Today we discuss some common legal terms in Romanian.
First, as always, here are some new notions.
law – lege
legal – legal
court of law – tribunal
rider – calaret
judge – judecator
attorney – avocat
to plead – a pleda
plaintiff – reclamant
defendant – acuzat
count – cap de acuzare
sentence – sentinta
prison – inchisoare
community service – munca in folosul comunitatii
guilty – vinovat
not guilty – nevinovat
verdict – verdict
Now let’s make some sentences.
These rights are protected by law.
Aceste drepturi sunt protejate prin lege.
Only legal methods were enforced.
Au fost puse in aplicare numai metode legale.
The case has reached the court of law.
Cazul a ajuns la tribunal.
The judge will now give his verdict.
Judecatorul va pronunta acum verdictul.
The defendant pleads not guilty.
Acuzatul pledeaza nevinovat.
The plaintiff has a good attorney.
Reclamantul are un avocat bun.
The defendant was found guilty.
Acuzatul a fost gasit vinovat.