alexandrina Cantacuzino suggested that the Romanian Council should be affiliated to the International Women’s Council, an organization with over 40 million members, that mainly fought for granting women the right to vote. In May 1923, she suggested that the Little Feminine Entente be set up, including women’s organizations from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia and Greece. Romania thus hoped to get support for women to be granted the right to vote. Alexandrina Cantacuzino was elected leader of the Little Entente.“

    Alexandrina Cantacuzino had died in 1944 before the communist regime came to power in Romania. Here is Stefania Mihailescu again, this time speaking about what Alexandrina Cantacuzino managed to achieve for the Romanian women’s political emancipation.

    As a result of the persistent efforts made by the National Council of Romanian Women, in 1929 a new administration law was passed, stipulating women’ right to run for local and county elections, not all of them, but only those who had a certain social and professional status. In 1930, for the first time ever, women took part in the local elections and more than one hundred women were elected in local and county councils. And there women proved their extraordinary capacity to organize social assistance, they institutionalized it, they set up social assistance schools, they published magazines, so that all women could contribute to the change of women’ s status, at least in that respect. In 1938 the royal dictatorship was instated and the Constitution was changed again, while in 1939 a new election law was passed, based on the new Constitution. Then women were entitled to run for parliamentary elections. But that was to no avail, since back then elections were not held. It was not until 1945, when women had the right to vote, that a new dictatorial Parliament emerged, which formally recognized women’s rights, but in effect it deprived women from their right to organize, disbanding their organizations.”

    All in all, the results the feminist movement in Romania obtained in the interwar period disappeared in the post-war period.

  • Prejmer Fortress

    Prejmer Fortress

    The fortress is on UNESCO’s world heritage list. As it was inhabited by Saxons for years, Prejmer has a fortified church, which is typical of Saxon settlements in Transylvania. The church was very well prepared to protect the community, all through the Middle Ages, against Tartar and Turkish attacks, which left the village burnt and pillaged no less than 50 times. Adriana Stroe, an art historian with the National Heritage Institute, will revisit for us the history of the village of Prejmer.

    Adriana Stroe: “According to tradition, the village was set up by the Teutonic Knights summoned by the Hungarian King to Barsa Land in 1211 to organize the defense of that area. The settlement was first documented in 1240. That year, King Bela the 4th offered Prejmer, Feldioara, Sanpetru and Harman to the Cistercian Monks’ Order in Cartza, who owned the area until the early 15th century. In 1454, Prejmer earned the right to hold an annual fair. That right was not just a privilege granted by authorities whenever they saw it fit, but it was only granted if the town was believed to have reached a certain level of economic development. In fact, Prejmer was, after Brasov and Codlea, one of the largest villages in Barsa Land. For instance, in 1510 it had 210 inhabited households, in 1556 it had 233 households divided into four neighborhoods and in 1584, when Prejmer earned the right to hold a weekly fair, the village had 328 houses made of stone and 210 wooden houses.”

    For the lives of the inhabitants and their possessions to be well protected, the church in Prejmer was built and fortified to that end, so it has been well preserved to this very day. Here is Adriana Stroe with details: “What defines this compound is that, unlike other fortified churches, in Prejmer the defensive facilities are only located around the building, and the exterior of the church itself is not fortified. It was built in the early Gothic style by members of the Cistercian Order living in Cartza. What makes the church unique is its layout, originally a Greek cross bordered on the north and south by secondary areas. The most important changes in the original layout were operated in the first quarter of the 16th Century, after the church became property of the local community. The cross with all arms of equal length was altered into a so-called Latin cross. In the eastern arm of the cross, which hosts the choir, there is one of the oldest altarpieces in the country, dating back to the mid-15th Century. Under a royal order of 1427 regarding fortification works in Barsa County, in the mid-15th Century the church was enclosed in a roughly circular fortification wall, with a tower gate on the south and overlooked by four semicircular towers on the south-east, north-east, south-west and north-west. Access to the fortress was through a drawbridge over the moats, and within the walls halls were built on several levels, in order to keep the harvest and assets of each family during sieges or plunder raids.”

    During sieges, people would leave the village and gather in the fortress, where they needed supplies to ensure survival over extended periods. This is why, apart from the storage rooms and the living quarters, the fortress also included wells, a mill, a bread oven and even a school. It was the strongest of the Saxon fortifications in Transylvania. The walls were reinforced over time, until the mid-18th Century. Since then, as the frequency of sieges gradually decreased, the areas within the fortification lost their importance and started being used for other purposes. Between 1963 and 1970, the Prejmer fortified Evangelical church compound was subject to large-scale restoration works, and today it is one of the best-preserved citadel-churches in Transylvania.