February 7, 2022


COVID Authorities in Bucharest have today extended the state of alert in this country for another 30 days. Indoor and outdoor mask mandates are still in force and in localities where the infection rate stays under 3 per thousand, cinemas, theatres and restaurants are functioning at 50% of their capacity. In regions exceeding this rate, they are allowed to function at 30% of capacity. Roughly 17 thousand new Covid cases were reported in Romania on Monday as well as 81 related fatalities. Bucharests infection rate is on the rise and the city on Monday reported an infection rate of 32.75 per thousand. With only 8 million fully vaccinated so far, the country has the second lowest vaccination rate in the EU, after Bulgaria.

SECURITY According to Romanias Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, there is no danger for Romania to be attracted into a military conflict with the Russian Federation. “There is no need for the Romanian citizens to be alarmed that the country is to be dragged in a war nearby”, Aurescu told a private TV channel in Romania. “At this moment there is an extremely strong security umbrella, which offers all the possible guarantees for the stability and security of Romania and its citizens, namely its NATO membership, to which it adds the strategic partnership with the USA”, Aurescu has also said. In case of a military aggression against Ukraine, NATO will respond through a beefed up presence in its eastern flank while the European Union is expected to slap a series of economic and individual sanctions on Russia, some of which are going to target political leading figures in that country. According to Brigadier General Constantin Spinu, head of the Direction of Information and Public Relation with Romanias Defence Ministry, the crisis in Ukraine is not a security situation directly involving Romania or any other NATO member. Romanians and the other nations in the Euro-Atlantic space should not fear a direct threat.

MOTION The Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest is today debating upon a simple motion the opposition USR has tabled against Energy Minister Virgil Popescu. According to the 51 MPs signatories of the document, suggestively entitled, Incompetence and lies are switching off the light in Romania, minister Popescu is actually putting Romanias energy security at risk and must step down. The way in which the issue of hiked energy bills has been handled so far has also been described as disastrous by the signatories who recalled the Romanians started to pay huge prices for energy and both the citizens and the economy are presently bearing the brunt of the decision made by the authorities. The motion is to be voted upon on Wednesday while the specialized committees in the Senate are this week expected to debate upon an ordinance issued by the government on capping and subsidizing electricity and gas prices. However, the main ruling parties, the PNL and the PSD havent yet agreed upon the period in which the new capping and subsidizing scheme should be applied. The social Democrats want the scheme to be applied retroactively starting January, whereas the Liberals say the move could entail constitutionality issues.

OLYMPICS Natalia Ushkina, Romanias representative in the biathlon contest has ended the competition on the 57th position in the individual 15 kilometer race at the winter Olympics in Beijing. In the giant slalom contest, Maria Ioana Constantin also from Romania, has obtained the 45th place and another athlete from our delegation, Raluca Stramaturaru is today participating in the luge race. We recall that at the present edition of the winter Olympic Games, Romania is being represented by a delegation of 21 athletes. (bill)